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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Feb 1940, p. 8

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PAGE TEN TI-a awla ar&J a irar  r JIU'IKT ,- - d 5.~ V 1HN THE PENALTY BOX By D. ýS. i - AGENTS EVE!tY Familex anteed AND SI -IT8-RE and caf> PROPITI Montres KILt.>?1 FOR T%, .availabl 30. m -reputat4, & aday - net nec prompt 2177 M Whitby, Port Hope Make It A Tie Game Seventy Minutes Failed ta Break Deadlock as Each Score Eight Goas-Both Teams to Meet Again Tonight ]Port Hope and Whltlby internted- la. ple.yed seventy minutes vitî- out> a verdict lxi an exciting gaine for groP bonors at .Port Hope on ?niday evcnlng. Score vas 8-8. Port ZIOPe, faclng chîmination vith a blm, held a one-goal lead vith one mn.n iite f0 play li t c final peniod. Port Hope !- Goal, Cancilla; de- fena, Douglas, Crawford; centre, SJack Phillipa; wings, Jim Phillips. -Pilllavorth. suba: Rovden, Pernber- ton, lLoach, Williams, Camtpbell, Rils. WhitbY-.Goal,. Clark<e; -defense, Wat.son, Bagneil; centre, Heard; wings, Brown, Piper. Subs: Kear- ney, Vîpond, Dafoe, G. Phillips, Hooper, Hunt;er. Referee--C. Crosset. First Ferlod 1-Whltby, Phillips (Kear- ney. «............ .....400 ;I-lilhitby, Heard......... 8.08 3-WhMitby, Brown (Bagneil) 8.20 4-Port Hope, Jack Phillips (Crawford)............. 8.50 5-Whitby, Kearney......... 10.05 6-Whitby, Bagneil (Wilson) 14.14 7-Port Hope, Jack Philllps (J. -Phllips) ...........1.08 e+Port Hope, Wllliaxn.s .... 19.50 Penalties--Vïpond, Jir Pjil1lips. ONTARIO HOSPITAL BOWLING LEAGUE Anot lt r chanige in t tic 1 ag uo standir took place in th- 1adies' league it fthe Ontario IHospital when Miss\,Smith's Strikers were ]held to a close decision by Miss Mr-Bride',% Neutrals, and Mis> flob- 'lnsonVs Storm Troopers went iinto second position by trimiimmiç Mr. Dewsbituy's Knockouts. foi, five points. Thle Gladiators c.'ine back wlth a nice win over the Thunder- boîts. taking four points to crie. TI the otber haîf of play the Go-Get- ters continued their hot pact andi proved too good for the Toilers who have been ehowinr, good foi-i of League standing to difn: p > L p Go-Getters-----3 r) 29 - 49 Storm Troopers . .3 C) 22 ,14 42 Stnikers........... 36 14 12 41 Toilers .--- ,-....-36 21 15 33 Gladiators--------3iý6 1 r> 20 ]Knock-Outs .....36 17-,19 27 Titundeaboits ..... 16i5 2 1 2S Neutra is 36 13 23 22 fligh Scores For Seaon 591-For tre prmes, miss Robinson 246-For one game, Miss jý Smilh Hfih Scores, For Week 566-Poi- tire' ganies. Miss flRobinson 245-Por oune a aie, Mna I[l Iaut- .domI 9t5ê eat don't worry &bout 'ationcarda be- cam;e we'vc got a lunch theyll Se brlnglng Plorne the bacon tonight, Ery tVeaM las an "off night" and Its just as well te, boys get rid of theirs before they hit really tough golng. They're a good teant and they play their+ best hockey when they're up against another good teant. Gananoque.sports pages please copy. Tic South Ontario County Junior Hlockey League - an Up and comn- Ing offsprlng o! the old S.O.C.L. - la having a good season with Wltit- by's entry, titled thé Yellovjaikets, li thc top spot at preseant. Exhibi- tion gaines playcd leist night ended wth the North Stars downlng« Cen- tral Seals 3-1 and Cedardale defeat- lng the itans 3-2. Sudden death semi-final playoffs start next week wlth thc firat place Yellowj ackets. oppeslng third place Central Seals ihn the f irst halt o! a double bill at Taylor's Arena Mon- day night. Westmount and Cedar- dale, la second and fourth positions will round out the evenlng. Dont forget the Midgets again on Saturday afternoon. Full particu- lors ýof Saturday's contests appear elsewhere on this page. Last week's contestas drew a goodly crowd. Keep up the good work, folks. Second Period 9-Pbrt Hlope, Hills( ?em- berton)................ 5.30 10-Port Hope, Jimn Phillips (J. Phillllps) ............ 6.00 11-Whitby, George Phîllps 15.05 12-Whitby, Bagneil (Heard) . 16.00 13-Port Hope, Pillsworth (Douglas) .............. 19.20 14-Port Hope, Jack Phillips (Pillsworth)............ 