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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Mar 1940, p. 12

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1PAIIGE TWELVE Il'.' . Omemee have corne an4 gozie gince this time last e4!a' thie headline on tà ae#qk' i>oe4y news. And sa3t, iazà, t a real temm that'8 carrying litby Coli- ours. Taieehips Ime Jdownthat they're going Pi Ion ,,,'y yet.- Binopnie-6r Sister SStê'sW Coin- 1~g1'Party to watch th4ls butneh eareen down the Ice lanes no how absout gilrzng them tbe las .ouplec y 70r support In thie f rm of at-" dan ce frein hêre m, 'bc't' ever bc sald. that tlie County n stili pezod.c a great liocl&ey mls as ever but'that thie old tfime 4pqwda are lackîng. ýI4rWhtby Win Fi rat Enconte'r With Omemee Wi Handily From Cana- diens iii Sudeu Death -Gaine - Five Teama hi -League, Enjoyed Good -Seaàson<,-Plan Cup Pr.. sentation (By Dlck 8,tuart) 'Whuiby AÀA.'s battiaci te a 9-5 victfory ovtr Omemee Intermediates lest F'rlday nighin a garne that ~was alniost, but not qulte, featumeci by a photo-finish on taie part of the visitors. A crow-d that wau't *alurge as It migait have been, was te ted 0ah tthe trills and furbe- lows o! a reai aidUe ganglng attack that le!t moat o! taie spc- * taters gasplug for breatai as a stub- bora band ef Omem-e -puckchasers cut Whibby's léad by four goals. 'Mie ý,YIsltors nearly xhade things very la-ý teresting but Whiùby rallied lu trne' , to- chalk up one mnore cauntar on thie acoeboard before refemes Mc- Alpine seunde'd "Tapa" for the zught. 1 It w-as a sornew-ht lôpaided con. test durluig taie firs frame w'lth - Whltby -scoring w-ltl ridiculous case, y-VAfter Bagneli had,, scered taie Ini- tial tally shurtly over the elgait- minuté marktaie local lads weut on te rack ln four goals lu about as maany minutes wlth taie afaresaid * William adding another, asslsted y"Doc" Dafoe and "Dec" linisel! ering a neat taily assisted'by « EIoe r. Piper taie "pep man" added taie last two on a.sists from Watson and Heard. Thie fans were gettlug a littie veary 'and beginnlng- to murmur about "Just lilte Port *Hope." Taie second period dldn't help, mucai, aitheér. True, taie Omemea lads hldc Whitby te three goals tais turneand -broke themselves- onto taie score slieet via a solo by Dart but.there &MIlwaan't "murai dola'." A few penalties for miner lufringemnts dldn't make mucai difference. Then came a "Frank Merriw-ell lust period" - that's a lousy simile lu view of taie fact-that Frank Is asuppoèbd to be "a football haro" - but we're staying with it just taie saiie. We couldn't calit "a Marri- w-ail finish" bacause Omamee didn't quite finish. Whitby caugait them in * the nick of time and bottled theni up l= ong oa to retain- a pre- Clous four-gcil lead with w-hlch te tWgel fartai or taie returu tilt. But it was exclting enougli and a couple of lads named TnIp and Part. acted as "shock troops" and their doings were suffictently ".shocklng" to "sliock*" most- o! taie , audience eut e! its frst two par- * od.«;of apataiy. At thet3 en second mark'Trîp trip- ped up the ice and, Part darfed riglit along sicle and those two ilasty men (beg pardon) boosted taie Omeinee total to two goals (and It wasit 'too toc çivine"-as taie deais Sy-eterecause aftar that they ,ý1-red te think it should be- come ýa habit and 'encored twica, mucai to thie surprise o! mnany fans.