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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 May 1940, p. 4

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PAGE TEN At an executivo meeting of th0e Club, a meeting of the executi Wiltby Town Botbali League 11010 s-l i eid eltiner thi.s weet on Msudey evenlng, last minute ar- erynx ek ti xetd rangements were made for tic open-eryno et 1 . xetu lag cf the season on Friday ove- mnake deflulte plans. 'roc Club ut : ning of Uiis week, wlacn the fini oanoual meeting some muntb,- game of 0the sebedle announccd it ail! ta recalicti, decided tu cutl laut wsck sel» Oc playoti. Mayor Rave vil pitcinte firit banl vithoun as unual, vOeu oicruome: President Olover batting. Britioh elected andi a complote oreoubco ttou American, a nov Oamn under the, sot up. Just ebat ettect the ou c maanagement o O. Porrcster, vili illhi ave on thc club L.% nul iet moet Bande] Becs. ast ycar's vin- tuown. but It bis etthIat ever ef- ncra of theo Bowman and Rove rup tort wlll lie made to carîuont the vih ItetiMoore as coach and fban- easunu progra asu for ou potb e ager. British American viliieO ___ vithout Amy Rouseau andti ls playing w vi e murb mlosed. T'io A local toucuament 5111 te he.t viieta otly conteteti gane sud ltiay t WedneudBy I by the Wlitt O al fans arc urge oti l taou baud Bowling Club, eîth sourral ouul I,ý for Uic openlug at 7 oclout at thrc nets prllclpaliug, The tlurnrîl Tovn Park. pluned or Victoria Duy ha t lub,, poîlpoueti ou occeuI of cin, au Wile no Opoing date bai ycl wet grensbave otitteot.erut,- Ocon docidoti ton thc Wbltby Yacbt llcllîoo May Not Alter Design 0f Autos Alter 1941 #ussinstou, Mss- 28.--Canaian s ouli teaaable for 1941 Airi anti Americon mulurinto may havee1 coîferrlng vbtO manufacturers c ta forego oea au tomobIle modein foi marhiueleois-00e bailc muchinj Bie 1942 sess5on tOcmoto mono ma - lebotu the automobile andit aîtiot, cinesc avais be for building ie- industries-ho ooîel ho frît sure tît planes anti other seapono Inn the 10e automobile lndustry cubd gor fUnitedi States detemo prugram ther bou nueresiory for cusugini Menry MrgentOas. Secrelury of f[rom 1940 ou 1941 mudels wilbinthle the Tneasury,.sigiyotrdsy lOsO an non t month, befure the ors'oouI de. offentO crontiue production of 1941 muedc for tue uviatiun lîldustry niotics tirough the fbuloivg yoac gale boadeay. hais been matie te hic by one of If 1942 modein are abandoneti, nI- tic larget manotactorero, telleurd Cficllu iOlteti, automobile pIants oc ta Geasral Motoiai teop ruoolng, but wbîl continue Ai the smotino, the SoceetanY tOcmate îuisntalsty tOe sie asiured tOe pubie 0001 nea motiei mudelnss 1941 CAN4UA'S QIET SUNIIAYS APPEAL TO U.S. TOURISTS LIFE INSURANCE SALESINCREASII Ev.ry Province in Canada Sh&.M inI. fn &A.5>cea Secretary of Lords Day Al- Busines liace Say& Ample 'rSeuio, sMay'2s. - Pourmillioon Freclom For Ail aanatilan PoUcyliolders vi» ineas- a atiklng loirs-0 cflr-es.iig sale$ Teronlo, May 23-tes-gnumben uantiai uniroten public confience e] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I àmrcn m-o ~O busiessatha intiîoociy asforcts ad" bave reniasted favoreloly o mllinstanaLiane homsanoo 0 the quiet Cantilan Buadas-, andtihiera asso Lifu ansmbie Of-10 tiol sel cotine tess~ 1av-5>4700 annuel meeting la Montnea inl peai Oc touriste tilasaison.Roc. .029 Gorge O. Alliaer. ecoa r0fte Up 7 per cent, for th intirOquar- od'y. D~ Iieasesm ten o! the year. ai coonpisedwtinvi tOdiY the sanie peros-cInla1939,sles o. Mr- Webbes- palatal ont that nov ardlnars- Illec Ocurance lu Can- day in the veek tree tran commer- ada anti Nevfouutlsud for April cia explotation, vith treetian for aheeed an increese ot over 22 per many touriste prfer la bave one cent. quiet indvitiuel rerrestion vitinout Figures rompUle]ly 0.he Lufe In- dlturbing tioevOo deaire t a aurauce Sale Bureau anti eleasef &pendth .e day lu vorasip or cmtur- tos- bytheCénaia itfe In=u-. ai pursulla. anas 0f tîrero Aaeation.,iihove<b Tourinin sere remindeti by Mr. total sales tor Apnil af 5322480Oec Webbtar Oat Canadiean Sunday laces as againot SO.357,000 in Apriltels , give ample fnoedomtoc citizen& and ecluisive o1'gnroup anti voniesate touriste 10 use tineir Suays as lnuanane, annuities, pension bonds thcy dtisre. prlding tnes- do not wltiouO Ocuraure, relaturanno,ne- lutertene onnoesantly vIOc ret- vivalu, eic day rigl8oin ut nters Every province Oc the inion Commencil ubsinessos, cuterlain- ubareti lu the lmpnovod business, as ment sud aport are estirteti 0in te tolloing tableshos: Canada lu the lteresin of the fre- Bales ItiroaseOover nom of corkera Lino Lords Dsp AI- Province Ape., 1040 Apr. t939 liauce plinctet out BC $2,739.000 3833% Moteis, cales, ucug sonre.. gain Alberta 1.212.000 323% Uestationsud blebeso nore.],- Bout 745.000 1374% mient stands, estensuf in Vie neetin Manitoba I1.6A00 2411% of muturîdcos ant others on Bunday Ontario 14496,000 2098% bave legs] tceedom tleoprouide ne- QuOber 0716.000 2229% nesiles ho sait Thn sle ot othuru N Brune, 795.000 2441 % nemmodutiue leIliegal N Ootia 1I 302,010 2784'%, Faie plat Mi Welober saitd de- P EI1 166.000 69.39% muancic lhtalnIl c nsuo opro- Neefound 349,000 19,69% îected ftonmiibit and uilaIr crnm Can Itotl $32.248000 g 2230% petition un tho part ut thuar en gage i n sucb Ilicit liuidov sales TORACCO sRESEARCHn IN In dlistîce efth1e Isu 'ue pren, CANADA roi resrictions. bo olteti vewer Acung the mot important ro- 'sane aed nececsuay In the0etuteanchb ennt erilal out t thr Central Esipenloneuts al FousOtt8- WB lathatol f thc touaosodivision As o esuli uf tilo ort dooinsg the paut f ee veors. practlraliy al Of le j -m tOe uarîtîes oftObaneo une being grovu le Cauada sre 00000 vhbi- bave been founti by thc division mnosi uteble luote soîl anti eii .1 TE matin ondiltionsuofthtinoDominioni f ibth rncthe p.ine .f viev tpo unàCoprodutioon eas 3,716,400 poontis Iu 1939. the estliate vwu 108,77~0 DOES HETRCKI 100 poundo Ti napid expansion l- u 1,due le great part Octinth o vo 1.O h aaknscentisto Whohtuer A" ys-ose neghbers wlai Beayn oprlaliueti ou tobaoco. me fercprin sand doeery date. interests o our G.A. CANNING Caad squi.i 41s ocks 91s9 rovide another j ear be coriclude ]RADIOSERI PUBLIC ADDRESS EQUI] '01REVITALS 'BAY 0F QUINTE CIONMBLNE TO MEET ON JUNE 4 Conueti froc Page 1), milice Report.' Addness by 1000, J. Rd Watts, D. 12:15 aum.