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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Mar 1940, p. 4

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JR~ 'il-lEWHITBY (rAZETrE AND CHRONiCLL MARCH 27, j94f___ FrtShow at 7A0. NOV, te e etes: triumph of t grec: carmer! PAUL MUNI ia te. rte kt wil l oages: ,iemembored<fort AND PERSý rta'idelBut sMd Biss Bsrton ,wmr lu Toronto- stt«adlnig Uic anual t of the Ontenlo Llbrary a. a, représentatives o! Lbic Librsry Board. Th ' Ri ed Cross woekroom wlll re- openl on Monday, April let, et 10 am. The regu]sr monthly business meeting wll noV hé held until Wéd- aiw4.y, Apnil itli, iu s Gertrude Charters, Vtola Pooke aud Wlma Thorndyke, o! TrOSio Normal Sehool, are spend. hWg the lester holldays et theur tespeti¶e homes liers.- à&. Grahami Macdougall, o! To- -rapt. Un.tvsnsty, vau wlVh bis par. -'Mt., Dr. 0. L. and Mrm. Macdoug- *1,for thé Res3ter week-end. Mr. Lloyd Augrustus, o! Tom'nto 4 W ilScliool, la spendlug the îEster vacation with his parents. IMr. and Mms. W. G. Augustus. Mn. Norman McQuay, o! Queens' University, Kingston, spent the hol- iday week-end wlth hlm parents. Dr. sud Mrs. McQuay, Kingston Road West. Mr. and Mrs. George Rocidis vis- ltdwith relatives lu London on Sunday. Miss Inez Luke, xetg. N., visited hér parents, Mr. and* Mrs. A. E. Luke, Centre Street North, duning the past week. Mr. Craig Hutefîh&on, o! Toronto University, spent thé Eazeter week- end wltb bis parents, Mr. sud Mrs. R. A. Hutchison. Miss Hildegarde Goodféllow, o! Victoria College, Toronto, was wlth ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. ITDYPhoneil618 JRSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDNY at 7.00 and 9.00. Saturde , Mat"é at 1.30 Glooclfelow, for the holiday week- Iend. Mr. Howard'Hazell, o! Toronto tlnlvevsity, spént the Easter week- end hQliday at the home o! bis uni- cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pringle, Brook Street South. Mr. Jack Kean, o! Toronto Uni- versity, spent the holiday week-end wlVh his parents, Mr. and Mms. D. i. Kean, Brook Street South. Miss S. Wlhelm was ln own for a few days during the past weék visiting with-lriends. Mr. and Mrs. Driver vlsited with relatives hi Woodstock on Sunday. Miss Doris Smith, o! Toronto, spent a f ew days over the week-end w,çlth ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Smith, Brock Street South. Miss Kathrine Thompson, of To- ronte, vislted- over thé week-end with Miss Mildred -Price. Miss Eleanor Correl, o! Windsor. spent the Easter week-end wlth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Conreil, Byron Street South. Mr. Walter MacCarl has moved with bis famlly Vo., his new home recently purchased from Miss Win- ul!red Scott, Euclld Street. Mr. W. E. Mc3rlde and !amily are moving this week tô thé Oke residence on u- " Streét East. Mr. Charles Bascom, o! Toronto. »rcraftsman Sterhen Bascom, o! 0ttawa, and Miss Lucille Bascom. of Ottawa, were Easter visitors with their parents, Dr. Horace and Mrs. Baacom. The W.M.S. of the United Ghurcb will hold the Easter Tbank-offering meeting lu the school room at- thre o'eloek, Tluésday, April 2. Mns. A. E.