ASeaman Under Arrest for Taking Them;. -Lon-don Authorities on the Crimina!s' Track. Robbery Took - Place Overý Three Years Ago, London, Juty 25.-Liht s len thrown upon tbe tiief t o! the pite- les@ Nelson rel-es from the Greenwich IFainted Hall more than three and a haI! Ye&rs agO. There are reason- "lel grouinas tor trie liellef that the mUYtcry wdl tiortly be cleared up, .and ttuat some, at any rate, ai tlie Ibiitoi'le treasurers wlli ba ireeo%em-ed. ' he Police have lu custady a seamnan 11V110 (ldmit.s the possessionu of!Nel- I40o's Watch, 4ind seal, but declines 10te itatc w-iice the articles are ta be found. 1 0O, i1.e nîglit ai December SI 1900, thI Palnted Hiall at Greenwlcu i-las- pital wa. e etered, the glass case con- taîlng Ille Ne-Son relies smashed, -and thle contents rcmaved. 'No trace .Was left by the thieves, who taak £Lway witlu tîeni- a gold wateb pre- scnted ta Nelson by the Marclt*oness Cr£)Vieçà tmutisteu-, ami enamel portrait, two gold sword ilits, seveuu medals, and a gold box cont-ining tîhe iree- dom af thecicty of Londan, prescnted tu thie great Admirar in 1797. The Xtrst,-definite news ai the ex- liitencc of! mre ai the stolcu relies waî, obtatncd ln a letter reccived ta- wNard the end or last Marcli by the autlaoritlcs of- the British Museumi, dntcd firn the Sln'Home, AMcl- boumne, and ralgncd "Eýucalyptus." -Carter, the n.aiîi s custady, w-as aclamttedly the ivriter. In titiis let- ter lie sald "Smr-I believe you were relieved - some y'ears aga of theîe cus tody ai Lard Nelson's relies. Amang the relecs was Nelson's watch. 1 arn led ta belleve that I lhave the identicrul watch In my possession. 1 w-ill tell .you liow I came by it. Some tinue ago a sallor accosted itte iin Flinder street. Ilie appearcd ta bc in an in- toxicatcd state. He said lie w-as inaa pennîlesa condition. I gave hiib a shilling and bld tim good-b.yc. Ilrce ditys after I saw him laafiîug araund thec dock-s. I asked bkmý if lic lîad any ldea ai the time. lie said lie liad a watch, but It w-as fiat in ivarking order. "H "cprodnced thc w-atcb for îny Inspection. 1 asked hlm il lie %islied to dispose of it. Hie said no, lie would flot part witli it under any considcratlon. This acted as a. boit tp my cav-etousness. I w-as detenmin- çat.4U-get It. With thuat purpose iii vIew I1 pled hlm freely w-lthî liquar. "Hle .udmitted titat he liad been toanne:,cted witli saune daning tlteftR in EnrgInnd and Ln Ae ilIe bgan 'woman holding a snake- in lier iglît biand extend~Id. If ailli te boya Mliould tally with the ha)st relies you -%vll kindly let me knovv. Yui wii - address communications to 'Etia- Iý ptuis, General Postoffice,. M ,1- Ibourne, to be called for. I expeet tâ ,receive a fair reward if it eiuould be thue rlght one. 1 r"SJuoiild you led iîîclined ta get it bnck rwtl,out undue publicitj- and thie best Nw'ay is tlirouglu' tîte curtor or head af thte MJ-boiîmae #d'useurn. By ending a fulîl descrip- ktia-n oi the relies and aï promise riot ta prosý-ecute, witli £100, ta tie di- rectot' oi tle museuu. lhe will pro- bably e;Ive 1t) back. Your# sinoer-ely, O n Minday last Carter toak lodg- ir.4s ut a hanse la Victoria Dock road. w1iere lie staycd sonme years lîu4ga. -lknday niglît lie spenit away f rom thte house, but retmirned arn qTuiiesday mnornîng. On W'dnesday 'e, ning lie informed lus laridlady ha lit d be-on to the BritishuM i'n.and o4'. F.riday le presenteïl hiii&f ati &uootland Yard, and niad-. a state-i ment.! Inspector -Arraw ltitia r-i .,reste.dhLim. amd on Satîirdanv lie1 remanded bu- the sli-eemîwicuî ~hLstrate for a we-ck. ~~ uthe nouirftueofai luittate'niant .Carter sa-id tliat the vtei n -j eeia! were in lis bz4ggage, at Vitoria D 1ock road, and t1iat aoneaif tte #Loien moedale lue had seen in the pa>s-- ,oession of the m-an fromu whom he got the wateh. and ho knew thatj ,aman tn Melbourne had te gold t n17ufI box. FRe aImoarnied tiiur tiei ."WL. [eveL- been in G:ýeenwic1 lu Hn-. toi(I mort, Carter was e]iitrg -d1 lie said Yin aro'd prove ami alibi, a,; lic I-il A-heil for \uîstr.aia i 99 l la or! jijated tlîat if lia ýw-as prouse-. tît>L gle arties >vouull' vrbe 1,gnorei! '7ou~ kii' The Easiest Way. Wlcn duty Ld ivlat did yan (la w-hen vomir n.. t-told youu you wouuld lhave ma qut I a corset nid aive iii) su acte ?" 1 te %tfor anotîter doctor." I, t borrow more than you need if pect tQPayvit baILck J iunday gehool, INTERNTIONA LESÃ" NNo. V. JULY 31,1904. Omri and Âhab.-I Kings 18:13 -33. Comentary.-I. The reign, characte and death of Omri (vs. 23-28). 