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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Feb 1940, p. 5

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CE KINS'A LE (Mrs. A. Hookero CwroPeudt>ï (Tee Late fer Laut Week) RINSALE, Pcb. 12.-Mn. Robent Young harcturned hôme a!ten spending a week villa relatives ha Bu! f RIO. talned the Gneenvood ad Mount Zioma Unions' at -their meeting-heid in the hall last week. There were & bout foty-flve present. The Mount Zion Union. led by thein president,, Miss Jessie Green, took _ charge o! the Wonship service. Miss Margeny Byors, of the Greenod Union, sang a deliglaiful solo'after whlch our pastor, Rev. R. W. Mc- 1. Vey; gave the tapie. Bis subject lutvas StI Valentine. Follng the. lot meeting- the KInsahe Union. under id the direction o! Ray Ledgett and Lut, Stanley Stel 10k charge o! the ahrecrcational perlod. A pleasaut T( hour vas speut ha games land con- [tel test-,. after which lunch was served. de, The mee$ling clesed with the sing- a3t ing nf the National anthena. A iii gocd time vas had by al. i1We MissionBaud met at the home of he Jack ad Gerald Hooker or! Satur- 6'aîL day a! lernoon last,_ vith ton mem- es bers present. Mie meeting opened riatect lites of the Iast meeting were road. tece, and approved. The vership perlod UtRnCÈ va% lu charge o! Jean Mark. The T :e theane was "P'olowing, Jesus." The rol ëlRI towrship was suuin nUnison. ýon Twhiý was followed by anothpr hymu, V__ 1 Phyllis Mowbray took Up thp offer- ",;n; Ing, and-the offerr-tory prayer vas Md repcated by aIl. Reports were then a 41 î given "Tesaîperance," *by Isabelle &tic Mark; "Christian Stewandshlp" by ui Milton Mowbra-y. and 'Peace" by 'i i Geraid Rocker. -The mcmory. verse vas, reneated by ail acter whic thr leader gave the >l f rom the Etudy Book on "W9ren and Girls o t India"; andi Jea Movbray gave Sthe storv "A sag and a Sari". Velma -Balsom then rçad a story t ama agot for Bray Chicks in Ibiii locality, Phono or cal! for catalogue ad-price lit, Mu1 B3ray Chick doos the trick. on Au CANNING 148 BIOCIC ST. S., IVHtTBY "dor Plzland fori th. thet soi hreael txected The a Auto Agencies & Dealers PHONE 44?' "The Pinest Valentine ln the World"; Louis Dunu passed the papens. Vahentines vere distribut- cd and the meeting closed with thae benediction. The hostess thent ierved, lunch toalal present. Mn.. Albert Parkin lama aeturned from a week's vîsit villa relatives In Oshawa. We are gladtia report that Mnr. Jack Mowbray and Mr. Morgan Mark, vlao have both boca siclc at their homes here aie vel onougla1 te netunn. Jack ta lais studies mi Toronto University and Morgan 40 liàs position at Raglan. Also that Mn.. Gormnley ancf Arthur are bath iaproved ln healila. The dance held ln Brooklîn hall lasi Fnlday eveniug and which vas spousored by the Kinsale Hockey Club, was net as great a success as the boys had hoped, probably be- cause o! the sevenal other dances, aisa an Ice Carnival held that same evening in the district. Hevever thé boys vee nua discouraged and hope ta have another dance short- ly. AIl. vho did attend report a grand evcning. Dount forget the at reguhar hockey game before the play-o!!s ta be played in Mark- ham, nlnk next Thursday niglat, Feb. 15, our boys meet- Duribarton. Ceme and cheen thena ou. To date they have von f ive games and losi cnly one. Miss Durrell Parkin and !niend cf Ashburnvere necent visitors, with Vic and Mrs. Pankin. Mn. and Mns. A. G. Hooker, Jack and Geraîd spent Sunday wlth relatives lu Toronto. -The Women's Association vihi hold their mouthly meeting atý the home of Mns. C.' Ricbhardson, Brooklin. on Wednesday nexi, Pcb. 2lst. Ail ladies of the community are invlted ta came and spcad an afteruoon with our old !ntends. KINSALE, Feb. 19.