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Whitby Keystone, 4 Aug 1904, p. 2

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rLcmdon-The rate of discount of the Bank of England was unchanged to-day at 3 per cent. Ottawa-Mr. Saniuel Proutx, M. P.,* for ,Prescott County, is dangerously 111 at his homerne lPaâagenet, with obstruction of the bowels. Fergus, Ont-A terific thunder and light- ning storm, aceompanied by a beavy down- pour of rain, passed over here last night. during which the lightninig did considerable damnaze. Oyster Bay, L. 1. -President Roosevelt, ac- companied by Mlrs. Roosevelt, Secretary Loeb and the executive staff léf t here to-day for Washington. Petrolia-A furious electrical storm, last- Ing about one bour, passed over here last evening. Packett's brick block was struck, but not serlously damaged. New York-Tbe Times to-day says Justice Scott In the Stipreme Court yesterday signed the final élecree of divorce granted to iMme. Nordica ,t')e opera singer, froma err n-The Daiiy Express understands e engagement of Miss Daisy Leiter ajor Crawley bas been broken off. and, Ore-Indications are that the n bop crop will amount to about 90,- aies, or ln teb neighborhood of 15,000 les. than last year. ovîdence, R. , .-The Turkey red dye a at Bellefont, f ive miles north of this were destroyed by f ire this morning. losa Is conservativeiy estimated at $20,- ew York-Mrs. Blanche 'Madden, 23 r. old, the wife o! Edward Madden, thet nig writer, committed suicide last nigbt taking carbçlic acid. She had ic-euitiy en an inniate of an insane asyluin. Conneaut,Obio-A world's record in ore In loading was made bers yesterday, 'when the steamer A. B. Wolvin, the largest ore-car- rying vessel on the lakes, was unloaded of 9,945 tons o! ore in four hours and thirty min uaes. London-The Royal Comnmitttee oif En- quiry into the causes o! cancer are of the opinion that frozen or chiiled meat is in no ,way injurious to consuniers, and cannot be held to be in any degree accountable for the increase of cancer iantreat Britain. STOLE SHEEP DURING STORM. Friends of Chicago Strikers Secure Soine * Fresh Meat. to-day declared ini the tock vards dis- triet. 'No one wvas alioex d te traverse t-lie streets iiîuie4s giied cati-e liitiuld lie sldoil nfor doing se. A ru in and bail- s-torni te-dax' causel conifusion in tlic ]ive stock pens. The frig-Iitenedl ani- mals raîi about the var-s teoiiiieto1.v bevond the centrel of thle iile\jhiiecfld' drivers. lXîîing tueeuiennt sv eral persons w ere sven te e'&ýaî ji<fii thie yards Nvith live '-lîep in tlheir a rmsz 'fhese meni were said te lie friends cf thie strikers, w'ho toek avaitaie t ie op- p)otutitv te sectre fesi ictt. MRS. MAYBRICK ILL, ollapse froni Strain of Imprisonme -Whçreabouts a Mystery. Jidîî,Aîîi". 1 IFN loence L brick. is iel)rted s '*i and fîîendg. iue Wýt days agt) wvithliiervoiis - nI t 11 îî I XX , ý i ld. l p lel i l iti iil a 'aguIlt- ; i tf 7 ] l t tt 1 1.1aid I il 1ýtet! 1i lîî- ti i îtj MUST PAY $287,810. ]Beavy ama'ges Assessed Against South Tales Miners' Association. deci til hîtili e uitîti \.iltvliiî. iF i. iiî-. tlla thîî i îl i i i l l t w iv (e of tiec ci-e te fiIlîi:-otfLît. CHAJ<PION BUTCHER. Chicago Marm il Defend the Tiî1e Which He Holds. - lf til u l IhiLii i i n '- I l, i: -l - i 4îf; tht t'f tll . t i - l - I ii Itut'. -' li i:, ut lu ît -tt t i i t 1e u- mrie titi- tt\itIu il lIa---Xi :u Ilis - lu-!it! tjjîiu-it t i'- iv M r..Tt)luiÀi u tI i f ii i. tut'I O e t-- 1îî .~.t f-ti) Nu Ni tlitu' thli, t jt lui iif ilt tîîîN\ l1 1 Nlii!i11 - 11i -hî-fo-uut cil 12 ott u-e i i vl icî lue Iluclîl. A Scale of Charges, - (loi-ente Nex-Si Tlie ntlwiî-uote Nut-, yliie-ell- filu ealîctît ta bîîiiii-' i ]ii Tootfo tecite o!flis sluilttrIinifes : 1 xt-utteul ehgh't mintes for tvouitinIllic-an -Whilcyoit-i-ci-c ghls.,iliuug 'ailtt hle le-af- eas Standing fublttit. 'l'lisk xtll ctst-votu ton tdollars,wiflut-ueufl ivilegi> of lent' ing if >ou Nwishl' ie next tinte yoit ceitcm-a saleoîn or lturïoolin uurincg buisi- rese lueurs it -iul ct-t-eou tuent-y dollars. i t-ihthfle pi-I-ocfleaviutg, und tlie thurd imre t %umîl cosf yru t-le privilege of leaviuîg. INTERNATIONAL LESSON NO VI, AtTGUST 7, 1904. Qed Tak!ng Care of Elljah. - 1 Kings 17 1.18.1 Commentary.