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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Apr 1940, p. 4

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- J % l i v i n g t O x #a C i piC nO Cfll d kitM'fenl g k nie. reducefi pequick i. LodT~> VAN e bos i rienda and f t 01 rIf TOT001 gym - Wlsttby tO" flor a l . i ISO the ati nd b ' "le, ig te - - i 'for 5AGE FOUR ?u ni &VOLpa- ________ aTE HTBYGAElE NDCHRONICLF, Wt7.EDNESDAY, &PRIL 10n1940 SQ TAL-R DPERSO RAT7DPYuI'I Mn r.i ~S , Hý, 7oo<Ie have Mr. Arthur Gray, of ReginsJ ne Easter Thaakoffering mei turne r cm f ,,eek.- motor Saskatchewan, uas in town or.n ing of the WB&*o!s. nr tnp t F10<h 'atutrdav for the funer 1l'of his Churcli, wl obe fidlSthe 5. + 4 + f a.ther, makîng the trip from the room, 'ofl pniday, 4pi 2h Mi Kt & ong, orf Brooklin, wr'ît In.two 'and a Jhall; day. treockRv . Mril th waý îr. owi on Saturdav attending + + +j be the speaker. Ail ladies of t the funr ra of the la'e J. mes-Gray. Miss Mary MIathison ha er churcli andtw arcodly + + +4 engaged by- the Llbrary Boardi. vited t ted M:- aucd Mre. S. F. NMurdoch re-'isiat on Saturdavs to the 4 + 4 tiv t - eeki froni a three 1:rarian, Mis s Gertrude Best. Mrs. Walter Rodd, was luNfE 1 à S., Ptersbrg, + 1Rochelle, N.Y., last week, atteni r:ora-1- - - ! f.h.g.... - - Mr .H, K nnedy 'spent a f ew <I. ~; s w k t~h he-r ai. ternir + +4 Mn an! M'ýr., H.JWiîli, Of Uhthf f. Ont.ario. q)ent the week-- rad as'It eltiVes trn- i Whtby. n nSt ayl t the home o 7Mr. r- n5 .P. . Af.r. and a'rs. R. N. Bas.sett, who-' 'have spent the past three moraths ln St. Petersburg, F'lonida, neturnedi home lasIt week. Mr. Bassett'S my ttn'n frlends will be glad to kraown that his stay ira the south lia.% irri proved bis health and that he tg now feeling much botter. + + + l'h. I.0D.E. are holding a bridge and- euchre at the home o? Mn, and Mrs. Russell Hatcb, Fniday, April 19th, at 9 o'clock. Good pnIzes1 wilI ing -ne uneral of hter brother-ii law, the lat.e Albert Bedford, wl passedi away at lus home on We( nesday, April 3rd. Ail Saints' A.Y.p.A. are paying visit on Monday evening nextc the invitation 0f Christ Chure] OshÎawa. ýMeluberà are a.sked 1 assemble at the Panish Hall at 7.3 so that they can arrive weU c dîme in Oshawa, and to let the prî tretknow if thev are going. ~,,e,, ~ na gven,. proceeds ln alad of war j uth .work. i The Ontario Civil Service Assot j ntion, WhitbY Brarach, Annual A Home, wus held on F'iday last ii the .amusemenî hall, 'Ortario Mol pital, Whutby. Thene was a goc .'ubrpresent to enjoy thi dancing to muaic provided by Star Willam.s and the Blue Marines Cards were also enjoyed by thos( who did not wish to dance. ne. freshmenta were aerved. '+ + The Apnil meeting 0! the United ~HJBY Ph ne 18Cliuch Womans NJasionary So« 2nd.- Mrs. R. W. McQuay presided lthe absence of the President, FHURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY M~rs, H. Crozier. Mrs. C. R. Cars- howvs at 7.00 and 9.00. Saturday Matine e t 1.30. cîe 1odcedtedtoira peniod. Mrs. A. E. Armstrorag, of YELLING RED DEVILS..