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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Mar 1940, p. 5

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THIE WHITBY GAZET1'E A good watch is worth repairing! Our expert work is much lesa ex- pensive han buyimg a new watch! Drop by today for an estimate. BASSETiT'SU,Wh, *RED- CROSS bi fACTUVITUES S 7her Red Cross Workroom, wMl tai visiting in the whole camp area re-<pn on Mondsay, Aprlilâla, at A large number of our Canadian 10 ami. The regular montahiyhusi- boys have been 111 cither with flu V ness mieetig will net* be held until or in-sanie cases with more serlousc Wedneoday, April lth. maladies since going to England,p -Th'le Evening Auxiliary will meet andi our hospital visiting service liasv en Wednesday, April.S3M, st 7:30, been qulte active for a number of p.n. weeks in making sure that these men are flot being neglected. ' Supplies Overseas Al.supplies overaeas are being Ambulances Ready lialdled uMder the supervision of In London, ten amnbulances &re the London AdvLsory Comxittee now ready with "Gi! t of thre Cana- ad wll be available, flrst of ail, dian Red Cross Society" paiited on for t1e' benefit of Canadians in both sicies. There are also five oUi camps and secondly, for Can.adians ers to form a convoy for the Polish In hospital. The machinery for this sold[-érs f ightin n France, distribution has already been set These items the huge over- ,up, and éomlittees of Canadian seas exPenses t h ithe Cana- women are already at work in Lon. dian Redkçross is committed as wel] don 'arranging for hospital visita- as the manufacture of hospital sup- tion, distribution of comforts in Plies for the forces. Canadian- camps and prisoners of wu 'parcels. . Apples Troop ships carrying elements o!" pouash Relief the Canadian Active Service Force Tlhe internationial Red Cross have been supplifid witlh qeneroiis Conmmittec ai Geneva las appealing gifts of apples by thle Ccuiadian Redi for h.1?p for the 370,000 Palish' pris- Cross for consuxnption diîring the oere of war in CGermany,* amnong voyage. Letters receiveci from the wiom t errible conditiol» ý prevail. officers commanding the troopS A donation of whole wheat flour is ships tell how greatly these gifts being sent froni Canada ta iheir as- have been appreclated. Contribution to Headquarters Fund Freneh Red Cross At a meeting of the full executive Two ahipmenta of supplies have held last Wednesday, afternoon, it aiready been sent to the French was decided to remit the sum of Red Cross and further assistance $500 frctm the fund.s available to the wul be sent as the need amises. Treasurer of the Ontario Council of the Red Cross. Ail branches o! SWemen's Canadian Club Uhc Canadian R.ed Cross are asked Ie Wemen's Canadian Club of ta contribute a portion of their col- Lonidon haLve 'olunteered to beconie lections to the centrl f und, from the "recrutiz* organisation"' for whlch the Canadian Red Cross then women'a voluntary activities -of Uic la able ta finance its overseas work Canadian Red Cross in England. and other enterprises, suoh as Fin- As the. result -o! their efforts the nlah and Cze-cho-e~ovakian Relief, lollowlng o! ficers have been ap- the Canadian Hospital at Taplow, poited:MUn. Leonard Hancoek as England, medical work at the front. QChalrman of the Red Cross- Infor- etc. While ail bra.nches have found mnation Burea.u anci Hospital Vis- it would be possible to utilize