CLASSIFIED ADSjARNIEIJI 1OlM[ For Sale For Rent Guesta ta Visit Gardens o ,,OUSE FOR asALi - M TH£I FOR RENT - BUNGALOW. Six P G Putsan Tomn oaiWltisy, risse tu tisa sem rasais, corner Wlouî andS Centre P.G- uri n tour-lana prnvinclai lcomai', & Street&, ait fonvanlances. bitoda. FLSearle vrniedealeable 8 - rosreaSbilg iS ituret. geste, eletrîr ieter foe nlasse. mtil corymoderni cansern.- liaSater, wmmcd fore acarte teve. COCLUMBS, a 7 h enre, nos ater isastisg, isarssc iaeaWaod tora, large oeafar 1MtiU.Ma'2.-Ts fleus, oucicelar, ron andor', = tusaioule garage, gar- mOiDily meeting sf tisa Wasscis "tia garag e anS pleuantt eue- dan. l5ossesùnnJuna lot. Apilli'Association was e satittae bons' nosidis. This prpeprty Wmin e L. W. Dudley, WhLby, Phosne 566. of Met. Roi' Btahop on Weadtia sldau the rtgbt prie c tiglt ut 5i'aftrnon, iSS about 20( ttladi ers, andS ian lie snam a any tues FOR RENT - BROCIC APART- prert. tesitiert Mes. F. God AStiesas Adrertlea, Gazatte o.menti, caioen hetmeeo ground Osri fes.fitrat floor, i rvosc andalhI. Appt' usn aivso isarge anal openeal tus ______________________Gacette Office, Meeting Wttu tise iyma. "Happy LiNOLEUM ANDO CONQOLEUM -tiselHorne When Goa l a Tisere.1 RugS. Select yaurs from sver 3010 For Sale or Rent Tne Seelitura lesan s rendl by patterns setusîlpi ln stock. Yeu ________________Mit. J Hilop, tolismaal iy prayar are irnlîred ta 1ev tisese Sat FOR SALE OH RENT-ACRE LOT , lii Mro aE.Wabber. Tise rol taS BRACLE'S Pricmure Store.,140 on Green tret. stahîr for bulîti- mas assvred lii'nsmlng a laoe- nîmceaSvutis, Othavt. - ing lot or gsrîueon.eyerai rama of sanîng devIna - if eu' n a ame sore FOR BLE . IALL rastibarcies on lot. For partlaularasttold lue baS - tisa met popular PIOS appRybingLEt-loisasisca Apply E. Beadîr, Ashurn, Ontario. O. 0-M.Goosdteiov, Wistbi'. bigadihvh Mnute-% ai tisaApei meeting FOR BALE-MILES 0F TRAVEI, Mortgage Sale mare reasi t>tiesasceteryi',mce in tise f5aaluseS ires eau cal,. _______________ BMsuiy ialaeaesis SotatoKingosn Pl ace A ervira UNDE5S AND SY VIRTUE of tise mere made for tise tuttp tas la ha luttoKigadDudstîet.Povers ut Salaeotabuad in s tee- isaSono Wenetday afteisoous, Mai Wislthv. CanMstgage, wmicis ilIlie pro- FOR SALE - THREE QUARTER 'uued et the tIbae of sale, Uera milii9, on tisa risseci grounsl, mlsan Jersey Cou. reshening lu îhrrr ha otiared for sala bit Mis H M Aikeo, ni Torno,otl wtaks, exvrllent vos sud militer, WILLIAM MAW, Auctoneer, spea ien 3 te 3.3o estiocis, &tand- very ieanuiisî. Als Inl-Theow aI ard ime, &sitar wmich tatsmi ie Dise anal single valig lug 11 Ap- PUBLIC AUCTION halvaS Invitation& isave beais ex- pîy R. B. Rerd. 223 Pine Street, an Tissesday. tise 351h day ot May. tendeS tn tisa guestis la nuait tihe Wbltby. Pisone 312. 