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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Feb 1940, p. 1

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* ' ,..,. y~ I ~' 4' WHITBY. INISTER cOMI .CANXD udito rs Submit Rep' r O~n the - snow 010CE tO, 'CDENi MADE Reductions A4so Made hi Tax Arrear But the Amuwt Out.tancling îis Stifil$36,000 EIGHT PEOPLE OWE NE QUARTER R.o m.dImprovement ini Housing Ariears-AII Civic Books Well Kept- and Staff Officiais Eff i- Ycienit Town auditors In their report on the. towu booJcx for 1939, puescnied 10 UtheTown Council on manday Wight, notel a reduction a! $864.93 ita x mura during île ycar, aiso s& roduction la île clvic ciebeuture 'debi of $31,667.78. The debi figure iiow stands ai $337,773.53, wllcl s 1«% thau hait o! -wîat it au ter y9ffl &o, snd il annual recduc- tLaà-.taklnt place. Ulght peopie.owe ore quarter and *hree owe ooe-aeventli of île total tox~ arrears o! *36,000, and ou île Uifte roUa, 1967, 1938 and 1939, thmre'are ouly 'thliy zrames.o! de- linqumpta vie owe variersa mornta. PWdItora recoxnmended ta île wéunil thai strict mneasures be -I% ted to colleci île outsianding' b.«mad.eare dan up lee tryefnort. be nuarrtoean ardthiee ryeffrtz 'X'by also recommeud strict adher- mS o ptovIsions of civIa bylaws. 1*allng wyul île question o! île cSmmission the audutors dthali sorne of ! îe busesnow rîte town's contrai carld lue dýý4b"boterfinanclal position dÇ0ouicIIla aaed tA> direct spec- 1 ,frta *Umg 'this lUne clurnn eyar TIc towu tok aven sev- e 1propeniies train île îousinc, iulon a year ýor tva ago. ~Teauditons report tlat tliey ex- Wmled île booki a! tle town ireas- uir*r. tax collector. Board qf Edu- cation, Public- Uiility' Commission, anid tic Public Librany Board and fourd thcm correct, well kept and o6 credit ta tic officiais ti charge. Town staff Is commerided -on is .eucency. Tnconporated la île report arc stutements of receipts and expendi- tn'es, asseis and liabilittes a! alI clvis bodies comnising mariv pages. Only île necorumendatians of the audhtons vene rea4 ta île Cauncil and tle report was refenred ta the inasuce CoMmittee fon c'1nsldera- thon. ThIe annas report o! the medical office? o! Icalili, Dr. F. A. Cuddy. vas aise necelved, pari a! t nread * oui and île vIole document o! sev- oral pages refenned ta thc Finance C6imnuttee. Tic auditars -are C. S. Truemnn- * and Mrs. George D. Astley. SNOW PLOW DITCHED -A large westibound snow plow trrnbd aven An île dAcI Monday night wîcu île rear end of île bigj vehicle caught An tle guard rail a!' j Lynde's crel bridge, jusi west of the 'to*u. Tic driver, H. Boyce, j TorSmto, vau not luri. CUT -Il RE' DEBT N 1939 ITO BACK MOORE -HON.'GORDON C01ANT Attorney-General oJ Ontario, who ai the Liberal nomination meeting lu Whiiby on Frlday. night. an- -'nounced that he would give active support toW HiMoMore, LU»era candidate. SEL POPERIES 1WITH BAUK 11TAXES 0f THREE YiEAR$ Counicil Goes Over Lit ad Places -AM el - tWis Ail propenties on whlel taxes are owing for the years 1937, 1938-anâd 1939 were ordereci by Council oni Manday rught ta be placed la île tax sale which muaitlue ativertiseti la August. Those ,îlree yea-rs lnaran rears must pay îhe 1937 taxes be- fore that date if iley do nat wisl ta lave their propertieG sold. Going overt the lisi o! ihose thre years In arrears, île Council decld- ed ta make no exceptions but ta, treat aIl three-year dcliacjuents alike. The clei-k reported ilat le lad written ta several n arrears as Ia- structed at the lasi meeting, ativis- ing tlem a! Counil's decision îlot definite amounts must be paicl with- An a speci!ic turne, but that no at- tention lad been pald. Same ove the tovri a,- higli as a tlousand dol- lars, ailiers, slightly leas, and scv- eral smAller amounts. Others wnii- ten ta hac given spccific promises ta. psy, the