their Itine Service: Mrs. Dr. T. F. Cotton funds fuIly for the making of sup- as Chafrnuan of the Prsoners of plies locally, ail have likewise real- War and Soldiers Conif arts èer- lzed that It la only by contributing vices; Mns. Wm. Sticlcney (siter of sanie portion of their f unds to thc Lord "everbrook) us Obairman of langer worlc that these very imnport- the Maple Leaf Clubs C9nuuittee; ant services can be financecl. The, and Mm. Perchal Huit mari, wif e of Whitby Executive therefore dechd- the manager of the Dominion Bank cd that the local brandi should *8 Chairman of the Generea Wo- f 0110w the generally accepted prac- raen'a Workraom Comunilttce. lice a.nd sencl a contribution whicb Yhese services are ail in action could be spared without unduly odnd are housed i the fRed Cross crippling the'local activities. It was ceàtral building Ini Berkeley &quare. f li that this could be done in view of the fact that it la the intention Hospital VIsltInt to close the local workr-ocms dur- A Rd Cross office hb'as been op- ing thc wanm summer months, Pro- ened ne..r Alderahot, presided over bably from June l5th to, Scptexnber by Mmr. Cook,, a Canadian woman, 15th. Definite announcement of this who ha& agreed too supervise hospi- will be made later. Bygone Days In Letters of Lats Rou Johnston, und pearing ln Whitby Chronlecle ove EEOOKLIN iNDUSTRIES Brooklin, December 3lst, 1883: Accordlng ta promise I now resuzue my jattings as ta Brookllfl, iaà in- dustries, institutions, etc. I will begin with the Tannery, OwnedtbY W. J. Muray & Ca.,-and cohducted- by Mr. Murray i person. Trhe .premises are extensive- and comznodious, and present a- neat and tidy appeanance. No wonder as to tilat, i vew of the vast num- be-r of bides'a! neat stock that re- culve treaiment here. T"e-main building la 102 x 56 feet, and is--fit- ted up with the Most .appnoved Ina- chinMr, and Is run by steam power, and beated by steam. Mr. Murray lnZi>nmz me tbat' !rom. thirteen to fifteen tbausand aides o! leather are run tbnough durlng Uic year. They malce & spilty ai bu!!, harnes% and upper leather, and emplOY reg- ularly from 20tq 25 banda. You vil se tram ibis bow important an ln- dutry thlis&to theplace. A nev brick çmoke-stack was erected lut lumulier, about 70 feet high. The Co. have been ln buslzes ere about *lghi years, and evrytilng about the premnises givOSts tken o!fgOOd man1agemnTt and -prosperity. ,me --»rooklin Mill" stands but a strort distance f rom the TannèrY, anId is a uhree-storey brick building, ownêt by thc Campbell estate, andý uzz4r the able manaLgement Of Mr- john Iaobon, The MiW bas ihree run o! atones, a&nd la run by water- power. Il bas bad & purifier and s5iutter lately put ln, ba isaIa bru*j machine; and whÏen ln ful blast can run off 75 barrels a day. Shlpphig la donc to some extent, but businessIja nainly local; do- àa i alào visitcd thUI-C ent Mils,» altuat.d down~ the creek to the soutb of , the village, owned by Mr.. James prgnéis, anid run by his brother, Peter, vIioni v al knoe so wU T@Ml ig & athre.