19.59 Penalties-GC. Phlllips, Crawford, Third Period 15-Port Hope, Pemberton (Douglas) .............. 10.00 16-Whtby, I-eard (Brown) . 19.00 Penalties-Piilsworth, G. Phillps.- Overtime Period No score. No penalties. Whitby Midget Hockey bague Semi Play-offis Next Saturday lI LIe first o!fle semi-playoffa, qf the Whlt-by Midget Hockey Lea- gue, sponsored by Whitby Lions' Club at Taylor's Arena on Satur- day, Brooklîn Blackbawks were de- feated by Lhe Bruins by a score o! 8-0. For some reason or othes' tIe Blackhawks dld not appean te le in their' usual form and try as fhey would were unable to register e goal. The Bruina on the othen baud were strong contenders for the cup, maklng an exceptionally fine shov- ing. I the second garni> Canadiens and the Rangers failed to score a goal. It, was a îe when Refere Sleighliolnirn îng tus bell. Both teais w rrcý tied but there vas aý veryx app~arent lack of-combination. Net,Salýtirdlv the second o! LIe serni-final -nplayaff.s withi goals Lo roiiiànt will be pla *eci th e winners Le pla 'v for the cîalnpionship. At one o'clock the Rangers xii ineet-the Canadiens and at 2:30 Lhe Black- hawks and the Bruins viii clash. TIformation fron-i B iac khbaw k s heiaiîrters is that. while it mav be liard to overcome an 8-goal lead, there vvill be Something doing ever minute. NU.L.Leaders Stay in Front \orelFeb. 20-There were slif'ni icings for &corir.g leaders, in Iiê N -tJonqi Hockey League lust wx c-s but despite the fart they fail- eti to gai n a point. Mil t Schmidt O~f BOI-n and Bryan Hextail o! Ne Yo" ',- RangIrs retained their î asthe circuit's No. 1 and - - u. 2 lasncr. S. uanîi It' 39 poîits gixe hlm a forpitedge over Hextail, vîo stillisb the league's top goal-getter witlî 20. Herhv Cain of Boston la seculici { >Ie:lCllii, the'imatter of 1tuaIi- ii18a, wluile Phil Watson of the Rangers learis the playrnakers witli 23 axi.tole more than Gainîing a poinit an the week's plax'. Neal Coiville o! the Ranger,, according Lo officiai league statis- tics,1ield 01on10 third place in total points uDit32. Balance of tIc lIst slîoweci a hakeup, however, Woody Duniart of Boston taking aven fourtti plare with 31, and Wat.son and Bilh Cowley and Bobby Bauer o f Bosten corning next wit.h 30. Gorciî,_ Diillon of Toronto Maple Leafs dropped dowit to eigîtî place, failing t0 actd to lis 29 points. IL was the first time this season t.îat Drillon had been lover than fourth, 14 liosition le held lasL veci. CONANT PLEIIIES AMnYE SUPNIT FOR .IL. ME Mmt Cry of Conserv- tvsOnly Vote Snare Charglnu thatUtheprMSise etf Na- UMoMalGoenzûment by Hon. . J. Manlon, Conservatve ladrva only a thhily dlngulsed deceptionte catch votes. Hon. G. D. Conant of Oshawa, Attorney-Oenenal of On- tario, and provincia meniber for Ontario ridlng, pleagcd h1usel!te support Lhc candidature et-W.I H. Moore for re-election as the Llb- eral member for Ontario Riding lni the House ef Ceaimons. This pro- mise o! support vas given lni a speech at te Liberal convention on Frlday niglit at vhlch W. H. Moore was named candidate. Hon. Mn. ConÎnt's pledge of sup- port came durlng hia address la whlch le declared tht thc Libenal administration at Ottawa vas the proper one to carry on the proseu- tioxi o!' Canada's van effort. He polnted out> tht tIc Lîberala have future actîvltles weil chantpred and develeped along the Unes decmed most advantageous by the Imperial government. T he Coniservatives titrougit thein self-stylc.d "National Party" move seek te taire t-bat task over. -Asked Te Swap Hçnscs 'Wa are asked te swap herses whlle crossing a veny dangerous stream. And 1. ettphasizp. that It is a very dangenomas stream vhich we are crossing,"'- declared the attorney-general, witl great cm- phasis. Hon.-Mn. Conant's addreas te thc nomination meeting vas a.