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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Feb 1940, p. 7

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ONîCLEF, WEDNESDAY. FURMtARY 21, 1940 Canada and bers -of Britai n's Fishing Fleet Dai t ire loseirin n Mr, Comant reported. Tbe yesr wus $7,900,00oQïcam par ani average over the previous - years Of $8,700,000, andi aver prev*ous ten years of $11,800,0a0. ri ternis of Insurance preiniums.;" sad, "the lom rate fur thie lait yeara lI Ontario uaseapproxi- ed 35 pet cent. and indicates the. %suty for a reductlatn of lireli- Jic. rates lI the Province.",- ~augh the. Province had no con- aver fire insu-rance rates, Mr. ant quoted tram a, statemçnt of E. Baldwin, prealdent af the Ail- L4a Insurance Federation,, who :"Rautsofo the last tew years âemueves, pre3ej, an open mvi-' n -to the two Provinces (On- 5-and QUebec) to istep li and do the. public that whlch the cam-, es seeni eltiier unable 'or un- .gto, do." .le Dominli o ord of Inai;rance uriers last y70r rommend. 6roucton in rate of At Isait 30 cet.iOtilo =4 - QueWc, 3e~ Cwiaui.doit la ouly rea- bis to sxpect fiat aubtantial iotiona vill b. nmade effective Lout delay." lhe said. . r. Qouiant -congratulated tii pny on Increa lx iInaurance roe andImprovement In iItsfI- cual position. "This, uxidoubted- Iicates careful andl capable iagoment on the paut of your rd of directbrs.11 hea ald. NNISB [OAN I1$ HELD il? IN 11.8. plsivg Committee Defers W"nS.nàte'Approved- Legiglatîon luhington: -Beieed Finlanci itwatt at least anotiier week be- s he vil know whether ta ex- 5tfurther finaxicial aid -frorn the~ ted States COoverrnment. lis becamle appaarent when the ise cf Representatives Banking luLtee deferred a vote on Sen- -approved legisiation to i ncrease capital of the Export-I mport. Lk $1O00,0000» AcWiig Chair- i Clyde-Williams saidthue con- ee probably wo*,ild vote withln ýw das. lie legiblatioîu woulcl permit the k ta grant Finland $20,000,000 o! lit, in addition Wo $10,800,000 ai- ly extendedt for purchases in the b.d States. ven if the onuîte nônv Put Toranto.-It and costly war, mitted to an ali- and is. lunlted li job through, E Minister of Finan dlay at a Joint lune the Canoedian Club dian Chamber a! At -thé, concluson members of thet roe and paid a spon ,ng tributa tali *IW.O r uzutc4 1P at PiWp*m no' hetter wl". Our OUIpltici, Mu race o?'.w creed may be," Colonel ~Rawon sald, III belleve that Cani- ada wants te, put every ounce she, can muster Into thila war and thait' in trying ta, estimate and apprais-, her capacity every true Canadian wi approve the prînciple o! not hcuw littie, but rather;-how much. "Canadawil need money anti wilU need It lI very large emounts. It was estimated that our clef ens contributions for the flrst yqar o. the war wouid cost at lcast a mil- lion dollars a day. With the air trainlng scheme they actually total roughtly $375,000,000. "Now we are kstiinating for the next fiscal year, and the require- - ments for wiat we are now 'com- mltted to will be at least $500,000,- 000 to Mardi 31, 1911,""Colonel Ralstoru announced. TORONTO COAL DRIVERS ASK "CLOSED SHOP"1 - Toronto: Members 0f the Toron- to local af the Coal Drivers, Help- crs and Truckers Union went on strike Monday with the object cf ebtaining a - closeci shop cevering each ceai company in the city. Union officiaIs claimed 800 men or 98 per cent. of Its memibershlp, answerecl the strike- cail. Ceai com- panies adinitted the industry was Fwthout 'proper delivery facilities due to the strikt. 