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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Mar 1940, p. 8

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PAGE E-ICHT CLASIFIED ADVERTISINOG Agents Wanted W$,NTED - -P'EW- DEALER IN Whltby, Brocklin, Pickering area, by large well known Oo>mpany,-includ- Ing a complete Uine o! Poultry, Cat- tle and Hog feeds also bl-r'roducts. Apply Box W< Gazette and Chron- WANITID-6FRXNG CATALOGUE NOW READY.' Over'150 Ieading suit anid dresA stYles. Man or Wa- mn wazitedti every town to sell exclusive macle to, mensure suits andi dresies. Liberal commission. Write today- for particulars. Brit- ish K.nlt, Simcoe, -Ontario. Help Wanted -For Sale CONFUSIQUS SAYS BUY YOUR Tire at John's Place and malce no mistake. Your credit la good. B. A. Service Station. Dundas Street W. Telephone 977, Whitby. HOUSE FOR SALE -LUN TM, Town of Whitby. close tuo th1e ne% four-lane provincial higflway. a %,ery cesirable 8 - roomeci bricli floLse, wîith every modern conveni- ence hot water neating. uardow f ora, good celiar, front and back stairs. garage and pleasarit sur- roundings. This praperri willI De- sold at the right prIce to rigifl IUy* ers, and can be seen at any time tAddress "Aýdvertîser", Gazette Wi. fice. FOR SALE - SQUAR PIANO WA.NTIZD -GIRL WANITED TO gcod con*'ition. sîso large îamed assist In Laundry. Apply Matron, rnlrror, cîeap for quick sale. Apply Ontario Lnches College, ,between 3 .L PrinFrl1". Fhcne 747, Whltby. and 6 o1clock Wedncsday-. 1. FOR,9ALE-THREE MEN'S SUITS WANTED - GIRL WANTED. almosi new, 1 clol top coat, 1 qver 18 years, ta lookc aiter baby leather ýcoat, 6 or 8 pairs pants. (ccasio12a1 atternpons and evenings.1 Size 38, Apply 319 Centre Street Apply Box 50 Gazette and Gihron- North, Whi, Icle Office, Whltby. - q WANTE -OMST1C Notice ta 'Creditons help wanted., Apply, Dr. C. F. Mc- ESTATE 0F WILLIAM JOHN ;Gllivçy, Whîtby. CLARK DECEASED WANED-XPEIENED ARM Ail p,,rsins having claims against the osat- f Williamn John Clark. hazit, start tle lir-ai of April. Apply lat aiof te Towvnship ai Puckering, à&. L. Kahn. Myrîle Station, R.R. In the Couinty of Ontario. Esquire. Nto. 1, riear Pqu whr, dird on 7th January. 1940, at - the Citv of Toronto, are rcquired Wanted to send to tho undersigned full naî'tilil.rs cof the 3ýrmr, or, or bc- W.NTED>-TWO OR T17MEE UN- fore the 25tl ipdy of March, 1940. 1fuishked rpoMs bathraom flat un aftcr Which dat, the asasai the privat. home. ApplY POst Office -said estiato will be distributrd with- Box 34 'Whltby. out regard bo the clnims of whlcl rua notice has been receivecu. - - l5th dlay of Februarv. 1940. 7VMIDAY, MARCH 12-Auction- RICHARD HONEYFGRD, 631 sale of h1gb-grade Dalry Cattle, Confcderation -Lhfi Bldg.. Toronto Horsw, 8wine, Hay, Grain, Har- Solicitor for George H. Elson, Ad- ~ ~mntsEtc: île per-ministrator. sut nrs.. Lot 19, Bih Line, m~ Township. Terms cash. 12 o'clock nmon, isharp. No MIarni la sold and owner8 W, iprnersilp. J. H. and PW.D.ARMSTRONG Grahama Hotel, AY, _MARCH 19 -2 Greyu - 3 Roans -12 Bays witth legs -and ve horses are ail youag r% n harness, andi breti Ni rtong, on his owm Medicine Rat, Alberta. ilb. In urooklîn on March 12, for any per- mI ta osee t.hem. Fur- - natton from George Brooklil, any time up 4le at 2:00 p.m. IR0WDEN T. JACKSON .~Clerk. Auctone.