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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Mar 1940, p. 9

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THE, WHITBYICAZETE AN ÂDVT. ~2 nsç« madmake no credit'15 good. B. A. ,Dundas Street w.r~ )y - loo lt tâe mow I-roooffl b:Iok ry -modem Scovew- r batlng, iar<loIM [Wi, front and bsck knd pjeassu% sMr- ilà properrj ww 00 kt- Prie@ te rght 1My1. e SOUI' s a" tn- Ume tiasresC bm#4 . - ýE-WILL SM LL "4 f urniture anxd othes Yda money. Apply Boi 12, e4 OIýrnIe, Whitbh'. liIOs8-M SOD.TETE!) and Rocks, large eggas et.i red chicica. 2-"- centr, Phone* Alvin Clemenz, 1ke aicar Kampt<èn.- Api ÈIVATN SALE-At the home ol ýe late Miss MMr Smith. Byron t. Private ale of household furni- ire, cOOlhstiflg o bedroom suites, iig-rootn suite, Uvîng - room ariltur, kitchen. st1ves, linoleum ags, dishez and 'ldtchen utensils, ables -etc. Ibesé articles may be em Mar<ch 27 afld,28. 1 to .4 p.m. iid 71 to 9 xmTer=ns ~h. Annie J. Downey. Phone in' Whitby. rVn SALE-P'OUI(=USED WBST- nghouýe PRolrigetratora', prlced îromn 75: tAre. usec EIectric St.oves, une i ierly néw, at a big savlng; uséd: v"hing machines; used coal and4 vood stov'es.. amA: G. Marlow, rele$ione 738, WhlVby. For Rent' P.&êRTMENT FOR. RENT-NEW. r 4eoorated, ailconvenlences, trdwpod floors; Immediate posses- odn, Apply F. J. McIntyre, liard- rniYItone 560 Whftby., ýOR R*NT-FtJNI8HED BOOM oï rent, board optional. Apply 201' Iok Street North, UR IDENT AN, APARTMENT ar rent, three tr- tourreoms. Pos- esson May lit.- Telephone 5U3, Work Womtei BD .--S'Y YOUNG GIL qierlence, position st house- fond- of cblidren, or would sniy kInd o!, wok. Tele- Pickring 10. Hlp Want.d W0!RJ FOR TUE OTKER MW WeIl esAtashed bisl Ur 8 ne orma over 30.' Muet lie neat good reputation, wiling tuQur a iay on <004 py- car nulnoesary but rit pwmptly M. OBRME se>r SI'rM'r, 9owr- >o thoroughly n. Ontaio, WANTED- experieuced. Clooderham, 68î=OÊWM' WALTHAM POCu Lkt watch, mt or near lIxbidge, rna Mrcb 2th, Sutton-Whltby Dekey garn.. Keepsake. Rewardl. p%>y Nels oni romlberry, Sutton Aucfibn Sale Live stock. grain, hay and house- hold scoda; Thureday,. March 28th. at Lot 19, COU. 2, Pickering, <Brocik Road South). The property Of CHAEk. UUTCMIGB .Live Stock Bay geldlng, Clyde, 4 years old:, Day mare, 5 years old; Percheron glding, rWsng 3 years. Ayrshtre cow due Mardi lSth; Roati cow, due Maylit. Sow, due April 4th;- 2 Sows, due April 15th;* 80w, due June lth; 0 Plgs. 10 week.s old. Goose, gander. Grain and Hays Quantlty of Seed Oats (Erban);, RedOlover seed; Seed* Barley: About 5- tons Red Clover Hay; 20 Tons Alflfa !a ayl Quantity of En- silate; Quantity of Potatoes. Brooder stove; Buggy;: Hay Fork. Dlnlng-room suite; Couch; 1Up- holstered Rocking Chair: -2 Beds. wth. sprlngs and Mattre&s;, Chest Drawers; 2 Dressera; 2 ROrklùg chairs; 8 Waahstnds; S3 MI*'or; Kitchen Cabinet; Cook Stove: Elec- trio Stove wlth Oven; Extension table; 2 smnall tables; àideboard; Ice box; Ohurn;« Incubator; Bath- tub; Arm chair:, Zltchen chairs 2 tollet sets; 2 Coleman lampa; Cole- man Iron; ifrlectric- tabl lamp and bedroom lamp; 9 x 104 Congoleum rug; quantity of Linoleum; 1 Cellar table. Numerous other smafl art4- oies. Ternie Cash. Sale at 1:30 aharp. WM. lMAW, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10l-AUC- tion'Sale o!f iarm stock, implements, hay aýnd grain, thie property of Ralph Collins, Lot 28, Con. 3, Township of Whitby. Sale at-10 o'clock sharp. Terzns cash. Wm. Maw, auctIoneer. