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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Feb 1940, p. 6

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THE WHITY- GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1940, Agents Wanted AGENTS WANTED-SILL WRAT EVERYV HOUSEHOLD NEEDS:- Familex Salesmen live selling guar- anteed 1amilex Products. QUICK AND) SURE SALES-PAIR PROF- ITS-REPEAT ORE)!R5. Get tacts and catalogue today. FAMILEX PRODUCTS, 530 St, Clement, Help Wanted R.ELP WANTED - WHY WORtI FOR THE OTHER FETLLOW? Well estab1Lshed buginess of your owri available for man or woman over 30. - Must be neat and-have good reputation, willlng ta work 8 hours a day on good payiri, route. Car net necessary but heiptul. Write promptly, City Sales Department, 2177 Ma,ýson Street, Montreal. For Rent FOR RENT-TWO HOUSES, -ALL convenience.,, newly decorated tIiroughout, Garages,, gooci garden, fruit trees « Apply H. L. Pringle. ýPhon1i 747, Whitby. PLUMBING PRED T. GOODMAN, COLUMBUS, Ontario, Plumnbing, Üeatin', ipur- nace, Electric. Fumps, Eavetrough- iug. etc. Telephone Brooklin 1303, or Oshawia '1298J. Card of T hankes Mrs-. David Brodie BeSe and Ger- trude wisbh o express th*i grateful ,appreciation to the maýy -friends 'in Wliitby-and elsewhere for their kin*iy 8ympathy, beautiful f lowers aud other assýistance rendered dur- ing their sad bereavement of a dear 1-msband and fatiier. Mortgage Sale TJNDER AND) BY VIRTUE of the Powers o! Sale contained lu a cer- tain Mo(rtgage, *hlch will be pro- duced at the tim&e of sale, there wifl b. offereci for sale by E. J. Pomery, Auctioneer, ah Publie Auction, on Tuesciay, the 27th day of February, 1,940, ut the boum of one-tbirty o!cloclc ln the alteruoou utthbbc far of- Gordon McKay, ut Whibevale, Ontalio, the following property, nainely: ALI, AN!) B;NGULAR those cor- bain- pas-cls &~ tracts o! land and premises, sihuate, lying snd bclug in thc T 'wnship o! Pickering, lu bb -e!-t.Ontario, and bcing 17 32 tintise Stis Concession ot bhe id Township o! Pckering, c.utalu lu aIl, 125 acres, more or less, W land le deecribed lu eortgag number 16362, to The Agicultu al Development Board. -ON th said fanm there la sald te be eneabed a dwelling bouse witis suitable f ar buildings., THIE lundi wîll be sold subject te a Reserve Bld. TERMS 0F SALE: Tweuty-!ive per cent, of tise-purchase niney te be p ,id. down ut tise Urne o! tise sltiie ba.lnce te b. secured by a friort agr witis interest ah four per cent. per auun. FOR furitiser particulans sud con- diti-ns or sale apply te THE COMMISSIONER 0F JAGRICULTURAL LOANS , Eat Block, Parliatment Bldgs. TORONTO, Ontaxnl& DATE!) at Toronte, this Second dayý of. February. 1940. (33-34) ADVERTISING: Noticetg Creditors .IN THE ESTATE 0F ADELAIDE LOUISA CASEY, DECEASED AUL Persons having d 1ai1m s against the Estate of ADELAIDE LOUIBA OASEY, late of the Town of Whltby, ln the COunty of On- tarlo, Married Woman, deceased, whô died on or about the f frst day 0f'December, 1039, are nereby noti- lied to scnd ln to bb' underaigned Administrator on'or before the lit day of March, 1940,.full particulars 0f their dlaim. Immediately alter thc said lit day of March. 1940, the Usiets of the intesbate will be distri- bUted amongat bhe parties entitled thereto, having regard -only t0 dlai=s 0f which the Administrator &hall then have notice, ta the ex- clusion of aUl others, and ho wilI net be lhable te any person for whose cdaim he shal l ot then have notice for bhc assets so distrlbuted orany part thereof. DATE!) at Toronto this 2nd day 1of Fobruary, 1940. DANIEL CASEY, Adiinistrator, by Smith, Rae, Groom & Cartwright, -320 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont., bis Sollcitors herein. 