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Whitby Keystone, 4 Aug 1904, p. 3

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fO.a~.u~ IqdÇ Wo JL«a r7The Prince {' AndTheDpia _ _ _ _ _ 1; -àIr one coud pic-bure you thse .'rIeçfa nobodîy, said the Duke lu &- uiver tone. -You have tise tact, sthIeOYMPsautiy, tise grae. bise bn-mOs, - ~~<i Q8WYyou for a 'Y Po3eitiei5i." "Ooh Il' exeWamed Maiaie. -And -1 C&D ,,hIOJd-Iy cali rnysel! 'o-ut' Yoi..' - lTiank heaven for tisai," oadtise fluke, plo~uly. "Yen have @peut *1 Uuderetand, thse Sai live yearg lun & 4l4uLrng, - besIdes cutber accoMn- e iit5ieite, a tlorough knewledge o! ,re3lCbiand Italian and Gern-an r yoss are famWlar witis tbeise itory ausi.literatureofci!the fereigsi Coun- tries in whbcrh you have ived; yen u's1DÏ$snd tise fundamental di! fer- enCe0-beitween bhe great nations. - Only 1-at nigisi Bis Excloley o-b- ered to me tirai yor woeolit, te l>e thse -wife o! an amabassador. 1 -agreted with hfm.', T3at atedli-er baud. W1 éiredh, "Msay play duels in tise Eu ' ~eau Concert. W'by nat V' From bMasl.les kroivilosge o! tise »lplv.rnat tise-esps-outc-d.>se nann y rýeasons "wly - itet' tat sieloiest- tates. wlh telitop1iuck fis-st . Thse Lue njioanderto-od lier silence. '.&id I! yeu w-es-e asked te sun-ne ttumisshand I be opa-ned, n-s nucis as us-y be pistble, tise cIsappiýintaseulss W'lli wait o-us, ltus swty tise Min- laies- oà!Fos-tiga Affaire , (tise IikO oMli, foi- tiied exalte4pssiinl the (abii-et Nw-mss Enid to ba irithis bia kra9p), -'wiubtt -îs-ust ysi uyr'. "I'1 uulud Bany", s.s phLsîl Ma-sbe ili feeling, -tisaI thesi' lh'~; ansd disap- ,Vjcilftmenits usuol hc sisaned biy Lus, ydeanc-st cui1, huu hlave kxiowri tisai yoseu-otilgu muuke 5ruol &Dn8a11wer. 1 ssoee yeudo isot Us.sU5t d1orstasid me&' -1 do .net,' uaidiN1tlisis : "butt, Dukel -are y.o.u iot nilae sregard tc the proipecta of--of-y on. kiiswv?' ..Elu ?", " 1 15uu10' iot t ,ui t flii sus fitîs !ns iii * POwar.S wIitl-siiyoa- 6('s-W tlisîs "-' 64You tiLu.k Iuit--y as-o fa-i ilsg-tîis- powclns ?", ? "INet fn-ing-ciI. iarne ! Suc-lu n, t.h.cWare." 3it3 I ltitsee-, uaunditise tint rnpeaitesi liesr uors wiu'lth es iden amazniment. 'Suo&s as they vas-e. rny ten-s-yoîsîîi 1&dOy bhcy co-mmaursd a sus talus-u avais lu lres-den -, "I ouglit net ho cuprt te unutes rattcbîesîs" f,'sii Mai. 8e, iceret]: Iilea5'sd Itisai tise Diplo-ssîst ivus lis i in touelsi igi s stecus - "sîil, tets yen knew -" "And w1lat cie i .i'.5&ry ?" de tua âio fe Dîile. *ilanm notti î;klsjneki,' anîd il wotilsl iîsts-î-st uM ,~~*,.t9piy e ier frein yoîs w-ual il 0 thor.3 i;ovasiY. A 1 1nropi)s - u, l D ai d) y D inean by tisee sle-s' r' "Ois-tlu-'i-s's nisele. yets kuouv. or -or-b lii-Conrsp iitsî is e rls aud Bis Exceleutcy 1 ti n-'. ilms hsavos'bceou menu, vu-t 1-t1i.tidpun.i osw4y. g.a o vlîa-lly lut- s-etP- I-I ca-i L 60 îscis Ailoi Ikiscur tl.- Mry CO¶ jqpinion ira-s svortiL-a5. I s-- yen doepise sc &é NQt ai a,' "tise Duk" lias;teap-il1 renOfflure "I'rr. '1fbî telsest iiI Inepire-tycss-qusc-stisui-, lusý,stles elsouL! b-' h15e ,t peis sonsiii tise suesi te î'--ýseuii t. l-isi -u.