-Appointmeut et Con- t ereove Octlemeni Com.itlee. 2 .0 Pc-Dovotins conucteul bhi lePresideut. Miutes, 2 t5 p.e - Oeeetifigs trem the Baî utofQunte Branch of1the Wsm- asieS Misulnnas-y Society. Addres [)y Mes. SOR. Gray. 2.45 pas -Repuet of0th e augel- se und Social Service CommbAtteo. Atidresu bp Roc. J. R. Mutchloor. MA. &D. 4 00 pe -Noepont of tine Pou- sions FuuO rommbttee. AdUreos by Roi' B. W. Dean' D.D. 5 15 Pc .-(ienoral Business. 6 30 pem. - Laymno6o Banueot. Adcese bp Rev. Joseph MM. Gray, DOD J ~ Friday, lune 7 9 30 se -Dovotiono conducted bu the Preuldent. Aidreus Oy Nov. Joseph M. M. Gray, 0.D. 10,30 oalu.-Minutes. Report ut r ~ the Business Cumuolttee. tf 1 Wr LAY *AR disIl045 sm-Report of tino Col- *UPA Ï! A= à -re M-loues and Oludeutu Commitie Re- ri 0r0 Ç.nom o vut3Ipoctoth 1e Rellglooo Educotion it&AMes F rt4e Repsois %410e. Cuouîitîor Addness loy Rev. 't Lotîe*W o e1 j F ranb Lungord, tD. 9 12 00 o c-Atidreus by Priucipals le of Culloges. 12 I00 pm -Devotlons ccnducted WItby. Sunday tiirauginout eau ýbu 10e Presldoul. RE61MENT [[AIlES obeveas aday of prayen for thet 2 15 pein Report ufth0e Mission - not oly b Britin u theEducollon sud Foreign Mis- s Y0.UR u y n Kina ing lons Couittee Addres OcRoc requcot ,but by Canada. 'Tino ore AfArcnu.t e NOTOR CIT F ~Rev t. B. Lsngford, coudurtet ailAEArsrng .3 MOT R IY~R urvc ar3s Uc 30 poi-Report out he Publics- AT RAUDJr Pak t heUnied1 n'Commiocco- CAMP 1 ebMChrhwere Ireyatne 0pi Reportu f heOa sud iuprossive services vere Ocld, lutae Proprrty Committee. dolivcred tvo tlinely dlscurreF 4 30 ymin Addresseu by Ropre- (Oontiiued from Page il vOile upecisi prayor, voero offereul oenîaîices ut Orgonicotlons. leave-tatlng vos a breatlag of à as requeated by tine King ant i-dl 5.o00op m.-Oeunerai Business littie tamily circle. the vite and erteti loythe moderato-Inr the 0e Opc -Worsbip ronducOced by mtlier saylng gooti-Opetlu tOe hus- morning evUe Mor. Part spote oi th1e Preuldent. Repoîl 0y Mr bond anti tather 0f totidllug Mary Goud lu the Warld Today" ant in lit orge Lews. Introduction ut On- on pnaud littIe Bobby. Boul, vumen the evenlng. 'Are Yoo Tuong mIn"uiiensîîu Short sîdresses 0v Or- contnoileti thein emoctiueis mono et iF u,,,nis Atitresoy Uev. Joseph a I ectii5lytears vOirh in Bgeroti a'flROT1ARYf L UB 0flGrMyM O D theo eye-titis being cOobeti off bys U IK ILJJmrSaiurday, Juse 8 to)t t earts Octore tbey roulel9 0M amc - Devttouo conducted sprlng unltden trom Oberdurt' t f(I 1 hetOcPresideut. Minutes,.tien- Mary anti Bobby, toyou-.taeral- 111 lU' V 1I1 sBusiness, Report of thc Setile- lms the potent of 0the uccailn iPORaiHOE> giexS > cn Cmmltee fouti tihe sombre train atm0.eenteggip ondas, ee. lüe o rovd toce lnterestiug. &4Osaty I IU