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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Feb 1940, p. 3

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__________ THE M ~ SpO" -ASE lOt TOWIR OiDGOM We $end our gold to the NMINT *d exui.t to g«t M, dueIXY toETA10% ( dueto heAmerican gchmn2e. Tum î n your OU) GOLD uiow, for Cash and tiko sdvazitage of tba specl 70c which w. arepassiuua onto you. BAISETTI JE-lWzEES RED CROSS ACTIVUTU ES Ïj The, Canadien Red Cross Bociety Re nd murna the passing'cf lts presi- gq -denti,-Lord Tweesmiiur. Machines Dng were stilled ln the w orkroom on 1ni Wednesday atternoon vhIle the t t wOrkOTs 1Istned vith sorrow and niz respçct te the limerai service broad- roa. scstr frein Ottawa. At Its close, a CI two minutes' silence vas observed e, ln tribuate teis memory. it mnual lad Cross Ilieetintg neannual meeting cf the -Prov- incl Red Cross Society: viii be he]d ln the Royal York Rote], Tor- onto, en Tueaday, March 5th. De:. gates alpointed te. represent the -Whitby brancil are lirs. X. X. Goode, Mrs. 0. M., Goodfeiiov, Mn,. E. Watts, Mir. 0. M. Goodfel- 1ev, Mr. C, Browa, Mr. C. Hatoil and Mr. X, Bowman. Shprnent sont to Provinciali Rd- quarters tÉis week-frein the work rocin, coasiuîed ef: 14 prs. sSkci 20 army sweaters, 41 army scerves, il navy scarves, 60 pra. of wristiets, 6 lieimets, 2 prs. of hall mitts, 4 prs. of mitts, 2 quilt.s, 60 ice bag covers. 24 hot water bag covers, 00 surgicai towels, 24 taiangular bandages, 6 Hampton pada, 6 bcd jackets, 12 pneumonla. jackets, *48 persenal property baga, 12 prs. of pyjamas, 12 hospital gowns, 6i aurgeofia' govili, ô surgeon'a caps, 6 cases for surgicai dressinga. PpFr Pinnish Relief: à_ pri. cf -U bloý,ers, 2 parkas, 2 baby dresses, h 4 baby Jackets, O.-pra. of bedroin k alippers, 8, pro. of bootees. DonsBtiowI for the wéek'are graVe- fufly acknoviedgcd: a vool winder Sfrein Miss E. Maedonneil; 6 person- a*4 ai property baga fromn Mrs. A. Ed- Wd 1 veas; - 1 pair of socks from Mrs. H. Arnold;. 1 pair of wrlstlets frcm r~ Misg M. Anelcrson; 3 pairs cf wrist- lets froin Mnira.Prman; 1 helmet from Mns; E. Bowman; 1 pair of rV1t-fmomi Miss Tedford; 1 pair o!f.socks and 1 pair of wrIstlets frein Misa Z. Fletcher; 4 pairs o! ýwristlets from Miss m. F. Thornp- son: 1. pair of socks froin M Les E. RlchaM'son; i pair of wristiets frem irs.n W. J. R. Richardzon; *4 pairs of wristlets. frein the United Chureh; 1 sweater from miss H. Pringle; and froin tie Junio)r Red Croàss f et. Bcrnard~s School, 3 personai- property bags. 4 pairs- «. bcdroom alippers and 1 cr1ib quilt. PatnioAà1-Tes et Hospital A cheque lias been 'received for $12.75, hlli proceedi frein a tee given on February Ist, at the home of Dr. Cardweli, by Mrs. Cemdweli and Mn. R.' Clemen,,. The Red Cross wishes Vo express âincere * t]ia to tiiese ladies for this gen- erous don ation te ver work. A very fine cutt.ing table has beau supplled uüs this 'week by our Town. Council. This will save manv a beckache.for ladies who have& to spend leurs et a time cutting up Stratige as st may Secs,, bot,& are esedtly $t0.mm# se egtk. Wbicb pc: $0 tShow appearaffce: art some, deceàing- THAT'S WHY OUR COAL 1S TRADEMARKED AU i Icccli leok alîke-even if they aon'm ail buin*.like.