clenk said. -' On the question af tax a-mca-n, R.eeve A. M. Irwin recalicd ilatinl 1936 tle Couacil by special 'effort, collecteci more -arrears than ilad for nuany years previaous and since, and le advocated that this be done again before the arrears grew any larger. Ia anc case wherc 'business taxes are in arrears for three years, île (Continucd on Page 7, Cal. 5) Whithy Citizens Are Asked to ShuinlaWorthîy Objoots of, Canadian Legion War Services Whitby brartof o!tîe Cana-dian Leglon, cager tasmerveln cisys o! van as ln peace, las iset up an or- ganIsatIon to iaadle Whutibys par- tie4pstiler luthc Ca-nadian Legian War Servige canupaigu ta raise SMO000 ina'Canada for the educa-! ý'tiens! and voctational training, o! Cuaa*an tlght4ng f onces. At a meettluK held on Tuesday evening jqt, ' P<vlr«*ev. A. Manseli Irwin wu nauied eleirman o! île local arganUastion; HannyJames. secre- ta7-rn:sd G. ZIeail Rosi, manager p!%Ie Donin Bank, irc asurer. M rndls J.. Mcliyre, president of OlaChmber o! commerce, vas, C*e officiai organiser of the cari- yminrg group anti five tea-m cap- tgmn are uow MUstering their ca-- V*uaslg forces. "le appeal ta Wlhutby citizens Ivlll take placp on Fnida-y and Sat- WdaS-, Maroli13t a-ad 2nd, an4 oin t'm'two daya ctiens are aakcd th emli~fber île mca o! Can&da'a army, nau' and air forces vho are I fghtiniy the Empire's baties. TIc Canadian Legion War Services lai wndertaken thls campaiga witl tle appraval and sanction a! tle Cana- dan govemament. Tic Legion per- sonal services viii aid in île solu- tionoIaf l)'Va-te anad business prob- lemas. Lea-ve ho6tels, soldiers' con- cert parties, a-nd recreatiori fa-cl- tics wi llaso be providcd. ail yulh m vic-w- i-o hlping aur inemu ot only -ciuig the waî but whea they a-gain returri ta civil life lantisys o! peace. TIce Cana-dia-n Legion las 1100 branches la Canatda a-ad the WiAt- by brancb. wcii organizeç, a-ad ils iwoî-k so w-cil knowa ta îthe people of Whitby, proposes to take ils pari in this war a-nd. peace-time enter- Next m-eck îhe Gazette sand Cîronicle viii print a- compActe set Up 0f thc local orgaizatioi, vii (Continued on Page 5, Col. 4 EDITOR TELLS 0f FARM PROBIEMS AT. ROTARY CLUB- Quality, Efficiency and Home lmproveeut Are Essenial 71 Th-problem of the larmer to- day is W get tle best Ïoui of the raw nuaterials whlcli he produces, havlng regard W îthe highest stand- ard o! quality and the utnuost in production, particularly during the wvar, C. M. Hodge, Editor of the Parmer'as Magazine, told Whitby Rotary Club ai their weekly lun- chean ai Haie! Whltby on Tues- day. The Farmer's Magazine, Incid- entally, la the publication which last year sponsored the homne aud farn Improvement. campaigi on many farrus la Ontario with over anc thousand. contestants iaking part. Ia this campaiga le had the support of sudh service clubs as Rotary. The speaker, who wassIntroduced by gn. E. _A. Inacs, o! Uxbridge, representative o! the Department o! Agriculture la Ontabrio County, dealt wlth a number cf tarin prob- lems and spoke of the success achieved In connecilon wih the home and farm impravement cau- paign. Ia these days when much more was expected o! agriculture, Mn. Hodge said that naturaily tle chie! prableai cf the farmer was to get the best out of the raw mua- teniais which le produoed and ta accomplisl this, he sald, skilled aPerators requfrlag many years of caréful training wiene very essential. Thle experienced iarmer, lie point- ed oui, might be able tW get a cow to produce twenty thausand pounds' o! ruilk per year, but In tle hands a! an lnexperienced fariner the milk 'Production nulght nat reach any mometh=mn wen or elght emhata m ÙIê Ite q. b. laid oma.ino "lu&; of perlretrr SefT rceferm today, Mr. Rodge seido was still producing a living fer mary thausarids o! farruers wha' are raking a very efficient job