-atoreY trame builing waer-»erOldproceli wt threa =cf'#atoes. It bU-0, brckdylulg-kilfl, and makes cat- "I msnlyIn tua, howver, the mm tu ta enistu lnotoz'iety, sud» ing back into tbe village agaiu 1 meek =nd ind lood an4 aballer St the "Broa&Hn Hotuse"kep by 3Mr. CFea. H. Henderson, vhom I flnd to b lc ti n hi ti T' )e a eourteois and attentive lmand- ord. TIch travelling publie evident- , appreclate theic roklin Rouse. Ur. Henderson bas ben a lotl* Jime ln the Hôtel buslina, aUld ha ieven gat fined, and understandâ iov to cei and keep Ibe good-wll )f bis cuctiomers. Thêre la another? citel hee cf long standing, narnly th. "Globe Hotel." ýkept by 1Mr. rbornas Cblnn. Then ve bave Mfr. !nncis Blair, butcher, a good na- tuned, lchid hearted man, wbo ba$ no need to be admonnisbd b luse bhlonide o! lime, as bis preiie are cn, wveet and tldy. Here Ismia M4r. B.) Batty, ln the sMUe lino O! busies; so beiveen mullens andi butcbels there shauld be no danger if starva n ln Brookihi, unidas B. F,. Campbelt q., conveyancer, etc. should fea ther oui anc O! these days itoa a ful tledged Lavyen and get hald of ail the fat catile and geee. E!ere, too, we have Mr. D, M. Van, a nice -looking young man-, girls, cath b im ifyou cal %le is a watchniaker and jewellen and la just conimencing business, and mlght prove qulte an a»cquisition ta Uic village if lie Would seutle dovri and gel married. Nexi came tic dis- ciples of Esculapins, a goodly nuun- ber, and ail o! thcm men o! repute in their professions, viz: Dr. Fo1ote, Dr.e Warren, Dr. Starr and Dr. Clerke. Dr. Foote bas probably had à longer practice than any Other medical man in ibis CountY; I nuight perhaps say Province. Re <lacs not now Io out, beîng vell ad- vanced i yeans., but bis mmnd ne- tains ils manly vigar, and in con- versation he bas the buayancy of youth.. In schools, churches, and moral ,ý.nd benevolelit institutions, Brook- lin la highly pnhvilcge<l. But, Dean Chronicle, limre I.s UP and space is !ild I nust ask, therefore, as I tr.avel towards ColumbuS. in MY next ta bc allowed ta look baak on Brrooklin for a short lime, and Vo m1<t a !ew partlng rcmarks. Traveller. [IRE PREVENTION A MIAL [ACTOR !N VAR EH? DR (0ontinued f nomn Page 1) tic goveruimelit and other co- operatig agencies. Because cf very major.reduations in lire lassei tic Hon. Gardon Canant had been telling f ire insurance canipanies Ihat their rat---. vene too bigli. wilh the resut that reductions. o! ten per cent for Uic urban dweilers and five per cent for rural dvellers. rcpreseiitilg a saving o! tva million dollars a ycar. vere nov in effeat, these bcing lully justi!ied by the lower lire lasses we have been hav- ing. Tne lire mansiail stressed tic faot that hncendiary lires contribut- cd largely la aur lire lasses the ex- tenl o! these, hoveven, bcing bard la determine. It vas a laci, how- ever. that duning the lirsi year fires o! ibis type. vereivcstigated and thcy were rcduaed innuber by hbalf. Tires due Vo the familiar term, "'spontancous combustion, mostly In barns w,.re also becom- inc fcwer, there being but orie in tire Years in a barn whiah had la bc rebuilt. Large Congregations Brave Chily Winds to Attend Church Services- - Sig- nificance of the Easter Message is Emphasized- Choirs Render Splendid Service al st in t' n ri ment, bis Deparîment had tic? ment and tic provincial police viti a' jabsolutely noia treeceb oP Y autiarity. not everi by the Attarney Yi Oernarof "heTraeler, - trc Genenal or members o! lhe Legisia- er 50 years ago, are reprinted. "We are ciae navnefr _______________________ and tic gaverriment services aI carnied of! bath a-meclal and diplo- Taranto are tryigrta do their bit Ina alihe Centennial Exhibition in as veli as hase a! aur anmed forc- Philadelphia. In addition la aup- -s and otien van workers tovards s plying local markets, a considenable a. succssful prosecutiori a! lie quantily o! oatmeal las ehippcd ta war.in Canada," said the fine mar- ç Moritreal anid Glasgow. A large shall. Aller the van broke out a amounit of chopping is also donc gr,3at deal of sabotage vas expecl-s here. About 100 buahels a day la cd, but fortunately due Vo pro-. regularly run off. Mr. Francds alsa cautions inslituted by lic govern- keeps for sale Vihe Lindisay new pro- 'ment, includinz tic engagement in E cess lamily fleur, said ta ic an an- lOntariao! 