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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Feb 1940, p. 2

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q WqýU4 .Wy W4swda7Moe=108.bp "Mu PO-* Qomd4omvK oo0tUow, Directe. Anywhbe. iCenada *$2.00 a year lI adv&nu; *2350- & ypar lep ubcibersIn thelb. Ulis4talsaor $aela m$nt $e. n~e dte 10 Vhi* *t4i eâml»tlmla ueid les Iai4lolsceilb. adv j" Mvuga$%te. vatlsen iappUllSto. j . I mzrON, M4toj ad uag~uineumna Qfim- Telqbhoaws: 08 and 410. Y. 5vW=DIWSAT. P5IRUYAnY 2lm.4 Mirport At. Whitby Seemas Near Poaaibility The' visit to Whltbý" on Friday- lait -of the lion. C. D. Ilowe, Minister of Trans- port in the., King Governnient to'look over prospective ahrport sites, betwjiMa Whltby and Oshawa, %ives ris. to tlobpethat sio*uthing defhnite.aud favora1ile wh1# rosult, lnasmuch, as the mhfftiter wis very favor- aJbIy inprlo9aîed with. what ho saw. The. particubar site visited bY the minis- ~fter andi the Wbitby and- Oshawa commit. te,lt wil ho recalled, comprislng approx- Imatols' one thousand acres, *as much in the lielight early ln 1918, when -it was inspecteti by Sir Samuel Hoare, on behalf of the. British Government, which at that thano waa iooking over alrport sites lu Can- ada. Sir Samuel, who là- now Lord Prlvy Seal In the British Cabinet,* at that time declareti that ît was one of the fineat air- port sltes ho hati seen after a tour of Caný- adaP andti s information was given to tue mtinuster by Whitby's Chamber of Com- merce President, Franci.J. Mclntyre. It rnlght b. interestlng to note hore that plans -of- the site wers madie ln1918ý at the. sug- gestion of Mr. F. IHoward Ainis, andi that Mr. Annis was able to produce one of these -plans for tue benefit of tue minhater. One encouraglng aspect of the situation wlth respect to loeatllg> an afrport near Whltby ha the splendid spirit of co)-opera- -tion which now existe between the Coun- cle of the. cty of Oshawa sUd the. Town of Whltby. Joint mieetings cf a very har- monlous character- have been held hy a commnittee representative of the two muni. * cpalithes, -and sOo tangible resultt May ho iorthcomhng whhch will benefit both the jndustjial cty anti the county town. While th ite In lquestion proposeti la a little l oger t. Whltby than it i to Oshawa, It i~nverthelesi, a fact that both places staik%&o 'gain from any favorable action taken byt!i. governot. Th ini lr'er on Friday proniuseti to gond bis'surveyors te, Whitby to*look over the alrport site, anti no tme shouid b.bast o stone left unturned bY- the Joint commttee to irnpressi upon the govorument that bore in reallty- la one o0f the finest- airport sites froni every standpoint,_lu the Dominion. Close to the lake, ali lèvel baud lying ho- -Rotary's Birthday C itfzens of Whitby generaliy as well as the busines8 men who belong to the Rotary Club of Whltby -seie the trutb that It la au honor to-ho associateti with'Rotary be- cause of its ideals_ anti record of aehieve- ment. Rotary stands for the true feliow- shïp of service, for unselfishuess in the ,,'ommanity and the spread of international goodwill. lt 198preciiely ou that ticcount that it is bannet wherever the ruje of the Nazi prevais. Rotary clubs are not por- mitted to operate in Gerinany, nor in Aus- tria, Poiand, Czechla or Siovakia, for lu tii.se couintries the military domaudi. of the state corne first, anti humanitarian service is relegated to the backgruud, ,in -'fadt, almoat totally Oiminated. iThe view that service to others contri- butes to success lu busijiesa anti to happi- nosin the lifo of the - ndivituai-"that ho profits moat who serves beit," proclaird by Rotary la worthy of acceptance by ail. Whitby-Rotarians hÈave found many op- portunities te, show thefr falth lu theso pro- -ciaimeti principies by tiieir worksi; provid- Ing funtis for anti otherwlse as slsting lu bringing iiealth anti happines into the lives pf boys and girls lu neeti ofa helping baud. To provide mulk for und rourisheti chIlti- ren inu our public anti parate achools; tô provide hospitalizatipa anti other cars for crippleti chiJdreni, to furnhih héalthfui winter eoercises' In the- rink in winter -mônthe;- te provide treats at" ChrlstMas tinte, andti t conteibute finant*iablY andi inorally t. the. support eftnMt a, f.w com. Iimty entemrise such as the V.O.N.P thé Red Crousanad tii. Citiions' Banld, is-surely worth wilsand worthy of every.,encour- the' progresa made by .Rôtary proves, that the average