Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Keystone, 28 Jul 1904, p. 6

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CURRENT COMMENTJ The Boston Transeript says there have b"',i 700,000 divorces igranted in the Unki-ed States in thirtv- four years. Thie fanatWai Thunder Jil Daulzho- hors Lave becu sent bac-k home. A dip iu the river ight cool ther ardor. K{ruger xvas ant irreconcilabie, refus- i during his lifctinv-' that submission ta lritish mxv whIclî would cnabio hlmi to returu to the Tranvnqal. Nffw in dî'atli his vvish is respected, and Britain p(rnits lis burial at is'oid home. Kru- n r isjudged Britie-h enerosityr. - 'The U. S. soldiers wvho tore doývn a Lt itîsh flag raised at Wliitestone, N11. Y., Ly.a former Briton in Ilonur of Inde- Iwi:denCe i)av, lave teen sulîjected to ii.Litarv discipline, and fined frum $3 to . ecd. Titat ouglit lu have a good (I'c, and IL lviil tend Lu raise the Unit- cd States in the respect of ait otiier (ture.Suppress ite lag fôoui wherever Ic _ýis to Le found. I)uring tLio 'firt li f a' f te ptt'ent vi.r bitiiidi Ig J ti wore issuedjil U: !ito foi- 728 litî-,2 attai~ v arehtouiSeS. 21 si tae.s, 2 bani -i.5 les andiru-sot-,xicli, w i t hil - vMnsanti aIL Thions oui, a t e candti a-prctaicide:tee of the' j ivof titat c'il v. r onl the Yaii Riter J-,,!_-stl, 1.s, of te Lie pus sibilitioeS. Tis i. t Le un t ~intitete, anti shii<îld it sîedatîn t . oajiS lt îîalt- ould be't xfi i ltubt ('ucrx îossible iorat ~: ~ le a u , but it a- 11.1il( lt lia Ovie Co -tal cniîîi el ' Ili thoIn' ~LI ul j-o-m Cape Town to Victoria Fa"ds. amt t Z lZi iver, a t rip of 1.644 oluc-. t. l i roW Le îhîut:Ic Y rail in flue ùdi v,- I i ail tlie coin for-ts to lie fotînîl au a 1.:-t-c1~s titxxau. 'l'ie ro.idlase Uti xiigh illag',s anti farai ng count iy t i - c,1ith inderit ni aciii nvtrtiri v :g d istricts and imn ,gît iicetit t t ires: -. T'vîe is ito longer any da rkes(,t A frica, C'.uh lutt a faxv yean s agoý Lix in- 'a' 0 NWS n lieto penetratec ta tiLe Gîu 1- m îilv alter tiotiths ut daîtgctouts tn:l è .1 -uIIttravei. Tlitsis Àauit îue i ra1'td 0 a'St. LouinExpîos-i t ion i n iL g: clîi:' .:ticof beiîig a iiatcI ,1Site,-,,. VIp t:71tItis \wee' i* te tot îi î l i îti. t r~~~ ,,r- only about aote(! intia tevtIo-e of tte ( to\V'orld's FVit r, aiti a gtî ltiie- x în ut Ofthe s-alutr vlist iÀ tui e madeîl ati 1every et tpiovce thIt t cari li'it t"t v wiiltLe dis-cia îgcd. lucre is it Oeil t:lIation as, to tIh.vIii yo f Lia ir ut- A iXexv .1erscu -iv'eî iti--rxxiontii ?Lv 17 il1-ciloti ls x Ife uttîl cki,îit--tnidti teLo Canatau xxlîi ti'i'uîuîgsîîîruîî ofi11-tuChirluslieu-I iý: o l liedxxomeu tIti, ii x i xîligîtaîît it tîte proýsefour bu iugtp Iuthiatti-. il-ns Il ii .1 p1L- l I- l ul oe tît t asiiix-îte (1141bu't wlix. sîx-îîîg bia Lia'- ýci-ific force aittfiitttnroliali' dr- cîtius'titcei. 1 -sivi c xvn ws altai ts a -gi-a-I ficîië( of o11r-, at-tiii tc(îil te par' jsontilge' freqeuably, a-nd I tought a gu-'ut t <ai of ierluit wtllthilite pitreet", andtghL int ientioni. 'llite sispicioîîs people cf his catîngîx- g'aion, iotuever, appear lb )0 -tnwiIliua te regard tliteutIle eutung as aa mme- cclitt iark, a-dt'Misa- Boeois heink ostra-- iscî tl.iw-le net a few 'mcnana-d ývomen la1,it cf a-ceat of barana-d featens fer Poste1r Cenîlovay, xho, te sa-y ttche a-t, j-- vs ne la-ck e! nenve. A Cîlcago preuxehe(r sasL'ior,în in u tn rdmason t al, v t xtIa-iuitî htoLîli x "lI. 1believe," sany-lie. "tlliatI0 ' ut' cf keepirig young conits Lur-gt\xiutiilu mna-intenuance ofai r igbl tulttuilu'ofcfliii - - iimui on ttc subjccd. 'lite gt tatit Paul laid doxun onceof te iîuta't iniiiu Ptloa-ophical--Its of tlic ag-' x- li-ut11 t,atid:- 'As a a in tit iiitkev t ;-)s !)(i- '1f' if u xxoan eoristanrily thtnks g.ihii r.ttu viiiukles she xx'li soota itiv-e Lth iii a-ti danuce. Oi t bitee tlitr liant, if glieic hiliN ç]efie.s spectaecs, ptuxvens uiis, st itys- via, etc., antid iittut'lva--,su'rt s t 1li ownva ct a-itilteivtlci-i-i'. i'l *-twxiii stiliLtc i gi a. l ii-'-[4-' k\ brukea--dotixuolti xxoti.mlirendu yfan t ut grave. "'ii-ere îuaay he sainetltii" lei - itaLo, but w-e fear te preiicherexgr a-be-s -the pocwer cf -tliiking. Tlh in ki nu 'Il ndi place you on éiolit gyreunti if yen; fui v-ýt o! a- boat; IL xxill not ma-ko an air ',,,akfàast sust-aiîdag, a-ad iL xili net Vpic flue a.ged tiaken back hem youa-g yes. Cheerfulnesxs a-n'd geod habits de mJuéh,< but the w-ora-n o! 40 w-bho-hepes ~~ ta pose s a eimperia-g, gug i n$so! sixteca mu-- ha-ce a grisat f lyo!both 1 if Se i to fsuce'ua.