-The Kinsale Women's Institute will hold a spe- cli! meeting on Wednesday ove- ning Pcb. 28. The feature o! the evesalng vill be the- pictures ta be shova by Mm. Roblin, Illutnatiag the Creamery business, frona stant toi finish, aIse pictures o! the "Roy- aI Trour c! Canada". Tnere vil aise lac somc comie picturcr showva. There wilI aIse be music, solos, and readings. Silver collection wil bée taken at the dbor and lunch vill be servcd toalal. Cqme and enjoy a good evenIng. . ' It vas wltla deep regret that thé many frienujs o! Miss Harriet Gra- ham heard of hem suddeu passing at the home o! hem niece lu Orillia. Miss Graham vho vas lu her 95tla yean, wvas for many years a resid- oInt o! Kinsale. She vas a sister o!, the late Mrs. Sylvester Mackey à ~nd for a numlen o! yeans lived with her niece Mrs. C. J. Stcveason. She vas a member and a staunch Dairies DEVERELL MOTOR1S' HILLCREST DAIRY ROBERT DEVERI PROP. 301 i)uadas 8treet- W. Phoaie 429 Bakeries RAINBOW CAKE SHOP Charies Astnop, Prop. JENNY LIND CANDIES CITY DAIRY ICE CREAM Brock Street Nonth - Phono 970 Bread - Betty Cakes - Pies - Pastries Beauty Parlors HELEN'S "BIAUTY 5$ALON HELEN TUBANSKY 150 Brock 8S-treet North - Phone 737 PATSY BEAUTY SHOP eSmth -Ms. Bruce Sturgss p ST.N. - PHONE 385, ~BOCK 1T ai aiThermique Hesterles six~ Permanent Wavig. wsoc th\Confectioners Wq b,ýzrIOCKILL'S CON#5CTIONERY a. Mt,,4E.Stockili, Prop. Jee Crea E,~ A. Wakefield- Prop. 308 Byron Street South PHQNE 301 You just ca't bout miik frona Hiiicrest Dairy. THE WHITBY GAZETIt AMD CHRONICLLs' WEDNESDAY, FEBRUAIRY 21, 1940 lui supporter of the United Church hcre. Her funeral tock Place- at Salem Cemetery on Wednenda~Y, Peb. 14th. Rev. M. R. Jenkinhon of Pîckerlng ,conducted the' funeral service. Mr. and Mns. Reg. Ramer of! AI- t.ona and Miss Marion Stevenson of "Bnier Bush Hospital", Stouf- ville, s5pent Thurs#ay afterfloon and evenlng at the -home of tiseir Pat- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T.-Steven- son. Mr..and Mrs. V. Parkln and Miss Veina Balson were recent- visitons with the latter's parents at Hamap- ton. The ladies of the North .group of the Kinsale Chapter of the Red Cross met at the home of Mrs. R. F. Mowbray on F'riday aftenon and pieced a quit for the Red Cross. Also'on Tuesday 'of last week a commlttee of ladies met at the homne o! Mrs. V. Parkin ta eut out Red *Cross materials. During the mbnth of January the Kinsale chapter sent to the Brookiîn branch 18 pair pillow slips. 18 b1nders, 6 bcd shirts and several pairs o! soks. They are -now worklng on ice bag covers, hot water bottie covers, socks and scarfs. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Liedgett spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Cecil Disney and famîly. Mr. Morgan Mark and. fnend spent Sunday at his home here. The3 Young People's Union held their weekly meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Wagg on Tuesday eve- nlng last with a good attendance. Following the worshîp service-the President took the topic, the sub- ject being ",We go to Cbujrch in India." Others taking part in the programme were Sta.nley Stell, Gor'- don Stell, anid Murlel Bell. After the programme the recreation con- vener led in a few interestilng con- tests. Mrs. Wagg assisted by Miss Laura SadIen serveci a dainty lunch. A pleasant eveninge was spent on Wednesday last, when a number of friends gathered at the homne of Mr. and Mrs. G.