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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Apr 1940, p. 4

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uraie wmm vu w- peut111In ù4 gsm " ir. Rice wua ont 01!StWIiltby 1cr many a snd her friendsa at Port Whlt.. ad la 10w-n, Join lu extondnp r boatl" 1 « w-lbsfrua mee py bWttMaya.I 6E ,Im , t amiw~on, wuasx Mr. U*tDmoad as bemi employed alnce- The Whltby Pir e rigde heM their annual Ekster dance la thie lbcwn Hall on çmiday evenlng luat Tbougli -the attexdance waa Iot 5U large as former ye's thoe who at. ISIried bad an oujoyabIe eveolng. Muuic wuasprovIded by Qbarllq Eannlçaws Kountalneeradio( arietscf Termite. fte.~ossZ.Cameroux, pastor for nftriy tibres y«M so!f irat Presby- tertan Chubur, Edmonton, bas se- ceptsd a eaU 10o Devércouit PftsbY'. terlan Ohurch, TSSoto. Re w-tii lOB'Te Edmonton April ist. lbê pulpil Of Doveroourt chbichwsu lef t vacant by the desth *cf e«. William Allec, In th. Athenia dis- ester. '1ev. Mr. OsmoronJ&aWUci lIiown In WbItby whe e e vlated frequently with- relatives, the ~Thomson and Mitchell famile. Ur. CartVron's ny friendis will wekcOm ehlmbaclc b bis district. lir, William Davldson was oSI2ed to Guelpbi on Saturdzy lait of te- ccoust çf'1h. death of his mother, Ueurlt« Davldson, w-ho paed away ln ber 80111 year. Dooeased wua the wldow of the late James F. Davidon, an early settler who came froni Scotland. 8h. wu-a momber o! the Unlted Ohurcb, snd w-cil k'lown and very bighly re- garided In th1e communlty. Two sons William, of Whitby, and Duncan, on 1h. homestead, survive. Thieftu- lierai Vu beld at Guelph on Mon- day, service belng conducted by itev. Harold Stainton, fôrmerly of Whitby. Manager J. M. Roblin of the .4b- lin Oreamex-y, entwmtlned the iner- benrs igustaff saI a theatre party at th1e Brock Thestre sud later ho and lire. Roblin we. hostsme hostuss aI their home,_ wien re- fresbmenté wee setTer!. During the -evenlng prmnntation4 ve made- te Gordo Law, a mumber e! th. staff w-ho Ia coing to Oshawa, sud te lMr. sud lir. Georgè Allan, w-ho left Ibis week for Coîborne, Tue folI'wing donations are ack- Powlged wltai thsnka: Unr. F. Irwln, 2 helmet.; M.rs. David Mac- LAron, 4 Dairs sox; M'as. John Park- et, pullover; Miss Wright, flian- Milette. An evening bridge will b. held st the home efl Mr. and lira. Rus- soU1 Hatoh On April 19. Proceeds for War fUnd. F'uther details latex'. Twelve theusand dollars of the National EIkdowm-ent fund for the Orde habueen expended on Do- minion ef Canada fitat war bonds. Fnive nuw chaoters have been formed, four primary and one jun- ior. 7heY mie: Tii.Air Marahal W. A, NiOhOP, V.G., in IM ar Sound; National iemnorlal, Ottawa; Aider- Shot, Bherbrooke, Quebçc;' Sand- rlnghaan, Toronto; Pilot Officer J&MOM D. Cody (Junior), Walker- ville. Thoumnda et bocks- are now availaible te soldiers, airmn and »eMen, througiithe IOMM. camp lguibres, whlch hav ebeen estala- Ilahed lanaarlIy ever province. F0O3ND: A gold ring wlch was found i n oofthe boxes of! otai- Ing for taie evcUees bas been re- turnad frcmi Ungland te HRead Of- Si rtht IIOOM3ZR--At Guelph, Ontario, on Thuraday, March 28111, te Mr. and Unir. Robert Cooper, !ormerly o! Whitby, aSoS, Robert Fraser. In Memoriam of E>nest (Dyck) Slelhtholmn, W-ho departed Ibis l!.e April 4th, 1938. UThy wlllb. donc" sems ard ta Wherh one w-e lovedi has passed Somieday, Perhaps w-cil undersland, Whon