32e ESTATE 0F WILLIAM CLARK, DECEASE!) JOHiN1 Ail pensons bavingcdaims against tbc eatate of William John Clark, iste o! bbc Township o! Pickering, lu bbc Counby o! Ontario, Esquire, who died ou 7th Januamy, 1940, at bise City of Toronto, are requined ho send ho tise undersigned ful particulans o! bbc sanie, on or be- fore bbc 25th day o! Marcis. 1940, alter wbicb date tise assets o! bbc said estabe will be disributed wtb- eut regard tg bbc clain'i'o! whlch ne notice bas been received-'. Dated ah Toronto, Ontario, this 15th day o! Febnuary, 1940. RICHARD -HONEYFORD, 631 Confedenation Life- Bldg.. Toronto Solicihor for George H. Elson, Ad- minietrabor. Wanted *~ANTED-WHITE EGOS WANT- ed. We pay hlghest prices. Bank' referencos. Shlpments called for personaliy. Write "Nearby Fams", 1041 College Street, Tobronto. Shorthorn Sale DURHAM COUNTY SHIORTHORN Association will hold Its lSth Auction Bale o! purebred Short- borns, Tbursday, Feb. 29th, at Alex Prouts fanm, Bowmanville, %4 mile soUthtbo! Kurv Inn, on No. 2 Hlgh- way. There will be offered: 16 bulse, 13 heifers and 1 eow. This Is a very choice offering, ail frein accredlted or federally tested berds, and negative to the blood test. For catalogue write S. Chas. Ailin, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. L;OST-BETWEEN DUNDAS ST. and United Church, a black Foun- tain Pen. Name on pen, J. McGreg- or. Finder please leave ah Gazette Office. For Sale FOR SALE - LOVELY MODERN home on Brock street norhh, verY central, harciwood floors top snd bottom, eight rooins, every modern convenience, garage, garcien. Apply Mrs. Charles Cowie, Phone 345. PROFESSIONAL CARDS UNDERTAKING - W. C. TOWN Funcual, Director. and.Embalmer Ambulance Service <Phone 410 - Wblthy A. GMARLOW FUNERAL SERVICE, AMBULANCE 3. M. Black, Dîrerfors Funeral Service Phone 738 - Brock St. South MEARER i- FUNERAL HOME i 117 King St. East, Oshawa S. 3. .Strowger, F. J, Megher Funerai Direetor. Manager PHONE 907 -MURRAY A. ROBINSON Ambulance Service Fineral Dinector and Furniture -Dealer. Phono No. 24 Brooklil, Ont. DR. -A. S. BLACK Veterînarian & Surgeon BROOKLIN - ONTARIO TELEFRIONE 6Z -VETERINARIAN DR. G, R., BOOTH Accredited Veterinary Large andi Small Animal Surgeny Personal Attention ta Ail Calsa 323 King St. West, Oshawa Telephone 917, Oshawa MEDICAL DR. R. -T. MacLAREN f hysician sud Surgeon,- Residonco Laid 0ffice orner Mary &ud Brook SI.., Whitby P'HONE 4W7- ý>R. FREDERICK A. CUDDY ý'iîYscLN cat USt Byron ansd CollioneS. s PHONE M1 MONUMENTS N. W. STAFFORD Dealer ln Importod and Canadian Granites. First,'dais work at modemate prlces Phone 462 - Whttbv LEGAL W. J. HARE, BA. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Successor to A. G. Browning, K.C. )fflce: 110 BROCK STREET N. [7cephone: 392 Whitby1 R. DONALD RUDDY Barrister, Solicitor, Netary Public Office at the Court Rouie, formerly cecupied by A. E. Christian. Moncy tb Loan Phono 339 Whltby DUNCAN B. MclNTYRE Barrister, Solleitar, Notary Office: Breck St. -South Phonoe606Whltbi INSURANCE L.W. DUDLEY Representlng -Empire Lif e Insurence Co. "0is Fire, Automobile, Accident aud Slekness CEMETERIES GROVESIDE CEMETERY W. IL. JONES, Sexton Brookllu Phone 2M5 Ontario TAXIS Central Taxi Service DON. J. BRYANT Plione 364 F~or Day and Night Service PHONE 314 HIE For 5 PIVATE SALE-PRIVATE 