~ THE HOSPITAL TRAIN. Itqulpped by lie Central Branch o! -Brit- li Red Cross Commtlee. In war limea il la sometimes aecessa-ry te transfer siek a-ad vouaded soldiers tram ane poinîte another, a-ad cars are oflen convcrted labo improuiused bos- pila-lu for Ibis purpose. Ordina-ry cea-cites a-ad evea box cars have been tra-nsfermed lIet rolliag boa- pitls for lie reception, care a-ad mcdi-- ca-i trealmeat of lte sick a-ad weuactcd, but these metoda are fa-r from Adeal, a-ad have ne-cer proved aatisfactory. To obviate Ihese unbowa-rd conditions duning lhe Boer war the Central British Red Cross commitîce decidcd b i-mise suffielent f unds for building, a-ad cquip- pirga- complete tospibal train. Titis un- dertakiag w-as matie a-il thc more diflicult sirice tie railwayt. ia South Afriea are na-rrowv gauge, witLih ea-xy grades a-nd single Ira-eks, a-ad tîere iL wa-s dcaira-bic le have a train cf at ictiet tea cars lte nimber w-as limiteti Ly tutese conditiens le se-cea. Thte cars were designed by Sir Jolin Furley, cf the Central Britisht led Cross commitîe, aad bbc contra-et for lteir constructiontva-s guea en ttce Military Equipmerit Companaycf Loridon, andtihIe ca-ru wcrc builIt y the.-Birmia gtam Rail- rea-t Wagoa Ccmpa-ri; under ordiaarx- .circumstances thc tuo'k- cf building a-ad equippiag lte complote train wouid have rcquired cight or ten mentis, but thc eathusia-sm man se liigh, net cniy a-meng the officç ns cf the wagon ce mpany, but lte empi oyes as xvei, ta-t the seven cana were finisteti caniplet-e in every do- la-il la just ten weekm. Thete ra-ni comtplûted wa-s ma-de up cf sevea bogie, corridor cars-thal la b sa-y, cars wbicit tene cf lte vestibule type, as w-e ca-l l hem in ibis coutty,w-erc mount- edon trucks a ving- four or nacre w-heels, by w%ichthtt rotînting cf cuirxes is fa- cilita-led. Fa-ch car nacasuredtitirlu-six feet lorg and ciglit feet tite. bhc first car corita-iriedti re cemparients, thic firstbLeing usoti for linon anti stores, the' second for Ixue tospital officers, a-ad thet titird fer tw'o nurses. The second ca-r coataineti the samie nuraber cf similarî' arriîn.-d reems, cne fer Ixue medical oficpî-a- lite middtle sert'- in- tus a- diîuing ru-nt. andthlIe tîtird a-s a diapensary. 'li next four cars tuere a-r- ranged for lte inva-liti a-ltiers, a-ad ecet ca-r ua-tia- capa-cîty for eighteen mca anti crie hospitai artcriy. Ihe last ca-rtva-si arra-ageti fer theto tairmeri, a-ad conta- cd a- acatiyappoinbti kilceuc, a- pantry a-ad bertits for lte coolca. Every ca-r bnd a cioset, a- lavatory, luekers for stores anad a- cistera- for w-aton. The lifting a-ad moving cf lte java-lit-t is net a-n easy ina-lIer, anti as a- aaid te tItis diffiicult epera-tion a-ad delicate ta-sk a-a arrangem-rit contprising a series cf sliding pulîcys la pia-cet iniithe roi-f se lta-t an assista-at maY ca-a-uv raise ttc bcd witlte paticrit otn it ta tbc propen iteight t-nt sxing iL in or ottof the' ca-r or movo IL a-liut a-t picasutre. Porta-bic stejis ritutan a".ning arc pro- videti se ta-t iualis tata-v Lesheltenedi whue beiîug trnnsfi'nncd from stretchers on Lods tb the train. llie.e cars tire fully equippoîl ittceru 'essential for te maintenanîce of Lite Lll complement of ninety-scven pcnrotis fan txvo or bhroc lThe care are tanuisomil finisheti in - aide anti eut. I iii Lienître panaielro eiîher site oai everv car biene is an cmn- bellishelied d'ross on a- t bil ck - ground ericinclet Lv lite 'ords "Princes Chitaian Hospitali Train" un royal blue anti golultetraita 'nuis named inir tnon of ber Reya-i Iligîtie(sq, tube bad covine- Tried mia-ny Medîcînes but got n( tIti le used the Great Cana-dL ney Ilemcdy. Ros-edene, Ont., Juiy i8.