THE KEYSTONE, WIITBY, THURSDAY, J'ULY 28, 1904. Sponges from Se. to $5.00 Rubber Sponges [,5(c. to $3.150 each Rubber Sponges cs oe but wear long(er than nattural sponges-See thern. We have just received a large quantity of fine milled Toilet Soaps in Ht3liotrepe. Carnation, Lily of the V'alley, Flîtrod(oro, etc., at 10c. a box of 3 cakes te 40c. per cake. Aiso rnue imported Castile. Extra value iii Hair Brushes andl Combs. J. Es WILLIS Druggist Optician M.edical Hall IBrock St. Whitby. Co un tyTown tHappenings N A very heavy ramn f&1 oi N\Ve lîîesday night. Ladies Blouses, froni 75,' to $1]0O, le- duced to 35 and 50c., A. M. Ross. The framîtevork of M r. T. ( . Jacil - son's residene ns 1iîow 111. The prograin on cvclio litiay will le- gin at 1.,'0 o clock .A g e. i afteriiooîî cf sport is pronîised. The îlrug stores of the town have de - cided to close every eve!iilig exceept >at urday at 7 )oclckafter .Augu§t lst. On Mondtay afternotoîtthere uvîb it transportation tetatd fri- i i te IPark, tu roundîfare being oniy 1oc. Mrs. A. (jubstîtis îaaît frieîtth' will ha pleascîl ttî heur ulut' as blio tfioreti a position as Matreit iof Uie Ladies' Beît- evelent Institutiton, Moîttrual. Site heaves eot Auguîst the 3rlrî. Hor mîaîîy friends hipre andi at Balsaitu w'isli lier bealtb anud succecss. Dental Offices Closed. Our dental offices will ibe coseticcl Friday afternoon u triiig Juilv, \igtst 2 aund Septeruber. Dr. Atdams atndiD r. Jobtistotue, XViitiy. Mond1(ay is Xhitby's Civie Holidayv ciii there w 1-Il be a bi g lîst oif sports itt Ht'5- derîshore. Tiiose Who remieilîbr uVîtat a pleasaîît afterioon was spent there duriîîg the I1ut)ilee,uwiili e glaîl(if thlt' opportunity tet revistt the Park. New Pavements. Cemeuut pavoets aie to e liaidi on Duntias, Gilbert, Hickory, MNary,, Ctittre and Byron streets. Tbc total ccitt tif the pavemolits w iiiti be 80 îiay t-tep Ail MI R P ~Uluti t 't, 6 Ask te see oui- 9c di-ess goîtts, ftrir- price firu 1.5 te 25c.. A. M. Rtrns. Freight at Lp-town Station. Inuforunation mlias Ibeen receitedt tiihit offect that tue t Grandi Truîîkhti ti Compariy 'ixt endls tut etîxceltrate aIl the fretght business at this pottit ît th"up-ii towiî station. The shedls ai-e te o eeut- largcd, sît.iiîigs buil t, etc, tutaeiîuut lattu the tratlic. Homes ick. Quite a largoe îuîîîî ler tif vxcmirsIiitr carnýe uoiuil onttht'o1uAîuilas t saturidav vyg.'[lucre was a striiîg e'ast vîîîîî and a beavy sw'eii outîte lakt', tubicl mcde numnty if tlitI' îîseiu!,eris fi 'l rattimt biiusick hefi re tltey ieacht'li eir deis- tinationi. Binder Worhs Perfectly. Mir. W. J. Clekev ret'e'veîidt'e follitt- iîîg teiegraîîi on ediimstiay. "Ayliiuc i',t. 1ut.-Icv . Biiitier works perfeetly, iot a sinîgle bitchu. Teanu liglut (colts itelIiiut'tvy wbcat. NWIli1 keeli uîti. - 'Nîtv luy. Coigratuhat ions. Deputation will Vis t Toronto. A' sîîeeial meeting tif the Fiîiict Ceýrnnitt"e cf the tîîwuuCoicie andthte water anîd iigbt Ctînumîssioîîers w'as hcld on resday eu'iiiiig. It w-as ticcitiet tii senti a tiputtîttii tii Totronito toiinîter'- view 'trokers as toth ie pi-esjiet'ts ftîr t boetternuieiitt tf the unciex' îîîcrket.tantd te make ait effort to'ulisptise of tuue