8ALE of household furniture,, consistlng of. Bedrooni suits, living rocm suite, dlnlng room tables, couch, kitchen atove, linoleum and con- goleuni rugi,one wilton rug 3 x 4. curtains, fruit Jars, etc., etc. These articles may be seen the week of February 19 - 24, 1 to 4 p.m. and 1 bo 9 p.m. Ternms cash. Ms WinnIfred Scott, 207 Euclld ar6t Phone 518. ROUÉE l'OR SAIS- IN TUB Town of Whltby. close t0thie new four-lane provincial higbway. a very desirable 8 - roomed brick bouse, with- erery modern oaven- ence, hot zater heatlng, hardwood floora. good cellar, front and back staits, garage and pisasant- sur- roundings. Tho spropcrty zill be sold at the rlght prie te right buy. ers, and can b. seen st any ime Address -Advertiser', Gazette oi- F'OR SALE-USED TIRES AND tubes for sale. Apply Johns Place. B.A. Service Station. Dundas street west, Whltby. Phone 977, FOR SALE - BATRIES FOR sale, $4.95 up; easy ternis. Johns Place, B.A Service Station, Durtdas Street West,, Whitby. Phone 977. FOR SALE-TWO REGISTERED Jersey cows, springers. Apply C. Wilson, Kingston Road West, Whit- by. FOR SALE-CREAM SEPARATOR, suitable for one or two cows, will sell cheap. Also, year-old-- Pullet.s. Blythwood Villa, Brooklin, just north of Sunoco Station. FOR SALE - SQUARE PIANO, good condition, also large framed mirror. cheap for qulck sale. Apply H. L. Pningle. Phonie 747, Whltby.. SAIS COMPANY RETAINEqI JUDE AS. $ECR[TARY Conant Promises Full In- quiry Into Lengthy Charge by Col. Drew Toronto, Feb. 19. - Opposition Leader George Dncw brought te thc attention 0f Attorney-General on- nut lunbbcheilabure fflday, a stabement lu a meent issue of the Fluanclal Post wblch claimed that Couuby Judge Ambrase Shea bcd been an officer o! bbc Fronstenac Construction Coxupcny at a bule wben thc compauy zas engased lu carrylug ont contracta for thc De- pambmeut o! Higlsways. Judge ishes was s magltrate for theCOity 0e Kingston at hti he. Mn. Connutsid 1h15 wus bis finit intimsation af-the niatter sud prom- Ised a tfull Investigation o!fbise facts. Col. Drew rose before the Orders o! bbc Day sud quobcd tbbofollo'wisg paragrapis from bbe Post article: "'Assoiated wlth Leslie G. OgilvIe lu thse direction of bise Frontenac Construction Company zas J. Ans- brase Bshes, K.O., o! Kingston, c former secrotary cd the Kingston Liberal Association. Mn. sou zwas a dinector o! bbc company and eithcn Its aecretary of hreasuner during bbc period o!fniait o! bbc transactions clted. (Tsese transac- tiens ncfcrrcd te contracta obtalued at Ottawa by bbc company). Duning tise sanie peried ho wua aIs a mag- istrate for tise City of Kingston sud surrouudlug counties. Magstrat@ Bshes rcsigued froin Use board of bthc Frontenac Oompsny during tbb suznner o! 1939. On Jan. 4, 1940, he wus appeintcd a County Court Judge for tise Couny of-.-York." "This article requires some au- swen,"1 said Col. Drez. "This coin- pany isad coutraets for $408,000 !rom tise Hlghways Departnit fron 1937 te 1939, accandlng ta Pub- lic Accounts. This article dlaims that bbe company isad as au off icer, J. AmbroSe ses, tison, as tise papen says, a fu-tme magitrate. Tise article refera t etebrmnse! bbcth Magistratea' Act which sys that no magistrate issui practice any pro- fession or business but shall coyote bis wisole ine ote cduties Of S magistrate."y Mr. Conant said Use person iu question wss recently appoluted to bise ocunby court. bencb and for tisat rebzSe any Investigation migist bo su unusual one. "Tisat h wbhy I said at the oubset that the. usatter migist be a delicate eue," neplled Coi. Drew. "~But it canuot b. ignoredinlutise public ln- terest." ',i mnst &&y Ibi la Vthe finit lu- timation I bave bad <o! cîthor bbc item ibid!f or bbc facta," ssid bbc Attorney-Genna1. "There are be- twcen sevenby-flve sud 100 magis- brahes lu Ontario and lb is im- posible te keep track o! ah theïr activîties. But I wii have-Ibis mabten luvcsigated."1 "Iu vie of!