IDJIIB Il00 am- Worablp sandortoti fluaikls. ton datitisant itle tan- THEL VIITH UIJIJ0vtOc Precoieut. Sermon by Rev. ee vee ruzig ubaigPL. Jul B.A. Ordination Ser- mothons agaîn about 0010 sud tinat Iotnct rcssg > runott ly00 Pclet Aceait Meroos' Returs Cniud rmPg ) e odce ytePeiet Tho tier ogortin oeotcata thatt he guveruiment tOck a keen 7 10 pc .Young Per.yOc'u sUfy Mast ofthtem OshawasgirsluhOn nterest la tobarco production. TOe Yung Peopîca Union Exerýutîve. baU, ot tleir iearts o Outarlo 5010 of $53,000,000 ws .pali ta manri.___ Itogimeot rerruin ebho Osd crme facturers Oc Ontario In 1939; the tosaalait autumu. prom cbarco wessgroan. for the molliD lu seal tboir hernres' retuen vere Part on vinai vas once regartiet a. pledediane infinl ebraes nd aaste land,. and the lndontry gave P CA eclyping houtiriaipo. employaient tOc 20000 people ebu i Older peuple also hoU a part in rereiveti in hus ino ofe dollars lue tarewell, matiessand tatiners ln vages. FINEI) 40,000 sut log god-bye to sanous - Mr. Smith poloteti ouitihat viOcd suumbre luinro ai voii es giars- one, alobougo samewbai handicasp- AILEs lIL andi bunor. TOev versad-faeed poC ti thtinoprsont tise by rntail- ut dernealb Obough thObon affectment of exporta ou atcouit outhtin m1 a i cherrulnonu Obey dit! not vas-. and lucolueit ubnlub skurinNew York Anti-Trust ItrI Pathers coccendedtiîr sn s 'ar ai ofmoistune. bail, frost sud fii brier courage lu a final gones-ally ueîstiofsctony growln'g Action Breaks Secret Pact e ttug hnd cke othens Oc- condiions. 'The plsuîlng nord for WNith German Firun Icit ri nfinal sorti ot advice as con-tant attention, sud maoktinug 1, ta e îodlerarl. Involveti euch bard vert Ms-.- ti~OvIsn bntbeo ben ver Smith gavoe e turlunu sm n- Nev Yont, May 25-Bauscin & '110 oho ocre thrtîlee qulte 00- tei'stig ftanin asu Octhebe rhudu o h n fi isgu pia t.,% t ei toebrother ahom eby planting and crm. firma n tlue, onîti, antilibreof ins ,d (J(lizd djrig tainng aysln TOe vote ut thanto ln Me SitIs off icrs vere finda ta tl of $40,000 (uit%ý idîttord îîcn ulet ordam l ssmoyen loy Rotinoan Clîffeaiz ou charges of violationoufut etiena ,i t n epprit maiy aboartPant., sud tengieeti 0 , esidcut anti-trnsot anti tarîft lav in acting c,,ut it o l oanheflng tx-roNblin Durlng the ecetungMn, tinrougin aa -nnei ratie agieocent t t t ot ioOî cb eperbolly s- t.A. nneo. County agcîcultural vith a Oeman ire tinat controileit % ni so atit ory f ut buaon epeentstive at Urb ldge crneOc theo distnibution of vital mllltany sud 'ti,Aetittuur ud brsîery b00 sud vs-e vecomeul navaloquipmcnt. iilr ýwheeve on Th deendntsdidnotcoverefl t ý0:Y .îî'igtt tionthiicaseand REOIT cnt erefn- c , n,crnîe OoleUIN d by Judge Henry W Gdad tu g1 eale oîe.^ 1o [ E ITU IO S The U S goverenient onnouuceti ui. Oionti ttttcueM. IIII ^f Tîln mon t th 1e cocpany vbcreby s i l '.00 hutnti foicIlu oea w re INIflU npud Genmany-controlleti cono- oftt'tta iniaimtyitocamp polylinthe maufucture andusale lin i - as L... -~ anaof preciin Instrumnents suubasu lo-%perties Was Thoroagi, PntIcIt uIertîîg tue roopurCon- ri ten loti du iiuhe.s and tee i to i i.