-(SpE Mr, Sa-muai1 J. CrawN, ite weii-kno iiai, of this place, relates an once that adula Vo ttce tlratiy cre u.a-iLy ai Dodds i-idncy Plus Lcaity. "I suffereti for yea-rs wiLh l'rouble," say's Mn. Creux, "xxhich aggra-t'stetiwith euery cttack eLnd oauscd me muoh ageny, The develope inlt-o Grauci, w-hon 1 ally ui for aaything. "I tnicti differcat remetiies ttc desincti resauIt, anad tvin int ery w-tea I tiecitiedt o ry Dodiîl' P'iL.3, -whea ta my astoaasiuacuitt Light I im.mediteiy began le neec -'AfLcr uaing fDuc boxes bthe had cntirely ceaset, anti i1tuas a, jeying perfect t'îg'r, a-Il of xuuice Le l)otils Kid:týev Plille" Ttc f;act tIL-at Uelc xi'ls si- Lo Datitis IK-idiiey liLs is ri deeni, a-s lbt oits axaa-v wtt h I rible opa-rationsta-t xvene sup1 be bUtc only relief fnom this trou A Sharp Retort. (C'ticagýo Post.) lic complaiieti bittcrly of bbec of the train. "if yoîî doan% ike i," saidt duclon, "wity don'b you geL walk?"' "I'm afaid." "'Afraidti'ull htchthttcblair '% oa aad maLco ta dra-. it." ÎHE POPE'S SISTERS. Spending the Heated Term in the Sumnner Palace. Papal1 Writirig from Rame, a- Fah Mail Ga- zette correspondent Baya-: The Gardian knot is cut, andtihle sisters of Pl-us X., wh itoh-e in Rame, bave fledtihle beat a-ad are lu Ca-spl Goadolfo. Before lie decisien wau taken great wa -te com- motion in hli 111e spa-rIment o! thte Corsa Vittorio Emanucle. However, in slepped his Hlolineas, a-ad ne' t only in- sisti lthalttcy aoulti leave Roziue, but iridicateti w-ere thèy sitould go, 'a-ad as the gooti ladies w-euid as sean tua-k o! cutting off themiteats a-s dispute a-ny- tting lta-t Pius XI. decites upon, ttey are already sa-fe la the Papal Summer Pa-lace. bThe palace a-ad iLs immense grounds la one o! the few temporal possessions ieft toe cPerilfs after lthe Italia-as took possession cf Rome. lb domina-tes bath ttc Mediberranean, on crictaad, a-ad ttc hiny historie La-ke cf Aitano on lthe otter, anti is oaly a-haut a-a tour by rail from lthe Eternal1 City. lThe palace is a ra-mbliag eolt pile, with enor- mtous ta-ils, la wticiî regiments coulti beà accea-motiateti; a fine cha-pel, but, nias! tare of furniture. At one lime itbha-d qua-rtities o! antique furniture, pnice- leiSs marbies a-ad old ta-potnies. but tese have in ttheaxamn'a-nia-ted mb tua-h air. R. & 0. DAILY SERVICE. Steamers "Toronto" a-nil "Kingabton" beave Toronto a-t 3 p. m. da-iiy (including Sunda-y), for Rochesater, 1,000 Iala-ada, Rapitis' cf St. La-tireace, Montreai, ,$ue- bec, Murray Bav, Tadoisac, a-ad ttc Sa-g- iucax River, connectio)ns E Cîtarlotte for Newv York, Boston, etc. FELL THROUGH THE EARTH. Two Large African Lakes Have Recently Disappeared. It is reputnite tiIhrought iscieattie cjour- na-la that La-ko Shirava.',soutbea-st af La-ko Nuassa, in Central Afr4ca, taa en- bircîy disa-ppcareîl. Desiccation tas Leen goiag on fur naany yenrs, but thie la-st s-ta-gos in ltheproceýs - tuer vcrv ra-piti. Titis la-ke utaeti te Le slîe'urion t-beima-pt a-s an oval-saapeti body cf ua-ter 30 miles long anti 10 to 15 miles tuide. Il La-ke Nga-mi, aIse discoveroti by Livinry- iagstone discoveredthett la-ke in 1859. I.a-ge 'Nga-m , a-la-o discovereti by Liiug- Stone, ha-sa-lace disap "peaneti. These citangyeQ, scientista- ociutle, seem leto e a rmanifestation cf a grutilidesiccalion wiaich is going on in CenLa-rI Africa, a-ad It is importaint that tlhîe v stoîtîti e more ea-refuliy stîttiet uofore a-nu tifiaibe con- clusioris are draxta. Minard's Lina-ment Cures Diptberia. DREARY LIFE 0F POOR IN RUSSIA. Asa noIe, nat-stan village is a fer- lera Ieekiag pince. tleelthe hutîs aiflthe peet a-me ma-îe cf binclt loge. tvilî upni.glît oa-k or pine supporte,,i'cilittg cf stnip- ai theqaa-ae Lircit anti talslutcln xx itb cruide branchues. Ia titese buts tere are only 1w-o nooms, crie of wIi-it is not for eu-eryda- uîse, Luit is kept for Lest occa- sionsI 'Tis reanu lieuses tiose sa-cnet images' su dca-r te tte boa-rt cf cvcrv meriaber of lthe Greok Chturet, lato itici belon-lthe gncat ruases cf lthe Ru-stan people. Thbe otter room serves tLe purpose cf hotu kiteiten anti sleepingy roont, as crie cf bte principal itietisofcf onfoî'bte Iluese peaple, ici' aad anotuN*betint for a-o ma-av noatha- of te 'ar id xuanmtit. lama-ny cf tte pensant ituts, no e ies are tîset, aadlthe top ef a great stexe, rea-ctiag neaiy vte îLie ruai, le a muîîhî sotgiut FOUND SANCTUARY IN A CHIMNEY. ici neilef For ttc past tea da-ys tete oxvn cf a- i-New'ry, in Irelant, ta-s heca convuiseti oe-en tccurions aIra-t ,gy hy wli-lit a cea.