-I. Elijah and his Mes- sage (V. 1).1. ijahThia !ir2mhet cornes suddenly upon the scene. "The achools uf the prophets seer to have had tbeir ori- gin in. Sasnuel's day, and Nvere founded in various parts of the land and in cou- nection with thein Elijali appears."- Cam. Bib. 1. 0f Gilead-The only Thisbe zmentioned in history îs in Galilee, hence we conclude that aithougli a native of flic tribe of Naplitali ini Galilee, lie had be- corne a citizen of Gilead east of the Jor- don. Unto Ahab-Probably in the pal- ace cd Samaria. What courage and f aitli this must have taken! As the Lord.... liveth-As Jeliova.h ivetli. Elijali begins by giving the authority of his message. As sure as Qed lires, se certain it will be that the prédiction 1 arn about te make will take place. I stand-As a servant or ambassador. Elijah w-as accountable direetiy te God. Dew nor ramn-A terri- ,.bic thfeat for a country annually parcli- ed by six months' drouglit, anîd onhy sav- ed f rom utter barrenness by the early rains of autumn. Raw-insen. Thiese yeare -Froin Luke iv. 25 and James v. 17, we learn that the famine lasted tliree and a hlaf years. From 1. Rings xviii. 1, we learn that the famine ended in the third *year of Elijah'S stay in Zarepliafl." third year, "which means perhaps the -Hurîbut. Mly word-That is, as the lord sliouid pxulaim lHis will tlirougrh 1Elijah. The famine w-as the necessary préparation for Elijah*s refenn. It WMa a direct attack upon Baeal, w-ho w-as re- warded as the god of ail natural forces, and the- test would show his impetency. Il. Elijah fed by rayons (vs. 2-7). 2. Came-Hew, %-e knew net. Ged's ob- ject was te protect Elijah from the rage cf Ahab and Jezebel. 3. Leave Samaria and "withdraw- from the haunts of men." Hide thyseif -"For the king that sent te every land te find him i1. 1R-ings, xviii. 10) weuid take every possible means te cern- pel bim te speak- the word of power that would bring rain." "Wben Ced intendedl te send rain, lie baile Elijah go show himseif te Ahali icbap. xviii. 1)."ý-Com. CovrL Brook Cherit h-A terrent bed, a deep ravine, down w-hic-h in rainy times a strong srteam flowed. The situation of Cherith bas net been iilentified.-Lumby. "If i. probable that Clîcrith w-as east cf the Jordan. Lusebitîs and Jerome place if thore." -Pul. Coin. 4. G-emanded the ravens-"This plain, positive statement defIes ail atternpts te explain the facts stated in verse six on rational or naturel principles.*'-Whcdon. 5. Did according-le teck the word cf the Lerd in the hand of faitb, as tht staf f cf bis pirirnage, a nd journeyof ferward; and, Nwlicncv-cr ho grew wea.'y he ieanod upon Lis staff, and mis strength revived; and, w-len danger did threatea lîim by the -w0o flue staff liew-as n lum- macher. 6. Ravens The bringing to Eiijah of w-as e-idently miraculeu ead and fiesh - Ravens and carrion tliemselves, lit man'se rook dried otdried up e en brouglit bus bis retreat .ephath vs. 8-16). 9. arpta cf Luke iv. 2(5. f ine in the dominion.s, Jeees fatter. '-lt wtt' as if one fîving from a lion - d te set k refuge iin a lieu's uflure. A w idew \ mnTt n cf the -idows in tuie East i N b. -s in the extrenie, se iiat te re- sent. Il. 'As site w-as gt-ing she rclihv w-ont at tlie first mword. She obiî ecil not at the pprett crt. nor iski'eil w-bat he woulld give for a tlrau-ht, ner binted that he w- a stranger, but Ieft gt liorinlg st icks fer bcr'-elf te fetcîu watt-r for lim-Com. Coin. Moi-sel cf (i-acI 0oulotthle pi-cplot -as snt9y iu nee'tlof iý; doultile;. tee, lue x-as h.-- teniag for dhviae dii-ectiuta;. 12. Tht- God livefli-She rnecogni7ed Eli.jia--flice woshipper cf Tt-lovtuh inI liert-tii-ls lndicated a nevouence fot- (ld anmd sitin,' knowlcdge cf 1lus wave. Cik'l Fmtuhhcsf kind cf brircî. A f lat.0ct--i-il cah..e cf uin:aveatnldcîuîg-li aboutitfeu- hache; hn anhueter 'îalN'ht.groîiud ina nband sii. Pari-cl .\n eotrtîen jur. 01 lvoiL Tlecaf with breaci, as-ii- de butter. Cri--A flahs for ll(piiîd-t 'tt- sics-samoag t-hoerm-i t this dat- "t-w-o" was t-lic cquivtuheaftîof a fc..Kit-to. Eàt if, andi lic- 1fiue famiine prevailcd tiere, ai-d site was iti t-ie last cxtneunitv-. 