-tise direct questions asked by whsb must b. termed a respousibbe publication, I believe ,biis natter sbonld be attendcd to ah once." saMd Col. Drow. Antique furniture, cf ber bbc polish bas been appllcd an a se!t rag, sisould be rubbod np zitis a fairly stif! brus, used, o! course, lu bbc direction a! the grain. T>à is ngs up tise full offeot o!fbise marklgs on theowood. Thrsa mthed LOWER INSURANCE AS IN.ffl WEST, SHOULb COME IN EAST, SAYS ' CONANT Fire Louses in Lastera an ada Lower in Paut Fîve Years Than i Previousi Ten, Maple Leaf Insur" ance Directort Told By Attorney-General RATE REDUCTIONS PUT OFF-BY FIRMS Criticism of Rates Does Not Ap pl1y To F-armera' Mtuals, Hon. G. -D C o n a n t Emphasizes- Recommended by Do- minion. Board. l'EasternuCanada hba a ighb hO auticipate substantial decreases lu Insumance rates, comparable wth wbab bas been donc lu Western Canada," bbc Hon, G. D. Conant, Ahorney-Genersl for tise Province o! Ontario, declared ah tthe aunual meeting o! thse Maple Les! F'arm- erqInsurance Company held' at Columbus Mon'day a!ternoon. The Attemney-Genrieal, -whe h aà past director lu the cempany, coni- pliented bbc organisation ou their fine *record lu tbe pash year, and voiced a hope for an even botter record lu thé future. "In 1939 the net Insunance lu force o! all farmena' mutual insur- suce companies lucreased about $10,000,000 te a total e! $562,000,000. This was a continuation of the steady increase sînce 1936. Iu thse sanie Year, 1939, tbc surplus o! al f anners' mutuals Increased about $490.000 te a total of $3,362,000. Tise surplus of alI companies bas been sheadiiy lucreasing durlng the last six yesms, so that lb le now five tumes wbah 1h was lu 1933. At the end o! 1932, bwenty-seven cern- panies had deficits tohalling $367,- 000 wbile ah the end o! 1939 there was on]y bwo cempanies with de! 1- cits tohalllug $20.000. 1h la gratlfying lndecd that bbc fanm mutuels bave se niatenially iimproved their posi- tion aud Ibis Improvemeut. un- dOubtedly ludicates biset bbey wflll be In a botter position te serve their menibens tisan tisey have lu the paut. Probes Sabotage "1h la aimait a platitude te ne- mark tisat tise war bas a!feched aimait evemy bu4iness. lb la, -bpw- ever, equaliy truc tisat i1hbas s!- !ected every department o! govomu- mental accivity. 7Thsis laiudlcated by bbc tact tisat since tise eutbncak o! war early asat September, a gresi dccl o!fbis. activitles o! thse Fine Masbal's Departnicnt have been deveted te 'war emergeucles. Sus- pocted sabotage cases have becu lu- veaigated, wsr" emergency bulletins have been issued sud speclal lu. spection o! fine bazarda lu war In- dustries sud military promises hsave been undentaken sud bisis service wili pnobsbly ho exteuded, Witb tise concurrence e! tise inistor o! Na- tionfal Defence, tise Ontanlo-Fine Marsisal's office Is uow looklug af. ter fine prevention lu ail Royal Canadcian Air Force properties in Ontario. Wblle lb would probably be a! sonie lnterest te elaborabe ail tisat la beiug doue lu tise Fine Mar- sisal'5 <epartment lu connection witis wan emergency activities,I bave probabiy said eneugis