- Steil to honor the recent bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. James Mulock1, the bride being formerly Miss Alice Stell. Mr. R. V. Mowbray acted as chaîrman and to stant the programme off Mr. R. E. Mowbray led in a lively sing song. Mrs. J. Wagg, Misses Rox- ena Ledgett,, Velma Balsen and Muriel Bell all- gave !nteresting neadings, and Jack Hooker gave two guitan selections, after which the chairman called on several for short speeches. A large number o! useful presents were recelved bY the Young couple, boila of whom gave a short speech of thanks. Lunch was served by the ladies. We are giad to 'report that Miss Mabel Herlaran has rccovered f rom ït ý recent illness and was able to re nnt her teaching duties at MIkkham this week. Oiver Moat -)f Toranto ceau- cd Vic and Mrs. 'arkin û.n Sun- day. Mr. nd Mrs. E. H. Vincent, Miss- eg M aet Watts and Veronica Gayya , KWesrs. Je lllott and B111 Mann g were recent visitors with Mr ad Mrs. . .HMowbrayan 1Mr, ad Ms. A. G. Hooker. an .frimily sment Sunday In Port-Hope 1 Mr. 'Toama arndale spent thi weekend villa lis parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Farndale. Miss Vivian Smdler returaec te lier homo in Blackstock a! ion spendiug a f ev veeka villa hem grmndparents, Mn. and Mrs. Wilf Sadler. Almonds ALMONDS, Pela. 19.-Tho cen- gregathanal tom unden the auspices a! the Womnen's Association vas a real success. A large cnovd gathened and cujoyed Uic lovely supper pro- vided by the ladies. This vas foi- lowed by a short programme. Ai- most tventy-!lvo dollars vas nei- lzed. On Saturday evening a fi! téon cent social vas laeld to use up the le!t over oastiacl netted almosi f ive dollars. Young People's meeting on Tues- day eveaing vas takea by the Ci- izenship Cesmaattee wilh Mn. }iarry MeQueen in change. The Wenaen's Association. wil meot thc final tucisday in Manda ai Uic churcla. Mn. ac! Mrs. Walton MacCarl, Ralph ansd Neli, spont Sunday vitia Mn. and Mn. George Aeeon, Osh- LIBER-AI BANNER (Oontinued frm Page>1 no nor noie. "We ln Canada," he added,' "4oaa renier that mai- anuin o! var effort and service te Canada ac! Gret Bnitain because ve can de t botter and eheaper ln vlew o! sur engazizat' n."1 At Uic outsei 1&. Moore pald tri- bute 40 W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C., as an old frlend and anc whe had rendered outstanding service te the people of this ridin- during lais maaay years- o! public service. "14 is a great thlng ta have oic! fniencis. Mn. Sln'lalr and I have boca old fniends for many years, we were Libenals !n 1917 and vo are Liberals today. Pretier Hepburn and I have also been ,aId fniends," la declaned,,"but 1 vaut you ta tlaink toniglat r- the serlous thlag, becauso I dornt-think that we ia Canada today realize the gravity a! the tirnes." De! inlng Liberallsin as a body o! free people thlnklng di1ff e reant thoughLa,,clebatlng thina a freely elected paniament, fneely reconclhing thena by the free lnter-play and CO- operation of parties, Mn. Moore de- clared that such vas democracy. The Consenvative Party on the other hand laad changed is name so o! ten thami one was le! t ta specu- late on vhat uts objeci and ideals really werc. Flrst