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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Mar 1940, p. 11

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Scczning th 13 Two Italian Ships Looded With, Nazi Coal Seized By Britain Block -Attempt to Run Brit- ish Blockade; Britain Stapnds Firm on Edict, AI- though Italy Ignores Warning London: Great Britain moved toward a sliowdown on Germari coat, exports Vo Italy on Tuesdny by detalnlng two Italîan cargo slips and announclng that Gernian coal exported by way o! Rolland Vo Itiiy xiow il lhable Vo selzure as a prise. Inedetêntion ai the Itallan slips- two af 10 whicli sailed iromn Rotterdam, Holland, for IValy -wu aniouncet Inluthe House ai Carnmons by Minister o! Economie Wartare Ronald Cross aiter Rame h.d protesteti strongly agninst hs A&llled blockade decision as com- prozntslng. relations between Italy andi Great Britain. Cross emplasizeti that the two lps hati been detalned andi saiti tliat German shipments of coal by * way o! Holland lad now "ceaseti." Cross sali that any Gernian con! now expo rted tram Rotterdam Vo taly la aubject Vo seizure as a prize ciwar. Teu Itallsanslips carrying Ger- mari coal lad put ont frani Rotter- dam in what was regardeti as a. test of he British order Vo clamp down the blocknde on shlprnents ta Italy. Ativisti Vlat heshsips lad left Rotterdami, an official af the Eco- nomie Wariare Minlstry repenteti that miniglit Marli 1 lad been e xe deadlue for suçh shlpments anti ht tlVîtdeadlue reninined lu force. Ic tficlal denled a suggestion that the Itallan slips now enroute miglit be permýit toVapus thc con- trabanti conrai cuse tley lad ~ 'been loadeti betore l1archl' Iand de- layeti by weather nbdîtlons, Pour Italian shlps hati leit Ratterdamn Saturday wlth coal.- Tbey put back an orders frein tlelr * owuers. Six 1sf t early Monday wlth one lu the- leati, reported> Va be a "test" slip. Soan aiter the slips leit IValy made public lts protest ta Britalu agnlnst the coal ban and the British blockade in joueral. A dlspetch froni Rotter- dam'rpret h depaxture o!f fetz ore liIn *C a~s In reply te a question 4rhte lie knew of an - Impending deal, to put Petrolul Ron=e, Rumanian cil compan', ndeGersusu 'cou-, trai, )4r. Crossa @ald 'the company wus not importent andi st4ll wus un- der Rulnanan contrôl. '-umnt had taken a&teps ta wse- vont fiah caught ly neutra boatz 'n r1 answer.d thequestions -1 woiûI4 bç revelng the boums o! arrangements madle wlth Vhe'-nuu-' tuai oountrtee," Mr. Cross aald, op- ptrentIy referrlng ta Norway, the >é7tkilands anti Beiuni. FIRST ?RIZE SHI? IN CANADIAN PORT Thoe aship Palaud, -Vhs tlrst Germari prise*of the Second CGreat W~ar Vo be brought Vo a port on PRIVATE -COMPANIES TO AID AIR SCHEME London, .*Ont. - Private stock comnpanies acrass Canada will play' n, major part in a systeni capable of, turning out 3.000 air pilot,3 every second nianth, Transport Minister flowe sald ihere in an' Interview. The plan will ake In flying clubs #11(i other prl-vntely fiaîîced unitç trid students wlll be Instrueteti on a basis o! a contract between the ehclis and the government, Mr. Iiowe salti. "h t 1 just a inatter af; adjusting ùoat erfis,"- the minister sali. "Thers ls a slgit difference be- twî,pn Vlose ai Vhe department ai 11atlonàl defence andi VIa, ýe 'af the Private corporations, but it is noV 80 ar- spart tînt agreemnent caninot be rendliet. In n short time." The seeieRpplles auly Vo pre- ininairt. -training, NO BRITISH CONTROL BASE IN THE PACIFIC Thg tunè,, Roba Sieeping Woman BelevIlle.