w-e met Mgain lna 111mb etter land. LoGvinglY r»mnbered ly Pallier, Mother and sisters, Bunice sud Lois. AUa&AWAY-.jn Loving moexory e! eu" s sa lw-ay, aWho paasd w-ay I L5a w-eet tb renmber a mother se Absent !rom us oh. la ever se. near, UBUeenby' th. werld ah. stands by And w-hlpr]È,'"MY Loved One, deslh caisuot divide."' Uvetrenmmbu-ed by Husbnd s"d-fwUlY.j lbete'à bea4ty lu a dançe dres d*eda f« a axb-4.b party made « w-bte 8w-lasenibrolderY,, bhred êd VUPU= VOW r ead-ý ~IN~WITBY ?urant bak the banda ol. tiMi lS &-#id psSmembi et mmlra Dad&Mwat's greup et th. Ladies Aik -«' W. M*ew's cauih,- uider the 4Uvection of mi. Ailan Walkoe. on Widnc, venig saged an- oli Iawlcpo4play, 'Me Simablne SewiDg 9irciq," .hlutthe Bmday achom zom .Ladiestaking, -part WC"e costumes «f another gener- atioei, me mny a lmugh a==o- panigd the ccnduct 0f the meting slong pure(y conventional but hum- 0I"o1m Uios.Tklnt part were: u. Zc. 'flicudyk, Unr. ?ru* l(ober-s, mmra W. Usiner, mmraV. Heard, mm. ail= aWslke, mia Joan Ormat= M. . D.Mowat.and Mur. J7. M Os=miatn.Inosporated ln the PoPame lm. v ulnglng of old &Sme sons, amid those taklng part wr: L RUssesu wMl& isviolin;, John 8pratt, lrAda&=, Mr. David Movat, à&. Sandy ?retice, Ber- nard Mlark, with lira. N. Sçmatt ac- companist. Bernard Clark rendered a ado mSdy11 Prntice a read- PAYLIGHT SAVINO Tova Counc«o, lioday night pumaed Ib-lsw provldlni that day- lishI »Vint lime - willgo into ef- et st 12:00 p.m. an April 2Sth and rem*in lu force- until mldnic~ht -on Bep(eorà S2th. laOn D. En' ACT IVI TI1ES iem*ers arn rm1ýided 0f the prvical animeetng in Ham- Mlon, April 10 - Il - 12. Any mera- bra wlahing tosattend part or ail 0£ this.= e pimesenolif y un. HXugh Bailli, phone 362. Itito sud lir. Ouln - isag 1t weeut at fuffai oft be femeit' pIoliSoe fficer J. D. 04 hauly bave mnvd 41-tomS ce Glibet te.4 Ihé &io muais tue - Klng laut weu wu took ltherv- tope irubyteims &y lait, end the latr vhdltlg $tl inonthly businMs huie of the led Il be held in the< ba»Y aftoenocsi P.M. Plssa.brisg empted, Note 1,11 servloe Aise- Prauch>, w-Uld I lme, = rF$da, Amummont' EaU. l2sncinE from 9 mWuWi8m sud the 13lBIe M Oesd* !rom 8 p. Ptt" 'hzld of AU' Sants' h bol an 'Esster tes sudý hS cooklng, la the Parli& pmuIay stternocIUlaIt. 'h mSt scessful snd the Ja sTo are mves- grteful -bs w-ho helped ln any y Is lii.affair snob a auceem. sddd nusa suMite their and Mm. ,WfGeoreBeddint, OtI tust, w-si,"St home" MtI twuity t.lative sud eOu PfisY, Xmrh 2, te ýt th*i 33th weddtng a&nn- FA!fe sn nJoyable evenlng BAPTI8T CSu* At the Baptist- Churcb next Sun- day, '11Prayer Under the\ Stress of Emotion" wil be di&cussýcl at th1e mornlng service, and in 1e ve- nlng "The Tragedy o!it11h ce" wîll ie 111e toplc. "The Communion'0f .1th Lord's Supper" sud 1the reception o! new members w-il b. hcld at th1 close of th1e evenlng service. Sunday school aI 10 ar. The closing nlght of! Men' Club wil take th1e form o! a sodia eve- nlng wlth games snd refresb ente, on Wednesday cf Ibis week. Frayer meeting at 7:30 p.i on Trhursday. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERI CHURGE il :30-DiXvine Worshlp 2:30-Sunday School. Bible Glass. 