-A.rmtrong, Toronto, will b. thé speaker. Mrs. Armastrong will speak ou. "Trnindad, British Possessions ln South Aiperica". whére our Society .has a mission. Mrs. F. W. Marsh sud sou, James, are visiting with Mn. aud Mrs. J. E. Carruthers, at Windsor, Ontario. Mis Josephine Long, o! Toronto, la apendtng the Easten holiday week witii ber mothér, Mrs. James Ln. MiaJsephine Newsome, of To- route, wua- thé guent o! her uncle and sunt, Mr. P. J. Sullivan and Mm. Smith, Centre Street South, Mrcrsftam.n Gorcdon FaIrman, of Camp Borden, hubaslen vIslting frienâis in tewn during thé pest week. Mr. Ian Davey, o! Toronto, spent the week-end at thé home o! hlm mother, Mts. George Davey, Byron Street South. Mn. Roy Irwiu, o! Tornto UJni- vérsity, speut théeHaster vacation at thé home o! bis brother, at "S8touebaven", Kingston Road West. Ou Wedniesday éveuing last, wheu Péter HMgg eccompanléd by svral passengers were ou théir way te attend the Whitby-Sutton hockey gaine at Uxbridge, a car comiug soubb, near Prospect, collided wlth Mr. Hogg's car sud as a resuit oe o! the passengers , Miss Janet Hogg, received sévèe lace inJuries. Misa Hogg vas taken Vo Oshawa Hospital for, treatiment sud la now at ber home hère whére she la restlng quletly sud lmproving as well as may bé expectedl. Miss Peggy McCailum o! Outario Ladies' Collège. Whitby, la home lu Oshawa, fon thé aster vacation sud ha. as ber guest Miss Barbara -Stokes o! Sao Pàulo, Enazil. Miss Peggy Insole o! Whitby, was amoug thé guefs at thé Gîcu Ber- niard Camp réunilon at thé Granite Club, Toronto, Tuesday night. Misa Howardlue Michael la visit- Ing with frieuds iu Langsta!!, Ou- taria.' Tae régulan monthly meeting e! thé W.C.T.U. vas held on Tuesday, Maroi l9Vb, at thé home o! Mra. Ge. Humphriés, Dpindas Street Hast. Thé meeting vas opeued by thé singlug o! thé hymu, "O Master Let Me Walk wlth Thée". Thé seipture besson psalm was read by thé président, Mes. F. Staples. Thé ditIereut reports vene then read. Mrs. Staples read a 1ev very in- terestiug Items fromn our W.C.T.U. clip aheet, s.mong whlch was one that should be o! muoh intereat to young boys snd girls who are hi thé habit o! smoking cigarettes. Itsasys "There la ne agéncy ithé wonld today that la so serlously af!ecting tbe health, e!ficiéncy, éducation aud oharacter of thé boys sud girls as the cigarette habit". This la wéll WOMEN'8 INSTITUTE The March meeting o! thé Wo- meu's InstItgýe..was held in thé Co- opérative rooms ou FTiday, with Mms. Town presiding. Thé ,topic, "Home Ecouamics" wvu in change o! thé convener, Mrs. J. H. OrinIs- ton. The roll was suiswered by "s favorite club," sud su intenéstlng démonstration o! pies, sandwiches sud salad wus given. A véry help- fui paper on Ecouomy i "Little Thingsl" wus réd by Mrs. Ormiston, glving several examplés o! savlng i thé préparation o! tond, and also thé savlug o! tirna. Seconds sud minutes tre littlé things, whicoe often misused sud squandéred. Miss F'letcher sent a paper on "Educa- tien"' outlinlng the work doue by thé Heater Howe- Scbool, Toronto, and thé hélp 1V bas becu Vo many public men. Miss HaVe Méen. S former Wbltby gerl, was a principal o! til achool. Miss Etihel Fletcher convener Ion bealtb, outliued s Ilsenum'" recently dlscoversd used lu reduclng high blood pressure, made fnom thé blond o! oxen. She miso spoke o! thé incréasé lu thé weight aud height o! school children lu England sud Canada sud otiien countniés, attributed ta thé use of proper food, especially thé break- fast méal. Tea. was served wliich brought as-very Profitable meeting te a close. YOUNG MEN'S CLUB DANCE Thé Young Men's Olul, Hastér dance, héld ln thé Hlgh Seheol ou Tbursday evening lst, vas a mSt success!ul alfair-. Thé attendaucé was large and music was pnovided by'Ragnan- Stéens' orchestra. Durung the evening preseutations weré made ta two o! thein members who are leaviug tewn. Mn. George