% followa: It Ifsl nov juif> a littie oven tvo years and five months aince lni thls same-Hall you lonourcd me vitit the nomination as LIberal candid- ate fon titis Riding la the pendig electlon te the Legisiative Assembly. Aithougî deeply conselous o! that honoun I must admit that i under- took the candidature vitit trepida- tien. IL vas indeed a momentons step for me personall-.ete taire, and perbaps you tdf> at tite time titat, you aise vere more or less experi- mentlng ln entrusting the represen- taLion of thc perty ln this Rlding te, me. If> la unnccessary tor me te deal vltl tIc events vhlel !olloved tlat nomination of September 9t1, -1937. We vere successful beyond my fondeat hopes largely, if i t entlrely, due te your loyal supporc and unfalling efforts. I slncercly and cordially thanir you for al titat Y'ou did on my behli and te ensure mny election at that time. Made Attorney-General What followed vas perbaps as great a surprise to, you as it vas to ne. Without any varning or preliminanies I vas sworn ln as the Attorney-General 0f thc Prov- ince of Ontario on October 12t1, and lmmediately undertook the du- ties o! that office. With wnat suc- ceas or otlervise I lave fulfllled those duties muat o! course le lé! t for-you te determine. But 1 thinir t ean f airly cdaim this for Myseif with ail duc modcsty and huniillty, tIat I lave given tote w orias representatîve o! titis Ridlng and as Attorney-General every ouce o! -encrgy and vlatevtr abilities I posseas. Furthermore, nay course bas been chartcd along certain de- finite lunes. TMc administration of justice la titis Province must bc maint alned on the llgheat possible plane and lni accordance vith thte maxlm «"equal justice to ail"' Ras Neyer Intcnfered I bave not inteifered and viii not interfere under aity circumstances or on behlf of any persori in the administration o! justice. To do so would shake thc very foundations o! oun civilization because tIe courts must always repmain the bInN wark against prejudîce, pantiality or improper Influences. I arn equally anxious, hovever, fIat the administration of Justice sîould le made equal for al lI ac> as vel as lI theory. Unfortunately ve have not vet attaincd to that ideal because of tIc delaýys and expense that are lnvolvcd ntaklng iL possible for the vealthy min te Invoke tIc courts I a manner and to an ex- Lent denied te the man wititout means. Most a! aur practice and Procedure la the administration et Justice la the saine as It çvas sixty yýears ago. xIn the meantime there bave been enonmous changea la transportation, communication, sdientifie developrnent, business ne- lations, our economic structùre and in almost cverv sphere o! human rclatlonship and activity. As vas sald lanfthc report o! Lord Mersey's Committee set Up in England to study sudh matters, "T7here las been a decided fallure to keep pace witl changing conditions." I hope, however, and believe that If> may 3,et be possible to so refonni our legal practice and procedute as ta meet more adequately titan ve do nov present day con<4tions and present day needs. O! course that wiii not corne about wi*tlout a strug- gle. There are 'always reactionar- les wIe viii say 1"jt Lthinga remain as they are," bu* Idlieve thte rea- sonableneas, f1. cconomy, tIe Jus- tiee, the dire neceslty ot changes and reforma wlll commend tbem- te the vast. majority ef our people, and viii resuit la a ne,# order- o! thlngs calculated to accomplisl Lhe greateat good for the greatest nunt- ber. Lauds Candidate You bave nominated si your, and I might say aur, candidate in your pending Federal clection my estecmed tnlend, W. H. Moore. I commend and congnatulate- you.i ]Pcv nidinga hICanada have lad1 thic distinction o! living as thciri incuer han outatanding oiti. urn and',,llmetaranasMr Ma. .bai lad a Most envi. able ecri&ln publie lite. Hb reputtloe. Maà aneconomlsV la ini. teniUcnaL ,The. esteein In whieb h.