Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Keystone, 14 May 1903, p. 2

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'rsburg, Ray i-2-The Min- the Interiur has circulated a cia! account caf the recent .itic outbreak .at Kishenev, of Bessarabitu. He says 45 nswere killed -and 424 were in- igjrééd, and that 700 bouses and 600 moswere looted. The Minister - atrb te the rioting to religious ill- wîiU an d reports'of ritual murders leading to a clatnur for an attack on the Jews, and says that the imniediate cause of the outbreak< was the iii- treatm.ont of a Christian womnan by a Jew. The Minister of the Interior, on the direct instruction of the Czar, bas nutiified the Goxernors that they - will be held personally responsible for their failure to ta-e proper measures to* preverit sirnilar acts of violence. New York. May i2.-The Journ-il ~ blilshes several letters received by ewish residents from relatives or ricrtde in Ki& enev, deiling with the recent riots - Summarizing these, Tbe journal says that ten persons were kiled on the first day, the trouble starting wbesî a Russi1an soldier, -with-* out provocation, stabbed a Jew to the Ibeart, and continues :-But in reality the massacr.e had but begun. The snob, though hysterical, was still pos- *eîsed of a slhght awe of the authori- ties. T'hey wondered how far îhey inight go. When night brought nu warning that further murder and (e- Predations would bring quick punishi- ment, the rioters decided to make the next dfay one of conplete destruction Ute life and property of the Jews. Mysteriously wor(l reached aIl the Christian families living in and near the Jewish quarters ()f the city that they must signify tlxir faitîxfuiness an d titie to the Christitan creed by marking above the loorways of the houses the sign (f itue cr' 1ý. Sonie of the Jews heard the xarning, but Tremaine(1 stauincîxlu t heir faitlî and chose rather to be martyrs titan to choose tlîis nieaii., no. sîx-19tng îleîr homes and lvs In the dawn of the next day flanîes sxhxot n p xand to- wa.rd the sky. Iii the.-iti le iairoxv streets of the Jexxisîi quarter snioke rolled in blind ing. l' ti.density. In the broad businesi êhorougîîfare big buildings wvere ablize. Tuhe rinîing forces were 1 n squa'!s-a squad tu a o treet. They broke iloxxiithe doors of the Jewisbh uexthîev tlragged the venerable mnen into the- streets bv their beards. and there with the curbi stones for blocks sank ilaggers i) their throats or else sto)od them up and &hot them down. Wonîen and chul- dren were amorîg those sialin. Many - .~ soldier--. had, in spite of the fact that miey'- weère ini uniformn, joined the niot- e~ rs. One soldier camne runnifig out o f a bouse in Alexanxdrowsky' street v holding an infant lin long clothes by the neck. The soldier drew a knife Irom the stabbard at his sidç. Then1 lie called for the crowd to look. He threw the baby higli in the air . As it descended lie catight the little one on thepoint of bis knife blade. The *weapon ran îhrougbthe ch'id's throat. Flinging the body in the' street the ilayer passed on wiîh the mob. Sud- denly fron thbe bouse in front of which the murder had been commit- ted there camne-a piercin g shriek. The * nother of the child t h ew esl out of the window and lay dead in the sti'eet beside the infant. tUM»ER MUST BE REMOVED. Ottawa Council Considering the Fire tire of Sunday. it wss impossible to make an accul- âte census of tht peoplt whu had been rendered homeless or of tht lasses sus- tained. "Pensonaily," said the Mayor. «'I think it would be a mnistake for us ta go outside the Ci1ty of Ottawa ini any appeal for relief we mîght xnake, if we decide to make an appeal. 