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTRERS IN TUE ESTATE 0F ROSE O'RILLEYý All persons liaving clalms against the estabe o! Rose O'Rlley, lateofo the Township o! Pickering ln the counby o! Ontario, deceased, wbo died on or about týie lfth day of January, 1940, are hereby notified te send ln te tue underslgue4 Per- tonal -Representabive -,o! the sali deceased on om before the 'lth day o! April, 1940, full particulars of their clalms, Immedlately a!ber the mid date the saud Personal Representative wll distrIbute the assets o! the sald deceased' having regard only to, daims o! which il ebaîl then bave notice te the oex- clusion of ail others, and lb wlllnot b. liable 10 auy person of whose claim It shallflot thon have notice for the assets so dlstrlbuted or any part thereof. bâted at Toronto Ibis Mt day o1ý Marcb, 19m, 20 King Ste Eaut, Toronto.Ont., - (Executor or Kdmiaultrator). By Coabsworbb & Richardson, 371 Bay et. Tomante. Their Solicitors herein. TO EFFECT SAVINGS Ottawa: Savings estimated ast *2,500,000 will be ef!ected.iln the pro- vision of hangar accommodationÉ at flying- schools being establlshed un- der the ]British éommonwealth 1'raining Plan, through adoption of apeclal standard -design& for bu$ld- ings. Porty designs, embraclng every type of structure required, have been prepared. Stress was lay. ed on the use o! Canadianý materi- ais and this contribute dto thie eoon- omy. PROFE SSIONAL CARDS' -UNDERTAKING W. C. TOWN 1h~irI. irector. andi. Embalmer Ambulance Service PÈone 416 - Whi.tbv A. G. MARLOW Di<crFuneral Service Phone 7U8 - Brock' St. South ME1 CAGERl yS FUNERAL HOME 117 Klug St. Eset, Oshawa &8. -ýStrowger, F. J. bMeagher eraL ,Dinecter. Manae PHONE 907 MURRAY A. ROBINSON A bulance Serie npneruI Dutmr and Furniture Dealer. 1b u4 Brooklin, ont. VETERIN~ARIA14 DR. A. S. BLACK Vetriaà n& Surgeo BAOOKLIN * NTAMUO- TELE'ONE es DR. G. R. BOOTH Ac<wdited Veterinary, -I&e ad S»MallAnimal purgery y r=alAttention tW AU lCall. SU3 King St. Weost, shbwa T.hephout. 917, Oshawa, MEDICAL- MONUMENTS N. -W. STAFFORD Deoaler in IniPortod sud Canadian Granites. kirot plaus work at moderato prime Phono462 -Wltby LEGIAL W. J. HARE, B.A, l3arrister, .Soilcitor, I<tai'y succeuor t10lA. 0. Browning, K.C. )ffice: 110 BRROCK STREET N- relephone: 392 - Whitby R. DONALD RUDDY S3arrister, Solicitor, Notmira bIie Offlceo4at the Court Bouse, formerly oeccpied by A. E. Christian. Mouey to Loan Phonoe3M9Whitby DUNCAN B. MoINTYRE Barristei, S oler, Notary- Office: Brock Bt. South Phone m- Whitby - INSURANCE IL W. DUDLEY - Repreuenting Emnw*eLite Insurance Co. ï~ - aise - Fire, Automobile, Accident sud CEMETIEM GROVESIDE CEMETERY W. Il. JONES, Sexos 1Brookâilu Phone 2505 Ontari. TRAN l1t STAIIED 5 MOURS IN UVmo INiJXDUDIIE AIEAý R" 'dS BIcIied i Northcr Swçton c f ÇCounty - Fear Mauy Unable tb Vote Toronto, Mamcb 2.-The worst marcb veather ln mâny years lias s0 paralyzeti transportation lu rural Ontario that ti lanov !.ared thst thousands o!, residents wll be un- able to reacli pofllung booblis te cast their voes lu tomomro's general election. Reporte from ail sections o! thie Province told the saine stcryon bIocked roads anti mcuutano.1 snovdri! ts. over the veek- jaies svept acros Ontario, dri! freshly fallen mnm on top o!fI layons anti expeieuce - arns shook their heade 'hen asired' cernlng the prospects o! u votera getting to the -poles. . Main higbways wil be passable in most Instances, by toruorow, but fermera iving milei of f lIeue ar- - leries vil'ii flut limpossible te gel through thie drifts vitiherse aud cutter. Even if there la no more .enov belveeni noW anti voing day, the country resideuts ln many cern- munilles yul have 10 resort 10 skie if lhey wlsh to exercise thoir fran- chise. 