îîdec sud t îî.,îîî .4 hltcucar T.'te 1-',c'iii, tit i iilt Street slave !eselii,,es ...îp ori u -Movemenit More Ad- sanced in Quebec Toronto Muu 28 Cîertitunions lu Ounrio nuoclntvraiîuntier Provincial lrgoLsaiiou ii s mem- Orahofnt 8,8Oi 09IflleicobrancheOs in the -veun eodiîug Moui-131, su- rordung 10 Iteuannîu. iîi,,.on the 1 r81 Mg Id', l Col E uperstibnu ut tue ut-, ti-ue aav- Pri.titutih'iii, orn u 0slgs ndiua ungutiuit.by c9 ru tirnn( hitr Outitut tWurdi.p prkouu lopediîii ti! creit tif cuoienitisa ucilccttlCium Unio doted fcuenhiulipuuupnl nbepotthdiiv.O tunurutu ittiu ucululinea-n.Miniotor tof Aui ,ture, In- eh iudtitiul. il nîtr pecton Pertîn tto noin boti Wh.- debectu ho ioirit ejee -cay tbee mais piuur t i. pomointe - e t' tlu ened WiiPutu ittit t,i O b rf mon PT " x citize&sand ouc rcitr'utr Of ccuiilitg inad- umailusavicgil, t1.. iwtall- ,t'rtonuniuthe0prOruIson sud rfle-ceutlu îru .tý or m- iet Buuday aoulti 'CV Ifi. ,!the BOu-heress he -itld bers si luo cu i - u'f t snU t Oý encouragemsent tfi. uiii9gStmcoSrierrineperfec uni- îrodra8mei.n.u .Orsî ,visît Canada 00- it ndb al mlltarc strujo evhîcb self hp.î î,. 0 tis-ug ed n-tik., the weel-tnalncd sondîre sitala cnd ttt.,iou cie01 On reucbing the station the men tiesucîsi piutu u'cin -.aîîy tittot up alung the station paiteone HPt utiuuliîý, Iaiol - u trce tbeY erre corinttal tu min- Qulorvtho t..'i. izcetoCa- LL.e it], relatives and frientisutil eadîsn c1-i r. 0000 more thecomad0t bar1tain ea tva i Ti v ,pu PrIC Er toi l pro-a but aisonout o _ owperu Ofj nspectione suc .îoî, Ho HAÏIl'OF FRAYER tsrecLtatu .t panin of: PME T ~ AS0 SERVE[0IN cnoditiî.t. rotai nom- ]I Uber of nuci at 4 the yeue, 4309> tt. - ItaI. $390. YIHITIY CIIJR8II 41 t isout . t$5523 8384 t t-s .., 91.04137127, iCotnueti troct Page 1il oeeaso .,13l Isu Pidlfor theKlng and tesucceu of and s-es .t auiied anma Oc a riginteouos nasse.lu - 'es evc mou l. hnU vc ob eeig tio Inouthis- iong A Japane- encteel s de-t ousevievoM 738Oe M vc OH0,.u , 0,sa pereous 01K 38 H Nzoi.veltuvuWlltowalt durice ,- .aI breoLtlntu dnt gave an Inteeestlug anti osercses i., . a- e Iftas ,iie sîdres. aorer l Ino x :g mucla cor -r Ai&St. JuIMinas UChs' .Portrectly 1 rango-finders. gun ulghin snd Ono alginti voolti taOruten op. As a resuit. Gncot Bnltoln soit France vOl be able tOboy sucn - strumiento bntine Unitedi States Trein ictmnent rhargei violatin ofth0e Shermuan AntI-trust Laas andtih0e WlsnuTanift Art ftclabe- ed tbai tbreug n onagreement weuh th ino InonICarl Zeiss. utJena Gr - ins-othie paut 19 paro restnic- tions were ueposed pneuenting &orne couintis truc renoiuiug ultally Ile portant producin ln tino quantltee desirei The finre aos amaximum pesoîtý Cous-sot toe the dofoudanto sait they hO îlot fîgbt thc action te- cuse lOsey dîd nufl s'lsli lengaget in prutracled lltlgsllou Ot a tm were 00 re ouppl.vbng the UnI'- ed Blutes gorroment 5110 equip- ment oft grersimtportance te 10e Unitedi Stuttes rnen ttc &iuelecstecl