Phillips, a mémber o! thé club, who réceutly eulistéd with thé 14th Bat- Vry, Cobourg, sud vho expets VO be moveet ahortly vas pnesented with a signet ring prier te bis de- panture, sud Mr. George (Sugan) AMlau, président o! thé club, sud Mrs. Allan were présentéd witb a coflée tablé. Me. Allan leaves this wéek tor Coîborue, vhere hé vil1 havé chargé o! thé creamery ré- cently paurcbased by Mn. Jack Rob- lin, o! Whltby. Bath young mnen will bé gréatly mlssed by thé club vhére tbey havé beén iuterested wonkérs. vorth a tflougnt. Msls N'. Harpé", FORMER RESIDENT OPi Who nepnesented our W.C.T.U. at PICKERING PASSES the Convention o! tic Ontario Mr. M. Shaughuessy, o! WhltbY, Teulperance Fédération, held 'a reccived a, elégrani On P'nîday last Toronto lasV month, gave a very Iu- informuug hlm o! -thé déath o! hlm terésting sud concise* report. At brother Stephen Who Passed eWav thé close o! thé meeting ourh. essearîy that mornnng l hi céicgo. Mes. Hîumphnlés sérvéd very nice Dec vd as bora i Plkenlng refreshments.- (C)ontributed). -and vill hé rcmémberecl by thé older resldents< A number o! EVENING AUXILIARY yeara ago hé vent te Chicago. Thé regular monthlY Meeting O! vhere he becamé ver'y succisaul the Evenîng Auxilia.ny a! Uic lu the building trade. Ile leaves UuiVed Church vil belield ln thée bealdés his vife, hi& brother Mat- Sunday Seheol room at 6 Pmii. on thev, o! Whitby, and two siteg April lot. Miss Laura Peliov la lnUnMr. Granuan, o! Torontoand udais charte o1 thie-programme, Marylu, O! Pickering. Member s t Whitby LionS-club and, their ladiesI Whltijy and Brookliluwill attend in a body next »suliday evenlng the service iu Brooklin United Ohurcl.i.thé place o! aasémbly* will bW Lion Percy SVover's store at Brookihu at 6:45, sud Ironi there the Lions aud Lion- esac will proceed te the ohurch. The sermon will bé preactied by the pastor, Rev. P. L. Juil, aud music ýwill be furhished by a'men's choir. A large tunnout o! Uic Lions sud their ladies Is expected. In 'Memoriam' To ADEESS lu"NSCLUB Thé Méii'a ClUb b"il Johns' Church, Port WhItily, tg loDklng forw&id40tO aa l ýciviC nlght te be held on MOd&y nèxt ln the lpar- ish Hall te whilch mémbeta of tbe Men'. Club ùÈt Uic Vntbd OhUrd have been Invlted. W., Ryeraon Ritchle, o! Whitby, for many years prominently identifiéd with Ohêm- ber of Commelirce and ollier Clvic work ln1 leadlng cUtles ln thelUnlted States, la to be the guestoôf thée Oe- ning. The subet for discussion là to be "Town Improvementa". Thie mçeting ln part wlll take the Iorn of a round-tablê conterence,, when it la expected, many ideu for- lm- provemlent o! Uie to-ciiwill ho brought out. The men of St. Johns are planning to mû. tIis onc of their outstandlng ev-enines of the season and are looklng.for a large attendance. CIELEPEATES 95Ts BIRTBDAT Mrs. Helen Hudson, mother of the laVe Dr. Harvey Hudson, of V/bit- by, quietiy oelebrated her SMt birthday at her home ln Elora, Monday. Mrs. Hudson gome about her household duties daily, haé a keen mesnory and là fond o! needie- worlc. Her ,chie! hobby la her t low- er gaden, which attracts many vis- itors annually and which she lookse alLter with her own- hands durig the summer montZns. Many friends called or sent congratu]atory mes- sages Vo Mrs. Hudson by létter, wire, telephone and even by radio. Coming te Elora from Lueknow, though a native of Nicol Township, adJohnng Eloya, Mrs. Hudson has becu a hlghiy esteemied résident o! this village for more than 30 years. ahe la a daughter of the laVe Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeBeeattle. She wus married 72 years mgo to Andrew Hudson and a! er their maaniage they took. Up !arlng near Illora belors movlng to Lucknow where Mr. Hudson dled. Mrs. Hudson has long been a niember o! Knox Pres- byterlan Ohurch iElora. 