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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Mar 1940, p. 1

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GAVE MOORE IlY 0F 368; IN TEN POLLS W Cmndi""te Given Strong Support in Four Wards, WIth Close Run, i Ward Five, Comprising the South Portion of the Town -,Lighter Vote T-hon lUsual' ITBY TOWNSHIP ROLLS UP MAJORITY 0F- 159 FOR MOORE d Vote For Candidates in Whitby Was Moore 1,004 &Md Newman 696, Whilé in Whitby Township 577 Vote* Were Caat For Liberal and 418 For National Cuindiate Wýhitby Rave W. H. Moore, Liberal candidate in On- * -riding, a comfortab1e majonity of 368 over Harry ffran, KiC., National Government candidate, in Tues- Pa federal: election voting. In the election of October, 5, with fo6ur candidates in the field, Mr. Moore1 received lajority of 228. Yestqrday's figures, subject to the officiai côunt of Re- %lac 0f ficer joseph P. Mangan, K.C., for the riding, gave ,Moore 1064 votes and Mn. Newman .696 in the Town "ftby. nhe-vote was somewhat iighter than in 1935.. Tii. succesaful candidate received, a majority in al of five polling suîbdivisions in Whitby. In fact, he got a loity hn al of-the ten polse. The ciosest run was in the th ward, better known as Port Whitby,* where Mr. New- M W". only two votes behind. The, complete returna for Whitby are: ellhg Subdivision: lB orth End Motors briçintyre a Office 2A Gazette &-Cbroviicle Whi~by More 145 A68 Newman 104, 41 IA ................. 99 2A ............... 97 -..----------------- 51..................... 1A 87 112 118 1 33 103 102 1064 Majority for Moore............ 368 TOWNSHIP 0F WHITBY 100 696 Tht.-Township of Whitby gave Mn. Moore a majority. of, 159. Tbe votes cast were. Moore, 5 77; Tht vote was as f oilows: P<lfIlagSubdivision: *Moore E. MçGreoor's House W.Bonnetta Newman, 418. Newman 1lA.................. 73 Grahams Hotel, Brookiin 2, BroqWM~ Township Hall 3A................. Brooklin Township Hall Ashburn 113 91 98 4.......,.....129 577 418 Ma jority for Moore ............ .159. The vote in Whitby Township was flot. muh more than haif, owing ta the snow blocked roads, returning officers Returne from other parts of the riding are given else- Whre in this issue. Airport Project And Resumption of -Work on Four-Lane Highway of Immediate Interest to Whitby With the Election Ove?, Thoughts Now'Turn to; <Motte;rs Wh i ch Mayi Mesu -Muich to thc Towr" sud District .WIih tcefedieral cleetion oub o! UWwy, tbe lnteresb o! bbc citi- MMof '!Wbttby wlll now be focusseci M juo important projcct.s, whbch, If tbiy m.,bwilhize, wlll mean inuch te the town I many ways. Civic *5.1.1 intervlewcd yesberday wene I pefut of both. & 1 bbctuth projcctcd airpont. Ib is $sat one o! severai sites in ~aibrecentiy surveycd by glbetofficiais In accordance 'Fee prnises o! Hon. C. D. b!.ý er o! Transport, bas Sfavorable and %1111 be 1 ! ote cgovcrnnment. otinwhlcb Wbitby Is prim- be, ylng bebween Hey- akand Corbett's Point, of level land frcnting on om * aad te have. many ad- v trntages and f ew disadvantages. This is bbc sarne site whicb greatly îiniressed Sir Samuel Hoan, bacli in 1918, ami o! çwhieh new maps have 1: en prepared. Anothen site in the Brookin-Myrtle aiea, which was also surveyed, it is believed, would be Whitby's second intenest. Ib la said Io possess many advantages. .TMe second project in the lime- light is the compietion o! tbc four- lane provincial highway between the Rouge and Oshawa, now engag- ing É 'he attention of officiais o! Wbil-by and Oshawa. Today, a de- putation nepresenting both munici- palilies goes to Queen's Park to In- terview Hon. T. B. MeQuesten, Min- ister of Highways, urging that bbc work stopped last yean bc resuincd. Arguments Vo be presènved have ai- neady appeared in these cobumns. Whitby, o! course, wants to have its clogled streets opened, its -bridges builît and cloyen leaf insta.lled, as well as a general resumption o! the work. Thie town o! Wbitby today la represented by