1 îhink, in view of the splendid response wbich came fronu all partssof the wunld îhree years ago, b would neyer do Ion Ottawa ta go be- yond its owrt confines again." The committeet o be appointed should mfot only inquire mbt the pres- ent state of affairs, but investigate tht whohe quèsrion of fire protection, in- cluding tht disposition of tht lunîber piles. "Fon," observed tht Mayor, "in sny own jtudgmel4 the time bas came twhen tht humberpie must be got nid C,. as Ottamwa is concerned." The Council then endorsed tht Mvayo's action in nequisitioning aid1 tram tht City1 of Montreai and calling out tht inilitia, and the City Treasurer -was auti4orized bu is- sue a check covering the expenditure Incurred. Tht committet of Counicîl convened ani deciddto.rtcc-mfltfld tht Counicil 6v ask for power fnom tht Legisiature tu expend $io.ooo iii relief. Tiey will also recommend thai $5o lie granted to eacb Iamuily, spinster on widow-..iwose Pro- perly isas detroycd. with the under- standing that luis s 10 be final, so fan as tbr City Cotmnicil is conc.èrntd. Tht conimiitte agneed tîxat il wLid be.in- adi-isable to niake any appeai for assist- anuce outside of Ottawva. Tht local newspapers and the banks wili, how- ever, be asked tao îpemi sulisciptions. If ,was stated that abott250 bouses had been burned. ring Chistians. May 12.-Consular cd here froni Mon- Lut, e34r- Say tht Mus.- kishtratops are mur-. Jn tht suluurbs of er, cd-the îown. tGeneral, î0 01Lo.*rn te reïnier, un Peecadetr of ±the Opposi- ?à respect to tue memory Of te Justice Milis and toc gîve tie members an opportunity ef .attending the funeral services. A number of.pri- vate bills h.ad previously been advanc- ed- a stage, and several =cotions for papers and correspondence w.ere allow- cd to pass without objection. Yesterday Mr. McCrea.ry'a bill incorporating the Northern Bank, and Mr. Guthrîe's bil. rcspec-ting the Crown Bank of Canada, wexe ,passed. The following bis were referred to committees ;-Io incorporatz the Que.- bec, New Brunswick & Nova Scotia Railway Companly-MIr. Logan. Re- specting the Quebec Bridge Com-rpany and to change its name to the Quebec Bridge &-, Raiîway Companly-Mr. Power. Respecting the Tornto & Hamilton Railway Company-Mr. Campbell. To iîcorporate the Hiamil- ton, Berlin & Collngwood Railway Company-Mr. Cowan. To !'i1-orpor- ate the Columbia River 1mprîxement Company, Limited-Nkr. Galliilwr. To incorporate the Southern Centrai Pa- cific Railway Companly-Mr. R1ýcy. To incorporate the Niagara, Quee-'-.ton &ý St. Catharines Railway Companyi-Mýr. German. To incorporate the Mont- real-Longueuil Bridge Compaî;,y-Mr. Geoffrion. . To inicorporate thc Bran- don, Saskatchewan & Hudson Bay Railway Çompa-y-Mr. Davis. To in- corporate the Cinadian Yukonî West- ern Railway Conxpany-Mr. D:.is. To incorporate the Stewart River Ficv-elop- nient Company-Mr. Davis. 'lo con- fer on the Commissioner of Patents certain powers for the relief ofi th e Woolf Valve Gear Cornpany-Mýr. Bel- court. Respecting the Haiaton & Lake Erie Power Conmpany. and to iChange its name to the "Jordian Light, 1 lcat & Power CoînPànY"-,Nk.. Ger- ilian. -Sir W illiam Millock. in replv lu Mr. E. F. Clarke, qaid meicaýl oÇ'c-rç in ,sPectiminmi grants Ian i5n g at S t. J N. B., Halifax ai Qîtebec, a:-,t111,1 210 havr-ebeen rejecie l1)vw tii. z (,fli- cers and ru fa ýed priii'xtuhland. THE GAMEY INVESTIGATION. Comniissioners Resurne This Morn- ing-Mr. Gamey Returrxx Toronto, Ma y 12. MNlr. il. R. ia nie y, M. P. P., retiiriîed 1.roun M\anîttnlin vesterdav an, 1 the co)I111iSýtOf xiii resuinie w<FI-;this M()urningK. lt mx nC)t P roba 1,e lIýt MIC I, t iniec xiii be ta ken ii ) xx h ex t- d ence. 'i here may ibe sx nie epa iOns as tu cen aiux accotts Ini the books the Ontîario Rank, and bp ,-1îby a fewi xitniesses fU*ni Ma\lnitonîlin as t( what course Mr. (1-'iiev îtok durin~ the cani ag r. If iitler sidc ga:1. calî' s Mr.ý Gl -mey xIt is 1ý4ssible that the commissioners nxay dé) s. A' least that was the teixo(-r of their re- Smarks before adjourniment. 'Mr. D. ýA. Jones of Beeton inay also b_- cal]- ed by the commis,:oners. Thle argu- ,ment of counsel will theni begmn. MNr. Bil*ake speaking first. Mlr. Julinston will speak on behiaif of Mr. Strat- ton, and Mr. Blake may reply. 1AMONG DEAD MEN'S BONES. Wreck of the C-anadian pasr-engcr steamer Algomna, wbich was lost fine- teen years ago, wîuh ffty-twu luVes. What is left of tht steamer is on îhc sou:h coaui of Isle Royale. 'Fb wreýçkers worked anxlong tht hunes ci thte dead whetx taking up tht î5u ton nfion whi.cl% formced paLrt of bbc sixip'ý cargo. Tht Stuit wiil at once returr tu tht wneck and n-nove the bar iroi in tht hold of the lost ship. TELEGRAPH BREVITIES. There are twenty-two cases tuf smTalilpo In Detnoit. The report of tht death of Joaqui Milter, the pott, was untrue. Business in Victoria, Ausinalia. 