1940, at tise hluseofiTwo oocisgaden ut Me.anS Mrs, p. 0. FOR SALE- SECOND HA.ND lu thse atternon ln tise Main Hali, ParvIs aud Mc, anti Mes. H. Seare. Chesterfiladotvars.tCiseap Court Nasse, Wisitiy, Ontario, tisa follwingproprty narely f Incase oIfca, thse tan 1te te b for qulci stala. Taiepisane 410, wogprpety nuool - in atise riurn baameit. Ad- Wisitlie, ALL AJND SfNOULAR tisat cr- mtaeioo Adultea25c, ahldiai Ille, tain parci or tract ai lanti anal The procmmrl for tisa Meeting mas FOR SALE_- OE ICE REFRIOEBt- praotlaeo. altuate. ling anti belaaleslarge of Mes. P.Pavis, Mas, star anal otchris.uTrlepvhone 124,hontise TOWN 0F WMPCBY, bn tise W. Sett and Mrs F. DrIng, wchi Wiîîy. Couuyaof Ontario. anal blog cons- wu s 1 0rOls Violin slo, -'Wisea Sala HlpWaned six ln thise tsConcession otthe H. Posoe cu r Rie, bi'tMe Sales__________________Townshilp oWiitby, noce Tome i i'o acr W cottAtni Pontis SALEMEN ANTD-'FIstLEXWitliy. mstiio lnS la detarihea ln isplaa MslW SootL Mes.oPus-- sALSMT WATEDFAMLEX Martgaenumerr9184 ta Pater Hrnge tlc wd ittinar i Tisa Qoliti' Preducîn lueomina ietter Matison. ScSvtsEerOatspes isootru ery dsy, se ceei more uewihEgrGst pmA ssltma t buot tie tetpasibe h On tiesa ald land tisera 10 sal ta Heap o' Living."- Mrg. Piteie &18o sevIra t asocîtc e tut oars. Pur ereated a tmo-atorey trame dsalyesi a large nuaihar of iandi' active ianS honest mancanmu oa'ue . iitaisea gadgets, teatalea manie leve- a livning saring 200 neveonties wmitisi Tise laisSa obl luee sîSsbjact ta ly tookislg stanallaissoi aermade 'hing repeat erders luy thiselvea a» Rasara Bld.ltisaa by i'tisa CesalSr Mas- Tisera la ns Rf 8K titis sur SUC- TERMS OF SALE: -Twasty-fie faectscing Ca. Mes. Purla senalu- cessissl Pion. Ask tor IFRER Cata- ser aent. ai tise turcisasa money te tatnad varlous e$aple&susostas logue anS information FAMU-EX ha pald tiswa at tisa bma ofthtie floore max, coIS treser, fuenitare COMSPANRY, 57nSt. Clamanit t, sala, th ise0aance te liappait i mtiin pOIlsh. etc., with mare isanaledout MONTREAL. Ithity dtiys. idtistosa pment. FPOR turtiser iesctlelasssald con- Mrs W Sott led tis an o15- VPABT52 - WE 87ILL HAVE A ditions of salie, applp us'- isltincalspelttng matai, aisooalusg tam tarrltoclesoepen. You con ita R. DONALD HUDOT, articles in tise isome as a gpoIling crasse yaur escinas tua liy hasid- WVHITY, Ontarto, lntistwiri causeS oturi meerinsant. fise oai f tus finest ines of Oils. ollo orteTrnoTh isamrslng aitde racaieasbuof o Plues, Inmsticîdas, Eleril Fanas liierm te "aoas craaîs. ist. r. rg, p Rotiil Grssas. Tires, Batteries, Spart cisarai Truiste Corpora- goaea alS ont Wlsai ta Et ta Be Costroiters, Bouse Palata anti Roof tlin, the Teibte e lil. Haalisy. lise Red Cross comsmnit- Csating Materais Wrtte Wanao DATRO at, tisis i4tlu tee Mes. Miler and Mtis a Sthi. Ocesse JeOit. Limiteal, Taranto, day oft Mai', AD. 1940. reporteS On tisa mort bein« Sene. Oni. Mai' 15-22-29. and tise ult geis edt for articles ior refueea. A iseaiki vsie af tisaka Atactions Sales Fuasal. HeIp Wantui -îlîsa ton tise aprogsaltalp oa- AU X.SALE .QF.FUNIZ U LWV. îL , alis ta in. Btissus la'fliglie ssoe. B3tT2Sè nWAlqj1s2.s.theSWAOT- Theameetilag etosed mitha 5 iyma ~~~~.