ih vas the Liberal- Conservalive party, now iWas thc National Conservative party maklng an election appeal for the estab-ý Ilshmeni of a National Governuieni. Upholds Party Goverumeait Mn. Moore recaIlcd that the gov- ernmnent ai the Session o! 1937 vas askecl for an -appropriation of ap- praximately $35,000.000 vith vlhch to aaake a modest beginning ln the tasic o! mepairlag these deficiencies, but,, ho said, it must also be me- aaexbened that the -Goverument facec! sevene cniticisua for embarkIng on vlat some described as a mli- Lanlsic aciveuture, and ethers, as gross extravagance.. The iQoveru- ment vas even faced vhth a vote o! vaut of confidence lu vhich the E*ouse vas asked to express uts grave coucera at "the starthiug lu- creascs o! expe:: iltunes prepesed by the Gavernient for purposes o! na- tional armameut."I Sucla, saici Mr. Moore, vas the state cf public opinion vita regard ta National De- feuse at that time, and it vas not surprlslag, therefore, that the Gev- ernment dld not ask ahi ai once fer sufficleai funds te repain ahi the deficleacles that have becu so fully ciescnibed on former occasions, lu order ta build up the defense ser- vices o! Canada ta the extent tha* vo believcd necessany and desirable. Ahl o! the deficiencies vhich exisi- cd vhen war broke eut cxisted la 1935 vhen the Gevenment came inta office. Fertunatehy, hevever not alichedeficleucies vhichex.ist- ed ha 1935, cxisted vhcn this coun- try entered into the van six months mgo. Ansvonung the cnangeofo the Op- position that there vas a- laclc cr haste ln preparations ion van ef- fort, Mn. Moore said that the Cana- dian gqvernment hmd set a nov example. ta the vend lan the prose- cution o! Uic van. because 14 had put lata lis efforts the application o! strict business prnaciples ac! had- appoictd practical ac! capable business mon te take charge o! the vmnulous van efforts. Whmt more couIc! the governuient have doue? hqý »sked. la couxection. vlth--the charge o! patronage, Mn. Macro pointcd out that the governuient hàd placed around the mvamdlng cf contracta, t4ao protection o! the venker and 'the eliminatien o! un- duc profits, sucla restrictions laa mac! china vnder if t.hey vere not a!te ic al tac severe. Mr. Macro fur- ilion pcinted oui that in cannection vith the charge o! patronage lu var centract.s thai a f ev days miter van vas deelared Charles, Vaughan, 'of the C.N.R. vas placed la charge c gaov ermme nt -purchmsing. Mn. Vaughau, Mr. Moore sa.ld, as C.N.R. purchmsing agent vhaca Pr. Manion, Consenvative leader, was minister o! railvays. "Inu. this campalgu ve ouglat ta discuss -aur ovu maximum c! ef - fort," Mr. Moare declared. "Whmt van you on I de, vhat can agri- culture do?" Agriculture, ho sald, va !acing a serlous problena, changes ia the market-ac! the food situation vere taking place napidly, and it was certain that Landau vas going to buy more froni neutral uelghbors than shc is doing nov. Mn. Moore closed lais address vlth the striking c!eclaration that "~de- mocracy is ne strangtýr than your individual vili to vonk aut the problenas cf cemacracy," ac! vitla an appeal particularly ta the vork- mon e! Oshawa ta make the besi use o! their oppentuniies ta monder ta Canada and the Empire that maximum cf effort that vculd be required of al if Canada vas le play hon part la the succosaful prosecu- tion cf the van. Mr. Moore vas intraduced by Jas. Hef!eriag, president o! the Ontario Ric!ing Liberal Association, as one vhc