-A robber 'entened a residence at 101 Cannlfton Road late Thursdgy nlght, found Mis. J. Murray, 40, asleep on a couch, and struck and stunned lier. The thiug bound lier wrists' and ankies wlth ra4io wire andr'ansacked a bureau, ta'king $4- and silver from a purae. When Mrs. Murray recoveredi conscîousness she managed to rol off the couch, and by drumrulng her heels on the floar attraeted the attention of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Royal, wlio c'cupy lai the house. 't~ was found lier temple was badly bruisedi. This was the se<dond assault on a wonian ln the past week here. Ls.st Saturday niglit a won opened the door of ier home on Catherine Street ta find a strariger inside. Thejman Immediately attacked berý, but was frIghtened off by the vIc- tlm's -screams. FOR PETERBýORO Finance Committee Sug- geste Act Be Amended to Permit Short-Termn Notes Peterboro,-A move towards get- ting cheaper money was madle by the spectal financial survey com' mlttee of city counicil ln a resolir' tion lntroduced by Alderman G. S Gardon, K.C. The commlttee recommended that the Municipal Act be amend- ed ta empower municlpaltles-te laW sue short term treasury notes. City Trust was asked lu anotbLer resolution ta submlt .«i annual statement of its tràhioIns ta council, as recjufred under Section 24 o! the Act Incorporatlig- the' Trust. Alderman Gordan clalmd ti&t, the Tru~st ba. borroped money for the pilipose of plaYlzxg the band market. "The w"Y Vley make their Won-" lie» ha aid, re!erringt ôthe unom.' Iial surplus the Trust has, nla by selllng bonds at, a higher rate a! interost ýand buying tlie=iýat a law- ,Dec1%T'ing that-Peterbo?ê wý a ee of the few clttlIn Ontar$a wth a Trust Coimission a ver which council ba>d zio control, À.Uderman Gordon palnted out that fromn 1914 to 1939 the clty pald $42,844 lu sal- Sucli an expendliture wa-s a dMpli- cation, lie belleved, and lie sald t was time tliere was a di!fférent iys- teni andi the work was handled by, the city treasurer's department. SKIER BREAKS BACK RUSHEU TO TORONTO Urbrldge: Pred Sliaw, flircli Cliff, wus reported. resting com-r fortably lu Toronto General Hos- pital Monday, with two fracture of the spine. He suffered 'tlie lu-- lunies and a dlislocated hip wlien. lie leli whîle skllng at Dagmar Sat- urdaý. Medical aid was given tIn the Dagmar clubyhouse by Dr. R. B. E. Wilson, Uxbridge, who ordered the youtl moved ta Toronto. 'A stretcher wau made ta carry. Shaw tram the clubhouse, ta the roati where an ambulance was.waiting. >The spinal cord Ls noV injured, said Dr. W. Kelth Welch. Dit. T. E. KAISER DEAD Oshawa: Dr. -T. E. Kaiser.,'76, former Conservative member af Parliamrznt4v for Ontario riding, died Tliursday. He was widely known throughout the district. Dr. Kaiser first was elected lu 1925 andi aiter the- House was dissolved a year later he wau electeti a second time, althaugh the Conservative Government was defeated. The funeral wu' hclti Saturday afternoon_ wth hunidreds paying their last tribùtes. Nov- Sc Dm a -aoui te ber buIwarte in the water, the 'Nova \Seotlan 'scbooiner' Chislholini ln khowan, TOP, befbre mhe f<imid.