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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Apr 1940, p. 5

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tawgne V!WRcil o! Our MS.-~~I And Il the 1 BASSETTYS.* + RED CROSS The. regular Montbly business niewflg 901 the ladies 01 ta e4 C-iuý_i- :ociety wm lbe cld la 'the moïuoom on W4xiesday, April 10, at j p.m. Please bring mite-boxes t' be emptieci. Note change in da.te of meeting. Shipinent wll.l be ma.de Iro=the wor'kroom on Monday. April 8tl. lXnitters are reqUebted lto bring li coin~Pe.tect gar'Uents by the- end of this week,-if possible. Donations for the week are grate- fully acknowlcclged, gllt of money froni Misa E. Wallace; of socks Iromi Mrs. C. Hatoh; of -chintz anci ct Cotton from Mis , * Ricllarcison* a crib qufit from Ma Wm. Roach; scarves and 1 pair o! wristleta from thetUnitedl -Church, and 1 cr from mri. Myglanct, * 'Toronto Nurse for Red Cross'Unit _Miss Patt Tuckett, of Toronto, whQ served wîth the Britishi forces throughout tic fumst Great War, will have thc dlstinctloh o! bcing the -lir3t Canadian nurse ln France. She has been aPPOinted conu.and- ant -of!the Canadian - -Polisi am-. bulance unit given to 1he Polisi exrmy in France by the Canacliaxi Red Cros. Nursýe Tuckett will have charge of two fully cqulppcd ambulances and a group of English and Poli nurses. The Polih urslng sisters wtll 1 be headed by CouritesEliza- beth Tyskiewlcz. They -will pro- ceecl clrectly to Polish Armny Head- quarteýra at the front. *This vetera»'i nursing sster dld outstandlng work wlth the Cana- dian Ai-my In thc war o! 1914-18. Slip was in Europe when war broke * out In Septeruber and lmrnedlately vent Vo England and ývolunteered lier services. Right Hon. R. B. Benn~ett, wlio represents thecCana- * dian Red Cross li England, chose * Wurse Tuckett for* ths important %pork, Parcels Free ta Prisoners Tic RedI Cross Society- and Or- e? of St. John wifllihandle ail per- sonasl parcefs for prisoners o! war or c vîli nternes li Germnany. Only one relative of a British or Cana- dian prisoner o! war in Germany maay despatch a postal parcel welgh- ing no mnore than cleven pouxids to the prIsoner every three months. 'rie parcel needs no postage. Tue address should be in this form: Prisoner. o! War Parcel; Navy,ý Army. or Air Force number' ranir, surname, followed' by CirIs- tian name or initiais Canadian (or British) Prisoner o! War li Ger- n'any; camp namne and numnber; ncatAJ~ tdacc JUST LIKEJ Care of Priaoemrs of Wa Wowji4ed and P4lsslng Departl t, St. Jaanes Palace, Fziary CouÛrt, LOndon, B.wi. SAltahougli ou8toms Doclarat4on Io flot required, a UtV of the con~tents of the parcel ahould be shown'on a slip inserted inside the parcel. Ontario Executive Enlargcd The Onta.rlo Division lias an- nounce4d that dve ta lncreased war- time activitica, Is executive lias been enlarged by the addition ocf 13 prominent persons. The u.d1- 'tuons are: Mrs. C. E. Bath, Paris; Judge Cochrane, Brampton; Jasper P'orman, Lindsay; M.rs. R. B. Web- ster', Âugsta: MUs. L. A. Reeves, North 'York; C. E. Sismon, Kints- way Park; Major Lochle I. Bur- wash, Cobourg; Mrs. James Coul- ter, Windsor; J. M. Telford, Owen Sound,- Miss X. M. MUnes, Sutton; Dr. 19. L. Cheney, Alexandria; W. R. Beatty, Pembroke; andI R. S. Taylor, New Llskeard. Chairmen of the two new ou- mittee a.ppolnted were Mrs. H. P. Plumptre, Toronto, training of motor drivers; R., E. Gunther, Brantford, voluntary blood donors. Other comnittee chairmen are: Women'a War Work Commnitte.