-ama-l contracter, na-med Ja-mes G<lu, ttns Lexperi- tieficdthettcefforts af ttc polive lu enfa)rcî' ca-t liai the penalty cf a- 40s fine or a- monLlt's in titis iénprisonmean enttxtIvielîlic lînti Lee'u Kde'seritecuetfor drunkeanesa. Tte man tati rcntly utrntaken lte L ecante &.aaolition cf a fartory chiinny, retint aiCl hvilit te scaflolding nees!za-rv for ttc wa ot vork ha-il een ereceo, a-ad te souli. setseuity froua- lb"e rîtclies cf blue nutbor- titoîtitieî- ant tbe top ai this struetttnî-, climbing ubh iPi- 1lit'v.iiea-ns cf a short latter, tuliet te- S Kitaîcu tirewx up alLer bim a-s te rea-ebed ca-ch suie- ant ti- - Pisvplatoionnof thîe sarainy. 1Food oer" anti drink arne fitrnishot ta hin-tLy uis ailmetL'ur, ath aiseul ote hiestitnrnit oflte gai ett- ctiney Ly a-n ingeniauts iuea"hanical dje- x'ii-n en.tclie der evenirg ig l inatnagedti l (lI x es.r-ien ridtate grutinîl 'andi-i nemi-i-tla re otu 1111' taiis l'it-lit 11- ettin t .0te hiis 'uifty p-ncr î'tîivotn Monîliit'niera iag-. escý,f ct .nc eiui <f p-ii tîf 1v ilt--tii l ost efroa ail te countrv roiind te Siigar la-- ti1e- a-ridItepolice itavte ni-atuesignedti tîena- selves te tut-itinigluI Lte xurk cf puiliing dotua te lîimne «y is Completet. beferp 'ýt- temp1ting ho armncwt iim.-Froa-î Rcy- slwesnoltis' Nexuspapen. ttc con- uSKIPpING TEAS." out a-ad Skipping teas," t' hich guesîs o! bath sexes a-ad al-lties muat biag thei owuu skippirîg nopes, are mnentioneti in tfue colurans o! bhc Lady, a Londoa rîed train fashion papPer. ' Skippiug la le be tte 4i£_- 1- 1- - P UséON e SF SI(Y roil' r MANUFAOTURD M~ A Patent for Thiis Innovation 11--sBeen Granted ta a Southern Ma-n. James iliiût cf Il-iirrti am, Alai, is the iax'eator (if a nutuxber cf itttlurivcýtý moents in the cotnstruction of tturine enginesa-ad Lis attoraeŽ sarc rioxv etgag- cd in sccuririg puttentse for these in the ieadingy cotitries cf te xorld. A recent action cf lite Uniteil SitaLes Patent Of- fice a-hotus htint papers on a turbitte as tîte motive poxwer for a raiiroad cagine. Tlhte inventer claîrris Miat be cari rake ie cf tis turbine for railroadiîtg wiRth ail the econonies anid cenvenicrices whticlt Ibis systcm. showxs on sitipboard. Mr. Wilkeasea savs that lis cagitue is suitcd for liglit or lieavy traffie, and ho is a-Lot toecquip a plant un bis native city fer the construîction cf turbine erigins for aIl kinds ef scrx'ice. A Mcrchant't Creed. The Prcsii-l"nýt antd Genera IiM!nagyer cf the ia-r'-est departmeîtt store a-t la- dia-napolis bas receriu made "the big- gest contracl fer ncxxspapcr spage éver uta-de in the 'Mididle \< It. n an inter- v-iewlie saiti: ")til(vertisc te the limit' wý aîy creed. An advertiscatent, properly writtcn and dispiaveti in a first'class nexuspa-per, wi'li attraet attention sooner a-ad hiold t ]ong-er than -%vili ordinary nexus niatter." Silent Womeni of Cerea. '-lie wontien-of (Verea tre a-bsolutelv sulent. lîcy tiever tiare speak more thait i3 abseli'ti'lv nece'sarv. A bride utters i n' w iîi'l.11-1 itaki. nuSi-il, linxiexer lie'r ltsiiu t: .te-i-o ai- tamit ber, 1cr to break the silece xvulîl meanto- taI loss of caste. In lthe higbcr classes i- may be montbs before a husband 1tears bis wife's voice for tbe first lime, iw-bile the w-ife dees net speak or look aI lier fa-tler-in-laxv for years a-fter bier marria-e. As They Strike lhe Ear. The Japanctie a-ad Russian na-mes one secs ianlthe despatches siîggyest lthe sweel voires f romi a frog pend on a summer evening: Tenor-Kuroki, luroki,Kuroký Kourntkin; basso-Tizo. Tbau. Tola ba u «boing up0l with c» efthm e wbe bu»& >- En Rolle-" >tand.ord," "oel""orb'Mmmtt ,A In Sheets-" Empergl," Raai""Reflgul,6&"Orient,"o#£&. braîclu i ,tq torit fraut li't- 't' ('utrrieti tx%-iiiî î-' lia Lie gt'ottni, a iii'ut.ti-'cf 'tiuor tti-ty -t. My liali IPa te p1 r!bai)iu'îlri'-rer'd nay positio:i, ein-i i1i4- î-îckItiti'giroumil on nty- feet, stitkiag deep irito lte miti miut gravel cf titi creek. lie cyclene bat luop lit e wateIr l'fare ilitI !tls p.