800 special guards on3 licIe muchIin demand. power plants and ailier buildings -T hene ta aiso a cooper sîiop in in lie province, this bad'not b*een Brooklin. Tic premises beleng to lie case. This service, he pdintcd M.rs. Harrison, and the busineýss 'le Oui, vas cosling tic province a' carriei on by Mesars. Fitzgerald& million dollars a year-an unex- Ca. I uriderataîîd h la nol at pres- ncctcd provincial charge due ori- ent if ull operallan. The wonlc tinely 10 var emcrgcncy, and il vas donc h mainly for lhe milla of Mn. very nccessary wben consideririg Heniry Bickle, viicb, by the way, I liai aur industrial expansion de- had not lie pleasureï af vîsiting. Tie pends se langely on aur electnic siop bas donc and silil should do a paver plants. One coud anlv visu- gacd business un der Mn. Fitzgerald's alize viat vould happen ta ini- able management. duslry if! lie Niagara paver plant Juat iold on a minute. Tbis null- vaaste be blovri Up or dama.ged ing business. even vien run by in any vay. vator-paven, la very dry. vork. 50 The tire mansiali .also poinled muai dust about il. 7Tic fumes of u itlr rvnlr a en tic tannery aira stick in my tinoal:ou htfrpevno w beg so I viii run in and sec my fIonda carrled on among lie manufactur- Mn. and Mrs. R. B. Patta, an-d rosI ens In co-oporation with tic Royal a vhile. Juat Vie verv thing.-Mrs. Canadian Mounted Police, Investi- PolIs, ithe. kîndus aIofhon hearl, gating al l ires in plants viere van Insists on my taking a aup o! lea. erdens vene bcing exceuted or vere My native baahfulness leada me ta llkely Va. be placcd. To date elgit decline; but ýsic (being of like na- cases o! suspccted sabotage iad- lionality) sees Ibraugh ilUtiat, and beer ilnvostlgated and al O! hem tie upsiot Is: 1 gel an excellent cup !aund ta be Uic resut o! careless- of tea, and feel muci refrcshed. flot nesa! one kind or another. -Tt only by lhe. tes but by tic lively -,; ynined out thal Most cases conversation of *my klnd hast anid af sabotage occurrlng In Uic last i.stess. Mn. PotLe, la a mian o! cari- var vere traeed ta German sympa- slderable neputè as an anliaI, and I tizons ini tic United Stâ,tes. iad Vie pleasure of examining a- In cîosîng lie lire manstiali number o! very fine landscape ançi paînted oui 'that bis Department aVion painlings, tie fruits o! is vas also sending tfire omengency skil. bulletins on the suggestion o! thc Takîng a stride !rom lihe south Attorney General ta aIl manufie. to lhe north enid or aide allihe vil- tuners, fine chiefs, insUrance com- lige- (for lu s sonielhig like Pa4 ati- ec dy's blanket, as braad as long) I aiaec tind Mr. Wm, Wallca, voaver o! thc takuing over by Uic provincial flaznceli, tveeds, coverlets, nag car- lii'. marshall's depatnmnt o! lie pets, etc. He isa been hene since Inspection of, a -ilUiary mulpsand 1847. RMis fatbor carrlcd on tic airponi's coming under the Depart. business Up la 1860, since wiel ment o! Natoiai Definse ai Ot. tiue W=. bas continuod ih. Co=.