-r. For Rent FOR RENT - APARTMENT FOR rent, ground floor, separate bath- room, Apply J. Ward, 105 Mary St, Telephone 8 26, Whiltby. FOR RENT - SIX ROOMRD houLse, 101 Mar, Street West, lard- wood floors,, ail conveniences. Apply Harry Hinkson, Whitby, Phone 536. FOR RENT-TWO HOUSES. AU.I canveniences. newly decorated throughout. Garages. good garden, fruit trees' Apply H. L. Pringle. Phone 747, Whitby. Work Wantecl WORK WANTED - GIRL 18, would like positon . looklng after aged lady, part or whole 'time, or waulcl do 1light housework. Box .15, Gazette and Chronicle, Whitby. Farma Wanted FARM WANTED-FARM WAN'r- ed ta rent or- buy, 50 to 100 acres. State particulars, ta Box 724 Timnes, Oh a.No agents. ME WHITBY GÂZETrE AND C14RONICLM , EDAY, County Loser. M DÊATH 0F Dr. t'E. Kaiser Further Tribute Paid to Meboey cof Former M.P. adMayor Wlth 'the passlng of Dr. T. E. Kaiser of Oshawa, there lias pa.sed from: view -one who per- haps more than any other man ln his --day wôrked to preserve the history o! the men and women who were the early settiers in this county, and who by their untiriflg efforts and infinite falth left to those who succeeded them a worthy and noble herîtage. By the free use of MIs Pen, and ottimes by speech, Dr. Kaiser was the means o! havlng due tribute paid to these, early settiers, and he saw to it thàt prlnted records~ of their accomplishnients were le! t for posterity. It is flot so long ago that Dr. Kaiser, ait4ougli very apparently not in -the best o! health, addressed Ontario County Council on~ this subject which was sa dear to his heari, and undertook ta bring up tc date, as f ar- as he was able, the his- tory of Ontario Gounty as startec and partly completed by tle latu Col. J. E. Farewell, K.C., for ac many years county dlent, solicito and Crawn Attortiey. At the time ai hîS~ deathl Dr. Kaiser lad donc i great deal towards t.he fulfilîmnen o! a tnsk which la him wus sacred and il may -be for others to laite ui the pen whlcl le las laid dowi'. Members o! Ont.arlo Caunty Council will flot soon forget Dr, Kaiser's lasi appearance before that body as tley iistened with interes ta lis carnest appeal thanthîe lis. tory af this great county should bE brought up ta date and added 1< from lime ta lime. Itwus the task ai thc County Council, Dr. ICaise: argued. Turning to tle writer as 1< Icit thîe County Counicl clambeu that day-lt was last June, ini fact- Dr. Kaiser snia tînt tle tn.k hl lad undertaken wauld involve a lot o! wark, but le would complete il if at ail possible. An event tînt wii live long in the memory of County Council dur- in-, île wa.rdenship ai Captain Ly- man Giffard, was île presentation by Dr. Kaiser ta tle Caunty o! a prIcelesa document itrîe form of a book, well bound, cantalning île names o! every mari and woman who enlisted !rom Ontario County in îhl ai war. It is lard la real- îze île arnount afi une and effort, and also, expense, involved ithe preparation of -this great book o! remembrance whkl wii aiways lave a proaninent place In tle Counly Coundil Chamber. Present- - d on tînt occasion also werc a number o! copies o! tle minutes o! Ontario Caunty Coundil going bacit many years wlich le lad tîrougl much effort gathered together. One cannai soon forget tle tenseneas of tle atmosphere wlen Ilese gifts were presented, and as grateful thanka nand appreciation were ex- pressed by ile laie Reeve Albert W. Jackson, a lîfe long !riend of île deceased, and allers. Thiese records wli not oruly be a bookc o! remem- brance for thiose wlo foughtiIn tle ait war, but a memorlal 10 Dr. Kaiser hlînsel!. One tlinks also'o! tle work donc by Dr. Kaiser in laving some o! île oid and neglected cemeteries in this county wlenein many ploneers and settiers sleep thein lnst aieep, put i proper condition. Dr. Kaiser lad. thls subjeci very much to leart, and today cemctery imprave- ments ta be seeri ah over tle couniy testify ta lis work. He cahled an township counicils, owners