ý la helit by many tbrough the length and breadtli ef this Domin. Ion Io excptional. I know where- I> was* My privilege' a year or oc ago te Jourcey te Ottawa and ap- pear before the- Committee. on Banking and 'Pinance which vas studylng the question ef 8mai] I~mms vith a 'vlew to legislatian te eliminate a'most pernWcous prac- tice and, undesirable situation. Mr. Moor- was. the Chairman of that Cemmittee coMPosed of dlstingulsh- ed and emlD5nt members of Uie ParUsinent - f, Canada. I> as vr apparent forïi bis cenduet eof tha Commlttee Lad the observations ol the membem lncludlng Federal minlaters, that Mr. Moore vas very hlghlY rrfldsd, and that his views lni SUChmatt4rS Vere treated vith the Utinost reVect. Prom that ex- perience I ggf a new conception of our candl4ste, a conception en- gendered by;* dlfferent environ- ment and anope-re titan that wlxlch I had rvouulY asseclated wlth'hlm. Iame away from that Comxnlttefe x4etlgreallzlng that W. H. Moorej one ot the big men ln the public Iion War oSupreme 0ough meeting -bau been cailed te cons r and dea pimr 117 with Fc natters,9 you wll perhaps par me, as Provincial representative for maklng a few observations. Te greatest issue controntlng ada todav is the van. That t noeuds ail matters of finance, c oe 3ax4d personal or political. Iderations. if we are not; succe ui ln that nothing else wUilmzat .The effective andi Successful pr ctio of the war is-the most 1 rtant concern, and in fact sheul be the only concern of the Parlu t and Government of Canada. can that best b. accomplished? The present Gov- ernment- bas cinluoffice since 1935. It appe lste the electerate et Canada for a renewal of confid- ence. It stands before the people of Canada as a complete organiza- tien with an experlenced miniater at thc head of each Department, siens mîade ncemsary by retson' 0f tIc van manned by seme efthtez ableat executives hi our Dominion. If> undoubtedly lias a course vel cîarted and plans dcvcloped for present and future requirements. If> les knovledgc cf the Inter- national situation and o! the views and plans of tIc Impenlal Gavern- ment ebtained tîrougn many mentIs --o! contlnuous contact. Tlîat, in brie!, la thc Goverarent which asirs the people of Canada for an extension o! its terra of office, National Party'u Offer On Uic other îand, and te demi only witî the other major pmrty, ve lave the group wîich styles if>- self the "National Pantyl" Titnis party says that If you return tlemn to office tbcy viii. constitut e a Na- tional Government composed o! the best men regardless o! party poli- tics or other considerations, and wvýill prosecute thc ver much better than tIe Government -nov lni Power. On ti representntion titis Party asirs you te rejeet fthc pres- eut Government mad turn tIc a!- taira ofthUis eountry, lncluding tIe conduct of the ver over te themn. We areasaked te svap herses vhlle crossing a very dangerous streain. Nov let us examine tuassitua- tion and titese Promises a~ littie furtîen. Wha> la the background o! this National Party? Weil, s0 far as I lave been able te observe every motîcn's son o! theinUr(Ia died-ln-thc-vwool fo-ry, and I recail that these sarne gentlemner at one time travelled, under the banner "Liberal-Conservative Party." 'Men, more recently, tbey called them- selves "National Conservative Party'. Tîrough the years tley bave changed their narnes nov tbree tîmes, Obviously for thc pur- pose' of catching votes. Made To Deceive People 1 say to you thatr this .dLqguàise of a National Party at the presen t time la for that and no' other pur- pose,-to decelve the people of Canada into believelng that tbey anýd they alone are the Party to represent al of Canada and te ln- clude ln their ranks anl-the bra.ins ln the Dominion resultlng, of course, according to :hi repre- sentations, ln the ro réefeficient' prosecution of the wir. Anyr per- son with any knowledge and ex- pertence in such niatters cannot help but corne te die conclusion that the whole thIng la a thinly lsguised deception. What Government of Canada has not been a NatIonal Government? What Government of Canada has represented only one section of the Dominion? AU q'Covernments yre National Ooverninents in the sense that they represent the Antire na- tion. Furthernore, there has flot yet been disclo$ed to the people of Canada the personnel te form this so-cafled Natioial Government dis- playlng exceirional abilities and talents. Let us not be decelved by t.hls artifice. A man's name is worth more, than great 'riches but the namne of a political party la ýworth 'notl4ng more than the per- sons and Personnel 1rho, cCnsttute if>, their ' cord -and their statua. And, aM I jhave