«ed IM the Sortit Atlantic, three days out of L unenburg. ThUspictum *-Iwas na4e trom the deek ufý the SwM1ah> freîgbter. -Bagolsad, whieh plcked up tbek eaptaih and etfewo!f ive tram 41hý schooner ëttw tbeýy ha4 been--adift foj 1IS da& substtpi bu*a said e4ker of waer. Tlxe resoed nenhen s of the Chl*holm mC thowi, BOTTOM <roupeil aoi4.Çaptde Badfian4jMeIlIhior, second from LEF~T$ wof the Sag»land.Cap".ll Gmerge Ç.rkum, of the CbbihoIm last&udbXg beslGé the a<o 'Ms skpper. - I seIldlers movlng I»to L!oeLo EflIl BOJEFsI SWi, fonder. ~m go~ion& weuspeuïded,;' nayordereti EtVaat Beizîpg .GCrman coal <slip- mneiis; Kermlt iRoosevelt resigns British commi ssio'n ta lead 1terný- :lnal 'brigadte ta Pinland; ,Britairi resolute at eudioa! six montha or Moscow - Russians announce troaps withIn one mile of! key Flnnlsh part of Vilpuri. Ankara - Premier-Saydam saYs Turkisl-Russian relations *'normai andi gooti"; disavows aggresslve in- tentions against Soviet.,* Eýupe», (Belgium; Reports heard that al German townu witlin 18 miles o! Netherlands fron tier are belng ejracuated. Helsinki-Finna lace more grounti on Karelian Isthmus; Russiari air raiders lire many Vawns. Paris-France adopts drastie econonile financial measures; gains 50,000,000,090 francs ln gold revalualion; takes steps toward rattoning. Berlin-HI-tler to stress German security and domination of amen Reichi regards as living space in conference with Welles. Romci-Iltaly reported seeking 3,000,000 tons of bituminons ceai in Up1ted States as resuit of British bloekade threat against German shlpments. Helsinkl-Finns report ireali Rus- sien assaults on Viipuri repulsed, dJaim 2,200 Red Army troops killeti northeast af Lake Ladoga, Russians driven back in Arctlc. Soviet dlaims footholti gaitiet on mainlanti west' Càlled Back To Duty London: An officiai ai the Min- lIxtry of Economnic. Warfare, denies reports that a Briti.hi eantrabarid ba.'fe la Vo be establisheti In he Pa- ciic AV tIc saine Vue le salti VIls' did nat meant that neutral. - x hIPs suspecteti ai carrylng con- Vraijain<jwauhd not he seardlied ln the Pacitflc; ant.If necessary. bl >ught Inta Bî'lLshoL ; ,son Vînt Ocea1PRn.A Ru s sip ir, now -be- SIRREGîN4,LI) TY'RWIUTT IMît ROG~ER IKYES ing learchd 0 t IHong goug, lie* Sir, Rsglnald Tyrwhltt and Bfr loger KL"es,, retire-i admirais ot the ESd.Hwevsr, iV wus added, that -British nav. have been recafltd tfikduty by the admirilty, under an trewo.s no Intention Va catabhIl order that those wlth ranks a!et faso!iefa eceot aoi 4Atother controi bue,. -b. an thie actt" ivest Igr lifs. oj dC3IiipuçA~Â*er ttlnvlaole-., NeI?'aic-Mac a rdio says UrilJsh V5sel S tbgate wire- lessel it was bêing attarked.by a submarius Off Puerto Rico; Coast -Guard cuter 'Vualga goes ta shp assistauop, Moscw-aed Arniy reports -ils tV'oops aclvanicng into soullieru out-' slirta of VIIpuni, Fmnrs burning the City. Paris - French civllans face new restrictions on food and drink. Aruba, Dutch West- Indies--Nazi freighter Troja bumns after being intercepted by British cruiser; crew apparently set fù'e x'atier than have ship captureti. Berlin--Sumner Welles ta sec Ilitier todny (Saturdn:y); United States -diplomate Icarus Ger- many determineti to f iglit until liberated from the British "lstranglehold'" on world ccc- noniy; neutrals warned against using Alied Convoys. -Londou - A4niralty