~e M1691,~~ d ewstti'ais. AppuYi'Dane sisalMtzpah beialin &fier Wbitby'rtiY, May $l. 1.30 p.n.B w-?dhiiis 9.WiIb' ichlunch wmus erveetiandal Osylt>gli eng im.WOLAN IWANTEO --WOILAR soisaat s"ale.itins. &pont, wmiic manteS, about 85, cosis general, in liougiil to a coa a mueeaJoi'ahe TendersÂsVen hooa sme mitis amali asîy . .aftealloOn. pli' bi' ettar tu box 70, Wiitbi' Two quits more qsiitad la tua Tenders iii ha neceiveti aie titl (Gueatte sald Chil taatîng ex- aiurcil bassement ontu esdai'&[ter- 11005 t fWetinsoday, June sSii. for pertanne, mugass aldreteencea noon last, ater wmitailunais mas Qie panting anal edecatnaosa esarea. dpaitracris andihall&l n tise Wanted paTieanti e Suna l rscia Publie lirani' building ta tue Twn ___________patc i ieSuts'sioirsi sut Whtby. Copies of apaifteastona WAISTEI3-ID 1EBR fose tue auitveisaii' on Priaaieva- Chaso b. offîice. S te a neopat grade Jersey Calras, nemi' boa- or Miss Ruth CGoodman anal Mes OlsZnlce ottie Sesad nvespasaerai montas 015 Apply box 8 Bro. Boots et Toonta mare mecS- oitainlng tendars muastlue punI' yWitby Gasette anS Cltroiula. anS gueste et Me. anal Mes. F masaed "Tender for painting anSd _____________ ala1csialng, anSdaltrraictto tha WASTzD -GoodmanON.00 utdeitgneS. Thea lame estsii' irmersteage o andn, muas have MIseapDrtisi' ay es, s Morne.a tettder not ressrlly ecteptead. mtin tan days. For partbcul aa r a, sraet Bandai' aS lbsse, J. N Orailaton, write bus 35, Wlitby Gazette anS raadaToss Wlo Cliruan Publia Lîbrari' Boarde. ,Clrontile. a nti tanlli'. oiOshsawa, visiteSs Mr anti Mra MH.Wison& anar tise week-end. SMrs.Arthusr Burt and al ilii'etf Port Arthur. arc itina mth Me& PIROIFESSIONAL CARDS, Jame. shononetdV UNDERTAKING MONUMENTýS M Ge ore tMaKanued ati W. C. TOWN N. W. STAFFORD IXevoe Ms eist etdn Dealseras Directe, oMrcd Eesslsattsseaedden Fileri DDasîcan Ema lris redad a las Tc)rirco, spast Suoday wmth sMisa Amibslance Service Granites. 1 E Hrdden. Pisses 4is - Wiltlss lirstalasa merk MI moderato pretee mi and Mes. ioie Hotin anal A. G. MARLOW LGHamp ~ tv ton.sma and e ea PUNEAL ESVcg, MSUAJ<,E uesu ni Me, anal Mea. T. Panamas. J. M. BsS-AEBAack.Liii tato.anS Grant F980105. f DIrects,, Fssaeaal Servicea W. J. A E B.. Phoees 738 BarBeachSoSletSentisar Kedriinnlattad mls thetr grand- - Bc S.SuhSuccassor ta A. G Browning, K eCaents iv er tise week-end. t mt arcS Mie. Rey Leacis ai Al& y )fflsct liai BROCE STREET N hucu anSd ie it5oal aman, Ta- N ICA H ER elepisose, sus - Wblîby runvi ena auScant g'usate1oMie FUNERAL HOME J He ian 117 Klag St. Eas. Oshaswa R.DONALD RUDDY Misa Elaita Dtne. Oshawa, epeat 8. J. Sirogea. F. J. Meage r aaer, anisette,. Ntai-y pubiîe Sundwsiai lier isome Fuserai lllreeisa. Manage Office aI lise CourtHoss, fsresarly Me, aciMes J ltiaiop aiS Jean PHONE 907 eaeuiped ba A. E. Chrstian. spetrtva Ioimtai te Tronto and Hanap id Loisers Niagara n-ns frianda. Pisans 135Mr, Rober-t Sesth asniibMis Nak MURR.AY A. ROBINSON Poe39Witis, le ijtvvcvcrsttBrockîis. auset Suri- AmsulaneaService us v s,,iiiteanal Me.T. Peraman Fanerai Director anal Fureltara DUNCAN B. McINTYRE on