23. Bega: Omri-No acount is taken here of th four years he was contesting the kin8 dom with Tibai. From 'verse 15 we se that hie reign muet really have begui ini the 27th year of Asa's reign, he begai to reign alone. Twelve years-This i supposed to, include the whole time of hi Yeign-fou= years with Tibul and eigyh years, alone. There is, however, a dif fer ence of -opinion as to the chronology herE In Tirzah-He reigned six years in Tir zah a.nd six in Samaria. >24. The hilI Samaria-The palace o Tirzah being in ruins, Omri, ini selectini the site of his royal residence, was flat uraily influenced by considerations boti of pleasure and advantage. In the cen tre of a wide amphitheatre of mountaja' about six miles from Secbem, rises L'T oblong hli with steep, yet accesbibl aides, and a long flat top extendingy eacl and west ,And rising five hundred or si-) hundred feet above the valiey. Wbti Omri probably built as a mere palatia' residence, became the capital of the king- dom, instead of Sechem. The choice ol Omri was admirable in selecting a posi- tion whidh combined stren.gth, beauty and fertility.-Stanley. Shenier-The leb- rew form is Shomer. Two talents-About $3,320.-Terry. This was a large sum foi those days. Sainaria continued to be t1ie capital of the northern kingdom u.ntil Schalmaneser carried away Israel iuta Assyrian captivity. 25. Ei-il .... worse than -il-le was worse than th2 iwickeed kings %vho lad reigned before him. "He ivent farther than they had gone in èstablish*ng iii- quity by law, and forcing bis Lsubjecls to comply with him in it; for wve iia in Nlicah vi. 16, of the 'statues of Gmri' the keeping of wbich made fsriel a to lation."-Iienry. 26. Made Israel ta Éin- Note- the power of a wicked lif2: 1. it is the more dangerous w-lien associatcd with material prosperitv (Y. 024). 2. It trans- forme a king into a tyrant (vs. 2-5, 26). 3. It is the less inexcusable in a man of valor and capacity (v. 27). 4. It entails suffering and woe on succeeding' genera- tions.-Barlow, 27. And bis might-It appears that lie stood well in the armv. for it wvas in the camp that lie vas elected to the tbrone, yet in bis relation to Jehovah lie stood worse than any of bis predecessors andlw-as fartbest from God. A man mav be skilfîîl and useful to bimseif and others in aIl material and w-orldly things, whiie in spiritual and divine tbings leie orks onlv miscbief and destruction. Wltat .witlioit religion is so-called civilizationLn. 28. Omri slept-He died a nattural dcath. IL The reign and eliaracter of Ahab) (vs. 29-33). 29. Ycar of Asa-Asa, saw six kings of Israel btîried. Ilegan Ahah -Mýorer particiulars are recorded of Ahiab than of anv of the ailier kings -of Israel. 30. Did evil. .. . above aIl lie even ex- ceeded tlie iniquity of Lis w ickced father. 31. A iigbt thing-lle flot onlv broke the second coinnma nd nient by introdue- ing, false gods, but lie bro1ke be first a1s> by bringing in heathiiuIlcities. Jezebel --Onue of the worst citaractLers mention(,( in the seriptures;. She îîsedý cverv effort to cstablish i(lolatrv in >Samnaria and exterminate thîe voîs]iip of od. 1Pro- phet and People Ner-e ciiîiiIed ta lîidc from the storin of lier wvrath. ler in- fluence 1as ala-po--efuilfeit r in JudalT. .A.1 1 Nwere exlîibited on a grand scale, witiî accompanimeîîts of ali kirids music, statutarv, proce-sion of rabcd priests, victiins,' incerise, banids of fan- atics mworked np to frcnzv by religious excitement, and tic like. Astarte'ý ein- bleme vere erected, and liconise Nv ais gil-en, under Ca' er of bier tvoir:.ilp, ta the grossest licentiaus cxcess.'- hawvli- son. 33. Made a grave "The Asliirali." -R1" V. This was an image to represent the female divinity, of which Baal wvas the nmale. Did move-Ahab actually wor- sbiipped these heathen deities, and crusit- .d out the true religion. We eau Le guilty of no greater sin than ta rejeet God and the ralvation lie bias providcd tbrougyhIlis- Son. See John iii, 19, 36i. PRACT1C.,.L SUVEY. In our reviewv of the rapid. decline ai lsrael ta tbe culmtination li itsut t-r î((,-e ,5tructiffl ie Ipaitîýe at the ellalter bevaiu ed -LUmri anid Ahab" for a ;,linip~e 4)f tbe nebelliaus nation. W'hat piettîres <la t.bese naies bring- before auir eyes-pîr tut-es of moral degrandatiin, iicttires af crueity, pic'tures of cxtre.iie sttjpiditv! Like danger signais (lad has Y-et tuie stary oýf theze two kings in the records, ta w-arn otiiers of le-trîutlion at tu etend of the wvay -of Otnr ami Aliîat. Fram thie orthodax .Jewish, families wba lad revoltedl under Jeroboii blas iuow sýpruîing a generatian of idolatprs. t niav have been "broad-nîiindc1p' for Oruti to reco-nize tbe good in ail reli- gions. but it 'vas short sýig-ht4ed enoingh for iiin ta overiook ail the evils aof idol- atry and ta rear in biis bomne sucli a profligate son as Aba h. Idoiati-v marks its de> otees w itiî crueit.v. 