saud, the persona and persoi nel constitutlng this se- called National Party are Tories and nothirý_ more and neyer wl! be- anything dIse. 1, venture te predict, that wheft the nominations are alf in, all of the candidates nominated- and travelling imiter thia <'NatIon- al" banner wiIl be Tories. National Govt ?fat Union I have sai before andi repeat. on. thia. occsion- that the- day iâay corne when due te the var eMèr- gency différent arrngemnts-itgiiy havé te apply. Du rlng tIi. Ia war t forai vhat e2crament, b is Union. GOycM * ram the so-"ý êrnmient oftt Boïden, the lit *tive Goffornent the Honourable cuttanlagLibex outlined;their polh sennel If returned t Iment -ULberal aswt itiYS8UMItdhlnp ppt IPMIal te e lectorak sult* that they vie. Pover by amsbstant. Previous te Uie form=, tGovernamint there had speakable abuses, lac! fi, sacrifice 0f thc var effort t1cal expedl.ncy. WIth the a ot OUnion GavenMent thc situ Fvas matcnlMall ltered ancsi-i lstt M Ie UtheUicclose ef the FCanada vaus.subutantilny uni ;and the. most iladeslrable'and Most disastrous practices vhlt had previouuly prcyaîled vere -n longer tolerated. >I repeat that be. fore Uic conclusion of this struggle, -maire ne mnistake, about If>, a life and death strüggle, If> may be ne- cessary for ai tt frm.n a - Govern- ment imir te the'-Government whlch. resulted from. the olectlon of 1917. But Uic present thlaly dis- gulaed deception the Tories are now emplo4ylng viii neyer hoodwinkr the people et Canada, -If and when It becoinca neccssary Our people will, lan my belle!, support a' properly . constituted organization representative of ail parties and al classes in Uic Dominion. But now we are asked te belleve that the leopard has changed its spots, that the Tory party bas becoin, nome- thing différent, bamnthlng new. that it alone la thc party te be entrust- ed vith the affaire of Uic natlin and the conductote an. I do not belleve that the people of Can- ada vili be decelved, but that, on te contrary, Uicy vill express their Intelligent appreclation of the ituati'On nn Marci 28th. For these reastn.. " A n others which I could expound, I tinte and your patience. permitted, and particularly;:,becuse o!f-my high regard. fer your candidate W. H. Moore,, If> la my lutention te as- sist li his electien. I belieVe there la no doubt as te Uic outoome. BilIy Moore vii be elected la titis Ridig by an overwbelming major- ity. Sa tir as, my strength. ad abil- Mtes permit I vl uasst te that end. A statutory mile ln Canada equals 8 furlongs, or 80 chinsa rM20roda, or 1,760 yards, or 5,38 feet or 63.- 360 taches. The nsauticai mile 15 6,80 teet or 1:15 stat>utory mile. .Aside troin the oemmeicial im- portance of eggs which la verY con- siderabie lni Canada,, no article o! diet la miore nutrittous or more uni- versafly uscd titan eggsý -castcSou t!appled tK> aheestwice a weel wilIl maire tenwaterproof.- 01 al l te sad vords of'tongue or These are the saddcst - Port Hope And unless the average mottai pronounces that word- 1-agen" if lsn!t even poetry although we thînk t, expresses the sentiments of theý average hockey fan at the bitter neya of what transpIred in Port Hope le-st Prtday. By some Inorediible freair of fate, fortune,- or *ýhat-have-you, the Port Hope laclcles ekecl out an 8-8 tie w'ith ýhe A.A.A.'s and accordlng tb repor4 the easternears mnade if> fair- ly close. And la our face ted for ail those premature predictions we made last week. - Portunately, folksa, you're going- to b. sparcd the sorry spectacle of an- ,other tilt. wlth Port Hope li these parts. The "declcllng" 'game-and let'É hope we're right this tinte - vIii be played lu Cobourg Wednesday -' night. And the'ultimate winners of te group wiii definitely be stack- îig up againat Gananoqlue. The reat depends on tIe veatherman. Upsets seldom. occur twice-, Max Schmeling couldn't take the BOM- ber the second time they met ýand we do n't' think Port H-ope can do a repeat on Friday's tie gante. Puti your shekels on the local lads and i for Annual Convention Seions 'Six hundred delegates, froni ava te Fport William, are expée oattend te