13. Foui- net- Ilate ne feursabruitthfli fuîtutre;ttrustf Ccd. Fi-t-hlfihs w-ts a tesqt cflber faih hanCch. anti xoîllld showx w-bothii -chue w-us vothy cf t-ie lîehp Eli.jali offercd. It wa-s neces--ary un orbci- te niake t-le provision for lier waat5 a mccl llessiag-eloubef. Ilere is a failli mauîifest-ed by t-lis poor Iteatlien wontaa suci ns t-ias net found in Israel. Jesuis fcund a sinitlar fait-h ini a womaa of this sanie land tat xv. 18). 14. Bai-roI... not w-ste, etc-A sitecial miracle, btt God's commrsu way cf pi-ovidijmg f or runn's comimon w-ente je a wonder daily repeated. 'fie teeming' eari-fl elke one vast pranar ' vw-ici Ced keeps ever full. -(Gurney. Unt-il fie day-It is sup- posed f bat- how-as lu Zarephati abot two and a haîf yeams. 15. Went and did -The increase of t-hie widow'e fait-h waà as great as a miracle in the king- dom of grace as .ae increase of ber olI in the kingdorn of providence.-- Con.. Coin.. Wasted not--"ýHere *as au ex- hibition of that saine divine power that ini the person of Jesus multi plied the loaves and fishes."e "This wonder-working prophet," says one, "is introduced to -our notice like an- other delchizedek, without any mention ofhiý father or mother, or of the be- g=mng of bis days - as if he had drop- ped dawn froin heaven."- The -Scrip- tures state that he was "a mman of like passions as we." The time of Elijah's appearanoe was during the darkest days cf IsraqI's declension froin God. .Ahab had beën reigning over twelve years, and it is enough f0 brand hitu as a wicked man when we are told "that the was none like uinto Ahab which did sel himseli to ' work wickedness in the siglit of the Lorg1, whom Jezebel bis wif e stir- red Up." IlThe altars of God were thrown down and Lhe propliets were siain. The judgment Pronounced by Moses in Deut. xi. 16, 17 was about to corne upon Is- rael for theii- sin. Elijali a m~n of pr"<.er. James says he "prayedt rnestly." ElijLh saw that it needed soe\ e extraordinary means to bring Israel A ~ kto God. "Extraordin- ary manifýstations of wickedness de - mand ext îaordinary manifestations of the powerr f Ged." Elijab's Wedness as ho appears before tkol wicked- Ahali demands our attention. Armed with a message irom God, le de- clares, "Ai1 the Lord God of Israel liv- eth, beforý whom I1 stand, there shall not be dew ner rain these vears, but ac- cording to Iny -word." HIaving delivered bis messag( he bears the command, "'Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thystIf by the brook Cherith ... thou shal, drink of the brook; and 1 hiave co-mnîanded the ravens to feed thee there." God bas often hidden bis ser- vants; Jetemiah was thus hidden; INoali was shut in; Joash, the cbi]d king, w-as hidden seven vearq, and even Christ at times paýsed through the tlireng unre- cognized by lis enemies. God's ctre for bis servants was won- derfully ilustrated in the case of Eli- jah, as re-corded in our lesson. God's promises and their fulfilment always niove oii I"sehedule time."' The best inan- aged rajhroad svstems often fail in mak- ingÎ the, connections as given in their time tables, and passengyers are put te m"any incenveniences by the failure. Yot 80 wth God's promises. For a vear that bre&c% flewed on; every mornîng and ev- eninkg the rayons obeyed the command of iheir M-\aker, and Elijali neyer failed te have bis meals on time. ,bis lesson teaches us the need of, im- 1plcit faifli in Qed, aud that il w-e are Nviling te obey the commands of Ged ho will net fail te proteet un in the heur of danger, and that a).\ our necîls w-i be suppiied. 'Trust in the Lord. and do good; se shaît thon dwell in the land, and verily thou shaît be fed." Samuel K. J. Chesbro. L heMaket) British Cattie Market. 1l te 13e per lb.: refrigrrator il 1-4c per lb. t-beep, 1l te 1-- Leading Wheat Market. Nc-w' .Pork...... St. Louis.... ... ..... 1)uluti ....... ....... Toledo ........... ... Det i-oit....... ....... 94 i S S S 8 90 1-4 912 - 8 9:3 1- 2 Dec. 9- 7- S 90 1-4 S6 1-2 9:3 1-8 9-1 h-2 Cheese Markets. Stirliig, July 30-Attflic(,Stirling due-esc board te day 1.000 chîee-e utcre boarded. Sales: Nla-iuruathu, 1.000 at -43-Sc. W\odstock,, Juîlv 30. There w-as ne change hanlutf -ck pr]iices authfle et hng, cf the choc-e m.iketlucre te day. It aIl 2.00 bnoes uteria-eu.ali e muake cf July "lite lu gie-t hîlî on tlîe heeard tvae 7i 5-Se. At fliNý fi,,ure 200) bioxes w-e-ic soici te Bootli Oi thte street 1,000 boxes selil at 79-116e. l'hctoa. Juhv 30 At oîîr chpee boai-d te day 13 futtories hutarilusl 1.30)5bo-xezt. ail cohii-rcd. 1 I i-le - 'liiiJ. 