doîrne rotgnam SELF SEALINO PEI 500L 1 AtFRi 11'ac rubber os an secoue bu, ueoplune tanks o na trltlsg adaju- lion of British intiontnial research Lu lIn peane lice 000 s peiul peepar- Otion ws-saupplîed tOca vide range ut upnoLulerv bren theoseau 0of Loe- duns u bicofnIbuse s 0te fauteuils uft e S0e Bbpeopesoe MeimnelaI Thrs-te ait Bonaibeetion-Auon. 10 is produveti truc the mibb ut the cubloee Inee breugdut in pecis. loutre broc Malue oish. oboor Or- îng cOemcaly reateti. in, beaten up sy macneoLice a bogo egg elulsk and tien non Inomuoulus Tno inclusion outhebomatoniol i-t the moennonf s pIanes petroi tant gives a 'nevel protecione againul machine gun blolirîs Wueu a 00h01 hnits the tankthe0, eakieg petrol sets the robbr swelioai-u Most instant]) aud seau up linobu.- lotia huIs, YI~0R0 S PROT SIO0E GALLON OiF PETEL PROU STLASTS 150 MILES %~ UADJ ~ Bicycles lu Es-lOin have receutîs- Iii IIIIL J1fl~[~JJ teu unto theinseives tins- air-cool- oul ougîneo f anc borse power. Mono CLOSIN ~j1( tian 10,000 of tinoun ere matie lait doseu Britlih manufacturons pro- (Coninuducing tinose moteniteti bicycles vore ICniud troc Page t> floatieti itii ordoro froin overseas, tot's the onIy way t. doscrIbe this dynomte new Chevrolets road action ... ond lis popularihy, too. ..People "go" for Chevrolet, wh.n they Ieurn how It go.s for themi Eqe It '0 O.'I stasra " sparnousuesi, ctr iank "Royal ClAppr" cn, lsluxunious Fi.sher Bd y of dii baguas of .11 tovesr-priced cars-chistreamliaed '¶Deauiy Leader" of thr 1940 parade!b occeleraatioes sud cJsebiog poue, iras 0of, auto- mats- Vcuuma Power GearahAftisg and ici roed- smoocloiug '«Ride Royal*-for ithe u ss action car yuu've cicr driven, bac aonct Musderszan hy Chevrolet bas out-iold ail ocher cars duoing eight aut of thse iast rine yesrs! Tbe 1940 Cbei'rolet C'el bigber quaaty aid ow coolI-Low Prie.- Spenating Coita-LUw Upkeeeo tSeee]as iPsý.É -Onasl uca.Aid aig Ops.. mS>ecni De LaM"tsb. THE -WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1940 1 f L k N . "THE LONGEST 0F THE Lor' F0o.,Cnet ef gie .te mur of body -for 1tagohb «,laength ,eunts,-CheveeI,0fo., 1940 is th. erg.*t of e.iî I.a.e-d cr1Iie euteds, hig ie , I.big ln cala.! VACUUM POWER SHIFT - k f., Yeu .d -.ies .y 20% Mre. W.A TRIESON -P enous Oln thec nelshbnhood of TOe eecouemicaliInfantu of tino $5,000, derivoti frocn a trucluluf war tinie roada are Improvoti pedai service Operatcd by line compoul' ycîcu ratiner tnan linferlor moton hoU ont been Iuciuded ln thc cen- cycles. and arc officlolly kuovu ai eai reveniue altinough theo copéec autorycis", atinougin hey arc ut tbe serice iebaOen added toton nlcknamod "Wllfretin'. maintenance costo of toc lluc Terexrm cnoyde o "This nIn u a uet, not a 10 'lis xr.eeoom uc o biity'" clalmed Joftrey. matre noo troug au appoal abroeul as PortPone wnud outer r tu iluBriOclu. but people overseas have Ue vere abaudoned sud the vil- 0000 onts 1 reasîzesObleotinen loge of Myrtie vould Profit at te10 gTe u po nts lupe aais epense ou ts u earby nelghbor La T' lco apopciagiu