-'it "Yotu ars-. sî-0 o ti vousIisss- - "I lai-s uc-vs-i. iise, ' eabi b Gs-ac-- o!tllly. "bayguion0"' '"IIbîy alil liu-Isuss, ' b-gris a- "b-cn-ssisic, fis-st anssilast, lius's a gui icmn- wos-tiy o! tise great naisss bp-mLfs: Buat, ail tri-e susiitey 'rus JZ. th.t-low sgls,IiI Pui it?-So tas- tio Ur-i ousy-'la iascpit U liii i-Y- f- 1-1lla gis."al toreisoad6 "lThe mian yen care for," hlii gonGteaidli, "is tise iuckiest nai Erorpe. Ah.,liese ceisyens gý unclel 'pli uts. iriers youî mcc a certaiu package f nwmcni." Tise' Duise ia es-n tisaimes-i à% ucekmaco, a s1ngle roui- of rie of strsgulas-ly Pur usossa-ity. -î 2eamtng the 'tilla lis-bouglit tise us lace andi sent i by spuiciai niesê igem te Mntisip. srio tlsereunsi uxioneou the )ipýosuîutit, audssisloîrs te hio, trluiui)h.isitly. "HP is dîtligitesi; a-ad oh, Cc lie belles-es bu youis future. MpekLe o! Thse cab*Lnet, o!'tise Et -Veau Concert." "Andi lie kuosa" the Diplomat sertsed. "If iso sa-li tlut 1Isi-a@ Iii ici Se n-mbassnde's-. I aat eue. Depenu l rpon it, Ise tuplroci. the %-ny fi-e ha-nîllesions a! 1 , say :Thoso peanls are aslsii. And ho does.-'t-.beiw-si eurss -ike pattng. Andi yîstorclay Spoke of i ishtnglu y a 55 4Tise mciii ls. M Isie. yon've -ttclied h1ls-:--ni. i, asw swoulul. Andl sueu, lily delrg go te tlsank -him.' -'Centn-iny. .-.idi I w-ll tell U George. You c-an say te the1 tisaitishe pears are rou5lndl 15 als-oady, and tIstai n sg kis - grewlng for lulai. Deca l-iaî Tise Dîplomat feund his sire ln apartments s-e-erresi;or bis us tise Hotel Victoria. I'e mat seen a. cestain - aiclcace." Sald bhc sou. -The Duke smled. - "You approve sy'-er-baato?'9 '-Perfect," igald tise Diplomat thumaatically. Tlhe Duke, rubbeý t=44 iL mmd thlen remoying hie glt s n )îke. slowlu, " H nreirhua- tise . laientîs-ely rin piy lionst, a t ie n-s ny eîn-s r;uandstipse son- rsli sad tirs mny fainily tise boîter 1 s5l5 is pva Sei N-)iestsi- lucis tise fa- mains tliti stli sîinai cime (-Iu, aq y0s Puit i t,hambo an-clIt tIiitise -end iias-justifie- unstsrsi. w-e ls:uave eus-ps-idE - -n nId wau-ennJu6tiflesI îtiin] 9ss iswuissn-frolisi tiIe(Sv, suc-c c-c-- Fi o b ' is h , î s - i si oe'( p y wivi scis ss5- îp le-acel e Se Libs-se,,s; i brtie su as- t La in-îr lise as k e fo s- a n e x j d ttien, Niisicîs a- soman's w-lb r( c in 1 supptled, a iheit n t tise tru ceor ie rascmd a-lése, wsvyne mentioi liero- i de n of Iis fatIe ns m ars-age un- Tise Clieif, yuîts know-," lue st t aIs- L1aslY Colin, isonso sixý months Igo- wards, 'aict a c-liuer n-bei i be tibm-e w-e w-ere engaiges]. Ile c-s ntes IV ga-re 'Me toteisades-tansi th fUtbr. w-ns nbout te mas-sy liser." 