& tava, lIn des, prêvent tires The aburches; o! Whitby vereveill ,tlended on Sundcay, as the-E,,ster- tory o! tic resurrection o! Chrizt wa thausand ycars ago was related riazng and slory Iran pulpits and .hoir lolls. Many braved the colcl&çt calliher fcr many wiecks tn make heir Easter devotions, and - il1 azes were well repaid ii n piritual iplift. Easlen lillei and plant, a--r- anged around chancels and pulpits. -emrided wanshinpoers o! Vie adverit r-f ric wealher coridit!ors to tic 'ntrary. THE BAPTIST CIIURCUE Servibcs inith-_ Baptîst Ciurc? ,onducted bY lie paston, Rev. H. huner Green, manked a E.uccecrful1 -ulnùnaticn o! a we cf Holy Wezk -evices prcduative cf neal spiritual valus. Large congregations wvere Dn iend for bath ser-vices, anid a- irapriate messages werc given bv; holi minisl.r. backed Up by a choir which taxed tbc caicacîty of* lhe hoir loft. Mus,*,- includcd a solo hy Lecriard Richi: a duel bv Robin Nicholson and Charles Baker, with Mr:,. Grecen at lie organ, and foulr anthems. 'rilhe minist2r anincunced that live youflg womeil bac applied for tic sacrarnent of baptism, Vo b-2 admin- istered at a future serv:cc. Snaigon tie subject, "Sur- nouriting Difficulties o! thc F'inat 1 a.ster Morn". based an tic texi. "Who Will Roll Away the Stones?" 'Rev. M-. Greýeîi at the monning service nainted out liaI lhe pen- severancc and faili aItheticIlrce women who rame carly ta thc se- pulcire on thc firzt Easten morr surmaunled their difficulties, for, whcn they arnlved at the tamb a1 their Master, tboy faund: that ar angel had rolled lie atone -avay and later that Christ haci arisený Tie minister applied the lesson te life's home, business and chunci experiences, wherein f aith and pcr- roverance, cnabled us ta surmoun and triumph aven our di! ficultes TIb Easter message was tienefore a nc of hope and triumph. RIGET HOX<OURABLE W. 1- MACKENZIE KING Prime Minister.o! -Canada, whose Liberal paréff was awept backlnto power by an overwhelmnig vote ln TuÏesay's federal elections. The premier was re-elected hn the constituency o! Prince Albert, Sask. Easter Story in Sermon, Music, Related to Large Congregatuons In.Wkutby Churches on Sunday reminder cf viclory, of 111e ovei ieath, while thc tomb f nom vil C1hrist arase on the final Eazte: Marn wa" a reminder o! and ai 3.;.suranze of futurs hope and man, -mniartalily. Flowers in thc gardel alz-o were a rcminicr that tic beau ,y and sixnplicity o! tic Baster mes zage, ile the tomb wiile suggest in- deati also p:ointed to the gr4eal est fact o! ail history that Cluri tare a-sund,'er the bands and rS~ triumphant thus cçompletig hi mission. Ti-- c vening service was held i tie Sunday Scbaol rooni wbefl i unî'rgave a lantenn lecture c ",Tic Death, Resurrection and A cension o! Our Lord". S',ecial,m% sic was reridcred by lie choir.- THE UNITED CHURCH 'MARCH 27, 1140 MW «,hq lowe AMIN * Tic United Church vas panuicu- !irly plca-red with the success a! lis ýaster service:r. Mcre; han three uundrcd peauPle were prescrit in the maorning anid aimas1 hall as many in lhe evcning. Thc choral presen- tations intUicmornhn.g ere Uic fol- lowing: "EasLcr Jay", a 151.h con- tuyGerman cl-orale; 'ý!osarinah", ý7 t'-i sclb part beiflg iak.. eni bv Miss Rita Crostivaile. sub- -. * P. Lynd, and '-Open lie Gales", by KnaDp, sung M-,-*. C. G. Park. In tie e'veninr, the choir renden- ed "Christ is Risen". ariother 151 entvry German chorale, and "God .9r Loved lhe World'. fnom lie 'Crucifixion" by Stainer. miss rctatesang '"I Know that MY ".ede:mner Liveti', f ram Handel'p Messia.1 Taking as'bis monning text lie varda (I Con. 15:14. 