le- boutures. (Slerk XXhit tîlînd NIr. L. T. Barclay ctîîmpese the tieiegatuîui. Barber Hodge Moves. Mi-. ('las. Hotige bas renteti thee iî'cl ises irntcîiately sittttof the Newt Arimu- streîîg Htîrse, rec entiv ittet i p liy NI-. T. (.T. Jacksonif, cliii lias re'intî'etl lis barbcriug Ibusinieis tlîithcr. The uew' premises nuake a very attract ive iookingf shop, and( Mr. Hodge wîilloib)tless i- ceive a greater share of the publie pat- ronage than evex' in this conveietcatnd cbeei-fui.-loeking sbop. The IfistoricuI Souvenir There muet be many families in the town and viinity who have not as yet secured a copy of the Historical Souv- enir. This bookiet ils one which should find a place in every house in the Coun- ty. In future years it will be of great interestu and value. The history of the County is worth far more thau the price cf the book, and besides that there are 80 excellent baîf toue views, the wholei making a book worth easily 50 cents. It is bowever soid at the low price cf 25c. A copy may be obtained at the stationerv stores or at this office. An Old Whitby Girl's Gift. ()Id Fort Garry, Winnipeg, painted ino uater colors by Miss M. J. Smitb, ani - (,Id hitby Girl," uvas presented te t he! Ceuîîty Council at its last meeting as a Jultile eift. It uvas painted f rom thee originîal by Miss >Smith when on a visit te WNiiînipeg sente years ago. The city bas simîce taken the Fort down toecxteîud maini street.. The painting was giu'en 0~ liy 'Miss. Sritb te be bung up in t he c Court roont for the îîext fifty years. Lheap Tickets. W'Ilitb)y Civic Holiday, sinugle fare for, rettirni tickets te Montreal, Toronto, North Bay, anti ah intermediate stations, 3 gtîod going Julv 3th, ail traine July 3lst anîd August lst, anti return te cuti cf August '2îid, aise greatly reduced 1 steerage sud cabin ocean fares. Whitby . or Toronto te Liverpool or Liverpool te, \Vhitby or Torontot, stecrage (via Mon- treai) only $21.035. Sce E. Stephenson, Clo) Xhitbv, opposite P.(-)., for ail tickets.9 He tickets aîîvwlberc,evcry-where. Choice, cf aIl routes. Sec Stephenîson, Whiitby. Straw bats7 regihlar prîce front a)Oc te $1.00, reduiceti to 2.5 andti 'i0c each. A. M. lss. Union Excursion.1 Oni Monitay, Xiiguîst 15, an excursion m-111 he i-uitfrom Whitlîv, t>shua a înd Btiviuiville teol0cott, -N.X .. bu'steamieri A. Ut . W., Fireineîu anti Band. The fare for the roundtlttip is piaced at 7,-) ali1 ý-. An' Xî uppirttnity uuili be gi'oîîl e>xcul*ii'siists te proceedt teBuffalo, over tite electrie roati, iiu vichl city a stop tf ftour lueurs is allowuedt. lettt is saidti t ptiSSeISS iiaîy attracti.ons, andî the sail uvîll dotibtit'ss ptxîve anî exjovable mue. 'This unitl eî'ionîîs houhd draut'a ami i'iut i l the iboat. Baptist 5. 5. Picnic. T'F ht1 e î'.