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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Mar 1940, p. 7

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THE WHITBY GAZETT'E AMD CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1940. ii'WHITBY CHURCHESI TUE UNITE» CHURCHq The battle 9gs4nsi e«U la a per- ptual ene, but st aloI& 1he battle qaine tic thinga that maire men afrW-agaln&t tmldltyand f ear bielf. Indeed there are Vîlmes when bis latter battle la the more diffi- Mut anld IixLîeni. Ime. morning iemie ai Wbitby United Churcli nu itake a«count of this fact. Hear th ise~snater upon "Thse Lîf e Cour- At, tihe evenlng service-- a set of rjislionary alides on "Cheeioo Meet4 .;he Challenge", villiaccompanying lecture vii lie preecnled. 0 At 8:15 pan. ln Almonds United Churth Uic Almonds Y.P.U. willl present an Baster drma entllled, "Tise 01011 of aendony". This play merits a capactty cengregallon. Almondz 5.8. ai 1.15 pin. and public worship ai 2:30 p.m. as uâuai. ST. ANDREW'S PRESDYTERIAN Sunday. 11:30 sa..-.Divine vor- slip; 2:30-8unday School and 'Bible Glass; 7- p.m.-Evcning serv- Monday, 4 pa.-Mlsslon Band. Tue.day. 8 p.rn.-Young -Peôpie's BAPTIST CHUROR ,AitLise.Baptisi Churcb next Sun- day tise mornlng message ÃŽiii - lie ,The~ Song of Spring". In tise eve- milng "*Tie Sprl-ng-time of Yoùth' vwiili e discussed. The B.Y.P.Ul. viii bave ch arge o!flise evening servîce. At thVie close o!,Vise service Believers' B&pties viiili e sdministered. Sunday scisool ai 10 a.m. Men's Club oen Wednesday ai .7.30 p.m. È rayer meeting on Thursday ai 7.30 p.m. At thse B.Y.P.U. on Monday-. Apni laIà. at.8 p.m., Captalu Silver of tise Salvatien Army will speair on Generai Booth snd the origin and belle! o! tise Salvation Army. ST. J OHN'S, PORT WHITBY Ort' Sunday next, Vise f irsa ater Ea§tEr (Lrd's Day Suxsday) there viiili e Morulug aud Evening Pray- or at 11 a.m. sud 7 p.m. resW~tive- ]y. Tise Beaver Boys' bible ciass viii mecclab 2 p.mn,-aud tise- Sunday Bcheel sud otiser bible classes ai 3. On OuTiursday, tise '231h lt., tisere viiili e Confirmation classes ai the *rectery for boys ai 7 p.m. sud adulte at 8:15 P.m. On Fnlday, a gnoup viii meet at tai emcciory ai 8:15 p.m. for evan- telistilc study and prayer. COn Monday. April lat, tise Junior W.A. vIii 11014 iheir mouiisly busi- ness aud devotional meeting ai 4 pim n thels. und&y Solsool hall. At 8 pm. Uic Men's Association isave invied Vise Meu's Club o! tise Unit- ed 'Churcis Vo le their guesis lu Uic Sunday Scbooil Hall, and are fortu- nateIsnlusecinW Mm. Mycrson Rît- chie tlÏe ie Ue gelof 1the evenint. R!e ha promusted te speak ef lits thiriy odd yea experience ln the deveiopment o!.imetropolitan cilles ln the United States. IMis should iead te a' very lnterestlng -discus- ,sion, On Tuesday, confirmation clamses viii be held ai the rectory, for girls ai 4:45 p.m. and Adults ai 8 p.m. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH Ai Ail Saints' Qhurvb next Sun- day there wiiillie a celebration of the Holy Comnmunion ai 8 a.m. aud mornlng prayer aud sermon ai 11 a.m.