8h. wus a chaîtes, member o! the Women's Mlnsionary So clety of Lucknow Presbyterlan Church, whlch or- ganization sent Mrs. Hudson a beautiful basket o! romeste mark thIs eventlul occasion. Recently, Mns. Hudson'a aiter, Mrs. Thomas Pritchard, celebrated her 89th blrthday. Her brother, George Beattie, lives with Mrs. Hudson i Elora. mrs. Hudson has two chil- dren, Margaret o! Elora aud George r-udson of Toronto. "A good sit in 111e with plenty of fine fruits o! h iii o at nmake a hardy race. and must have been respon- sible for my longevlty," sasys Mr&. Death HALL-At Lot 16, Con. 7, Eazt Whitby Township, on Suuday- March 21, 1940, T1homas Hall, be- boved husband o! thé laté Eliza-- béth Steveuson, iu his 87t1i year Thé funeral will také place from thé résidence o! T. R, Hall on Wéd., nesday, March 27th., Ser-vice In Columbus United Church at 2:30 o'clock. Interment lu Groveside cemetery, Brooklin. Card of Thanks We wish to extend our hearticat thanks for the acts o! kindness, messages of sympathy, and floral offeringis, receivcd from our friends and nelghbors during our recent bèreavement, ln the bs of a be- loved wif e and mother. Donald Robinson and Pamily. la.On DuEn ACTIVITIES The agenda o! the annual meet- ing of the Pro vincial Chapter 1.0. D.E., to be held in Hamilton, April 1Mt, 11llVhand12=, wlll be o! in- terest to mesubers who intend going for part or ail. On Wednesday, April lOth, there wlll be the lollowing: Regfietration 9 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Entrance o! Standard Bearers. Prayer of thie Order. Minutes silence for deceased members. Résolutions o! Loyaity te Majesties sud greetinga te tenaut-Governor sud Mns. Their Lieu- Mat- thews. Civie Wclcomé - His Wonshlp Mayor William Monison, K.C. Address o! Welcc.xe-Muulcipal Régent o! Hamilton, Mrs. W. K. Foucan.i Reply to Address o! Welcom- Mns. D. B. Colemuan, Whitby. Greétings !nom thé National Chapter-Mns. W. B. Honkins, Na- tional Président.- Address - Provincial Piresldeht, Mrs. Williami Mornison. Provincial Annual Reports. Address-Mrs. Albert P. Martin, H-amilton. SubJect. "IHow Do Gcr- mans 7Thiuk?" 4 Wednesday Afternoon Session provincial Annual Reports cou- tinued. Address-Natloual Président, Mrs. W. B. Honkins. Evening Session, April lth Report o! War Service Convenér, Mes. C. D. Huckey, Hamilton. Dis- cussion on War Work. National War Service Convener, Mrs. C. H. Willsoni, Toronto. Thursday A.M., April llth Conférences oni Edurationlal* Echoes; Organiziflg; I.O.D.E. Girl Guidés;, Empire Study; Eudowméut Fund; Sécretanies; Treasurers; Ser- vice aud Ex-Service Men; Press an d Publicity. Thuruday A!ternoon, ApnIl llth Genéral Report of Chaptén Work -Municipal. Prlmary sud Junior- by provincial SecretarY. Educatiolial SecretarY's Report. Dinner-Royal Connaught Hotél. j9peaker - Captain R. G. Cavell. Subject, 'Thé 'Empire at War." Friday MorniflE, April lZth Treasurer'5 Report, Budget sud Financiti Discussion - Mrs. O, Main. General discussion on wonk . o! thé order sud Question Box. Ques-r tien Box led by Mes. Scott MUrray e! Ottava. Sewlug meeting vil hé held on Fnldy i thé romn kIudly allotted Vo us at thé court Hiouse. We acknowlédge vlth thanks 12 pairs socica from Mrs. MacLaren, Ottawa. SALAD Toms