cf faiimlng, thanks to sudh organisa- tioi* as the Ontario Agriculture 0614eg at Guelph, thc Province- sponpored- short courses aud the worlc o! tle cal! , grain aud other clubs frired for the help o! the fanmer. * urhe speaker poinled out that (Continued.on Page 5, Col. 6) 1wo Et N. SINCLAIR DELLINES OFFER 0F NOMINATION Might StilI Be in Legisia- ture if Condiions' More C.ongenial, He Say& Accorded a voolfenaus ovation bath when he walked W îlhe speak- er's-plat!orm and when lits rame was placed In nomination, W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C., declired ta cantesi the nomination o! a federal àzdi- date against W. H. Moore, sitiing j nember, ai tle Liberal conventioni held la tle Whutby towu hall ffi- day night. His pensons! popularity was quite evideut during the mcci- lug. In declining tle nomination Mn. King hsd studled public a! fairs sAuce boyliood. "I am sure thal le will stilI be prime miaister afier this election,"' le affirmed. "Amid aIl this criticism and effort I have yet tp sec au-w charge specifying anythiag the govenu- meut should have donc. Even the Kesolutioa o! criiicism from Toron- ta was natthlnt-g more Iliar criticlsm. i(Contlnucd on Page 5, Col. 5) W. He MOO.E LIII8 STAýND A-RD E FO'R ONTAhIýlO MI Discusse ViWftalsusOf [ IJBFL CA? Canada at War And 011 Forthcoming Election. Upholds Prmicipîes of 1,1m enaim - StressesNeedi for Maximnum of War Ef- fort William Henry Moore, o! Dunbr.' ton, fariner, author, econoruisi and vetenan panliaanentian, will again carry Uic banner o! Liiberaiamn l the électoral rlding o! Ontario ea, Uic !ortlcomng Fedenal cleetion. Mr. Moore was giveauanimous nomination ai a mass meeting of Liberals leld i thcTown Hall on Friday rugît. Thc rame o! W. BE, N Sinclair, K.C,, former leader o! thé6 Liberal party ln Ontarioanad repre-1 sentative a! this ridirg at, Queen's Park for mary years, was -also sub-. mutted An nomination. Mn. Sinclairt lowcver, declined île nomination,, la a brie! address la whleh le ex-- prcssed appreclation of this outward mark o! warm frlendshlp for hlm and recognition o! the ruany ycars le lad givenln- panliament to Uic service -of tle people of the niding, and ln whlcl le expressed lis don- fidence la Right Hon. Mackenzie King and his governnuent. Refer-. cuce ta Mr. Sinclalr's address ap- pears elsewlcre la this issue. Iu lis speech o! acceptaxuce, Mn. Moore extoiled tle' principles of Liberalisai as nepresentative af île truesitanin suad det erulnaion of demacracy; reZerned to thse war ef- fort o! île governmentai Oitawe s»nd Con evtivê £o set-up a aîl v'me WILIAM H. MOORE canpaigu ve ought tW discus ur own national effort and sec whai we can do indivldually and collec- iively ta make aune ilat thare la delivered W Bita iriand 1er allies that maximum o! effort necessary fan île succesaful prosecui*on o! île war. "Demaocracy la no stronger thari your individual wvm to vork oui île problerus o! dcruacracy," le rold île audience. acWhat Oshiawa Oaa Do- Comlng dloser ta lame Mn. Moore, addressing liausel! tothéîlewakmen o! OsiaN4a, ioa them tiat tiey lad a wondextul opportunfty for serviceI becausle O*a w ag an Indusinial ~ s~i'ibis a,-a meoluanhed inýù4efficiçy W04 play START. MADe~ ON IMPROVEMENT 0F LIGHTINQ 1HN THE SCHOOLS BY THE -BOARD 0F EDUCATION Modern Lights Installed ini Brock Street School- Board is Getting Tenders for. Rewiring of Other Schools - Other School Matters Fistep An a prograru o! aclool ligltirig improvement which lai not yet fully developeti wai taken by the Board o! Education on Wed- nesday evening wIen appraval vas given ta the, installation o! new lightlag fixtures ai a cost o! $100. plus cosi o! In.sallation. Na rewlr- ing for these fixtunes vas ncquired. APproval vas given on île ne- can-uenda-tion o! a special commit- tee appainied by îhe Board aitich Decemrber meeting