ýt pîitsalt ranud sucacessfuîh pitutie eu'er lued1in cîttctiî m ith the Baptist Sintiay Sehil uu'ius lîîti ast Tiiesdav tît Rtîsebaîtk. h >uer a lîutireti pe-ople Srtîod oi tht1e 1latfortin utitli smîh- ixtg faccs amui wcil filleul baskets uuait iîg for the torutiîg trainu w'ich uuas ttî take thieîîte titis utleal îicîuic grorinul. A îiiiiber froi-'n Brotikliîi helpet te suvell the crout t. The uteather uu'us ahi tlîat Cîtuilti le tesit'eui, uandtfroîtithe nomnit tlie ehiltireit reacheithe greunids tliey reu'olietIin fui. tîntil the t-ali carne to prepare fior titi train hbtiuue. Thue lav utau-s tentIteinntisî, croqjuet, siiging, Stt'iuta îmîîg lîatii td foottball. Ir t .ab a rýa yul oi1 pilume, anld everv tie earne .1way lîiglîly tie1iglittetiwitlu thme tiaus tiuting NIMr. Cc'own. the ouvîtr of the gra.iiis, U tuci1le ct'uiiiextet i ite iîtîpr,)tietiits tii tuhe grouitis anud ptu'i- Extending the Tannery Plant. L:ist yeati'wliiii the canîpaigît feir uater wiîrks tuas bliig foîugbt M r. C'las. KiîîgY maitde t lie prim i' tliat if thîe'sustemu uas hîutl eti ,'uîilucease hls usild- îîngs andlti't' aictity otf luis planît stuas te alinost douille tîte îîuîîber tof wîrk- mnet'tpIoveii The water systein diti t'ni tvaitiiw Mr. Kinig is fuifiliingIlis p r(i i tts iiisu t'd ar'vilhg tout plants he lias ilng lîtîî.tltiiac'iueu'e. He lias îuttuIli colurse tif e' rt'îti -n a leceli betîse to acti ttîilimit l' leaclies odtif utve fut tîaicîîtter ei. il d f4a dethto f tuuelu'e fet't. 'l'us is tii e lcfthowed by otiier atd- diticîts tii thelplanut, umail it m-'i1ii ho t'\ tei h'tats tii lie' ilii st iii lible i ts 1rement cîact. This w iii citable the NI 'sss ing tile) ahbusinettss cf 81- t'Oti veari3'. The tanuory is bliig in- î'ruaSt'i, ýthe îuîcklIe wotrks lias lîceit ex teîide't, the Har'esting Machine Cent- îany 'hait ic'mtt i ]uttiims-ch nuit' Possuibe bl i u iutii of tiue water uu'urk's ityhawu. 1Mr. Kîîu e-xpeets te bîrick t eîieer hlsi presemuit builings, wlith ill aiid inuccittî the apîhîarance of rt-e Sait-e Wanted by the Police. Oiii\'ehisttafterîîtîuîî tf last uueek aVîîutîu Eiiglisbm;naii, '22 ycars tif age, Il"sehiuSiu sit of cî(trues, lt<ig}ut ai(m I- li feet s nicest, bauing a iliglît Stppage iniilits spieeeb, cahieti upoît 3 r. E. Stcphiisiiu, ticket agenutlucre, autu askcti for a ticket foîr Liverpool,Euîg., rodtuicliiig itî eaune certificate val - iîe'î at situt uelu'c ptuîits with winich ti liX'furit. Ir. Stephuenstonuhesitateti t i ~ teii i iig mit e ticket. it be- inii g after bi tîkitg lutturs, anti îot bleig ahui't ,) u'i-fv thle tertulicte. The vtitth tuent sciii for i- r. Stephiensonî ttîkeep tlhe certulucate util îneruiig anti let hit lutye them ditl'trecee letweciî ticket cilcertiticeate. sonie $20, 'iii cash as lue uuishied tii îîuakc soînie purchases. This Mi-. Stepbcensonîidt1amud the ytiung mîan weiut uuuav. Slsîueui Mr. Stepietu- soi discevuereti that the certificate uvas not u ai1. Buit the ytiuilg mil uetui-u e olit, andttite police were îuotifled. a war-ranut uas suien itaucti for lus arrest, anîl the wires kept bot for some tinue, hut te genit was nott hîcated. t bas since beeiu learneti that Robinsoîn, for that w-as the ninte givetu, triedtl te btain îuîoîîey in 'ickerilig but failed. Short $900 in Acounts. Stratford, Juîiy 25. A fecv days ago H. 