ln mauy capaciles had mmdc vory valuable -contributions ta thc service o! the people o! Canada and cf the iding. IWITII BACK TAXES 0F TBREE YEARS (Continuec f rom Page 1) Council passed a rosolutiola in- structing the collecter ta put the bailif! taworkC-by aeizing houselacld effects. A letton vas read ac! fileci romn Crovu Attorney P. H. Annis, o! Oshawa, ccugratulating Constable John Thomias on his good vonk ha the arreat o! a man attemptiag te Ibreak into the store o! J. M. Hicks lu Whitby. The mnan vas f!ound ta have a record. Thene vas no com- ment f nom the councl. Thesre arc tuirbans te match. or G.' B. Methersill, Grant Christie, Plumbing & Heating GEO. HAMERS 130 Broek Street North Phone, 0f fice 963 - Nlghti 962 Sheet Metal Work - Furnaem Air Conditionlng - Plumblngr -R- Restaurants DIANA SWEETS W HITBY DAIRY10 Dundas Street W. - Phono 991 J oe Prop. On your shopping tu visit Dians 123 Dundas Street West Swocts for light lunches, sodas, sundaes and hoe-made candies. PHONE 770 "We Try ta Pieuse"* Lumber & Fuel WHITBY LUMER &COAL CO. LTD. F. E. Smith, Mgr. 212 Plie Street m Phone 417 Lumber - BuJider's Supplies Ceai Coke - Wood F. L. SEECROFT LUMBER INSULATION MARDWOOD FLOORING, Estîmates - Phone 6Z7 Pai nters & Decorators L, H. DIUING 307 EUCLID STEET - PHONE 394 Have yens' work doue aiow at wlnter âa entfr "ton,& WaUpapen. DREW'S LUNCH 115 Dundas- Street W. - Phone 675 We speclalize i home eooking Annie Laurle Chocolates excluslvely Roofing Contractors S. J. GASCOIGNE & SONS 1009 Ceaitre Street S. _ Phone 143 *'35 years experlence Inai £1 kinds of -S- Service Stations J"OHN'-S -PLACE J. H. Berlett, Prop. Kiaig ut Duaidas Street West Phone 427 B.A. PRODUCTS Exide batterIes Dunlop Tires oeneasy Tenus - CORRELLS SERVICE STATION SMd Correli, Prop. 149 BroekStreet North - Phone M8 - GOODRICE BATTES As Low As fflS Capt. L. A. Gifford, Wiia Bayce, George, A. McMilai>, -OrelglatonDevitt ,Robent Arm- strong, A. B. Menton, Frank West- ney and C. A. Wlght. MUREAIS NAME HIOWARD WEIESE nDE DIII! 5 1 LOOK at that big V-8 beauty!1 No wonder the neighbours stop to admire its sweeping lines, and its rich interior roorniness !, But ini this year's Ford V-S, the ?ide's the thing ! it's a modern Mr. Moore dechareçI that lac had nover been ha. favor o! union gev- crament ad -thai lais years hapan- liament laad convlnced hlm that ho vas riglat. The vomk ai Ottava, lac stmted, is not a coaflict o! parties; the parties are not flglating li Uic ie. Cr-hiism is gecxl se long as 14 la net destructive but constructive; and so long as 14 represeats mcm- sures ac! net mon. There is unan- laaity beiveen parties unden Uic leadershaip o! those suppontlag the goveramnent on account o! the ma- jorlty o! votes, ac! this ha a sa! or systena than National Govermuent because . criticism la brouglat out Iito the sunlight, ac! sunlight, lac emphasized,ý hu nover been Uic principle o! the Lîberal Party'. "The National panty ha net the silence of approval but the silence o! oppres- sion,' ho declared., Mmr. Macro varned tlaat "the momea ytou mc- copi Uic idea o! a national govera- ment coasisting cf the bnainy meu and the men o! genhius yau cease 40 have party governient or gavera- ment by parties. Mn. Moore decls.red :that tbe imck of! prepareducas for war ïpplièd uiý5 only to Canada, but mIsa ta allied cauntries. buït natI n countnies ike Germany and perhaps even Russia vhere the slogan vas "'eveny f mc- tory a fontress." General Luden- don! in 