announces boinbing af Britisli liner' Doniala, 108 persons missing, helieveti claad; R. A.F. shoots dcwn own plane be znistahýe, Vîrce German planes dowried in twvo days on Western] Front. Berlin - American envoy Welles conchudes German talks, sees Goering anid Nazi Deputy Leader Hess; leaves for Paris,; Germ.any a pologiz*elç for shoot- lng clown- two Belgian army planqs on Belgian sali, Paris - French report Gei*man contingent- captured in Western Front ambimh, two German planes sent down in dogfîghts. Helsi.Yàîi - Finns continue 1 withdrawnl to -ncw defense points on Western Karehian Isthmus, report issian attacks replused on éastcrn part -of Isthmus, 1,000 Russians. killed nort h of Lalie Ladoga. Rome-Mussohini protests Brît- nin's new biockade oà- Cerman coal .ehips ta Italy. Vatican City-Pà4e Plus XII -Praysa wfiÙ&e.,ce at speciaiI tm-Reti arîny continues ta surrou nd VLpui*1, Mcscow CommU- Berne-ewhtzserlarid catis 6Û,-,- w0 traps baek Vo atmy three àaYs *sooner than eiKpected, hearrs Bavariau nd sçlAustrian towns bers strike at Brft1sh and nurlshlppizig; ovet eritain; - AUieci blockacj* ex-- perts go Vo Washington. Londesi - .Britatu stands ground I6* ceai embargo dispute with Italy, 1Jondon buzzes wlth talk . of' Cablnet' ,sbakeitp;,.Air. Ministry.-reporits probable slnk-. ing of Germau submarlxs by plane's, bomb, Mrscw-ed'Arnxy reports occu- pattion' oCtbree towns on Funnish' mainlauti west ai Vilpuri, capture of"Trongsund fortress south o! Vil- puri., -Roms-ltaiian portest against ceai blockade says it Is preju- dice ta "Iltalian interests." Paris-Fresh Germgn divisions taking places in Westwall, French sources say. DECORATED PILOT ENLISIS INR.A.F. Niagara Falls, Ont.: WalVer R. Ilenderson, who was awarded the Croix de Gýuerre, witl, Palm for air exploits witli Vhe R.A.F. in the Great War, lias enistet in utVe offCer .and Treno.stier sofyng offc.e ati beno.-tedson flig officially credited witli four Gcr-, mari planes anti le wns aliot clown and madie a prisoner of wax for four anti a hlf-months. He ilu- augurateti the Rlr-mail service lu China rom Shanglrai ta Nanklng. and bis fhown more Vlan 3,000 hours. GOSSI? STILL PICKING- RIDEAU HALL TENAýNT Landau. "Petertbarqugh's" --col- umnin the Daily Telegrapli, "Lau- don Day by .Dty;" says the Duk~e of Devonsiùre, uuder-secmetary foir Vhe doiMlnions, las expressed lun- wiilingness Vo Vake Up thc gaver-> n: :-,-cneralsliip of Canadae It aticl that Lard. Granville, Lard Airlie or-. the Earl of Athloi7e no'w are men- -t-loned for appointmeut ta succeeti tic -late Lord Tweedsniuir. Earl Granville, 59, better kuawu as Admiral i ain aLeveson COower, succeedeti bis brother to the cari- dlai lu' 1939. He las ret.reÇl tram the sen anti las been govenuar*of! Vhe ie ai Man since 1937, LadY Granvila l' an altier sister ai the Queeri. - The Earh ai Ah-lie, 46, Lsa aLord clambenînîn ta Vihe Queen, a1 wealhliyScottish lajidowner, and a8 veteran of the hast war. -Me Marl ai Athhone, '65, is thc brgàW 01-, Qucen Mary. Fie wMi governar- Kgeneral of Southi Africa tram 1923' ta 1931. byMaon Iýç3ifle -Canadian Vroduefz Jev Cano4ian --se. Protection agaist foretgn fmettor t Ca-, &im -artL-,afls and Iarnéýa alike1 I'iese are# theççcnoýmie antd f 1sal -pbïIveia Mth Dr. IRobert J. Mn-ý _W4n 'Nationai Goverrmenj, advo - ctis advocating ln à b u c -1 Re dlscusse4. ,tbiern at a meeting, î&t'Oshava oti Saturday aftenoon,[ and at a-,»-acoýid on@ ià 13elleviUe, at nigltit.