1tsF a standstill, owing to the nailway amik Lord and Lady Minto and panty wei heartiiy weicomed ai Guelph and Bei lin. The striktng engineers ut the Greenoc di strict. Glasgow, nesolved to i -surr work. Mn. A. Il. Dymond, ex-M.P., Princip cf the Institute for the Blind ah Brai fond, is dead. Captain Penrmet. Chief ut Police Quebec, died suddeniy on a train b ~Veen Toledoa and St. Louis. Foresttfines are ruwgiug ln the îtcil ct Folgen Station i-ad Wesbbrook V lages, nonth and west ut Kingston. Mn. Justice Bitton bas decided tl the Ontario Power. Su 1ud autlmority expropriate land neceasany for iL. wori Desptaiees say that Prsideit MNla- quin ut Cutombia lis ber-n eompeltud nesiga office on acvount of pohihi( troubles. Nine Aldermen umit&'rx-Aldernmen Saginaw. Mîich.- wore inidlced on chari of brtbery in cemrctiof witix xari- contracus. A yourg mani namr-d Donald Busthm of Perth wp.s stnuck by a train wvii Ing bis bicycle on tht track at Lancas cnd kitled. Lord Dur 1onald lias peserttd a trol to tht R. MOC., ta be compettd for cadets, wlth a view to gainlng proficlei In mnounted patrol -Work. A new case of smnalhpox is repor fnom HoIlland Township in G County. - ..uring April there w e~j sesepOntèd in Ona But y.'I AT -~1o -- - -- -- w tarnegze A THOIJSAND PEOPLE ARS- HOMELESS.LodonM pours vitriol upot view with The li OdeginSad to b. Incendiary-A SÛ- in co>nnection wîl fl Arrested-TiC District Wras the [ron and Ste ipCCtasked whlcter Cai Part of That Burncd Over in zgoo by imrnigi ationi, ç * Water Plressure was Very matcrially Ameri about a union cl Poor and no Explosives Wer cerica, Carnegie nr Availablo Wîth Which to Destrtoy Canada has no fi of the States. E Houe. increases mores Scotland. Sheo - ler poprulation Ottawa, May ii.-The fire which cut these 44o,ooo cair awide swath through the City of Ot- ada, standing alci tawa ycsterday was not particularly ga industr a destructive frorn a monetary point of a mirage. Noth vîew. As many dollars coulud easily trouble the Unit' be lest in one small block in a great ceivable circumist Nyha reners he cnfia onies ever havea City. Wa edrstecnlgra-inthtote tion partîcuiarly ceplorable is t.hat inal mpire wha somle two hundred homes were f ed into catcbmpore, ?" its insatiate maw, and one thouýan1d cAtwe-own boula are dependent on their friends reading th-e i and neiglibors for a place whereon ta 'Don't fancy Ca'i lay their heads. other cent of lbi Many of the humble bouses consumn- cd are said to have been uninsured, as the co mparues demand special premi- A TERR: unis on sucrh risks. If il be true that the fire was started by the man wbonm Tht Murder of the Ottawa police have 'in custoiv, it Pl Is pitiable ta reflect on the widespread SnFacso Ioss which an il-cond toned wretch SnFacso is capable of occasàioing. eleven Presidents The fire started near the St. Loui- ety ha%-e beenj dam, in ont of Mr. J. R. Booth'E ing to murder lumber yards. The airm was turned the Chinese So' ina about 3.40 in the afierîtoon, ard sa cation, and two rapid was the miarclî of fianie tuih y On, who is not 7 o'clock it had left a hundrcd acres ol Ille On Yick Hi desolation in ils wake. the See Yutps,2 John White, a firebug, is blamed for dlent of tht Bow the deed and is now un custody at thet tu have nmade ci police station. Ten years ago Wh-îet te police. The was sent down for sex-en years Lor air- -are in hiding, son. Since bis release lie bas 1.ctmx charged wvitix c closely watched, and lit is alleged iurder. lit is1 that he was actuaîiy seen tu stant the uence already ti flames. In a less orderiy conimîumîdlv seî;d th,-ni allt a man's arrest on snicb a charge vouidJ long terinî. Th bai-e been foilowed by a speedy lyniL 4,f 'the See Yti ing. tucci o f g1i ui t The conflagration stanted ai S( rnîation retrar( -about 3.40 o'clock-, bit lit %%as preccded Police protectot) by a mninor outbreak x-hiclx axxakened the residents of the idistricit5 tuýte IN THE L perdls which confroiîjt îiîe. The firsi alarux occurred ai ýbo)ut i2 .3o. F m Bill to Amerd had broken oi in a ixoodeix bulIng Act-R sheatliel xitiii nviciî c' nîlaincd a hay-pressing mnachine. lit vas -sur- Toronto, M a rounded xxitl ii1uîîbr xi only neè"cd a bers îîad a spark to comîx rti t into a raging fur- iii lte Leý nace. People corning on)t fromu clurciî ia1nd .tiiy bi saxv a xast coluîîtîî()fo nioke poir 1inl Àiigh b sup into the sky, and pres"ed toxvancr M . - l-1a tteSpot lu learmi iic te e.ine.the tr '~t utlu -tîtglîts recnrrung lu the great fine of VruixluthteL -April. 