7 c -, 1,2 7 5 cold. hvr.S\iutiait4 Baillie. Toroente Farmens' Market. lice niai kit ttiî duIl fer grain. o'c I tl -)! g0o ýem luett ecîlciut 8l2c, anti one load cf ouf-s at 39c, Ilax- in moîlerute -uîlipl v, uvithi sules cf 15 Ictaîs i-i $11 t-e $13 a tîta for old.and ut $Ste $9 for new. St-iatt-is nominîal la abseneecofo!offerings. Dressed Luogs ai-e luigli- owiag te smail ncceipt-s. Lighit cres bring $.1 \Nieat, Nvliite, Ihiumlicl, 95e; red. 94 te 9.-); pig S7 te 89c; goose. 80 t-c S0flýc; cals, lîuîlîel. 39c; liai-lo, 45e; ia *v. ohl. hier ton, ý11 t-o $131; do., netv 58s te $; tr-aut-. lier ton,.'$10 te $11: ulre'ýetî 11Luo. lighît, per exýt.. $7-50 tc 1S egs eii tlîîuîî, 20 le 21;huit-fer, uair., per lit.. 15 le 1%(: do.. ci-eanerv, hO) te 21c;(-iui.; pîiu per lIa., iG uo ]Sctefunkcyv. pi-r lb., 1:3t-e I5c; pofa- f ieJei- bag. POu- t-o $1: lie!. uiindî1îar- i erz. S75 fia S9.50: firequiari crs, .-)te i-lice. cii-c-a--. $7 te $73 mnediium, -tr-s. S tto f iO nlittun. hier cxxi - $13 te$5:v tu ler cw-t. - -.St -c$S50; I...iil, eg ul4hb lhi l12c. PILOT WYAS AT FAULT. Officerg of Steanier Fxcincratecd foi Grounidiîig ot'NVaneeouver., tf' o <urt cl'or li u .luibre làu.s t'-kbt- Ccpt 5-ainci ve-ck cern jiîssioner. lîtto Lt-ue grouuiding cf t-lt 1tctuinion Line sse Vancouîvor. our Jtiy 14, lii Lake St.lPete'r, -%vi.- an. g<Uîtounoed to-da'y - Tlt4-C (lot foumnc t-,ati-licpilottv.i-s re-poyr,nbitlefer thu ni.sluap, utuhi hu lalîcpciod !'oitan or. îor t-n jcidgnuoni - Tit pilot, wlle th( b-utw -Sv-d g n--te stau'hoard, gavu the oet--t-o, st:rboarcl t-l iehm stil fu-t-hier, w-ltlut-e sutlftlat fbeve Sý,, tcok a sho*t- and brouglit up ou t-ho amu-d bat- ut-aide t-le cluannel. No peu-aity-yw-a.s mposod on fi, p-[ot, but he >uvs c-aufioried, The o!. oier f flue st-camer andit-lue Domia, ion Line weoCcat-ireiy exho>nerated, Buffalo-The f irm o! Hleathfieid & Wash. bura, grain dealers, x-uith offices lan-hi Bioard of Trade buildiag, have f iied a petu lion ln voluntary banlcruptcy lu the U. S Dilstrict Court. Washburan eeently nturdcre, bis farniy snd committed suicide, as thi reauît o! business ti-nubles. ASSNSLUF:VPL[HVE, BUSANMNITR FINIE-BIRa Maângled by a Bomb While Driving ini a Carnage to Station. Was on lus Way to Visit the Emperor--The As- sassin Arrested--Driver of the Coach AIso Killed ----The Minister's Servant and Two Off icers Also WounPded--fl urderer Chose a Spot for the Deed Where the Coach Had to Slow Up--mhe Czar Almost Broke Down When lie Heard of the Tragedy-Conjectures as to the Assassin' s Identity. A St. Petersburg cable says - Minister cf the Intemior VonPleiv e w-as assassinated this momning w-hile diving te tie Baltic 'Station to visît the Em- peror at the Peterhof Palace. A bomb tvas threw-n under the Minister's car- niage, completely. sliettering if. 'M. Von- Pleive w-stuferribly mnangled. The crime w-as commit ted at 10 o'clock. The assas- sin w-as arrestA-d. The eoacbman w-as killed, and the woundod and maddened herse dashed wildly aNvay with the front w-beels cf the carrnage, the oniy portion of the velicle rcmnaining intact. Immediately there ensued a sceneocf the Nvildest con- fusion. Police and gendarmes hrîrriod up plications and fne strain incident there- te. The Emperor broke dow-n w-hon ho w-as informed cf the Mînisfem's murder. Whateycr mav bave been the motive for the crime. ne«thing but the utineet in- dà,nation and condemnathon cf the as- Sassin's acf is voiccd anyvhore. As t-le carrnage passed ahl heads were uncevered. The first iurried suitmise cf the police secins te conaect the crime with the plot wh-hiw-a.s frustrated by the explosiion aft-bhe Hotel du 'Nord oýn April 13, ha wbich Kazanoff. one of the conspimaters, w-as kilcd by the accidea- tal explosion cf an infernal maehine wluich at tic time, if w-as 2aid, w-as in- tended for -M. Vca Plelive. On that oc- casien a comptiion cf the, coaspirafor w-ho w-as killed encaipcd. Owing te the terrific force cf the explosion on thaf occasion. w-bich completel' wrecked two mooms, bhoving the body cf Kaz.aneff al- most te afoms, soxering bis bead and ai-ms from flue truak. t-be heads cf thbe police believe if is; possible fiat the ex- *plo-i%-e w-as identical -with thuaf used in from everv direction and vast crowds t-o-duy's trugredy, w-iich w-as aIse cauîsecl by a bomb or infcernal machine cf sim- gatbered about flic spot tviere fie body' ilar pe-r wifhi that o!fie fermer plot. cf the M'%inister luy. and t-bat the perpetrafer w-as flic man lime Assuiciafcd Pi-ess cornosondentw-as w-ho escaped ut fie time. As a fui-fler indication cf flic identifv cfflhe r.ed at the scene cf the ti-agedy witbin five with the Ilotel dii -'dafa- - hi minutes affer if ccccrred. 