- Tise evenlng service ait 7 p.m. wiii le thse young people's service postponecl 'frog uater Sunday. AU thc young people are urged Vo at- tend. Thse Sunday Sohool vi» meet ai 2 p.m. Members of the congre- 'gation who were unsble Vo attend ,the Holy Communion -on Zasier Day are urged 10 try Vo lie prescrit on Sunday ai. 8 a.m. Visikiors vi» be cordialiy welcomed ai the ser- vices. A.Y.P.A. te Meet The A.Y.P.A.. of Ail Sailnts' will mcci on Monday evening at eigbi o'ciock te arrange the programme for the forthcomlug period follow- ing the lienten aud Baster pro- gramme. Tihe early .Easter givesaa long tlm.. belore the good veatber corases for some good evenings to- gether and lots o! fun and vorir for the Churcis, Let ail the mem- bers who cari come le prescrt. Y0VU -PEOPLE 0F UNITED UBURCil HELD FELLOWSHIP Over 125 At Coliege Friday, Saturday,3Study Probleins Thse aunual "EBster Fellowship" 0f the Toronto Presbyteries Young People's Counv ll o!fVise' United Cisurch of Canada vas beld ai the« Cntario Ladies College oves thse week-end, brlnglng together nea.riy 130 young people vitl'i heir leaders. Ahl f acilitties of the college were placed at their disposai, sud Vise Gazette and Chronicie learna lrom tsome of 1the leaders at Vise gather- lng tisaI Il vauone of Uic mosi suc- cessful. held in receni years., Chie! speakers were the Rev. Dr. Frank Langford, Secretary of the Boarci o! Christian- Education of the United Cisurch, and Vise Mev. Gordon Lapp, former SecreVary of Boys' Work aud nov assistant min- Ister of Westmlnlster - Central Ciurcsh, Toronto. Both speakers were iseard In tlmely addresses on Thursday, Frîday and Saturday, visile on Saiurday morning, Moev. Mr. Lapp'led Vthe discussion group i Who &LqPÀ:~ ~9IUdQ on the toplo, 'P'aeln the World as Christians."va pI outstandlng interes at 1the dicussion groups on vital topieS 01 particular interesit t young people who arrlved at f indings whlch were presented Vo the confeenoe. Per- sonal interviews wlth leaders were also outatanding. The opesiag on Thursclay niglit, wlt.h a communion service and a get-togeiher of fellOWshlIP groupS, the confereiice contlnued all day Frlday and part of Saturday. On F'riday nlght there vas an informai musical program and a social hour In the common rooni followeci bY refreshments. Durlng the afternoon and that day water sports in front 0f thc gym f urnlied profitable re- creation for those who wlshed Vo indulge. Saturday morning there wau a hike for tho&e not Intercated In discussion groupa, also sWlimlng and badminton. Dr. Langforci delivcred thc clos- ing address on Saturday evening at. a largeiy attended worshlp -service ilv-the chapel. WHITBY YUI Given Suspencled Sentence But Placed on Two Yeara' Probation A youth just turned sixteen !Lp- peared in Whitby Police Court Tuesday afternoon before Magis- trate P. S. Ebbs pleading gullty Vo charges of breaklng and enterlng Dundas Street Scihool, aise the home of George Mowat. The Magistrate read the youth a stern lecture,' gave him suspended sentence and piaved hlm on two years' probation taking into con- sideration his youth and his previ- ous good record. Charges were laid bx' Chief William Elliott who inves- i tated the thefts. James Biggs. Brookîju. charged with reckless driving as the resuit of an accident on Rice's Hill, Whii- by, on March 10, when his car la alleged Vo have struck and seri- ously injure« Stanley Powell, was remanded for a- month as the ac- cused la still suffering from seri- ous Injuries ln the hospital. C.S9.T.A. ANNUAL T'he twentleih annual meeting ôf the Canadian Society of Technlcal Agriculturists and lts affilliaed groups vii lie held* at the Univer- sity of Manioba. Winnipeg, June 19 Vo 22, 1940. A cordial invitation s extenided te repre.sentaives of lndustry and commerce Vo attend the general sessions. One of the cli- Jettives of the CS.T.A. la Vo foster a dloser understanding and' spirit of co-operation between industrial and agricuitural interests. As usual the group sessions will prescrit the latest findings in the fileld of sci- *entific agriculture, and a new feat- ure wlll lie the sessions devoted Vo agricultural extenz-ion vorir ln Can- ada. a Oka am au A A Amm moiuuuuu Auto Agencies & Dealers DEVERELL MOTORS ROBERT DEVE!IELL, PROP. 3ý Duadas Street W.