1part et Great BrltaWn's hug flshlng fiz, hDen a cle foodd Une'o! defence, comingbInte port atte I any tawrsar "i.This fleet bias thus far borne the brnft Of men have 1sthe~ Ithe Northi Sea. The trawlers have hecu bombed thlng connected w] whUle they did their werk. Now thc Briiih gov- 1 lucre to d o th e J XpWt Testify Against'Hos. Iltal Eîth.r, Solicitor Claima Ini Court x!ngSýn, - Na Kingston doctor wOulda g8]mevidence against Uic Kingston Vene.ral Hospîtal or any ither city LiCyieln, W. H. Herrlng- ,on, K.C., soiçitor for Mrs. Minerva )Jenn, alegeci Monday fr'!ore Mr. Justice Hogg ýn Supreme court. Ilrs. Bmnn Is uing the hospita! amd Dr. Duncan' oucher ai Kings- ton for damages. LU. Herringtcn \sicec for an ad- Journrnent until mqy on groundls that tue hosptal ýad refused ta furnish hlm with ceýtain evidence. F. J. Htughes, Toronto, acting for the defendants, subrnitted that Mr, Hcrrington could have obtainied the records'if lie 1o u dc igned application of"MUS. ànn a-o~ ut in the Htospital Act. Mr. Justice. Hogg rûlled'that the case would be heard at the present ossize sltting and. that 'l wolnd his best to make it Dossi~ o r Hierrington .to get the rs~ie n formatîon f rom hospital rècords. Mr. 1-erringhon told theý court that Mrs. Benn had been operattcd on last Junic 28 for a fraeturMd hip by Dr. Boucher. She had ffllèn out of bcd anti was now a heipless crimple. he sali. The casr wil proceed later hn the week. r-PRINC% TEMPERATURE REFORTED IN MIDLAND Mldland: While Southcrn On- tario dur ïtself out of heavv snow -William Haysey. union secrctarY,'. na this winter piayground h, billfvitliln a f!ew days, House contended that one of hhe f actors dsrc a akn nteya' nut~# oudflor tieotaind efr bringing about the dispute was, that F warmest weather. with. a hlgh o! 55. lse onesy orTeay. . Admn city cdealers were e:nploying non- ' degrees above zero, Jtaoe Joncderhe oan imîn-th union help andI pa,-ing wages belew The deep* snows whlch have been ~th'aor tol tecomdtte that1 the union scale e! frorn $35 to $45 aecumulatiki over thîs district slnce - avace-arcdymaletetj a week. before Chir:stmas turned to vaten be ftepublhad benlai o thena-1 everai ceai companies, anxîous ho in the sudden thaw andi roadways dut tat'F0an -wo !~have as many deliveries as possible ran like rivers. donI thik yo shuld xpec béfre f the strike, obtained Despihe the elouded skies resi- lis'o leimd $20000,000 (additiongl> ho permission fromi the police coammis- i dents here doffeti their overcoats ?%~anud If she>his beep defeateci be- isien to deliver -f rom Surnday mi- and tisrelled In the unseasonable lor thc loa.n is actet ulpoii." he! nighh unhil the strike opeined at 71 weahher in topceahs and high rub- tSffled. "I thinlc we- would gîve i..Ie otso aohs tbua sane adclltlonal credit iflhhey__________________________________ lim atifi ftightlng andI wihh a Çhace ta vin." Newfoundlanders to Hunt Nazi Mines MN AGED 24ARE CALLED TO COLOIS ,Lýdon.-Reglstration o01men of -4aus of age anti hueho have rettlcLte age o) 20 oince Jan. 1 Igreer. March -9, w eeks carlier than liad been- ýxPected. l he e.nnounccmnent on- the day 1LI 23-year-olds were bel g regi. - ýýkd was intcrprehed as marklng a bed-upp01fiiobillzatlon. lâch registrationl adds approxi- ~%tely 260,000 men- te the arlmy ~, Ai menup te the age of %are hable te eail uncler a Royal >tMamstion o! Jan. 1. - red delbgatcs, ù=ornOt- rt , Willî àm, are expected h. annual tva-day con- the' Ont. Horticulturai ta be held in Tarante rEdward fHotel, Pcb. 29 WORLD NEWS IN GRIEF London: Britishi plane bombe And poualbly sinko Qerman submar- lu; tour aeuurl bps a dtva Britishi sunk: Britain ttps up nia- bilizatian prograni; orders 250,000 mon ta report Saturday; Allies re- dluce their trade restrictions. Stockholm. Sweden refuses te send direct multary hclp ta Fin- land, bars march tIumoagn na- lion by foreàign trçops en route te Finiand. Copenliagen: Foreign