ho indi- cate that this departinieut l co- operatlng zitis-tise Federai authoni- hIes lu tise sanie way as ail othei departnients e! tise Province lx evenytblug sud every way that nia: assist lunbise successful presecutlor o! bise wan. "lb le, perbapi, e! greaten Inheresi ho deal brlefly wlth tise figures a te fine iosses whlcb bthe Fire Mar. sisal boa conipiied !ollowlug bise ex. penlence o! 1939. Lait year tise tota fine bs lu Ontario zas $7,900,001 as companed zibis *9,400,000 Ilubi proviens yesn, 1938, a decnease o: about $1,500,000. The average bota fine lais for bbc previeus five year, was $8,700,000 sud for tise previou, ton years $11,800,000. 1h zili be se from these figures tisat our bota fine lois decressed lu 1939 by sbou -*800,000 as compsned witis bi average for tise proviens five yesx sud by slniost $2,000,000 as coni pared with tise average for bth previous ton years. Tise fan f ir boss bas dccreased proportlonatel with a reduchion o! about $100,00 lu 1D39 as compared zibis 1938. Fui thormome, tihe fanm fire Icoin l 1939 was ueariy ane-half million dollar leu than tbbc average -for bbc pre- vieus five-ycar period snd aven oue- ha],f million -dollars lesa Iban bhc average for bbc previouston years. Fanerae'1Mutuals NetIncluiol «"These very favourable decresses in fine lbases justify mie, I believe, ln making nome observations re- garding fine Insuranice (rates Iu On- tario. I want ho nialce I1h ean ah this point that what L hbave ho say egardlng rates doos not apply te fanmera' fire mutuais' but la direct- ccl entinely te strafgbt stock Insur- ance companles. The insuned fine inaunance losses In the Province for 1939 -were $6,500,000, the total fine bass $7.900.000, bbc balance on dl!- fenence epresenhlng un in su r ed loases. These, figures fer 1939 arc very close ho the record 10w bos mfark estsblisbed lu 1937. They fol-4 10w-,a succession o! five years o!. very low loss cost. In terms o! lu- surance prenilums, the loss ratio for the luat six years lu Ontario bas approximated 3511 and indicates the uecessihy for a reduction of fine Insurauce rates iu the Province. "The Government dees net make or coutrel fire insurnce ates ln the Province either through, the Superinteuderit o! Insurance or otberwise. 1 hope lb will neyer be necessary ho -do se. We aineady have enough regulation of business and, as -I bave previously said on many occasions, the less goverumeut in- terfenes with business, the betten lb is fer business and the betten 1h 15 fer geverumeut. But the govemu- ment doees, through the Depart- men t of Insurance, compile stahis- tics te show the expenieuce e! cern- paules lu the herms e! premiums and losses and is definitely inherest- ed lu seeing that premiums bear some reasenable relation te tbe lu- surauce besseq lncurned.- The facts and figures indicate quihe clearly that a reduchion lu fire insurauce rates Is overdue Iu the Province e! Ontarlo. I say* this lu ne dictatorial attitude but for the benefit both of 'the companies snd o! the insurers. If Insurance rates lu tarif! companlea are tee blgh on the basis o! the insurance less and expenience, the natural resuit will be to drive insurens te other forms e! insurance. This Is clearly set eut lu a stahement by M--. W. E, Baldwin, President o! the Ail Canada Insurauce Pedens- tion, a Demliniou-wlde organisa- tien, published lui the New York Journal o! Commerce lu 199 whene he says. lu part: No Reductions Given 'Anether year bas added ho bbc precediug four a bass ratio that la tee 10w to e hiealthy