Sundap enorolng ina Young Pisone Ne. 24R eleBaseSerud, OisL. OM 1peopla mere usnaisarge ai tisass- -- ___________Ont, Office:t Baseh St Souths se Me Water Davis igaS tise VETERINARIAN Pieesesa sangur la cusMe.i-act, Nan-' IntisescLocal." anal Me Weslay COe. DR. A. S. BLACK INSURANCE ni Emmansal Ositaga. Toronto Valarînariasi & Sur-geon aagavà as tîrrtag mssage la thse m- BROORLIN S ONTARiI L. W. DUDLEY tereata aofvisa Furmai-alMenent TELEFlIONE U3 Repreetà ng foc yoang peope, ciiOoamng as bis DR. -.R. BOOTH LEmiPre Life Insurance Co. ist"Ll'ýttup voue ey" anas tes - isIve lanisarret ,bt tisa Conuc b It Ufune ILLUSTRÀTED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON leyMAlfrd J. Buessuhe eepse-Ecie 01O tis st,7t-S;aCeaisa eSi Esasial.te praphet tells tisa Je if Shey Sicsbey tise Lord ise s them assise vse traecfcitSIe irae!w.- i aitt l ionfoe - tuai" bau» it à » - e5at rHE WHviYr.&7i __râ Y oir. 1ILAN UMuAî_L.WENEDA, AY2, 1940 PAGE NINFE ý>aro ment (Tank) Gets Final Inspection in Oshawa PI[RNSTE HUR61ARS EHA$FO )f Drop Loot in Hasty Got- away-Seventb Bur«g!arjr in Recent Yeir 1 Picksering, May 27 -Tii. boldest 18 attemptedl burglar-y ever expentesa- ed by the village tocks place on Tlsursday evaolug wsen thueras erere lntcrrupted wile carrytog asercaidse f rom tise rear of id. FS. Cisopmau's store. At about 11.15, O- don Ansrew, a local reolident. sow four yoUths mailng tise trip from 1h- store ta a 102) Ford'. wil was parkcd rast of tiese torec y os Ciurclu Street, in front of Cola- r~CUttis Garage. He cave the alarraithtie Eastern Hose, neotI door tentise store and he propri ?ter J T. Stephsenson aand s cuotooser Gi Voltmrsts theis Ssacierie lut tme te ses tise car da sootis on Church street, wlthouli lilgis. Two of the men eocaped arrosa tise open lots torild Colla- a cutt o garage and latOr mercaadise a Includinganisen. tressers andl Mens shirtu were dis overed thnown b- l nd tlise garage. A reutident on v~Chrîstîns Street runnlng at rlgiss angfles ta Chur lu Street neot day ut ....u, articles of wraring apparat os her property. wich Inirdcated tisat tise thievea had made a lonsg '~ .tÂv ~ v' classtrass bars yards. f4,4 rilae Offîrer A. P. Ruasalman r osaas llaitsand scaure th ie village __________________________ .. v ~ asd communlsy for sen irahure, bul iound ns aIuse. Tisera rsviaesno aigr fa break-is. The Ontario Regimnens (Tantk) was snspected by ils tam. 'the inspection wasis .silt1 vg but perfunctory, each sua sdr'esa nd tisa way tisey estered lhe stone manding nficier, Lieut-Col. E. Pearson, priserlis entrarrslng for and equîpment brtng cdtrfully scrutinuzzd hy the ainad.nogh as nlot beau dtermttsed. EManîer Camp Bordes Tuesdlay to constinue intersitve training tisera. Tisa atirer. Following theianspection the Rgepot marched ta the in tiseeenisg Me. Chlattai id picaura shows Lieut-Col. Pearso pasainc îhrough tisa ranka of C.P.R.CStation uvhrtt hi'ý ertrained. They were escorted by plaed itcar le tise ceilar garage hi.r men. followed by Capt. C. R. Butt and Adîutant