o! banda wlere cemetçries are located, and others, and 1,reacled tb them tle doctriný of respect for tle pioner dead. The gatlering togeihen o! atones from aid cemeterles now 10 be seen Ini Groveside cemetery be- tween Whitby and Bnooklin was onc of lis fineat achievements. And hast, but not least, the cairn erected ta île rnemory ai tle laie ReVÏ. Dr. Robert Thorrtan, pioncer minister and education leader, la another tribute ta, Dr. Kaiser'szmal. Dr. Kaiser is dead. His passing removes anc wlo lad grea t regard for thle comufion peoplo, for tle. pioncerforthse à.dd-à lg I NTDY Cs. weflY bY The Gaette a& Chronicle to promote -an inter. est ln andi ntrease, attendance at -Chureh servies. Notceý shoulti therefore beconfineti t. Suadzy-and 1 woekday s«ervce onlY, andi shoul t lne lutie notices of e0mlnt events 'f or whleh a chiargfe 18 to bc made, as we have a speclai column for these. The co-operation of al ministers anti church officiais will be appreciateti. -ST. JOHN'S - PORT WHITBY On Sunday next. -the 5tI in Lent, there wili be morning prayer- at 11 a.m. The Beaver Boys' Bible class wiil meet at 2, and the, Sun- day school and other Bible classes at 3 p.m. At 7 p.uM., the service Wlll be under -thc auspices o! the Mens" Association. Our aid frlend, Mr. Reglnald Terrett, o! Oshawa, wii give the address. A cordial invi- tation la particularly extended ta men. On îThursday, the Boys' Confir- mation class wlll be held at thý- rectory ai 7 p.m., !oliowed by the Beaver Boys' mlclweek meeting at 8:15. On Frlday, ai 8 p.m., the, Lenr ten service wlll be held in tic Sun- day se 'hool hall, ai which tle coi'se on "'Thle Abundant Life" will be contlnued. Tne Junior choir wil meet ai 7:15 p.m., and the seniors at 9 p.m., for their practices before and a! 1er this service. On Manday, the 11t1 mast., the Junior W.A. wlll meet at 4 p.m. for a work meeting in the SundaY school hall. At 8 p.rn., the Men's Association extend a cordial Invi- tation to ail ta attend an open missianary meeting, at whlch Mrs. G. A. Andrew, wlle o! our churcl's only clerical mlssionary ln China, wili speak on the criticai situation in that wars-torn country, where Christian missions of ail denamina- tions lave rendered such herolc service. Don~t miss this opportun- ity. On Tuesday, there will be a Con- irmation lass for girls ai 4:45 p.m. and for aduits ai 8 p.m. PLEASE NOTE:The Woman's Auxiliary will hold their monthly business and devotional meeting ai Mrs. Biow's home on Thursday, thc l4th mast., at 7:30 pan., insteaci o! the 2lst, as this la in Holy Week. ALL SAINTS, WHITBY Western Appeal, 1940 With reference to previous no- tices, ail who are interested are askecl ta make contributions b.y Sunday,. lti instant, by envelope or direct ta the chairman, Mr. L. D. Agg. Little, can be added ta mark the need in view o! the pamphlets distributed and the Rectar's appea. lasi Sunday. ITis la one of' theî great Missiona.ry Efforts o! tle C hurch, tle succour of its Westerna representatives. and canada a betier place ln whicl taiv. J. H. O. HARRY NEWMAN The City o! Oshawa andtihîe County o! Ontario and in-fact tle wiolc Dominion, have suffened a bass in tle deail of our very pub- lic-spinited citizen, Dr. Kaiser. I lave known Dr. Kaiser for n great many years, first -as5 a !riend and medical practitioner- and laler as anc giving ai lis best ta île public Ilue o! this Dominion. h wcll recali. meeting tle -le Dr. Kaiser at Ottawia wlen le was lIe very distinguishcd member of House a!, Gommons for Ontar- -County. h met a great many iu' ýnber& a! the House of-Commolis at tint lime and tley ail rcmlnded nie tînt Dr. Kaiser was a most persistent ndvocate o! île interests af lis City and County and le was nbways succeasful i diving lame ta tic administration the necesslty for appropriate protection for the industry tien sa well estnbllsled izn tle City o! Oshawa. 