'l'lelbous~e af Jeroboam bas beýen comîpleteiy blorted ont; the btouse of Ba-aslia. vas ptut ta deatlî Elah li vs t-.i-sintsatcd;Zinîri Comniit ted suicide. îlothluOni andi Alia Aha.b m-ere criiel ta tlîose w-ho stood in tbe w'av of their ambitions. Idolatry fîîrther deg-radcs the itor-als af its vie- tims. Selfistiesanthte sensnouts in- fluences oi Ashtoretb bave brougrlît dovn ta moral degradatiori hotu tiiese men wlio are chief among God's people. Nit whia't persistcrit stupidlity did thesé two kings ptîrsîîe tîeir w-ickpil practicc-s! «Vith titter disregard for the rreqtîent inst.ances of tlie execution of God's w-at-h and in the face of lis -ot- repe-ated warnings did they causqe Is- reel to sin. Wit:_ whý.t stupidity .'did A GERMAN SENSATION. Developments la the Trial ai Social-Dem- ocrats at Konigsberg. Konigsberg, Juilv 25.-Ac ycsterdav's Fssion ai tic court which, ou July 1-2, began the trial ai the seven 'Social Deinoruts nccused at thte inistanîce ai the Russian Gav-eri-nî ai ofsmuiggling An- archistie litenature imta Rus-la, the tes- tiniany gîven show cd thiat so i lte -pjanmphlets in que>tion appealesi otahie armny, nrgimîg ic -asidiers ta disabey itue co'inand ta fîmc uipenthie poptulatce. The deferice, netur the cia'- of Ithe ses- s-in, caused n sensationu bv - niayiîg ta stuuîîmaa Mavon 1etkîiff. of Sofiau. a tornu- er lZussian dragoiii in lBulgamtia, 'lmîd Ille editor of a S-ofia mewsjiapu-r. in or- dem ta prove tlîat UieItusiamu (lvera- mienît Lad been keeping agi-uts in thue Lal kans simue P-S81 ta incite the people agains t the ntîIems. 'Flte defenca eitc lia uro>-e thimotîgIt tii irassthe h i~-ia s mespat liiilvfor te itamurden if Xing Alexanuder a nd tlit emer ii, I. 'Stamnbuiefi, in onder ta d-an- Illie -ori- i-I tuba tlat Ruis- is îîtat iviiized State having iglît cf inartection ta Ger- wian cuns 'rTe court tooe thte matter mnder con- .>motliîcrsensa Ilin v5 -as cui b>- v a t clegrani frointt lue 1-'migri (fi lue s-t2itiîtg i bat a tr met lvbotwen eaiis-ia nul t G-r- lnan ~ i~i~JPa mii raph 260 of tua nus- pamagr;tphî eers te puinittucîtrt for higlu t ieasonaituia t for(i-n jot cittates. -îî Nmuva-l 1-ia»îîta ;ipliv oui>- m ler- a Imeat > exp1 icitl *vpaidi wi-- 'l'ie rie»sp;ipers are depant iîg ifront thle m u prat t i ut- ii m ie fav>oid iîg cdi- t aria I caimmien ttnt rthiais ]ntrogn-ss. A iti iiber levai e ]i u i tgarnicales toaIlite I lie pati nfliii itpres - ion ma;îde on tIlie puîb- l. iiii ni Lv thlie di zcio-.iî e oaItic ni-la- lionns ex sîn i ig iiwrni-nthei-iti i and; tt Coinai mi (vi- rî îî- i t s. 'Tli 1<-t imnitv b noltg lit Ouit Iti- facti-tha t t1licRuts-situa' liitlassY nrt Bili gave tIlie courmt at l\aiigs-ui-m itt-Oute and iiilcading tuuîasiatiî uls- f t--aisof tue litissitin jetiai coda. >lvteeas thrc ctirt*q experts >t1upiv tule ii--mg IlrWanus, wicihi gi >e an ci imel'>v iffet-enut ;eiT. he National Z(Ietmig cx pni-ý-4i îaze-nîcnt. andih te 'Iaégehatt Sas i \exîets the cote %>ill seau Le dii-atissed. PACKERS' STIIE - ENDED. Che Ccntnou-ers-; Will Be Suhmitted ta Arbmtrationi. ( riepaourat: "ie s-Irike o a jiac- iîîg liouse etipla>' ces, LÃi-git iîîe a da-* u o v', id w lia os îlentita iized thle try mxwas sîttledl itene ti-inglit ut nacati- ici -uce Lb-t\mu-cen mipre-oua t imes of Itle luknstic liP-lut iis cf tlite Niat Cul- 1te'-s' Untion and ofneelaiys ai althe ailicîl Irtuthes elipla 'vîl at the Stock yards. Ii cwhloe catît no et-s- w-I li e u-uîbiuitted ta a board ai anbitritioii bath >idles egre(-i!g te a bide Lv w hutte> er de- cior, t lus board ia v reutul. l'eudiuig thte decisian ai the arbitra- t iuni board, the mtetn w iii Letakîen L:ek ta w-omk ns- rapidi *v ns- possible Lx- the putekers, and il is agtci v thle p'aekers tlîat ail aif._e oai (-itpi ces are ta Le reiîîstatcd Wlthlit fort* v-fiva davs fromît the data wark is rcs-urt;.ed. If' niyoa the former eîîîpiayeu-s are stiI umeni- pio'-d at the expimutiî ititttt s-udt persots na-e ta hiave the priuiicge ai submuitimig tlteir casîes ta the arbi- truition board for sptticinetit. The stnikers wvill etîrtm a onk ns taon ns tlîay cati lie natificdoaithue peareable adjîîs-îment oaiOthe trouble, and it is expectcd thiat by Fridav monu- ingi eve rxtlting 'uill blin lunormal shape at ailthe pltants in thta different cities wbhere the enuplovees are or strike. OLPESFC~1Y iE they turn fromn the gradle@of _Cod to, ask help at the #,qii1xes -f0'i e I=nge45 Of cal-v6s! low; blind je lie wlao ees reward and punislJment, approbation"ed revenge. in the lande of a dumb image or in wigh-soundjjrg'Iws of nature,' ià t. who las noe Y«e to see tne hand of-thé AlmÃŽghty, wlich metes out justice and Mercy.