tegethér diced celery, shred- ced cabbage, carnt cunls, amal pueces 1o! pinéapplé. Serve wlth mayonnaise thinued Wvu pinéeapplé Juloc. Announcement ibis headlng la charged for ai the rate of one ani one-haif cents per word for flrst insertion, niimum charge, 2Sc. Each subsoqenit consecutive insertion, le per word, and three consecutive Insertions f or the price of two -first Inser- tions (three cents a word). Mini- mumi charge for three insertions, 50c. AI notices for this colun shouid, whenever possible, be ln wrlting, statlng number and dates of Insertions, t. avold mistakes. We wlIi not be responstble for maistakes la noUcés phoned. THE UNITED CHURCH MISSION Band are holding an Easter tea and concert ln the Sunday School, on Thursda3', March 28th, from 3 :30-5 o'clock. Also a sale of home cooldng. Admission to tea, 25 centc. MR. ROBLIN, 0F WHITBY, WILL show some very Ipteresting mov- Ing pictures at *the -Baptist SB. on Friday evening, March 29th, at 8 o'clock. These include pic- tures of the visit of the Kinig and Queen. Refresnments will be servcd. Admission 25 cents. The entire proceeds of the eyening will go to the work of the Ladlie.' Aid. COME AND SEE THE PLAY AND old tyme concert given by the ladies of Mrs. D. Mowat's group, in St. Andrew's Sunday School room, on Friday, March 29th, at 8 P. M. Admission 25s cents, children 10 cents. -iE 'PARISH GUILU 0F ALL Saints' Church wtll hold an Easter tea and sale of home made cooking, on Friday, March 29th, in the Parish Hall. The tes menuhas been arranged to suit everyone's taste. DECORATING- THIS PRING? Have you.r w allpaper removed by machine. It's cheaper and cleaner. Frank Wells, 'phone 04. TODAY'S MENU By Bm'I9Y NEWMAN Casserole of Haddock Buttered Broiled Rîce Cabbage or Lettuce Salad Coffee Crcam, Pufls Coffe CASSEROLE 0F IHADDOCKC Mix two cups each carrot, oniori and celcry; seeson with salt and pepper. Put hall mixture Into ouled casserole. Skîn four Pound piece haddock, brown ln one-half cup hot oil. Place in casserole. Add vege- tables. Brown one clove minced gar- lic in oii. Pour in two and one-half cups water and 1)o1u p. Pour into casserole, cover and bake. Place fish on platt-er, surround %,Jtt dralned vegetables. Add equal ainount rich milk to pan liquor, then thicken with two tablespoons flour Per cup liquid. Pour over f ish. Garnish with capers if liked. BU'IIER.ED BROILED RICE Ingredients: 1 cup uncookod rie 2 quarts boiling wrater 3 Vecaspoona saît. Wash rice hrough sevéral waters until %rater la cléar; drain. Place lu flat pan under broller; broil unVil golden brown, shaking pan occas- ionally Vo urun ice. Remnové lrom brolcn, add gradually te nrapidly boiling salted water, neyer allowing Laut Complete Show et 8.20. ROSN*RAYMýOND SEVERN UN * O ALO NADDED ATTACTION WUSISSUEM-R...T OIILY-Fo1E-A s--WA-(A s1 VMLL * JACEIE MMRAl* ALDRICHI--"-ilE I UsOANN * Prosemted by WARNIER nos. MtWqMW Pim ~a ;4P lwyw mwa - q.- à MMUmm tw FAB STYLE LARGE 11LINZ SAIISACE,, HOME-MADE EBEAD- CHEESE.ý DOLOGNA *1~ Li~ Ib m lZY2c *BONELESani BOLED POT IOAST SHANKLESS PICNIC HAMvPTON, Msrch 25.- Mins Nancy Johns, Toronto, la spendlng Easter vieêk with ber mother, Mnr. Elmina Johns. Mizs Eléna Nlddery, Toronto, wa8 au Easter visitor witb relatives. Miss Doreen Perrett, Kendalil spending hen Emtér vacation At Mn. Harry FaulUéer Easter week wlth his Holway. Miss ae Knoxua, speuding hér Easter home. parents eat Haydou, la vacation et Mn. B . Hickma u s i Toonte,t on Monday._ Miss Nora Kerslake, Toronto,i visited ber parents.