1900. Bt ilte brigade xwere niemit Op)ttuiiaL sPromnptly on the sccne, ant ini an hour w.iii iavc oi )and a liaîf the flarnîes vere extinguisheJ the uptiomial pri V and only a few sniouldering ashes and demnand of publ 1clîarred sticks niarked tlie site of the quantens. In sa, bu1ilding wherî ay bad been âw ed. rxent were fut -- for consump in Sotuth Afrrc-à.--. om thein forrx t Tue resideà itht e district. wbo had ey 'objected lu t swarmed out in bundneds to watch the optional, and s, flames, reîun-ned to ineir mîd day meal pie was adm tte( satisfied that ail danlger was pasi. Aixade general. couple of hours later wbusindth Tess xvîtt coînfortable houses of these peuple bisessPublic Acr licked up by a raig devastatiîxg t '-l'lan fubîlierAe( rent of flame that coîîsumred everyîlîîngrckSans standing in ils way. This second out- îicipSaConnîi1 break originated in a corner of theileSadn ( expresses and bug;17.es and hix-eny ig9S to commit The were pressed mb Inte service, and as ban 1 Fred,-ricl fast as these wene -oaded tbey inoved trial on ihiec >~away t-o distant po.flL5 of safety. The ils- of forgec acene was one ta baffle descriptin- dliîîg. T 1e NI dn the shauts and c, ies of workers as ca,e'u ag mii t irthey rushed to and fro beaning the da glit'un and atcontents of dwellings, or stores, the si t -r. Tile ca atgariag and crackling of the flames, 1,e i, ht-r li ce. the concussion of flîing walls and babi)iy xiii be lI re roofs, and the how,,lmixg of tht hurricane ar- as it drove the flarnes before il in an RUSSI inf ern of f ury. The bla.ck smoke as, i ckrushed towards the sky assumed all îdaa nek sorts of distorte.d stiapes and ;.pread .hraa meout in sable streamers, myiads oi plsparks and burning embersi darting Lonxdon, Ma rit- hither and thther. igiScrtr mî- i ue brigaue ion a long tinxe eeri ýl oîxe i nit ixeipless ta stem tht torrent w titiethtiat - the of .flames. About 4 o'ciock the xvalve Nexxclwaixgr be on ont of the chief mains leading frorn 1Ieco ntic reomi the pump house broke, and for forty by die Rus-o:i liîy minutes or an bour the supply of water cat ons on th Vi-1was pnactically shut off. t was ne- b,îîxe auldeil, paired in but haste, but p:ý..iotîs nia- tîhe Russialx htments had been wasted. The luniher past few days it nont of Som enset street, on what is Vuîiited States 10kuown as the norîh haîf of tht Sparks Russian GuvE -testate, helpti Lu create a vecitable vol- tinated that o-cano of flamne. 'Il extended right engagemxents to doxxn to W-ýllinglon street and the lthough the cal Richmond road. and uit ont point the anii.y delayed. piles nan in fromît (f Martin & \Var- plaimîed that ot nocî's floi-ý nmii.. The employees of adoptin g any ge'S tlie mmi. leti1,; lu' lut îvo îartncrs. clude foreigil j)us io k%,*,entlu-e oTru'.m'o b -a-c ixe nîiîî tîgnicommer 1Tîiey baI iontmv ut - ie hose arnd it ponts. Un( .1 Itht BritishC selwas a Iouîg ;a1iaxx u trtig-le. Thi enrasx rid hCt w-,so intense a to be almost ato ew nseid neahe aacin abetG, C;e - ('y qessnlclnt CommissionerJanadC Pr 't t--inîa-es ihat ai 1t-a si phy 151 buildjIuî.,' wvre bunned. Ilaif A Sm r by wrr- ' .nad;i n sIrutittres;, and tht Windor, trcy reniainder ethenr brick venter- ed o- of seJ.id -ic.Ht thiniks nos Grand Truný o f 'hemi were «insured. as th e i n itht corr ttdhud proffited'. y the lesson of thterire- ocokys ýrty 'v 0., s fine s can be learned gled. Thei vere tht totalISoo,of which 8 o'clock at Iina, amounit r aby rep re- ctastd thref Lanysenttéýlumben de- ferry slip ar iter strÃ"# Contents out of harxT R.!.