vîlel vent to Toronto ta inspeci fixtures ilaa number o! places vhcrc these anc iaaudled. Tic report co« île commit- tee was presenteti bj thc chairmnan, Trustee Fnank Tieadgold. Tic nev ligits lad beer cbosen, it wai stat- cd, after île campary froru wiom tlicywene purclased lad desuon- stratcd thcm ta îlhe commlttee',s satisfaction. Tiechcairuan of the property Commutice, Trustee Tlnreadgold, ne- Ported tlai le lad invitecl thre local clectnical contractons tW urb- mi tenders on the rewiing o!.KIng and Dundas sinecet achools accord- ing Wo Hydro specificaiions, but lhai only onc tender lad been recelved. One contracton declined ta bid, lic said. Il vas decided tW iay ou the Cable a-dvlces f rom overseai an- nounce the safe annivallAn England o! îlrce Whlbby men, Sengeant- Major Charles Covie, Priva-te John Ferguson a-ad Priva-te David Plat, as merubers ofthe third contingent. All are yul îlhe Ordinance Corps, pnesUmably siationed at Aldershot. Raiplu Spanner, vIa served lis country Au tle lait van, las aga-ir leard îhe caîl, and nov vears île Subsidy Cut Means To Whitby Loss of $1,200 Reduciion o! a halt a mlii la tic provincial subsidy te munici- pallules as announel a tew days ago on thc budget speech o! Pre- mier Hepburn, means a lona of $1,200 to the Town of Whiiby, ac- cording to Town Treasurer John R. Frast. Unless ibis amouni can be absorbcd by Council by a fur- ther paring of clvlc expenditures, the Counil i wli face a defleit at the end o! the year. When the tax rate va" struck at 41%4 milks, the saine as in 1939, thec treasurer, aniclpaied , te ml a nd a hal! subsldy, yling $3,700., Civlc officiaIs have cx- pressed keen disappolinieni la the reductlon eft he subuidy and are bopeful ihai the proitesis be- lng lodged by many munlchpall- tics ta Premier Hepburn will le given a sympaiheio snd f avor- able hearng. The provincial sun- sfdy eut wll also effeet every munlclpaiy ln Ontario county. table unopered tic tender froru île Sîrtîlevoril Elccinic, wvth th îe lape that the ailer contracter, J, Viokery, uow workung onu an Osh- awa job, vould tender. Business of île sesion, île final regislan anc o! tIc ycar, vas Iargely routine. Chi-mari D. A. Wilson (Coniinued en Page 5, 06l. 5) Severai ruerbers o! île Ontario Regirnent (Tank), Osha.wa, wlo cen- listcd tram Whitby,ý appeared on local streets aven the week-end in battle unit on. Thc Gazette and Chronicle In- vîtes relatives o! in overseas or ou duty lu Canada' in île airy,avy, or air force, W scnd along. suy neya urnîforru 'o! île 48t1hIlghlariders.'1 coacerning them. NeryMillion-D oll-arSI Woeth of'Business Added The financiaî report of the Maple Lest Parmers' Mutual Fire mInu. ance Company, as presented' ai the annual meeting ai Columbus Mon- day afttnoon, sbowed thai the Comupany had muade tremendous ztrides during.the past year. Tflere h»Ai been ana increase of almoat a Million dollars Worth of insurance ln force between 1938 and 1939. During the same year- the a.s-sets of the company increýased some $17,000. Only flaw in the financial statement, in the opinion of the directors, was that the total claims paid iln 1939 exceeded those paid in 1938 by some $9,WO. Officers of the companiy were all returned to office ini the briet meet- ing which was atidressed by the Hon. G. D. Canant, Attorney Gen- eral of the Province, and a past dfrector o! the company. '"The company luad more business ln fore at the end ô! the year than in any ailier period in Ais hi.5tory,' P. G. Purvis, 6ecretary o! the com- pany, declared when he muade the directors' report. T'he secretary f elt that the agenits 0f the coinpany were to be con- gratulated on their 'fine efforts on behaif o! the organization, and the suocess!ui year was greatly due ta them. "I beseech you not to reduce, or asic for a recluction in rates as yet," LIev.t.