-tssagîu'et ininti tarilr. "itulllng n3 oftog-'tier, I teck.rin intx'cxttory' of txty 1tjtib' ttl le-gs w-re br'uki'tt in tx-o pi-c* be- tv-coýn thte arikie antitt' kne. tand my feet wcre hîicrribly imrglfd.Tli're wr'eigtoafraictureis atI l s at. DragglIng iny6of Lu ltaeb'xnk, I et itie boot froetta- cao foa)ttuitlit a pocket knife, ,ind xvas ntuk.ing a coinpri-s to s;top lte fiuow ai1bluet, uqtitg p1eces lui-a matit nîy ashirt, wlItem "()-e aoflte niier .'ttetnptcrl te -- ri-exe - itie otliunr haut, bait (-) - excei llie cul niy faut a-s ritit has tliti'boot. Titere tva'- tic a-rgeurx jear unrd I w-aq l'be-giriaing tle (fle ltleelos or biood. 'Se I touk thte kiife and finsibed lte job m-yseIf, anrd aise rset my oi brekizbIories. the Carr- pentce rn alirig te splint.s, litaving h-ud R9me little i',xperience along titis lae."-Ihjcliatorid Tipies Dis- pateb, t j. Minard's Linament Cures Oarget in Cows. viEW 0F INTELLENCTUAL WOMAN listen! "An intt'liectual iooiuttti." "i i bîturituialt.; sut' huis thle brut ta cf a rmaa, in te lueiluouta 'otu Intellect in wmna-n lias tazzîed lis by its brilliance tua-t w-e have fa-i!d te recognize il as a- disense. like genius in mani, a-ad lte peari in an oyster. But, nevcrtlîeless, iL is a tisea-se, a-adnmust inevitably be the dca-Lbof a- race la which it lu festered.' PAY 0F TEACHERS. Tite average wage of a m-ile achool teaciter ia the United States ia about $450 per year. The average sala-ny o! a- woman leaciter in the United S4~tes la about £50 a vear.- ANj.ÂLÂSKAN BEÂR STORY. j Two Mien of Nome Have a Desperate En-I counter weith Giant Grizzly,. Probably the meut remarkable escape from death on record-i lu Aiska was that of F. X. King and bis partner, N. P. Pe- terson, who rau the Nugget roadhouse, across the Nome river divide. These people have. la addition ta their road- house duties, been prospecting on Home-' stake Creek a-t the base of thîe Saw- tooth Mountains. Ou the mo*Iing of Ma-y 30, they start- ed for their customary prospecting, when they were surprised te uee the tracks of a monster pir of bears, different f rom a-ny they had ever seen before. After a tedious "mush"' of several miles they encountered a grizzly, the largest of the bear fa-mily and the most ferocious ani- mal in the world. Pelerson fired a-ad the bullet struck, but net in a vital spot; and with a growl of rage and pain the w9unded bear sprang over thé eliffs and' rolled almost te the bettom, some three hundred feet below, where shé regained her equiilbrium a-ad vanished amoag the rocks. Cha-grined at bis failure,Peterson turn- ed, and wa-s. horrifled a-t seeing another large grizzly about twice the size of the other, spring lipen his partrner, Mr. King, a-nd was more horrifled when he remem- bered that his was lhe oalv availabie gun, and au the magazine w-as eut of re- pair could only be reioaded by removiag the empty sheil by ha~nd. The bear had spruag art his foc, 1I't King' Fith the lia- bitual presence cf mmnd inherent la the ba-ckwoods liunter, thrust bis wea-pan In- te the fa-ce of bis assailant. la the txvinakling cf an ex-e the bear ha9d grasp- ed the muzzle cf the gun in his teeth an.dtva-s crunching- the gun barrel like s0 much wood. Tow-criag two f eet hi- er than King, the latter realized that lthe only hope for lîim xvas te pull the trig- ger and ma-vbe stop the beast until tbey procured saýfetv la flight. A ioud re- port anad the bear gat'e a spring high iii the air and feu tu te ground. The men beat a quick retreat. and af' ter coveriag considerablo grouid, turned, and w'ere surpriscd te sec the bear wa-s stililyiag on thespot w-heres-it had fa-lI- en. Thcy waited for a few minuN6, in the mnea-atime reioading the rifle, the sholg-un being broken at the stock in the meuth of the bcar. Afier throwing scu- eral rocks a-t a safe distance they yen- tured further, and, uiareai a-ad marvel- lotis as iL ma-y sea, thcy fouad the bear stone dcad. Upon finding the heair w-as kilicd, the men tuent back for a sied, and after scu- cral heurs mnanagcd te get the bear to te bottom cof the cliff, w'here they load- ed iL on the sicd, after disenubowclling il. They teck it te the N-nugget road- bouise, and then started for Nome with aine strong dogs te drax the heavv load. IL teok thcm three days ta rea-ch the Sour Douglh roadhousc, wbcre tce bea-r's romains tuere put in coid storage. Th(, big brute wa-s brouglit te town on Jonc ., and plzic-cd on exhibition aI- the Golden Otite Ilote]. It is a perfect specimnan cf the grizzl * , anad the skin i a beauti- fui one. The bear, dizsemboxxeiied, w'eighed nea-rly 600 p0urii. .lThe