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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Jan 1940, p. 6

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PACE SIX _____1___ TE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARy I31.i194'0 Clunate' and -Siz of Canada Make Greateat fImpresson On' 13 Flyers- from Britain Alat Camp Bordeui Entliu. siastic About Tranefer te Dominion in Empire Scheme Barrie, jan. 29.-The climats and the size o! Canada arethie two thinga WIch have apparenthy minde the greatest impression on the Btoyal Air Force'. contribution or Personnel ta lie Empire air train- ing schisme. Eleven officers 'and two :,ergeasut Pilots have bsen asgned ho Carno Zorden. They arrlved at camp -f ier comlng stralgil tIbrougi froni tie coast, where tiey landed ou Tues-- day. t- Interviewers Interviewed The aoftly-acc-ented -queriea 'ot sorte kept the Interviewer breat leus. Inatead o! the officera bei the. subject of questions, they we the interrogators. "Hîow long will this snow lut one wanted to know. "Oh, we generaUly have a Fe rMary thaw, and then Mt' cold aga in'March, with the anow genérni gone by the end of the monîli,'1 "That's great," wua the commnent. "Why in England we o! ten have thla much snow, or more, gay three times In a week. The resuit la that wlnter Is pretty mnuch 0f a ilushy rere tb- i iJly he Some, at lea.t, It Is understood, and rather pulverlzed, I should say. have ben given- week-end leeve, "The climats, too, Ias s very dif- and most have gone ta Toronto: ferent. Here's lt'o oold, but so very me wlth a Vlew to purchaslng drY. In england lt'a damzp se much cars, andi othera ta ses the slghts. o! the- time thm.t your Canadians, AU Enthusiatie even those who are used to very Ahl the British flyera are enthusl- low temperatures, nearly freeze sti. about their tru.nsfer. One ovez' there," lie sald. minute they chat about the won. Sees Cars Needed derful times they anticipats In lhe "I can easiyse where we shall aummer, and the nexl lhey are tlk- have to watch ourselves very'cars- Ing about wlnt4Rr sports. fully for a whlle, or we'li be gelting One officer made hîmscIf the asub- ba6t In short order,"' he said. "In jedt o! considerable jovial kldding England when you get bast you can when he commented that ho was slip over ta the coast ln a few very anxious ta do some "ahe-ing" minutes, ea.sily recognIze any of over -the week-end. Mei had not the ports or towns there, taes your learned that aithougli Canadimna bearinga In a -minute, and return know that t ho thie proper pro-, home wlthout difflculty. nunclation o! the popular wluter "Here you would have ta know sport, the 'cdiloqulally accepted word the country pretty weIl ta keep la l'skee-ing."l your bearinga. I guess we'll not ilowever, lie carried lUs "skee" be flying very f ar- froni camp for boots wlth hlm when 'h. lefi, sw a while-"% apparently bisa deaire la to "akes". Just what tlasks thc varioua of - S When, a photographier wtahed to ficers will be asslgned has flot yet anap two sergeant pilots they start- been decided, it la underistood, but. ed ta take off their great coets, but one thing J.5 assured-there wlhl not 'ahentbld that ia waa cerlalily not be a more popular group o! officera necemsry because the C&mdlan on tie station it any lime than publie was used ta wearlng ieavy thee jovial young Eitions. winler clotiing and ratier.expected They are here on an Empire t Inu photograpis taken outalde at scieme and are sowing thie seeda this tims o! year, they both hooked o! tiat brotieriooci already. Many relleved, andl said "IUg't-O 1" of those wio have camne ta Oanada E,]ven In the bright sunlight tie lu connection