- Retribution is sure to follo 'the-wick- ed. By promises of a less rigidt govern- mient, by thc advantages cf his paÃitioii and by lis reai menit as a general iJêro- boam mighe win the hearts'of the peo- pie and be popular for a time, but de- struction came to every memiber of hie family. God turned hlm over for de- jstruction to those more wickedl than hixnself. ]3aasha, Elah, Zimri, Onmri and Alab milgît be sucessfuliy seated on thej throne, but what list of names could better show the foolislness of attempts to f igît against God and yet escape hie punishments ? It may -be that Omri's -,isdom couîd postpone for a tirne God's judgments neyer grow weary ini their pursuit af thc wicked. Omri was wicked but Ahab was more wicked; Omri ierved idois but Aiab served Baal with zeal. "Ahab did more ta provoke the Lord of Israel that went before him." Not oniy uines of kings but famille;3 go f rom immortality to wickedness and from wickedness ta greater wickedness until divine justice is meted out and the iamiiy name is blot- ted out. Wliat a iessan should the father who is wrecklcss leara from Omri and his more wicked son ! When the records are made shaîl they not surely rend, "The father was wicked but the son was worse than the father 7" This story of from lad ta worse wouid be end- iess. and every father would be a ink la thc endless clinin ai despair but for the gospel of Christ, which may break tbe dham and start even the most wick-- ed famiiy on the upgrade. Let thnt gospel speedily rend tC.e fatlers of our land for our nation is¶%n danger. Tle worst crime witl which the wick- ed Ahab is dliarged is tInt le married Jezebel. As a iight thing the king oi God's people las deiiberately cluosea as lis wife this idolatrons woman. Solo- mon 's strange wives brouglit sin with tbem, but Je7ebel did more ta corrnpt lsrael than ahl Soiomon's court. TIe cînrms of Jezebel are stili the snare af the voung men -who lave the brigltest hlopes. A sain(.lv mother in Israel once siid: "Our vou ng preaclers make the w-orst mistakes in the chloice of wives of anv class of mcn on eartî." God deliver onr youni g mca from tbe snares ai the modemn Jezebcl! Clark W. Slay. held theentine anton n li rae:q $120 Ibay. The sberifý's force wvas sumrnoned from Lewiston. Pierce, a ft er shooting his wife tbree tîmes, barricaded himiself in tbe upper portion of bis bouse, and tbrougb tbe closed shutters annaunced bcie vould kill the first officer ta set foot on his premises. His miother was aiiaw-ed ta pass in and ont of the bouse at will, but lie wonid not permit ber near tbe death chamber. Ile reqncsted bis Ira- tber-in-iaw, Clins. 'MeGasten, ta came ta, the hanse ta talk regardirig the disposi- tion of certain personal effects, and be asked Fred 'Messier, an undertaker, ta care for bis wife's remains. but botb at first refused ta camne until Pierce had been taken pnisaner. Later Pierce was throw-n off bis guard liv Undertaker Messier, vwha ofinialv con- sented ta enter the bouse and prepare the body of Mrs. Pierce for burial. Offi- cers tben rnsbed in and raptured Pierce, who is believed ta be inisane, aiter a de-perate fight. Thev wvere forced ta clîlorofonîn hlmi. TWO FAMILIES DISRUPTED. Fred. Crecd and Mrs. Alexander, of To- ronto Missing a MIonth. Toranto, .Jtii'v 2.75-lt is Dot often that the quietude of Toronto is broken bv sncb an affair as an clopinient, but at the present tinie tîhe east end is dîscnss- ing'c thle elopeinent (if 1red. J. Creed and Mrs. llobcrt G. Aic\aîtidîr. _Mr. Creed re- sidcd at 367 Parliarnent street. mvhere lie condticted a bicyc.le rep)air shap, with bis Nvife and 7- xecr-aiddaclnliter. 