porion is responsive to the. niee of the lois fortupate when these are made lcnown and that ho gains satis. factioni ii mitigatlng the suff.ering that cfrcumstanees impose on multitud.es,. often tlwough no-fault of their own. Canada has other fine service clubs, but Rotary, now About t. celebratê Its 85th anniver'sary,- claims to be the oldeat ln 'the Domnion. International Rotary- extenda to 85 coun- tries And has more than 200,QOO members. Whltby wishes- its Rotarians every isuc- co in, In ts future undertakings f9r the benefit of the ls fortunate and for gen- oral community betterment. Corporatio nTax Act Hindrance To Indatry Ontarlo's new corporation tax act ha& drawn a barrage of criticism from ail parts Of thie country, particularly from those who Bee ln i t a grave hindrance to indgstrial efforts, particularly durIi the war, and at a time when industry, after many years of fighting- with its back against the waiI because of economie depression, is begin- ning to stage a corne back. PArticular objection, of course, is taken to tho proposed amendment relating to cer- tain sections of the act being nmade retro- active, claming that it is unfair to busi- nesst,' diacriminatory and inequitable and therefore dotrimentai to the progresi and development of industry. Amoug those Iodglng a protest again8t the new &et was the Oshawa Chamber of Commfferce, wvhich speaka for the great industrial plants of Oshawa. Whitby,_ too, with its amaller but nover- thelesa substantial industries, -givlng em- Ployment to many mon and women, mlght have followed suit. Even now, howcver, it le fot- too late. Claim Of provinces that the new rev- enue -to ho gained'from th~e act Is need- ed, that new sources of r=~ue must be found, particularly during the war. There are thOse, and they are in the large mia- Jorit ,Who feel that a curtailment of pro- ,vincll expenditures, might produce the needed revenue and leave the industrial corporations and others who wiIl be hard hit to develop naturally, unhamýpered by financlal burdens, for the benefit of t he workers and the people of Canaçia gener- ally. One mnust be very optimusiÏic indeed to see howsuch a developâ,m-e can,&ak Whitcy Should Cive To Legion War Services Patrîotic anti generous citizeus of Whit- by will have aflother reminder that there là a war when ou March 1 andi 2 thoy will ho asketi to contribute to the campaigu of the Canadian Legiou War Ser'vices whicb 18 seeking te, raise $500,000 iu Canada for present and post-war work among soldiers. Headed by Reeve A. Mansoil Irwin, and solidly hacked by the local branch of the Canadian Legion, the appeal lu Whithy, we predict willi meet with a generous response. An examination of this non-profit mak- iug organization, a subsliiary of the Cana- dian Leglon itseif, Immediateiy hmpresses ene wlth the uocessity of enalilng it to carry on its vitaily Important activities, net eniy in Canada but alolu Englanti and France. Readers of Tho Gazette & Chronicie who' are aware of the Leghon's efforts lu pro- vidlng educatuon facilities for the men 50 that they may continue their studios while on active service anti thus equhp tiiemseives for their return to civil lifo,' who have reati of tih. splendid work being done ln maintaining morale anti eprit-do- corps by rneans, of entertainnient, anti who know of the ativice anti guidance that the Legion la giving the men on ail problems arishng froi war duty,, must suroly bW on -Miwgd ln maklng tbehr donations gen-P We ln Canada, who are so far rernoved freinwar zones, are pirhaps.înfluqnced, t9 acme Xtent byý a- fAIeperspective of ,tite atruggIe that lies a]h eàd. We fail to grasp the full significan ce of the sacrifices our fighting men will ho- called- upon t'o.nialce. To put it bluntly., we lack. a war spirit. It wil. take but one catastrophe involving our forces to_ make -us realize1 that we are at' war"-A war tha't froni al Indications is go- ing to, b. thé most horrible in 411 l4stqi. The welfare needa of our fighting mon will bo many and it would ho unfair of us to expect that the milîtary authorities should assume tho added responsibillty of provldhng for- the-se needa which do not corne in the nitary category. This res- ponsibiiity can ho carried out niost satis- factorily: by organized and officially -on- dorsed hodiqs sjucb as the Canadian Legion War Services.