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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 May 1940, p. 1

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VO.76-NO. 48 ~~ND CM~NK! WEDNESDAY, MAY 29,1940 ONTARIO CUtTY LEADIN( VIGOROIUS 1 S MAIDE RAI LWAN Port Perry District Resi- dents Dispute Figures of Canadien Nationmal re Losses on Whitby-Port Perry Lime SEND PROTEST TO TRANSPORKT BOARD Whitby, Although mat Dir- "cty Imterested ta Join im Protest and Lend Moral Support A lonegsgtitecing ai Part Peecu, Whitbi' anti Reachi tao- alip resitianta dectedetioitWeti- nestiai'ta vgocoasy oppose tise Ca- natilan National Raiivai"e propo- &U ta abandon te apar-Ibos cun- ning acocoteon miles nortis iran WiithtbtaPart Perri', A commit- tee wau appatatedtoI nvestigote ail pisasese a!tise situation andi present tise case aginst tise abandonnrent Ia tac Dominon Boacrd o! Tranz- port Cammisasioners. If suritaction sisouiti te ceairoti. Ciaima tisatch. cinipani's res- anis of revenue andl expenditares do nat accuateli' celeit ch. situa- tien versa matie hi'sevecal nmeec vîtis Chaisman Wiliam Croxail abseving ch anc potnt chat 'tisci get Uic plums anti urave us thc skin." Seat Te AvalS Eflanc Mayoar Fred T, Rave of Wiiiy vila attendedtihie meeting vicli Deputi'-Reeve Pronit Taceatigoiti. absalycti WhItLhy o! anyuetsire ta tacac expense un apposing te abanticient anti atatedt hat te prateet motion entiorseti ytheUi Wlitliy tavut cauncil an Mandai' night lad IIIeit ceristi on moral grouitis..Ric tetedti hat while Whit»i' vaul i gve tise Intereateti soanisipalicies uta moral nippoct to tisemtter # vus na seret chat te tMit Whtbi"a interest vw" O.N,25laciçs~r thse tQaýhitLuncg:"e eernings a!tUic Ïisltby irinction vaeehot reditati In tise general revenue of tise lina, We havent got Whthi's carninga. bsteati o! chat wacre crediteti vtit te ex- penses ai everythitasnortit of ite jonction' otserved Croxail. "Titey do usctaLattey vont ai a ine imes out ai tee tei'gec .aou vtit t,, tieraetiC. C. jet- tret'. Part Pers-y merrisent, viso ex- presaitath elle! chat acress ta tise ranpanys boots sistiutt te availbhe. .Tahe ilt to court, If necesoan'." ses tiesegesrtion o! anotiter opeater. Baerai stivocateti segre- gating the different accOttnts anti e xaoeising tuent carefuli'. Tiet' aiippet In cartooda of tence meteriat anti Posta antiieft tL t-ina araunai hehînaioue paoe. Tom ottec titres mootha thet' ulippeti them outtstotetiPFER Heesor, aiseutofuPit Pei.n -Suret- tiet'r ot rtacging ihut tu upkeep, ehaeI-ved Mayovr RLOse. *Tteyove done Ic Ortore.- replirti iteesor -Tisa t suit e mesretirecenta- utn If t vere s commentai Maosr Rose *Toerorosailt tuese tings lthat moutc nitehrgeai andt t iv e cent ihc tihon urletsive have orceos 15 heIc iooks."tierîrerd Jettret' Went Arres To Baos Wiliem O Maînî1ng WtîIit ,%sIiurcluisnuilsi cuxpreme e r îltes tva t -s ouldhave antrs 1tiseir bhosanti auketi- tvo fioulai se ancept their figures?