$450omoo. d do-wra, woU '~ yoars, of age ~ 8Dcid@dly Ourt- 4-Anrew Carnegee kn Canada in an inter- îÛonimon'ers' Journal, i l.,kis Presidency ôf Leel Inistitute. When ~aada, grown populous spzrituaLly British but cari, might not-,bring of England with Arn- -r ,iid : "Certainly note' iure except as a part 71er native population slowly than that of only added 536,oeooto ini ten _years, and of ne-from abroad. Ca n- one, can neyer become al nation. I-er steel ment, and Cape Breton bing there need ever .d States. In no con- tances can youir col- a population approach-] Statrs. and your -colon- is it but a pôlitician's Anglo-Canadian, after Lervi ew, exclaimed nadian% will arcept an- is man's money." IBLE PLOT. f 300 Chinese Was lanned. ,May 12.-Four of the ts of the See Yup Soci- arrested for conspir- the 300 members of )ciety of English Edu- of thenm-Gee Ilong ouly the President of glbinder Tong-, but of and Lee Ying, Presi- 7Leong Tong-are sai nîmplete coniessim)is tu other sex en Presidents but if found wilI be conspiracy to commit be!ieved that the evi- igaîinedi s sfficint to o thc pcîii teniitary for le nmen uxuler the ban tip Society wee ,sn- gth e atith' rit ivs 1ni- d;nýig gall)ling un(lCr 1 in Chîniatoxvn. LEGISLATURE. the County Councils Rai1way Case. iy 12.-Prxate ieni- day tu thiiibe t C ýgî-11a1urc >yea-tertidy, eu C aivanced a stag.c n* îtouk place ()i lu i, bill tu axuiend iL i, act, b y iaking a ;1re- uli > ~tcîu u apploinit- P1reinier Ross said lie )i the bill, and thuugii i iicille t o uld nîcet iu blic op iiiiunlin înany .yîn1g ihiat, thc Goverui necessarily retreating lier p-ý.iti(in. M r., Vhit- the reiormn beîng made said that if the princi- d the change sliould bi les wîlI settie doxvn t< nch Swindlers ta be Tried. 12. - Magistrale Leydat bis in\testigation ofIlie id case, and bas dcci led crese Hunîbert, ber busi- kl«, aid ber b.ruiler for charges of forger-, lime d documnents andl-t-f Magisîrate dsiise lueC Ex-e Humbnîert, lierese's 1 iMante Iaurignac, ber -a-e against NMm-e. H1l--a- ushanim utili brother pro- icearul l] uitJly. lA EXPLAINS. Frn Manchunia ii De- laycd.L [ay 12-ITh Under Four- y, t .nud Cranxmnuxe, amu he Humuse )f Cuuixuîxoix.- Britishx consul at nelionteti liat tiucre lîad ctupationi of Newcbwanig ms-Friendly cuiniLxt- lestîbjeci. Lord Cnt. i bah beemi addressemi i GuvNeumnemit during i by Great Britain amndt- s1noepemitently, andi ' ernnielit, in neply, lîad imul il wouild adhenc ho mu. lu evacuate ?Nlinchuii-a. evactiatioui ivas teixipor- - Rissi- hiaul also cel- she liai mnu tf-niion of - nîasune icnding lu ex- *Colîstds or ubstnuct for- ne or the us e of the cicr ihiese cincumsuiiic C Governmnf;sak 1nu sutî-ý 1for securing cuncerteti veen tht United States 3reat Briiain. wmitchman's Death. May 12.-Milton Duxîn, ik swiichman, was mun ove: npany's yards liue aI erday and ternibhy man unforlunate fellow dici a Lt tht Hotel Dieu. De -w a switch Ieading ta th id stepped, as he supposec ns way, but he was krack Lnd run aven. He was 2 re and resided at London. B is OF ej) ISTRIBUTION TO B B~rADOPTED.- jgomna G*ins Two .-Members, and rKenIt Brant and Toronto One " Sacb.-No Changes of Counties in Ouebe-InNova Scotia Viéoria wikk A1lt Ottawa, M 12.-The committee for the. re-distrib ion of the constîtuencies had their firs ~eal plunge inito the sub- ject yester&hay. The readjustmnent of the Ontairio seats was under discussion, able. it was determinied to proceed on th.e following lines :-The unit of popu- lation is to bC 25,000. Ail counties urder that unit and up to a unit and a haîf are entitled ho ont member. CounUes over a unit ard a baîf and up to two units and a baif are to be given twa members. Conîxties uver two and a haîf uni1ts will be accorded tbnee mciii- bers. -The total represelitation of On- taana will be eighLy-six members. Under the redistribution two rtew niembers must be given to new Ontario, ani-d the, addition of the suburban population -ta Toronto willi mean aixoîber membe-r for that city. Including the six which iht ]Province must lose by its failure ta in- crease in tht mecessary proportion uf population, tîxîs makes nîne memh.ens ta came off old Ontario's repre- seîîîation. Pricteding on thet hies laid down by thie comîîniiîtee, the nuin- enic al representation of the cumxisLtu- encies of Ontario xxouid be as fol oxvs Fixe mimxe -ooiu 'Four menîbers-M(iddîesex, including London. Three members - Simncoe, Yorkc, Grey, Algoma, Wemiîxxorth (includimîg Hamilton), Hturon, Carleton (incîudimxgf Ottawva), Leed, Paid Grenîville, Durhani and Northumtntr.