- Mis. C. D. Howe, Ottawa. Vice-Charman-Mrs. J. C. lrras- ci, Toronto. Outpost Hospltals - Wills M"c- lachlan, Toronto. Vice-Chairman - Norman Caud- well, Torontoi. Purchasing and Warehouse- Willa Maclachlan, Dl5saster ànd Emergency Relie- Lt. Col. John A. Cooper, Toronto. Provincial Workrooni - Miss ?'rances Campbell, Toronto. Visitlng Houselceeper Service- Mrs. J. Coulter, Windsor. Highway Pirst Aid Post&-Dr. J. -T. Pliair, Toronto. Ex-Service men and dependerits -Col. H. K. Inrani, London. Branch Organisation-Bruce Hill, _-St. Catharines. SJunior Red Cross-Dr. J. T. Pliair. Toronto. Soldiers' Conforts and' Services~ Major Lymnan Henderson, Toronto. Advlsory Nursing-Miss Florence Emory, Toronto. Advlsory Medical and Dental-Dr. J. H. Holbrook, Hamilton. Réd Cross War-ehouses and Red Cross Workrooms are hives of li- dustrýy these days, and the head- quartera of the Women's War Work Committee and the National Work- room. are among the busiest spots li the Dominion. Witli thc excep- tion o! a saal paid permanent staff at Heu.dquarters &Il this work la, being accompllsh'ed for nothlng by thousands o! volunteer workers. Thus ît la possible for the bulk of Red Cross funds to go dlrectly into materials and services, with a. mini- mum o! expenditure for a.dmiils- tration. Debutantes have turned inte switchboard operators; women pro- minent lI social and club life are acting.au secretarles, tyrias, mes- CFI-ICKS BRAY Riphi When You Want Them No Writing - No Waiting -Prompt Delivery IF YOU have -put Off orderiung your chicica, waitiug for letter weather, you will want Prompt action wheu you do order îthem. And if you place your 'ýrder, with one of us ycqull get Prompt actiori-fuil information available at once, no writing, no waiting, ne money oidera - Prompt delivery., What's more, you'll get livcly, vigorous chicka of the usùal hi-gh BRAY qualiy . . . famous from coast to coast. of Canada. Read what customnera say: 'Pinest. bunch of -chicks 1 ever re- ceveci."-Àbner McZachern, New- tawn Cross, P.EI. "Neyer had phieks graw po quickly."-Arthur >L. Crawford, Moncton, N.B. *'No ather istchery will get rny busi- nes . . . no trouble at ail ratslag Bray chicica." - 5111 Caine, Troy. NS . "Wheu 1 gt more thev will certsinly be Bray's, for I think yau cant best Brsy chicks.' - Gerald Stecle. Brawnsburg, P.Q. '-"My fineat .experieuice ...they have not cauaed ,xe one nmoment af worry."1-Mrs. 15. J. Rtasa, W.ct XIII, Ont. "Vcry goaci la&ycr." - Zen Coïtield, Nagar ala ,02%t. "Lut year we bouglit 0tand4rd4 but thils ycar w. have orcd.red Xtra-Pro!lts Jusita osec If It CoUid le Possible ta have any fluer birds then we had lest y.ar.1" - mms. Gardon McWbirter, Colbcck, Oixt. "3oui. Weathcr to receive baby eiulcks-35 b.iow I I amn w#ll est- iafled."-43rdon Newlave, Bran- don. mai. <'eyer 85w a fiocIc dO &0 Wel"-.Sccull0chý, Kamieoe, B.c. Yes a ir! Bray checks have donc a real job for theise peo. ple and they will do the samne for you, if you'll give ilhemn the chance. Place your order now,, -for prompt* de. livery-<day-old and started chicku, in 1'2 breedusud 4 crposses., ready right wheku you waut thenu. C. A.CANNINOG BROCK STREET SOUTH w14Ioy- UUZse, oocaoý &sgt sU *Who1 bave bessi UachIng tli çm abWùWy tlm.fes Taire tue Junior Red Orqa. For oe paId'NgtSWoxi~dreckr, tbýere' are cmer10,000- teachers o6rgantiUg the ahool groups fer nothlxtg. Ike the RloodDoueraSservice. This has been carrieci out by the Toronto Brandi at no extra cx- pense, the organizer, Mr. A. 0. Northway, givlng fuil-time vol<jn- tary service, uandis niece. potlng aïs voluntary driver to brlng lni thc donors Themo cases aretypical, andtc only ecmpense ta. the *orkel ln a sense of duty weil donc.