20) ,il Christ iath nol ben raised, lien la aur preachin.g vain, your faiti also la vain . . . but nov baeth been raised fr iom lhe-dead." the mainisler dis- cusse:i tic sîgnificance o! the ne- surrectioni ûnder tirce major affin- mations-"Tbe resurrectio!i vindi.. l catcd the Christian Faîth"; "it equip-ped Chnistia.nity ta conque!' f the world"; and "il flurnisbed a 1 :-aund foundation fan tie hope of Y 'mmnotality." L. The cv-ening theme vas Pau]'5 0famaus phrase, 'Christ livetihi à me". "The Èesurrection", said tie -preacier, ha.s meanings manifold, ýt but anong thc manv lacets o! 115 5.glary, tiere is tuis, "Christ Risen" e 'Inear Chiit alive Ea-ain 10 !ind a fresi emnbodiment in the heants and livra of His lellover-c". "Thene la At St. Andrew's Presbyterian "mil3 por---tc! 'Christ in Me' prav- Church in the morning the Sunday en itsel! ta be that no better 'ý-choe1 joined with the congrega- -efinition a! a Christianl can be de- tion Vo hear the message b>y tUic *" ! than this: The Christiai.f paator, Rev. David Maxshail, the anc in wbam Christ lives." * hurch b2ing w211l fhlîci Lovely flowcrs decorated the front a! the 'AT ALL SAINTS' CHURCEa pulpit anld pastor'a deslc. Thc choir, Pollowing a good Lenten and under the direction of Mrs. P. N. Haly Weec observance, Zaster Day Spratt, sang the antb-em. "Christ Is found. large congregations attend- R.lscn", and Mr. Bob Wagstaf! Wa- hng thc Services at Ail Saint$' the special soloist, Cbu-cbi,-and thespirit o! hope and Basing bis discotirse ai Uic morri- ic5 expressed in thc byni and hng service -on the lext in John 19 music made Uic services Most and 41, 1'.Now in the place wheremeorbe Teeaysrves! Hle was cruci!ied there waa a gar- uic oy 6omnThe arlyerevielo den and in the garden a new sepul- attende&- and anc a! the langeui chre", Rev. -Mr. Marshall palnted congregations for s'orne yesxsWva out that whl a garden scemed a o ada hetl evc-tI E-tr&nge place for a tomb, likeWgise01hadtthteaisrceail a strange place for a cross, It was o'clocc. Tie nectar teoo for bis well ta remember that the cross tex t the warda of the angelic guarde spoke of that great event without lan at the cmpty tomb. "Pear not whicb Easter would have been imn- Ye, I know that ve seek Je4us WhO passible, and that WltbOut a GWod *as crucificd. He la not here; He Friday there could be no Zaster. A ha nisen as He %&id." PoInting oui sepulchre In the mnidat Of a gardon that Uic great decision of today vas wus indced a strange setting, but bi-tween iil!e and deall, Mr. Adye, clflphasl.d Uth act that ChristlSll wCrslp no long dead god Or Ont wlcli miglit very sorloualy Impair vilo vas wîthou ' sense or feeling Canada's wax effort, but anclio vas crurified but la 1%c vote o! thanks ta Mm,.g~Cott now RIM in d asended lttO for bis very fine addrest was moved heaven andi by thc openalim o! thé. by Vhce-Presideiit Steve Kcown and- Hjoly $pWnit nov works i 1h18 "_ tandercd by the PreIdenk J. M. sick world for our recleMPtlloa" Roblin. Thc mièsage- o! Ester, aaid tb* itom le a- rometui " eh "i *oeld wô know atieki «*od 11*6la .4W 1thé,oeOId Mâtri m hris hude ulblé lSr us t tà lr fôr *1 M abogutand te e;Mve 10 aI- Lestauuobd bft"dowli be- àtli tai W6iulflem d othé £'a prêsent waé. ýl vWiii