1935 talc! Uic German people that van was the lighesi expres- sion af national life, thenefoeo, poli- tics must be subcrchhaatod ta the prosecution .of Uic van. War had becomo a fora o! national >existence1 with the same nmiiug as peace lu these countnies, and ne social or laummu adtivity had a niglat ta exisi unles h senved the preparation c! van. The preseat government, Mr. Moore said, laad knowledge o! the veny grave deficlencles ia national preparodnuafor var wlaeu 14 came lito paver. Ho would nai s"y that the Tories vere ta blame for this condition, but naihen sb.ould the blame be plaeed, if blame thiere vas, at the door o! Canadians as a de- mocratie people ccusiomed to de- voting ail theinrosources for the velfane o! the people rather than preparatian for var. Mn. Macro saici thai ai ono time ho vas not prepare4d to vote *manoy for mili- tamy purposos but' that vhon lac remlzed thai van vas inevhtable ho vas vith the govornment ini this task. * Mr. Mooro asked lais audience ta thiuk o! criiicism hevelled at the *preseat administraion ha Uic back- grouud o! vonld evonts la 1937. "A nev Issue lama been nalsed-mn ah- leged lmck a! equipmcnt for Uic troops wlaen tlaey vene callod oui ai lihe outbneu.k o! van, but lot it be said st oncethat there vas a short- mgeofo clothlng and other equip- DUNDAS ST. WESTV ficer William Kennedy itated that lac !ouidt a sAnooth condition anc SullIVan had toId hlmt bedA travelling at tiairý an 'hour wlacn ibe acc rcd. Spence vas stand edge o!flais laneway slac wlaen struck. Ment for an ac tive service force. That deficency haa4 existe for a mimber o! yesrsand wuvascre! ly Oqugfld by the departrnent eyery ye -when estimates voe ,belbg prepsredfor tue leuse. tinti the ieion ef 1930. -the gvnmqnt did net tako steps to Increase tht stocks of unl!orms, boots and equlpment o! this type,' for rossons which ho in- dicated. In February of 1937, the Rouse va* advlsed that the present goverament bac, upon taklng office, learned o! veny grave deficlencles Ia the equipment o! the Air Force, the Navy -ànd the Militia o! Canada. These deficlencles included not only unifonnas but more vital. equlp- ment.. The Air Fonce had no more modern service plahes and -n bomba. The Navy had only two modern vessels. The magazines and shore equlpment of the Navy were In a very dfilapidated state. The Militia vas completely lacklng ln modem' n eapons and mechanical equipment. Our fortification works were flot only inadequate, but thc guns that we had wene almosi un- serviceable." y! E! mrat care has been taken to- sound-proof the body, New curv ed-disc wheeli reduce road sounds. New Filiger- Tip -Gearshift on steering post gives quieter operation. But-,drive the. new Ford. V-S yourself, and NEW FORD- FORD CARS ARE MADE IN CANADA 88,000 CAnadian w-orkers and depeadants benefit because Ford cars are made in dais country. When You BUY a Ford, More cf 'Your Money Stays in Canada. THE DEVERELL NEW'FORD MOTORS- WHITBY, -.............~..........