for bhc business and during that year ne- recluction lu rates on commis- siens lu Eastern Canada -bas been broughh about by tise neceg- nized tarif! associationi. In West- it ie re ly 3b e- 0 -6m & -*Af MPw UN FARI 23-24-28 T. QUFBEC .0 - $1193 OTITAWA $5.45 Tickets net - o n sf4 Montiesi IFIED cru Canada action hai beeai tek- en, espeolally in regard to rates, snd drastio-, downward changes, bas been put Imb effeet. «'an Ontario and Quebee, 1iw- ever, uotwithutaiuding the fact that much' time las been spent .Iu attempting 10 preeent a ravi- sion, o! rates whleh would e- flect tbe excellent eperience con a numbem of' classca. no action bas been takenon tbb, program, suggested. On. anc pretexb or an-. other every effort to 1brnsn about a change that would allow bhc public ho benefit, frein« t)e pro-1 mulgation o! lower ratM , ndst1 bbc sanie time permit -b t ahe- --1 clabed companlesto imeet non- tarif! competition liai been cf- fectiveiy blocked. 'Reauits of bbe lest fez' years,J in thernselves present iau open i Invitation to tbe govermnents or thc two Provinces ta stop In and do for the public tht WhlCIi bbc companies seem Écther unable or- .unwilling to do., "Sucb a statement froni a.,mana occupylng the officiai, position of Mr. Baldwin and associated- with several companies aetlvely eugaged lu the business se4,ums most-conclu- sivo and ho point, bbc way that the companles should !ollow. "Thene. la another very strlking, statement along this- sanie lino wbicb appears ln bbe Report of the annual meeting o! tbe Dominion Board o! Insurance Underwrlbers held lu Ottawa In,,May, 1939. That Report sets out a recommendabio"n by the Board lu bbc followlng> words: Suggest 2W% Cut A reduction lu rate o! at least 20%,' acconding ho dais experi- ence, lu the Provinces o! Ontario and Quebec on Fire Business wihh the exception o! certain classes. (Schemes o! Rate Reduc- tien are now being falloied ln the Western Provinces.)' "With bwo such pronouncement,, emanatlng flot f rom the Goveru- ment or the Departinent of Insun- ance but fromn those engaged In tbc business theinselves, 1h je ouly rea- sonabie ho expect that substanhial reductions will be made effective wihbout furtherdelay. 'Fine insurnce Is an important item both ho pnivahe individuais in protectlng thein personal belons- ings and te business institutions lu safeguamding their uudertaklng. Premiun's on fine Insuiance are a matenial factor botb lu' the living expenses of the individual and, lu the cost o! dolng business for indus- trial or business concerus. lb là of vital importance that rates should be on the lowest possible basis con- sistent wlth sound financlng and stability, I belleve thie rates eau be reduced withouh uiny way jas. pairing the shmong financial pi- tien that our companies have - tained and ah tbe sanie lime ar considerable relief tote.c-l 9 public. As stated iu Mn. Baln!&' article, action bas been b Ijn l Western Canada wbene mastic downward changes bavebçbuaputc into e! fect. Eastern Canada is a nighhte anticipahe subabat-alde- creases lu insurance rates compar- able with what has been 'donc lu Western Canada aud based upon fine Insurance expenience lu t4sis province duning A he last five and heu yesrs." By NEWMAN CAMPBELL (Tho. International. Unl!orm Les- sou on bbe above boplc fer Feb. 25 la Mabbbew 24, 25, bbc Golden Text bcing Matbbew 25:21, "lWebl donc, good sud !althful servant.") STEWtSJRDinluthbc kngdom le the iubjcb of today's besson. Hew, ,hi other words, sbould we live and act during aur lives