1gb t. "Yen liave ne bleui, I su eîsswhe sue -ns?"saisi LnAsY Coli y lic -Net tis lsaie estOalr I cflc-, ye shew-su yeiunand ps-eht h-ne foel. IW St-ctsvri]n ven ssssc-ptihte. lest -uv as-supas-lb shh Tiauik yn" sull L-ay Col -n-ir 1i1i-C\nnes.ey Va-c- ?aieiboisllu.stra.tt Ina1-onNew. Duko (THE EN D) n1 th' se n-b pen mi ten- d hie maez, Not Sbiugy With IL. (New Yeri. Eveniug Sun.) 14She bas a veny stnong mind." I"Yes, andi sie's 50 rery generoti, "h nover noticeti bon genes-osity '-Oh, yes, She gis-os a piece of b n) anaoue wbo'l ta-ot." RtCe umping das%&syst emati reomesde. Pý#eI e Al, M e 'A W le,-, 7 M ,whbch ho only uffd for reading, an' writng, rubbed tise-m aI.so, w-hile hii son continued: "Slse Iras them rounÉ hec- losely ner-k this rery minute, an( elle bn-de me tell yoii tisaI a gres' big kise was growing-for you. Tb% pearis are mon-I good 'uns, but h sa2 they're enp at tsai ps-ee-eh?' Thse Puke blusbied. se!ecting tise tise -ouagz ladiea p! tise twentlei] century, wltfiuah tfheir c-hamm, w-es lacking somesvisat lu maldeniy: mi serve. -I knew y"u couîdn't lieip briný hem," pursued thse Diplemnat r 'so. t make a clean breagt o01i, I plai n od - Yoss plannled ?" TIhe Duke sose ni gtaring lias-d aI tie Dipiomat, wl nodded geutally ',Yen plan-ncd tîlss? To~u foresaw Ye--" FI-n' iîunmuned thse Dipiemat- ara glad, ChieS, to e onnthai y< do iojL-es- undons-ate my abiltl< I sali te a*ysseil!.'If I c-an bsing 'el togeiber ýIie tlsing',s done.' I sul poise tiiens is noe ra-sots why tise inai M-age sisenld tn'ltta-ko place n-t on( -lastisez-c?" Tise Puke insrmus-ed hîa.tiîy : "SOr tisait 1kaosv of, Colin. 1 tmay, Il deed, lie erpodietît te hiave il ceremeny live-c- Tise Iuke !uowned. We c-an dlscsisss t1isoe m'itiens la - os," ho sa-bid, c-cldly. "Ilia-se net sp-oken te Colonel Pundie. --W1îe i s cn cisdo , k,- anid t' -11.tlssst Ituscisi b-e kbnd o! y( us> msessionstsutmy alewau-ce tTise iuke st-roi liarder ihan ec Waui i l 15eti-ut bis souniw tet1ng utpries- u;>,--a thlv' antaii -part lise Fýis-si 50 1ý lisie idaycd ? ..I i cu -î (iissi-iit il ?1- a-si .. '\(>i yet , ils- usks nrepiçdu, gri J1 -l am ,.ueîsmssod ,andsc, inia-yan. s5hs , tiiL You s ilwalt Iliirs 111( t îc-uss-d1Is ili-Il go! youii- nlic nîsi. ,iît Iho civir, lin-s ti te do s', l i sy -oîsersaîior I n O bel- w'sti Colons-i i>sncie ? But ai. tbit momenit tlic-Dukes a ý- ftursg (>1)055 tis dOSrSo! tisesittil .e rC>om as ausi uîîunl eM a -ac-kL t teoslPu;uistl.' u-u-rais ligli ui te lte al4-c is sLs-ii Iim. ýg .. I cuuadisî wait' -lie sa-is, breui e, ess;ir, -1Iliaîi t t couis- ilîsUsý lecr ,. ie isistel oeusseeiilg - r- uit orice. lie suas s6o aurpnisoci s FY I to>d i-b , a-r iteslseiugiseclga' >Iie ho sul t eaed lyet. As-tuyeu, Us 8, 1Georgc ?' - No mania-n îes te lie bamboozIc said tIshe torsel,, Sîit'fly. ie a soc-e c- thsn ins Iiin-bn. su ssci. lie znrn'-1L VttMSl ) Iissill trC u tiudrs u lb, m ss Iii--e,I y l ,U d ese-lre is i,,,i ial, a-o, 'y 1 letxhî u it n e! u und b us s sslu- uh isus o, su- i a Ils ils t 1-1-olon"l. il -1 ra i -- ».l. Uh4, 0i ç. su lait gui Puia--Grc-Si. l iii; tcs?~:~t05 listie lie tja1 tltle . 1 lav ss c e iii - ts. tIL 'si-ce- fioucuDît-sl'sa-tonce." ng~ -.v uî-s -lis us .- ,;-1 n-,lse ~15 I OLU ARMIOR AT WINDSOR. 