ý1ayor Rowe' and members of tho Stncets Committee. ALITE REL4TE?1 Leslie MeFarlanc, Guestl SPeakr at Lions Club Luncheon Authoe*ip f roen the practical side of the workman'.rather than thc. artlst, and the work and study involvedi wribing sultable fiction fer various types of magazines and periodicals were among the inter- esting points touched on lby Léslle McFarlane, of Whitby., Canadian author and former newspaper scribe, In an address ait the semi- nionthly luncheon of Wbitby Lions Club on Monday evening. Mr. MeFearlane, Introduoed byr the President, stressed that to be sc cessful in obtaining a market for bis products a writerms adlap himself to leazning. wçrJU\.s maP essential requirenient of. any brade or prof ession. Descrlbing various kinds'0f .magazines ani the type of stonies which thèy carried, iso the large arnounit of material submitted ta them. for publication, tbe ipeaker poinbed out that careful study must be given by witers. of many f actors that enter into the marketing o! stonies In order to achieve anytblng like success 'and fair retumis for efforts expended. Magazines like the Saturday Evèning Poot, for 'i- stanice, -wbicb carried a buge' vol- ume o! advertislng, n*ght havè 30,- ON0 atonies submftted In one eort period and aecept only bwo or tairee. Mr. McFarlane sald that a gret deal of time and thought mulat be. given ta thbe ,Plot Of a story 80 tha.t from start to finish it mlçht hold reader interesb, and 0f course,boet the circulation of tb« mag*sine carrying IL Subjeet matter muSt also have great care. Incidentally the speaker gave the Lions an In- siglit into tbe fact bebind the story 9tWakevllle, Awake»l now running i Maclean's Magazine dealing with some clvlc aspects o! 111cm ,a smnal town. e MX.. mcnrie W"-'.4erd hearty vote o! tima*g byr thé présai- dent On the -clubt b4,half. PETER DRAIMAN, BRIGE CHAMPS Capture Intermediate Open Pairis Chamnpionship at Toronto Tournament On the mantel of Judge D. B. Coleman's living room today re- poses a bandsome' silver cup, won by His Honor and Mr. Peter Drai- man, o! Wrhitby, on Saturclay last. Both experts and enthusias- tic knights of the contract bridge table, they took part in the Cana- dian National Championsbips, rep- rezsenting the Toronto Whist Club. This was the 40th annual tourna- ment 0f the Canadian Bridge Lea- eue, staged at the Royal York Hotel, and both emerged victori- ous as winners in the Canadian Intermediate open pair champion- ship, Tbey had the top score in bhe The cup in 1939 was won by Mrs. H. C. Simpson and Mrs. Dpvidson Black of bhe Toronto Whist Club. and in 1938 by Miss M. -Macdona!d and P. H. Rooney o! the Ottawa Bridge Club. Cham ber Assists ýiIn Highway Push The Oshawa Chamber of Com- merce is joining with the councils of Oshawa,_Wbitby, East Wbibby Township, Pickering and the Wbit- by Chamber of Commerce in a delegation to Toronto to urge re- sumption o! work upon the four- lane bighway b2tween Highland Cneek and Oshawa. MesQ.Qrs. L. P. Mcl auçehlln and P. L. Mason have been named to the deputation by the-Chamber at Oshawa. MR. W. Hç M.P.-ELEcT ATTORNEY ýGEN4ERAL> FO RECASIS -POS-SIBLE ~INSURANCE ,INQUIRY Amiouncement Made hy Honi. Gordon Conant.At Rotary Cilub Luncheon« Inquiry i1919 -Sçune Fire Inàsurance Situations Require Careful Analyses HMon. G. D. Conant, Attorney- General of Ontario predicted'a pos- sible Inquiry by tbe provincial gov- ennmenb into pnsses o! Onbario's f ire los and insurance along the Uines o! tbe Ma.stetn inquiry in 1919, Tuesday. Introducing Fire Marshal 'W. J. Scott, at bhe Wbitby Rotary Club luncheon Tuesday Hon. Mn. Con-, ant outlincd some o! the pnoblems o! bbc Fine Marsnall's De>pantment and cbserved that sound limes o! procedure had been laid down by an inquiry headed b~y Mn. Justice Masten in 1919. "Fine insurance la a necessity and since bbc time o! that lnqulry lb has developed some situations ne- quining careful analysis. We may have ta institute sucb an inquiry as that conducted by Mr. Justice