'N tc 'Milton Moi-, agenît et the C.P.R. and otc Dominion Express Comtpanîy at St. Mary's Tbe fôllcwing business bouses, anti was arnested ou a charge cf enbezzie- denîtal offices, wilh chose their places of ment laid by the latter Company. He busiiiess*Fritiay afternoons, eiuriug July had been f&'Lid te be $900 short in bis and August. cmouxnts. The prelimiuâry hearing teck W. J. H. Richardson, Nicholson& peéon-Friday befoqe two St. Mary's, Seldon, Norman Bassett, Philip Taylor, Ius'âiei cf the peaci" Ž' prisoner w85 A. D. Fasr A. M. Ross, James Rut- glt up. for tral. JHe is now out on bail. -1ledge, J. E. FareweLI, JudgEl mih ~' O î~ ew Àçleu louesRegular' Dow& MoGillivray, D. OmsoJ r 9 bÃ"i~O reduced to,3, d5C Adame Dr. Juhnston. Remuant Saeqi During the iiext two weeks we wvi1l place on sale Remnants of Tweeds, Prints, Shirtings and Dress Goods, wich vill bc sold at ONE-mHALPF THEIR VALUE. We particulal'ly direct v-our attention to our assortrnent of DRES GOODS Suitable for Presses, 'râppers, oi. at thiiý, scason wlien manv are rnaking their (1uilts for i' e corng intur. These goods, superior, to printz, ('ani be sectireil for suchi a puriose at a Iower prît-e. ANDREW House Wanted W antedt terelit by Sptei nber or (lcu teber a six romned housge. ceeitrallv locat- ed(. WViii lase for- a year, if desirable. \o children in faîuilv. A ppl v tt office of TiiiE KEYSTONEý. Cham--berlain's Colic, Choiera sud Diarrhoea Remedy Nevi.r fails zind. is plumsant to take. NI', ARE TllE Busiest Opticians IN TORONTO Ieatse of FUINEST GOODS RIGHT PRIGES Cempetent Operatlng. F. E. LUKE, PE EFR11ACT I N G ot PT1ICI A N. Il King St. West, TORONTO. HeIp Your Town. It iS a Imistik'e thtliIîk tl'îit all tite 'e s 1 o-i ,siîi lity for tîîîkiîig a :iuilîit pruspentîns t'îsts mliii dt i\t liN ' i' i) aie electeti froît vear tii 'i tr andai ae calîcîl tîte C culi. Ifî'vî'rv tain whio îîwis rojc'r~'.wli i'tris bis ltvelîliood ois iotlienv'ist' iiîtt'rest'îl Iint1tw ilae uvotlldd otie moi . itre wtiîiltl la accornplished. lBe aiove Jîeîty local jealetisies and1 ahi ve al. ilelit îarp at evt'rytiig tndttiaivtlin, itg teittcl may uiu(ertake. Evvrx' lîeuîseho'IlIer eau miake the tow'îtmoire, attractive' by kei.p- iîîg- hi-s premises in apple pie tîrder anud 1grass antd weeds ut ii frot o if the pro- îîerty lie occujiies. Tlie reasoli sente towîts withiout aîîy niatf.t'tiriiiItdus- tries oir îatural ailvantages for trie grov faster than ether places m-iti great- er adu'antages is hecausv the inliabitatits iull togethier and take a pride Ini leaîtt- ifying- their honmes anid streets. W'îho wouild net ratîter settle ini a thriftv lotok- iîîg. tidty village thaît in one wiiere tiiere is a tilîgle tif weii s andîl rass (1n thle street sies, anîd the rxdtc'are' ill-ke}t anid untidv. Aý nuctuber uf the voulue ladies of the tewîî have started camp Ilfu at Haîden- sucore Park this week. Constant Dread of Paralysis Lef't arm 90t numb-Doctore sald nervous exhaustion- Remarkable Cure by Dr. Chase'* Nerve FOOdI. MRS. CHAS. S. CatAvzN, North Gower, Ont., writes : -I do net hesitate te recomrnend Dr. Chases Nerve Food aind would flot begu'udgm fifty doUars for the goed it has done me For six years 1 sufféreca wîth severe pains in mi night shoulder and nurn ti ness in my ieft arm. Na touugue can tell what I suiffa ered. The doctors said thé trouble was from the net-u'el but their unedîcirues provetq of no avai! so I resolved td 'eDr. Chases N er vl F7oo a tri%. After ni six boxes 6f ti nuedciný eight boxes with the result that I arn complete cured. 