skin w-as sold for $125, anad te ment tuas pur - chased by local restaurants a-t a dollar a pound. A remarkable thing tvas the citer- mous power cf thc iaws sbown by the deep indentations ruade in the barrel cf the gun by the hear's teeth, net onlv lie barrel bcing bent, but marks wcre made la the qteel connecting piece about one-fourtit cf an inch deep. Then therel ALLORLPUKGG 157S ~ A CITY OF WORKING GIRLS. "Speakitg abatit txori:irg girls, there i. no uitv un titis cotîrtru tand pasýsiblu- tuot in lite txoril, t luut four it s size t'itn lient Javkson, ?i-."rtaki Oscar A. i-totea etottî of tnuolrgmcan wlîe we're disctîssiîug te s-iject ef feiti-e eniple:cttaelrit. "~A wae sfn 0gtctlinuake a sticces o f ii lat aLtowur. Recentiv a îaeNvspaper ef otîr oit- tokn acenstîs cf girls tuio ruatuit and tifattitidthat lte inter ex"-eedetl 4.0010. Atti to titis Ite naany Iiîittulred(s tultulit-e iit their par- enta ainti yeu xviii pproeia-{e better wlia-t m meanna b - a-v. These girls are vin- plovet inlatce corset andti îiderwca-r fzic- tories of Jackson, tvhicb are by far ttc largest lante xxonll. Tir -cv are a- hnppy lot anti iL certa-iiiu is a s-igli1t te wabcL tilem ceming onL of titi facîcnies w-tea their da v"s w'erk l-il otto. lThe streets in lteeuior - :o c rox.-îleîl itb Illiese tveknkîît pIletîta utittto i tui p tuaI tlît'n ?iLiî et "Ituat11re tmin siuî<s iabo insigrnifilc-rie."- !Miixvaukceenc- tinel.. Mlnard's Li nament Cures COUdS, etc S«UCCFESSFUL WOMIAN MACHINIST. Miss Fila F. Jones, 24 yea-rs old, sa-id te.be lte enly pra-clical w-orn machin- ist ia Chticago. plans to ereet a-ad aperale la titat citY a iiexu plant for tie anu- f acture of m1aciiery, employing 150 men. Since ber fa-lher'u dca-lt, Iwo years a-go, ste ha-s been manecger o! a ma"cUe works erruiloyin« 'Sýmen. - - --- RIDING A TORN ADO. j The Sensations of a Mian Who Was Whirled Haif a Me in the Air, To ride bplf a aille through-the o-Jr au a cycloine aa4ii'sive t tell the tale tue a unique experience. Yet tiieqi.la precisely wha't happened te theIjkari-an minister at' £iighland Sprtng-S, a. s4burb of RclimoUd, Ya. Tflo getatiemian galys; "I flad .read aiLd lieard much about ý-ClOoJ:les, but mixinforma.tionl was eoalflirtIng anti far iom satlsfa-Ctery. flalcl resDived if 1 ever gaI n(>ar en- ougi tteo oe te investiga-te for mny- se i!'. Doa't knew tha.Lt I ever pra.y- ed the good Fgttber ta send onle my 'way-, »ut 'wa-s wiittg lie eteuld. "MXY %Ypportunity eoame. It wasin P1l-do1ph caunly, lad., it the montb of i6eptember. The fariner with -xviltom I boarded wa-sbutlding a. ba-rn, anad 1 'Wenit out toe assit thte caJ-peiters~, tut belng Satp.6rda.y aflernoon a-nd nothing dola k. one or the workmea renrred that lt was good cyclo:ie Weather, anid Just as tue- fitîisbied ebtingllng one sidie of Ittlie roef, lie sheOuted; "Look outL, boy3s, thiere is a cyclone coming.1 Gli-îciag bastily Ln the direption he pointedi, I sa-W on the lioruzon, seme li-ce or six miles i dist&nt, a merisIer a-s black a-s iink and as dCa-r eut ja-s a-n iSgyptitafl pyramici, bowliing aling a-t IL-riîlu- "Idaaha-s itat ma-ny cyclone-. In traveling tht-rouglithte ceunttry onie secs their track in wstd a-nd strewa timber-trees t1tre-e[ccl- la diameter twistted o11f a f(i-w lfe îbe lte grourtd as if iby gianal bancýa.- Tiiere %Was adq eltitrack to tew-est Of- us, and we watchuad lte cyclone advaice il -was -atl evideat that il tuas f cliow-ilîg the cour7sCeof its pre- deces;sors. "My ig1iorarico n.ndcoascqueat lacLk of fear, anti my destre te better Ob- serve thtls wo:tderful piiettemienon, led Me lu dibri-grd the advice of my as- Ec)ialtes t e g-t off lte building.Mýeanf- Whtielthe fu.,tiel rebaped i as cf dubt a.xt d tbrîs grcxv uoincataiiy larger. FaccinaLedi, w-atcited it, a-ad I;s-- tetted fsl,,eiibo~itýl tu lthe crash a-ad gritîti Of the tic-bisla inits xvhirl-. F eli- es, 1regilieltts cf buidngs, catte, gIra'it, tttt4x'V-, iaystackts, a-ad, for aulght I kt.u-w, Ituntait 1>-- rgs, cite1- opd[nasable imajittiu orf tiuu,poiîid- t11g anti grintting une anuitîtar lu piee'1 anid Sxx'epiîig aultg xvitlt lllht-îtng rapidiîy. -lt "MIy îterest ivaS rotîsy- t t e higliest Piîch, -h.