'Ple herse, tellable stand-by o! ural residents wbçn automobiles fail to maire the gratie, la o! 11111e Use under present conditions, il vas pointeti eut. Trains Fivo Heurs Laie Sorne ides o! -conditions lu On- bai i given by lhe report of bye trains - belug. delayed f ive heurs bY a ten-foot snowdrift lu the lUx- bridge district. T'Pinghl train fmom Tomante te Port 1Hope MWa stalled for tisls ecgtta of lime Sat- urday ulght, a fev miles soulli e! Uxbridge. A speciliC.N.R. excur- sion train !romn Peterbomo te To- route vas forcedti te ait at Vi- bridge until a railvay plcv frcM Lindsay had dug out tbe drift anti release th 1e Port.Hope train. Bol trains arrived ti atIeir .respective destnialions many hoUre behinti schedule. TPhe raiiway plov puahed the train to the neamest vater tever aI Blaciratocir sud fiaialiy the Toronto- bounti train vas glven thb. dear signal, ou the one-tracir hue sud vas able 10 complete the journey. Durlng tii. sty lu Uxbnldge res- taurant owners titi a thhiving busi- ness talclng foot anti drink ta hun- gry-pasaengers on btheitrain. Roads lu th. nortbemu section- o! Ontavio County are blocked antii in believed 11111e can be doneue ib thie vint suibsides. Scugo Island was eporledet uoff .from, the mint._There la a pollng booffi cession r~oad Ilnkdng Uzbridge to lilghway 12 was clear lust niglil sud the. roa t 10Stouffvifle vas e- pèrted impassable. Depatmeuî of Highways' snow-,. plow. sugmented by four, county plows, kepI ;nain arterles open, aud there vas lil1he llkelibood o! dan- ger, alîhough several small hum- lets were isolaled. Ail sideroads in Marlchim Township are cc>mpleteiy blocked, andi similat conditions were epote'd f rom mos.t other mu- ulcipalities. Iu King Township roatis vere passable but lieavy as two piows battled niglit andi day. The Lakeehore Roati around Lake Slmcoe, betweeu Keswick'anti Jack- son's Point was bloeked te several* score week-end visitors, who hati joumnoyeti Up to taire advantage of tue Ideal conditions for leebebting. Coldest lu Years - -- MPie coldest Ester Suuday lu yeams was experiencedth lroughout the Province, Il vas zero in Weut- worth Countby and only a f ew de- grees above that mark lu Hamilton. Tra.Uic was at a staisîil i the Lindsay district. Even suowpiows became stuckin l drifts. A Toronto- bound bus and sevemal cars vere strand9d lu a a zen-foot dmf t at 8ainglid on Highway 12. Cars travelling on the. Lindsay-Feterboro sud Bagcaygeon roads were lialteti by drifts andi travellers took refuge fram sub-zero temperatures by hur- rylng to to neamest farnihouses. County roadsisnluheb.Pelerbomo area vere sealed by huge drifts. The temperature drappedti t three <kguzes below zero early Sunday mornlpg ln Peterboro. Mauy Accidents NumemoliLaccldents vere report- ed from the Belleville district. Drilla bliree aud four feet higli blocked al uorth and south road.s andi only tue constant wor of suowplowe kepl main arterles f alrly, passable. Three tranÉients who stopped aI Deleville police station needed medical attention for f rozen eams andi feet. Fev farmers veut- ured frmm their homes over the week-end and the Belleville market was the amaileit lu years. .Ail urai churcli services lu the Napanee area were abandoueti, fol- lowlng two tisys o! tue heavlest diftlug o! thie wluter. Biggest traf- fie lie-tip occurreti on liighway 41, norîli o! Napanee, Saturday, wheu more than lhlrly cars andi trucirs came togetheý lu a laugie. During the afternoon tva truckrs coilided head-ou wbeu tihe drivers became momeularily bllnded by whiling suow. Rural mail deliveries vere 'a.celled. mhe mailmen yull face WilI YOU To Hp- We're partuiers, in a way for upon each other for our *;ucces vertising helpi us operate this nei oui' newspeaper carnîes your aclveit more than 3,000 readers in the plays a part in your busi-ness proý hoBanff Schooil of lin, rts Tbas a new home whlch. lIo as modem a s eslendid work doue by the school. The new audito- rium, which vas of!lclalIy opened in January lun the presence Of educational anud other Aberta leaders, wiU* be the scene 91 the elghth annual session o! the school, frorn Âugutlut t t6 lst. This $50,0>00 liuiding la made'o! native Rundle