> Weil, the aay il rostis $25,000 our t'eorto rns Iso train ai' o Pîrt Ferri' rosis seck, peru.edt ft-si uctier riaimedi 1101 r0- Conin uai on Page 10, Col e) Queen of the May Colorful Ceremoi Day at Ontaric Ov tIre, timer in tupnty i'eara IF o.ris lutectereti sitis theMay 8 ilt Festival et Ontario Ladies' i cgr Whlt-bt But thse rrosningt te îqueeaa01 the cool iust goe an on Fridot murabig. in upite ( ne trado tiovnpour Janeîtà -Uc uttueteiîe tudent huait' 010 ie objeet o! tite caronation a o Làa atradition of tUicceIIege. ie PROTST TONIYLLTJ1~ 4~'~nbn eri OUNTY CAJNIII NTARIO REGIM AGAINI FIITDERSEPTOMEETS JlNEI-J L EAVES MOTOR ! LSIN~ SECURE AR!4OVRY IT 15 JNNOUNED FR CM O r__C LO S__1__N -4 Deputation WilI 'aist Equalixation, Red Cros ____ W ib BrnhGovernmemt OfficleI Grant, Tax Rate Co vnin o Nt f -«sDw%4ý "ib rnhon Thursday on Docket CovninoLoe o anea g W m naI fiue To ment st Officiais of I Many Impartant mttera are altr County W. .TU 1 as Residents Say F1;;ý Ha 'ew Officera Faderai Deportesent of Nationali l a tac boe a rio T o eHedHee to Hutbands, Br4W The anualmingoftahe Wbit-m the poosibiliiy of the ton of Wht. Warden Leslie A. McMullen, to mccc ____ Fathers, Sons or Seté bi' branch of the Women o Inatituts bi' toking over the vacant armaury ina Wh ibi' on Monday, June ltit, Bt Wib illetemcao er vues heid at trio home o! Misa MO., fndion Dundaks Street But, a 2 o ck In the afterrai.Wib 51 e u ecao hat Kee on Friday, May' 17,sUit au et- 4e PUtoIon representixag the Whitby Referred to thia session la taIIe Weatnesday, June Stao membero __ Y_ tendance of lftteen. Mr». Tovuit Bi5Otch of the Conadiaut Legion and question of a roui' grant to the W the Women's Christian Temnper. UNIT TO C""fff"' chreirngpreidntcoduthte Towun CouncU yuil go ta t te Cautadian Reai Cross Socle oTue nce Union i n nario and Dur- the etiingpreidet coduceil 1 ty ham crautiei,. on the occasion of the INTENSIVE T1ANINQ, ýhe buines An invtation fron Qoeen City on Thuraday of chia Counicil iyl oc doubt deant it iti nulruî ovninc ___ Un Audiey brancli ta a meeting ta week. trardînari'demnanda being "&anie el cinyc net ionarch te hed Jue 12vas rad ati i Seveai ltter vithregaui tigluon te Society by virtue af the elfli ne ned nt r~ch ony o sas eid ue 12 WU a acepitandIthoui oter av eterps n egardetWeen cserlous ver aituation. If aa nt atta-1c teconyo- npection by a.OflMOsassea oss eaid ota- engemenlta vlhpre- 1taVi ttr he opaiais airethe We vs made, italoiprobabiy e li-vnion l3 Mrs. P.Otapies, of Whit- Officer Precedes Mach tci àvetl Omycrngaemntg lret- ierceandthOfciai ftht até. ciuded inta tsyears&budget isen by. so ite ll preside endch e secre- ven may roi atening AI8tý arlien e Otaw wihou stin patter ttaiy wing ta thte «- tarY la Miss ffa Wrightt. oi Ost- Station - Soldier.. Pro- tec astlng the Wititby