se Ibat wc can b. sure we are wortby 10 be classeci among- the nigisteous wisen bbc Lord comes again lu gbory. You 'w'll neniemben that ah 'the close of bbe lait besson Jésus wept ave Jerusaleni, prepisesylng its muin and mourning that its people weuld net accepb Ris message. Iu tbc begiuning e! todsy's besson Jesus and Ris disciples went out o! the, temple, and In spite of al ,te-sus liad tld theni e! things ito ceme, they wanhced te show Hlm bbe vanlous buildings sud bave Hlm adiniirè Ibein. Jans rproved tisen, aaylug, '"See ye net ail theso tblugs? venlly I say unto you, There' shali net ho le!t anc atone mien anothon,, that shaîl net be tbrowu The disciples were curions about these saylngs, an.d wben He sat upon bbc Mount of Olives, froni whicliHe e d eflue vlew o! Jeru- saleni, bbcy came to Hlm snd asked Mlm prlvabely, "Tel us, wben shal these things beý and wbat &hal l e tbb sigu o! T1v comung, sud o! bbc end a! the werld?" Jesi then bold thein o! many things that would bappen-flan- inca, pestilences, wars. Msny false prephets wouid appean, sud many 'waud bolieve these, but His truc !eillowems weuid net be decelved, but wonld go on sbeadfastiy doing their duhy and waihlug until He, the Lord o! AU, sisould.appear. We have net rooni ber4 to repent Ris prophecies aud bell of-sl Jeaus told these humble foblowers o! Ris. Ting Fasbles To Jeaus the disciples mnust have seemèd like cbildren, and He made Aris meaning -.eanrto thein bY way o! parables, wisicb synibolized what He expected o! them, wbon Ho should bave gene. Wc must alwaya be ready for tise .comng, He toelas us luàbise parable o! bbc ten virgins Who werc te go ho the weddlug. feasb. We are bold tha.t tbey must* have* becu girl fniendi of tise brIde sud--were bld- don te b. present at bbc weddlug feait. None huew uhen tise bride- groom would. come, so bbe virgins providcd theusseives zitis banps. Pive of tbbc virgina-those wtie were wlee-took où1 lu vessels for their- lamipa; -but bise foolisis ee book no ohl. Ail îlept unhil the ery wes made, "Beboid, the bridegrooni comobis; go ye ouhtet meet bîln", Mien bise virgins trmed their lampsansd tise wise ores flled theirs witb ail sud llgbted bseni: but -tise foolisb trled te bemrow aoil fron bbc othens, but wene told that bbey had enly onougis for theniselvea. Thon bbc vinglus bas- tcned tobtcemerchauts ho get ai9, but when they retumued tise bride- groom bad came, sud bise gabes wcre Iecked against them. "Lord, open to us," bhey crIed, 'but Re' sald "Venlly, I say unte yen, I kuaz ye not." Watcb, thenefore, JesUS said, for ye lr.ow neither tise daY' uer bise heur wberein thse Son ef Man cemetis. Parable of Talents- Tise parable o!fbshe tab enta la then tbld. Talents zen. zortissi great deal of! ney. Thls Parabîs likened bbc klugdoiniof heaven 1» a inu zio bavelled to a fan c oun- hny. Calling bis servants ho gavO f jvc talents ho the firsb, -two to the second, sud eue tote btird, ac- conding 10 bis abiiby, Thon lis went awsy. Wlien lie camne baék a!ber a. long time, tbe man wha bad been given five talents bcd f iim more, ten lu ail, for hlm; sud IkXo- wise bbc m1b who lied- two talents had donblod'theni. But tbcenimm ziso had only had one talent, ha& buried 1h lunbise gardon aud nez' brougist il, probably corroded and thus wonbh lesu. To bbc finit bue tise master said, "Well dane, 900d sud falitul servant; thon hast been faithfnl aven a -f ew thinga, -I wIll make tbee rulen over n infl thinga: enter Ihou nto bie Jey Of thy lord." But as 10 hlm Who 1184 had but one talent