'hue - « jwesented jgto )ythe . j lÇ~~iing. rWlu ha.rnefs s a ig ]W~-- O K!g darl is ae bei~i eting iutory, although t1re reUUs , 0 in ~1ort- Log caps ln it. It esrBthe cipherri gn L h1K 11 < I I 4 boeAccessible. of Qen Mr»aeth,, amnd the,Ã"ate 1585. The ce-msal vl9ltor -ç ho stroils and111waLs ilowf for oenturles as 't!1'e thrudt he soorredors of into and armQe f ?.iabeth" of atheibutie o thrug te t&e pa et~axciarerorano ier o! an ttib utionDotFascinating Scenes on the Road to the zSacred Imrs.i tII?, eomes away, says thie Lofidon nearly s0 wi.id as usual, sineie Sir r We eau Stnad odoubt with the vag- C2ristopher ctually ççlao Cap- Ciy uttpsbeimpression of tie- ar- tain Or tb!he Guard. It wn.5 worn by Russi ttistic value and varietyl o& the 9pien- tàe champion at thie coronation or (London Mail.) The eock minai, as tvetY SpOrtaman neutral dor atwhlh h ha glanced. Tlime George I., and tbie tradition in the (ub.Bfr neigt-he bare, knows, bas the most gorgeons plumage beup tfor aesimitatiofl and appreciation iL; Dymoke family is that lie retained unsheltered piateau.,of Thibet thse road of any pheasant except the Ârguseye. d lackirig and knowledge ïs limited. Alii t " Part of is custoiuary foc. It to Lhasa wnid sthrough seven miles of The tracopan is also occasionally sho t Gen. is the world knowsi, in a. g.enerai wayý eventually found its way intO thepn fratwieh reeals some of the on this aide of the Himalayas. fo v d th t te 011 real srongo1d !Spitzer collection, a.nd, bj' a Eign most beautiful valleys of Switzerland(, Gautsa, which lies fv ie oà d 'moderflized though it lbas b2en, i Laxr coincidence, tlat wonderful mu- Th od nensabuly Atr of Lingmathang, nearly hall way b.turm it ta usum aq -well as a resîdence, butai seum also containe-d the evIdence that there is xiothing but barrenness and tweenCubiad hrmut e lo the Opportuflitiee Of :ealiLiûg tlîat Wihicb enabled tihe suit to be identi- desolation. The countmy amound Churabi added to -the map. A week or two ago Wind Ly it is a trýŽa.s'ury o! ail the arts, jfj041* This mvJ2 nothinig less than a is not very thickiy forested. There are the place was deserted and unnameus first ha ûrowd.c-1 wlth the opoill of historM~ volume or drawiiPýg made bY Jacob Iong strips of arable !and on each side it did not boast a single cow-herd's hut. istersè t and witb the, relie.s of empireg., have Topfe, in ý.vh!cfi this VerY suit was of tise road and villages every îtwo or Now it is a busy camp, and likely to the wc h hitherto been inconsiderable. King figured p7jth Sir Christ0iiher Rat- t.hree miles. The f isîs aTe termaced be a permanent halting place on the .0 Edward ha-s determifled to mak-8 ton'@ane upin it. Thia is ne of and inciûsed within t0flC w2lls. Sat- moad to Phari. Tise camp lies in a The e- these collections9 more readily nec- the littie 'mmaneps of which art tered on the hiliside are stone-built deep moss-carpeted hollow, with no ap- ce,&ibIe to, students, byl having tbema history IR iso fuil. Etched -and gUided, hou.ses, with low, overhaag-Ding cr aves, parent egress. On three sides it is m~e g rarrnge wiennecs' anad by thse plain 6urfaces -of a rich ruqset 'and long wooden tiles, eap-li weighe d fakdb ok lffdneyfrse oney *ordering the publication of a serteq bpownthe suit IR ,an extremely !ine doDnWh3sa grey boulder. One mi-lt it lsnke ami silver imch; oenseforti d M Ir 3 ci moogralUsdo~cibig an lîus-examplie of