'Mrs. Alexander lived at '356 i errard street east, witli lier iius1band antd son of 8 x-ears. tot1i faîtilies appearcd ta be very li.p1tý- inuit il about a vvar a go, Nwlîe1n the iieiglibors iioticcd tliat Creed anid Mrs. Aleiatder Eeetined ta Le very fond af cacii atimer. Jîîst anc month ago ysed- the eau- ple lcit tîteir boimes and have flot been seen siîîee. No one knowvs wliere thay Nvent, Lut is wvell kriown titat tiex- leit together. The detectives have beca ask- cd ta locate the ciapers. Mrs. Crced. since ber iiu3bririd lias gane, lias loeked herseif ini the banse, clased ilie store, antd refuse ta be corn- fartcd. -Mr. Alexarnder. vý hi-is a painter Lv trade, aiso feels bis conuditioni, anîd ucinses ta ualk regaiding bhis Nwife's nioventents. Baynton Seventh in the Duke of Cambridge. Bisley Camp cable: lu the coatest fan the Kirig's Pnize a-t the annuai mccl- 'ing aif the Natioaal Rifle Association yesterday, the bronze medal was won by Sergt. Walker, of thec'Northumaberland Fusiliers, with a score ai 101. Among VIhe Canadians, Corp. MeGnegor, S'-gt, Crowe and Pte. Bavatari ecdl scored 96; Pte. J. W.Smith 95; and 'Major Moore and Pte. Perry 94 each. The bronze medal is aw-arded for the highest aggregate score in thie first stage ai tbe conte-ýt for thc King's Prize. Tiueme wcie three counts ai 100, aine ai 99, tN-cive oai1)q. anid tw-antv ai 97. Canadians made- the foilowing scores at the 1500 yards a-id 600 yards rarigas: Pte. A. Bavalon, 4StIt. ..-.. -Capt. Il. C. Blair. Trima.... ... ... Capt. J. Cro>ve.Guelpht....... ... Staff-S'-gt. C. R. Crawe. Guielph .... Cln-g.W. Il. Dam ilon, lst P. Capt. R. D)illon, WltitLv.... ... ... Laitue(-Sgt. W. G. 1-awlcr, 121hi, To- Ciilor-Sgt. A.. Gardner, 1Slierltro-.)ke S gt. W. Coiiiu. Gltelli..... ... ... Pite. .1. G. tatuiua. bi-bec..... ('amp. R1. IeGm egor. G. (G. F. G. Miajor W. 1P. Maure. tGeongetowvn .-.- Sgt. T. ?Miurtiîien. 1lti...... 1)teP. J. Penny. 1). C'. 0. R,. \aiK-aver P'te. (C. S. ,Scou tt a-m . ....i. P'tc. Neil Sîîîith. ... ...a.t 1't e. IL vrlot!,t........... ... Pi c. 1T. Wasl tiin. ti .. .. ... ('olor Sgt. \\iii. 1:,t. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sm-ail Sgt. la e...... ......... Cea Yarde. Bl air ............. ......... 2 Staff Sergl. (tronce.... ..........3 Dauvids-ou--------------------------.. . . 2S Gardner .. ........... ............. 2 Mortiunem-------------------------32 Suat---------..... .......... 24 Pamltîll... .... ............ .....26 Wiii1...... .......................18 amul---------------------------....29 IMuîGre-'or . ... .... ..... ..... .. 34 .Nloore...............29 env....... .... ...... ........29 Westian--------------28 Nineîv--six canipetitorq wiith scores ai "2, aven thete uîec dis-tautu-es. vill shoot for 54 places l inc i 300 xvliiashoot in muae secol dstage eîtieuaKiutr's Prize. Duke af Cambridge. In the Duke ai Canibnidge, tan abats at 900 yards, thua Cailadiati. put an ltae foliawiii" scores: Buuyito ....-....-....-....-....--45 B lat ir . . . . . . .' . . .. . . 39 Ç-apt. T. Cmawe .............. .....39 Sumg. . R. Crovc----------------35 Pjlien----------------------------39 Foi\v»1vr---------------------------.33. ( ;nrie.. ...... .. ...............42 Moore..... ......................43 Si-tt-----------------------------.35 '1>v i-ms----------------------------43 Wilh .... ......... ..... ...........27 YGouiile........ .. ..... ... ...... Sitith---------------------------43 Penny----------------------------.41 Corporal N1cGregor netimed fionu thea nattcli. Tha forl4ow-iitg tuke prizes : 13a-m-ton seventit, £4; Tyems 22Mu . Moore, 25tliî Smiîhî i 201h. Bayies- 3thi. Goiid 39t1u and Gamdner 43mui. ecd get £2-. Ina tIc "All Comers,' Aggregatc" Carp. MýeG'regor ai Ottawa, took 33rd placc, %vinning £2. Staff-Sergt. Crow-e w-as 56thî, and alto w-on £2. The "AlI-Comers' Agg-rcgate"' inclndes tiie Alexandra, the Daiiy Graphîic, Daiiy TJelegraph and the Graphic. It covers thue 200, 500 and 600 yard ranges. Wý7ith a score aif48.mule by cight hula and two inners, Pnivate Penny ai thc Canadian tean, won fourth pnize ai £6 la the secretanv ai state for w-ar competitian, a tan-s-bot match at 900 yards. Baylcs n'on the cightcantî prize, Ivers tiha twcrity fins-t and Smith the twcaty-tluird, cach ai £2, witl score ai 46. In the range corapetition at 500 var4 Capt. Crowe la 201h, winning £1, e J. Ferry 37t1. 4s. la thc 600 yards com- petitionr, Saff-Sergt. BayieB is 4th and AProninent So Iuthem lady,' Mrs. Blanchard, of Nashville, Teon., tells how she was cured of backache, dizziness, painful, and irregular periods by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " DEà zu Mime. Pnnxcn.&z- Gratitude compels me to ackaawledge the great menit of your Vegetable Compound. 