--îî sidduIp y a (-11;1 l'ait tLitrotîglitut.'rTe raputg deinui, 1u0W «alrui. OLppoiSute t11, iad tiititl l ,y tacked, anti, ,l-a-vung Ile cl-cl ru1cl at rl'gllt a-rgie, tuwas uteidtiütu-rdts uis. lucre tu1s0u titute left to get dewîti, an-J 1w-t'oo far froru tuec grountut o tio Sol , bryiiig tuîy it- chettIite sittigit-silitisueita a ýy a-s to-te ela- lol0i.otone cf the la-lits uitderneathî, I Stretclucl rysecf fiat on te roofantid uvJlte shock. "'I Was nile t)100qu!ciý. l'or Imr- mediatüly the 1-e01 rose cri the rim of the cyclon-e an-J sîx,,l najesîiea-ily o-1 'tg tx-ay Ifa aspittai course tlli il rcaciîe I lite toi) cf ltew-ir1 foot frOm Ile grourud, ccorciag 10 tlte Cîtimates of lte e:iiookeî'a. "iThe roof rellntilteti intacit until ili iîad rea-cited ils gi-ca-tes;t atitude,aîud itat travchilet 0:1 tle r:m of lte cy- clone pro;àrctbiy nrieatly'ltaif a n-vie, tle" te conter op)positete one 1 xvas On san-kinto iti-' irsitia dînrent of lte îvliî-iandtht ie ircof, xvit ,a- groacaerait, vxent te pI)eceg. I lîad lest My support anî-l Nw-as afi oat in mlidair, the vicîltît cfrtte mttL rîfie power I b.atid e er,îco0tter_ "Duriiîg .1il tiislute, ati ite w'a xv.'s c-lciiaùug ittillW ilIwoui t ir- Shiloh's Consumptiona 'Cure Tni lb liq guannteed to cure yon. Your Imoaey refunded [frit doesn't.. At &Hl druggWsa, 25c., 50co. and $1.00 a bott.. 1 403 H. GREELEY AND MIËS. STANTON. There was once a passage a-t arms be- twen Elizabeth Cady Sta-aton, the emn- inent worha.n suiffra-gist, and Horace Gree. lex', on the occaîsion- cf a discouirse by 1ite fermer on the right of wvoinen ta the ballot. In lte îiit(l.4t of lier talk, Greeley iaterposed, in is hbigb-pitched, falsetto voice: "What would you do ln time of war if vou had the suffrage?7" This seemed like a poser; but the. lady had been before the publie too long ta be disconoerted by au unexpected ques- tion, and ahe promptly replied: "Just Nvhat you have done, Mrt Greeley -stay at home and urgeothers to go and fIght."-HiirPer'ily - The Eumyèrbeet -»Mr ar kl 1-- :à7 EXPENSPE Agirfot the Octugea Bar. 221 Indiscriminale Eilling. (Baltimore Sua.) The thirty yearut -war of the, Dutch upon the .êcbinesc of Sumatra je culmi- natiag ia atri\citics 11111e wortby of - the people who so - eloquentry denouncd te- lînitish- forthem wa-r with lte Tra-nsvaul. Iii Suma-tra, a-s in South Af rica, tLe object oftbe Europea-n potwer tva-s te subjeet, lte resistuing people a-ad incor- pora-le their country mb oa-a empire. .But lte Hollanders seem a-hele togîta points te tbe British. At Likat, for cxý- anipiep Junc 2-0, the DutcL, wiIb a- icss cf but fifîean wouttded, kiiled 432 Achin- esc, inclutiing 281 womenana-d 88- chul- dren. Titree days liter, a-t La-agathars, tluey killed 654 Achinese, aifxvhem 186 -were --voînen a-ad 130 childrcn, their oxua Ina-s beiag btît 29 wxouirded. 'Tbis rends- likze butchery rather ltait w-a-r. 'fli Acîtinese are as "rightiy struggling to Le f ree" as b ite Boers w'cre. Lever's Y-Z (Wise Hea-i) Disinfeetant Boa-p Powdler la- better titan otiter powders, as iL is bcth soap a-nd éisinfecla-at. 34 KOUIIOPATKIN. Kouropat-kia w'iliehonely 56 next ntith. He i-s an inu:pλriag ligur~e. trust- r-d becaxise ilie ha-s iex'er Leen airait. l-iue years tige Kouropa-tkitt ta-s tuarriet tlia-t the cgreat pewter magazine a-t St. Pcbearshtîrg w-as ie be biow-n up tuithin txuenty-fotir hotîrs, anad lte magazine a-t Toulon, tee. Toulon tva-s utside bis spliere, huit Kotropa-tkiri, w-be received t1ia tvaraing w-hile ini led, rose a-adtuent at once te thie Stt. Petersburg ma-gazine stores. Cali ng*ogeLiier ofricers .and men lue inspectet i tIc' ores, ieria-red lte ia-- spectioan sati.sfactory, and gave euery ttan Ilîre touýs' lea-Ve as a tokea of bis lcasure. Otiier gti.is aîîd sappers .r stîruruni. a ranupa-rItva-s du-aroundl thie rna-gazitue a-nrit efore night i tva-s certain Iluat anv danger Ibat lua-d eNisteil La:d been nuerbt(. Nothiag hiaîpened, iLut tîte itext mnorningy the poxuder mtagazine tut ToftIon tuas iton-nriip.- C. C. RICH \TtD & CO.: Dca-r irs-l hînve t-sed MINARD'S LINII-NTin ruu. stable for over a- vear and consiulcr iL Lite vert- Lest for herse fles-t I en geL, anti stroag-l vreeommcnd it. GEOUGE IIOUGUI. Livcry Stables, '$uebec. CONDUCTOR WLEVT. Accordiag to e I ( Guide 'Musical. Dr. Ilans Rctte ell-; the folloNviag stor% conceraiag' a Mutria-Tberesza ttaler tuenti as a- trinket oit lis wtua-dt ia-m. "IL lsa- scutt'etir of a iludatt*tvltniclu I tp. I catuduictoti for tihe fir-iL tinte, at -el:eýar- t'ai1, asutlitub -\tetBruîkner, wxluo. tliitt itu i ci-J titian. liai-Inet vt Nv xxTainte a (l i ill'osuert:u5a -uot tikea en ~xt.a nd iudiexer bati hi-:; -w arks erforteîtil. 