à. led hy GERONIMO, scesiagte i.W.st- galst m .00*0r U. S. filmied-fross the "isWb 0 e" eue end voe..ag , < lihildren's ComedyV-Treat- SATURDAy MATINEE Etrnti Boys in "REMEMBER WHEN"t MONDAy - TUESDAy - WEDNESDAY 7'irst Show at 7.00. Last Complet. Show at 9.20. ALSO AN ADDED ATTRACTION T-for black gold ,,.kRiOlLOmlW* k or MW - -g nf Toronto, who bhm vtsited Trinidad, gaaze a veny graphie description of thie Island and its history, Mrs. Armstrong is conversant with every phase o! the Canadian- Mission there snd portrayred mo.st 'vlvidly the amazing resulta of the wonlc o? t he Mission in the last 70 years. Mrs. Bsscom expressed the thanks 0f the gathering. Tca was served by the executia'e. Th-ene were 52 pre.sent. EveraIng Group Of W.M.S., United Church, beld its M1arch merting at the home o! Mr.s. D. Holliday, business session, MLss% Jacques, of Ontario Ladies College entertalned the Croup wth an lllustrated paper on 'wArt in India". This paper showed' much preparation as the subjec t was carefully descnîbe! #= Ifs earliest conception Ira Mles to lf.a present equisite form as depicted by tbe Taj Mahal. A lIsnt>' lunch was followed by mov- ing pictures o! Peon>' Gardena and i'Lay Day, at Ontario Ladies Col- loge, taken und shown b>' Miss Unargorie, Rudds'. The Apnil nanet - Iuig wIlI b. beld on Apnii 16t.h, at1 815 p.m. (sharp) at home o! M.ns.- H. Crozien. 618 Athol Street. T'ne Ladies Aid o? St. Andrew's Presbytenira Churc.h held a suc- cessful sale o? home made cooklng I and fancy articles with an after-n noon tes forgood m"ýastire nt t.he Co-openative roonas on Friday of- ternoon. MnS. Allan Walkipi- "a ira charge oi the fsnca' article booth and Mrs. A: A. Walken and' is M'orenrce Davey o? the cakes andn ffles: Mrs. Dave Mowat. t he cRnda' and miscelanneous -booth: and Mca. -las. Ross o? th4 bî'ead sad buns. Thef convenor o? thé tea tmbles was f -Mrs. Rerb WiLson. with Aeaeral espable assa ts. Kneat suna was made for the vrork o? the sociefy. COW- RAS. FINE RECORD Tne Jer.%gy cow. Abbofsdlîe Poi' '.9nnIcr. owu-ed and testpd by' Mrsr.. Olive H. Moorhead, Whitby. On- 'aia as recentîs' completed a ne- rord ofi11,50q lbs. o? milk. 494 lb-z ofat. wit.h aran average test o 4 29 ýr af nîne years o? sge iln 305, days. W. C. T. U. MEETING The, reg'ulan meeting o? the Wo- mena',% Cbnstiark Teniperance Union, will be held Ira thé Public Librara' auditorium, on Tuesday afiennoon. Apnil 16f b. at three o'clock. Impor- tant business hms Jo Se srruaged as :lie annual countv convention witI be held Ira Whitby this yesr. EVer4 mrember is reminded tItat each one .lias ýomne of the work as lier shane. and is urged to be present. THE SÀLV'ATION AR.MY APPEAL Onl behaf o?:ýht Sahattor Arma- who have been ia'King an appDea: to the citizens alW :aas chair- ma'n, I w1sh to state wc asan' 'o close It up tiais wseek. We P l require over twso hunr.<ir ciar te rrach oui'rerî Let ime ap- peal to ahi o' r kind'v c '",oe4 : zens a-ho hAve iradicated their wi: îngness to do, their shane. P'ea.se; cail ana' o? aur canvasýsers or cap- taira, - 'or pavii tot the Treasuren W. M, Bnyais of the Bank of Com- merce at or-m e. Th'ank vou, .ý RR' SANDERSON. Tlhe Wom er. s I~t' i a specra:.' -"':îg on FrxfýiV - e; i.