-1 Mr. snd Mrs. G. Farucomb vlsitéd1 Toronto relatives ou Good FrldaY.1 Mr. sud Mrs. Ed. Antwhistle audg daugbter, Jean, wéré Good FTldayi visitons in Toronte. Mn. sud Mrs. Rusell Reynolds and family, Toonuto, wene Estén visitons with Miss L. Rteynold. Good Frlday was littingly ob- servédi by' holding a service lu thé Sunday School room, whlch* was conducted by Rev. W. Rackham. Thé choir led in thé music sud !av- onéd with au Eastér nuMber. Our pastor brought au Easten message, sud Miss 1E0ith Rackbam sang a !itting sélection., Sevéral bymus wrene sung dunlng thé service -wlich closed by thé pastor prnouuuiug thé benediction. Thé Sunday services wené very well atténded désvDite thé Inclément weather, whlch, with dni!ted roads and a breeze that travelled with great vclocity, madc it difficuit for many Vo attend. An Easter number was sung bY a number o! 'thé jun- iors at thé Suuday School session. Rev. W. Rackhiam chose M&%tthew, 28th chapter, Sth to 7th verses, for his text lu thé evening-"ýAud thé augel answéréd and sald unto. thé women, Pear noV yc: for I .kuow that ye seek Jésus, wbich wus cru- cified. Hé is not here: for hé is risen, as he said. Corne and see thé place wbere thé Lord lay. "And go qulck- h.and tell bis disciples that hé la ien fnorn thé déad; and behold he --oeth before you I-to Galilée: theré hall ye seeC hlme Io, I have told Miss R. Antwhistlé, Brantford, -as an Eastcr week-end visitor wlth erparents. water to stop boiling during, thé addition. Boil rapidly, uncoveréd, Thé largest tunkey farm lu Eng- until rice la tender, about 15 te 20I land produces 6,000 birds yearly. minutes. Drain. Makes thrce cups. Thé largest urkcy undertakiug ilu Put leftovér in pudding,' thé United States la worked ou a- COFFE CR.EAM PUFFS co-openative basîs aud malutains a lireédiug stock o! 118,000 birds on Ingrédiuens 13 larms lookèd mIter by 19 youni ,2u bte married couplés. In 1939 more than ýý cup doublé-stnéngth, fréshly- 640,000 turkeys were pro'duced. made cole 'i cup boiling water 1 cup sîfted flour________________ 4 eggs Melt butter in boiiing colle sud * . U ~ W U water. Add flour sud cook over low J E N heat, stirrlng coustautly until mix- 1 Luné leavés thé aidé o! thé pan. Ré- - - - 161c1 leI&S Thornton'a Con~ Thornnton's Corners, march 2o - Mn.-ind Mrs. Roy Llck entértain. ed on Baturday, March 18, appnoad- mstely forty guests of thé coni- munlty et a social evening held in théfr beautiful home. A Most de- lightful evenlng, as e*jyed by ail. Thse recelvlng prims er.: Mrs. Gordon Besson, Mn. rvenftt Jackson, mes. Peter Lofthouse Jr., and Mr. Walter Bues. Mr. ]Peter Lofthouse Jr. von the delidoua chocoste layer cake. Mf. n.dudrMs. ClaytSm Downéy clebrated, ,their thirty-ftrst wed... ding annlversszy on Saturday cve- ulng vhen twenty guests gave th=x a surprise party. Best vishes snd gifts vere bestoed on§ Mn. and Mes. Downey and a veny pleesst evenlng 'of gaméss ueuoyed by thé guesta There ver. elghty penons pres-' eut at thé Sunday School service, Mardi 17. Next' Suuday la !Buter sud a spécial prograni la plenned. Me. Armour Hanna was aweek- end guat o! -Mr. Wilfred Pascoc Jr. Messrs. Wllfred Pascosasd Ar- mour lianna spént Monday ln To- ronto. Thé re-open 10 arn ness Mgi Wedine on We the Loi for the camps a -up, &ný womnn don ar tion, di 0ad wurPa Mie fon heur on=ea. Vhom1 A donal being se Red(c Ath Recipes 1 11tk CIIAB -AN D CHEESE FONDUE ra 'A ounce ean 9, thinsce crabmeat White bread- 1 cup chopped 1% lb. Americaii ý eery * êeee e 3 tbsp. mayon- 2 eggs naise 1icup