'M. Von- w-as a case of exploeziv.- bullets ha tic Pleive's body w-as lying in flicmiddle cf bomb. tic road. If hîad been parthally covered It- is i-eporte-d fiat six men are im- plicafed, uni ttutfit-c o!ifI.hein I iiihtte with a police cfficer's overcoaf, with the a liffle hotel adjoining thec scene cf fie left arm, flic boite cf whlîî îw-as broken a-ssassinathon.t. fluecn- cite w-ho w-as off, projccting. A policeman came up w-ouitde-d have ie a eu- ptîî-od. The and raised the overcoat in order te i-e- bof-cl w-as s-,,i-oiinled iv flhe ptuliee and al ifs iiiiiuftesvw-cei-ear(.--ted. amiange if, rcveuling fer an instant fie Tewiudî uuîuNsi eh Etrong features cf t-be da MinisterJ-,wa ke f0tcAetnlrles whs edwsbtee lotbeyond ptls ae st eual ospeak. ecognition. Thie roaduav wus strewn d-i.otltani uciîutdfrhy h fora hndrd vrdS b p .1 ftuct fiat lue tâ k p- siuuuu for hundrul ai-s~hti'!àW~g" afîci- tirieu n- ic h' carn age, aYl ieceut î fT n- Minister's ctrrim-1ý ujTt ing cffie Ministei-'s ou ercoat. A few iy~cifsr c-ire r ?P0l-ci yards fi-cm'M. ' rPllesbody la>- a b uniac io..i ftu-îît u shaplessLeapof he cachnan's re- 'flic' for-ce of flie exploie-on Nuxa-sosetre- ntains. r.doeustlut:ali winîlîius cf a lieOtel fac- The tragedy teck place on flic Zaîl- iîtg thte stre-ftvwce blown in, and even kciski Pruspect, a hroad thorougifare -recffi t-irepns er htee leadig up o theWarsa De tenco alînulrecl sicps autuiy. leadng u te lic \turaw DpotSoie cffluhe rtvdrivers authfe cah tlic road fuiras sliarplv totei left te- stand în fi-cnt cf t-lie sýtation -ci-e un'- tvards tflic Baltie l-iuîoad station.. "ue jureci. exact spot is jusit before tlic bridge Aei-igte a biter verso l, el w-as titi-'a u fruit at'. inulotvcf the \N'r- spunnuig -the Circulai- (anal on tic other s, ieel orin l-uvslead w-us toi-n 'decf uhuieli lioth stations ai-c situaua-d. of teloe onct wtas coillîletcly The hcuîtb t-iict-cr must have known shîattci-ed. lUit tile tîpper part %vai-s un- Sliistr 'on lelvetocîed. Thîene uxere ouuhv t-iocosia fiat \litr u llNew-uld lraý,seo-pra fie pottits murnng, or ic initertors, aceordiag te tItis version, coe of the pott1is monin, fr th Miis vliwom îliicw the lifinli fromîitheflic -a mukos lus report te the Ea:pei-or evOi-3 dow and thon holtecl. 'Vlueut captuiied liurs--Iluv anotier bomit is suid f0 have becri found Thie in;fernal maxcliine w-as titre-ira witb in bis pocket. o th arge dcadly tuciiacv, andtihflcassassin w-as A houp of chou-le fri lecr-ue fuvorcd by the fact thatufruffie bei-e is a portion o! t-licocaciuan's uîniforîn, uiways cf tuehe aie-t, ctt iag otehle Muite and pithuble relies.fri-cuteIc ra- ci-osirig of lues i-f surface ca-,rsaîîctîte gcdy. w-ere 's t'Iiilvmagmnabala'ky coatinucus sti-e-am <(if itetu'. trui-ks. sti-cef, wherie t-le crimie-,vas coatmitteiî, Mq. v't a Plie'c tts tixý-s appreica- wlien thie correspondent cffluhe Associ- suve cf atterrpts ipcin Lis life. and i uscd atou Pi-essc ,,aii) retuîrned te flic spot iod <rix e as aaii i ~s -i t llus again t-bis aifieracon. For a bcock ci tem coaclimuxu. lieux et ci, xtas ce:.1iiellt-d te go 'uIc c f flue st-cet wtat, gutaideul bv police sltow at titis poinît. undcno nenow-as aluw'lte upîirittuh. Thue as>nssin, in lax-iug i-t plans, cvi- Et-en in flue ml-list cf thte coitstu'i-na- dcntly foresaw iluis ctirei, itsiance, and tion protliýd 1)y flue fragedy ev-ei-body w-hile t-le Mii-tirs coachîîian slotxed is talkirug o! Non Piies probable su- down, fti-ew tic wlmîteesoi-. 