-Col. R. B. Smith, presicleni of. the company asked. "We did that, once before, and have been sorry i ever since. Let us get more money la sound investments and consoli- date our position before we reduce T7he president siated that the war >i4 rm»taf! eoted .the -compguysip- vestments* ta any great extent. He rdeolared that he was happy to have a fellow director in uniform, Cap- tain Lyman Gifford. lis opinion wus met, with a hearly appiause for thie officer who was prescrit ai the meeting. 0ommendlng the Britishi Navy he declared that it was fine to sce mea with sucli courage as Wo take the iniprisoned men off the German (Contlnued on Page 7, Coi. 6) MAN FOUND'IN FURNACE CELLAR HAD BROKEN IN When caretaker Fred Little 0f the municipal building, weni Wo the ceilar early Saturday morniag tW f ix his fires, imagine his surprise tW find a mua stretcheci out a.sleep in front o! the furnace and an axe by is side, which he lad taken !rom another part o! the cellar. Aroused suddenly froru lis slum- bers.by Mr. Little, the -mar who later gave his name as Jc>bn Mac- Intoali. stated that he lad been ad- mitied to the -building by a citizen ta whoqn he appealed. Later, hoW- ever, le admited that le lad brok- cen amen the door fronting on rock PLANS CÀMPÂ[IN HARRY NEWMAN Conservative candidate in Ontario -Riding in the forthcoming Federal clection who lias opened headquart- ers in Whitby and is now planning his campalgn. BY $50 SA[ARY Wiil Now Receive $150.00 -Grant Made to Band Salary of Dlr. P. A. Cuddy, medi- cal officer of health, was lncreased by $50.00 a year by the Townr Counc.il on Monday night on the reconimendation &f the Committee of Applications. in -a report pre- sented by 'Chairman W. A. Th om- ,týon. His salary will now be $150.00. A few weeks ago the M.O.H. wrote ,he Council -asking for an increase on the grouxîd that the duties of bis office, and the- responsibilities resting upon bum, were worth more than he was receiving, and, much less than is paid In other towns. No Salarv Boost Application of Night Constable John Th-omas for the'-restoration o! bis salary c'ut of ten per cent, amounting ta $135.00, macle elght years ago, was turned clown 'on re- commendlation o! the Finance Cornmittee, on the ground af the exist.lng needed for the strictest economy. Tie Commlttee, however, expressed its appreciation of the work of Constable Thomas, more partlcularly In recent months, and expxiessed regret that' salary In- crease was not possible. Grýjit to Band A grant o! $50-00 was mnade to, Whitby Citizens' Band by the Town' Coûncil on recommendation of the. Finance Committee. The South On- tario Agricultural Society received a grant o! $25* 00.. Nè'w Firenian Council accepted a recommenda- tion of the Whit.by Fire Com'pany that John Gilchriýt be admitted as a member of the -company. More for Chief's Car On1 recominendation o! the Fln- ance Comnmittee, Chief William El- liott was allowed an additional $50.00 per year for the operation of his car ln the town's service. Minister Sayàs îté Hu.M vantages Over 1malt=s Airport. Upon Whieh Much Money Ha& LBo= Spent Chances of establishine an air-. port adjacent fo tle Tmof etWhit- by and île'City o! Oshawa, under the great empire-air traeliig scheme recently, announce feià Ottawa, lave been greaîy Imprev;- cd as tle nesuit o! île visi ovel' the week-end ta île district of île Hon. C. D. Hawe, minlaten o! trans- paort An tle King cabinet. The mInister, shortly after,- Iii anival la WhlIby, an 7Prhay a! ternoon lait, inspected In mom. pany with W. H. Moore 'M .,, and represeutatives o!'t theToim o f Wbitby andtihîe City of Ouhawa, î site a! approxlmate1ý one thous&Mn acres, boundcd on îeweut by igdy- deushone Park, Whliby, on ilh e at by île Bouette fan close b oe- bctt's Point, souîl by Lake, Ontar* la and on the nonti by the trek o! île Canadian National rallway. A plan