Ministers of Norway, Sweden andi Denmark will cont er on February z4 ta dis- cuss war situation. Berlin: German auxillary warsnip 4ltmark reported nar- rowly escaped capture by Bri- tihdestroyer. T!eIlUIi ~~usIanArmy ôoraë-'es' aheaci ta three Pinnieli positions, FlnmIsii COMMUli:lque says; mdlitary ,intoation admizs Red aimy cap- tures Summa; Fixins bomu raiiway between Leningrad and Kareila. Moscow: Red Army laim capLure oi two Finnisita wns nor6ji oz bumma; reports 21 mare Finnish "defensive fortiti- cations" occupicd. Washington. lHouse -passes rec- ord appropriation for navy, strikes eut proposal ta builcl plane base on Guam Island. ]Paris: topposition criticizes French wartime censonship. lielsinU*; Fury cf Russian a! fen- alye stepped up; 20,000 artillery siielis hurled into Mannerheim Line in single hour; Finns say some forward positlion un ne recaptured, but admit sonie ground yielded in Summa sector; -more reserves cal- ed. Moscow: Russians say Finus rctreating and Russians advanc- uxxg an i&amara, railWay point four miles, north ai Sunima; report capture of 53 more Fln- nlsh positions, making total ai 153 claimed seized -in 15-day oîf-nsive. Sofia: Bulgarian King ousts pro- Nazi, Govenment o! George Kios- seivanoff. Berlin: Goening enliants Ger- man farners ta greater produc- tion, ammounces higlier pnices for milk and butter. Aboard S.S. Lang: Roosevelt re- fuses to deny or confirm possibllity oi -rendezvous wlth spokesmen of Britain, France and RLaly on sea cruise. Shanghai: Foreign miltary observers express belle! Japa- nese invasion lias spent Ils forct, short of goal; Chinese dlaim invaders on the run I North and South. Rome: Supposedly under Genunan -pressure, Itaiy hlits f illing o! anms ordere for Alles. Paris: Cold vave tiglitens grip on ail Europe. Baikans suf - fering wonst; hundreds perlai. London: Bnitalu allers te convoy world's shlpping against German subrnarlue;Finnîsh recruiting af- f ice besieged by volunteers, includ- ing Canadians. 2 Lonudon. Briish Fcreign of- The (lountess o! Sc!ton la sheva distributirg parezis amceng-many of fiee demanda explaiation -why thc Newfoundlznd iisl'ermen wliohave arrivel "somewviz c an Enýgland"p Norwcgians failed te !ind ý Oi- to serve wlth BritIsf mlne-sweepais. They'il work wti men who have, tons on Nazi, prison ohip Ait- been called !rom Great Britalli' huge !ihig fleet bo serve as mIne- j mak, aika SbP be Intzrned;. swcepcni,,Tnasury oudor wjuire BMIuil -10,000 men from thec fleet for duty as mine-sweepens. dy are daing tbis dangeraus work and many fisher- ives. But they are a hardy breed, unafraid oi any- 1the sea, and 1! mInes must be swept, they will be DEMAND PROBE 0f FRE BR15ADE1 Belleville Aldermen Express Views Following Publi- cation of Letter Bellevi.lle. Investigation of tho Bzlleville tire department was urgeci in city council Monday night. A year ago, the council battled over the dîsmissal of a fireman, wh-o was 1ater reinstatecl and a statement madle by ex-Aid. Laurie Lewis, form- er Chairman of Fire in the local press concernîng the reinstatement again awakened the ire of the coun- cil members. Aid. A. Kennedy, chairman of the lire committee thus year, suggested there "be an inves- tigation into the whole lire force, ta clear Up everything. I would suggest an outsider be brought here to whip the, lire clepartment- into "I thlnic there should be an in- vestigation into the lire department belore the city hall burns clown," said A.id.,Robert Pringle, after re- ferring to an instance when one of the lire trucks broke clown and had to be taken to a garage f or repairs, while answering a call. French Smash Ring 0f Trotskyite Plotters. Paris, P'eb. 20-Police report that they' have broken Up a ring of Trotsklcyte