rwhat our ancestors cali- 1 tratin 'ilmen. in purne's self andinaord Lau- ises an abrupt wali of rock, whîh s a ,v trating thth Mn. - c prpaamekn-pae tlOitembrunnen, onlv iofty pra3-ing flagrs andwthagoofmerlgtn The eseries begin ih r a a'rounted figure reijreaented c han-~î rihl antdwt udd suffused ihagoofmbrlhtn ho Iga uart, dalin wili te mg- n th mai-wals -riotlvpained ithhour before sunset. The Amime Chu, Mnl niflng't qualrding o witiî the ag- ect of ýthorowXaig down the gauntiet, histis pictures7,anýd inscriptions ds ~~hc shm ohn u wnyfO o armor whiich adds go gretatly te the ma.keg a 'verynoble alpearance. tihe illusion. d. hc sheenti' utatet-" o a '<~ inereato! theroom£ not i ! Ajther rp.ndd but incomplete There is ne~ laek of colc*r. Iu the stream, fmozen over at niglit, bisects tlie are tl )~ hemvenrabein hic tley a n-e &lesa cbaracteristiC e-xampie o itr otsLbrý:r itli largp mcd camnp. The valley is warm aud shelter- aet oI disled. Mnr. Laing hieadto dae Jacob Topte's work la th-e sItO! bieres an t lws f v~ thomn ed, and escapes much of the bitter wind ms dith ae.Mr.Lkn id oda ut fbrisada w ýxvb:wbacillu ýj ibmafly traditionai attributions (aI'flor, reaehtflg to the knee, made bush likze ayýung oirusMLrcli îed that neyer spames Ghumbi. After din- ip w- hwr -mlygoeqe for Sir jolin Smyvthe-. The etched a usethu t te îk ,pe. Hii-her uer one prefers the open air ami a camp virulei r- bore and there witli an arrasst !org- p.tterris are very sImple and re- on the his the %vithpred grass is vel- fire. Off icers, wvho have been up the bacilhu CO ry. The namas lof the great armor- J gel and emblematie femînine fig- 15v, and the blendin, o s these quiet line befome tumu intoteiCeusrert ers long hiad an evil faýec1natioI] for urcs traminrlçir upon th iseq0. It tints-nsssset, bDrown land yellow-givesi fully, for they kunow that they are say- The ,n the counte.rfiter 1 .i roieen tihe fate of mioat exceçi- tevle etu euty. But in Cloud ing good-bye to comfort, and wvill not more1 u- The Commonwealth Ieft vcry lit- tiorially fine suits of mail to ie di- it is somjbre enoughl. When spring <-ornes enjoy the genial warmnth of a good fire ,o le inihe wa~y of iveapons or ar- vided -into morsels, and th-e Duc de there is a profuion o! color. ]-verv a.gain until thev have crossed the bleak gl mer at NWindsor, and, iinded, thse Dino àivs tlis buekier belonging to tutdrodern bush blossonis Thibetan tablelands and reached the reven nucleu o! tie preçnt colectio thist'whil tiser is a uit b nut- u em-tof have pe wacolctos wo thieth Rnasut n the luxuriantly. spamsely wooded valley of Gyantse. The ii hen!re y teTower wllChaswr by tihe uha.m- ITovo vearsun 'eta~ I asrn Xùîn cTTERN ANHRI aggre ïtPrince Rege-nt, at Carleton Ilouse. pion at t1Eef coronation or (icorge ILvaiebat ' samne elevationx as the MNHRA altilougi no doubt a rnumbeýr o! more e.om-osçod or othier platpq belonging beo autsa, which I ar no -- ogo,ýitpoiigeaile ia otii eycopeeavehres el irhfo lr l aoTmaffic Ceases Fmomn exampleS comprehenalve hameaud scrihing. and n o t a a ,, '3 ac rmJit'etm 0graduailly accuinuiate-d bin ie Gsard to notlsing o! maisy extra pieces, it. The ground -as c.Lept<d with fiow- Cadbtis teesnf o tîe Rfitrt g9n- ________________cri. Beside;s the prirnulas-1 eolntecd Mhen w-e speak of ronds in Manchu- w-ho or.te timno uoe"Gog I.