Masten," deciared the Attorney- Greneral. "The importance o! the Pire Marshall's Department is indlcabed by that report, instituted by the. provincial governnment o! that dfLy. Thnee methocis have been aclopted Vo cope with Ontario's. f ire loss - educational, financial Lnd comnpul- sony. "Me adoption and operation of compulsory measunes to contrai fine boss bas been taken care o! by mýunicipal legisiation and bbc work o! bbc Fire Marshall's Department. Througb investigations and con- stant activities o! that Department co-operablng with the Atborney- Greneral's Departmenb a greait deal has been accompiished," stated Mn. Liberais 165, Nationials .33, Othér-19, "lnid Cazad4An PrffiSFederl eleegon stuamary sued et 13.57 a.m. Wednieaay mornlng gave the foli.*ing standIng of the partiesiln the new parliament of Canada, wlth .27 stuh in doubt: Liberals ...................165 Natoinal... .......... 33 C. C.F..........4 mnd. Lbrl.......3 New Demovracy......7 Llberal-Progressvie ........3 Independent.............i1 United Reform........... 1 With -returns stii incomplete Prime Minister Mackenzie King was Iea.ding ,with a comfortabie majority i Prince Alber. Sask. Conant. He referred to the f act that power had recently been given to t.he Ontario government to remove restriction that stipulated husi- neoe Insuranoe could only be as- sume for one year. "Some people are of the opinion that -nany comnpanies have flot deait as falrly wlth Ontario andi Quebec as they have with Western Canada even although five and tepi per cent., reductions in Ontario f ire insurance rates came into effect recently," observecl Mr. Conarit. He predicted this observation on the fact that Ontario's f ire loss had decreased very greatly andi very fav- Ourahly by cozaparison with the West in recent years. "I have seriously in -mid the POssiblity 0f -settlng up some such iflquiry," he concluded. The Fire Marshall's Deparcinent is respon- (Continued on Page 5, Col. 6) NEWMAN PLEDGES SUPPORT 0F VIGOROUS WAR POLICY Intetrviewecl by a representa- tive of the Gazette and Chron- icle i Whitby shortly after the election returning returns from the ridlng revealed the will of ............. the electors Harry Newman, KC.C., N&tIonal government can- didate, stated that he wished to express, bis sincere thanks to al -who supported hlm and worked in his interests during the campalgu. "The country has spoicen, and I pledge my sup- port to Mr. King i the pursu- ance of a vigorous war policy. M.". Newman nOt the least ,downhearted, called at his com- mnittee rooms in -Whitby to tbank bis workers and those Who bad stood nobiy by hlm from 'the start to the inish of the campaign. FIRE PREVENION- A VITAL, FACTOR IN-WAK EFFORT Fire Losses Reduccd in Re- cent Years Rota" Club TOU Sorne very important phases of the* work of tbc Provincial Pire Marsball's Dcpartmnent I further- lng Ce.nada's war effort were Out- lmcd te Whitby Rotary Club on Tuesday noon by W. J. Scott, K.C., Ontario Pire Marshall, who spoke on the timely subjecb "War ine Hazards". , The f ire Manshall was introduced by Hon. Gordon Conant, Atborney-General, unden whose de- parbment the fine mnarshall's de- partmenb operates.. The f ire Marshall alsao'gave to the Rotarians some very intcnesting facts regarding f ire prevention work in OntariohI Its many branches, wbich, lb was pointed out, bas gneatly reduced In recent years fine losses. The fire marshall was brought ta Wbltby by Robarian George Vick, well lcnown Insurance agenb, o! Brooklin, At the outset the f ire Marsball pointed out that the fine loss in Qnt4rio, bbc 'Dominion and the North Amierican continent was sert- ous. In Ontario it reprcsenbed two dollars a yean per person, and last yean the monetary jes was just under elghb million dollars. Re- ductions, however, was recorded o! nine per cent froni bbe prevlous yean, and o! thirty-two per cent of the averag'cfor the Prevlous ben years. These neductions, ho point- ed out, were due-'ta many circuni- stances, nlot