piotters attempting to foment dlhobedience in the army qrdl have azrested 16 persons, seven of them women. ownens tb turn la slxly Usnlted IStes soecurltiou two Nazi freliters b.ize#î four amutral manc n BrtIsh shlp suak. Osla., Fate oi Altanark apparently clepends on tTorway's decision whe- ther she was arnued. Beulin; Indignant Germans Ilireaten ta settle scores wlth British; Bigh Command re- ports "numerous" prisoners cap- Iured on Western Front. Helsinki: Soviet attack on Man- nerheim >Jne slows clown, but guns andI planes are active. Moscow: Russians dlalm te have occapied the station o! Somme on the coastai rallway, only five miles soulli ai Vilpuri. ParfsF Third G-ermàn attack 'in two deays on Frenchi outpost tails, Frenc h report.. Cristobal, Canal Zone:. Prest- dent Roosevelt inspects Panama Canal defenses, scails wesîvard mb 1, acif le, apparently tb fish. Asuncion, Paraguay: President Gdeneral Jose Felux Estigarribia be- cornes dictator af Paraguay. Helsinki: Russian artillery draps shelis rcgulariy In Vitpuri, iniormed source says; Finns dlaim destruction o! l8th Red Army Division; report Manner- heim LUne troops standing firm liniiew positions. Mascow: Russian arniy says Kar- elian Isthmaus pifensive "cleveloping successf ully.", Paris: French report repulse o! raid on Western Front. Londlon: Britain acknowledges terpedoing o! destroyer Daring, 157 men losh; tells Norway Enitons seiz- cl tram Altmark will net be sur- rcndered. Oslo; Nonway indicates sic may try to put Britain on trial le!ore League oi Nations ln Alt- mark case. Berlin: Diplomatie tension be- tween Germany and Norway eases. RUNS IN BARE FEET TO SOUND FIRE ALARM Collingwood. - May Martin, 13, ran nearly a mile in zere weahher in her bare feet,. scanhily clothed. ho spreacl the alarm whien fire de- stroyed her parents' hoine near here Sunclay nighh. Together wih his wile andI five children, Robert Martin wis foreed eut o! his houe-e when the tire started shortly be!cre midnight. When mounting flam!>. threahen- cd ta dpestroy the barn, Mav ran te Alfredl Smth's telephcne. "Thi littie girl w2s so excited she could hardu1r speak, but the opcr- Possible 1-à Cov. -Gene-rai EARL Or ELGIN URGE INCREASE IN .- ?AY FOR TRUCKERS Toroto, - Thie Ontarlo Govein- ment ahould act Immedistely ta bpoIlce the -niotor transport indus- try with the specific -objective of raislng the standard of wages for transport workers and regulatlng the industry ttself, Leopola Macau- lay (Con., South York), deelared ln the Leglalature Monday. Opening the debate -on the Bud- get,' Mr. Macaulay -crtticized the Government for flot acting upon,, the recommendations made by the Royal Commission ()n Transporta-1 tion, presided cver~ by Mr. Justlc Chevrier. Thie oniy recommenda-j tMon acted umon by the Government was the one favoring an inerease -in the gasolilie tax, lIe assertcd. ROGERS LAIMS CANADIAN ARMY 1$ BESI FEU ONE Declares Incidence of Illness Normal, While Clothing 18 Adequate Ottawa. - The Canadian Army "lias now a far wicler variety o! food than any other known mihi- tary force," Dt-fense Minister Ner- man Rogers stated durrig a 15- minute nation-wld'l broadrast' It, Is net onlybetter fed, but It Is a healthier army. "The incidence of illness ln the Canadian forces," the Minister sali, "is oompletelv normal, and ini cemparison wlth -avaliable EnYilsh andi American Army tables It la founci tht in th,, ase cf Influenza and s1mlti troubles the. rumber of cases ln~ tl'te C'(niae1an ArMn?114e rooortlion- -%telv far below the. two otli'pr ccun- tries." The MinIster reiplied heatedly to Cons-rvative Leader R ,obert. Man- inn, whom he accused o! being "the "hl-f offencler ln makinz reckles"- -m'nd svi-eT)Inq char",«.," and dlaim- d~c th-t «"riw