V. G.I the Reggmenîsi Band --hoto by John James. end tisera ta aliosslbillty tsat tise Stroud. As tan ba noted trelonL test.Col. Pearsonsa expressaontiesprî at aelicirdntlOis ts tis ___________ -.nt tiseotagistie wstore te tise car teslaInsi. swsnparke set ofath ie &tore-. Tiie S nd y S h o l ess n sha a M n ies te nte bevt ut heaiLltasd :az t a trng suspeeted tisat thea The und y S hoolL es on shaw Ma Dis s li t 1or Saon tacompiia îileoes wrre limllar oltis tise ta'- tisa late Ure Rota taxteS tes huai- tise staff. Q A. CisapnU. Vhs Bp NEWMAN CAMP'BEL vitroftaisle for soi' mark?. . . riens careier at Raglan snd tiltv usoaîîy aleepa la tise store vaentab- (Tise Iloterna iol Uniiorps t'heretore, nt iss sti lie Lord yearssago rcama ta Osaasasd senstaettise Tennis Club Dance. Leissont o tise sboive tapie for jtifstt, hvvai sAntise vina-:rea amsug purcisasd tiseblock et tisecrner wmironsahein# iseld ai tise t.arbY, 2 la Ezelsiel 15- 1-6; Mattisew 5:13- he ireas ut tise oreat, sotois ian o BnItrasvieaTomn HaLll. Hereturned uneXpet- 18; 7 16-20; f Corîntilsî 10:6, 7. 'rlerc ru Iotise ire for fuel, s h.~ e ondueted asuvesto ut erure ealîy ta tise store fe some requis-ad tise Golden Trot hine Mattiesem Igiva tise lissiitauls cof Je- buess for tes yearo Tisa Royal articles a tam minutes battra th* 7.16. HBy tiseir fruits ye shahl know Bis. aisksoa Canadta psrcisased tise an arsenuas roste tisos.> sesSimlebisais and opeuad a brandis a In r thmonrer Neelait a in ucaiantiilai - Erel s"imlera Illulstration buiding. Bhortly alter aeling tisa anptltog unusal. and tin la i TEBTNCO ulueat i tcisy vri îluotre sî a Esimple,nast- î business bisais, Me. Rons entarad miaedtt t eCta hieres ae In tise JTSI Cotiduct yIii' IaUse ra llsr tisaI âttise peoplieilte s utomobile bsineso s ad ellaretheirsan h i&e fnness' is tesbeto aa ideaiyunderstand, 1505st aiisas ramalned la activaelPartliipa. tuen frigisteneal tiseaioff. anid pre- leavos isoalsiel. a pisapisal mio la Jtýusuused sueS taera te Ilurstrate tieisseîîîag automobiles as for eaul vensagt tiserafrein maising 1miso1e- tisosaglt te avse rttan tise lni inîeauog For us teai'Eze- asa Bellevilleand nortis LniHatibtar- sl lrdr r hpta e vita oris todalts tabou is -s meîstae eûmes ss amrllider ton coln slIsar as Bancroft. lianes tisot practicellY aiIthtisa0g0o3 591 B. C, wasa ln aptlritY at tise tulme must lue"profitable for Poaalbly tiseainomu tiser manIs 'talaoni are recsnered. 25 la tise tirs, but ha dld flot csutgîrbig , ivri neorwe co,.iii le ond Osaswas idaly kisis em rCtis"seneitie time in re satyars tisai bis message ta bis speople, adllc stlng and ely gssd ta be usaS district as Hugis Rass anad Iatiseliesoelabsaurar. werning theer acaîno lise dangers tir tuel ta le ue aSOurc asduot v.hevostomreaiti'ha belonaît vari _______ tisreleiig tisam haase of tisar int hha tsted forIi t u2efuineles. larmer'iy nosr. e' < un disisediente te tise Lords wll. Xe Ourlas ntisen taises us te tise AcietIAto*Trada i- ljL I Ilvd eI Tei-aii. un tisae 51 N ew Testament itrol, te