7:00-LPvening Service. Tuesday, 8 p.m., Young people's Socety. TE TJTED CEURGE 0F CANADA Because God Is Invisible and his volas ln Inaudible to the outward sar, many flnd l difleculItet be- lieve lu Hlm. If yen belong te this gi-ou you have a speclal Invi tation te the mornlng servl4i lu the United Church next Sunday. The se-rmon theme wlll be, 4"Footprlnts of GOII." Iu the evening the subjeet vin be '<BzRHearts for Little M'n". Whltby Sunday S-'lool mpets at 2:15 p.M. Almond,; S. S. at-1ý:1,5 PMy ,wlth Public Worship following et2:30 pi. Almonds Y.PUT. Is te be congrat- ulatecl upon Its fine presentation ofe 111 Ester Drama, "Ti Cloth, cf Sendony"l last Sunday evening. A large and appreciatlve audience wltnessed the rendering. Friends am, asked te look forward to the presentation Of the play en- titled, «"TMe Road te the City" by the Young People Of Whitby United Church. ST. JOHINS, PORT WHITBY On Sunday next, the 2nd afler Easter, the Sacremnent of Hoiv Communion Will ho admlnlstered et Il a.n. The Beaver Boys' Bible Glass will meet at 2 p.m., snd 1the Sunday School and other Bible classes at 3. The serice at 7 p. will be evenlng prayer. On Thursday, confirmation classes wl b held at the Rectory for boys et 7 p.n. and aduIts et 8:15 pi. The Adult Bible Glass will hold'its monthly bu-tiness andci devotional meeting at MArs. Whitney's home at 7:30 pi. On Frldey, th1e Junior sud Senior choirs will hold their practices at 7:30 pan. and 8 pin., respectlvely, nt the home-of Mrs. J. A. Wilson. At 8.15 at th1e Rectory, a group wlM. MBY y'Phone -618 JRSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY r4 a 7.00 and 9.00.' SatSuday Matin.. at 1.30. WALD COLMAN mm k 1 t is asmasDI&k H.Ida.. lii wiior Gardneor ii ,IÇE FROLIC" DAY . TUESDAY WEDNF.SDAy Tu, Shows et 7.00 and 9.00 ts *hm By. i I of 10e te 4&o a Rol CII URCUES meet for evangelttJc atudy and prayer. On Monday, the 8th maint. at 4 p.m., the Junior W.A. wlU meet ln the Sunday Sciiooi Rail for a work meeting. Tt-o Mens- Asociation wllU hold a topio night, icommenc-' Iig wlth games at 7:30 p.m. On rueday, confirmation clamaes VAUi be held for girls at 4:45 pamn, and adults at 8 p.m. On Wecinesday, the loth Inst., Archbishop Owen wll adiiister the- sacred rite of confirmation at 7.,30 p.m. in the church, foflowed lby a short reception in the sunday Schoo1 Hall. TEE SALVATION ARMY, EnveY J. Graves o! Oshawa wlfl 11e lu charge o! our Suuday mocm- ing service at il o'clock. Sunday School at 2.30. A specil speaker i wll be in charge of 1the cvenlng service. We are auxious that yIou attend these services. ALL SAINTS' CRUJRCE At Ail Saints' Cturdi next Sun- ay, 111e second after Easter, there U4i b. a celebration of the Holy ~oamunion at 8 a.n sdil.arn. ien t11e rector w-il preaeb.Ithe 8 day School w-h! meet ait 2 Pmn. At. th1.e venlng service at 7 p.m. the tpecial pi-cacher will be Ga.pt. W. A~ Lennox o!f1the Ghurch Army who j-i present tht splendid work being tione by tbis organization lu the re4,abilîtation o! dlaharged young rWisoners, police court werk, evangelisna and lu many other ways. CePt. Lenino>..;lean interestlng aud informative s1aicer. Visitera will b. mest welceme <jaI111e services. On Menday 'evening the A.Y.PÀ. will entcrt.aiu1the visiting debatlng teamIn lt1he z leut round for ~ Dêanery Debi iting Trophy Christ ChurcYi, Oshaw Burdge and Mre. Lec 1711e wiuners c hold th1e t.roph 3-car. ,CONFIRMA'. The Conf irma Saints' will begu - tario Asso. (Whit b> Annual FRIDAY, Amusemi Ontario Dancing froin b Orchestra--St; an thde11 Bli- I Informnal - C -TESTED"I WALLPJ -WE ARIE SHOWING THE obargel. 