1 baviE uff ered for four years wlth ir- regular and painful menstruation, PIso dizziness, pains in tle back and lower limbe, and fitful sleep. I dreaded the time to came which would only mean stuffeing ta me. " Better health le ail I wanted, and cure if psible. Ly'dia E. Pinkr- hamn's VOegetable Compound brougIR me health and ha ppines in a few short montha. I teed like another persan now. My aches and pains havçe leit me. Life secins new and sweet to me, and everything seeme pleaant and eas-v. " Six bottles brought me hes.lth, and n'as worth more than inonths under the doctar's care, wbich really did not benefit me at ail I arn satisfied tIere is no medicine no goad for sick women as your Vegetable Compound, and 1 advocatc it to my lady fniends in necd of mnedical help"- MRs.B. LÂ- CHÂiRD, 422 ]Broal St.LaiI, Ten. 0'SO forfait If original of abone 1 I od glaun cuant bda prodaoad British CatI le Mtarket,@. Londion, Juiv 23-Cattie are steadv at 13 1-2 ta 1W per lb.; refrigeratar be-i 11 3-8 ta il11-2e; uiîep 1ta 12c, dress- cd weigbht. The Ch eese Markete. Watentown, N Y.. July 23".--Cheese sales 9*00 at 7 1-4-c for lai-ge. Landau. Ont.. July 23.-lucre ivere 1,- 325 boxes aierad Lv cigît fact-ories a-t -thcenmarket ta dia x; sales, 220 at 7 1-:2e, 130 at 7 9-16e. Cornwail, Juiv 23. - la-day '2.042 ,cheese were boarded, 1.042 wbite and 1.000 colored -,ail sold, wh-ite at 7 1-2e, et-lonetl at 7 3 Se. Bellev-ille. Jîiv 23.-To-dav 40 facta- ries offered 2.785 -ivhlt-e and* 30 coplored clîcese; 71-2 bid for total (fferiag; 7,7.30 s-aid on inankýet; balIance sold on street at 7 1-16c. Alexanridia. Jîîlv 231.-la-day 1,4S0ý boxes w-ere listetl. 1.110 whiite, 370 col- oresi; ail sais ,-i.iie at 7 1-2c, colareil at 7.3-Se. Sailes: J. . \ IcGre-or 4071 boxes; J. A. Wal.sIl. 604; J. A. NIdllae, 353;J. W. Weegar 116. Canton. NY.Jumir 23.-Butter 17 3-4c, chie-se, twvias, 7 1-2e. Toronto ILive Slack ]Marke-tp. Pecccipts ai live stick wcrc 10 car ioads, 21 -atttie, 836 legs, 125 sheep and lanibs. and 1 c;îlf. Thlere was littie litsiriess trarisacted witli the cexeelul ian of îiogsz . oai w tlieh '\n. IHarris Loligbt SI:t6 at naichanged q1uoa;tions. Pi lueos ini ather cla-se's w cre nî~i! Expon er~(2tobe. xell-finis-hed. lai exportr-rs are w ortb $5 ta $132,5 ', 'Expontt ils-Choire export litîlîs sold nt $3t.75 teu4;medimnitu I 3..)Ota 33 ENport cous 1>iues rniged tram $3.50 ta S3.S5 lier cwrt. ltutcler<lAiieepcIked ',of aibfflch- cr-u'. <qualinlaqrtulit.v ta best exportans. 1.100 ta 1.200 llt eut-lt. rsud at 8ý4.75 louitis ai good at $4.25 ta 84ý-.50; ritdiiini. au '4 ta $4.25;* coma-tlon at $25ta $350: rouiguu and infemior utl, 75ta $25per cw.t. Fe-'ders-Feedems w;lit from 950 ta 1.050) iLs, ai faim (Ita 1hu. sold au $4 ta ,$4.23 per ewt. Sîouarc-~..haT ei.îlîlng.rcaNves sold i S3.25 ta 35; osî rdsarid ofi- ciaors soid at'$2.75 ta zo.50, accandin" ta (filr alit y. \111l i-hcow- NIil i t osanu~d uncr sold nt frautu tome< ShIee1uE ;tt,. ' &Ia t $ 6te $i.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~1 7. x~a$tt 33per Spniie a nu rPes .i:ued mom$2.75 ta0 $4.25 cutuIt. Il-tu- lt usfor '-tri muit lu tautsfi-il am ' tt Simm')e-540 lier cmvt, and 0-5.15 fer(1ort1 i utt;if.,tîs. Vîa Y u1 -s huiuis rmut id rom $2 ta $ au-h.and $50to "S,-l'en civt. 13radstrecets oui Trade. la Nialnt reai - tue holiday sens-on is u1it.kitg theî m ue-ia traIe a utIle qit. o)u-lu-s for- the f.u hire f-,ki.ilv iiuicreuî u,ý;nul w cl disînributed ini van- iouus îlcpartutenuîs cf wlîolesa-le business. Crop reporus fron the xvest are favor- able on the x 'l'l. Tiae, st continues ta Ltiv iibc-i.iiiv. The coluditions ai tmade aI Natraire souni andlthe outiook for the fuiil is ceneouruugiug. TorontaomuhuIcýla-raIe F; prettv w-cii liqtî-ibuttel. Fall arders bookesi so f-tr are -ati sfactor - . \aItics af stapie goals ira firuti. \ iiisdean-r. 'J'lue deuianu rmiilthe luittes-tiu mîillis, t-oc, is Latter. -o-iig ta tha scariil>-oaitua local slip- plias andl Cie lîlgiier prhies. Remittanees araeta -pt . ilygou uithue manient. Ia Victori-iandal urioime whalesmle trurde is Ltuaui d thie otitlcs)ok is promis- ing. Tue detuansi iroi-u luilaior Proviun- ci trtule centresle gocul, andl an lu- creascul îemuaud fronithtîe norîli is cx- peeteui Iîurng the nexIt few v wecks. Lo- Cal indmuitrie.;arc unodlerateix' activa. At Wttiigtuera 15 a a tir aimatmnt, ofaicli>ity in besîctradie circles. Iiiiuving for the faIt anti winter i-i aon a SCuile viiic-li indlie.n-tes confidence lut an -i nene-asel canstiaiption ai stapIe gacîls. ('rop reliant-s' are sliglitîv more vanied. but on tîte whle shou-iutg satisiacîarv pragrcss. Business at Hamilton tlîis, week las been fain fan tui s cas-an. The -,ortintr traIe is about aver n law'olesale circes.zz lut tue retail dlemand for- setsonable grcoas continues veny goal. Faîl ordena hiave been satisiaatory and. tuhe outhook for lte lali and Nwiutcn tr-,adeas rep-ortcd ta Bralstraet's, is cncoutraging. London w-lolesuule traIe circles report a fiair mnimler ai mali order.s coming ta haI, lThe aumtlcs-ok for business tîmnoiglh the coun-try la pnamisitug. Prices ai sîn- pic, goals une s'teady ta finîti. Ihuere las been a fain demand ia Ot- tawa for goals for sliipmcant for flu and winter. The sales ai seasona.bie goods are somewlhat less ini jobbiuug de- partments. Price-4 are generally eteady. Chicago.