axinual two-çlay C rention o f LIe Ontario Hrticttil soeiation -to be held in Too te King Edvard Hôtel, Fébruay ind March 1. An, exceptionally fine. prop ias been prepared by Esmident, f. MacLenitait, Cuelph, anid 8 retary, J. A. Carrol, Toronito.1 &ssociatioxi bas beexi meeting '% Pplcndld success linlIts campelgi rutal beautitlcation, anid titis s ct viii again be stressed nt meetings. One of the featutes* o! thec ventiox, iliibe thc addtess, o! t Smith notcd Buffalo IlortciItR whe viii talr on the garden ( novement lin thc United States Fettillty needs o! lavns, Ilo4 anid vegetables, vii l e dlscmssed Eprof. !L G. Bell, 0. A. C. Cime ,whU eimprovement of sd rounds vill be the sublect of «I mtan Davies, Departmcnt ofMd Lion, Toronto. W. E, Poster, 4~ don, viii- demonstrate prunlng tods for trecs, serubs, and p an.d Rev. J. W. Siebent, Týavial will talk on flower showi ma4 mtent. of a iitty, M ,cn autocratic th £slng Parliemexit r rie of liberty 1a3 :ougl thUtcdissolu- If ^it the Liberal ad-,e denied the people's Siinformation on the effort.- He charged -ister and ntembers Of rt -ith refusing to answer *favoritisin and pat- lng var contracts, and .ance i the handling vl ds, particulanly vîtI ne-; S gard .> purchase o! a bouse iln W Vancouv-erWthat vas later tutned 1 -Into an offlc-ene,,qes "Neither Mn. Kine h-rOy mcm- W ber of Iis CGovernment 'les l&e a P reply to, these starting and shocklng' charges. TIc proper place fýar theirg ivestigation vas thc Panliament o! Canada. Undoubtedly thc chie! rea- t son wby Mr. King -dlasolved thed House li the hurnied ta.nner lhe t did, vas te dodge these investiga- tions," said Dr. Manion. National Unizy <'No Issue." TIc Conservative Leader said that national unity was no -election is- sue as "ail decent, loyal Canadians arc deairous o!fntalntaining nation- ai unity." The only issues at stalce vere the peace and van records of the Lîberal Government, and "our vhole free Palantentary aystcm. Our frcedom o! speech, particularly la Panliament, vhich Mn. King vlo- lcntly and dictatonlally suppressed, chi bac KCing ýHîtlci Outi. ment Pl atated t. vas fitte< tion of tht pealed tor L regardieu r, tIe Conscrvl peacetime cril ferget tite thir. cd us, and to fectîve prosecut. vlctory la achieven Net Baun Dr. Manton dld< the ~ - wnm to afrve Ïl'%i h eii-OI~t Cabinet but again asserted ti. would not be bound by party ui tations. 'My the tern Natioritl Govcrnmcnt I mean a Governznnt ceomposcd o! some Of the best neds lni thc counitry, able men ivili ~tô serve despite psrty affiliations» le added. Later le said: "No outstaidinglY abl i, ax vibe kept outbecelLs o! lis political affliîtona. ýI ahOuld adn that If> la quite pessle a cap- able woman, vho perlapa bia &hO vide knowledge o! sotie social ce other problema, may le indudel. Leaders ln all walIrV o! lite, bu- ness, lndmstrIal, lal»r and agnlIM1- turc, vould be par4nlanly sultable."1 TIc chargofeo!ialadmlnlstration o! fund3 by ithc Klng Coverninent before the outbieak of ver vas levelled by tI e:nscrvative Leader. Re Said that aie Governmnext lad appropnlated *188,000,00 for defense betveen Its accession to power ln 1935 and tbe outbrcair of van. <'Thia luge aum vas supposcdly ament f . tue,ha- ad. 'e prep&ration)fr thesisaiat. inçit- II'i~~ -p ZExtra Days hiLeap Tenir!. This year the calendar gives you one extra day. And this newspaper will give you another extra 'day.. leap year and everyyer.ifyuwl accept it. You only have to &ive five minutes every 'shop- ping day, to, enjoy an extra day each year. And the a'dvertisements in this newspaper save you dollars as- well as,- time. Here, in interesting array, you'il find the things yo.u want, at the price you want to pay. S0 do your shopping with the ad1ertisem-ents. It's quick, convenient and sensible. T ihen do your buying -easily-in the stores that advertise.. The m-oney you save helps you enjoy the time -you save! tr 1~ YNo t ýtoi%ýJUST1 pr B aleF, mort cent. F C. ditio day -PJ,, rung ?bel FTJN Fa Fun Pho - ERI -Lin P cor TIHE. vmrMy C.AIF-lqlm- Amn ïýecial Speakm L

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