- Phone 429! -B- Bakeries RAUNBOW CAKE'SHOP Charles Astrop, Prop. JENNY LIND CANDIE~S Cru't DAIRY ICE CRtAM Beeck Brlet Northi Phone 970 Bred- Betty Cakes - Pies - Pastries ýieauty Panions HELEN1S BEAUTY SALON HELEN TURANSKY lৠStock Street Northi - Phone 737 PATSY~ BEAUTY SIIOP Uie, Sulth - MUs. Br uce Sturgesa 1" BitOOK ST. N.- PHONE'3851 Speclali la Thermjque Iieaterls Perment Waving. - Confectionens STOCKILL'S 4CONFICTIONERYý ý Br« Sret 8«Ulli- Phone 976, *~0..*Soft D"ik - Magasnes r, &LSImU cirQoL Dairies HILLCREST DAIRY E. A. Wakefield - Prop. 308 Byron Street South PHONE 301 YoU just can't beat miik lrom HilIlrest Dalry. WHITBY DAIRY J. Cowie, Pro,>. 123 Dundas Street West PHONE 770 "Wc Try te Please" Lumber & Fuel WHITBY LUMBER &COAL CQ. LTD. F. E. Smth, Mgr. Z12 Pmne Street - Phone 417 Lumber BulIder's Supplies Ceai -Coke -Wood Fe L. BEECROFT LUMBER INSULATION HARDWOOD FLOORING Estimates - Phone 627 Painteris & Decorators- L. fi. DILLINO 307 EUCLID SFREET - PHONE 394 Have your work donc now at wlnter prices. Agent for Eaton'a Waiipapers *Plumbing & Heating GEO. HAMERS 130 Brock Street North Phone, Office 963 -Nlghts 962 Sheet-Metal Work- Furnaces Air Conditloning Plumblng -R- Restaurants DIANA SWEETS 106 Dundas Street W. - Phone 991 A reai treat for your family and friends for Easter,. Neilson and Morris Chocolates, Easter Noveltiest. Always fresh. DREW'8 LUNCH 115 Dundas Street W. - Phone 675 We Speclalize in Home Cooklng. Annie Laurie-Chocoiatcs Exclusiveiy. erative. Directly that is relaxed - Roofing Contractons S. J. GASCOIGNE. & SONS 1009 Centre Street S. - Phone 74.1 "«35 years experlence In ail kinds of roofing." S ervice Stations JOHN'S PLACE ..Hf. Beriett, Prop. King at Dundas Street West Phone 427 B.A. PRODUCTS Exide Batteries Dunlop Tires on easy Terni CORRELLS'S SERVICE STATION SMd Cottell, Prop. 149 Brock Street North - Phone 851 GOODRIOR BATTgRIE8 As Iow As 84.76 COU'NTY SEED FAIR AT BROOKUN 'PRODU*CES MANY FIýN'E ENTRIE.S Nearly Seventy Entries Deé- spite Heavy Snowstbrm Whîch Pnevented Farin- ers Froi Sending Along Exhibits WANT FARMER TO IMPROVE SEED Junior and Senior Judging Competitions Held- Presidient-F. M. Chapinan Pleaaed With the, Fair Resuits Secd fairs are among the most interestiug aud profitable featurea of modemn agriculture, sud ln many sections these Pairs have licou held for severai seasons. Criee au find here seeds arrauged in one build- ing, whloh are carefully selectcd aud I rom vbicb the farmer may choose for his crops of grain or tubers. It la a veil known lact that these seed grains were net hand picked but seiecte from a unllorm crop veil matured on- good soil aud carefully cleaned. Ontario County had ils lirai Seed Fair at Brooklil on Wcdnesday., Marcis 201h, with a large nuniber cf entries lu escis 5Iass, 68 lu ail, sud a splendid crowd of interestcd agri- culturisis attencllug, lu spîte o!fVise severe sterm thal raged hrougbout the entire day. 7%tFair vas held under tbe auspices o! the Ontario County Crop Association of whicb. Mr. F. M. Chapman, Audley, la presîdeut; Mr. E. B.