iscanci t t eX- tactari resuits. At tise requset of ibit et te Mrtitam Fatulate lits Wroiip Mayor Rose chiacon-, tise rate vos $truck. ast. Deiegates t romn eght or nine sent Smart Mîitary Pra sutum walai avecuntclithes ference et Toronuo lies beson a* Anotiter question la te dealt wltis unions un te councy are ectuecteai Jute meeting. rangeai, vien, II; la exPete.thtie la the equilton of the55505- ta be representeai. cision on Parade Thi, nnel eprt ofth atre wol mate wll a on ino ndment a! tise minair nanicîpaluis for The principal speaker vtewil rs.ieDira. taries, conveners af standing iconi- :sane stisiactori' ansver abtaineti - tise purpOlsaOa!19c1itaxation. A .B reaa' sprnetin ! Mani motisero. vives, elas, nîttees vers given. omentine ago. t vtiltle cecalet, -Posto by Meegeef0. CIgSdi'tise Jaiuati' session the Wardim tise World Provinctal and Canadien andi seetiearis ram Wfldby, Mise Powel toakthe cchair for tise Counicilauthorizeti Mayor Rve Csibaa'lleth Mjety muiu' eia t omeoppiteonesècolcouicetagaTepeacevetiis tî, th reicîn Carnon, tisceamik cieteto iofier nits v - a51e ta te Departesent at Oc- andabersed ofthtre mmee ! n asi, i dino ta = aterwlth instructions exrpectea, deliver a imely oidreosering, Part Perri' anti other dilftt salaot hismeetng ntia spcis laa oealg eoapyai itelate beve, la 65 yeain r itit'~ t are Private William Hl. »Drevn mcvtarepart ta Jane. There have lien revbcwing te tpiperance situation poitaexperlenceai tis a aeu meeting a tes daye lacer vere 5U ta W. IH. Moore, MP., esting on vItlit aainPee lea at .Siaavtherese pwst d ears iten tise question uf equslite- not only In Canada but chroughout tris a!ofnîodier ieave-lei foilr foilavBrowntternatise tatna!OWnttbioant g etation ite, been e very contentionis tise oruai Mrs Greenavay sOtit ise th irst tirne ruesae w= lih President-Mrs. Deanti. catîldttak vec tite amour' baud- ' '. one, a Board a! aruitration be5ng prettted et te dinner in the afficera andtin ofate O$io Jet Vise President.-1Ms. Omis- ing. Il vas untieratooditi at tit ie caled ai afev Yeats ago hef are lit citurcit aihui tates place at il,30. seegiment (Trank)wh bvis it" tas~tisat tite Councii's destre secIfa.. as fioaly settieci. Mornîng anti arternocon aesstons, Oshawai choir mIlitr' hm#t for loti Vice-Presitent-Mrs. F. Rab- taie btoolickavec tisabuilding, TtaI Re dardoaiA tts sinLteions roi thelviii e ins, reoafrciearan nece ytain foreCmpaneiifotairtt or"., aile the WiitbY brais aifthe s ew . asuua .y I5LWIJliV e strart.At te Jenuovry eon, andtiserns iones Oficnectea iley rInensor Cla ocie fr dc- Bcd Vice-Preident-Unr. Lavisq. CanatientuLegion ta use Ii, as club s1, 1 oas expresord vu Citair- Thisla en ie uiefr a nla isritniv iloy ig 8ctayTreainuter - Um Min isuarters. as ta put t taatiter mano. M.Letis uttu y Tiishosfietheime for a Tnoue- Tcireprsne 0 h*9 Scletan.cimst ccb fu yu >î b~Cto aiW M e uner e1enre