atone and la o! the chaet design whicli barmonizes so well with the surroundings. The theatre lias a seating capaclty of 700 and a modern stage !ltQd wlth the finest llghing equipmeit, and there are dresslng, iooms, music room, worlr rooàlt and other meeting rooms for .4âmall One White Fecather' (By KATHRYN L. ANGUS> When re-packing lier suit case at Camp- Tonga, Quebec, Patricia Blngham came across a white feather frein ler fan, which she bad ecently carried at a masquer- rade bail on one o! the Lakce boats, and unconsclously handing lbt t Roy Carlson, #i ball darlc-halred chap, who had casually remarked: "If there's à war, 1'i1 be hauged If I go,' she mentioned the fact that she hated slackers and said: "Here, take this."1 *Allan Thompson, a young avia- toi, 'glanced at ber questlonably, while Carlson, inaturally misinter- preting lier remark, was furlous and pocketlng the feather, said causticaily: "This was meant for ,me, I presume."_ Rising tobler feet, ber face crlm- son. Pat replied liaughtily: "Roy, dou't be a fool. Give me the feablier, -it belongs te my fan. I wasn't e! ermlng to you lu any way." She began thenl'o explain: "l only said 1 dldu't like slack-. ers. I was much boa Interested in my packlng to listen Intently ta what ybu were saying. 'You Éee,_I 1 muveaioe ete nc e want il te gel blos. -'Now.- please give lbte me. Corne on, don'l lie a churnp, give ilte me." But Carlson remined . tubborn. took ber ren'ark as an Insuit, and re!used ta part vith the feather. Thompson. net wlshinqg to inter- fere, but realisiug how frlendly the tva had become, onlv remarked: "Be3 a good sport. Roy. Pat was- u'l really registeriug.. She didn't mean you, lier mind wae on ber fan." Carlson, vithout further reply, turned on hii. heel and walked eut of the. bungalow. Two days later. when Pal and Alian were trying te take snar- sbats of 'Mike,' a four months old bear, near the garage, tliey noticed Roy Carlson in a wel-tailored busi- ness suit slepping intobis car. Allan. turning te Pal,-said gently: "Take it easy. kid. Wait here aud see if lie stops ta say gaod- bye." "Oh, 1 can'l stand it," Pat said witb a catch in ber volce, afler lie lad driven off without as mucli as a glance. forcing Allan ta assume that the girl cared for thb. young man, wbomn she had me,ýt there in th. Laurentians two weelcs previ- ously. Twe mouths later. wiheuPal was visiting a college !riend In Strat- ford before relurning te Toronto ta register for work witb the Voluri- tary Ambulance Corps. ber bostess. Evelyn Rhodçes. whose lusba-nd was connected with tbe Medical Aid Deparîment. de-clded t-o give a cbarity _bridg-e. Whule in the kit- clen preparing sandwiches, Evelyn se ld: 'l bel wben some o! tbe boys cerne In laVer. thev wlll wonder wlio the auburn-bairecl girl ilu 1h. aille c-reen dressa sl. Pal sbrugged: "Whio ail are comIng besicles Ai- lan Thompsoni?" 1 "It seems odd not to be prepar- ing dalnty open-faced sandwiches and -other delicacies lnstead of 'plain ordinary sandwichcs.»1 Pat nodded - l agreement and went on with Tier workç. Evelyn, returning ýfrom the pani- try wlth a flowemed plate lunlier hand, remarked: .4 'VJust tliink, lu 1914 our mothers were nursing lu England, and nov it's our turn te do our bit." Pat turned te lier frlend: "I suppose You didn't bear me be- fore. Z asked who ail were ce=- ing besides Allan." "'Not many, wby?