wlth lie acheme are meury wuaarguing wti the num- hopeful of brlnging out their wlves bera below zero. and familles. Sworn to Obey Fuebrer Nazis Residing ini Canada Jnterned Until War- Over Members of National Social ust Party Called Mosi D)angerous of Hundred Being Held Petawawa, Jan. 29-Many o! the pnisenera o! war lnterned lu Canada ar members o! tie German Na. tional Sociliat party who have * WO aw t o obey orders o! Adof Hit- ler and is representatives witioul question. Theyarc among tic mst -danger- ouà o! tic several iundrsd mcxi canflued lu tic Internment bamp at Petawawa, about 120 miles west of OttaWa, and the western camp at iealdent -Ii Canada wio etther re- fused to give an undertaking to ab- tstain !rom acta o! iodtilky or who, ln tie opinion of local re#istrars ef Benemy aliena In dîfferent parta o! tue country, cannot safetly be al- lowed freedoni. Information -lrom police files In- edicates tiat a number of the pris- oners planncdto sabotage Canadian Industrial plants. The fad Ithat tiere has been no serlous sabotage so far may be due to their deten- l ion. Siades o! political opinion aJnong -the prisoners are kno.wn to exiat but play no part lI the adinltstration Lo! the internment camp. The offi- 1cers and men engaged in guardlng tthe camp neyer discusa nolite.m with AIananaskis, Ata. The prisoners thc pris'onera---dlacusslot'hing wiLt are-&a varled lot lu Iheir political thcm except their own immediat vlews, ln thc degress o! their aub- affaire. uiervlence to, the Nazi regime and lI Tradea and prolessons reprsexi theli - talents. ed aniong the prisonera are maxi Many-ai-e' skilled workers. Not Tiers la a diver who busies himacl a fiew are hlghly intelligent and 111 tieceam-p Sa a saw setter.j haveý good educations but ail are ladies' hair dresser can findi noîl ,onsldered by the authorities a ing lu the stnictly masculine priaci menace ta public safety lu Canada to recail or replace is previous oc ao long as thc war hasts. Nearly ai cuPation, but tires barbera keel have had their cases revlewcd by a themsves busy Cutting hair fo spéciah tribunal set up by thé gov- their feilow prlsoners and liel crnment ta hear -any reasons lhcy guaids. May advance as why the.v should Otiera lu cC>flement lnchucý b. set eVliberty. elgit carpenters, 12 designers auc Thie authorîtsa say lie priscoerg Painters, Ilires manufacturera :(lU mbofîve general chasses. The agCZls, three electricians, a sale, liraI la tiat of German Nationale exécutive, a mnechanîcal engluesr realdent'lu Canala and known to be five tool makers, a commnercla members of' tic Nazi party. The traveller, three butchers, foui German National Socialat parîy in bakers, one economic research ex. Canada la a part of the Auslanda pert, a druggist, lwo farmerb, a uni. Organisation of tie party In Gcr- 'VerSity student, a teacher o! han. maxsy anid Its members subseribe te guages, the managing director o! the sanie undertaklngs. It la a sleble corporation, a sculpter, Compact and rigldly dlsciplined muillweright, a commer.cial artist,a body. brewery supervîsorý a musiclan, an 'T-he second clusa consista of male adlvertîslng manager,' a cabinet membera of is Deutsche Arbelta- malter, a ciernical engineer, a t-exc front, a closehyf-knit af!iliatp of the tile Chemnist, several nigit watci- National Socilhist Party, Its mcm- Innl. bers descnIbe themScîVeS as "true li age tic prisoners range fron !ollowers o! tieF'uehrer"lu ntheir 19 10 59- Sorne Of tic- eIder men applications ýor memnbcrshlp. Most are undcixolng thcîr second con- Mmnbers are relatively recent Im- finement as pnisoners o! war. Tic1 Migrant, ta Canada, aud nearly ai were Prisoners lu 'hie first Great Of milltarY age and s50 hable for War in Pnglaud, Prance or Russia. service- ln the Genman anmy. --- In thie third group are German N w-alM ae nsationale who are flot known to be- V.