24c- JsMh subsoguent iconmeutive insertion, le per word,~ and thre. consecutive Insertions for tfm priole of lwo tinat luer- tio as (tbree cents a word). Mil- muni chasTefer -three insertions, SOc. AU notices for this celumu Should whenever posible, be la writiMg statlng number and dates of insertiozs, te avoid mistakes. W. wM inet be responble for mitk.ln notices plioned. 00MB AND SEE THE PLAY A"~ old tyme conoertý given by the ladies of irs. tD. Mowat's- group, la Ot. Andrew's Sunday Sdiool room, on Priday. March -251h, at 8 pan. Admission 25 cents children 10 cents. IOORATING TRIS SÉRING? Have your walipaper removcd by machine. It's chéaper and cleaner. Praakc Wells, 'phone -404. JUST TO, IIIM >YOU TRTAT we are dolngtaite be3tsho11e re- palring possible., Price the low- est J. Pel rear Agnew-Surpc.ss <Shoe Store, Brook Street South, Whltby. TRY A]âERDPIENCAMEBno CE -Street. North, for borne oookcd meals, served. at ail houris. We aiso seli tobacco, cigarettes, ice cream, etc., Strlctly fresh egus for sale. Mrs. J. Bolton, Aberdeen. Caf e, Brook Street North, Whitby. A SALE 0r' HOME COOKING and useful articles, wlll be held on Frlday, April 5th, in thie Co- Operative rooms, Brock Street South, uncter auspiceo of St. An- drew's Ladies Aid. Tea served froni 4.30 o'clock. PEEL'S HAND MADE WATER- Proof Work Boots for men, give you more value. Cail and ex-. amine. J. ,Peel, rear of Agnew- Surpa.ss Shoe Store, Brook Street South. RESERVED SEATS ON SALE NOW for "Glone Wlth the Wind," com- lng te Regent Theatre, Oshawa, for lilted engagement, com- mcencing Monday, April 15. iMat- ineas, 75c, evenings, $1.00. Phone 541 for reservatioris to Miss Bar- ker, Tuck Shop, Whltlýy. YOU ARE INV'ITED TO A=ITND the Whltby Young Canada Con- servative Club dance on Friday, April 19, inu HIgh Schocil gym. The last social event of the seaison. day, April Sth. in the primary room. 7te junior class will meet at 7 p.m. rector is arranging for the confir- mation to take place on Frida.y. June 7th. when he wili o1"'zz.tîv: f ifteenth anniversal .I,-Taui <y,_ ation and the Ch"' the 75th. t Of And with the coming of Springis Growing Girls SpcilPrc o 0 a1.o a 69 sizes 3%to 7 LADES' Rfouge Couts 98 Fast Color Cotton lPrint. FUL&L FASHION CHIFFONSik H u Thursday, Fr day, SÀturday PjAm 9 WoolSkirts. I98 & Z95 14, 16, 19, 20.2 5 Yard Package> Cheese Cloth Fimcrls 2 fori13c 3ode 3 is.132.3 1940 TAXI DUE APIL 15m1 1940 taxes are payable ini four insta' TMe f irat instalment will1 be due on Monde l5th. There will be no extension of payment. A discount of 2'7 will be allow< second, third'ù nMRtm-s&henta, PATNvoi, AvoId 3% YOPoualmy Cl Note: - If your taxes are in a, year 1938, your property is liable t-, John R. Frost, Treasurer. E.Helena, 4P. P BANANA~ Il! PIc. 18C1 FRESH. FRUITS AND. VEGE TABLES IL 23c Ibs.15 5c l a LETTUCE WHUTBYr ONT, Sp ring Is Here! cernpl Don fullyi fr omr frorn «who ser througl the, firs Bbha & aut O! bulance armuy i, Red Ci Nurse of Iwo and ag beth ~ <çeed dir quart',ers This outstané dlian Ar Bbc wam out inu 'we-nt to dian Red Yurse 'I t-ork, Pare nTe RE >a? of St, or c 1<11 i one relai dlan pis mey7deslj ing ne if t-hé prisa Thne par:i T'ne ad Navv, An -' rk, sui keWA STOREi s;pice-s and lTER MME tom o!- blend wlth <an-d IF Y once,r delixer coart a .Fine Cerr crther flray i-ou E cieral( ,My: have: of wc À ÀN wi Ca Ètelà ýTs cf 'l change in éur -Wëaring C'HURCHES.- MERCANT-ILE, - DEPTe STORE

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