-Oh. 1 know what's on your mmnd. Weil, don't worry about It, Pat, forget lb. Speaking of young Carlson, he vas a fool to talce you up that way;, aithougli I haven'seen hlm, I understand h. Is stili with the Parkinson concern."1 Lat2r th4t - evening, -when the lidée tables ^Were:cleared for sup- perand the guests were preparing to sit down, Allan Thompson walk- bad Just sbakeu bauds wibb Evelyn, when, catching sight -of Pat, he hurrled over toelier. "Welj.hov are -you?"I'be ex- clalmed, sliaking liands, "and how long are you stayîng?", "I'm wefl, thanks Allan, but I arn only lier. for* a day or bwo."1 "Would Yeu b. free to see me te- morrow?" lie asked, eagerly.. "Sorryv, Allan, I have a cliarlty affair to attend, but 1" Glane- iug over lier shoulder, she paled suddeniy. Standing ln th~e door- way were three younq artlflery of- ficers, the. taller o! them none' other bIs-n Roy Carlson. Wondering at ber suddeu change iu manner, Allan lookrd around and sav Carlson, sud sald: "lLet's see If w. can b. o! use lun the kidchen." Just then, Carlson walked Up t-o them, and addressing Pat, saidti t ber: "May I speair le you alene, pliease?" Thornpson Iben coumleously slep- ped -aside. Carlson, noticing lwo vacant chairs at eue sie, motianed te pal: "Let's sit over there. 1 have seniet.hing le say ta- yau." - When tbey were sea.ted. Pat turu- ed to Roy and exclaimed: "T7his is quite a surprls-yaur uniforni andi al."1 "Yes. I have* been in thîs for saine time riow." blien taking a white feather !rom lits breasl pecicet. banldt lto ber and ca.ntînueti: "Here. this is yours.' Gues- I got. p>verv7thinq twisted. Neither of! ue knew wbat we wrer-e dolng, and if I hain't tlkmd eut nt turn thinz i rmiglt have been dIffereut. Hqnr, It ail. Pat. whv can't thev bi <itf- f èrent: lb lsn'ttbo a bae yet. Is lt?" "Well - th-- --"tht bePa off-bandedly remarked.Pa groupd. 'The building la trulY a co-operative effort. 'The Parka Department deeded two lots worth $10,000 to the Banff School Board and uupplled planig snd specifica- tions free of charge; the Sir Bd- ,ward Beatty donation o!f M500 to tte Department o! Extension o! the univeraity o! Alberta made possible the !urnlshlng and equlP- ment o! the stage and theatre. Allan, feeling awkward, wallced out to the hallway, and seeing Evelyn there, spoke to ber: "I'm leaving, but I'll caîl you next week. You'll understand." Mrs. Rhodes, glancing into the dining-room, seemed surprlsed. "O0h. I didn't kiiow lb was that serlous - yea, cail me soon, Allan" "Please pay my respects te your husband, and say good-bye for me," he added, then plcklng Up bis cap, walked humi~effly out thie cloor te his car. Turnlng on the Igntion, lie jumped ln -surprise to feel some- one sit clown suddenly beside hdm. Facing about, ho remarked excited- ly: ,'"This car makes such a row, 1 falled to hear the door open. Wliat are You dolng here without a wrap?" Tt was Pat and she was tremb- llng. "Why are you golng home?" she asked. «lWell, three's a crowd, you know. "Yes. and 1 suppose becakse you saw hlm returu my white !eathem that you naturally assume weddlng bells wlll ring." «'I dcl sort o! have-visions o! it," said lie, eýntInulng tboughtftuly, "Tlhere 'usatM1,e-sla-on e <1else. 1- ma n." Pat turned te hlm, and said, teasligly: "lwell. arenIt you going te aak who lie la?» "Yes, 1 will, If you really want to tell me." '%WelI. 1 don't Intend to sît. here freezlpg ail night." then, nestllng close tr i hm and gazlng Into bis eyes: "If you would put your arms around me 1 wouldn't be cold. -And aiso, you miglit guess like a bright boy and not have me tell you." J -j David Livingstone "Te shah be -My wituesses . mnto the uttermost part of the. earth."ý-Acts I».& We, both know that 'advertising payes dends -in increased business with correspc ing imnrrases in profites-aud so we ask- yoi c?-operate in a campaigu, to a ncrease Our v ising aud your business Speak ta. the travellers andý manufactu rpresentativ;es vis.itîng your store. Imp upon them the fact that you have founct Gazette and -Chronicle a valuable adverti medium and urge thean to suggest ta 1 f irms that-the Gazette anad Chronicie bc p'b upon the list cf publications which carry vertisernents for, their nationally-known P . ucts. Experience bas taught that.adveti and. if national advertising ig the Ca -Chrouicle is increased you K.NOW saIei wi11 show a sharp upswing. We're partuers; you know, so operate. - THE WHITBY AND -CHU Th- e Sunday Schoo By NEWMAX CAUUMEL .