Pau. Oéik tootà vii be remit iget by taie lght of tie isr lonmorion d GQed, our Pallier S#Pesr lin aU »itra etand a to 1mai usItoo emlaatsng 'l%'hr bfltheiin, shéuld Itrs. W, aMM Jesa wbo vas Cited but la nov risen f rom tic à. Usiibe=oet te tirat fruits ho' Simday Uool melt 1«Ilueïr lai service ai 2 p.m. SMd von oumed by thé reetor hInilhe taeevnngsric uerc bede to th Wainl cruc d"M addr chuw At Abi TI& the to b w. im tiori At sibil ene adn !r hi ,n c sio t- has st stol S-S bai 1in a aon àt $ the astclal iiZ O 80. bave, torvanici Uic Pacifie a total 0f JAMES. SAWDON 244 Bro"k St. South Phone 524 Listen to "Tba Sh".ow" - Every Wedueuday O0w CFKB 9.00 te 9:34v . SHOW INCREASE sales o! Chrysler-huilt motar vebic- les reportcd li January- o! 1940 vas contiued in Februany o! ibis ycar, according te an announcement to- day by C. W. Churchil, Vice-Presi- dent of Uic Chryslcr Corporation of Canada, Lixiied. "Shipmenis from our factony for last month are again abave those o! tie prccceding monib," Mn. Churcihil said. "Tic total increase over -Februanv. a! last year la 56.9 per cent. The passenger cari- crose' l 52.7 per cent, and thei- erease li shiomcnts o! Dodze muid Far-o -trucks is-91. per cent. 'ie steadv increase la a clear indication a! owner satisfaction based on a sound produet. accoÃ"rd- ing ta neoats vo bave had erom aur dealers across Canada.. Ou~r trucks. nov fil 95 per cent cf de- liverv needs,» and our engineers continue la vork tovard imaklng them even botter. Todav tbree- tan dual purpase, improved Diesels,- and cab-over-"nqine *madels are just a f cv o! lhe Improvements eftected. 11W6 look forvard ta a general 1bealthy auing h3usness i.ail Unes. ' and- contunued Improvgmenti Canadian business in general." amvily Hoy Scod'd Beileville, Martih 2.-MWst came double for Mn. and M ucl Hoves, James Street, vioa af!cv veek aao ct Young daughter. 'On Saturday 13-year-old son Jack vas se Ho vas taken to BeUevMeb eral Hospital,. vIre Dr. R. W. Lnani attended. hisu. The yoxu f cll into a tub o! hot vater. la tire body vais scal4ed. Ho ui -pated restig fialy comfo Nla& - k.-- <-~ eewas just thinkingof hin saw LNýG DIST AN C E ...ll the way frocamp! And he said it didn't cost so much!" Trust every 'Braw Lîddie" to find hie 'Way home the Most economical way,- and to Icave a cherished memory into the bargain. Especially after 7 p.m. and ail day Sunday, you cmn ttavel hwidreds of miles by Long Distance for so luttle! HM.BLACK, tcok fer lis subJect, "Our ifty teose» thc mnCht".t tiug as tUuair.ion.o! hie then' meeting o! MOan ud Jesus li Oatrdeui, Wf. Adye saMd, wo need be able to recognise Christ viion se Hlm. vs nccd te vorsblp a and to-own Hlm a& Master o! 1Ute. 'Ibs vii brlng home -great message o! thie Rclurrec- that aRe lives ve shail live torney Gênerai Forecasts Possible Insurance lInquiry (Cbntiued train Page 1) gresteat possible co-aperaton, cl tô the Attorney-General but aalvaws prevall.d belveen. Uic 0 amd the gneal effkicny and emg witA' whldu its a ffasirs, axe nùnlstcred bas nude il oe so! tie ni vital branches o! governmnft, Ssiated ai ithe outaet of bis ne- Lrkis. wwwlw7w-w w v w W-ww W-ww-w-w- AIDING THE WAR EFFORT Ottawa - As a contribution ta Lnada's war effort, a retlred Pen- mer of tue Canadian Steamahips is torwarded to Hon. J. L. Rai- Dn. Minuster o! Finance, a $1,000 id o! the Pirsi War Loan. With- Du- elb -%LN. ded li 1 1880

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