- As for 'thc thurty-aeven memrbera of tic Central CoUncil and Executive COnwJtW, wlio direct the Cana- cratiOn wliataocver for hi& services. The MaPle Leaf Club A "]Bit o! Canada" in London-a friendly, homelic atmo8phcre for Canacian sol<iera on leave-tiat la tie Idea beinclthe recently open- cd Ma'ple LeS! Club-, ticýf irst hos-' tel ln London for Canadian solIdiers, Jotntly sponsorcd by tiecCanadian Red Cross and tiec Cnadin Wom- en's Club. Mrs. Lennard Murray, a well kio'wn an4ý, well lovcd Canadian womaxi livlzIg In London, the widow of a Can.adian icart specialiat who attendcd msny Dominion soldiera durlng tié at war, la in charge o! tie Club, assisted by-a commit- tee o! women, many e! whom are Canadians. Tie Club p5rovides sleeping at- commodation for elghty Ine, at thc smaîl charge of 2s, 6d, (about 60 cents) for bcd. breakfast and bath. What the Caxiadians appreclate M'ost, though, aré aIl those little things that speil "ho)me"-tie dry warmth af central ieatlig-cwf!ee this la coffce, strong and served wlth cream; not nulk--such un- hcard-of items on an Englisi menu. a-3 buckwheat cakes with maple MyUP, raisin pie and lemon merin- guie Pie-the ga.mes room with its Piano, ping-pong and dlarLts-nd thc many social activities, concert parties and de.nces wich are ar- ranged. "Paradlsc"l la thc way one Cana- dian soldier descrlbcd the club. Gift Boxes for Overseaa In addition to tic knltted goods whlch are always welcome, the fol- lowing items are suggcsted for over-, sens boxes-smojces (so many boys miss ticir Canadian brands o! ta- bacco and cigarettesý, canned fruit, suci as pineapple (the slices are easilY caten and tic juice niakes a deliclous drink), can.ned meat spreads, Peanut butter, biscuits, cof - foc essence, bec! cubes, sugar cubes, chocolate bars and ciewlng gum. Candies May be sent If packed li smnalU tins but remember that thc box may spend several days Up against a steam pDipe somewiere and maY Imeet a lot 0f heat andl cold. Close wrappings of foil, cel- ophane or waxed paper o! several thicknesses,neatly tied, help5 great- ly. Cigarettes or tobacco should be in their own' sealeci tins for odors 'WilI definltely become fiavors if mixed together. 1 Tollet articles as soap, shaving cream, lotion and tooti paste arc always acceptable and handker- berore Putting on thc paper wrap- ping.- Tic well with gond strong twlne. Tien tiere Is no danger o! your box falllng &part li thc flrst stages of tic Journey. It iS a good ides, too, to .gather together your box, wrTapplngs and contentsansd wceigh them before seming Up 50 YOU are sure It vil not be over- weight. Fruit cake aud short brca.d are among tic best foods- for packing. MRCke with 'butter. TMe fruits kccp thc éake moist and tice. richnesa k@eepa tf siortrake fresi. Tne Cake may be baked righ't lI a eo!!ee tin. Line tic tin wlth thrce layera O! wax P2per, and whcn tic cake îs bakcd and stonè cold-put on thc tin cover. A rlci, darir fruit cake mixture il, best. *Candy sur-h as mnaple creaixi, May Je Poured i~t0a box o! inch depth Ilned wti waxed paper. Wien set, fold over thc waxed paper,- put on the box l1 a.nd- tic up for packing. Well drained, halved, eadled cher-j ries help te prevent tus rom dry- lng up. No duty is ciarged onl gif t par- cela acnt tO the Canazliaznforces overmea or te indiviau.! Canadians aervr&g In Britishi ntà. Ail oer- 8»U nlail fer tue Canladian Active Servim POrce, gOUld be sent carej cf tic Rame post OffIceCanada, j aMd the addreus hOUld.Iielude tic M24ier' number,- name, rank anci uit, 'AUl parels shoul4 bear cu&- W-texid n4 pn o =Z;S tw -oe kng aquacy up to, the scatch, and taklig-not th bull by the barns- qbut Ohurvi No. 2 as wus previously tntended. Thinkr.1I may fairly aay that next ta thc Episcbpal Church ait tue Bay, already xiotlced, tic Congregational Churvhis athe, aid- est both as te Its buldilng, and date O! organisation. 