peroanotheO. tRiS can- r rla.Mmuiyue.in F 'sn S cin "oamtio Cniittee. tuotthtae b0 fyeaca iecut o-ment enteainet iet tise O8t District Dicetor-bice. TaOWI Tise Legioneverai vecta ego P l T I rate coui lac t ept atjuts present Convention bas been itelli in Wititb. io.hn euiartli' îeire cen ca Deiegatee ta tise annuai meeting, mode application dîrectli ta tise To P omiotie ety, Speea irafilC level hi' ressont ai the fart that tis* marningvita tise speciai 0kmý ý etBroughamsEnt, sRoberte.s, e gavccOenmenc anti vas backeti up In________Counti taa sIn a tend Imanciifl l! 1V[ raiqo'train puiiget Ethel Fietcher. tidtialion lii the Counicil for thsepoiton. At ani' cate no e r tction tiD IUtDE PRA II YlaEs Their departure Ir, Fl1over Committes -bMcs.TOvil tis a1 tise buildiing. but ut ta leaetiParking Probiw~e.Ept Lions HonorM e J~r vas epcei crlnvspeelc i Bics. Aston. on gis autisrti'tisaithtie DePrt- ~B ~ ~ ___Tlere witblte moot' cotemitte i ( DIrllIf U inspection ofthtie unit ineltby Mlsctora - NMuas PofllX iliAst *la u w aiaov mumipiities Wesm B-r sdi W reporte a t e cottsidereti. rhie« VAS 'I Ru * IN bi' Lieut-Coi E. IPeace OCoCinnor, Off- ". lenatoO#clq,gk t aop ii'Lons Cita ; ý*r04Mya mong iselatitase oetche rounti' "FI1 Street West, Fliaving the' H5all. lire.Ornietoli. evening presenteti A. W. i Suttisees.rsiatebidalcneuîm m i ti ieetcranima Conone 0fttc M" inase acsacking:met,vititof andi assesunent and reftration. i Ilh I*l atise CP.R ationaiii Caninttes1fratiete aneisnelemtbtgsot, an5 'enai iission ta telng relirai to 'scaeaaasEEL ci anespiayeti by tics meeting-Miss Pavellvit e &mqflýl. jut~orî s eppuoaaritg merriage. Tis e mccen Mondayi' nteati ai Tues- tl eai an iseur be e ro htvlcod8h presentation vas matis bi te pre- day assm bssin the rastom or - aiaa ni te ecci ra eanese 54 ", idn, it pos iLii usu time vith i leite ritesdoabit. Divine Aid Sought for Kin& ni t' ni rui iee A vote of tiants M va gîvess uipo4, wort inelac s othie cubt, and tisaithe uscîuinss et tesessi= EmIpim and Alied nev st'le battie tirees. Mins bicEce or lier kisdUMiut»ese lieVMexpreseed gooti isisafor biim anti ran te campieteti vitua a veet. Tise unit presenceti a enertaiilng tise InstItîte aed acut àý l is Intendeti bride. Tite club vwas _______ies nspiriatg spectacle as ch isgdicas riebel.aiso ihappy ta veicoane District De- aln ieeSZe aa pi oti svernor Fred Crippe. a iogBofOtetba taUcRya es 0 ageetoaa xcpia aietioun, ilranti icithei Petctoroanti LioMarri' Lad@, a cnrgtoso Cpi"&41teuiomada a FR ,'Î ciletnov nthaoalCn- %klarw fora holiday week-entid durnge toge over thete. Ionua now i'. elon a ve. tSoidWotSvcisric adi Tbe parmianausue esu worYn sisnioree Farmersof ea toeotitheiriscatia anda etiDivine tiemonotretion. verinoetâtanm asaisidChetanei ievrhsnn mt trougis tae mjority oai semans by Thescne e ieOis Whitby Lions Club Told Elilott ta tise Gouztte anti Chronici Aiea