'asainto wgof- Tie explotsion %Nasici-rifle, andi piaci- 'Von Plie'sas'into -a fi callv unnihilated theo woouiwenk of ilue ciallv anaoumced nf abotut 1 cleckt%, andi canniage. Thie itii-es toi-e off, uragghîîg xv,ýas fohîcuv-ec ilinimediatelv by fie issu- flic axIe ard flio fi-ont whecl-t. Thu-i aiui- ance o! extra ecitie-ns cf tie papors. m-als, flicuigil infutniafteil liv flic,'-oiuiids Althiuuh t-be.y contuiîîed oailv four linos t-bev bail 'ustainecl. taci iot guîloped fanr rfcnning tote lue frag, tenisby htefore they fehl, wvitlu pools cf bhood un- w-cie faii-ly mobbed liv thie croxN-de hanflic don t-Itemstrcet-s, se caeue- e tie ahI for details cf 'llite )inister's servant, t-i luease t--us fie crime. intense excicin cge on flue carniage box. u--t.at vouînded. Jeeyir.Onlv flic asssinuf hou cf lm u-eofeuns, t-iho wrc i- riviîug hv ha thte Emperor eould have ercatoc Moi-e cf a cabl, utci-e inijrcti hi*v flting sphhut-ers. a senation. us next t-o Ihus Ma.îc-stv huuv- 'flue aiza'-in hiuis-elf w-us wctindeclhaine -elIf, Von lelie -s eurin s i ct-e lie fook te fligluf - liit. tucctndiuig te îuost potverful person haintheRussitîn flue latest repori;z, '-ia' civertuikn and i',~vinîiut ne"' under ar-e--. tIftr-aunspir-es t-iat'ton Plî'huve w'as on Pasengers iy the Pi-teri-of train begun li-t wm-av f0 Krasnoye Selo. sixtoca lmles ttu arrive tîpon tîte, scenie. Aunctng thent -ctitiiwet of Si-. leteprsburg.-i-ler ft were theicuke tutu Diuclie-S cf Ohleitbii-g. Gi-andi-id Dke 'adinir*4 birthudtv w-us wiho stoppeul 1hi er imuefor i-ar -iitîin mu to e leellrafed. 'l-uie Eniperon is stilî culiplo <if pueces cf ý\iI 't'cn Pctv r e- atft-be lieterltoff Pailace. Wten tic nous mains. antid 'nOt-euh Iv a lolmueunan flic w-as ne(eived alI lichefez4 ivities cf tic cri-Iletidiig- '1luot utetcuîuuhu !- huuyuci cf etti-S inieclately couit- rfc-cted. tcianded, andl intecail a reqluieîn serice 'lTe nexvs cf flue t ragedv spi-cýatI ike tt lield. \\icn Olie reunifias of Von fwildfir-e tlnoiîglimitt fliccit v. c i:gcon- Pleuve reelebr lusnsideice a nequiie sfernftion cvryibe-'.Plice re--cntes mass \tvls il b cellebrateulidpi t ht- t-vwererlurried te tit<- '-cene fri-outahi jparts pel.Auehirct «1lccecrcd-o cf tie city. and t lic vatiiu' duprtmieits îuigit, and t-ttcmia-ses dailv will lie Nver" in-taintîiel oificîl. olu-bi-tfed duilx uîrtil flue funeral soi-- -u 'tYlu t-be A'cu hPi-ess cernespon- vice ocîuirs. dent ai-rit-cul t tic teîcZi-aiii, office fif- U;uardcd by police, fie body me- d teca minutes affer fletik--igtyccurneil nained inthflicstreet tînt-ilftue ai-rival tic dinecton cf telezirtuîtits lîd alrctîdv ofi îe officiai. connesponuling w-ht-h an - lico iaformed cf flue a--az:siîatioa and Arnenica-n coronei-, evea n hatle case cf c, instructions hud hica gveT he it- flicmost pou'erfuil Minhser hanflue Eau- He Was Putt- The London Daily Express cf July 161 ba,dJ thefoowg fronti is correspondent A 'Moscoyw papcr priints cxtructs frorne a letton writtc-a ly Captain Kinloif. cf t-be IRî'us.ri,a arinv, it arrni-sn at 1Mik don, giving a circtumstantial account cfi t.lie e-xeciîtion cof -a Eturopean at the bands of tic C-bine--c. CaptLUn Kinleff states tit in consýe- quenceocf i it ving been reported by a Chinait-an Iin the iuai-ket place thiat a1 Eur.opea nhîad hîcen t.Xat mornin ' put te docafh liv tuh (ît-e authorities, toge- ther witti a îiiitbor cf lûhness bandits,i ho w-s dcputed te unake iîtqatiries Iato tic matter. lc sent for fh lCinaman. vîto con- d uctcd im inte tue scene cf fie execii- tien, -antI there tec apt-tin utas honr- fied te discover that one of tht@ ieadles c-orpsstvas tuat o! a Enr-opettu. as thie Chinantan baýd statcil. A search w-as made for tie c-ou. bat if baiul beea cvi- deatiy ftuken iuwtuy1,vy iue Cîinesoex-,ecu- fioner te au oid treou-ile. Oit beiîug quîc-tioned. tie Chinam an said thtat. seceng a ci-eXt I -a thcrinig tlîat mori-itg aft te place oi excutîea, lie had stoppcd t-e sec w biat w ttS -ogeîa-on. Fotur oonderuied aiea v(ýcattacied te s takes .aind t-hie Cliinanutun uat once rece-) nized eue of flue uncs a Eiiropetua. His body -as se enulcsuid in a s.tck that if wý-as impossible te sec bis cloflies.- but hoe were long- black luair. and had cvideatly heen a l-ong flîne in piNon. 7lhoman cied cuit frcqiîently in dc- spa.iiing iaeceeitts. i-icirais-e-ci is tcad as far as thbe w-ooden 'catngue" in whicbh it w-uýs îtclosed d allew hirn.Ile called te the Mancdatin te appi-oacY, aadqlitout- ed ouf sevoertu timoes ha Chine-se, " Iamn ne liaundit. 