- Maliery, of Beaverton, vice-presideut; and Mr. E. A. Innis, Agrîcultural Represen- ative for.Ontarlo County, score- tary. -1 Tho Board of Management la made up of Ihese officers wlth re- ýpresentatives from, eaoh Agrîcul- turai Flair lu Uic County sud wvus dlre&tors from ecd township, mar- ing a total nuniber of thlrty-Vhree members on Uie Board. This Board la augmentcd by a specil committe, of en membera vise vere respon- ailie for Vise arrangeent for tise Seed Pair. T'he objeci 0f Vthe Association is Vo maire farinera more seed cons- clous, liecause of these lairs, sud tise eniire pro-gram Ila carrled oui viUs thai objectinluview. Donations for carrying- on Uie vor >werercacerved -f rein Conty snd provincial organizations and these were mucis appreciated by the Association. A part of tise prograrsi wisicb created a greai deal o! in- terest vas thc Junior Judglng Com- petition open Vo ail young people of 26 years and under. Two groups competed for tise prises viicisere as f ollovs: Juniors (lu erder o! .menit) Ndil MoCari, Wlsllfby; Har- vey Blackburn, Uxbrldge; Mugis Ormîston, Broklin; Bob Cmrdvell', Wisitby; Vernon Ellicoti, Locust Hill; Jamies Beast, Uxbidge; Mmuer Crawford, Claresnont; Ronald Mar- quis, Sunderland; Fred Brown, Lo- cusi Hiii; Carl Kedd, Uxbridge. For the aenior group tise order vas Ross Marquis, Sunderland;- Allan Elli- A very specil exisibit vas Vie baby cisicir show lunVise basement of the hall. Pamphlets 0f vanlous kinds were distrlbuted, and made interestiug and iselptul readîug along these lines of agriculture. The baby cisicir show vas a highslgis wîish eleclric broodera containing some hree isundred chicks lu Bar- mcd Rocks, Leghorns, Liglit Sussex, New-Hamnpsisered sud Wyandottes. T'hese chicks vere auciioucd off ai the end o! thic-altemnoon sud vent Vo thse follovlug buyersata bargain prices for these fine bred cWicks: Rosu Marquis, Sunderland*,Charles Pllkey, Gecnbanik; Mugis Ormiston. Brooklu sand W. Morrison. -Brook- lin. Addresses vere dciivercd during thse altemnoon and a filin sovi ou différent ohartassowing per- ceutage of protein lu eariy and later cul hay. Early eul sisowed 83% visile laVer cut only 50%. Sides aise sisowed teste <>1 hybrid corn proving visai can lie donc liy crossing difI-, erent varleies e!f tiis grain. The address lu connection vils these slidea *was dellvred by Dr. 0. Me- Conkey, of Uic O.A.C., GUelpýi; Mr. C. Bryden. of tUic Giemical De- partaient, O.A.C., aise gave an ad+- dress on sol ansd sou l eilng sud explalned tise seMvce avallabie fromn Uic Ontario Agricultural College for free testlug selle. Mr. SVanley Ward of Uxblge. spoke on Uic, subject "TUrnips," shovlug 11ev vter-core sud msg-. gela lu turnipse may licorcieme Vo make thùa prodi morMe veluable AWARDED HONORS- NEIL McCARL Son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Me- Carl, of Whitby, who figured higis in tise Junior - Farmer Competi- tien at tise Ceunty Seed Fair at Brooklin Iast Wednesday. Neil aise von tise Junior Tamblyn centest at Wiîtby Higis Sehool. for sbippiug. Tise president. Mr. Cisapmau, congnatulated tise farmers of On- tarba County on their isigh stand- ing at the Chsicago Fair and asked Mr. Westney, Mr. Hugi Jeffery sud Mr. S. Ward t0 stand, that al migisi know the men viso iad breugist honor Vo ibis section of Ontario. Mr. Westney had won lu grains, Mn. JeffeTy lu soy beans ,and Mr. Ward lu tumnipa. During tise afteruoon tise pupils o! tise Public anid Coutinuation Scisool attended in salbody sud -viewed tise exisibits. Many of the entries did not arrive owlng Vo bad rcoads and stormy weatber, but in aliltbe Pair was a grand success and tisose- in charge are enthusiastie about the ,Seed Pair as an aunual eveut. Tise Winners Junior Competition Wiuuers lu tise junior Judglug, competition vere as foliovs: lst, Neil McCarl, Whltliy, 2ud, Harvey Blackburn, Uxbridge; 3nd, [Mugis Ommiston, Brooklu; tu, Bob ,Cardeli, Wh1Vby' , Sth, VernoneZEUi- *çott, Locust Mnui; 621, james' Bes$, Uxbridge; ' Ui. Elmer CraWford, Olremnont; Sth, -'Ronald MLaruis, Sunderland; Otb, Fred Br<>WZ4Le-. oust M;' 10th,ý Carl Kydd, Ux.' bridge. rwo buahels ofr ngistered Alaa Oats te the Junior obtainlng tic hlghest marks -in oral ressens, don- ated, P. M. Chapmn.