* Inibued wlth the conviction that its ef- forts must primarfly ho directed in such a. way as to contrihute to military efficiency, and thus help to win this war as îpeedhly as possible, the Legion ls also -booking to that day when peace hi declared and our Men return to resume their places as citi- zens. With that in mind the 'Legion has under way the most remarkable education scheme ever deslgned for Canadians under wartime conditions. Studiedifrom il angles, the service behug rendered by this organization cannot bail to make a great contribution to Canada's war effort and thé rehabilitation of our mon when the- war ho over. And if we are preoccupied with visions of what hs taking place today, it would he well to peer a lit- tle fartber into the future and niake our preparations now for the new peace that is to follow. Investment in The Canadian Legion War Services is a sound investment in demo- cracy. Good Businesa Principal, For Muni*cipalities Municipal World, oonsidered the Bible of thinga municipal, says, the princiffles of municipal administration ýl*id down byUe sup rvisors appointed under- the Depart- men'ýIOf Municfriai Affairs Acf are worth consieration hy ail municipalities. Lpiàe administration may pass unnoticed iu< pros- perity, but in adversity it niakes récovery' doubly difficult. Amiong the- pýriuciples mentonedare the hÊ1lowing, which have -been observed hy the Townu()f Whitby and have been found to give very satisfactory results:- jyears, and of occupied properties in arrears of taxes tbree or more years. "These or simlar principles seeni ossen. tial to successfuî financial administration. But it la certain that niany municipalities lu Ontario could not measiure up to theni." ks Democracy a Failure? If Democracy has failed-why? If dictatorsbip bas puccseded-how? Those two burning questions are uppermost in ouiý minds today. -Democracy bas been lu a state of evolution and do- velopment since Ring John signed the famous Magna Charta at Runnymede lu 1215, somotimes slow1y, sometimes faster, but always deveoipng,,And is reaching an ideal state. Aristotle 'says: "The greatest good for the groatest number." Dictatorship has been lu existence since mon have bad control of men. Domocracy is then of more receunt origin than dictator- ship. Today wo hear much of "distns"P and ad- vice that tbey are the oniy means of Our saivation. So that we see a Stalin, the leader of communhîni and a Hitler, chief- tain of Nazi movement. Each setting forth the virtues of bis own particular cuit. Each denounces the other lu the bitterest ternis. Thon suddeniy without rhyme or reason qur communjstic flieud becomes a champion of Naziisrp and the Nazi exponent bagins to extol the pralses Of communhîni. Thon reading through the veneer we discover and an indication that Whitby wonien a united for a very worthy cause. Thé Town Counchl bas cortainly hoi put on the spot financially by the reductii of haîf a miii iu the provincial subsidy. just means that very little work of ai kind can hoe doue this year, and this ni pirove to ho poor economy not of the Cou cil's making or liking. If your nanie has not been placod on t] voters list hy the' enumerators for t] federai oloction, you had hetter see to right away. Officers in charge of loc committee rooms wili be glad to help. The great motive power of a more suj gestion obviously in understood and appr ciated by Mr. A. A. Farrar one of Trenton furniture merchants doing business on credit basis.. Proniinently dispiayod lu h store la a card ou which is printed tvm statements of fact which combi*ne to creai au inescapable deduction, which conclusic Is embodies lu a third sentence, "Man made of dust," says the card. "Dust se ties", it'also says. Thon cornes the injun, thon, "Be a man!"' Perhaps this isWh& psychologists caîl super-suggestibility- anyway it works. This colunin might d late quite copiously upon' this devicej application to -the development of sales, bi the power of suggestion proves itaelf1 every consistent advertiser wlthuut w VOcay by the editor. the national leader, but more de- tailed aspects of the campalgn are 01being directed fromn Toronto under .n supervii ofo Hon. J. Earl Lawson. -t Dr. Manion la speking ai Victor- n laTuesclay afternoon, and wlll fly to Vancouver for a meeting that- ýay evering. On Thursday he, wfil speak Winnipeg Saturday. on the follow- h: Specal "B argai iEXCtURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA g- GOING DATES o- DAILY FEB. 17 TO MAILCR 2 19s RETUEN LIMIT: 45 DATS a TICKETS GOOD) TO TRAVEL lis IN COACHES f Excursion tickets good lu Tourlt, Par- te avallable on paymlent et silhti l e Passage tares, Plus Piee parlor or on sleeping car accommodation. is ROUTES: Tickets good g0ing via port Arthur' Ont., Chicago, i., or Sauft ât t.marie, returnlng via Saine route 1 and lne oni. oene os ptional - routings. ,a STOPOvERS: W111 be alloWed at any point lu Canada on thre going or re- - r taritp. or both ii, n final licit of 'ticket. on application ta Coôncue. h- tor; alao st Chicago, Ill., Sanit Ste. in Marie, Mich.. and wtt, in accornc to n Pulaticularafrom any agent. dCanadien Pacific' that both wero opportunlats who Bsoul nothinig buit dIctator#ialpowere.'