- a ae lOng ta eltier thie party or lie - Sharply A4head Arbelsfront, but who, froni their ,Politicl and ËS'lal associations, business and, industrial connections Ottawa, Jan, 2b - Sales Of new and otier opportunîtis for espion- mOôtor vehitlea during December t- age are belleved-ta be dangerous lI tallcd 9,821, retalied for $10.918.801 tlzne a! war. compared with 8,453 sohd for $9,475,_ The ourh -clas cnsus o, a242 ln Decemnber, 1938, and Noveni- XIc fur1t cla cnsoad nber, 1939. 9,185 at $10,391,.047. citiacus of Germnan origin ôr- birti Preliminary sales total for $1939 *ho aveso denifie thmseveswas 114,734, worth $125,956,295, coni- wliohav 50 denifie thnisevespared witi 121,165, at $135,011,908 lu witi Nazi activIietcat hey car- 19318, flot be regarded as loyal ditizeus, New passenger car sales during 'I'hey are ail Influential In their Decemnber totahled 7,781,vauda »wu connnities and have been $8,543,478, compared with 7,343 at under Investigation for sanie tins. *8,121,475 luý December, 1938. Sales Safeguard Loyal Germians of new trucksansd buses amounted Il fls feit that by arreatlng these ta 2.040 at $2,375,523, compared wtt-h leaders of the- Deutscher Buud 1,11.1 at $1.353.785. (Canacljar Society for GermRn Cul-________ ture> Who have been eeklnk to un- Exporte of Canadian newapnlnt dermine the loyaltica o! Canadiana paper durlng the firaI cheven ot Gernian oigin, Lie position of rmonth8 of 1939 amounted 10 48,. tie loyal MaJorlty o! German Can- 068,643 cwl. comparedj wti 44,264,- Adians cau be safcguardscî, 059 lu the correapnlgpeldo In the lif th- clama arc eneny aMiens 1938.podn eo f ith Rte t- ly. A >C- le de ad rl le a a A pale>' Diatrict Vielda One Wolf SAA A Peterboro', Jan. 29. - Sequel to tht much publIcized Apsley hunt 5TRIK[S SNw i of a week ago Is the n.ews that James Lean, one of the guides, has II captred oneo the:wolves tiat INVUiL PLAN ýA 75-peund specimen, Lie woU FnncalDficultie Aié was caughyýn a trap nearly three LanI dzCuIe riS mils. from the scene of the firt xetda euto -day's bunt. ia xetda euto Although it is the first wolf bag- Sudden Dissolution ged ln the Apsley district this year, It bears out the F'ish and Gaine Ottawa, Jan. 29 - Abrupt disso- Aasociation's contention that wolves lution of Parliament is flot only 'he 'Infeat the area. precursor of a general election, but --------it tightly nails down the lid on Akpple juice in addition ta belng brightening prospects for a St. Law- a delightfüll beverage, has ail the 1rence seaway and power-project, ac- fffl and 'health-giving qualities of ceptable to the Canadian and Unit- the apple. - Apple juice mnade in ed States Governments. It also Canada is the Juice of the f ruit leaves or!' the sheif the report of onlY with no additions or adulter- Federal-Provincial Relations Corn- ants.. mittee which has been laboring for Luln m 1 LE ANI~rIt KÇJUIE more than two years on financlal, ecaonomie and constitutional prob- lEM$s. The report was due in Feb- ruary. Conversations have been proceed- ing at Ottawa and Washington be- twen officiais of the two nationis aseii«and a supply billpassed. ing a new seaway treaty, but it wîll In the inter.im Governor-General', now be impossible ta conclude one warrants may be used, but this Laa until a new administration is In-,of- practice which is not restorted to f ice. First of ail, there would: be except for very special reasons. It the obviaus danger that any treaty could carcely be used ta secure the miade at -this