1Tbus, -bcjig li some s repoc ticth moter church i of tic Towxi, and attcnded, and" àùp- ported kn lis early days by repre- Scnta.tlves of ail tic tien cxlstlng dcnonulnations, wio made lit for a time ticir common religlous home, I hope ta be excuacd aiould I deal More fully wltl itls hl'story than i maY dcal wlth tic others, more e- peclally .s from * a long personal connecion witi said churci I know Its history very fully. Tiec clurch I find wu organlze<j -n tic 24th Deccuiber, 1843. pro- ceedinga were immediatcly 'taken for thc erection o! a building, and cvsrythixig seesata have beeni icampletcd aiticheclose a! 1845.. Tue site, cooussiing in tic out- 'tari o! anc acre o! ground, in- iended bath for church and bury- lng ground was thec glU o! thc laie Peter Pcrry, Esq., s owell and ionora.bly known in connection wihaIl early movemnenîs for tie advancemenî o! oDur Towni and Couniy at large. -Thc deed of tie property belug li some respects conditiona.! and tic lan4 covcred by It lnterfering to some extent witli tic strecis as afterwards laid Out, li was dccmned advisabîe ta -se- cure a new, deed if possible, un- trammeled witi tic conditions con- talncd li Uic aId, Ieaving out tic burying ground clausp0, and giving a better description of tic land. Such dcccl was- obtalncd fram the h2irs ai law o! Mr. perry on Payment of a moderate Sum, he iaving in tice meautime died. You wiIl sec frani tuis what a narrow escape the town iad froui having a cemetery rigit lu its mîdst. Many cansid2r thRt sisiake has been miade lI an opposite direction ýby îeaving the matter af a Town Cemeterv with- out any serlous consideration ta the present trne. Siould tlic crema- tion craze set in here, tic question May neyer ned any serlous con- sideration. Same strange f ancies arise lI tic mmd In conn-ctîon wlth tic crematory -mode o! dis- posing o! the dead. Just Imagine onc's bcing made a burnt offering in thus literai sense o! tic term, and iaving these preciaus bodies o! ours tiai we bestow sa muci rare upon, dissipated in srnoke and vapour, 'waftèed about li the atmos- phere, and scattered by tic winds over earti and occan. Or. ascencl- ing upwards, above tic reglons of tic storm-king, and the winds, get- ting mningled with volcanic dust, and helping perchance ta form a colouring medium tirougi wiicii generations yet unbarn 1may look witi rapture at tic setting sun. Ratier an cdd idea thougi. to be looking at the setting sun tirougi the smoke of a departed relative or aid, acquaIntance, and p2rhaps, quite uncansciousîy, ta get an occa- sional suif! o! one's great-great- graxidmother, or mother-in-law as somne o! their scattered particles float past an tie"wings o! the winl.! DETOUR CARS FOR Surges Acrosa Pavement During Evening - Ex- pect Further' Trouble P'ickering, April 2. -' Duffin's Crcek rase to suci a icighl la.st nigit liat ar'dinary automobile traffic had to be detoured naorth ou thec Brock raad-ta Righway No. 7 for an iour. Tic interruption ta normai ira!! b occurrod betweeu cigil and ulue o'clock althougi water was ual hîgi euaugh to in- terfere with lniciç sud transport tra!fic. The water started flowing over tic highway about four o'clock yeb- terday afternoon but dld ual cause any trouble until later in tic even- ing. Water rose rapidîy beiwecu six arnd seven, !lawing across thc