- But when WC send you a loaci of Famnous Recding' Anthracite, yoim know it's thi onç saci only "Famous Read. ing", because it's trademarked. wita reci spots that won't rub -off. Lit us 611 your bin vidthis laun' dereci coal-the 1ev ssh anthracite tht's as nesriy 1009o pure as can bé producicL,- G. A. CANNING WHITBY READINGts boîta of materlal. We viii Vo ex- presour tianks Vo these gentle- men -for enetier token -o! -tieir generous co-operetlop hIour vork. Red Cross Supplies Ready A Britishl destroyer arrlved lait week et an Eastern Canaffien port freom southera waters, wlth Its crev cf 150 cied in sun heimets and shorts, 1ll-prepaýrec te meet our zero weather. WlVhin iwe lours of ls arrivai, Vile local- Red Cross iad supplied every iman viti varm clothing. Aithough Canadien divisions are ýnet yet in action, others are f ight- lng and In constant neeci of sup- plies. Tie Britishy navy, ticenmer- chant seamen, the fisihermen on trawiers and mine-sweepers, air- men on active service; these men are facing the bitter cold o! vinter ln nerthern waters or la lie upper air. The Rei Cross inust ieep its warehouse full of supplies egainst any emergency. When Vile demand comes- Viey viii soon be emptied. In France alone, Viere arc nov fou r million men under armas, more tian a million evacuated French civiliens and another ilf million of Spanish efugees. Peiand hs devastated, and tic - ufffaing of her people cails te tie whole vendc for ielp. Finlend là; flghtîng for hem llfe and evacuating hem vonien and children frein the Russian bordera te the boundaries o! Norway snd Sveden, homeless and destitute. Turkey îh crusiedby cartiquake and flood. Mass destruction.creates the aeed for mass production. Canadien vonien dame net slacken their ef- forts.to pile -up supplies in readi- nes for distribution viere the neeci ià greatest, Half MMilin Socks e Menti Canadian vomen are lcnitting about 250,000 pairs of socks e menti, for soldiers. This estimate was made by David Dlck, adminis- trator of tie Wartlme Prices and Trade Board., Ruth Draper's Contribution Tic generous contribution o! Miss Ruth Draper; tevards Red Cross funds ameunted te over $16,- 000. Everywhere, sic vas greetcd 'enth-usias tically by crowded bouses as she travelieci frein clty Vo city ln hem long and ardueus tour acress the Dominion. Miss Draper accepteci the badge of Bonomary Life 'Membership, in the Canadien Redl Cross Society from the bands o! the chaimman cf the Society a!- ter hjr finit performance in Tom- onte. amid enthusiastic epplause frein Vie audience. Gifla Vo liar Prisoners Tic War Prisoner's Department of -the Red Cross and St. John Am- bulance War Relief erganization is iending twe ten-pound parcels of food weekly te each British prison- cm o! war in Gemmany. This departinent bas been recog- nizeci as Vile only organization which may send parceis of food and ciothing te tie prisoners. The par- cels o! fod cost about $2.22 eacil. They are carefuiiy seiected by a dieticlan. As soon as Vhe naine of a pris;on- cm s recelveci, ha is sent a parcel containlng venin un.iercletiing, -a pullover, boots or silees. Wienever Possible, Vicie articles are obhained frein tie prisoner's ova home. Every tirce mentis Vile prison- ar's aext of kin may send hlm, tirougi ticePied Cross, a "personai parcel" conslsting o! such thingi as knitted goodi and ether articles of cletiing. ciocolate and tobacce. Prisoners may net recelve mnoney frein home. Relatives in Greatt