1 arn a Euiropean." lThea lie bee-aa te eeite in a foroigu f«onguieaq thouigliprayiitg. but before ne luai funisîmosi-thue exeutieumer struck off Luis beach. lite Riî-.hn authoritie; arc institut- in, an hnqui-y ie o ie imatter. MUST HAVE IDLE SEASON. Why French-Caruadians Leave tie Farin and Go fo Unted States. Moînti-eaî. Que.. Aîig. I-Rcv. Father Louis Lalund. cf tflic Scciety of -lesus. wlio lias jtist r-tir o t ýontroaýl%,fronu a ieettin tour in tiie State cf 'Mairie, au-ici vhi'ý is cousilerecl an autuoiitv on flie religieus, soçýaI anti political condi- tieuts of is fellew Frecli-Canadians acrocz- thee une. wlien nsked tthv Frenchi- Cttnaciaits entigi-tute te tbhe United- States. said: -1I have given a greaf cleal cf stîîdy te fuis question. au-d I have reacheil fie concltusion tint flic fbeory timat the iorking. clises go te Amierican munufactuuriîug centres becausce fluet-love readv utoîucv. andI shola- regards dress us a iistake. I attriblute if, first, te a desire for change o ail flue panisb pricsts heur me ouf hn the assertion that tbcy waadcr about, evea in flue States, froni place t-e place. Ilion flore is cuir great national defeet, viz., a haclc cf pers;isteney in w'orking 'their f at-ms. The Froncb-Canadian, -iohn dirccted. w-ill carry ouf the most laborious undertak-ingbut ho muet have a dead season. ilcu-e is ne idle sea- 4on for a successful ncricultumist, bence tie desire te eseare fi-utu the fi-mhan order to hew w-ccd and cairy water for the Americano.» t1w icupel or ¶iu.socat curin' pearing lu the photograph, lire size. Among the recent a-rr grsŽunnds la the flev. !sjo W'lite Water, Wie., and tsr or the Fit-st Spirit ButffloI. To&-m orrow, Pro w-ced w-lll lecture ou fr'om a S.clentific Stan BRIDE=ELECT TAKE EnZtageinent Broken on Des Mkionei-s. Iown. Mxg. in a ball-room l'y lier bets- the eve of kber wueddinig. Miss Elh -lujrntug., w-ho la luandsome and twen- ty-tîuree years old, tocîk a large quan- tity cf stiychnina Last night. She la to-nigilif lu a crifleai couditioru. Slie w-as to liave becomne the bride cf Wesley Lamey 'to-nigltt, 'She s yes-terday a! teu-noon la shopping conipet ing li#er tiro-uss-au. la -L he ing slie attended n dance with inwetlteart, and w-hile at the fuuct be br-oke the engagement. r-e v minutes Later slite aaggered into hiome o! a !niend and exclaimed; icq ai over. 1 could net stand the di L-race. I hv taken poison. Phy clans w-ere summ-ouet and 'effor w-ete made te Isave 4ir NEW OCEAN LINE To Carry Emigrants Fro Europe to United States. Vienna, Aug. .-Whaf. is regarded in some quarters as tie fi-st d.ecih5iv6 indication cf flue breakdetvn cof the Cun- ard Steamsluip Company's menopoly of flie luingarian emigrant tmaffic with the Uniteci'States cccurred et Trieste, w-len flue Austrîaîu-Ainericaa lino wifh fhe as- sistance cf thte Ilambui-g-American, line and tuie Northt Gernuan Ll1oyd lino de- cided te uncrease uts capital fi-cm$le- 000.000 f0 -$-.000,000, fer the purpose'cf udding flirfeen vcssels te its existimg fleet and establisluing fort nig'rtly sailige lictwee'n Trieste and New York. Thme company tvill ho know'n as the T-nhted Austriain Navigation Company, arnd m-hil w-cihacloseluarnton w-iîh t t ttt-o Coi-ma linos w-lich have teken $, 250.000 cf the ncw stock. IIerr -Ballin, director goîteral cf flic Iamburg-Amer- ican lino, and IHerr Wiegand. director geacrai of fie Cerman Lloyd lino, lave joiuthfle board cf fie netv company as direct ors. flucugli the comipany w-ill re- main an cxcltusivehy Austian cencere. it is sahîl htinthfe -iitcd Austrian "Navigation Company will have fie sup- port cf thme Audirian Gevernînent. VICTIMS 0F STRIKES. One Man Dies cf a Shot Wcund-An- other Man Stabbed. Chica go, Atug. h.-Carea-ce Hall, the fi-st vfct-im of the' stoeck yards strike died to-day. Last Iiursday hoew-es di viag in an ico uvagon past a croxvd of iofers w-hon lue w'as shuot. Joe Vlaram w-as foumnd to-day uncon- - scieus in fi-est cf lis hoeme near the stock yards> suffeming fi-cm several knife wvoundi. lHe bcd been attacke& e~ triker& iwo arreasawere msd. - - BOHARV-Iý$T IN WEST.