'We will nil miss hlm grcatly not only as a member O! a national panty but as a goad citizen and a truc friend. D. C. HAVETRSON It las been my good fortune ta- lave known Dr. T. E. Kaiser dur- ing lis long siay ln Oshawa. I know ai no finer thing ihan 10 sec a young man apply îumself ta suh gaod purpose, tint lbis business career is crowned with succesa; andi it la even finer wlen the achleving af tînt succesa la dlanactenlzeti by Satrwy-~-Public service at 8 - J'a. 1 gUnday-1 am., Holinesa service., 2:20, &day 'Sehool. S1ndY:-7 P.m. Saavat4on asrvice& OactÇ0. Ttttet-r= uToronto Bal- vation Army IYaing Oollige Wifll assisi -at these servies. We wë1co.hs ST ANDREWI8 PESBYTEUAN Sundasr-11:30 am., Divne wor- ship; 2:30, Sunday Sciio0i and BiIe Glass;. T7 Pm., evening service. Monday-4 pin., ,Misslm - Band. Muesday-8 -Pin., YPS. BWPTIST CHURCU. -Next $unda-y .at..-ii, Bptit -hrlthe, morning topie wllI be "Eternal Secity o! «theSintà" " seen.Paalmlst Den. Ini the'evenlng "lThe Kings Own" -wlll be' the theme. Sunday sohool Mt 10 a.m. B.Y.P.U. on Monday at 8 p.m. Hen'a Club, on' Wednesday it '7:30, pin.Prayer meeting on Tlursday at 7:30 pin. Passion Week will be kept by .gSpe-' çlal services on. Monclây, Tuesday and Wednesds.y, 18, 19. anti 20, when new and beautitul slides wil b. shown on tle Gooti Blephard. On Tlursdmy Ziat will be held tihe an- nual, Thursday before Good P'nday Communion o! the Lord'so supper. ËHE UNITED CRURCH The, Sacramnent o! Infant, Bap. tIlaniwill be adninistered ln Whit- by United Churcli during the ser- vice next Sunday mornlng. Par- ents wllh dhidren tobeb -baptlzed; are asked to communicate wlth the pastor. Baptlsm admils Individu- ais to a subordinate membershlp ln tle church. In recognition of this f act and in anticipation o! tle admission o! a number it f ull dhurch membershlp the fol- lowing Suriday, -he mornlng theme will be, "The Church Beloved.» Tic Lenten season la-s determin- ed the eholce of the evcnlng theme whicl wlll -be,. "Thc Word Made Flesh." Whutby Young People are. look- lng forward to their debate wlth Columbus Y.P.tJ. un the Whltuby churcl next Monday evening, The subjectisl audaclously tlmnely,-"Pe- solved thai a National Governmnent would be iri tle best interesis o! Canada*" Lunch viiib. served. Your attention is dlrected 'to the lllusirated lecture on "Flinlaid and Its People", lby the Plnnlsl Vice- Consul In Toronto, to b. given ln Whitby Uqnited ClurcI on Wednes- day, Mardi 13. Sponsorcd by the meri's 'association, thus lecture should b. one o! ýthe highlights o! tle year. The general public la WJhiby t$unday solool, meetsata 2:15 p.m., $.&,ionds Sunday achool ai 1: 15 p.mn., viti public Worship at 2:30p:M. integnity' and klndliness ln ail lis nelationshlps. Those wlo have known Dr. Kaiser througl tle years honon him as asud a man. R. IL FAITI! hn the dthilof Dr. T. B. Kaiser, the City of!