EnVala may senci books- and gaines, direct frein shops wvilcihold e permit o' send pr'ntedniatter abroed. Tic de- partinent la organizlng an educa- tional book scheme for priseners of wçar studying specific aubjecta. A section of the depamîment 'sends medicalz supplies Vo any prisoner knevn to be voundad or Ill. British officers held by tic Gar- mans are alloveci Vo send home tiree letters andi four postcards a -rnenth. Other 'rau ks are aleved 'Ive letters andi four pestcards. AUl correspondence-s-ent or receiveci by I îmioners o! van goci post-free. Red Cross Supplias Ne er SoId Tic Canadien Pied Cross 8Scety neyer seUs its supplies. Tiey arm -l'stributed, free o! charge, te al who need Vilai. The folloving ha the testinsony of a Pied Cross storekecpcr luVile lait ver. ltev. P. Gatley Recynolds, Piecter o! Lyndilurst, Ontario, scrved vit, the Red Cross i he Belgian Army frein September, 1914, Vo February, 1917, andi vas leVer atteolied ta the advanced Pied Cross flepot et St. Omer, betveen Ypres and Arras. He givesVile !oflewing descption of Vie metilodi by ici Pied Cross supplies vire distributid: "We woul'd îecelve roqulstlons (Omtluusd frein Page 1) Whest standing social studiés te Vie Public ochools, -Ociiegiete, OL. suad SOaret*echool. Girl Guides-At the suggestion of the. District Oocunaelooer, tJe Chapter oonéented te take over the apohaorship of the Whitby Girl Guide Company and Brownie Pack. . Out9ul ntercal - Donation 0! nmey vas sent te LheI.OMDL Bursay, Educatonal Relief, Peece Plot, Iludowment FUnd and NvyY League. A wreaii waspiacéd on tie Cenotapi et -tie requeut of the WhILby Leglen. Tme Chapter oram- izcd thc Poppy Day canvasa. Wer Work-War Work depart- ment vas erganlzed September 29, 1939; tvo îEwtng meetings are.ieid vcekiy; I.O.D.E. and Red Cross; cocatibutlopa o! money, wool, kuht- ted articies, are eeknovledgcd; four dosen pairs âsoch purchaaed for On- tario Regiment; well over 200 liait- ted articles have bien r6ceived. do- nations sent Vo Ontar*o Regiment, headquarters, local Red Cross-lB hSpital' gowas, 24 sllng bandages vire donated to, Red Cross, and 24 piiiow slips, 25 sliing bandages, 4 pneumnonie Jaeckets, 32 T bandages, 12 face mailis made by menibers cf Red Cross room; 6 cases of ciotinrg and biankets valueci et $400 were IN WHITBY ST. JOHN'S, PORT WHITWT On Sunday next, the 3rd ln Lent, thé services vili be morning and evenlng prayer at Il a.=. and 7 ,m. respetively. The Beaver Boys' Bible dlass wiIi meet at 2, andVthe- Sunday S-liool and other Bible classés ai 3 Pmn. -w On Wecinesciay (today), thle ladies wiii meet for sewing at Mrs. Bailey's home at 2 p.m. There vill be a meeting for evangeiLstic stuçly and prayer et the rectory et 8 p.i. On Thursday, the Boys' dbnfir- mation ela-me wii meet et the rec- tory at 7 p.m., followed at 8:15 ptni by a meeting of the Beaver Boys Bibleclams. On F'rîday et 8 p.m. the Lenten service viii be heid in the Sunday Scilool hall, preceded by the Junior choir practice at 7:15 pin., the Senior, choir meeting after the ser- 'ice. et 9 p.m. On Moriday at 4 p.m. Vthe Junior W.A. viii ibid a work meeting in the Sunday Bchooi hall. Tt@ Men's Association wiii, commence their meeting with gaeset '7:30 p.m. froin the variaus PIMeld Ambulances, Casualty Clearing Stations, and Regimental Aid Posts for certain 7upies he3e wouid be sent to hem- by the fleet of Red Cross licht delivery trucks. As my work as te recelve the-ce requlsitions -nd arrange for their issue. 