ý Alter some more "tripping" and "Idartinig" a y*outai, nania of Jarne- son, dented thie twine ail by hlm- ADOITIONAL DAILY SERVICE OSHAWA WHITBYý TORONTO Effective MamchA~ LEAVE WHITBy for, Toronto 5:40 p. 1dally for Oshaw-a 3:45 pimn axcapt Sun. andRi. , Tiektu5lomion at Phone -179 - Dundas St. GRAY COAfpjmCH LIMES w p : uespep - as a etuaiboma, hurfile ours ýAftethaittenâe tuEsle lest fflday aigit afe* o! tue local bropheta ýforesmw- trouble Ini' «thein thar zipxthem hilllp" but thie A.A. A.>s tuirned the tslèk tgan with an 8-0 count aipd it must laive beep hard-eamned. 'J 1)he 1oika ae botilneg tO ci oui' for Sutton -sand - etan't b1is them mucai. If thie O.H.A. t, pairs taie boys w-th that 'oui te'lhave to liang out thc S.F sigu at ýTorm Taylor's-Ice Pale Wotta game that .would be. ver ace. self aknc then tue sprea camne ta au end. We miglit mention that the four goals w-ere taie drect result of a siistaIned "Power-play" llntaie form no! a five-man ganiglng attack that kinda.disorganlzad taie, os for awhile but not for long egaugai to prevent <Brownle" froin adding one more te the local total, asslst- ed by Piper. Andi soon a! terwards thie gong rung uhüile cfans wefld- cd their -homewa j> completely sàtlsfled wlth ah ceîËng tht Iêfi Ilttie, to be destred lua$the XVmof hockçy entartgInýeut. Line-ups w-ar* as foclews: - Whitby - Goal, Clarke; defense, May*e andi Vipoud; centre, Hoop- er; wlings, Dafôe and Bagnaîl; suais., Phillips, Watson, Heaàrd, Piper and Brow-n. 'Omemee--Goal, Pihr; defense, Wîlllamsou and Farrsou; centre, Trlpp; w-lngs, Dart and, Jameton; .:subs., Ow-ana, Ellis, Brooks, Brolin wnd Brockley.osiJ Referea-Scotty McAlpi, Oh 1aw-a. Finat Perlod 1-Wkitby, BagnelI (Hlooper) &:4o 2-Whitby, Bagueil (D)afoc). 9:00 3-Wh4iby, Dafoec (Hooper) . 10:00 4-llbPiper (Watsou) . 11:30 0-Whltby, Piper (Heard) ... 15:40 -Penaltles-Frarrm, Watson. Second Pertod -OWfbHooper .. .......1 :10 ý7-meXnnae, Dart .......... 840 8-WibPhlilps (DS4oe, Heard) ............... 9:40 9--Wbity, Watson (Bmow-u) . 13:0 *Peualties-Brown, Bagneil 2, Mlit, Wlliamsn. Third Period 10-Omcmnee, Tripp (Part) .. 0.1 11-Omemae, T1rlpp (Dart)_,.. : 12--Omemea, Trlpp (Dart) ..7: 13-OmeMee, Jamneson ....... 8:t 14-Whltby, Brown (Pilper) .. 18.() Penalties-Bagnal, Willlanmsoa Bruins Winners- 10 20 131 0 of Midget League Hockey Trophy Victors Emerge From Sti Battie With. Two-Goa Lead-Attenlance Sma For -Important Game 01 Ma Lh Curtain w-s rung down fer an- other season on taie Mldgat Hockey Leagua, aponsored by Whltby Lions Club, w-heu on Saturday a! temneon taie Boston Bruins in a- suddan 'death game w-ith taie Canadiens, w-on taie Jack Xing Memoriai Cup, donated by taie Mundy-Goodfellow Prlating Company and taie.-Whitby Gazette anci CIronîcle. Iu taie final fixturae oZtaie League, witnassed. by more fans than usual. taie Canadiens w-are unable te score. while taie Bruina registered algait geals. Plans are 110W under w-ay by taie Lions Club for taie fermaI prasen- tation o! taie cup te taie w-muera, and tIieee w-ti ae annouuced later. Teams ln taie League, tais yaar w-are thie Bruina, Rangera, Canad- iens, Maple Leafs, Maroons and taie Blackhawks. Taie latter came fronu 4rooklin. and w-are very serieus centanders for taie cup eariy lu taie season. Taie Bruina, cup w-nners, were neyer defeated during taie entlre season, w-hile the Canadiens bast only twe games.