the least belng the fire prevention wonk carried op by <Contiued on Page 5, C] ~ VANITYBRNB Meeting To>-Be Helci in A.11 Saints Parish Hall ' Review Year's Work Mucb interest centres i the an- nual meeting o! the Whitby Branch of bbc Bible Society which Is ta be beld in AUl Saints' Panlab Hall on Wednesday evening, Apnil 3nd, at eight o'clock. Meeting wil] be pnesided over by Rev. E. Ralpb Adye, and bbc ad- jdress will be given by Rcv. -Clifford Park, pastor o! bbc United Obuncb. Reports o! the pust year's wonk wlll be presenbed, and off icers eiected- for the ensuing year. The nominating commlttee met necently and will present Its recom- mendations. The financial sbate- ment will also be pnesented. The work o! tbe Bible Society In Whitby la well known, and bas always recelvcd substantial finan- cia] support. The officens are avix- bous that despibe bbc war and its many demands this worlc will be well maintaincd. A large attend- anice at the annual meeting la cx- pecbed. VICTORY PARADE AFIER ELECTWON Riding Centres Visîted By W. H. Moore, M.?., and Supporters. Ontario niding supporters of! W. H. Moore, M.P.-elecb. cebebnabed bis ne-election by the bangest majorlby ever accondcd hlm by escorbing hlm te the more accessible centres hi an automobile victony parade. Starbing at bbhe Oshawa Liberal Committee roomns, Mr. Moore, Atton- ncw-General G.D. Canant, K.C., James Hcffering, Liberal Associa- ion president, former alderman James Haxton and othen wonkens stopped at tbc office -o! The Osb- awa Daily Timnes wbere greebings and words o! appreciabion wce volced oven bbc loud speaker systeni. Thence bbc celefirabbon moved'to Wbitby, thc county town and !nom thene ta Pickering wberc bbe most enthusiastie neception was acconded Mn. Moore, a dttacbm*enb o! bbc Wbibby band, bavlng 'joied tbc panty. Broolin was aIso visibed with citizens there turnlng out in large numbers Vo greet their newby- re-elected member bbc safari then rcbturnlng ta Oshawa. At eacb place Mn. Moore and tbe othen members o! bbc ps.nsy ex- pne.ssecl keen satisfaction and warm appreclatlon c« bbc election's eut- come bath i Ontario nidlng and througbouli the Dominion. LARGEST GIVEN ýTO ANY . CANýDI1DATE Ilff OHIERELECTIO.NIS Majà~rty FoS Liberal Candidatei Eiglit Municipalitie.- ofRiding - Oshawa, Whitby, and Pickerin.g Town. ship Give Strongest Supporti New, Man"&t-For Service at Ottawa For Third Term FAIRLY LARGE VOTE POLLEJ> IN THE- RIDING DESPITE SNOWBOUNI> ROADS Harry Newman, K.C., National Caqdidate, Poils Larger Vote Than Conservative Candidate Receive4 hla 1935 Election With-Four Candidates In-The Field-, Total Votes Cast ln Riding, 19,,604 -Electors of the federal riding of Opntanrio went to the POU*e on Tuesday and gave ta' W. H.- Moore, ofDunharton, Liberal candidate, a vote of confidence and a new mandate ta carry on at Ottawa on their beha1f. When the- new war pariiament assembles in the national capital shortly, Mn. Moore will begia' his third term as the representative of the people of thisriding, following a decade of outstanding publia' service. The Liberal candidate and choicç f the electorate rollçd » up a majority of .4,326 over Harry Newman,* K.C., National Government candidate. He obtained a majority ini thc eight municipalities of the riding, Oshawa, Whitby, Port Perry, and- Pickering, Whitby, East Whitby, Reach- and Scugog Townu* ships. In fact, the majority given to Mr. Moore Tuesday-was ta largest he bas ever receive *d, and the largest given any fecterat candidate in recent history -of e lections in this niding. The industriai city of Osbapura rolled up for Mr. Moore,% conifortable. mai onity of 2,65 7, total votes cast for him $eiig 6,74 1. The county town of Whitby gave hlm not only -,a majority of 368 but also a majority in- ail of the five tvards andl in the ten poils. His, hom-e township of Pickering, truc t'O ité Liberai traditions covering a period of years, gave him -a Imajôrity of 519. Other mrajonities givenbimn were -'Port Perry. 