ýnd. Two menibcr-ý-E-.scx, Kent, Elgiuî. Lambton, Bruce, Welîinigton, Perthx, Lanark, Reifrea\ Fronteniac (incînuîixg Kingstonî), llat:ixgs, l'ucerb ,ru', Wat- erloo, Oxford, t rauxt. Ontario. Ouît menibem Nrflk. ln.imalui. WXeland, Liniculii, Milonka, Pur Sound, Peel, De;ieruî. llalton. ip, sing,-Prescott, Geîui.St'(nu-m-:_ Russell, Dundas. Lcntiux andi Atdiiîg- ton, Prince Edxn trd. \ ictoni-1. * The nidings ofi ohî i rokie àCardwxeil and W ,t oC)tanic ipur Duffenin takes die place of. Carnixxell, and Letînux amnd .diixgtoîx are uiited. t Nluskoka and Parry Souimîd becouie sep- arate constîLuelxu us5. .Àgonia gaimns txvu new nembers, andiKemnt. Toronxtu and B lrant une each. On the other band, te th idings of Norfollk. -Mi'dlesex, tBruce. 'Weilinglon, Hlastings, Durhamn 2(withi Northumberland) lose omie cacli. y \Wi1îh respect 10 the otiier Provinîces, -there will be nu chtanges of counnues imx > Quebec, but ail the parochial and -towýýship alterati. made ah the lasi redistribution are i7xxedied and original tôunty limits re-established. S In Nova Scotia, 'Victoria wiil be merged in Cape Breton, andf Pictou is 0 ta lose a member. In Prince Ed'vard Island representation will be in accord- ance witlî county limnits. [n New Brunswick Albert xill be merged mbt -King's. Tht western constitîxencies dhave apparently nul vet- been drawn Up.e eg t- ls HON. D. MILLS' FUNERAL. The. Reniains Leave Ottawa by Train For Palmyra. Ottawa, May 12.-Tht remains of tht late Hon. David M.ilîs have left Ot- tawa in the Government car "M.%ont- real" for Palmyra, wliere intermett takes place to-day. Tht convey- ance of tht body lu the Union Depot hotise, conducted by Rev. A. A. Cam-fu eron. Several hyrnîns ivere sung by a i quartette, includ'ng "Sleep thy last 'ni sleep." tht dece-ased's favorite am noi kneeling on the threshoid" and "~Ser-n- ] vant of God. well dont." 2: Rex'. Mr. Camenotiinead from the 2N Scriptures tht passages in Coninthians 8', tneuting of the tni tmmph of the soul 2 aven deaili, and in tht course o an t cloquent, powenful aîîd sympathehie ' p address paîd tnibîxte ta tht personal pe and mental quauitie- of tht dead'l Tudge. Hie said iii part :-"We are aîp ercn as cilizens of Canada. We are 1 t as patniots t" gîxe expression lu P our higli appreciation of tht patrîotîc f.( and distînguisbed cancer of one of tbc sa nublest and most richly endowed of tr our public meii. Tht laie justice Milîs ~ was a unique personality, and aithough 4c in morne respects ie xvas a self-made r-bi maix. he had yet mosi varied culture. é, lle wiq a typîcai pî'blic man, bringing -si fuv ail our affairs a high sense of 5l inon, a conscience void of offence, *hthe spinit of that ighteousness whîich exalteth a nation. Our co.întry 'se is pooren jr broad tatesmanshipIa r tht moral and patnuotue qualîlmes that al enrich our national life by his transia- cý ltion. Our couintny's wealtb dots not P depend on mateniai pnospenity, but on tlie character and culture of ber citi- zens1. Better than ail. we are hene tbu1 îwprets an you that the real secret of 7 bis xv-i-le inflLuence lay' in the faci thatE be ever livel and acuci tîinden the in- spiruitu- 'i of ilb-,nw-e cnucifitd but niseux and glu i10til Chnis A lonig and inipuu'iliz cortege. coin- po-e-i of Cabinet NliTisters, Ttudges, triembers; of Pu lialnitent. profesieu(-nal rnen and ciîizcns tif e,-.-rycis lux- *ed the lîcarse to the station. Thte niirnns were:- us D. Mil-, thc widow ; Mn. and ~1~-Dax'id M ilis, jun., Mn. Nathian Milis. îîepliexv, Mrs. N. N. Mix' and nr. J. 'Milis. Tuîe hon1orany pAlbea-rt-ns ivene Sir Wihid Laurier. Smr Henni-i Taclieneau. Juýlice Sedgexvick, il'ix. Wmi. Palersýon. luon. aCharles Fiîzpatnick amd Sîîeniff Sw-eeb- r land. _________ Mr. Healy Called to tube Bar. London, May ii.