Guets-Addriss local anti viiting rkergy vas s~ tise Intervai betveen ch. toit. ashec poînteai out tis e uncfttu ,îParents Former Reaidenta Tbaco JatOne appea toc courage, roopil 'Jthe unît uosrciteu onto ina station byDitrctDeuy roktn aso P«Mntthsne rguakio.He Rlaivson TbattIdutr isti dcearatiens oi teuic Ailles' platloresanti tisemoment vuien by Disr ept BokanPstrIrs n ctTiwretuacnuhaHa Relatives Unitedi forces vil prevai I O busc the acceteratung traie aihoppeareti GoenrOutstandimg Speakers b mte fuct. place I o lai. e o.Here Wluicby Rotant'Clubtait tise Veektu anti tiguteoils causa.wetvara vas oesofimixeai ena- 'fuie eativation oaIinternational to Be Heard beiinti a eft iha nulcurn a tont t i -neisecieon an TueadaY evenlng et Cisareitofficiais Bandai' verou Ions. A note o! setiness va an- Crinciisi aongtît aemsratî thut lmissing a traffcrliht AArutiden noue-dive.q te ptano Hotet Wiitby tiai as guest e n-or ne In civeir tiétaaetions tisai never. niotatohe but It vas tept insais- noinsh pai morîthea o ena i 'fr Bya i uiteCoeene i shntheips ta onersome IsIvut, ivas asuta lanbau.igt taiat ubers of te Port Hape Club. andthi n memor'. buthtie National lugation hi' couregeous men eid theos f heUnutaeamion f % ayoCint c ai Caaaofa bcieo Scn.trmueuf igiteucatH cv uera of the Broklin Junior Aotiuem andi"0 Canada" been auna rsteut buarteti emen. promotins ani etahlisising peace the cnied Cta meetf CnadiLs bloti ta hsarScod,Iremtu e -skt tia FI rp,15etenttueH RaiMu- Fermera' Club. p tuueir ongregations it ite For nec a f ew Of tahie tl-crai on a aouan atiatng Csunaciatiit annuau session at Port Hope Unitedi tura as saine csn h mode cioeet,, Iary te Bergeant-Piiot AI Clur- TshtlbgIoain eeiet-tvtat ooîno nOnaomec n iei oeSonsi e a atinorateti hi'District DopatOhurrisTrirnt Jane 4 ta Jane B9 te crout theut bimcading trait,--amo f Port Arthutr timons "Fv- Pli' ytutr pepular prestient. Sanoricsr Irepetitn of o!itr-ren<iing acens Fred Crlpps, of Peteritovo, in thie Tise Preitient taItou vP L, Juil, giog luthe opputite divestoi lng Aldierman *ci 'lir TrentoneHrrey. andi sec guvon é arier d Aut tiJohnos Reman CatOolleir Purcul sRquarter of a rentori' ega. ocaino h&ofcaivs uBR.CA F rentre un Fridsay nigis tui"uiorftirveicone bte PrmeitCOurit oservance ur mhe Farti To t ett ev-aigssa oraîo f t îlcainît~BA. e! Brookijt. siso sut prenitie 1h alla peonîdros abus otuîp. and îasc J.M Robbin anti ista itilavRoter r s e tionsas ubegu,,sitOevevi e ta e ecrepietias part oa itsf. Withy ioIns Cub Mondai' rue- vi dars ie otrneaeio o amehprkn ndtntt N*ofiii teet a frglati isantiHceyofii iATui resreo tebods Oins. tuc esthe frecD ae vades ni iaictii te bus stuo provi- romlrîg mmla.totrtbutîti aInun- wsv oa ga tn oc tise rcep- nu e observance wOO con. t trirnaous lips voicetibrave gond- clis.Josph M MGray. il Chsancel-tonalun a ccvim portant, as Il tut tierotonai te placor a Hacherd