1 i:iI ad finishoed ]t ckue aunie te .ine, beanuing txvitli eeýfta-Lic loouLs tatt a htappy sinile. 1 feRt iîim put soiuîtehtirgig mb ny liant. "Ta-ke it. sait ieh,. ":iîîl îdrin-kitu hcaith in n f rom $S1,500.000 te $250.000. J. P. Mer- gtîn's $000,00 assessment ivas reduced to, $400,000. The original assessment on personalty a-mounted te $4,5S9,966,384. Almost e-reryone included in the list for assessmients visited te office of the tax department duriag the tintie aliowed for rectification of the rerords. The total of personalty left giubject te tax after die sxvearing off Pb '$G23,07S.S7S. Summner Colds You shouid cure that coid ab once. h - lu net oniy making yciu reel miscra>i.. but it iii coing you haria. Talkej -t 's. 'I.. Moonflal Lin ~taers Je ave - '111=t3 p.iftday for Rochester, 1,000 Islands, IRapida Lawrençê, Montreai, Quebec, Murray ay Tadousse and S'aguenay, River. lamiItoire Toronto, M ontreal Lins- Steamers leave Hamlton 1 p-ra,, Toronto 7.30 p.ni., Bay of Quinte ports, MontroaA and Intermediate ports. ý Low ra1tei on thfa.IiiLe. Furtuher latormnatiou,,apply te IL &,Ù agents, or wÎite ta H. POSTER CHÂ-PFLE, Western Passenger Agent, Toronlo., ONE MARVEL OFf NATURLý The Impulse in Undeveloped Inseets in the Earth to Cut Upward. There are f ew thfings in nature mo're wonderful than the common impiibt- which seizes these millions-of undevel- oped insects living in dark tunnels under- neath the ground and urges them to eut their va-y upward, that they ma-y cern- plete their appointed if e in the upper air, says Dr. H. C. McICook in HIarper's Ma gazine for June. Stirred by this strange unrest, the mighty host begins te mnove. Whiat engineering skill directs thieir course xvîth unri g accuracy ta burrow te the sunlight? If we suppose that a pupa reaches th I surface before iL is quite prepared te t ransform, or, when the surface is rQached, that wea- ther or other conditions retard the change te the wingetl forru, we have the influences that rerjuire it to build a protection. NINE lXILL1ON ACRES Governmex),t Lands for lomnesteaders. In western Nebra.ska near the Union Pacifie Railroad in section lots of 640) acres each, for almost nothing. The sal- ubrity of these land3 ii si)mething- re- markable. Distance from railroa-d à three t.o thirtv miile.3. There will be a grand ruqh of hornesteadeprs. This is the la-st distribution cf free homes the Unit-. el States Government will ever miake ini Nebraska. Write for pamphlet t.eliing how the lanils ca.u be acquired, when en- try should be made, and other informa- tion. Free on application to any Union Pacific agent.________ MONSTER BOWý 0F PUNCH. In 1694 Admirai Edxvard Ihusseil, oom- mander of the En'giish Mdtra.a fleet, entertained six thousand people in a large garden in Alicante, where ha serx'ed t.he largrest boxvl of punoh ever brewed. It côntainel twenty gallons of line juice, four oosucd f brandy, one pipe of Malaga wvine, txvents'-five hun- îlred lemons, t.hirteen huadredweight of fine white sugar, three packages toasted biscuits, fifty-one pounds of grated nut- megys and eight hogsheads of water. The whctle was prcvcnted from dilu- tion in case of rain by a large canopy, xviiih spread over a miarbie fountain bowl which held the punch. The punch was served by a boy, tva-o rowed aboat- te bacin of the founitain in a boa-t built- f or thbe purpose and refflled the empty clips. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundreçl Dollars' Reward for a 'iy case of Catarrh that cannot' be cured by flall'1s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENET & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersIgned, have known F. J. Cheney for the la-st 15 years anti belleve hlm perfertiy honorable lat ail business trans- actions ant i tnanctally ahie to carry out, amy obligations madle by tis fiin. WALD)ING, KINNAN & MARYL<. Wholesat* Drugglists, Toledo, 0. 'q -s mm@ 1 fambiatiable "eu-ra."

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