- j Lrg. -A nil :2 ae 8 oCf'cý. t* h home o? :hst- Pres:&r.: M Nn. ýW C 1 Toirn Trhe toDpîrfor:,e v:'îg wîhl be'M ic T. ecane Ž4rs, Dew~ey.aad er cmî' wÎll be ln change of :be prnI7gr.ï,m 1Tue ro-cil Wili] Se a.,se b;- lie nane of a mjsiciar Ttf-re'~ be a paper anad a cn~'Rft. ýnerais WIIb.e Iraed a' .e .~ gi? e th ra"'iî A of!s n.: i tare Menabers arç. a.keu to keep '.là meewi M ira ~d. ,j w - ~ ~ VA - - - - 8L2w5 £L ASPECIAI. L' 'w v - -NOT«CEADVEISTIN?« D wil i E S &this headlng 18 charged *for at th V LTjE-,,3 0 -z le - W W rate ef eue sud eue-hanl cents per VAJTN Tin T5ian L-1Word for tireiInsertion. nimbum P & G FLOUR arn E TU l chakrge. . c.Each su!>cent.RAP , 5 ~ is fi5SJ m u Ceutve Insertion, le per word as9'5R * u ~~ and ire . cn secuUe insertions RIG IITEST GL E toieprc fîw it ne- OXYDOL Pk21 LYE tions, (three cents a word). Mini- IB' ho CDM harge cithree insrCATSUp Lrg 2 egFNt, "0e. Al noties fer tis lu mi O COLORhouM", Wheriever Possible, be in We wliI net b. responsîbîs, for on o Select im l taies lanotices phened. P BR r niE AD to Santary Decoration that WIiSà h -n wiIl not rub o ff ! - HO ESHas O ur Waiipaier removed bynî. on HEALTHfFUL machine. It'a cheaper and cleanerbeet tu inci >orterhoii FOR RENT *nd FraVkWells,'phOU4o R o reRod Hoover VacutuanCleaner and BEAUTIFUL . T@if o Rg -the YOU t h AT Q-R ALSTS igFreR Johnston Electrie Floor- p lt g p si e Pricies thlo1w- j I" FE n P olish er. est. J. P eel .rear A g n ew -S u p nL L E S - W o orS1n s- ý Aý îShoe Store, Brook Street South, ]BONELESS VEAL ROAST........ )dL 1 E COM END » X P RK 1 SOL ad ECMUNDE.PRKSHOULDERS -Fresh, Sa le PKUJ3 HANDUME WATER..1 PORK BUTTS -Frsh..... n VU' ' W W U H W'Proof Work Boots for Mnen- give PORK SHOULDERS - SmocdS Z. m m 'il ID A y "SYOU mmrevalue. Osl .and ex. oeS e ~~~~~~a m i n e . J . P e e l , r e a r o f A = e w - t R S F U T a d V ww A~Surpass Shos 8tore, Bnock Street jBANANXAS, GOLDEN RIPE ........ EN8 USu A" CARJS, NEW .... ............ Ad 0t R INVITID TO AT7E%= AROS hOC ST EETSOU E PI E M S-t eWh1thbY Young canada Con - _ __________ _________________________________ da.nce on p'nlday, J--laut #ocIl event o? the season. O I U , CHECKER-S ARE 'MOVING Arl1,l 1g eolgm h 2 3 7 (jJ The third annual tournament for rdo hna RELMVETHE DATE, MAY 3P.D., JAIMES GRAY R the Gordon D. Conant Trophy andf for sale Of Home Cookng, aim- the Ontario ounty hamponship! Mrs. James Gray and famly wish Pic« PVening Branch, W.A. AU A most highly regarded and use- ne d nwll be held In the Club roms in~ to express their sncere apprecia- Gainta' Church. Watch for fu., fui citizen of wuîty, for 45 yeas, Correl, Whitby, on Thursday, April 8th. tion and thanks to the neighbos ,thr I.ntCUlars. in the permon o? James (Gray, pnas- VanZan snogo p w n esh v en d - and friends for kndness and syr- .L Br kîn wh ed aw n t hs home on W ecnes- away at As~~R nC.gr. MAwlners hae beende- da, Irahis 77th year. He lad On Tuet clared a general invitation Is ex_ pathy exvrvded. thtrm during ther as been appointed. soe d itnib - erI r iln g r lh f r s m h c tended to all players throug out , ecent ad bereavem ent. tbr" '? RadionLicenses for Counfortîme. shri'n s fthe Count.y to attend the rally. Play of! Ontarlo, bas appolnted L. W. Th aoJmeGnyasan-fret willcomence propt]' at1.3 j> * ~ udly ascolectn inWhlby.tiare of Qu'bec province but had >ea p.m. and the double knockout sys- Rix 1 Mn Dley wl ai tth1oe tern ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W D udleyete xc p i g nL i t w l the eer t r e o re& ,p et thf, greate n part of is iif t e cl u 1_______ dotdecetn n ntwnI h nu uur o in Whi'b, and district wrhere he Correi; the finals~. ThLs event lias been a YOaa May cal 60 Whutby. 