-.; OiMciaâL eporte ILlmuitt-Prc»>pect c minion imgainDePartnt at Winnip-g btnas -oolect-ed reports on orIOp3 generafly thîroughout -the West. The retaurna are favorable, and gehowv promise of f aïiy good to excellent Cro6pg. S.ore sections needed râJn. but that dem-and has been etd by fine f1owers. * 'w~ lUanihoba crops, It le expected,mnaY ise patchy, wuiie 8e-me will be excel- lent. Others are medium. The crNops of Aissiniboia, Saskatcewan andi ,Northiern Alberta are good. and the cry for raîm- ln Bouthern Aibertah ag been app)eased. The heavy rainfaillihas been too mucli for the crope ithe vaiieys, andi on certain hitgh lande. June raina were short, thoutgh the JuIy prec!p- itati ns have to a larlge extent over- corne ttUs. Vegetabis are exceprtiually f ine, .nd tLe hay- crop wXll be heavy. The cattie ln &Iberta are ini prime condition, i.aving fattened very eax-ly. STYLE IN Ii()RSES' IATS. The Gerinan capital ».~w Supplies tihe World. -ý_ Bs-rlin, Au#. .-Tbhe f&shion *n hbats for horses may be. said te en*gin- ate in l3eriin, frcause the largest ra-c- tory o! such limane headgear la ait- uate.d ln the Groeseer Presidentsetra sse4 lEnormous quantities of diats are de- omiatched from this factory to ail qu'ýrters of the jglobe, andl the mojor- ity-of the kxocieties for the 'protectiork- of animaL draw tiheir supplies thenceo Trhe orklinal idea came [romn Parie, andi fot ten 5eara ago the establishi- ment wa2 modest and its ""confec- tions" primitive. Nomi it lE more thian flourishing. and its stck ranges frorn the eimple straw ibat to "trop- ical helmets for horses."' In preparing the blats all sorts of thlimgs have to Po t&ken onsi d- eration; for instance, thought t hat a Ipuir eti w.tb headgear, tation la tee et! other te tale istra.w. T'le â txev rtb ý'! 'te 'have suddenlv become aware that a frigbtfui cata-strophe had occurred and to bat-e burried te the scene. SKETCH 0F HIS CAREER. Disliked by the People, Hie Wasl.t% Power Behind the Throne. Vo'n Plebx'e w-s appoiated 'Ministor cf the Interier on April 18. 1902, sîîcceed- ing -M. Sipiaguine, w-be w-as assissinateul April 16, 1902, by a stiulent namcd Bal- mnashoff. Ho hmad formcrlv been direc- fer cf the Dcpartmcnt cf Police. Plebve conductod tbe prosccîitiea cf the as;sas- sins of Alexantder Il. in 1881, ansi from that tii-ne on lus pow-er increased until if becarne onlv seconud in importince te that of thbe Emperer. Several plots t-e assassin.,te ],im-,bave. accordingy to re- ports. beca disco-ored uluring the past two years. The eduîcated veuîtbs cf Rus- sia are said te have been bitterlv op- pose te -M. Plebve. ow-ing, if is said, te bis turning on lis own people, and te the <irastiecban-pe w-hidi he inatîuirat- ed or -tdvoc-afcd. le is said t-e have me- -a rded the coi-amen penplo as ofitber ha-ngerou!s criminals te be reprcssed. or, if innocent, te lie igriored. Von Plelive w-as largrelv cf Pohish blood, yef if is all.ccd ne masn in Russia ba3so signal- izcd bimself for sevei-ity azainsft.he Fians as AI. Von Pleh-e. H-e w-ns me- garded in man- w-axs as beiag the pow-er behind thbe t-brone. and w-as 'lreaded on acceunt of bis control cf the tbird (sec- ret) section -of polict. and aIse; owinc te the fact that hoe ceatrolled the prose cof Russia throuh the c4,a,,rs. whif lbas heca understeod. did M. Von Plehve's bidding witbout, question. Whaf part. if aav, MN. Von Plhlve ac- tually plaved la the Kishîineff mnassacres wilh probabît-nct-er he known, huit -big enemies have elaimed that he bad full know-ledgc cf the ovents leading thenrete, tbhrough bis polifical friend and agent, Kroulshevan. known as the meet extreme anfi-Sernife in Rus-sia, and pmoprietor cf the Bcssarabetz, a ncw-spaper of Kishin- of f. If sheuld ho adiied t-bat the allegations aucainqt MN. Von Plebve bave nover been proved. Tt is only just te assume that the charges w-ere unfou1ndod. la e la sft gieut public w-ork cf Von Pleb-ue. se far as knewn, w-as the dra ft- ing of the peasant code, eamly flue year Tbis is; a s-cieme for peasant reforma dered by flue Emperer in his mecent mn f est e. On JTîne 1,1 cf tliis year if wa nounced f ro-n St. Petersburg Couacil cf t-ie Fmrpire bad appi- V7on Plehve's deci-ce for the r the law under w-hici Jews are te re4î.ide -ithia tbirtv-two r- frontier. Ibis mreasure ha roved cdLi the E.nperor. A EUR0PEA~

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