1Iontfe that 1 can use strong enug- words in reconuurendng thus medicîne to alI Who suifer & as i. Dr. hwsýev Food 50 cents a box. Te proteet you airainst Émitations the portrait and signature ofý Dr. A. W. Chase, the famons receipt book -authoe eon cmvyboa of bi4 redici m. ROSSO Farm ers' Sale Notes Di scou nted and Collected Special .Attention te Farmers' Business AiU Banking Business t'îtruustt'îteoui- t re uuilli-ctt 'ie pi-omupt ttettî î Il Assets nearly $5,OOO,OOO Authorized Capital, $1,000,000 Paid up, Rest, 435.,000 2209000 Savings Bank Dept. Iiiîte're t pauui oi dej esits tut t t. a Vi t at bî,gliest curnt rates. Do your Bankling by' Mail XX Ienu ic 1uirixug aîth ting it the, B.uktuug business w'rite uis. Special attenîtionî givon te sau'îngs de- pocits lîy mîail. Absoiute secrity. WHITBY BRANON m Manager Job of Printing a customer. The Co-oporator and the Historica S on! ur work. A Neat pleases are samp es of c theoa m co d Blow«. ur Catmb and F aver. Blower k». AUl dealers orDM. A. w. ba WXedicine Co.. Torcoto auud à 8u Mri. R. M-. Saxby lias been visitinqa frienda in Bowmanville. Miss N'ornes, of Toronto, spent petb of last week with Miss Adams here. ________________________ Miss Gertrude Paxton lias returned 0Apple Barrels Plentiful. after a two weeks visit ini Gamebridge. The ('oaudian Ulortu-ultuu'î.st in its Mr. H. Mitchell has been spendirng'a August issue will announce that as a few days with Mr. Davey of this plage. resuit cf careful investigations made Miss Silcox, cf the O.L.C., whose ~oth roughout the province, it finds there is net likely te be any shortage cf applet home is in Toronto, spent a few days in barrels this season. Last year, it wiîîtonhatwek Obe remembered, thousauds of bushels ý Mrs. Hugh Miller and Miss Miller, of cf apples rotted under the trees ewing Toronto, speut part cf last week with te the scarcity cf appie barreis. Coep- Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Barclay. crs this year have been able te obtain Dr. W augh and family have left for' more supplies and are prepared for the!Ab~et pn h'blnec h Ç.demand. In some sections cf the pre- 'acartio aster sumer hlacom. h vince the apple crop is going to be a vcto ttersme oe lîttie ligbter thani it was last year, wbich' 31r. Mountaun, the newly-appointed, 0 ll tend te increase the supply cf bar- engineer te the Dominion Raihway Com- ..rels. The average price this year for mission, was here on Tuesday in-specqting <"barrels will be 40 te 50 cents each. Corbett's cressing. * Col. Otter, cf Toronuto, was in towIi Mr. Wells, cf Toronto, Secretary cf the this week on Miitia business. Farmerst Co-operative llarvestingM- chine Company, uvas in town on Wed- In Gr at V riet nesdav afternoon. Mrs. Chas. Frazer, cf Toronto, wb In reahVaietrwsister, MNrs. C. A. odeow 00 Hand Bags returuucd on Tuesday ntorning. 