1 t'ariak feature over a Perlod o! years and Honey Sala.d Dresslni-Ingredi- . ______ noasn. ellf,' fkeen interest la evidenced ina the enrte: one-fou.rth tablrspoon suit. BR.ING ALONG YOUR BICCL Fnr 4f) n carh wa.s re,,taken r n uefa anruval classie.Dr. Annis, of Linci n rapo usad aotbe nd have ltoverhauled anad tY r>hiolBn. ngor'Fe sa>' wüll neferee. 'spoons flour, one beaten egg, three.. painted like new. Pri.e.s very 3 .'~sj"fre i~rdte on fou t has cup crnea m or r ch m ilk, reason ab le, a lso ies m ad e. B ill S A id ' w . P " b t na n i de S M A L FI EIN G A R G E 0 nef u th cup vinegar. sift dry l- Luke, *331 C entre Street N orth, C hu r-ch . HW ; faitlful a rd efficient P0 i 0f 'rhe L fine N R A GlEd un a greduents'; adcl egg, cream and very Wi ser'.]t cs ad long . be-n rerognized ne. Pft 1n', fslowlreclldSud y OI, the vnegar. Cook over bo. ha botri çý'î'îH î1c-a hleb.a ail forenoon to extinguish a small flein wat.er until thivkened. Wiien T'ETRÀAVEM.JINO 4RT EXHIBIT Fr h'Rs rpetarded ixas irl.Chnis- ira the garage 0f Mrg. M. L. Jen- cool add one-haif cup strained Of the Ontanlo Society of Antlsts flan gerntlemin. -e è.4 flowers infant m ',ings-on Ash Street. in the garage hny sIscOminIr tO town. Pull panticu- a nd l i!; ga rde , wA s -ov rr bis de- Mns;. W. rstoned some lumben and other hone. - next weeîc. t hghtNHe %was most fil*thfulll its Me ~urabut the good work of the Mo0lasses Pudding - Ingrédients: -_______________at'l nat St. And-r-:'s ,wheneWhtb t: emen saved, no+, only the build- one anad three-fourths cups sif ted ïxr.,,. he w. s a valuoble nd esîemd i.e, g. but the contenit.. with ony flour, one-half teàspo.n sat,. one . r e a n ene idiY 'Iz ît ,d a m a g e b ei rg su sta lred te a sp o o n g in ger, o n e tea sp o o u C ii.T W f n n evieç S9&1urcJ 11 f0 n a m o n , o n e c u p m o la s s e s , o n e te a - B A D A K . .. . A C S O fte r o o at e ra e . i r s dn c e to b p Death j posdoeegaifyetn ateday, ril ~~6, 1940, witner wâs condiicted bvv Daviiid Ma- from the J h EO én i t o ? of m ariage 'wel, shall, m inisten of t nd *s. an B >r flou wit sai; gngerand inn - MP'Orence Jackson 0f Port Per- nuit1ePa numbrr of frendr, -ten cd. (odcLei BE UFORD-At his hom e.. 19 La -« m on. Beat molasses and soda o- r0wd w e a e t e bi e o n e me t wt a' e ti G o ei e t n o fayette St., New Rochelle, NY. gethen until liglit and -frothy. Stir Charles Nelson istabback. son O? Cemlftrrv and ftýhiR. her'swr mn on Wednesday, Apnil 3rd, Albentr sify..etuegan.ae.AdMr. and Mrs. John Williama Stab- Johin R. FroSt, Waltr,r hcmso Ce1nftei1y Morgan Bedford, beloved bus- :& nirgredient.s arad beat witb ro- back, o? the Tow;nshlp o? Reach. Dlu21t,7o-,iMsie b a n d o f M a r y C . S t a r k , f o r m e r l y t a r a ' e g g b e a t e r u r t i l m i x t u e l h e e o , t o l a e a h î u e r d P g n ' d J. J . F I eW, t i, A b i y__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e n y h l iY ô k P l c t h 1 o s - Pe Pos ý - a d J ýA r o of Whitby. smooth. The mixture wIll be esidence I n Prince Albert o? the Flower or thîtbte i le Parro thîn. Pour ira gneased one and one- Rea'.