1 know 1 hat no money was received for thein. No issues were made to mndi- viduals but only te units on requi- sition of tie Officer Commanding. There %,as no other place where I served ln this sector. If any of these goods were sold, IV was flot by +he Redi Cross. "Other organisations had huts where goo-is were sold, and thus fact mnay be responisible for Vie state- ment occaslonally made that the Red Cross sold cornfortà overseas; but ln my two years' service wlth the Rted Cross I neyer knew of eny ,)lace where they couldl be eff ered for sale, as the maithod of opera- tion was as I have stated." A Wounded Mares TestUrny The experience cf Col. C. R. Ack- erman, of Peterborough, là typical o! the experiences of many Vious - and.s of other Canadians. Col ~el Ackerman writes: "Hit badly during the CL4vencby show on June 15, 1915, at twe min- utes before 8 pin., taken to Brigade Pirst Aid Post, and latex' back ta Casualty Clearing Station at Lillers on the saine nlght. Tiat nigili and l'il day followlng, owlng te e justi- fiable mniscaiculatlon o! the westage 'Lo be expected, facilities could flot be rapidly provided fer evacuation Of wounded froin this peint. How- ever, on the night of June lOth, I wa.s placed aboarch an ambulance train and transported by a Red Cross Ambulance te No. 2 Britisih Red Cross Hospital et 2Rouen, where the finest hoapltallzation presented it.self, provided by Vie RPM Cross. 'Mis was one cf the many such British Red Cross Hospitals te which sericus casualties were sent, 2ind whie the number of beds maintained la not known te tie writer, It lis known that only &eri- OUS' case3 vere sent there, anad te the everlastlng credit of the. staff durlng tiheacjourn cf the wrIter. f romn June l7th until làte in Aug- Ust of 1915, only one death Coeur- Red Cross workroomsihave a label attached- te tlem vhleh res4,. "G011of e! icCaadian lam 010. cofletd Llrough aPPais ite im. chLbi4 churchié,etc., iWlitby im.n& surrounding 4lt an sd èaipi Q!Sr- ea for diatnll>utioei mont calGa.. mon evgcuated f roenciLles i &tt- ahi; siurkiy W&ae set te bAMY Club, 01"»,, at Chbt.maâ Plans for théCScunng year vwe dlacused andm e tcswvlibe revlêwed I next Imue o« the Gaset aW Ohronlcl. Thi elrng officerS wmn me- eiected by acclumation as follovs;. Honorary Reent-Unr. D. ECwart Cerruthers. Regent-lira D. B. Coleimn lat Vcee.Remt - Mmr. Y. W. 2n4 Vice-Regent-m"r. Cardwefl. Honorary Beretar - lira.H. Monorary Tmeasuret-Mrs, P.R Adye. Educational Seerotary - MMr Carseallen. Echom iSecretary-Mra. Potier. Standard àe*rer-Mnsi.- D. RelU- day. The Rev. A. M. frwIn. ehairman of ihe Canadla4n Leglon War Ser- vice Association, spolie brlefly te the iad«»es lu reference Vo the associa- tien and the canvasa being held in teva on March land 2. CHURCHES Ou Tuesday, confirmation >clamses viii be ild et Vile -rectory, for girls et 4:30 p.m., and adulti et & p.m. ALL SAINTS' CHURCIL WHITEY Tic ChurchIsla auncing its -1940 appeal tirougilout Canaa for $50,- 00 te Aid P*oncr Settlements ln Vhe West. Tuis la made more than ever neciessary tirough thc drougit and crop failures, Vie fallure ot many Churcih o meet their Mis- sioary aliotments la f ull, and Vie fact tiat Vie War Ls preventing Lue Glurch lunVile Methcnland frein ielping as fully as sic iii done for many years. InformaVive lîeature Is being sent te Perïsioners and further announeemts viii be made f rom Vthe pulpit. BAPTIST CRURtCÉ Prof. J. W. Watson, licturer la geograpiy and anthropoiogy et Mc- Muster University vili be the spi- ciel preecler on Sunday morning et Vie BaptLst Churci. Prof. Watson came to McMa3ter University froMt S5cotland and cornes to us ighly receninended for is ebiiity sýnd eveugel«stie fervor as 16 preacier.