~-- egtdfe t ki nds(,, the-9sl gn ma -e spealc of things that scarcely hv V oa as ter n o ii ollection o! anIIcý- t~D E.tians and ancrmones and celandinas and exist. Apant from tise mountain ditricis &o a w a pon a AngutiLodge, inWiend- SDAGE.wiid strawvbprrices and jrize3, there w-ere the ronds in Southern Manchuria bave ered serona, uqand(k oge , n. i n d ca- teroocIO iw iecaS tise peculiaritv of beîng below the level thse C or Paok, nd le o! tise wIs. lsih is me ntsae aa tm rograst-e oet.Ts rcsw-ro! tise adoiniug and cuitivated land. The w-bat a m- despite it-,' ofr esVhc)aten, s for babi e r a nd a re a ba tins e fr crtd t-t re id vle r reason for this is that thse cultivators Ur aept t eke s stemeti-flg ot5rFr mebes natin nd j1 -hict-h forsn e a for tielldw s-annualir stçal thousands of cart loads Po - -- uep dasodendron bushets, thenermntafinilanflow-mr,-o! sou f rom tise ronds la order to mix ( dcl, fh0 gin of many o! tise piece iS.stion in tise stomiacis and bowels are dw-bie ndrim bson andhoren, u everv ithustise farmvard manure, and they W cls w-atwits ho imperfeet knoxv- plaints o! babies ansd yoursg C-iildren- .i eweladr eds ywiaaepcal ao h uioe nts ) 1Xtm warotagort andPrinceConsort isefc-au-e o!etise ns nv con-erncom [su ldge o! tne tinW, wa h-sl u ii ierasnwlvts ot c-teraicit sipiur tlov itheeadrns hc e a ic her ou, u condi- taet1 ~errntson but sinee thon the there. but everheeret jino one îan- sequencetierasinieioIigds- ie Stise w-ny o! clai,-cication and pre- uoîsils are nmore fatal to iittiOle nstprbteerwee n lesîct ofrm a reicises of eYwa- d wmn to b- ic- 1e h w-Iole than any otiser season; Bab's 0w-n 'Tab- otîser for nook's and crannies in tis e n o rom bad b sorseagnntthyan- D q l ibje-ct lias ?bee(-n stssdied au fond, and i vr rock's. bcm eesat-- tîîv ~~~lt tiv. Tes decae fow-rsarevev d!!cm-ter ad fess tacS are then made TL Ire-organization liad become insfema- hlome, v-boere tics-e are vossng c-lidren. Teedjc,ý Ivr;aevr lfe-tr n rs rc ti org I. (ildnet lwa(yLs 1bny ae ierpop se înn.btwetc nt frorn tficiýrdo-wdy vcous'n, tise Coarse aeross the fields, becoming monda in their ou tions w-eresuc- tbcst tis c-ainay sav-e a preeîoîss littie life. The red rhododendron <s! the« gihshîb u-. strr.aen iiiosbtv ti- n w ce-s ucl tht tecs berv. At a lt-le dli.-talce then are more properties, carts travel f reely over the 1,0 i-s lrdi tabiets c-ure costipation,. diarrisoeaan keIo-us?7le3 anti equal te fields w-heu they are isard frozen in win- 54 1, iý1 o otisruc htiýhritornach troubl-4. uni are guaranteed to tikem la oltof Izlea;,-tr btiannngtee sen1es rc- sa 'c-e rprcýsonted ovon in t'ise !ir,4t irsols- - te ne optioate ton er uti prn? hr i ndesfrc im* h yo !Esrp' iesnise ->r cantain u paror isarmful drug. MNrs. Ee oi erarIca eettion betweefl farmers and carters vhen iw o r d ,of t1is cigliteosîtl centurv is Walter Ileilisss, --iýsons, 1rde N-1 afw sîo- -îrc eaf biuds w-hic-h tise latter attempi to traverse tise newiy s5 ilsitpaall roncole- says: 'l3efore iu-iug Baby's lowaTais- af(wSlmnclrRus, tletiu w-Iîl "is ln a re 'mienlf- m vliteor reiaioicntn-mminti metisai tise rmnth o! 