road ta a dlepti o! two feel by cigit o'clock. Wicu passenger cars repeatedîy stalied kn tic swirlixig waters traf- fic was detoured-around tie flooded section- o! tic road. At- fine o'clock watcr startcd ta recode, elropplng so rapildly liai by 3:00 a.M. today the pavement wu. again cntirely clear o! waler. Hig- way waikmen were on duty Ilirougi- oui tic ulght watchikg thé vagaries o! tie creec. Foreman M. Mickey expects Iliat the water will risc to flood pro- portiosu again laIe today iu tic mclting snow rushes downttr=a. hls- reaignation intý 184S.-*as -suc- ceeded ýby Ptv. Thos. Snell, wtobe memory la atili cie01shed w1th ai- fection bY thone wlo knew him. Mit. 1Snell, liaving reslgncdis cliarge la 184, a cal wum iven to and acepte by Rcv. John_ Cui-. ningham, e, tien a, young max o! muoli talent ,wlio ad been train- cd in -tic Congreatuonal College tien in Toronto under tic super- vision o! -the late able and îcholarly Rev. Adami Lisi, D. The churcl under Mr. Golkle's Pastorate made rapld advancement, -dwaà attmnded by nearly al tic leadlng famil1es o! tic tien rising town. Une writcr's fhrat connection witu sald church oommnenced under Mi. Qzekles mlnlmtrY, and lia con- iinued ever since. Me wdll remcm- bers thc stlrring trnes tiers -were during tic visit o!- an evangelUst, Rev. J. Burchard, In 1851. Tic churcli was crowded ta Uts utmog caPacity, and many Profcssed con version, uxider méthoda k n-,ome- re- spects similar ta tiose o! ýtic Sa.- vallon Army a! today, or ratier, very similar ta Uic modus operaudi o! tic aId Metuodist protracte4 meeting&; so mucli so indeed, tuai a witty Mtiodlst fricnd sent M.r. Burchard word ta 'rttrn tic bar- rowed tools at tue finishing -ethe Job." On anc occasion -Mr. 'Dur- chard announced tiat he would nexi èvening preaci, a hen sermon. When next evening camne, not only tie sermon, but tic heu wwu ready. A practical joker o! thc urne, (tic late Mr.ý Herman, a maxi o! ready writ and overflowing witi good na- tured fun) brougit a lien along ta the meeting, and. at announcement o! the text set tic icu afloat over tic heads o! tie audience. The fruits o! this season o! revival were ratier evanesceni. Much gaod ap- pearcd to bel donc at tic time, and doubtless much good was dans, yet a large proportion fell graduallv back m tictheranka of the world. Besides thls, the aid arld ncw cIe- ments in tic churci dld nat easily coalesce. Difficulties also arase be- tween the pastar and some. o! hîs flack which resulted i hs resigna- tion ln tic fail o! 1851. He wasas young maxi o! rare abillty, sud very, progressive lx i is ideas. Was for some time editor o! tic town paper (called tice'<Whitby Reporter" 1 believe) and took an active partinlx the establisihment o! tic Granunar Sciool ik Witby, sud Ik urgiug thc formation o! a Teacher's Asso- ciation. Me was àlso ln view a! tic cry'ing evils o! the liquor Ira!- f ic a strongc advocate o! iota] ab- stinence from intoxicating drinks, and gavemonaun-ceriaïni sound ns to tie duty- a! uprooting, If possible, a traffic *sa fraugit wlth cvi!lu- dividually sud n-a-tionally. Ris views çvere periaps muci intensi- fied by the faci that anc o! tic at- tendants on us minliry (James Tirrif!, a cocmer I tulnk, who llv«l at Ramer's Corners) camne ta an untimeîy end as a fruit o! said ira!