war effort mn th- mil'- t'iry front Ir, onein whl'ih C"r'a- dians can justIv iind cause for pride and satisfaction." D ivision Wel! Clothed 'I'he Canadians o! the First- Di- -vision were comioletcly equipp3et with the new battle ciress befone they set sal for Engiand," Mr. Rogers sail. "There Is ne shortage ,of greatcoats. Oood serviceable shoes, underclothiflg and socks have been delivered ln trernedous quan- titles. Canadian industry and Ca- nadian labor are piaying their part !uily in our van effort." Ouke of Kent May Be Canada's Next Governor-General London.--Speulatiflg on cliaice of a succesor ta the late Lord Tweedsrnulr as Governor-General of Canada, the Suniday newspaper pReynoid's News suggested yesterdâ:y that the Duke o! Kent was "the first favorite" for thc post. The Duke. youngest brother of the King, was riame Governon- General o! Austrglia ln October, 1938, and was expected tn assume the post In 1939. Last St"ptember, however, a f ew days alter Great Britain declared war against Gcr- many, it was annouruced that th; Duke had entered the navy and that he %rould net go te Austraila ,is pianned. Lord Gowrie ls con- tinuing as Governor-General cf Australia. Reyneld's News saiti that ln ad- dition ta beingz the King'q repre- "-tahive at Ottawa "the Governor ic, a kind of unofficial ambassade" ho Washilngton andI officiai circles nt home believe the appointrnent, o! the Duke- Would be welcomed not enly ah the. White Heuse but among those of the Amnerlean anîs- tocracy whose views still carry 4weighh in 'Unitedi States palihics."l POPPINC. FRUIT JARS GAVE FIRE ALARM Arnpricr, Ont., Feb. 19. -"The faint popping of bursting jars of fruit shorer in the cellar gave the a.labn to-day to Mr. andi Mt. Angelo Caruso andI the iatter's nia- ther, Mrs. E. Decola, enabling tliem ho escape a fire that swept their f ruit store, Damage was estimated at $12,000. Pire broke eut at 4.30 arn. in Uic basement. Cause of the blase was unknown but the Carusos andI Mrs. Decola, sleeping over the store, were awakened by the -popplnig o! the f ruit jars andI macle their way te safety. DANES DECLARE. ater ah C-d-morc suresedeti ln cati. 2F4F Mr. Smnith said. s"I GE M SWR N The roads vere net oper. ha tra!- Cpnaen c.2-The lianishi fie, and assistance vas ruhecl by newspaper. Berlingskc TIdenl sleigh. charges that tue *Altmark vas vie- ___________ ating International law whcn it - wught te use Norwegian territorial Mo.e TirdProeat . ateris for transpcrtatien of van On Jane'~ Bmbiga .- -. ...rlsoners tb GermaiÎy. On jaan'ea BomingsThe newsra-pr compares the in- I DUKE .-F DEVONSHIEE i1dent to the case cf Uie Spanisb Tokie, Pcb. 21-The French ani- -tearnsh'p Ioczm2ndI whlcb on. Pcb. ':aaoCh2ries Arsere ,eHenry -The Earl o! Elgin and lh. Diike "3p,1Û.38, ran aground, at Skagen -atrih-day forAhue thîr'J time of~ Devé' sIiirc arc belag promincnî- -iebudfrKhGnnnwt 'o J*,pan over rapeaattd bC.mblilqs oW y ment oneci by the Brt!.slî press,,-,rrn n rie crew and pnlsoners the F'rench-o',crated e-ano-Kufl- as possible suerz j5ors to the laIe f van abeard. 'mhe Dgnish authori- iiing "Raiiway- running iroun Indo-j Lord Tveedsmuir as Governon-Gen- - 'es initêrned the crew and Ut the China Into the. Chineae southWUit. eral Of Cands- JprIsolieri ree. PuiCE 1)QIST wr If War Continues for '11w.. Years Pirices Wii sours Says Gardiner, Toronto: Canadia n LarmesMI flot expeot Increase; Prices for th*i food products durlng, at lesat, the f irst'year af the wur,EHo. .. G. Gardliner, Minister Of AgrIcû1tu predlcte4 at the Canadmn -C hamber af Commerce convention lier. In the firat place, Germany, 5Bd- tain' ancl France have been St«*in food for W --, ho explaIned. *end itheir stores are ample.,- Besides. war seldom Interferes