-Joseph Denny. Sprlng flowersahs from i Anrew Cur n Aong i bal! quart mold, cover tightly w1tli enhanced t he beauty oftbe occa-ih Dmr.nInksd ann bit' B irth . ld or double thickness o! waxed sin. ,.l 1g Paper and steam -one and one-half Mn. 'Louix Pearce, o! cgo F \VIDE-t hitvon onayh2rs.If~'o d flt-anef or tie lad, supported the groom and lils De'eaedis atri<n a t dwRUefnlt'or ýV L E A hty n M n a ,srrorg molasses taste, use .one-haif jwîfe, Mn,. Alice Pearce, wa.s brides- om tl ni'M fat to r~ tl5Oh Apnil;8th, te Mn. and Mrs. James cup sugan, one-half cup mjolasses, maid. Irako FBank nt Wt': !r. ,banil A".rGenrai Wilde, a son, (John Fnederick,. instead of the cup molasses. Tne bride wu asdintil>' attired Iran; i rmirebac s eea a dark, m aue costum e with aces- r.e'. R i a hfr w n" loio&s Djý WHITBY YOUNG CANADA CONS. CLUB DANCING 9 to 1-APRIL 19 ADMISSION ~ Pu I u E WHITDY HIGH SCHOOL 194,0 TAXES DUE - APIL ISm5h 190taxes are payable in four instalmnents. The first instalment wiiI be due on Monday, Apmil 1 5th.. There wiIl be n o extension of time for' payment. second, third and fourtb anstalments until April PAT NuOW Avald 3 % Penalty Charge Note: - If your taxes are in errears for the. year 1938, your property is hable to b. sokt John R. Frost, Treasurer. E Helena - Richardson,4 Tex Collector. J' fuuejo1n 1. 0. o. At the moit.hly m-cettng f the ritonal executive. Mrs. C. H. wil- *On, wàr servIce convener. repored several conslgnnentf of clothiniz valu4,d nt$ 2.000 had been forward- ed t<, F'nland. a.nd a furthr shp - ment sent to Igrtis1h e.rcue5. FourL, more Chapters have be- rorganlzd-Tnre *'Susan Gve.r, nained for Lady lTwefedàmuirý. St Walhurg; Ssskatcliewu.n: Lord.i Tweedsmjilir, Niagara Fuigs. ont,. LundyS Lane, Nltg&aru Fa1I, ont> and H-MýS.ido. Sydnev.N St. John. NýB-Dr. R. A R, .%ac- Reen. dirertor of IsborgtorîeA a.zk^d for volunteers !rom the one Mmbers of the Order ted:.- blôod In -case of einergency-,,o3 1 8E. An eveMj»4 bridge Wlll be l-,md a't the. resIdence of Mr and Mrs Russel Mat.chApril i9t:n f r8 EuclTé r &r n7 gamne may b. pia-~ asPries wli be drawri for. Phý>.'e Mr". 0. Whattarn 3#r7. for -ab'e reservations Theproceefs xi ij b Ume for wur work Atet5ý.r in thiissue. Mn DB- Coeman. Mrs, H Ballie. Mrx P. 7R.Adve jý Anderson, Mn p. W, Ma-ýh havo, k-ft for Ramflton, Onario. where Ulywtfl attend :he provincial an- nuÉ meeting. nMrs. William Morrtàon Povrria!' Prestdent, annouzK-e. reeentIv a a Meeting in OskvIle, that over 10 - 000 nev members had beem n e::- ed In Canada sinceth~e wa!r began,' and thgt rmaY new ChPters had' been-I=w& - î. DEMI TED styles.~7oL Srie- the as last year. $1. - ad, STOCK 0F -TWJX" ALL AGES AN FU'LL 1 ~r So r L 14 71 %eue future joY and tributM.) hapýiness.-(Con- A discount of 2ý-,( .wiH be allowed on the"

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