- The Leafs. wi-lu nana o! taie c4p hast year, were out o! taie runnmng-a! tai'taie fîrst f ew games. Taie Brooklin tarn kad some smart playens, and another vaar w-i make a mucai better, show- ing. Based on experlence o! tais sea- son, soe radical changes w-ll be Liacessary if taie, League la te ha centinuad another year. Net only will there have to aie a definita age iîmit, but taie matter o! w-eight wl also have te aie censidered. TIs year it w-as obvieus that some play- ers on taie various teams w-ara at a daclded disadvantage piaylng againat boys o! thueir ewn mga, but so mucai heavier. Partlcularly w-as this true lu taie Bruina and Canad- ans teams. Ou taie whole all o! taie team played very geed hockey, and tuose vaio dici net w-lu at laast had a lot 'f fun. r y il C, 1% M Yi ei a ai Sc ti it Pl w of - The Jack King Memomial'CuP,, donated by the Mundy-Goodfellow Prlnint gCompany and tha Whltby ýGazette and Cliroailinl memory of the late Jack King, an amployee, for over 30 years, w-as w-on on Satur- àay Iat by taie Bruins, champions of the- Whitby- Lions Club Mldgat Hockey League. Taie cup w-Il!aie formally'presented. shortly to the wlnnemg. ONTARIO HOSPITA. BýOWLING'LEAGUE [LAST-BOIIR VOTERS - MAY BF ROPED OFF Electors Who Arrive at Polling Booths at 6 p.m. ' to Be Polled Ottawa, Marcai 5.-Fer taie forth- cornlng Dominion alection .scrutin- eerg and election officiais wll have a new chore-maklng sure au op- portunity bo vote la given tiiose alec- tors w-ho arrive at taie polling sta- tions at or before taie 6 o'cick clos- ing time. Marcai 6, but. bacausa o! congestion, don't have a chance te vote before th-at time. iu previeus Dominion electiens only taiose w-ho were actuafly laside taie voting place at closing hour w-ara able ot vote. Revisien a! tue Dominion Election Act lu 1938 w-as calculatad to correct tais wltu taie following clause, No. 282: "A t taie heur or taie clesing o! taie poli, at 6 o'clock p.m.. taie veting wilh go on until every quallfied elec- tor who has actually arrlved at taie polllng station, at or before that aicur, lias been allewed te vote. "Special care. however, w-ill aie ex- arcised by the deputy raturning officar and -poil clerk te sac that ne person w-ho w-as not actually present at the polling station at taie heur o! closing is aliowec to vote, aven If! taie poil is stiil open w-han such par- soitarrives. Jules Castoniguay, chie! electoral officer, said sucai a mule haci long- been in affect in taie United States and aie lookcd for little diflcuity in its operation for taie first time lu Canada during taie Marcai 26 yotlng. It does not appiJy to advance polis. Mr. Castonguay said it w-ould be taie duty o! the deputy returnlng officer, poli clark and acrutineers te sae taiat taie regulatien w-as carnied out. Ha suggested scrutineers migait take taie names o! those lu lina aie- fore polling places at closing time, thus assuring tliat ne one arrivlng after that time would vote. Should taie huie-up be large, hue sald taie practice o! roping o!ff those eligible to vote, as doue lu some cases iu taie United States migait be followad. However, taie chie! alacteral efficer said he looked for large liue-ups in few cases, pointing eut that taie largest number o! people voting, at any poIl li Canada is 350. On taie basis o! previous elections lie figured not more tlian 275 o! thase would axercise their franchise, and mith most o! them vetlng before 6 .pm., there sheuld be no large nume ber te be taken cara o! w-heu pois OTTAWA DEALER FINED At taie -Ottaw-a Police Court on Febnuary 21, 1940, taie maxiffum fine o! $50 and $2 costa w-asarn- pesed by taie magistrate on an Ot- tawa dealer foi supphying te the troops stationeci at Reclaclif fa, Ont., 26 sevanty-five-pound bags o! un- dergnade'potates contrary te Sec- tion 2 (a>- o! taie General Rvegu- lationa e! taie Farm Products Grades and Sales Act w-licai cevers fruits and vegatablea. Thais section states: "'Ne person shail pack, transport, advertisa, l- play