- fie. Poor Jamie was found dcad one morniug by tic aide o! tic road, just west o! tie bridge *ai Blair's creek, wlth is whisky jug by is side, a ghaztly* spectacle ta tic passers by, and .d comment- ary on a system o! titings ual sill unhappily exists. Many a victim has f allen under tic wheefls o! tic nigit. TRAVELLER. An'ice jam above tic bridge la like- Iy ta cause furtier trouble ai tuis point on tic hlgiway, ie prcdictcd. Should ieavy ramn accompany ta- day's tiaw a reaily seriaus flood mugit arise. As usual, tic Ernest Cook !amly ihad ta be removod froni ticir home on the, creek flats to specd the night witi ýlends. Seed Fair Prize -List Is Revised The rcvL5ed list o! prize wlnncrs ai tue racent Brookiin Seed Pair la as follo-w s: Class 1, Oats, Lais (Reg.)-lot, F. H. Wcstncy, -Pickeing; 2nd, W. B. Westney, Pickering. Clazs 2, Osis, Early (Rceg.)-lai, F. M. Chapman, Pickering. clasm 3, Ea.rley (Reg.)-lat, F. Hi. Westnsy, Pickering. Clasm 4, Fa.Il Wheat-7-lst, G. N. Graham, Udora. Gla,.s 5, -Laie Oats (Unreg.)-lst, Normani Down, Oshiawa. 2nd, G. N. Grahamu, Udora; 3rd, W. P. Batiy, Brookhin; 4th, W. D. Thomson, Braoklin; 5th, W. H. Westney, Picjk- ering, Cisa 6, Marly Oas (Unreg.)-lst, G. N. Grralian, 'Udara; 2nd, F. M. Cliapuisu, Pickering; 3rd, W. P. B3atty, Braoklin; 4tu, W. C. Ashen- hursi, Uxbrîidgc; 5th, R. R. Me- Laugilin, Oshawa.. Clam 7, Barley (Unreg.)-lst, G. N. Grahamn, Udora; 2nd, -R. R. Me- Laugillu, Oshawa; Srd, Eli Kc. Cuaig, CiQgebrldge; 4tli John Web- beu, Beaverton. Glass 8, Spring Wheat-lst, G. N. Grahiamx, Udora; 2r4, C«Âl West- lake, Beaverton. cla,= 10'- soyba.-Ut,F. . Weetzey, Pli*eins. lb. * .,. l.19< BS ..l.16e sEPOU POD5L SHOUILDE BUTES0O TOUNO P4 HID'ROAST ao~ '~. Bey uneS Coke md, cot.Ons Co4e' Callinh Saturclay for a Hot Dri nk Made, Witl1 Carnation'MiIk Whitby'es Largest Assortmnent of FREH FRUITS aud_ VEGETABLES__ AOCIaý9.B.ROS. Class 11, Peas-Heber Down, Osli- Cert.)-li5t, Dan Norton, G6od- DieDS- WAX '%EZFUGEE£j aw.wood; 2nd, Howard Harper, Good- Zecause of the war, sveq.- raue Glass 12, Red Clover-îst, Nor- wod.bir-4s elangii toa a pecis ru- mnen Down, Oshawa; 2nd, Lloyd sm igtlie gose, wmJ. otrai Lee, Seagrave. CIa.is 18, Early Potatora <cedi- the Ooli London. Cawglt ýby a Glass 15, Alfafa-lat, R. J. Miller, flod)-list, Howard Harper,<o- ete, Zephyr. Wood. m th 1w ~ta Zng4ad en a Qer. Class 16, Late Potatoes (not . ~z war ïstart4d, T»b Cert.)-lst,' Dan Northn, GoxlwoocI C, s9,LtePoaoe (e tS refuge in Yokouiam, and 2nd, Howard lHarper, Coodwood. ' fied-lst, Howard Harper, Good- theleturr ffered the blrds to Clams 17, Barly Potatoes (not wood 2d, Dan Norton, (Goodwood. Tenc Zoo. MI.'ORT T. mUNIM POAT QUNRMD, POT ROAST .l 3L8G TNS *WHEI YOu DRIV rN' it siSnificant that you sec so mny new 1940 Cthe'vroeuso the sereews I and highways? ... Doesn't that popularity tel! you that peoplýe eogiz something extra in Chevrolet? That somcthixi extra value for the moucll You drive a bargain when you drive a Chevoet ... thdu. mstbcitful car a low price ever bought -and the only C'gr, :egardless of pticc, with such a combination of quality fuatures as the Vacwu Power Shif thedu. 'Rde Rya1' Super-Silent Valve-in-Head Engine, new Pul-Visiont Bodies by Fishe and larger Tiptoe-Matic Clutch. Witu the purclase of a new ChêfSlet yoiig«t the* advanced luxuries of modern motoring-and lyou g thdu= at the jorest cost in purchase price, gas, oil and upkeep. Place your oeder aow and yoton,4 will soon b. saying, «Chevrolets tb. biggest bargaii' uyone could ddn!' NEW "ROYAL CLIPPER" STYUING ..THE *U"RIDE ROYAV-_hVv.I.t' perfected Knee-Action Ridivig Systom iî* WPER4I4ENT VALVIWN-M4AD ENGINE ;; ;NEW BODIES BY FISHER: .-.'NEW SEALUI BEAM I4EAD, LIGHTS WIT14 SEPARATE PARKING LIGHTS; : LARGIR TIPTOi-ATIÇ CLUTCH;; PERFICTUD I4YDRAULIC BRAKES; . bwOMM DONALD MOTO R SALES' WHIIW" - I DUNDAS 'STREET EAST a -1b.

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