- Iu the eveating -themiiter, RFv/ H. EMer Green, viii continue ils studies in tile 111e o! David, l'il teple being "Devîd's Feul frein Grace." Thiere wyul be a firesîde meetng et Vie close o! the evening service, Vo vici ail arc Invited. Sunday school at 10 amn. B.YP.U. on Monday et 8 pin. Prayer meeting 0sf iMursday et 7:30 p. Men's Club on Wednesday even- ing viii be an open meeting te vicithc ladies are invited. THE UNITED CHURCU What conception of thec ultimate realVty la possible fer lie religieus nman vie approacies lie question Vîreugi modern Science and Pill- esopiy? Hear "Tic Plan and Pur- pose, of Creallon" discusscd at tii United Clurci aext Bunday minm- ing. fa'h Rotary Club vill vership en mam in hale United Ciurch at 7 o'ciock nexi Suuday eveaing. Tic sermon theme viii be, "Me Roter- ian Arguxiient for Giod." Wilby S. S. rneets ah 2.15 p.m., Amenda S. $. et 1.15 pam., viti publie vorsiip et 2 pin. Whitby Y, P. U. meets Menday eveaing et 8.15 and Aimondis Y.F.U. on Tuesday et 8 pi. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Suuday, Divine vorshlp, 11:30 a.m. Sunday Scicol, 2:30 pin. Bible Clais, 2:30.pm Evaning Worsiip, 7 p.m. Monday, Mission Band, 4 pin. Tuesday, Young Peeple',s Sciety, 1iHITBY CITIlENS ASKD O HARE IN IIARSERVICE <Conllnucd en Page 8, Col. 3) the naines af tea= captains and tic canvassers In'a cci ard ahd furVi- er perticulers ofthLe objective ef thc drive, Ia tie meantimne partteulan attention ie directed te tic leglosi appeal advertlsemeat appearlng on Page 5 of Vils issue. Liv. Stock S.ld Tic value oî Ylvi stock so14 on stock yards, sIepd diet ho pauli- ing plants and direct on expert in Canada i 1939 vas ln tie nelgi- bo1urhood of $l38.000,0Q). an ln- crisse of ovin 818,000,000fresu 1938, du& te heaviar marketIngs snd la- creaaed prie«. Ibis, ef course, doms not take Into accouai amime~I $#lau8htetrid on the tarin fer home use or purchasesby lqug lor msUi towni butohmrs, bt eiy Lieu neeci'r the langer mertto and for Whitby citizens.,to belp in a tangible way Canadas' Watw I. r, g ON Citizens of Whitby will have an opportunity to share generously in the finiancia?Çlp.- peal of Canadian Legion War Services for $,500,000 which, is Canada-wide for' a great, new and much needed programme of educational and personal service among our enlisted'men. While the first job is to win the war, every man must be prepared for the i-nevitable return to Civil Life. The Canadian Associ-ition for Aduilt Education is collaborating with the Legiori to provide eclucational and vocational training for our-men. Through its, 1, 100 branches in Canada the Legion will aeýist in the solution of per- sonal and business oroblems. Soldiers f ree of private worries are better soldiers. Legion services w ilr also include facilities for leave, sports, reading., soldiers' concert parties and other entertainment. The Whitby appeal-is