_Oshawa las su!! ered tle loss o! a hlghly esleemed and out.standing citlzen,-ane vIa con- lrlbuted largely and e!feciively ta - the Initiative, development andi prognesa o! île communlty in which le livedi for so many years, andi loveti 50 dearly. As school master, university stu- dent, physiclan, panliamentanlan, historlan, anti fnienti o! rich andi pon alike, the services le rendereti not only lis county but ta th. prov- Ince as a viole i aIl these Épheres o! endeavaur wiii ever remain acl- levements any man, no malter whaî lis station ln 111e, mighi vel feel proud ta leave behinti. May aur memory o! hlmn andi his great virtues linger down ll2rough tle yenrs. JOHN GIBBON h was eertainly ahacked ta learn of the prisqing of anc of Oshawa 's unos t ighly csteemed and outstand- ing citizens, ia the persan of Dr. T. E. Kaiser. h had known the doctor ever since hé came tao' shawa, and had the pleasure of working with him whcn hé filled the -uayor'. c-hair so successfuliy, and was in the council. ha Dr. Kniscr'a passing a kind fricnd and agoati citizen lais beca bast. ONE of these days the itch is going to hit you to get out and get in on the fun a McLaughlin-Buick cari be in' the spring-tine. Maybe, like others we know of, you've even pot the model picked out, and are just'"wait- îng a few weeks" ta do something definite about it.- But may we eniphasize, in pureiy friendly intcrest, that a lot of othcr people probably have the anme iden? And that when they stant buying in droves- as they do every year about the ides of Ylnrch FOR R[fIM[. NTS Musicians Plan to Send Plea to Authorities; Sec Glamor Gone Wateroo, March 5.-Lack or regi- mental bands wlth the C"ýnadian forces was deplored at the semi- annual convention of the Canadian Bandmasters' Association, meeting lere. As a result of the discussion, a resolution is ta be prepared asking the Federal Governinent to organ- ise depot bands. The feeling among the members was that bands stationed at the training depots would do a great deal toward keeping up the morale o! the recruits, as well as being o! use for entertaIment purposes. The association discussed, the pas- sibillty olf ormlng provincial branch- es o! the Canadian organization, and thls matter wis lef t ta a com- mittee ta be deait uwith further. The discussions were not open ta the press. Spealclng on the effect which Canada's' war effort may have on band music, C. F. Thiele, a past president, and master af the, Water- loo band, said at the banquet at nlght, that if the war should prove detrimental ta such music, he would prefer music ta be out of it. "The authorities h a v e taken glamor from this war," Professor Thiele said, "and if the time cames when we may see the horrors afi 11, I for one will be glati that music is not in It." Edward Wodson, Toronto music crltic, told the assembled bandmas- ters 90 per cent. of band music is the "deadiiesi stuf f.ever written. "It Is mostly pom, pain, pouf!" he declared. "You bandmasters should get tiogether and tel, thcme si pub- lishers to get out some music warth llstening ta, gîving every man some- thlng to play. It~s an insuit -ta brlng a man out in a band night after night toisit blowing oom- paws."1 R.obert Moore, Aurora, president o! the association, presided- at the business meetings. Sameai thase present, and introduced at the din- ner following the meeting. were J. Anclrew Wiggins, Toronta, secretary o! -t.le association: senior master, Captairi John Siatter, af the 48t1 Highianclers, Toronto; Fred Jobsa 'n and Reginald Hinchey, bath af Beileville; J. J. Goulet and Captain P. 'B. Jackson, Montreal; Martin She1lhorn, Toronto; Harry Mann, Hanover; H. ýG. Critchiey, Guelph; J. A, ClanIcy, Brantfordý Percy Cox, .Toronto; S. C.. Chamberlain, 'Chat- bAW; W. 8. Huepherdi, New Ham- -even McLaughlin-BuickWs big production Unme has trouble keeping up'with-th.em? 0f course, we're doing ail we can to be ready for everyane. But what with everybody wanting Buicks this season, wc carnt say how long we van, promise the delivery we cari give now., So. why not' play tIfrc arly bird thîs ycar? Why not get the jump on your neighbor and be dri'ing your McLaughIin:Buick while he's