turne between this ad- _ large suma necessarY to carry on nIinitratîon and Washington miglht the war even for a' brief perlod. be unacceptable ta the next one. A chaotic situation might alsa Even In the event that Mr. King arise if,, as happened li 1925, no .s returned ta power, the Us. Con- party in the House had a clear nma- gress woud by that time be nearing jority to put through a supply bll, the end of its work this year and and a new election was necessitated. it would -be toc, late for'the agree- The nation's war effort would be ment ta get approval, andl 1940 is tieci Up throughlack f funds. likely ta mark the end of the Roose- velt administration, which has been The grass value of agriculture favorable to the St. Lawrence production îin Canada during 1939 scheme. is estirnate-ci at $1133,545,000 com- March threatens an unusuai state of affaira for the Governmnent's fin-, ances. The 1.939-40 fiscal year ends On MarCh 31 and there wlll be a huge deficit, but it wiU nfot be 'pos- Hodig0fa eecin aeML aedwth$106a3.00lm198 WHlO, [A£K JOB. ARESTAR VINEi C.I.O. Chaief DescribesU.S: Secretary of Labor -as,Be- ing "Woozy in' Head' Columbus, O., Jan.'30.-John Lewis, head of the C.I.O., told dele- gates to. -the United Mine Workers' convention that S ecretary -of Labor Frances Perkins does not know as much about econýmic problems as Lwis, and dscrielier aW rsiwo "inaction" on the- unemp!oyuiunt probiem and demanded to kiIOV If they arecflot going to do anjthlii# about it. "lwhy don't they quit?5 A fcw moments before Phi4p Murray, vice-president of the:ýpM. W., had charged that 660A00 linimo Ployed Pennsylvanians wersstar,. 11ng to cleath and had demnandeda î'ational economic conferenqce. te seelc Jobs for 10,000,000 jOle VS,, residents. Lewis sald that two wek *go he had sent four 1ab.or znen- tédia cuss the situation with Miss eerk- in, but she told them lee dl t think the problemn was serlouma to give'the Democratic party.t and everything would be work out. "After three hous they. wen away woozy in the hiead just k by Brandon Walsh ZAD BLAM-E rr, UAppy... im AI'C'5 UTLK YAPN OUT OFA BOOK -rHEPE!S THE LITTLE GAL ~MDN'>OJR URO -A-DYSN'ALONE UN TUE i:zm-;wImýDESERT T1HE iKitTiJims BELIEVED -TUE lBU'ýRO WA B AD LUCK ,AI' ,7USr -rO LOOK AT H M WOULQ 13ING BAD LWCK, .BUTTME LITTLE GAL DIDM'T PAv 1N0 MIMD TO THE POOLS 5HE WENTRIGHT Y2CAAL AUEIFAD AM.D CARED FOR ME A P-RUv#AM TUA-r SJPPO LIKE PICKLE-PICKLrR. IpF SUE WA$ YOUPE RIGUT %BaU«r HAppy PA$ T-r OL13 UOPNED-YrDos D$ OEI1CA4LL TUHE $ALrOF T AT H-.. HM 'T&'r THAT WALL-EED OLU O è) CE#TPEDE... EONLY MAS f OCm L"a E-VER 5INCE 1 WA5 KNEE41iRVTH -TO A GRA95NOPPER I!VE GONE ALONG - MO4T CARfNG 'BoUtrrw)«= FOLkS CAME FRO4...wHio THEIR -J FAMILlES WERE-OR HO#IMUCI4tH AA ONEY THlY >MA).-- '?VU MEANI SELFAN' P'OOED TME HLLSAND ~CASES.? È *~ G4M.. IAMORE LEGS TMAM MÀWI0M ALL NUS WS-1-IEGS 16 HAPPY1.5 48y GE'5 GCrAMILLION Lias. Me rVU AfltHiATcouém. OL.D CU55 WHO KIN GE-A >EAPO00 PL-E5URE OLn-JA zmie LOOKI'Upj DeSE~tZ--WH-ILE WISÈR FOLKS AR.E 53TUDYINGASTRGO"Y T-rH S'DEWIND)ER5 BELCEE'M, NOW ALLWE GAGr TAI INM AIL US PLANwED y xi; the hoolk tTsc Co DR. Corn AWI OLD 'PO5PECTOP FOUNMD HER LO5T SI TUE DESEPT..ANMD TOOK I-tEQ TO GREEN VALLEY, SUE GAVE THE BAG OF' DiA- ýýT(,,ýMONDS TO -TUE ( ~ §HEPhFF THEfEJ AK -ME (RANDEsr OLIDMAN WITM ONE: LEG..- t'AMED HAPPY NALLEE .,ANI >HE OK14S'A GREAT 131 GOLD MIME .-ANj M-E-RE4-rMI- 3WELL- 1 ent, demanded an answer from Roosevelt adniinistrýtion -for Its H0ME5Tr'o WHOA ip THARDtJ>JGy 6OOD4~55- V-,-IIS 1$OMiR OUSm.... Z~~~O T~~ '0JLET ME5IOI¶WU - 'tOUR NUSW)yrECHINESE RCQM j 1 104t. Lime %,À

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