'May-w-il1 sow,-n fields to avoid tise mud hioles. lio ndhtrensicso!crir dtn ui -iussemc rule.ica b eeaion ote isioin force From tise middle o! June until the mid- f or aiînssatndtsets-.'ree f trne d tsfiY svIscvrht n elcn -o ierv are qîsickeneti by an die o! Juiy-that is to sav during thse su I B cuies- c5rssr.'ti.Ce~s ~ ai soant unfsuiiar armlî nd tiseir eyc-s dar-- present perioti o! operaiosall wagon. T itc s otlscgw-ialeer t si wtson asprfi)tlY g.Vdosisatssfakvo cd îcibv ibis uneNpected treasure w-hich traff e ceases on tise roads in thelow , e( is r.o1Wýir isanowr germinating in tlse bmw-n cas-is districts, andi only the smiallcl -'an o~- -0 smoe!tieïios fnsusex lse aîsv l.ins fortiseruwhizis their 3nwgriacd (s10 ivili net sof theanisste." Tise talet Soon af'er tissletter reoches Eng-lanti ligliter carts can travel a al-1. r lus i -r o-f te Winsorv ser ound -au 1 ho a fossavm Tihi e aleortise -,onL5i viii have begssn. about July 10 to 5i-pt. 15 ail tmaffic i b r- fe %vatnsce to sures-b embess (,an bssîssii ro n se )r.Wiliasss dedierorTise prescot c-îscc-îieSsconditions Nvill stops on tisese 'roads, whiich thon b teo c la1 R: o ,sac, se long kobvnic-o-(o., î;rocail ni te. Di. MDrue inqMece ahave cea-sed. Instcad of icv-,vwinds and c-orne practic-aly impassise for w-heeled 11 (Ot5-î!,. 1t.iYce2- e s lotlniSsi-li," sciî b-o.-,- a w-ntrv intscape tisereiil ho w'armtis veiicles. Movement is tien confined to ers, - - -' anti pri-ng sunsiie. Yet faili a tsepsage o! ligisi caris andi pack ani- be ivMs- LakisgihelL pur- aad - ssetly pn- the______C and criSOi edby Prce Albs mi. Much, n os -il omn c'i r presýsions È 4xIgtisemou tai racks, and this secs er leiit aieong:itiy fen *C OV4 S~~)l!-R~ a1 -'rom- ctr t-îtO -o)ncnj1pQ ' xr!iIl 'time afier tise close cari sd toweiX l*ÀVLcliw-as <1mrw-n upon hy "br ' rXir frieWle iltiseforce. Ted îiiiu- of tise ainy se-0on.1the -t :ri Mt.- vi;ali funithi:ca .Prof. C.A. Z îvtz. se ism -t io d itter th-in r-o te- Even in 'tise Mynandsrit ieî S 1"o s ido!a ds taga i n bY Cecrsoeo uassueî~i -i vipcso5 !tise vailev as I hest o!ftecart trjk arentgod G ou eo r geoIV., w1eqpi5 Wyntvilo remoi- tCalc ave -m 1e f ioP.itris gcst ralyentere t iniiiMav t\vo ycilrs ago. Tise antinl many places twe carts cannot 'A ýýfR (Jrc-cog:siz'd by e lo s. taro as !er o evaliey bnci for me an sutangîbit' fascina- passcacis otiser. Tise best of tise moun- bwe 131)ly,51 eSraIcas~ i5 Unp- aiev blcs !bawsc fr bien, indeýribbe-e-bcc-a1ti- t--a 1oi-tain bracks ai thsedisposai o!