milk 1 tbsp. prepared -1 tsp. Worcester. mustard shire -sauce '4 tmp. Sait Mix crabmeat- snd celery. Com- bine mayonnaise and muatard, add with sait, mix well. Spread be- twee nsliccs of bread . Ialve sand- wiches. Suice cheese thin. Arrange sandwiches and cheese in gre"ed casserole in alternate.layera. Seat eggs, add-niilk and Worcestershire sauce. Pour into casserole. Cover. Bake in a moderate o-yen 45 mik- utes. -SPANISH ChrAM 2 tbsp. gelatin 2% cups scalded soaked in 1 milk %4 eup cold miik 3 egg whiters 3 egzg yolks beaten stif Blightly 1 tsp. vinilla beaten 2-3 cup macaroon 1+3 cup sugar crumba % tap. Sait Make a soit custard of'the egg yolks, sugar, sait snd the inilk. Dâssoive the soaked gelatin in it. Cool, flavor aud, as it begins-to thiccen, fold in egg whitesand maearoon crumb.. Moid. , hilL Wan a.nd i centra A I - Y bMrs who ha Accord My jol owned tonddue Thé p couiac and Vi as to t ber ci move lrom heat sund drop lu ICH"gs' onta irne, beating until perfect- CATC UP LIBYs 2 nusM.- 2 5 ly blended afLer each addition,1"e Drop by spoonfuls ou baklug sheét SA&LM ON -.~36c- sud bake iu hot oven (450 P'.) 15 CHP" O L w Giatu. minutes. Reduce béat te moderate M 551.a~ sud baké 30 minutes longer. Cool, CPkgOft. 8c 2e3 ». 445 split sudfilîl as -desired. Makes 12 CLEANSER - CONCEN'rIATED large créam pulls. BABO 2 TIns 50 SUpersuds .190 WOODBTJRY'S FACIAL RtOYAL HOUOIJSENOL -SOAP 2écakes 1'5 FLOUR ' "-830 Choral Program JERGEN'5 CARBOUIC AMGPOWDER Held By Church, SOAP 3 Cakes40 MAGIC ' 280 il .-; a Belleville, March 26. - Spécial' music featuned Haster services lu1_ Belleville churches Sunday. At Bridge Street United Church, thé evening service vas devoted entirely te music by thé choir unden Miss Leona Riggs sud Leo. B. Riggs, organist. Solo parts wéne taken by Mns.-G. H. Stobie,. Harold Howard sud-1 James :È. Bankier. Iu addiliou ta thé choral wonk,- a man's group consistiug o! R. D. P. DavIdson, Fred Spragué, Harold Howard, Bill Burgoyne, W. C-'2!ough, Ed. Buch- anan Alec G:: -.uAlfred Evans, James Bankiér. and Jack Andrews. AV Tabernacle Cburch, au Easter cautata was presentéd by thé full choir under Mes. M. P. Dul!, George N. Maybee conducted thé choir of christ Church in a choral Comn- munion service Suuday. Bey. Can- on Austin SmIth asslstéd thé nec- ton, Rev. G. G. Wright, ln the Ispécial serviS.e, :> A&P BREAD AkNN PAGE WHITE 24-o. Wrapp.d WHOLE WHiEAT CRACKED WHEAT 2 Lo 15C STEAKS. rr 71ou ROAST 21c~eeuf- PRIE RIB ROAST.............. lb. lic PORK SHÎOUL DERS (Fresh Shankless) .... lb. 1U PORK BUTTS (Frcsh) ....-...... lb. 1li BACON (Breakfast Sliced)................ 23C BLADE ROAST ................lb- 14Ç SHORT RIB ROAST........ .... 1 5,c BEEF eOLOGNA» by thé Piece ........ 2l1». 2C c TEXAS1 CINATING SECRETS LURK THESE, GRIM TOWERSI >BMr.*' Comnedy Treat $ATURDAY MATINEE liieter Keaton i NOTHINiG BUT PLE.ASUEWP MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY ---------- --------- COLWUI-Iu lovlng zmiory o! our dean niother, Mrs: J. ]ýo1wll. o! Brooki, Ontario, who passed away March 28, 1939. "TM a tribute o! love sud remem- brauce, To one we wlll neyer lorgét, Her absence Vo us Is o! sorrow,, Her loss wé shall always retrnet. Thé Family. STUTrAFORD-In lovlng memory o! John Stuttaford, who passéd away at Myrtie Station, March 29th, 193§. ýI Nothlfig eau even také away Thé love a béant holds dear, Fond memonles linger éery day, Rememnbrancé keeps hlm near. Sadly mis;sed by the lamlly. ta ho* Ili ail

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