or offer for sale, salI or have lu possession fer sale aaiy'produce which has net beau gradaci md.la- spected and paeked and markèd in accordauce with taie provisions ýof tais Act and taie ragulations fuera- under, taie anus o! proof o! compli- ance with sucai provisions batng upon tha persan cliarged." I wn [ q te civteol stowfigatesotaer ativitîcwony sne e! ames wlerge pay ted a - lu Hoptai ad eae atti Ona- a le co whptijadin eachanse the wa aomblxicko t hich cang ae sotae omplheionfacfs!The andars otueirfacte SomTGlaiersl aturuebaktaie Srm eoersu a eunoti e atta whie t ae Tan- derbckot ie the thiernamte d struck fe t tae Toleroswho tired- bfyofrt te. ieiosgod,! BELLEVILLE TAX RATE Tax-rate !6r taie City o! Belle- Ville for taie year 1940 ýwiii aie 411,. mnilIs, a four-il decrease !rom taie rata la 1939,, Mayor Glen E. Thornp- son Uniouncad. Estirnates fer taie current y'ear w-ll be brougait down andi preseut- eci te City Council for ratification next Menday nigait,. fort. sanUg odae Legu sadgWondat:ont Golayed Won 39 st0Points Storm Troopers 42 24 18 46 StrIkers .. 39 -27 i12 45 Tollers 42 24 18 38 Gladiators. 42 20 22 36 Thunderboits -42 18 24 31 Knockouts. 39 17 22 27 Neutrals .... 39 15 24 U6 HIgh score iast week, 3 games, 585-Miss L.'Pair. Score last week,,i game, 206- S[DFAIR TeI BE HELil AT BRUOKIIN $200 In Prizes For First i County - 0f fer The plans for Ontario County's flrst Seed Fair, to be held in Brook- lin on Wednesday, March 20, are well under way. This fair is being held under thie auspices of thie On- tario County Crop Improvement As- sociation, and is receiving support from ail the Agricultural Societies in the County. Thie prize list con- tains classes for seeds of alilim- portant croDs in the County, and over $200 in cash is being offered. The afternoon programme will be of particular lnterest to the farmers in the County. Included on this programme are Dr. G. P. McRostie, -head of the Field HEus- bandry Department, O.A.C., who will speak. on "Hybrid Corn,', and Varleties of Parni Crops,". and Dr. 0. McConkey, of thie O.A.C. who ýl1speak on thie subject, "Hays adPastures". -In addition to these speakers 'a nuinber of local speak- ers wifl be includeci on thie pro- gramme. A special feature of thie Pair will be a Junior Seed Judging Compe- tition, and over 40 bus. of registered grain wlil ber distrlbuted as Prime in this section. Tahis Pair shouici do a great deal toward taie greater distribution of g90d seed and cornes at a tinMe when greater production la important as a part of a war. production, .pro- gramme, says E. A. Innesi County agriculturai representative at Ux- bridge. F Trae are two sound resens w-hy taie Dominion Depaitmnent of Agri- culture lias saewn se mucai conceru and zeai about graded orý quality eggs. First, il was fefflt- tlat thé Geverient huas a respousibility lu saaing that taie public obtains pure and good -!ood. Second, inhsisting thaI ees. are rnarkated according to, quaI.ty, taie farmar w-ii'get'taie benefit o!fgrater returus md'taie poultry iudustry w-lU ba improved. Canadian National Railways cros taie Reckias at taie 0w-est altitude and easiest gradient. GoVerament was <sugur-oated ,foÎ our C=nurpton."b "Our .OA.P. officerS, and mn Mr vilthout'peer lu thie world, and Cmainpilot are f amous for bravery- and ablity," Massey- as- serted. "There's nothlg wog with, oWz R.C.A.F., but wby aren't wp gettlng on fastar? Rec3ause of -4fftIu-de -thrown lu , the -wy b>' e ý govermentts Deee Mnster oges.hb"ex- Plained that Canada had ot. beu. ready for war _bMcuse if an thie -MOney had been- spent and there had been no wur 1$ woMldhve beedt wasted, Mr. Masey *sad. Never Flre4 Rife "Young man after young man bua lf t this country for A]derahot and las neer seen, let alone firec, a modern army ervice rife.," Mr. Mwsey charged. "Véry few have even seen, let alone fired, a mnod- cru machine gun."0 'The condition of uniforma wus dsgracefuj, ae contnued. Bots. Bocks, underwear, unifomma w-cre mnotai-eaten and lu rap. j, orne may have becu left, over fron taie Bo0utai African War, maybe tae Crimean War." Whle tae lection had been cai- cd pùrelY for Party. Iunterests and* political advantages, at the same ture It afforcled an opportunity Of. rldding thie country of the barna- oi' es. that infest Ottawa and a gov- erninet that as beau termed -do-- nothlng."i "The country ls united tocay, ln spite o! and not because of mi. King," Mr. Massey aated, "What unlted us was their MaJesties te K:ing and-Queen, and certainly not Mr. iKig."1 flUSTNUNRES: IN SPITE 0F WAR Port PerY, MamCli 4.-lt lias been demonstratedthat, Prime Mingter MÎackenzle !Clng's heart la flot -ln tais war, Denton MaSaey, National Qo0vernment. candidate ln Green..- wood rldlng, declared at a -meeting here P'rlday nigait ln support or Harry A. Newman, National Govy- ernment candidate lu Ontario rid-ý "We are a countmy at war, ad wemust thlnk today ln turniso! -Young Canacllan Itves tht have bacu offereci, are'bclng offered and wlll be,. that we mas' 6ontluué to lAve-under ail that Ike Uion ,Tack represants," Mr. Masaay Warned. "We Vre about to eet elther a governmeuntet foflow policies which ny of us fte!are hope- lessly Inadequate, te demi wltli a worldsituation andi our. part lu It, orý a govemnment aggmessive, with no0 Party tics and whlch eau be as free tramn patronage as taie air it- self," Mr. Massey istated. "It wil aie a govermient, called' national anci composeci o!-mcn with taie bject lu vlew taie weltare. of every Canadian ýsoldiar, salor, airman and civIian lu lime &f war, and the future o! Canada -ln the« peace that la to dibmel "laie anid. NothlngWaa Doue III c-annot fee! that thie Canadian, seldier, sallar and aàirman'are go- ling to be given thie fui! support of- (Çanada If w-e, pemit to continue ln office a man who has se tar ce&-, talnly show-n that ails heart Ms not iu Canada's weareffort," Mr. lMas- sey asserteci. "Taie future o! Cana- da la tiec up with thie future ofAthe Britishi Empire. We know taie de- fense lihe of Canada is te aie found not along the banks 0f taie St. Law- rence,' but along thie banks o! thie Rhine. We are a unit wauting te take our part, but Mr. King sat ln the shadow of war for two yeara, andý dldu't do anything about ItV" Deuling with Canada's unpre- paredness at thie daciaration of w-ar, ha poluted eut that there w-as an Inadequate air force wlth antiquat. ed shîps. ' Youé have read a! au accident here and thare, with splendid young pilots crashig to-their deata i n fast new pursuit planes," Mr. Mas- sey declareci. !'Tere's a diffemeuce between flyig at 110 miles par i>our and, 260 miles per hour. Where wua oui' air-tralning acharne?" Sytory Sugar-Coated He clalmed that taie truc &tory' of the air training w-as not comiug out, and nothlng but mia-state- meuts w-arc belng circulatad while taie truc issue w-as covered up. Taie propaganda released, by taie King 1Trade Fiitr ofm U.S. Tomante, Mamcli 5.