Mattisew. Activaea inte automobsile business TII IILLARE C JLOSE Ciseuar. Thie asotstla tastalla uslisat tea hashw ic 12,M. eu&ç 4This aelites mare aure tisev ea rosi Oisrist"ax. we mustnul.for- J.0. aOsis&m& ain e 522. M. B.oasuntiT- ~ W' liona&hs- csosa npeople andi Shlget tisat ouprtiiaitylll ilp-aerlc. . . . ..O Co hrluc asse a- jJ.j He wotaid save them ns natter sa is ypsarli' muâtlie lanloteal JUGH ROSS dec tiahe r mofaiRos, Ame.s wisat tey dIS ibut Esekiai i. itto ironi ose lIvez. Tise worid needo Pramîrnesi Oshsawa business suan and Gartassorean sd siong mIis Ma ot. tises lise a vine among1s t i ri'ioag, hvntest, nlgist acting sadriglit anal oel knowtavtlesgliat the Aines mas 511 tarauliveoi tise Cisad- oonoCaLrah i. burs Maints. Limîteot on PinceTrno a rsh.aa e.s, fersel la nots ovg t[ lin)inklni ment andS"menntabriug dunistitwba fias beauecaltai bi' street.L, ein dealers ton Ford auto- Iand Cs-aek Bridcge uition. 5 tisrougithtie crises oi liSe. He lis- deail..aoivsles. Ia 1925 tisis camIlane Iola "Whst la tise ine-trea taire hvu eus suai a persan tsait, tritesla uriRi any tri tise vine-hiaai, a, Ilîviied nos body y me'stn bhi hI loer tise genai' for Hudson and urdRi la a&mou# tise Irea nite ir 'i,' almais teaaalin lite sud ta kar E TE- _SHA A tov rsact, dial aj ise Cadsutro 'Bshalou vusle taisan liit' t Iit isaiîisy. If we are indilferettt ,II U1'A 'tbuiunes. but colcOued lunder tttsito. May 17.-Tscea palsia mok airea mawris? 1. lli l i h t arlively rîgltanse wr are usik IIIe U11 V l otom hietitl l1928 misea sth im escapad plunging 125 tees la posa- ta sut ilo the rIreforcftrt ' F sastI hat tisalest list.sue, and fRiots. Ames anal Oartoisrw.,sbhie deastislat,atuninglst -tier fie at dvore bthth ifls ieesressnogod.l; cporaieri. Tise oliomîng pear tutis hie carin wliicli tiey latera eldlasg ni suthacecia Q is tti Te retu slInitise eartî -i -sp idc hounanad gacage 5aicruhied thougli tishese tron of___ ndth____ ofil spirii "a Maethsait f tie 1-. ItSINESSrviusAsubs atiguard rail etftisa Highland Ciais M0 at la savutrerIfîîthe é ~ IIfl'~Tffh' vata13Kitut iseen et uolite iandaiBridge on Ns, 2 iiway, fiteen laea]stILsavIir, heceliseil ' VLIIV lit)j IKif[ C c cc' -n L.a te m o ilmes east of Taranto, sitar a lid Gbe a tat~~Irdde anciuer foot of man ' 1-- tri tand Mi EriecOGeentcame in, Lx siig stkh otuisd trda ebr0 ieO otenlîlile mitis ner ui&araOd Agai hisa as « Ye t1tise righi - HihA.Rs' irat. o Tiese ine us asaSat- A clty or. on a hl ecnutlue id ated With Atitomobile le ev Mi Amas uithtdrew liu rhorseatmisamisseal tisa lain drap Manuy lties iv tise asien t.riiuil, Ici itIv,,,ivp Ir 933 tram tise bridge are: NormaisCalal- "as ara brudlisontiltu sud as munis Trsde-Widely Kisowui '\IlRt". an a sesihea oflS lutsli,45. 