reen tetiues ofthtieJunior fartera tintuedti trougism Munriai' Bniuye>â. gond tacts anti (ot Biens Mie district gevervor as un lor American Universiti', Wosiung- Jhn IKnox. viont presdn;Jh Lionstatenelnsu iat to-uitt DC. itou CuarlresOitdicottu heon itoure coicii torcmil\tîttraîner oçtrick thr nreth ernoare J iet u direction et Arrtuiuimop -P C 5.M e-YuscOnstituteai tise aretIs Of tiLioiernsertInteerarnationanlrai u. ti.shncuîtg tt uihriutuvDeydinen, vbre-presitiont; Bibi Claekoutîigeî te speciai tiseme et raye, thcoe *'utt rottieiers ausives vite Wuttit' nt ab Cnstiat las 0r oTi'tn agrd DD .RnJ R îecuvuîIn trunt 0uthtie post iti sa o ufflt îi rrea aniamiCol. raiooîuureatehetMoaua ut'oceoseutarsn 5ola150 affiliateti, saisi'avenues fur mutual Wttu, Di, sud itou A g. Ai-ct- and gittg in te uppoaite dIrvci lit Thetuc îig Soatîtiritoiler stn uci. TisvereaIntroduceti byRoho ttrrhe i tWIttiY anti Pleking Suns anti daugutteru itaddbng bta uasitance In tciavatîo aith- tvîv D ust wst of Aluin s tivugstore n.- utf Mr anti Mcv Albert Mrhururu arien Arthsur Archisittt. hairmuv auter Pirieruteckiieye pastoral ltuiefmanutosi anti Young vouase- clubs code oet îir s aid theex litn Sunda a vuesher ut yoaeg tirai' Coavchustation ts iii a tormeriyo y andtîtueut îpues 't utons.tise C oe efoRr agl% r ia Si unvgr Oued deran is e aisgo-ycaitisaesdottoie Peson0f lu ppercunitiesr o nnsili tae inductet Iinto tue mils- tirew'natere tickeis are souii ,linru Haroldi aiarri M rv s iroitstseefrsDoel u tAcieDPcreingO ht aai odthe etateav-f paaaieas s~f,' al ice..ruum and aruary vouvri Cookouti Brut OmititutofWtoihu Orne Hotarmans have taten a in- tr, t !he ultit wsuocrtutied 5v0fOioant rexrtperi serviceIr se asigr, " prgrmm-fr0heco0 skitlcientsti ObtiCheruman or tive InteceotIn tise Junior totmcter o A otiiîîLegsrtt 0f Narval, a hi& second bout cf Service ta Gati wo i iset e tisy Libe are t tr progoamme oc i te co nfe eces arr provideti -e---a tit -.nourrir 11.. es c-mncemnent. soonsoring vartuairOinuo 151f0ie.bltyA ndKngadConr Oue natins aortttant i uCh îurio r a uestoiiiocic 4 Chiot Cliott haut an aotottt ngW utorille., itarot a ctvities anti vitecingsusbstautial 0e snnng service tue heltiforth Bu. the tî-u antigirls vitaare Priv',IPi-- touitido ni anttorestore 400 m Thea sdat nFe v P ovcothe tolisu swereed u 'taupîalnreucsttrirPai D-ielswa lc ru îiatii i a e . u Csgnrainan ct anud prearcue Pouce. brvtlurrheîl n sePeudn RcPtrattir r-aseoi Io tadti litei taa tltatn itrno- Tise Wboiti' Club veiremeitand lie Ornît true and ting 555hepoe ia ve-takiug busc as ieart-renoliag gosaiill aa eceand ng i iti.B, A wili cendacctue soc eralion ut tise irs regtiiatiovt Otai- Pcd Mofth cr av utc uttvvr rloutIntaletiau a nevu mster Juon i rusriessteigcscaditerftheanioiea speaker csngrotaiatedte Cuut or aid admînioter tise Sacrament 'lievas trot' di praceti A..ua tl-. 