-The Times tbis ,1e mornirg annoutîCes that Timnolby M. 1, Healy, Na.tionalist mcmber of Parlia- - ment for tht rortjiern div'isioni o.f 17 Loutb, is about ta be called ta tht English Bar. i b THE MARKET REPORTS. - Closing previons day. Clasing to-day. Cash. May. Cash. Ma.Y ChIcago ..... ........7 ' . 78yà New York S2' 2ýý Toted..........6 761,ï 76 76 'Min '-apolis... 8- 47-3 à77S 77¾j Duluuth, 1 bard .. 94 -- 8~ do No. 1 non. .. 7 7 7 7bý4 M ilwaukee, 2 non.ï". 7Vm - f8fli - Detroit, 2 red .... 717-d7 47 1 SL Louà .............71 British Manket&. British and Canadian Lire Stocki Trade--Wheat is Dull-J£he Lat. est Quotatîons. onday Everî'ing, May 16& Toronto St. Lawrence Market._ The total grain recelpts amouuted te 500 bushe1P Barley-Two hundred bushels sold ut 4U Ver bushel. Oats-Three hundred bushela 8014 ut 34%~c to 35%c pqy' bushel. Dressed gps-h market waa quiet and quotatiôns are unchanged at $8 to $8.50 per e.wt for llght-welght hogu and 87.50 to $7.75 for heavles. Hiay-About 20 ioads were on the mar- ket. Na. 1 tlmathy lsciuoted at SU t10 $15 per ton, and mixeu or ciover aI $6 te Straw-One load was., oftered, and .014 at $8 per ton, - Tht Visible SupW May 11,'03 May 12,'02 May 13,'U Wheat ...32,446,000 35,328.000 45,761,0» Corn ......... 6,210,000 5,87ô.000 17,3U8,00» Oats ....... ..j6,302,000 2,917,000 11,449,000 Rye .... ......1,105,000 ...... 963.000 Barley ...1,261,00...... 719.000 Wheat decreased 1,010,000 bushels the past week. A year ago wheat decrease4 3.026,000 bushele. Cheese Markets. Utica, May 11.-Sales of cheese on the Utica Dairy Board of Trade to-day wene*, 54 lots of 3,491 boxes of cheese. Largo sold at lic and smnall at 11Y4c; creame>, butter, 19c; packages, at 22c. British Cattle Markets. Lonrdon,_Uay 11.-Cholce Amerie"2'n cat- tle, 6%d; Canadaxîs, 5;yd; Argentlneu, oi sheep,' 61/4d, Argentine cattue againu pro- txlbited. Cargoes afioat admitted s, bject toaspecial examination..0M Liverpool, May 1.--Canadian cattU Gdm ta 6%4d. Montreal Live Stock. - Mortreal. May 11.-Thene were about 450 head of butchers cattle. 500 caix-et. and 150 sheep and iamrt s uffered for sale at the East End Abattoir to-day. Tha butehers wene oui strong. but trude was liai brisk, as the pnices of cattIsu wtrne hlgher ahi round. Prime beeves 9sld at frum 5cetla51/c per poumid, pru-uly goo4d animais funi 3%,c 10 454c, and the cum- mon stock from 2½c lu 3½/c per pound. Caives sohd froni $1 ta $10 each. Sheep sohd ai fron31/c lu 41/2c per pound. Slining lambs soid froni $2.50 ta $4.50 each, and one very fine iamb bruîmjight $6. Fat hogs soid ai froni $6.40 Lu $6.65 per 100 pound, weighedoff te cas. East Buffalo Catîle Market. East Buf'falo, N.Y., May ix -Catîie-e1e- ceipis, 4,OttO heati; liuavý, slow; bute.'sf stetidy lu -stromug; primetvrs. $5.Âi ta $5.35; shippng stears. $4.85 to 87.l5; buLch- t-rs' ster-es, $4.50J to $5; ti .$3.75 m» $4.75; cows, $3 ta $4.U0, butte. ý.îZio Lu$4.0; fteders. $4 to $4.50; stueke-i-s, -i50 lu$4o stuck tnlfr.$2.75 ta t i'k suerr (-.i1-,- es, $4 1, 4. xI-; e xti-,i fu ,- 1',c ois s a n sytumîgýers st' dy,; utters, -to t 3per hea'd I e;gou od Lu ebte. $ojU lu s-medimi ta good. $35 ta $15: comnmon. $215 ta$SM. ' e u s R e c ip t . 1 0 0 lt e -i d _c l ow en lip9. $6.50) lu $tu.7,');cumonmtu lu gud, $4.50 i i ; tu lles-1tceips i'(tO eadu ac- 1 Lieu; pigs, Sc lu 10c itgtn tuihers Sa to lue l(i ; tir-i-y. $u3fj o a $ 0 . few $7; m u- . $1ý90; Yurt-. - ; su tu o , pig s, Iutu o $7; rutighs, t,75 Lu $: stag S, $5 tO $5.2 S ie ep a) d an iL Re(ips.19,70 tut- 0; ative, -2)e Lu _15ce t;iter, top iambs, $7. u;0 b $770: unils lu gui). $i7 lu $750; >t i 'o gs. $375 Lu$05,. w,,s. e15 uu $5.25; 1u-top nixed, $525 Lu $550; culls 10 gout. $2 lu $5.15. Chicago Live Stock. Chlu'ago, May 11.-Caille - Receipîs. 25,- 000; smaady ;cios- slow; god to prime steeîm.; $5.10 to $5.u0; feur r l medium, $4 tu $510; stockons .nd fe-d-s. $3 ho $4.7; cuws. $150 to 4.5; heimnnmu. $..50 to $5; cannons, 1.50 ta $275; bmuits. $250 10 4.50. eal-es. $250 ta $6; Texas ir-d steens. $4 te ;4.75. Hogs-Reehpis tuu-day, 42,000; ta- munrow, 20000; lefi oxer, Me.30; tota20o lowen; mixed and buciis. 36.45 to $6.714 good tu chalce. $6.70 tu $6.1-j; rough heavy. t$G-50 to $6.65; liglit. 