supported by Whitby Branch of the Cainadian Legi*on, which has inviteci the helpof, local citizens. Whitby people already know something of what the Legion ¶-as clone and is doing for those who fought in the last war, and for the men of aniother generàto h aenwtaiguàaw o just cause.d A complete list of team captains-and canvassers will appear in the Gazette and Chronicle next week. Whi*tby Will Sharo Ini This, Task As It Bas Ini Mmny Othors GIREET THE CANVAS SERS WItTH-A SMILE' WHITDY COMMITTEE A. M. IRWIN CHAIRMAN STARI MADlE ON IMPROVEMENT 0F SCIIOOL L15HTS i(Continu e f re o Page 1) preiided. Cônsideraibie inie vas Vaken isp ln going over Vie yearly requisitions for Ilgi and public supplies, lie fermer representing an expenditure of $900.W0. Purciaïse o! a p'ane, frein tie On- tario Reginent for $40 for school use was ratified. Purciase cf aneti- er piane la now under consideratien. Oving te tic laVe arrivai e! mer- chants' and tredesmen's accounts, tic Board declar-ed tiat ail ac- coutIs inust be'in the secretary'S liancla on Vhe Monday previeus te thc Board's meeting date. Board :ucets the second Wednesday o! moitil. Tic next meeting viii be ield aI thie library, vien tic question of q6 permanent incetng place lu lieu ofthie Counicil Chainber, nov used& by ticePRed Cross, viii be dis- cussed. W. E Ne SINCLAIR DECLINES OFFER -Bf NOMINATIONi (ODntinued f rom Page 1) Todey vi stce h"m«esolutens"t abadoning themr resolution and cllmblng back pn tie band wagon vilere Vhey should have becu al Vie time and vilere I hope tiey viii alvway; lai icaceforti."l "'Itlaluacscurce o! muci pleasure te me tiat you have aomtuated me again cflter havlag bien netlrcd froin the leçrlslature viere things were doeieof wiiich I dld net ap- turove.. TicPremier ilas %nid tliet ha had fergettan me. That does not moqtter. 'I¶lis meeting on'iPt shows liaI niy fniends la tila nid- Inz i ave net forgctten me 'and after al the grpate.t tiig in 111e lig friands," ho ateted. -You have put ni- i n a strange position by nomir@tling ,me. Ap- ',erent1y vou tink I àiouid rus, for f.avlprllasn"nt. T hRve not eslied to be nomInnted. Ir -feet T b'ave tr1i*d Voediscourpe.,e vat I l.niew vas lni the Air. Nov tiat T amn nominc'Ved 1 musl 'nake the decisinn as"l decide P!hat 1- best fo'r myseif amd hose vie arp intpeset la public affa 1r, I do no+ sec iov 1 ea econsent te rnaln this can-* nekan. Mr. Mooro- h your m-miher and I fiel thaV I am dnine tic night snd proper thiir vian I ask vou te shlow mete vo ithdrav frein the, nomination." "If tui e Wd bI-n mnre con- uia i.nIehVe leslo4ture Y m4rht 1» W srvlgthe province simd1 HARRY JAMES SECRETARY this riding. Rovever, there are certain hings one cann'it stand andi which I viii net stand. I -wish tie best o! success te Mackeni.. King and hope tiat is governinent miay be returned te power. I vii! do viat I cen 1a bring tiat about. [fUOTR T[LLS 0F FDRN PRQBJ/EMS AT ROTARY, CLUB (Cont inued froru Page 11 stress shculd noV be laid! on the value of quality for mnere f nancial gain, but for tie efficient use o! our transportation facîitles. Busi- esmen, he pointed out, such as Vtesservice clubs vere inadc Up of, siould be interested lu tie fariner because o! the building o! the home market. The business man, he Dointed out, purchased manv things tiet tie fariner produccd, and Vie farmer on the ether haud bougit