with the. la- creasecl production in epMbattlng countries during. the flrsi7 year. "These increases In production usuaily are encouraged çr#ere they wIll be satest' tram destruction lby. marchlng £rmies," lhe pointed out.' l"After war is uncler way far a year and armies move acoa us of production, demanda for the aur- pluses of countries far removed, ,like Canada, become greater. ýIZ Britain and her Ailles are as stiç- cessful as we hope they wllibe km holding the Gernian -armies i ou" Beigium andiltance, the demand for Canadian farm products wlfnot corne as early in ttus war as lI the last. 01If the war . continues for tbre. Years, Increased prices are bound ta follow," lie said. "But it is thc de- sire of cvery* sensible persa ,n that they should net .risc as hlgh es -la 1918."1 Mr. Gardier _eclared that tour years ago thes Deparîment cfiAMn* culture had bien reortanized for war iutO tiredivisiin: sae. MOpeimentatlon Md produto,, -.-" and later a marketIng branci vws added. T;i. lut twa divisions tiglit dis-ý ease ln plants and animais and seelc ta Improve plans and stock suit- able for -Canada. The thurd encour- ages better and more production. But the marketing branch la the real hope; it attacks the- probleni ai surpluses. Out of 1t grew the Agrîcultural Supplies Board whieh contacts, the British Food MInistry like any' salesman. When. Britain, for Instance, dc.' cided that apples wrer n6t a vit neeesity, this- board opened nego- tiations whlh resultcd hinlier- tek- 'Ing 50 per cent. pi her prevlaus re- quirements. Somcwhat simMular n- suIts were obtalnedhImretn other products 50 that the war de- spite the huge supplies and curtali- ment, did net unduly disturb- the Canadian, farmer. 1 -N ARRANfiE MEETINiS- SFOR FARM TAIKS. ýNothumberland County1 Farmeeim to Hear About Crop Iinprovements 'ne lirat cf a number ai lectures belng conducted by the Northuzn- beniand County Branceh ai the On- tario Department-- cf Agriculture was held at Camplbellford Monday afternoon. Mie special speaker for the lecture vas Mn. L. M. Kerr, Pi.R. 3, Chathani, who spoke on thc tcepic "Feeding, Management, Cane and Disease Centre! of Swine." Re will also speak at the reniainder of the lectures on the sane topic. Mn. Ian McLeod, Northumberland County AgricuItural Repl'esentatIve, Is also spcaking on "Sol and Crop Improvements."i<e Addresses well be given at TOWi'- shlp Hall, Woler: Tuesday, Pcb. 20, 2 p.m.,, Township Hall, Warc- worth; TUesday, Pcb. 2, 8 pan., Township *Hall, Grafton; Wednes- day, Pcb. 21, 2 p.m,, Township j1all, Roseneath; Wednesday, Pe1: 21, 8 pmTovnship Hall, Cold Springs. Thiere Ia a marked interest li thc ralng o! market hogs. at tne pres* cnt tirne and many fanmers z nilanninz on lnereasnp, the produc- tion o! farm crops lI 1940. In cOM- sideration o! these facts, the meet- Ings should .b.o! ofspecialI ntenest te all farmers and producerl Of market hegs. KEIENE SHIPPERSe ELECT 194 0OFFCERS Keene-Thne Keene Ca-oyverat1vS Shi',nw'ns,- Limited. held their an- nuaI meeting on P'nlday lst hiinUth town hall. 1Thq fellowlng ociics WVet lect- cd fon 1940: Prpsident, WJIUMu Druinmond: Výicbê-PrmIdent. Pefcy Donpitison; !Secrptany. Samuel o.- rie:- 7Trpaurer. G. S. Tovlor*; Direc- tans: P. A. Eason, Rqilrh Hum- ,hr1l-s arid.Michael O'KOefe Thoorrrnanv In 1911. sInS~d 231 cattle, 4nl7 calves. 30 sh'tfl, 107 Ir1!.1.857 hio"s. fer a total value -4 AM; 1>1A.73. O!the- 1.665 hffl froM 191 faner.9 shi'rnd to Qýalli visa Ppký%ra Peterboroughi, 745 Ail nr-%!it froni hags ahinte tl,"ôt'e1i the C'%-oArtivo.t6 COaa. *dct Ppec-kýrÉ,P io'tlI i FCr l93. -15 Mç#pt#- unu4yo (Ilv@ "'eftbfi lm a b&I0 V 1 yùetnt tJiat *492."78 Uf ý back tothe 10fUMnie'P Of

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