5uaidruîî[,,-aciter ialpit MvOiiney Bler. t.hia part et tise programme .tîtîteni ut sant o! the ruila pre- hvaoau RecI-raeimmet'es liucmmucîi' anti patrintIr eîturîu "fc-Lrdo Suisier Thte sermon ter of trt. the trattic olîtiu- ut Ottasa betîg n tise capable isatis et Vice- 25to I ser oa iiioarlgsisag tqliitiiac s ýoppreaciseai hoReu QGardon Od sesifccvi'euteunthit îlot -nu parkpeehident Bteve Reovo itutoria anti CI-gedIaitstttee c a vai-do ,ii ndeti utr lmciý iMAi DD sev e,,rp Pgoed nng 1,peset tvron oia RottueitOi sal ai s .0fiIv mlord the saticrs hii aiIn T'li wcicorne hi ttrdistrict (de ~p -BA, neo Ssson cteof accidenatsvor areti ldi 't. ing tartîru eithtîe tîfini tise,"anti dBoman laed la the sineing eti-iidteei hngrto sith vuo I, îl iesuir p.mcomme. sîsonDe ee c is ateaale tudieeno vu te n laliofGus tis e serr utuseanirlvi th oditati prey oîae. as ts.sa ntroIl vuitr tusienducmed y hePresîdent remuceti lent s a Poprt ai tise Roayon - aOndttihe tust tor lesar. ted teftiteitina intes Sot s few of hi' eretari' Dr P S Milîn. Plan, olîdptsessage inustes ut Hainrejte ipano. eigespleothpacan Pihedreutohelmnad tee tise Ciab Cartiiuu sai cu Or it lv emsport o teTransfet _________________________________ Oust speaker sws Mermen Stuth cuul f v e uur uwiepic cifeplIgitthe rrtrti un mes n ti on Weanrstioy Juiy rdt.warve ds a in ite selal Servire.Or- angr-fte uhaioa t Ail ut c h r c r ste ,inre the vona s onnaih cuaseai Tt ws ansanceai htut ý uslo-tirue et Conference Rer-ep eslag tati se ccitan T isoi A ,vlt itclmiO tleKng-ntIco Mr ia t bsfe t h e C o N A CI V E SE V I E hrofOCthse Porc Hope Clab, i-'adltlue leven uvclc riceos1 ai isse qulte ceeshamseti, tas aolier riet etthe prtutirige of saurattua Wlai A edoc ayio . an it elmeavr nre-igdut4 ',oP. trs rohrg huttustO Its e vtiayJns cr itretngemootoa de eatietiptet0ltin n t uatc cgttttiptti nsor wh. ile ie f site hreabese or optheai il ain-Deoto ronoaucteai Bref Paragraphe af Witby andi District Mcm Whoo Have ni thse develotieseat anti ni'iii mîerîinvusaSe nue rangs-rgatiun vuaig mite grIppent lite haad la trunds a benacpe ih PeietAdaresa hi' Hon Enhated inusService of King andiCountry'. ut tisetobacco iaiustep, OIt.i'o p ar- rît h te argesitforcwi.est sOîce tvtiîsir îgeru gronsd itreiei icular reference ta Canaa vI,' errasIéical peavers sece site, O telîre rve autwrethi. ti-,, M M Gray DD., Chancel- dnal.tegteigsspP.e il_______Uivrit. dhig t enta'.sUe gtring uteo ,oacpi oo v n Page tP Cul 3- J Cou vnuet un Psge 1lu Coi 3) il, ti)C 1StouffuilieTritI-uner lsors Brosn, sow îtu thte COntario Regi- olive ecenriscent in tatari i grox 8 isns - Minutes Rotievcaeied a prture of! tbecrt Hluth ot ment iTaniti houn erveit in tise Cg in Porhon countin taftpr, Crowned at a tof utClaremont. :ivalsueruîng clii ariaofoc ur ers lie eihe eb ope disrm i starteaila..1, olm pig ai ospo e it) ., ain Adtrssht'Reo C H te Ontarîio egiertî. Tanik -B)t freadait tet >et a wt hu i rt.ortuble suorvcut IliBro ki p ng F r P st ne fly on Victoria 11,a Rrt vi the Mis- masn of Wisituti'taisctatrot imed lisheid 34th e kNair- 140 lcs01lad.prepe ut at î f a o ia ti,, :oIanti MaIntenacr FiaId schcoit Martham e i a e rrOe a t h e o c iali oni n ati sa cOday mi boutrdivsI-tor ilt.