0oMs Evansan Miss Hawley, wbt 0 Peggy f rom Paris have been spending a week or se it 1Charemont with Mrs. Evan's mother re- 0 Satcuuels turned home Monday eveniug. GroquetOn the Wing. SE. Stephenson, Whitby, has ticketed, Express & Toy Garts -H. Stratford toflamburg, Miss Coffey SWheelbarrows Mrs. Denyes. family and hier mother -t( Laketiehd, Mr. Chas. Wilhs te Belleville Basebali and Bats E. Austin te Port Saufield, C. A. Goed feIlow1ad sonte Mi la r Mss'".l'r% Mrs. AIin's. Whitby Book and Music Store. Dining BoomGirl Wanted. Abouit'July 20). Wages zl(> per monith. Apply te o..PR~N 3 Royal Hotel. Notice. The underttigned Bttrristers andi Sol icito-rs beg respectfiîlly te iiiforni the Ipublic that thuir offices Nvil1 close at 12 ocokevery Friday anid Saturday dur- iîig the moîiths of July ani Aîîglîst. DI)uv &' INcU i I,'1E V 1 JAS. RIîTI:it;F J1. E. F.Aîd:NuvE.1, G. )\. SulîTI1 EA ENiEXlKIs toiirt'sett'i 111o tlit' iiiir- S .iigii'i xiuiieîsian i "'i'-Tendeir foi. IPublic O nt. IL't iindspei.'ittitiol tan elit iandii!foriiit (if teng'itî it'r îltiedi attis i ep:îiii'ttiti !<d iti aplli. cal iii to t li' l>s tma.ster ai ( î.htîîa. l>er'..îts lte 'riiig ire iîtifiidtii..t tenit". î iii suppiieil an iit neiîiel vith >thi-r a t ul isigna lii ts. el cheqeili4i11iia tlarîî'reilInU1mai uiîade ilo Woirks, eî1iati tt'itliper î'e'nt . Iii ip.c.) of thei tit.I' 'tit if thlit teinde'r. sîthiiseuil lie fiîrfeite'i if thle wlieni <aileil iîpoii lii11ii s'i, iiif lie fmil hiiîip!l thie wicoittra'tetl fior. If ithe ltdt' iht' ipt' t t "T e liartitieil it es ntthijit' it'iilf lt "' lty otietr. Se'îrtl xanidiaat inig I)ciî y iii 5t t-i Deplirtinet'îîtf Jîlîi'Wo rkii IOllavîxz, .1111N, 1 P4. Nt'sî-p aiîru itisetiiîigii, ui (\t tintt xfl itlî 'it at Eitty front t' l)tpartliet, -il wiiii t t' pail for il. Application for Divorce. d- niolds te Peterboro, Douglas Tod te, Atherley J uiction, Misses Sullivan and Ncuvwsomie te 'Mt. Forest,Johu Ferris te Mid land and thirty othuers te Torouto. tNo More Operations Tuie tiay cf operatiens for piles i-s pîçst for ail who know cf the efficacy cf Dr. Chase's Ointmcnt as a cure for this hor- rible ailment. Lt ioesiît matter what forni cf piles yeu h",sô -long as you tise Dr. Cliase's Oiiîtmeut care-.ily anud pleîîtifuily. it wîhl seau bning rle u cure. Ask vour friends and ueighbors whiat thiey knlow about thîs preparationi. PORT PERRY. Tlie Baptist conzregation bas addcd a iiew vestry te their churclu. It uvas openu- et oun Tuesday evening, 26th iust. A fatal accident occurred iii 'Scugog on Wctinesday last. Messrs. Hope Bros. uvere cngaged iu rooflng their barn ,withi ruetal roofiîug. The rope w'hicb beld the pole upîîtt wbicb nhuiey braced thieir feý6.- broke, riiecipitatiig, both te the grouuîd. Mu'. W'aketiehd Hope tiieti front bis itnjur- ies a shiort tinie ufter, and at timie cf wuritiiugý his brother is inu a critical con- dutuoui. I'î)rt Perry Fircînien excursionu to Nigara Falls on iAtugust 2nd. Witat mi_,-t b ave been a serions ac- cident ttîok place as '31r. John Nott uvas ioatliitg up sente furuuituure ini front cf bis sttore iast Wediiesdav afterrcoun. The heorse started uiiinoticed, anîd Mr-. Nott feul out cf the iig., strikiug on bis bond. It uuas first tbouglit le was badly liurt. Soeteni near by ruisiieti anti heipetl hiiiiuuup. Tue old genîtlemanu saiti, '-All is w-cil tiat endIs uuel," tatt deliuered the ftu'xituri-. but coîuuîtaiîis soeu of luis iii- jury hîy thue fahi. Sani ]ose Scale Spreading. Reports receivcd by the f 