stili talking about getxi'ng -bis? Better sec younr McLaughlin-Bulck denier today! burg; J. Maniori, Preston; Chappel, Toronto, -and W. Tillsànburg. Robert Clarkte, LEAP YEAlI BABY Campbeliford: To Seymriour Town- slip gocs tle distinction ai lnvîng the anly Leap Vear baby born in the yicihity Ihis year. A baby boy was bornta Mr. and MUS. Edward O'Connor tlree miles wCt ai ere, ait two o'clock Thursday'afterruoon, February 29. Thie younig man wlo lsans yet unnnrned will have ta waii four years before ceiebirntlng lia firsi birtldayt. A noted clef lhas deciareci ' Eggs ire île cernent that bind together the grcat palace af caokery." Walkerton Clerk-Tr«ss. Sentenced To'31/z Ysara Walkerton.Chmres M. mcNab. once clerk arud tneÊasurer of Walker- ton, was- sentenced by Judge W. M- Ownns ta thrce years ariài six mantIs in penileniiary for misap. -propriating $12,866 frein île muni.. cipality-bclwecri Auguat, 19,37, and Decemnber, 1939. "htisl a great res-ponsiuity I a= cnfled upon bn carry oùit, due ta =y knovledge of Mm. McNqab." Judge Owens sald. "But 1 must, do mby duty. I did ai anc time- conaider calling a brother juige tao acl upon thus case, but h could not concelve tlrawuig île resDansible tasit upon someone cise." - [, PROFE SSIONAL CARDS UNDERTAKING W. C. TOWN Funeral. Director. and Embalmer Ambulance -Service Phone 410 - Whlthy A. G. MARLOW FUNERAL SERVICE,0 AMBULANCE J. M. Black, Director, Funeral -Service Phone 738 - Broek St. South FUNERAL HOME 117 King St. East, Oshawa S. J. Strowger, F. J. Meagher Funeral Direetor. Manager, PHONE 907 MURRAY AROBINSON Ambulance Service Funeral Director and,- Furniture Dealer. Phone Nô. 24 Brooklln., Ont.. VETERINARIAN DR. A. S. BLACK Veterinanian & Sungeon BROOKLIN - ONTARIO TELEPHONE 62 DR G. R. BOOTH Accredited Veterinary Large and Small Antimal Surgery Personal Attention to Ail Cails 323 King St. West, Oshawa Telephone 917, Oshawa MEDICAL DR.' R. T. -MacLARENý- j Physiclan andi Surgeon -Residence Lld- Office Corner Mary slnd Broek Sts.,-Whltby PHONE 487 DR. FREDERICK À. CUDDY Corner Byron andi Coiborneràts. I'HONE R 713 MONUMENTS N. Vé. STAFFOIRD Dealer.hn IniPorteti andi Canadian Granites. First class work at moderate pneus Phone 462 Wltby W. J. HARE, B.A. Barrister, Sollcitor, Notary Successor to A. G. Browning, K.C.- )ffice; 110 BROCK STREET Mi. reIephone: 392 Whitby R. DONALD RUDDY earrÎster, Solicitor, Pietary Publie Office at the Court Bouse, formly orcupied by A. E. Chritan, - Money te Loan - Phone 339 whitb7 DUNCAN B. MINTYRE Barrister,,Soliceîter, Notary Office: Brock St. Southl Phone 606 Wbitby INSURANCE L. W. DUDLEY Representlng Empire Life Insurance CO. - aiso - Fine, Automoblle, Acclient andi Siekuess CEMETERIES. :GROVESII)E CEMETERY W. H. JONES, Sexton B3rooklln Phone 2505 Ontario TAXI!; if f Th# model ilutrated is:the MCLAUGHLIN.BUIC1C SU'ER mod? 1 foar.door DONALD MOTOR S.ALES DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY Qhe ~ text lesus in Gèthsemand ~Ntas I wîill, but as Thou wlt.'-Matt. 26:30 The third time Ne came to Bis sleeping Juatoite soldièe, ,%Whomisftver 1 aPoalles IH. tolcl îleM t!o-'leep andi ihail 4Ussthat Mame la IHe: lolti- E take your -rest," but aimait lmmediately fast." Andi be -wmnt up to. Jesus andi H. saw lights and, men comling, and kisset HM,uAtyIng HlMaster!" saii: "'Arise, lot us b. golng: behold ]iie And i tii.soters surrotnded l la at hazûl that betrayeth MO. Judas took NlnM o.~ , - anti a multitude approqs et. qGOL 4T -mI-,tt,->~ Trîumph Thmugh Surrender ILWSTRATIED SUNDAY SCHOOL 'LESSON' By AI fred J. BoewJmr. SMpture.-Matthew 28:36-56

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