~.... ~&Lq a m9mLdQu-a m UmmÂUmmDm M-ka 'j- EET HIDI ride is, a restful ride, discover THAT RIDE 1" wtSeuth - Phone M7 Ott Drinks - Mgalzines Vm8 CARS ARE ON DISPLAY AT FORD SALES AND SERVICE INSIIRNCE FIRU. HASIfADVANCE (Oontinued f rom Page 1) supply slaip lu Norway's waters. "The raadway through Norway has been used too, long." he assented. F. L. Mason, pust director in the company, declared that he was pleaisod 't o s the company doing so vell. He heartlly endorsed the agents, and the remarks concern- lng the director a! the company, Captahu Gifford. frwmn T. Ormiston, reeve of East Whltby Townshilp, o! fered lais con- gratulations 40 thc firm on theiri fine record in the past year. Wm. 0. Webster, one of the coa- pany's oldesi agents, declaned i was a fine thing te have the co-opena- tion o! Uic h directors, and the cona- pany vas the only insurànce con-_ cern thai ho knew of where the agents met once a month to discuss difficulties. '1'. A. Wilson, inspector for the' Company, stated that the inspec-, tions lac was making would, bear fruit in the years to come. E. W. Webber, 'South Ontario Fair Board dinecton, agreed and pointait out that the fine losses, since the iu- specton vas appointed, had dropped conslderably. H. L. Pascoe and F. Wilcoxsou, were ne-appointed auditors of the Company. Grant Chnistie, Captain L. A. Gifford, William Bayues, and George A. McMillan, were returued ta, the-posts of directors for thnee year periods each. Lieut.-Col. R. B. Smith vas ne-elected president of the Company by the board o! diece- tors, as wcne P. G. Punvis ta the post o! secnetany; M. Bagshaw, vice- president, and A. J. Howden, treas- Urey. D:nectons o! the company are: Lt.-Col. R. B. Smith, M. Bagshaw, Ameliasburg Reeve, 35, Wiil Contest Lennox- Prince Edward Nbpance, Feb. 16 - Re-opening, iheir nomination meeting hene y es- terday m!temnaoou a! tea a rccd ad- jourumeat one weck mgo vlacu ne eue !rom the ivelve proposed vouici: accepi the nomiamioa:, Pnince Ed- vard-Lennox Libemair unanlmously eudorsed Howard Weeso, 35-yoar-old Ree-. eof Anieliasburg Tovnshaip ac! treasuner cf the LibonaLÀAssociation cf the riding. Simmeons cf Wllton, T>r. E., Bura- hana Wylc, o! West Lake, a former Presbyterian minister, ac! Mr. IWeese alioved iheir names te go te a ballot. ' Dr. Wylic vas eliminalec! by e v'ote on the firsi ballet a;d in the final round it vas Weese 49 ta 119. A motion fo- the unanimeus eni- d orsement'cf Mr. Woese vas movcd and secendod bY the unsuccessful Iaspirants. Autoist to Face Trial As Resuit of Fatality Lindsmy, Feb. 19.-Charged vith daugereus driving, a sequel te a meon accident cn Highvay 46 near heme ou Feb. 3, in vhich John Spence, Eldon Township farmen. was killed, Maurice Sullivan cf Arupnior was committed fôr triai ai the nexi generai sessions o! the peace a! ton a prelimilamy .heaning heme Fniday. Provincial Traffie Of- 0 motorist's dream corne true-such sweet-riding comfort, at such a low price! And beciquse a quiet ei a p tA u b n fi 0' ù 9 n ti t: fi Fromi top te floor- thene's space galore! NOW ON DISPLAT More usable and accessible food stor- age space, acbieved wvithout increase ini exterior dimensions, a ventilated, noni- rcfrigerated "Cellaret" storage compart- ment for packaged foods and bottie goods, and 42 other improvements and refinenents-thes-e are the highlight fea- tures of Norge refrigerators for 1940. The extra storage space in thé-e 1940 Norge models-said to be as nauch as 14.4% in some units-permits the addi- tion of an extra sheif in most models. Cellaret Compartment added in base. A choice of 14 modt!ls, available at prices-to fit an), purse, oný easyv "Use-As- You-Pay" plan, make tÏle 1940 Norge the Greatest, Value in NORGE.Hastory. Brandon Radio Sales And Servico, 114 Brock St. North - Whîtbi Phone 620 MORE STORAGE SPACE ýIN NEWI94Ol Everyone I. Admil iig This Iaig New Norge Eloctnic Rdar

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