'îitaia)e HfkîîïItiîlorlat frein township Sani Jose scale inspectgrs, ani accouit cf hich 'Il be puîlislhed in the Auigust issue of dtatlagazine, show that in some sec- tionis cf thc(ý%pro-,ince the San Jose scale is -preadîig. Lii a nîumber of towns1ii»-, gru csippear te liai e givein xîp fight- ing this îacst, with the result thât great (laniatCe is being done trees. La )ther sectitils îuhcre sprayîno lias been eier- ,getically carried on,. the scale is practi- cally uiider contrel. The inspectors re- port thiat the lime anid sulphur, the crude oil anîd the caustic soda washes are gIiv- îîîg sà tîfactory resuits. News of the Churclies The Baplist Church. Latst Suvdav niorniîig pastor H. H. Bing iaîni #as te have preached on the subjeet etf('hurcli Unîionî, but jus tead the ieu'. W. E. Norton, the Homie Mis- sion u tperintendent for Ontario anid (.ýiebec visitedtihte cliuirch and gaye a stirr*ng, address on tie suibject cf Hoino Missionîs. Thie rev. geiitleman is a coin- viting, thoughitful speaker, and sitice lus acî'eptîînce cf the imîportanît position lie hîîlds, the rmistioxu w'rk las nmade rapîd ,trides. Rex'. E. J. MclEweni, cf Halibîirtoîî, spoke oit the need cf the wuîîk there, at the eveîiing- service. The pastor will îîreac h oi Chîîrclî uno nîoîîe\t suuîdlay 11inorin g, anid--the evenîng subject ,vill lie -Amtuanuîdcr -a tî'ee. Ail are heartily welcomie. Oued PHi uî'-At Grirnbsy Park, cii Friday, Juy22, lieu. John Plîilp, aged 65 O'Cc~'ttut lu 'hitby. coi Tuesday, July 191 1904, Juhu U'(JContuor-,aged M I i NOITCE tj.hiu'ri'liu git-eultutiClara Bltwell 50 yeais. i Mc(Derutot, tif thte Village' if Port Pt'rry t inte Ctiinty tif Onta~rio,. utarritît uou'iaî. tiIl'I pply tti 'CoFFEY. lu XVhitby, on Mcuday, July the 1arliaiutent tif CUmîutatt tîte nezi. sessiont 9 94Jh dfe ad'0yas theretîf for a bit! of IDivorc'e fromt lier Inustant, -,101JhiCfe a d70yas George Buirtoin Me'lermuot, formuerly of the Villa e____________ of Port Perry, at prement residilg it tr uicartte I * Village cf Golden, inm the' Province tif Britisit Col- umbia, Rancher, otihei ground of adultery, cruelty r and desertion. ~, *W. A. WERRETT, A Io~4 Soli or ('tlara Bidwell McDermot.Hmes Dated at th Toronto in the Province of Ontario, thls) y of Judy A.D. lm0. pa.yinf GO TO THE CASH HARDWARE STORE' Protuct -Your ç~~HOUSE Put on a \\e do tihîeing at is reli- - able, usliig olv the very lîest i In a t e(i a I \Vliate ver you %vnnt is vliat wi- furîiisl, and iurgu aiteg s with ev'erv. job) we do. Let us figure it up for x'ou Eavte Thiroiuýliiîiî,Furiiiece Work- Pluîieîiîg, latits, Range 1h'oilers, axîvthincg in the Tinsmithing and Plumbing Line. W. M. PRINGLE, Phione ~ Corner Ilardware Store, Whitby. Wedding GlUis Abo it ttc îs tii utetiti i tu lFor uuolIil ggif t s1iuere i-, iot! iiiu -i w eltoit andii 'ulilriare ag Silver ware or Cul Glass If 3'tii e" c ,Oit i ;l ft îr îî un stick vit i 'iilit' Sure te have ituî'it .tumi' iîu..fasliiia le anti SANVED MONEY. iamonI and Wedding Norma n Basseti, JeNuclen cl t tîtuiictui. Formeir NIaiua;.o ý i- d O "irt lii('llAEth1S(hN <v(. Eroti Sit., Siutît. - \"iui1iiy The- Western Bank of Canada. Incorporated by Act of Parlia ment 1882 E.0. Warren, m