frein Vie merciants ila he urban centres, se that Viesuces e! tie business man and- the fariner was linkc!d. It was tic duty of Vthe busi- ness man te encourage Vi#! fermer to make lie fullest anxd best use cf the materials aVis iand. Mr. Hedge said Viat attractive homes and surroundiags on ferais weme just as essentiel as thcy vere In tie urban centres because of their Influence, partlcularlv on Vie boys snd girls ieiaitening thein InterestIin lie !arm and proving an Incentive ta thein Vo remaisi tiare, but Mr. Hodge stresqed. home and fan lImo'evements alse iad a cash value. Buvers I many Inl- stances vould stant their pnices <ffpred fer ferai preduce hizhier on farms vhici shoved thot lie ova- er vas Intereated enciuah, VOte aks, !iniirovem.ynts Vian 1,. would tm ovners of fermas that vere run) c¶ýwn and hadth Ve appeamance *of ils omcunants beine novent" stritbl- on. Mr. Hodqa aclnt-d eut-Viat 47 locpl er'lsV n d 9,l athouis-- and. ferms veme interested In th'r 'e-un, comueptifi~n fnli¶cted lAit year hv thi Fermner" Mere- zine. and tiimove-z-nt. bl'e 5f4 roild a spread more wir-Iv ov.-r ti@ Drovincc If given encourage- T1Ie vote of tianc te Mm. IHodge vas moved by -Rotanian Jtm Cowle. DELCVTF'TTT, -Ilk prînts ho re- veril a f1ai <'f eor under a claTit fî'r coat make a welcwpe nreview At snwine. Hare's oen e icneet me<iels, Rercm,. vns'fi'fll efftir oif -innamon-colored 511k, 1prnted villi firiv 1Narithearte. I1h aii a bIRrk notent lemtier belt. There h plentyv -f Interemtinq dehoil, Includlag self- cerding around tVée iki, round necli, whi'ch bas a little bow Izn ',ack. Cordinq abc, defInes Vthe yree "etiens from neck te yole soften the bustlne. 8kIt lae mply fiere. G. HEATH ROSS TREASTJRER 1WllITBYAIPR SITEIMRSE BONS C 1)t,01W[ (0ontinued frein Page 1) eraliy knova. vas much.inlutVe limeligit In Whitby in 1918. viahn Sir Samuel Heare, on beiv'if e! theC British Govemument, viicli et that time vas said te be seeking te lo- cale airport sites-. in Canada, made le tur o! tic Dominion., On iii wey frein tie veat, viere be had mnent several weeks, Sir Samuel, vie, incidentally is nov Lord Privy Seal in tic Chamberlain Cabinet, came te Wbitby, inspecteci tie site, F. J. Mc'NTYRE ORGANIZR n1ji sald that iV vas eue o! Cii finest ile iad ester scen. At tuai lime, tîrough --the efforts of F. H~oward .Annis, -o! Whitby, viho vas ieepiy interested in Vie-4cheine, a plan o! tie site vas prepared ",-y Hterbert L. Pringle, Tovn engineer, ob. Wiitby, and Vis Plan vais turu- -d over a f ew days age by Mr. Annis te Francis J. McIntyre, presi- dent cf the Wiitby Claznber of Commerce, vie sioveci IV Vo-tic ..-on. C. D. Havwe la Mayor Fred T. Rowe's offire before an inspection ;vas made cf Vie site. Copies -of this plan y!il nov b. made and! fer- warded Vo Ottawa.-- I Uslng a mop vrung eut o! venin veter, te vici a lutIle amafionla ha5 beau addad, viII brigitea Vie colons in rugs - turpentine aisle brigiltens darli colora. y. Ic only coal in the,' venld coloured BLLM 4a yens guarantei of qualihy. Order your supply nov. Sce what an enjoyable.differeaci in botter, steadier heat- ing coinfort you get viti 'blue ceai', the vonld's fiacit en- thraci te. N JAMES SAWDON .& SONS 244 Brock St., South - Phone 524 Lbt@te 40 TAiO aaOb" î_val Wusdneadai »Ver CFRIE, 9.0t effo rt. IaudZ

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