ý One bushel of'RegIstered Erbên Oats was donated by p. H. West- ney te the Junior obtalnlng th1e second highest marks lu oral rea- sons. Wlnners were: Uat, Harvey Blackburn, Uxbridge; 2nd, Hugh Ormiston, Brooin. -Senior Competition Wlnners ln the Senior Judglng Competition were: lst, Roas Marquis. Sunderland; 2nd, Allan Elllcott, Iýocust Hilli; 3rd, Roy Ormiston, Brodklin; -4Vh. John Knox, Brougham; 5th, Hugh Teefy, Pickering: 6th, Walter Knox, Claie- mont;' 7th, Mathew Agar,.Brookln; 8th, Bert Guthrei Whltby; 9th. Lloyd Lee, Seagrave; Ith, Allan Bray, Locust Hill. Two bushels of Reglâtered Alaska Oats Vo Vhe Senior obtalnig the hlghest marks ln oral reasons, were donated byP. M. Chapinun. CrOne bushel of R.egtstered Erban Qats was donated by F. H. Westney Vo -the Senior obtaining the second highest marks in oral reasons. Win- ners were: lIst, Allan. Elllcott, Locust Hill; 2nd, Roy Ormiston, Brooklln. In Seed Grains ,Wlnners of prizes ln seed grain exhibits were: F'all Wheat, unreglstered-G. N. Graham, Udora. LaVe Qats, reglstered-G. N. Gra- ham, Udora; Norma Down, East Whitby; W. F. Batty, Brooklu; W. D. Tlhpson, Brooklinr; W. H. West_ ney, Pickering. Early Oats, unregistered--G. N. Graham, Udoraý F. M. Chapman, Pickering, W. F. Batty. Brooklin;, W. C. Ashenhurst, Uxbridge; R. R. McLaug-,hlin, Oshawa. Barley, six-rowed-G. N. Graham, Udora; R. R. McLaughlin, Oshawa; Eli McCuaig. Gamebridge; John Webber, Beaverton. Spring Wheat-G. N. Graham, U7dora; Ce cil We.rtlake, Beaverton. Soybeans-F. H. Wcstney, Pick- 2ring. . arly Potatoes, net certif led - Dan Norton, Sunderland; Howard Harper, Sunderland. LaVe Potatoes, certifled-Howard Harper and Dan Norton, Sunder- land. Peas-HIeber Down, Pickering. Red Clover-Nornian Dowu, East Whitby; ýLloyd Lee, Uxbrldge.* SLaie Oâts, reglitered-F.- H. West- ney,. Plckerlng;ý W. H-. Westney, Pickering. Early COats, reglstered - F.. M. Chapman, Pickering. Barley, slx-Towod, reglstered-P. H-. Westney, Pickering. OP nAciv e Servic. Ies, Private Sidney Erskine now. "Si", who Is 'one of Whltby's beàtý known and popular young men, enllsted wlth the- Hastings a i 'Prince Edward County Liglit Infan- try -RégInenV at prezent stationed. at- Pl c ton, to' whlch- town lie h2ý gone, but hiopes Vo returu shortlý, before'being moved to, tra1ln grounds Iurther away. Re looks el In His Majesty's uniform, and no doulit wlll bie a valuableý additiout 'to the historical Reglient. Mr. and Mrs. M. bun have recently received a lett4r <rom their son, Private Steveý Shauzhý nee-sey Who wcrit overseas wilh thé 48tl iglhlanidera, and now stationiiý. cd at Alde'shot. -Steve. says thqatý they have finisL1hed their trainin# and leave and are now anxlous Vou get golng and finish-their job. at, $25pe acre, an increase cifoe dollar an azre ok'er the 1938 valUs This la the first increase szincél1935, when the- average value rose from~ $23 to $24:- Average values are stgl much below the 19)26 average of $ per acre. T'he average valiiea per head qt live stock -in Canada in 1939 are estimated as followS, with the 1931 values wlthln brackets: Horses$dl. ($71); milk co 1w9_ $4Ç ($40); other dgtte, $33 ($27); total cti,-$ ($33),; sheep, ý'$6.69 -($5 .79); hog8i $13.79 ($13.21). MAY, SETTLE IN CANADA "I OttaWa - The belief that th6 Brish Commonwealth'Air rinm, ing Plan. wlll bÃ"ost tie, number cQf settlers comlng to -Canada from. Great Britain after the War ta 'exr pressed by Royal. Air Force -o#1ceiýý in -Oitawa.. .These *officers .have been kh6*wn mue> kindriess b"' Canadiabs and so wlll pupils com.r ing 'here <-rom Great Britain. iav:-- ing exp rlenced'somethlng «f Cana- dianzhome 111fe, IV.