~e fouxids efiscal ywo- gram iupofl.the bi icpe that thie, aTgrIcuturisýt -a the lu- clttriaJ wor'kvý r live ntual inter- ests- Whien lndustry 1s proteeted] 1 gatnist iunflr çonpetltian, Cana- dian -0drliiienhave jobs eir# when thç-ave >o$bs the OanadUani fartm- «ý leù a maket at bis d40Q11wbc1 1 wô nýe«tlngs. oniSat- àam 2nQt a luguh 'ýtaiff eis& '! arnan advoeate. Ipý t bellef'that -tarifis neces» sarIly rnean'hlqh prices. Thie pur.-, -'eof trMIs la old t1 borneý ,tftt galnt fMregn -'cdmpeti-,, -7- ~ Ttbii 1hêy Should be tak,- As Primne Mitilster theufrci. ýb'. -willfol oiv wil b-e t* m0ure pleýges lrom .nianuladturera :that the wll nt ncrease prices If It, A& fou'pd necessary ta rise, the tar- Af! on their products.tW proteett teifrom foreg&cozil>titlon.. 'rls ýss the- pracýtice adopted , VhM Benffett Governxuent ln 193D~ '*Wliuthe ^tailLis vere l 'ncreased rPreclPltatey.» ?Iedge& Wêre ae from maliufacturers- '--that théi would not lncrease- tue _prive bù tiipraduct aucl, Dr.ýýManioù7,de- the pledge.bl!aken': on- Iiréfgn - -tits ud vegetablesý whlc'wauIà comýpete -withAb1eOCa-ý ureof Dr. gaions téade; pçIlcy.. - I ol is alwienicçs, on atir-, daýy that- of ten wli e l ie e or-,ý elgu grawn strawberre. ffteda h1gh prIces <ut o!séasoo, lie thlnks, that. Canadians m1Jglt very- wefll de-. get tile bcflne produot. Captain Se.. Vktoery Britain'. Seàa Poi4ýer Ottawa: *'Sea pawer. viii have to be the toundaUçonl ouwlicli ur ialtlmate vlctory la bult,", Captaln ., .frÏnd, Directbr of Naval 'Tu- telligence for Cdn-7aea, sald at a dinneir ^followlng abonspiel, at the Rideau Curling Club liere. Captain Brand, forper secdud-in- comniand of the toz'pedoed airrat carrier H.M.Z. Courageous, said of- ficers and men of the Royal Cana- dian Navy were tralned and work- ed exactly as the Royal' Navy anid always Xltted in well -wlth the home fleet.- Captain, Brand was transferred ta the Canadian Navy flazt July. PREMIER, MACKENZIE'KING BELIEVES IN BABY KISSING Érinçe Albert: when Premier Mackenzie King arulveti leue iV wau the fiirst time lu f Ire years that le ladl visited lis home -constituency. At the station lu the morning le kisseti at least tîrce 'ba*ies, - anti poset i wth one tt for press- pliato-I grapliers. Rie ehook 'lnnumemable1 banids and spent a great part of Vhe day wit his. organizers. TheT a re c ly ~45 'ewr-pec >e lnu.red in On~trio iast ye oi, incereaç fre>i Min lu'19038 to - 52 in 1 938 ta *1 '"4 if 939. Of t* ffleÙ registered dr'vr An Ontario, 49Q410 of tliei11=1 an aecident recQrd or a police mids- demeanr h1tiwrittWu càthierj tar8 n te MiatQuee's Park. Most - câdntsare not, due reclcless drivmng but ta cezeless or' lucauttous 4lving," saidld Mi. 1w- 1"I l Be~< BegaxiP ilot * kfllng -, a arlia iany.aipri ýR clash lietween three 19ln planes aind-7 a dermnan bomber 'cbn Tui ýe e > Foreign -Qffie Sa1d" ,the Gerruan amùbassadol 'Vlçco Kari voùn Buelow-&lwsnte, 'eafled on 1poreign MiniÈteër Paul , Rpe " Spaak aM expresse4 '<very tnere regrets.» .German avitors bave been wari- ed- agg.l nat to fy&v - neutral nations, iV was reported. A Clerman Verslan -o!