ý in thus they have soceede4 ln their utidertakiný anot fer their niatlc' good, but for thi own* But la -Deniocracy any better? We abuses creeping -in. and mion by irsidic ways ndeansgetng the botter others. e, tbu s hqulte.true. Pu~t a law on your'Statute books and1 -fore long someone as tutelylfinds a way legitimately breaking It. Thon- in our d peration we cry: "What better off aire than, those ruled by Dictators? The wer 15: "We are botter off."* We have moat power.fui weapon at our disposai we'choose to-'avail ourselves of it. TI weapon is the <'Ballot Box"! If we lived lun Magna harta days the would be-an excuse forùa not being a] to avail oursgeives of remedy for in thc far off days very few could read or wri- They had to depend on the honesty others. That is not the sanie toda.y. N noarly aIl can- read and write. We è use our best judgnients.. We can easi secure the best literature possible. ,C children can get the fineat education. T radio brings us up-to-the-minute news. N~ have an unmuzzled press, free speech is r denied us even, it 18 in our power thati can dare to denounce our own governmen- Could one desire anything botter than o present Democracy? Yet we often refuse to exorcise our fr8 chise; would rather do anything than bre, fromn our own «political party. We les others to do our thinking for us. We a afraid to -express our opinions or questi the wisdom of our leaders. So niany of our leaders are not statesn, but politicians. Thon having refused to our duty we condemn the system and s, that Democracy is a failure when we ha failed to do our part. We so often forget that "Eternal vig ance is the price of safety"!1 That our lea ers are not always out for our benefit, b some are self-seekers who do not care wl sink so long as they swim. In "The United Ohurch Observer"i noticed the other day: "A long time rej dont German in London phoned a frion "England is fighting for the dignlty niankind-," but his friend answered, "T dignity1 of the soul -of man is at hazar< In, the present struggle. Democrgac'y fighl~n o her very existence.ý What a you =~on o help her? - ELi*v. Jofi Denny. Editorial Note s Nomination meeting in Whithy lastfF: day night officially opqns the camp,&gn in this district. se ous......« of be- os- le te 3a ify àho Voe ,.-Yocanen mot- Mcu.la servie do Opeii ainc ao' o ay; pcn-iruc. we Whitbyhand o.t Si-i fa ,ho Manon Wit pea n Five lee esteroliticaeus ITh in actionaw, beginig -etod . with eausoe ofthe -apangs and Dti MIe cheerful' chap Who ia SO clfxious to assist you i8 your Local Ageut-..be sure to ask him bo help you -plun- jour next tr p MRS. G. DREW PHONE 675 - J-. dld<iidun paieeth.' Good, Mrs. low. - and nhavy o! mi 24 hcl prope 12 b surgie For bloomi 4 bal from, ai pri wards lets ,%ristl f rom Richa pairs Churc Pring: given < o! Dr. anid M. Cross thianks eroir A ve been s Town a*back s5pend 'r. t. F t, Il e 1< F I. e' fi. t t.sl dece L< /Ilsene rwho lives a considerable ur Branches conducta *lia iveniently as thougli our St next door. [s Bank Messenger I deposits b o ur nearest am cash or arrange any - desized simply by: writing. s, convenient "Banling-.by- iant to. ~cy or write -for G. Heath Rosa, Manager t, Ing MondUy he wIll be- ln bis evu constftueuýcy, Port WlUiam. Alter a tour througli.Quebe0 a"d *thie Maritime rovinces Dr.Maw wWl return for an Ontario tour, dii wiil probably make a final ~c~s ini the Fort William district: Justice Minister Lapointe 4 sr'eak wlth Prfime Minister . Icenie King ln Wlinnlpeg Feb. 2~ then wifll deliver a seris of ad- dresser, ln Edmonton, Vancouver and Reina, returnlng to OôttawtL March 5. Agriculture Minister OGardiner. who bas comlpleted his flist uMr of Sa.skatchewan- wlU swing througj. Western Ontaro this week, sjeak.. Ing at lesat Once ever y l fr=r Tuesday te Saturday.

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