36.30 Lu, $6.55: buik ot sles at 6.55 lu $670. Sheep-Receipts lOm;sheep steady ta 15e7 loweru lanbe stm amxg to a stiade Iiigher; good 10 choie* wei n(ýs, $13- 105.85; tain ta choice mixe4, .0ta -.5;-naive mbs -L50-735.L r- k uot steady; Nuo. 1 standard (_atlifoirua4 r cental, Us 81/d htu (s bd Walla, 6s b',44 )6s 7d; No. 2 red Nvimîer, 6.4 1/ýd tu U ,d; No. 1 nontheux Manitoba, no stock; tiares nominal; may, 6as 5,ýd nominal; ity, 6s 41/4d nominual. Con, spot weak, lxed Amenican, per contai, now, 4s 7 :4s 8d; futures nominal; -May, 4s t;iâd ominai; June. 4a -. nominal; July. ils 47/sd uminal. Flour, Minuneapuolis, 20s bd ta 2s. Liverpool-Close-Wheîtt, spot steady; io. 1 standard California, pr ncqntal, de. Ld ta 6s 9d; Walla, 6is 61/d lu 6s 7d; No. red winter, 6is 11/d tu 6s 4t14d; No. 1 inithen iManitoba, nu stock; futures teady; May, 6s 510d value; July, 63 4144~ blue. Corn, spot weak; inixed Amenictx. >r cental, new, 4s id Lu 4,s Sd; fut, -s .iiet; May, 4a 6d value; July, 49 ,aue; July, 4a 4%d value. Flour, Minrie- Lpolis, 20s 9d to2g. Londor, May 11.-~Openng-VWheat, 0i% )assage, quiet and sleady uM'alla red and 'hite, passage, 30s 7iA_àd paid; LaPlata, o.r.t., uteani, fine, Mardi. ,6s dpld o tulling Vtesse1. Wheat, pancel No. 1 north- ,r Duluth, just salled. 30s 6d pald. Corn. i passage, quiet m.id steady. Monday's odian shipments as b r-uito10 United. King- on, 312,000 busher-t tocontinent, 32.004J ushels. Monday's Danubian shIpinents. iheat. 992.0W0hushets; -n. 704.000 bush- ýls. Weathe-r ln Englard eiloudy. Russiau ghipmerts, -wheat, 2.812.000 bu9hels; con., W1,000 bushele;. Englisb country wheat uiankets of <74aurday cieady. iondon--C iose-Numben of cargoes of wheat walting at outports offered for Baie. t'-.,ee. Whent. on, passage, buyerml Indifferent operatorsu LaPlata. f.o.r.t., stearn, passage. 2,4c ilfl paid. above aver- age quality; April. ris 9d paid;. five par- ce]-, No. 1 hard M-fý-itlrha.MnY. BOS 44,d )ald; shtpmenl mWlin a week. 309 6d par; pnae 20s 9M raild. (Corn. on pas- sage. quieter and lu-,rtlly any demnard. Corn. parcel mt.xed Arnentt-an, passage, 2U. md patd. and shlpment wltliin a week, 19s 71hd pald. Mark Lare Miller ,,akt-let for- eign finmer nt an tlontof 4M;du Fng- Ohs firront nI nv"r f Ad. Con .Amn- erican bettur dem ,nl it fîmlen rates: Dan- uiutnn .teidv. TlIor. A'neicin fInm, wtt ai tain-rm-: rr-ttI fn. Aritwerr, MI- l-iuc' tea. t etmady 1S~mf Cra. ar-t Amu-ri<can .n1-'red. 21f14 re F Qir -ot ttu )utli 5f Çqe Mi y 25f"O:~'nnî ,t ,Septembeor and Ppu'pmten 51f '_25c. Weath- er n InFrnmi cl1'Iv Frenech country' Pnni"-Ccs ,~'-ft. t tIr flrm MmrV. 7r. 1"loxr. f -rp i"' r-s.lit 95e, Sep- temnber andIPun1e.1f~s. Railwav Conductors' Conv ention. Pittsbt M N-ay îx.-Deegates tlu the bienîxial convention of tht Order of Railway Conductors of America, Can- ada and Mexico, vit'iclî opens here ta- mnorrow, art arri,-; îg on tvery train. The convention ivill open to-morrow afterroon, and will continue at oîd City 1Hall ten days. About Soo dele- gates are expected. Tht Ladies' Amuxi- -iary will meet in anotherhall. il 't k' f k Thei its d( one i attac imagyt onak victu ti h ci a ".c 't-ha Wh) evex noW anti List TI trac une; you "1 not, An(' -Firm cari Somt trou say son ina - nt a' ia o n( in11 -by Do -afh ithi .................................................. t7-; The! The Smii ties say the tnakes are o erar= Ilved t,6 bi "No othE là so much for the rai zona," say the inount beavy yell SOU is go I a snake cai ly be perc uway. Th sandy eàrl of sma.ll bi mounta in binie to rita regiïon on( There are rattlers in &long the waistes9. 'I and it is( Of rattiels vith four "Hog-nc ~b Ii the 'm .After alil this le th( f amily ,wm mound. " lanv say týhat Texu±s,'Ni are1f reallî Theiy are encour<t ex caily be- F7lashes( der, whii quadrupe these me 'Whenev e enakes c( behind- r( joy the 'VL'he c tremend( It is CI-e like the it glides. a rranged closely i a whip. ba.s tren forms it uable o>t When 1 1 was t hia fit by a mo man sa wife wa threw j -ihe cot -to do r ground, nin g U ,eas v x coa;eh v reptle' irnal. -a ginninç "Do powe r "Yez 'Cunate -sw tratioi ci na-te. grouinc - gophet out of larIl

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