9i La. Avenue, Toronto; ftise houaru in lc initare \ri,;.evvstlurrluaandservsileushehis ieOaenet 5; and tir neon iode of a sert miite limntove HacRi A Rîîu.coutRosvsud Gireen oftita Managers Hie wosasmena- Ranald. sgsd 8. Tiseir car cartreed ivarec vsisie fi'om long distances lae (leo haa eý IICdiLde Uadval Wfn col h ih& us tii usne, berî uma o cf lise Rotary atter tise creas, tarisg souia large îct are peoiple u iiiare r tcsivgîhId nu .elurclzian uins , re %aril mssrgosIzest Inisection ni tee grcord rail, Tisa n- (îcnîtyos rraol People cuit hâie iv Pa-aw ycsidcii t lant _Oproalceldabott@aeu eonttcatear the uvea misa mare l5e whiitaei au s aa l Iivig as acr o l nthiis.t , -s1,rteia itaAlite Luisepre- 'bridge. r'M tiouaa vii vi oust andivng era 'vuna l Di'iusslî treet Mis h,îv riviceusSeplamiser 23 last, Mes. Caldwellsatiereti sarieus ,Fre tisocotera Nut tisai tis ai idait deastî rsme ai ea huris te l t, ,iîii et lelaie Johno A lead Injuries oison lienrisad ment -' i eat uris ofrnti r r ts tvut i itonnter iii R t uiir as-prenltlutin, nSepîsas. sisioug tise iaeieli. Bshe LO lia, \ tsuc e sortI lusa ltho [- 1r finetacev rnty 21 1931 HHa s ucr',Ivad bS ste aise suitsrîng inscs senare sissat m-s tuae onlt t c iieiv 1 aiv tuls anS minai auto andSbuesand ta i ne tusil l u n ehicicaldaîtm tIlr 3uIýOshsawa, undar s doctrs ncare Mr 17515- are indeaS "tiseIglut af tise wvid gootdvutkâ ndi.uisriiv ur Ptier ,,.îtiîler J 8Ron,Ham- %uteil and hiesosm allre hadlyi' asiS T ra thi gture cut opeeh arvi s in earaîv i leaare neorlcialces up and aufianed la froin BIsSaS. rvs "ced aosnaieisibusithe tisougihi 1 vtti air t t le i aviaitknom Tva tunera. u osa lel ran Lise AalSodlig te Provnscial Taflia 1.9irre saie 'Neitiser Sa men lisist 1'trio c tv', mtgainri tropes oai v rý,iteP là Diuaoasâtrea on OttîrrGilbetRobertson et Scar- isaisieftlad pritttIluadersattci tv I.,Iuusi ,fvthiriitiv valsMou l25 itlua sericeabire an estiouncicarS rvnb hltý ..a standaSd II inîeistt t vn vat sttut,ý,dti'aalurog.. iv DST cndutedluultes lEdmin Hedgseu. 20,sof DacslertO 811tisas arc In tiseiour" Tise-e ha i t 'ny cv i'ii tlia eu^e- -'_ ae Teitor deruiteroa i StAt- Avenue. Tarants. neomdad oves'tise ibiieois pokea of Ula a mueSde- copi tree rnurîv or , iti' v ai ist oCvcv oeain 01 lc entra lino 0f tise etadwai', monst- rio a meassure rsntsrnlrgsoaurtît Tisacatoe lui tisaitfrutitsaCe &all .'va Union Cenetery ig tise otiser car amenst eistirely a iriS, but tise taer ervestinîIl- îîv thpen ' isadon. Iiitrate tise fart tvat gatidoaneeýilo Tiesr51itiaeîaîen, e in ose u.xneitaiar N Y .May 28-Preste Reagitosareceait!ael aliglit in- a lt ton ail iise5 5hotcore aiti s 'son1sIota1iv thr'ntiisir ser. tt'1 t,îieFrenchoflte ochester luries, Ni&a ster Mite Mani tenletintluene Ihleipoviera vo Pt I iircî Itisa Coritieuna,1t Otanail Citb ontisa Internatiosi Noalgoon. sQ, recaeis nitais te aie fist ligà i il.111. « 'aelle isnad turernit n litîle mptutien anS ntiut aier r aIîî..îvof Pitcriar bas Lîhlard ether passelgers. Jean Bousate. 3. MSy Iloi ait sh hso e traEvn snlat case lîgnv avinae. t vîcas vîbt si vae-tri.. fvr tise tl, ar cent St LouisCardls.o î01Rhiea Avenue, and Josephs ?slL I Iv781. tre Mes, tisas tluey avasetvut irgis htvt iialass uamingase. 0.34 Amaella Strest. ai i ~ i- tesied miseInjuries.