~ Exai ke.oL. A îlgmrmrs market ta-day -%as e tremge]y duil, -uitlj jthîIa ai ofcause- oule0f fcrin g. Chicago, Jnly W, .-Udnunki, th@ «11 is one of the most Important archaco- DaLiry prodtie is unclianged, w th sales cient Adab, perlaps the oldest city ia logical a7chiev-ementq, e.,récent q r fdairVb.tet1 a 1ota17e perIL, cad the world, las been diseevered by the Dr. -'Banks informce& Prât- Harper 'tîatf~ eggs at 19 ta 21c per dozea... Spning Univzisty f ~lcago' exavaion ex- ead- found brices beai'ing the sylla- chickcns casier at 16 ta 18e per IL, and Unedsitnnyloia. es ecilaorx-bics Ud ,Nun-Ki at the lowest level of 1'ducks at Il ta 12e.Ld pediionin abyoni. Tis ityhaafortIe ruina'. H1e le prtain -tlat these Hay alFo dall itiî prices nominal la many years been the object cf searel by bricks idcatify the cityl-of Adal.. \XVtI a absenuce ai offonrig(s. Old quoted at $11 Orientaliste. force of 120 zmen he exaavat-ed th& ruins n It me mentmoned mn the code cf EHammu- id Bismyanaid found thé remains of foûr to nat$31a 0 nwto$8 ataon. îa'ma rabi, an early King of Babylonia, which temples, built one above the other, Dmiai at$10 t $1ar tca . ih document was translated reeently by which -he named accordiag ta the kings Drse hg aenchagD. i Professor Rober't F. Harper, director of who bult tlem. Ile dates became ca.-r- qnoùteat$7whita $7s., 2c0. et r the expedition. H1e -h" just received lier, until fiaally the bricks identiiyiag ~het -ie uh,9c hnrd xuew-s lere la a cablegram from Professor Uda-unki wcre iound. 'Amongr other an- busli., 92c; ,wbleat, spnring. bush., 87o; F. J. Banks, field direct-or of the expe-. ticles are marbi.e tatues and many wbagsebu.,8ta7;ots dition. île uncovening oi ancient Adab bronze objecta. bush., 38 ta 39c;barley, byush., 41 ta ________________________________________________________ 42 1-2; lay, old, per tan. $11 ta $13; lay, ncw, per tan. $8 ta $9; strnw, per ton, $10 ta $11; dIressqed hags, lighit, Staii-Sergt. Crow-e fifth, each winning $.0t$70;cgprdn, 2 t CFIVIP ETE IHnlathue "Martin's" Challenge CÙlp, a ra- 21c; 19tter ai; c1ieken18c;pIo., pe lb COM PLIT U THEc;ybutter,1; dai.13 a sc; <la, pcre1bm- pid irecometiionat 200 yar 'ds, Sergt. 16 ta 18c; tnrkeys, per lb).. 1 3 ta 15c; W.Golnrsth only Canadia w-ho fig. potatoes, per bag, 90e ta $1.00; cabbn"e, ST S A L unes in thc prize list. H1e took ll6th prdazen, 50e ta $1.00; bcdf, hind- place, winaing £1. qnarteu-s, $.0ta $10.25; da., forcouar- Ilcwnig tIcta aelv tens, $5.00 ta $6.00; do., cliie, carcasp, been about £62. Iluase wlo lave en- $7.50 ta $8.25; mutton, per cwt., $7.00 - -tered individual matches lave secuned ta* $8.2.5; veai, per cw-t.. $7.50 ta $8.50; Six taadans in Second a total ai about £50. lmml, spring, IL, Il ta 12c. Stage of King's Prize. DEIDBT AMN rade infruit in-teocl aket we The Police Force of Canton, El1., Held at rather quiet to-day. Straw-berrîes .stea4v at 9 ta 12e per box. PRaqphernies Bay for Hours. 10 ta 12c. LaNvton bernies 15c. Cherrie.% Englishmnen Made Best Score Peoria, Ill.. July 2.-Frank Pierce ta- basket, 7.5c ta $1.2.5. Red cumants, large day sabat kilied lis wifc at their basket, 65 ta 85c. CGoaseberries. basýket, at Tree angeholme in Canton, Fultan caunty, and tîtea 60 ta 90e. Iluekîceenies, basket, 90e to Mr. Robent Giockling, ai the Ontario. Labar Bureau, lias rcturned from a con- ventioni isliînilar officiais in Cnad 'N. Il. A--s a resuit ai tIc discussion&. titane wil l e bereafter co-operation iit Ulic collection ai statisties. île con- vention -will mccl next year in Que- b ec. General W-illiam Booth, ai tle Salva- lion Am once explaincd lis tleary off g-e tti ng work donc. "1e aU me a pîope somietines. I rcpiy it is tIe only ,na v. l>venty people are banded ta- get'her, and niacteen are ion taking uuings eas.iiy. and if vau leave tlem ta' iucutselves îliey will take the easy patl. But if yen say, "Go; tlat's thé, patl,' tlîey will go. '-yI people now want and wnait ta le commrandaId." "My nîethod ai w-ork ?" said Jules Vernte. 