-lu financing a' war which probaby willat many years, "1those w-ho contrai taie allocation o! natonal finance". slould not ae permitteci te ver- look taie neeci e! moderate expen- ditums on aiglway developient for the malàtenauce ef Canada's pro- fitable tourist business,,HOn. T. B. MoQuesten, Ontario Minister o! Highw-ays, said last nigait at the Ontario Mtr Leaguas anual diner lu tae Royal York. <'It la our conviction that naxt year aud the follewlug yeams w-n sac exceptlonally heavy touriat traffio frein taie Uuted States." sai Mr. MQusten. "Ca4rtainly. with Europe closed and tai mmen- sely attractive areas'e! thla Prov- Sa&Hon. . Howard Perguson end Hon, GereS.HnrMrysuetn k- CANDIDATE WitbyTown 'ýA* Natign At War Needs National Government"i are looking for new country te tra- vel in, we should get a large share of the busiess ln tais Province." Ontario shouid net be "too mod- tet hat s all pressinteFcn i- n eta xprmn a tribution te financial stability 4.n the nation. United States tour-' ists, were impatient about travel- ling dusty roads, aie said, aud auy extensive teurlat publlcity prograni shouici be wit>aield untîl taie higli- _ays were lu better shape. Flanked on cither aide by former HATGHABILITY 0OF EGGS DISCOVER NMW TE A new method o! testhing eggs1 hatcaility lias been evovedi. î ince made accessible te teumista w-ho under taie surface. -Ottawa, have -founci that tue speci fie gravity o! new laid eggs is5 definite indication o! their halci abiiity. Se they have worked eut1 simple rnethod w-aida can be ustm by poultrymaen. It is described lu Pamphlet "Specific Gravity NeW Method of, Testlng Eggs'fcr Hatchability,"? a copy o! which ma, be oibtaineà by wrlting to Publicil1 and - Extension Division, Domîi< Departmeut of Agriculture, Ottawa Tibe test is carrîed out by imnuer sing taie new laid eggs in a sul solution of definite strength or den slty. Taie streugth o! taie aolutlc, la determined by using a hydro Ifeter-the ouly special quipmen required other thani an earthenw -a creck or enaMellecl disai withi tiglit cover. . ie researchi workfa found, that the strength of thi she i lataie principal factor datar mining taie speciflc gravity o0fai egg. Týhose -with thin, -weak sheai are o! low speciflc gravity andi pou IuftchabilltY., Those wlth airer shela show a ailga specfifcgravil and corespondlngly higlier haisl lng pow-er. .When taie freshi eggs are immeri ed In taie Salt, solution taie struq saielled. eggs slnk te tthe botto« Taie poor quallty- eggs float PMi IF. M-m If you can buy the.suit and hat you wanted Emerging'ail unruffled from the fray While others shuffle homeward empty-han'ded From tra mping miles and miles of- aisles ail day; If you aré always "'lucky" in your largains, And neyer have regrets o'er what you spendc, It' s evident you're a canny buyer, AND, WHAT IS MoRE, you READ THE ADS, MVy FRIENDI ~With apologies3, "ttl#Mr. Kipling * --- .4 - i t 4 t * I I I iMust Maintain -1 0 as president o! tiie-Ontarlo Liberai Association, made nc reierence to taie coming Faderai election. In- stead ha cempared Southemu On- tarlo's 63 per cent o! paWvea King's Rlghways with Nortaieru Ontarlo's mare 20 par cent, and reviewed ails department's recent steps to eQual- Ize tais ýratio. Russell T. elley o! Hamilton, re- tirlng president of taie league, said Nortaieru Ontario naeded and de- scrvad new roads more than did Southerri Outârlo, "'and w-e sliould tlierefore let thern have fimat cai on aur fInaucial resources for read, buildig for taie uext !ew years."1 John A. Tory o!, Tonto w-as electeci 1940 president or taie league. Studeut: "A littie biràl toid me I was going te pass ln Algabra." Teâcaier:- "It must have beau a Touristi From U.S., 11 8.15 - ýSNW kys

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