60; Whi±by Township, 159; East*Whitby, 131-;.Reacli, 180. and Scugog 2 2. In. aIl Mn. Moore received 11 9 65> votes, and Mn. -Newman 7,639. The National Governmcnt candicIà. made bis best showing in. Pickering Township, where, 1k. ,Mrh Moore, lie resides, the vote for him being 885, wbile Et Whitby -camne next in line,_ polling 969 -for him. In NWit3r Towvns-hip le van Mn.. Moore a f aily close race, also in . P> eryVillage and Scugog land. -6locked wuith snawas the resu!t of.recent stbrm*ï,figurèà' es that only 1, f73 less were.cast than in 19 35, when there were four candidates iei the field, Liberal, Conservative, C.C.F. and Re-. construction. lI 1935 total votes-cast in tbc riding was 20,777. whiie yesterday the vote was 19,604. Campaign workers wodc- cd bard to get out tbc vote, and this was noa sinecure li the rural sections where roads were snowbound. Old Dobin alcie again came into bis own and carried many votens ta the poIls. SIeighs, scarceiy used ail winter, were dragged froziï starage sheds and pressed into use while p'ow gangs worked. long into Monday night and aIl day Tuesday. The figures for Mn. Moore and Mn. Newman in thc ciglit municipalities are*shown in the following recapitülgtion. They are subject, of course, to the final count-to, be made shortly,, by Retunning Officer, J. P. Mangan, K.C., of Oshawa: - t - ý -Moore- City of Oshawa..................... 6741 Town of Whitby .......!............. 1064 Port Penny Village .................. 364 Pickering Township................. 1404 Wbitby Township..................... 577 E. Whitby Towviship ............... 1230 Reach Township..................... 520 Scugog Iland.........................6 GRîND TOTAL............. 11,965 i I. -i --1 i Newman Majority 4084 >2657 696 368 ~304 60 885 -5f9 418 1-59 à69 131 340 180 43 22 7,639'*4,326 Subs ta nti al'Red uctions in Whitby's. Debenturç Debt WuII Be Made in the .Next Seven Years, Statistiks Reveal, Levies To Be Taken Care of -ý For Principal and Interesti Esteemed- Citizen Charges Will Result Roitnh mp! Large Reduction in Taxi Rate - Town iii Goodi 8OYears Young Financial Shape FiguresQltya i oeo yo Show street nortîi tcxay - (Wcdnesday) Robent Thioipson la manrking bis Very substantial reductions li Wbitby's annual debentune levies 80th birthday. Aithough severe Win- wltb an accompanying neduction in uer weather bas kepb hlm indoons li bbc tax rate wlll be made in the meent weeks. IM. Thomnpson is Up obtaincd from bbc annuai report o! municipal stat'istics 'for 1938 ne- ccived a few days ago from. Hon. Erie Cross, Minister o! Municipal Affaira for Onbarià. Here are tbbc levies for, tbe next few yeans t bak e cane o! principal and interest: 1940.............. 33'448 1941.............. 32,996 1942' ............. 32,861' 1943.............. 32,861 1944 ............27,357 1945.............. 27,357 1946 ....:.....-*-...13,442 The levies for 1944. 1945 and 1946 should mean a reduction i bbc bax rate o! seven and a bai! milîs, pro- viding that 'nô hcavy capital, ex- peniditures rcquiring ncw debenture issues are, foufid to, be neces.sary. - Reductions ef!cbed ibi 1944 repre- sent tare mibls; 1945, two and a bal!, and 1M4, tihrce milis. and arouilu eywry ÇLay au.uu i f airly good healtb. Mn. -Thompsali for many yeans was active in the wcrk of bbc Motber's Allowa=8c Board o! Ontario County, o! which he was chairman for a long Itime. Up until a few yea7rs- ago wben mi- paired bealth caused bimd to resigil lie was a member of bbc Public Library Board, being one o!' bbc finst members after bbc presez i 1- rary came into being, and being long associated 'with' bhc late Jos- e ph B. Mitchell. For many yearS he .vas sup3c.-ntenlent of bbe Taber- nacle Sunday 8cbool. anrd he ha& always licen deeply intereted in bbc work o!fbbc ohurch. SThe Gazette and Chroniele joins with many 'friends li extendlng wishes -for many happy reUuffl et the day. a 0.81 et.et..« 0 e j 1 .......................

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