tbe nuclb, Oie cuntendeti. terbo. parteti ln pottine-ubedi, "If the lino rues ail the felluai uuing It yl have Ou go tOcMyrlie tue ublyying facIlîtîro and Myrtîr ai gene ot the expenoe of Poet Percy." Jet trey sonerted. Tbe general toue outhte meetingFO EIGN eas tc tineffertthOal tinose preelF RE G wudreoint tOcthe out Oco yhîpio- poueti obaudonieut outhtinolino IL ACQU IT eau olso binOcU tOutthOe comîlttee oppuinte t l repreouct the galbr- lng wuulti pnubabiy get lu touchl 0100 W. H. Moore, M.P. for Soutit Th d..R ias tat the lie S PECIAL ls$78 0 0l te calendar yecror 1939. Longktouen tOcOntareinotoin - le reuients as5t i le 'Nlp atd Subjert to certain exenl Tuck the lune passes Orougîta chne cusiinsre yeooperous minoU faeoing couutryî ofCaneacqisio ny ori Purt Poey In the busineussuad o aaawohday commercial ceutce ut s large focen- currency deposit in his1 ing country and coun sa lumber control on May lst, 1940, and mnilling cumuooy. Buuses oyer- oue belween Wbi0b1' ant i Lnutcuu oeil the salnie to an Atith, via Port Percy oui the Coatrdin bank) an or befare May 3 Notional operatos s leuctinge ecI - Ire for L.CC freigbl sud euycecoq Uniesa an extension h beteeeu Oshawaanti Port Perrîlo ordvnyrsiea h Wîîitby.Borayrsdn h Membeno of 00e comoulîtee ap- the ternis of the Onder pointeel tu crseul merrbsu O, 1940, wili be in defatilt an( and cesidents Oc Brooklil, Port Perry and the ourrountiup sr'a. provided in the Order. are William Crosl. WillIlU O Manning, C. C. Jeffcey andiPF t The Order does flot nec Reesur. sectirities. A gouerromono oupert ln Wiscon- Further information i "O bas oucceedeti Oc ucreig 'ue' obtained fron any branci ery by scattering ordluary bssuure O EG X H uver s pond, the mauro r.pro.ducineFRIG X su Immense bo tc dpniahb oIe inuortsonou viri 10 cd punlisd throuin narrav do orwa% a iand 11f ted Up stop&. Yet they ane certalnly Mtt 1078,fer they viOllcarry a i70-Polind 71dfl up a gradient a o 15là itlsat'.PedSi a.ssistance, travel up t0 MgitaI U 1 hour, and acilevo Up tOc160 ifUlf ta one gallon of petral andi ldbri. catbig 0oU mixture. The Uner unit uset la imoee mabea lA produced ln an lmplbag model faclory vinic sn us m ée tar than 500,000 two-stroke englcex nov glvlng good service ta mon e womon lnauai five continent&. Borne of tine boit oversma tiit- ktt for Britishn autocyces are4 lit- dia. Borme, Aootrslia, New Zealemi and Kenya, vOile before 'the Vif one mater aiee ad large qusi- titles ta Poland and Norway. la-. chines haie aso been sent taO aa- ada. South America, Oold Ca&ai Ceylon, Palestine, Maiaya, BoUtil Airica and Niger:%. E XC HANG E ON ORDER NOTICE .ptions, the Foreign Ex- Br requirea every resident oreign currency or foreiga possession, ownership or regardless of amount, ta .orized Dealer (chartered liaI, 1940. .05 been granted by the io hao flot complied with on or before May Blet, nd subject to the penalties eiuire the sale of foreign and particulars may b. fiof a chartered bank. ANGE CONTROL BOARD 1 ý Pli

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