% r- top O co n f R i n Fi Pl t lltteAddceaost' yRoi Char- reident ut Clareeses'tfoc a nomviCQMS This. ta ie corndienubt- Toacha htigrevas irîto i Ladies' 'eouege _Py-a. iîti DDP tin mrooe ie n entos active service WilltiamHu oancescr'a oui Id S td Jn1 2____ IltpoM to su pm Beprtt ie Bro,% tn oaa fn 1 5 et ,lnadtu e osme port of Or.: n To Be H e aturay, une 1 0cr'taît t or.Larmes ant i Mîntteca The rombinai pre Oar oni put Canadas em:;Itaryi' îIt.u He aiertied PMr Smith sacaci r Oan<soe onnie Park Aiin Cuitu 3 ri - otintîs1ePe-ioti. con -wr>r so cc iisluitvhomeoanditvr.ea.u foc su veur vi uteuesutrie est50172 iff!erent inaiaoftaln ai anti Mon' Elabeth GObt îlia, vothe Preideat Appoint -mer anti tor eruOtssi ttn1tt3orae ic l ou sîlîtîtu ýthe h1e-OouRom sIn bealonlie tscmroandtihte hope uatectet i.nsning lut Mcc R iJ rît tesioasiCommitteee. etc vrlein Ce.anisciiri' uit- Seal v sk ltri tear n atiat eatohaetl. vre 5 I0 e îcyati lsda cto tc Uwme iruen aoe itrtiutToronto. precideat o tuovinm-Ail Cammittees eseet o tcersd nomm Witby menrtariaoHebimenî HcP w"oCQMS ucowsosaine tirai ottoisa, ik'a'of tBrtiuh.utSpring Four on Pr aytrtlrelbaOrsrsite te Tocante toaliCoanicît ot Soin- 8(10,itn - Pevatîonnocoodoseti ed muerl, ut une tamili' George 1t Of the lta o ilayrsetCixolsears. tise 175 norelea tivo s.-rua ace forteil14Dordev thte e ent p Folios, P en, ad the precentuionsofeth11e i, i. Preideni Boceptiori a' BronnWilliat H Brosn and John retirns5 tramont th- ogimnt Ils inCanada, the mcntpîîîîuvînO ioi uî aluvdat itîne Il Hat idovmoing ruke vet, nas5 Castis Chapler pin ut' Miss Jet On . rît,-,tatives o! Genecal Bisrs.L Sherioan sa 5yesrs -oauniqci haotash .Bit uo' er.agiVrginiea usae ergeii' t,,, 0010 O. Fair cees belaiSreso~ toirieiti eca es 0 MtcKay anti test eaco MatyQscs ivu ult tu entLngodIeov oiil roosuainivn ieet tctitarkoi nt ac ru aanae fcagcee ovt wiavlgluire eltea hrPraveetrtTtev Min tOrrldîne Muter ut KI cutet tp i oîîd Heu Charies Etdicot t bai-iîstrr oh tS elI-a ih u anadisePest aicocreprcentu uOtu.hrrteviredaleulci. u iti the Fairo evi tif Ab.d cieaed ter the Quren ftcns t hri tione on i Il don hbs-v25teisinservit i , ts Cosn'o 005 atiunedai Ottawasse total production. end il Os ti uevte r:n ri"o P îate in tise da ot' oathave a aisinthe gimauum, atceci Thucdap.ae rdî rruttoiceiOumcocOinns . i - open hea otrecru m ueoit a gceoîdealsofiamese lxrMsI e0r hamnor lut'e tise Oh o a -Devotbona Snateetihala v-inriutthe Ils repic a, Pte Stuart i00ete.sPrun isas t tssi ega p-vniaii0Th rvirr1a-htr l ae j

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