o! île Bite, ruade In 1911, was produced, nd slomW eielland as far as the eye can se from .th* bridge on what la known as Whitbe street, adjacent to Eeydenshan Park, Whitby, trom whlch the VI.V was ruade by the ruinister.: * those accoruparylng -hlm. - Close tW tlii.lake, .yul ýno 1obu' structiaus, tle site lmpresaed 'fh Han. Mn. Howe, who vets t as Wo remark ilat It ppsaeua4& hi sai'ne respecta .More adan s, tlan île Maltol i rpart ai ê ta, now in use, ad upon '#l millionls o! ciduai*"hâve been pendeti. Several -farmu ouyb involveti If îhe site vswu~ hru by the governaient. The minister pronilsed- 10 sel gaverrment surveyor ai oe. lS Whiiby ta nspect île site and aüb- mit a report on ht. This lapr* callY al that car be sald astIithe prescrit time. Accompanled, XkIstoe When the minL-ter ,arnhved--hi Whitby with W. Hf. Moore he Îven toilhe office of lis Worship,Matyoe Fred T. Rawe, where Whltby'e- reseniatives were assembled. Te were the mayon, Reeve A, Manel Irwin? Dcpuiy-reeve Fnank Thzïàd. gold, Town Clerk and ,'- reaaa- John R. Frost of île Town Cucl and Francis J. Molntyre, prealent and William Davidsen, vc-rl dent o! île Wlultby Clamber of Commerce. Later île Oîhawarep- resentatives, lis Wership, Mayor J., 't. Anderson, IC.C., Alderman W.,IL Gifford- a! the City Gourd!, mâd Ed. Bradley, o!fîlehe himber *et Commence. The party pnacccd-ed lJa cars W îlhe site where îhe inspe- tAon was madle.-i Whitby representatlves, tlrough Mayor Rowe, wenc hlghly please witl île co-operaian of île -Qus wa officiala, panlicularly viU île remanka ruade by Mayor Andenses ta flic mirilsier ilat île site -la question was,'qute satlsfactory j» the City o! Oshawa. The si -te, laspcctcd and favored by thceninister, At ruay fot b. gOZ- (Coniinucd on Page 5. col '7) lViscount OreenwoodChapter of the I.0.D.E. Reviews, Work of' 14 Months at Annual Meoting The Viscouni Greenvood Clap- t~' er, I.OD.E., receîving uts charter ~ 4'~j Novemrber 2lst, 1938, lcld its tirai a-muai meeting An the Libra-ry rooru kon Moaday, February 19i1. Mic Jwork rcviewcd vas for 14 manIas, 6 .< ending January 3lst, 1940. Tic mottao!ofîte Clapier is "Not fon Inmemory of thc la-te Lard STweedsmuir, Caniada-s Gavemnar- k~Gencral, a miautc's silence vas olu- - : srved before opcning thc meeting. -'The Regent, Mrs. D. B. Colemnan, presided. Fourteen regular, four cx- ecutive, ilirce eauergency meetings vere lcld wiul an attenda-ace a- ena-gAng 22, Ia a revicw o! île Clapter's vork the follovlng brie! synopsis is pre- 4eated: WEN. SINCLAIR, K.C.. Membenship, A va reponîed, lias- Former member for ihis rldlng ai increascd trami original 21 tao pre- Qucen's Park, who- declined thc sent 55.1 Libea nomination ai Whltby Soc"al f unctions ta raise funds - meeting Fridlay nilght, Thea-tre iiight, - Valentinie a-ad -St. Patnick'à bridge aId tes, Haiveu bridge, Sprlng tea and bridge, sale o! Cantda-withila-îleý-Emplre -m blanket raffle. Oven *550 va. s' = a-ad dlsbursed by tic Clapier dur- ung the year. Flag pre6ented-Whiîly 3raoeh Caria-dia-n Leglon presentcd i#w newly formeti Clapier wiii a lard. same !lag and stariard &a a-adΫ rught"ý banquet on Decenber- lé, 1938, -which vai dedicaied by the Ch9plain o! île Leglon tle toflow- ing .5unday. Educatioria--Witl' îhe apOrbOval a! the Board oe! Education, red en- si8na in use a-tthe sobool, ver.r..- piaccd by Union Jacks, viii ï fra.med copy oa! "How to Use the Flag"; calenarsand "Canada 'itIh- In-ilée--Empireï' vene pl&ced #lu ec-cldais room, tle latter la Pilci. cing school aiea; 50 books "Mte4i- lectcd fan supplementary 'resadl»g in public aclools; prises were gfren fur (Contiaued on Page 5, -(W. 3) -' p TUE 76-NO. 34: - O in aù- ut- 'ONACTIVE SERVICE Brief Paragrapha About Whitby and District Men Who Have Enlisted In Servce of King and Country.

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