'Welh, until recentîr I invari- atiiv rose at 5 and maîde a point ai do- iuîg Ilrce houts ai writing lefore break- fuis-t. lhc grant bulk ai mv Woark was niwavs donc la this time. 31y stories have reaily nearhy al leen w-ritten wlen tuas-I folk are sleeping. I lave alwavs Leen a ividé readen. cspeciaihv af newe- papers and peniodicals, a-ùd it le my cus- tatu w-hcacvcn a paragap or*antic,L- stnikes me ta eut it ont and preserve it Padcrwski, tle famous pianist, says tîtat lis lingera are as preciaus ta hlm, as 111e, for le canl neyer play if le las-t any ai them. Hie makes insus-ance irom time ta, tinte ta caver special nis-ks, as wlien ha is -oging on a long jauu-ney by land or s-en, but, apant irom tlese, huis t>va lanîs are reguiarly unde rwrit- ten irom year ta yenr. H1e pays $4,- 000 annualv la thuis wav, witl tle ne- suit that if nnythi-ng ivent w'rang with anc af i iapreciaus bande at any lime s-a tuaI le couhd no langer enrn an in- came by lis playing le would be paid $50,000 casl dowa ly thc undenwniter&. POETRY UNAPPRECIKI'nD. Daniel Collins' Beggmng Methode Land Hlm in Jail. Torontlo, July 25.-Daniel Callans waq ares-ted by P. C. 11aw-thonne for vag - rance>.Ileie la none-leggeîî man, aa ns endeavoî-ing bo get maaey by bc-- gin-. Ia arden ta elicil sympatîy le >vould land enel passer-by a cend, on w'hiel tle faliowiag verses appeared: "Look-, kind strangen, as 1 pasa by, As yau are now 50 once was I; As I am non' you mny sornetime le, But I lape and pnny, it sînli neyer Le.. "Neyer think yaoun guifs are wasted, Bread on waters cast are, tîey, « And penitapa yau w-iIl find t1cm Goming baek ta you same day- "Coming back wben soreiy needcd Ia a time ai deep distrese; So let youur gits be given fneeiy GUiftsad giver Gad wilji biess." On the other side of the card wus prntcd : "Kindiy give whlat yau cari. I am trying to rai5.gmï6ù.,eony - buy an antif' 11mb -1 In the P court yesierdà y Magio- trate C ollnedbwn *brGO6 m .- a 1 S5ir I...'A-cmraîlias ht>eiç4 t*. lIeUi- tit fAberdven la- sc-ek- Iin,,, pow-er tu con fer the degî-eO of. bo- jtar of Science iniArelta-~ lhe -b~es aiof ine persbns lave t-,ce. urîcarthed at (dreenii on sanie grour.d- whbich î ý.as filled ini about thîe vear 1&54. The London division ai the Corps ofi CO1nuniss'ioniers ireased lt- mnember- slip last -year from 1,S18 ta 1-876.. Somerset County Cncil has- dcided, to represe tîx te Board ait ITrade the cr-nt ncessitv for providing a harbor "Laqdies' Day" on the Guelph Street-, Radial Railway for the benefit af the- General Hlospital w-as a decided succcss. The total receipts amountcd' to. about- $700. Wbule the liner Phiiladeiphia -%as- oiî,a voyage from New York ta Sôut'ha monr a fiying-fisl 12 inese long and 15 mach- es across the "w-in-s" darfted intdtilTe en--:ne-room. Thie new musical prodigy, Florizel van Reuter, w,ý-as summo-ned from an orches- tral rebearsai of lus first Symphony an MNonday ta play ta the Qnueenab Buck- ingluain palace. Mr. Hall Caine's coatinued absence from the Maax Hanse of Keyus is oausing dissatisiaction aînong lis constituents at Ramsey, mnany ai whom ar- caliing for lis rest<'nat-;on. Ilere seema ta be a curions- casmopol- itan element about lorse-raciag la Ger- many. Tle Geu'maa Derby was won at liamburg by Con Amore, kvtlh Marche second and- Real Scotch tý Mnrked improvement, la the sh6,>cýW~ ai the regular army, and la tle-nterest 5 taken in musketry, lave been observed at thc Eastern District rifle- meeting, which lias just concluded at Colchester. Wiliam Banner w-as w-alking with a. flag la front ai a steamroller near Bish- op Auckland wliea le felI, and thc rall- er, w-eiglîing thirteen tons, passed over him, crushing hIlim f rom lhead ta foot. Tîcre w-ere 2,465 birtîs and 1,l43ý deatîs .registered la London last weekç, bcirig eigluty-nine birtbs and 172 deatha-, below tlie average numbers la the cor- respoading wveeks ai the previaus ten uca ns. The Union wgd Consoiidated Traction Companies at Cliii. go. L, have beern' presented w-ith a new wage seNe for 4,- 500 e mplayes. Cable men xvant 2<3- cents an our instead aif25, and eectric mca want 25 instcad ai 23 and 24 cents- N. The mnunicipaiity ai Troppau, in An's- trian Silesia, bas iollowcd thc example- of the Boliemian and Maravian capital- in making the trailing aif ladies' dresses la the public parks punishable witl a f-n e. Ia the last letter wnittcn ta lis wiie hy a master mariner, wla was "presum- cd ta be dead" la the Prabate Court, lie- said, "If we recogaize anc ano-ther in-. the next world, thc ncxt iellow you,