-is thought proU'. abethat =any of these men wih- cosdrstlg n uCanada aftoe ~the WUr. III 0. Go to yýour ne.arest Chrysier -Plymouth - Fargo dealer's Showrooms end see the 1940 QUALITY CHART 1 It shows how the Iow-priced Plymouth compares in quality feartures with the high-.priced cars 1 Learn whot Ihese "extra" quality features mean in longer life, added sufety, greater economy and. bigger VALUE 1I Get the FACTS I' Y O uAAPlymouth ~7 CAN Coupe for C NDeIivered.i InS BuY ~Lfr..nu and local iuaffl(Hl any) oeily extra. BUYAU prices subjeet th change withot±t notic. WHIT'BY Ib DUNDAS STRET EAST 9Then take the "JLuxury Ride" In thée*big 1940 Plymouthi Learn from flrst-hçsnd experience what, 'famous Chrysl 'er Engineersi have don. f0 give you more room ;; more luxurious ridrngco-mw * 'easier hundling end î,qeeing .. .sparkling, performance . and greater safety for you and your family'I RI-DE .*0DhIVE t COMPARRu THE 1940 PLYMOUTH setsa uew high in low-priced car value. It* avugein size, comfort sud value are. switchiug new car buyers ro Plym outh. This year, there are 22 important features bigh-priced car~s have in cominon. 0f- "AU 3" low priced cars only Plymouth gives you. a majority of these features! You sec. comparative values revealedtat a glance- on the 1940 Quality Chart and by takingPlysnouth's great '.Luxury Ride"' yol lnd eut what these facis can mean te your enjoyment. Choose youir uew car this easy way. Se. your Cbryler-Plymouth-;Fa*go dealer. Take that trial'drive today. And reinembér Plymouth is eay ibabyl EED WHITBX .TrOWN 0OF WHITBY 1 1 LuLo-a-a-ILIRLK JK ML a m m m a m m m m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IL-3 a . a . a . 1 ,Special Music and Cantatas Ser.vices Lindsay, Marcb 26.--Desplte th1e f adt tisaitthe veather did net« re- semble anythlng pertalnlng te sprlng or Ester, large Lindsay co n- gregationsobserved the Ester sea- son ai Bunday services isere Sun-. day. Special serinons aud- canisias vere a part of, the observance 0f ibis Joyfui soason. Easier cantatas were presented in Cambridge Street Baplisi sud Quecu- Street United Oburcises, wblle speclal music aud messages marked Vise occasion ai St. Andrew's Presbyterian. The celebration of tise Resurrection, vas observed lu St. Mary's Roman Cathollo Churcis bere witis special masses. A candie llgbt sud processional service, arranged by the minister. Mev.- J. J. Blackr, -ai Cambridge Street United Churcis on Sunday evening, witis the Musical Guild and Prof. W. E. Fleiciser providing 1the music. Miss Dorolhy Ellam and Neîl Gregory gave tise Scene ai tise Cross, wbile Brendla Trotter as Mary Magdaieue, Doris Whitney as the Moiher Mary, snd Ruth Lawier and Jean Parker as the iwoanagels, gave Vise Gardon scene. -Easier re- citations ver. gîven by Arthsur Flet- cher,. Raipis Day, Marjorle* Goselu and Jean -Elliott. The Musical Guild sang Uic Monastery tGarden, the Holy City, In Vise Garden and Loy lu the Grave Me Lay, aise day" as 111e Impressive recessional. FARM LANDS VALUE In Its annuai report, on farm val- lues -for the year 1939, th1e Domin- Ion Bureau of S.tatlsics staVes tisai tise average of occuplcd *lands Ilu Canada ini that year vas reported

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