-the, Satulrdigy<,$ncldents-ý 'was thti e 6lt o! me Doamier bomber tlougit lie was aven4 Praxie -and faclrig ,three Alled .fi.ghtlng- p lanes, when bche e1fe ieon th-e IV~a.announced tbat Gral wyas pretmred-Ztc exaine any lxi-n dleuigVY demaud by the Belgian The- é1e1l C'Ogernment, denWe that any Gexnnaii plane> t]ew aier Beigluin Monday, apparently - i te1nding tOe. Smie etsthat one liad beien>seën, puued by aSBut- ish crâ-ft. MESTIMATMS I-UGEWA SUM FOR CANADA, Toronto: Canadals Votât war con- ttlbutlons-ýdrect anid through exc._ tension ot eredits -- wlll probably' reach $1,500,000,000 a year, Dr. S. A. Saunders, Canadian ,eeonoist toid the' Progress, Club here. Th-la contribution could be madle, lie be. lleve, wlthout recluclng Canadian living standards if the nation made full use of lier econoic * resodurces. Ei4erts estimated the cast of- keeplng a soldier in the field at $3.000 a year, a- sallor $3.250 andi Rn air'force man,, $12,500, Dr. Saunti- ers said. '.If Canada liad 300000 in the army, 25,000 lu the.air force and 10,000 in the- nnvy., on that- basis ber arinual expenditure would. be $1,250,'000,000.11" Canada at the same time would bc called upan ta grant criedit Vo tho Allies for purchase et gods, liere, credits whlcli *ould be ex- pected,. to re-acli $300,000,000. The1 suin ol these direct and credit ex- penditures woiUd- be Canac's an- nual ws.r expenclitures. ,ada's 5iOns. ýIt i ness. .MILINF" are seéking safe uaen in ,l a tikéi th% ,country7 buever kbdwa. ready beeIn put tQ wasktd te 4p, ln the Dominion'a wtde %xDm cf idustres wIilch vIl1 4deped *ý thdr exisene 1argeIl 'on xot" rnarketýs. The lMat runs U*1 1 train animal toods to h i*&n o« Czeclio-SlQvakta wbich maker's proend ugnature abis for years' becu collecteê ln the -ual-- aces of Europe. But the money alreudy emoyed is oflly a fractIoi-of what là,aiI»- âb1e I! Canada cari xwoviGe o o tunilfy for' the *èfupee nuflât and the money they'havé ans from, wreked hopes lni Zrope. GOES OVERSEAS AT 16, SAYS HE'SçffOUN(GZSI_- Petetrbaro: Againln lu hbl wa Peterbaro district clairms th.-db- tinction cof providing the army Wlpl "Cacaý's yaungest saol4ier.» Ïu tlie lust war Etarxy UIo4tro9k 40f Peterboro reacbed 1kgland bt- fore hils 15t~h blxthdoay. Nowores îword frein Marmora that - db Wriglit/ aiMarmora la.' wlth the Canadian force,% atAldershot, Re 'celebrated bis 1'lth i btMday, ?ebL 1<7. R1e enllsted with tu e lsivan Prince Edward regiment at Pleton sho rtly alter war was deelsred, A~t tirst bis pareAts were oppozed, but lus father, a'retuitned soldier, lU*we allawed' the boy ta go bease*I» wa~ isoanaxious he'd hi'e Ukd run away anld signOd uprnd -thon we would flot have knowu *he5 'he waLs." PROMISES. ?ARLEY (>1< M ILTARY TRAMG Ottawa.-Defense Mlnister RW'. ers this week told edelê 1?QEIfro the Conferience of Dc1em* A1poç4&- tians> that he woùid canfer 5t a early date wltbh h xs u1eo încludiag tra*ntig of thie n -P marient active mlitia. in annual meeting liera the cmn- ference luformed the MbinI4e It was tlie 'uanlous dsire o e- non-permanent active mUltia $p -,erve lu the pressent emergency wlth the Canadian Active Service F& Mu. Rogers sai'd le woiu14 takètlr prablems under advsnet "SEA S" -LT T -London: t ,o" leasýeti of thre H3oII*oôd, Vivien Zieigli, -hogeb for thse* be* fmd Daitd O sbt ptbofflr o! "<.e- Y wUhb the goli '"Oseart" eèIted'the auburj ,hei roi. as 8eariett ol' in el m exick1& îa Vivien Leigh -Presented With "Osar"

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