and Whso lia made' notblng, ho zas cash luts enter darkuess. .luntise day e! judgmcnt, "Whem tise Son ef Man ssul come ln HMe glony." RHo al say te 1h05, aR- His, rlgbt baud, "I zas a-bunee sud yegave Me meat; I -wa is irstyl sud ye gave Me drink; I.zas aé strauger, sud ye took Me- lug uaked, sud ye clothed Me,; I wa sick, sud ye vlsited Me;, 1 wau la Prison, sud ye camé unto Meé.'tArid they shall say, '"Lord, -ziscu saz ze Thee a-bungered, sud fied 'Ije? or bbirsby,- sud gave Tise. dik Wbenisaz ze Tbee a itrauger, s", teck Thee lu? or uaked, and cbtb- cd Tisce? Or zisen saz zo TheO sick, or lu prison, sud came unto And tise Klngs&hall answer sud say unte then ,"VeribY I Say unto yen. lamueis as ye have donc lb unho anc of bise leait e!fbiseeMy. bretsmon, y, bhave donc lb unto Me."' We are tise - "Stewards lu bb kiugdoni" go sbonld ze 11v. that- ze zili bave.uo fear o!fzisatever may bof all up,- even tbc Day et Jndgment.-- ILLUSTRATED;SUNDAY.,ScHOOLESO 'WienJesusbef tse emle t cr- ,.Jeans at upen Uic MoutitreOlieU u sabemr. dsciples wthtempe ta ru 4j'im His disciples gablscred aronnd Hlm sud tieem bui dibule s altd "Sec*ho'nt a.skod Mmjconcernlng Ris second coIn- ail the thinga? Vcnlly 1 say mite you. Andg: "Te us the h 8. bOfIsiaigi b. *There 1ahail flot lie lethere oeeatone Ainwasiall hO Uicndsigi a! Thy ceni-m Imm masother tliAi shah net lie. thrown lgsu f1eaioII.wr "lh TO THE MARITIMlES F FB. 6 Aul.caaadan afieStations ln NeW Utuwiek AU aflmihienAtimatise l, Bations la Nova icotta -Ratura Limit- Leave Nova SeLtla points aet ater tbaa FPeb. 28. Leave New-Druî"swIck p oints ne: laser titan Pb. 27 >Not Gesi on TranLeuvlng Motreat 3.00P.m. Fun perticuars and Hand 91 rom any Agent POOL TIN SERVICE CANADIAN CNDIA PACIFIC- NATIONAL, FXPORTS RECORD United Kingdom Canada's Bedt ustomer in' Janu- a""' eprtReveal Ottawa, FP*.1- l -The United Xltnplom wss Canada's Ieadlug buy- eo n lj *auarxpert figures me- lesaid yeatray by bbe 'Dominion Blureau be! Stttios, ahowed. O! Canadals total export o 94000 bbc Uulted Klndom 91ook ,555, 000. The total Jauuary expert was 28.6 per centgreater bbsu lu bbe sanie mentis lut ycar wben tise amouiit was *70,083,000 and e! tise latter total. bie United Kingdom book $25,- 554,000. Ite United States wus Canada's second beadlug .purchaser in Janu- amy, takiug $28,809,000 compared ~hei~5oUet q~t. Parable of the talents .Wca dOueý goQ itthusevat-Mt31, l> 1 1 - '61HT with *25,311,000 lu Jauuary, 1939, an incnease o! 13.7, per cent., Aus- tralia, *Ih a gain e! 70 per cent. wus lu third place ah,*5,20,000 cOr pared with 3,054,000. followed by Franco witb $2,618,000 against $82,- 000 and Japan wlth $2,133,000 cprm- pared -with$2,263,000. Other leading buyors wibb figures for January, 1939, lu brackets: British South Af ica *1.700,000($1,- 841.000); Britisb West !ndieà $1,0' 180,000 ($064,000); New Zealandi $6b7,000 ($2,075,000); British Iucha with' Burina- $640.000 ($M9,000); Straits Settlements $613,000 ($254,- 000); Newfoundland $550,000 (483i- 000); Norway $508.000 (425,000);ý B-raîl $434.000 ($192,000); Boîgluza $329,000 ($820.000); Mexico $2, 000 ($250,000); Argentina $2V5,009 ($120,000); China $239,000 ($400,-" 000); Cuba $226,000 ($245,000): Netherlands $206,000 '($739,000). Exqulslte' talening, unpmesd pleats pnedominating, gladden foin- inlne-miuded girls lu preference te the severely pressed pleats of! yes- terdsy, and what a saing on the pressing bibli 1 <1 -1, The -Sunday School Lessoa-n k

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