(The International Uni!oran les- son ou the'above,,to)lc for iMarch 31 is, Matthev 28:'16-20,'tbc Golden 'p# - belng >Acta :8 " à hah lie m»y witnueS . . uptW- -e ii ttemo&ti -Ib i. conceded that' theme weme ten times lu ail la. wbihOur'Lord appeared tb hi& diciples -aiter HMs resumi'ectiou, from th&' firat- Ofloý early Saster morning aI the bamb where He appeared te, the Marys, until . the time He was balcon up to -heaven, f10mW days later. John tells us that the same eve- nlng o! the day lie had been seen o! Mary Magdalene- 'He appeared to is eleven apostles, as they were gathered togebler wibb closed doors, for fear of the Jevs. , u an Instant Jesus stodluintheir midst, yng, "Peso. lie unto you." Anti le;sehew- eti them Hie bauds and. sideg«'Then ,were thé dL5ciples ýglati, wlien tliey saw the 1Lord," rays John. One o! them, however.- Thomas, was ual present at *Ibis lme and lie me!used te believe wlien told.. '-We have seen the Lord." "Excepl 1 shail see lu His r bauds the prints of the nails, andi put my finger iutô* tue print of! the nails, and thrusl rny baud into His aide. I wil net belleve," lie 5tated. Af ter elght tisys the <lisciples vere again gathered together and Thomas vas , t- t-hem, and Jesus stood again n u birl midst .and btld Thomas 1<> reacli ,thither lits finger and "behold MnY hauds, and reach thither-tliy baud, and Iliust il lInte My side; andi be net faithloes, but beliovlng." Tli'oma5Ls 1,Eeproved Thomas answer wu, "My Lord andi my Godi"l Jesus sald; "Thomas, because thou hast seen me, tliou hast believed-, blesseti are they that have net seen, sud yel have lie- lieveti." In John we also findth le, story of the aposîles' flshlig trip. wlieu Jesus appeared -on the beach. Simon Peter had said he was golng fishing andi four others said they would go withli hm. They went ln a slip andc fisheti ail nilit but cauglit nothlug. Wheu the mgruing came, Jesus athod or tieciples knew ta tlien, "Ch j meat?" .ànd th Thm Ule tob Peter, UIt Ig- the Lord!' W*her heard that Île cast hblself il ses to swim te eshore aidie dragged the netiln."Wbeli came to, land they foiînd -a !n onl the aud and bread au slfread out, ind Jésus cafled .0 "corne and dine.» Ie lust recorded time Jesa to is dis;ciples as they were ered ln a room wlth closed ne iald td& them: « Ail au hathbeen given unto Me ln.: andi on earth. "Go ye, therefore, and nie 'edpIe of, an - the nations,' ba them into the, name o! the and o! the Son and o! th, spirit. "Teachlng thernm -obser things whatsoever 1 CO=x you, and 1, 1 amnwith. o11: even unto the end of the wol St. mark says, '"So then al Lord hati spoken unto thf vas recelved up Int heave sat on the rigit lband of O And o! the dIsciples heý.%ayj tliey vent forth, and Pl eveywhrethe Lord worklz hlm, and Côufirrnlng the woj sigEis !ollowingf - That is the-work millions .lowers o! -these, disciples ha, engageci ln- a11these Yeat that tie. Missionarles bai to far countries trylng te sa'y who, neyer before iiad he& Cbr1stianlty. David LivlngStc one of these. Ris work in is well known. and bas lice to the attention of the pe this generation recentlY bY a picture which Ehowed hlm once eo- 1called:"darc coutlne labors ended.when lie died 4 contracted lui the jungle swamps o! that continent. men have f ound, tulÙy, that bas been with them lu thel and bias helped theni.- ByAirn - Scripture-Matthew 28162 girl 1Nff f3~ i 1I1U licià la - Il Ilous511 1",- iIM1111 Vsumm u i 1 ____5 T. MacLAREN ILLUISTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON -1 ni 1 4 r -4% -r 1 uoýýý a 1

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