_ thse1of geiso manithdue to thetact tatieo mon thee Nor ten purposof getig an lucislatinIbydueich the tacta upt re tseve fborthe chin orofarlous other th caned prof, essinsansuparelt okniselto ard marimgoy, aos the- ou4 ife thn oessiodno , c areren if Lak-ned. ower, nite tudnts athuet veu oiiontoo. he n e hodin the thane Hd, thatthe sexdes unerthef it oions groo The eneachonothe )euliaitiestoowieeeslfl n loe wthe nciiosn. wetise -ornes' inther teir tV isaitis elltufienon-oe istnt 7oance las -holy waiîtiug. A professor savs tisat la bis opinion tise veil of ssvster iriicis tiseclassroons rernoves is, aften ail, tise prime factom in briagr- uin-, uicn anti uvomoît togetiser. "Tseme is in olsi saving- lie cosîtinisei, '-tisai if :-Oct uva-t te c-urn a lorcaiel.: coup-e, let bsuen-I tbreo sîeais togLether dmliv for Liiiuoitlis» 'Tiiat as-sumnes tisai tise beter aequainledt tsy bec-orne tise lesa likeli- îeoti tîere is of ibeir sssatiîîg. Perisapa iis truc tisai h-athtie parties known- eaclu otisen botte-mn-ny sîsatlîes irou-ld iev-en bave been ns-île but we shouid be l4iath te iselieve tisaI iac-k o!finter- sîsndiiug en-cluotiien tenste tote fit n cousple fer mannirge.'or smnde for bnp- pîness lu tise marital si-te. Kouropaikin is sait to have a plan maturet fer tise invasion o! BritishIn l- dia. Jusi ai present, isoîever, ise ap- pears te have bis hauts pretty fuillui Mnc-burin, wisere ho aise boasteti a pin-n. A Fatherly Conclusion. (Phlndelphla Bulletin.) Fn-ruer Trefçog-What makes You tik Danial WebstiFwuz a smart mais? Fn-ruser Hoqitoad-W5.al, I're beeflPSs ln' some of Iiis speeches. an' they seesfltoi agree purty tiioroughiy wbhMm- Jane's graduati 4es-ay." - 1- ~1ris~ /5 'i -~ Il t, I te -; y Ma.ybrick is at last. a free woinan. ibreathe more freely now. ïa will go on stopping and seizn 1vessels tili she brings more trou- on herseif. Booth haîpurch.1.ed Anticosti denier. The Salvation Army miglit into a great sunnuer res-ort. isor reports 433 inarriages in the il1f of 1904. No wonder the min- lisliked the idea of restrictions on ork. SWashington prize court lias just ýd a distribution of the prize Fs won at the battie of Manila. ra Dewey gets $39,376.57. Dy the w'hat and where w-as the Battie of rf we are assured by Prof. Schron, Lpes, that phthisis and tubercuiosis wo distinct diseases, and that the us of the former disease is a verv. mt one, beside which 1Koch's tubercie us is hardly considered harmful. c rown estate of Russia consists of than a million square miles of landsl and QsIver mines, etc., the Czar's .ue being estimated at $12,000,000. imperial family is saîd to own in the egate 19,890,835 acres of the soil of Morristown, N Y.horticulturist has had a large experience witi ,an Jose scale, says lie lias discov- a remedy that mav i>e used with certainty of succe-s-s. ' W e give it Là ùit is worth: nslacked lime, 14 pounds. Dwdered suiphur, 7 pounds. nimon sait, 6 pouilds. ater, 21 galions. issoive the lime and suiphur t~te hree galions of bot water. Then add remainmng eighteen galions of water, last the sait. 'e Japanese have driven the Russians of Kiaotung,, with a ioss of about B men. The victory cost the Japanese :-iiled and 351 w-ounded. If the Rus- s intend to do any fighting it is ýthev were waking up. So far the sian army is a mere chopping blockc the Japs. 7he ill-advised strike at the Sydney ýel Works is over, the men having, de- ed to give up the 5trxiggle. Dep*uty nister Rýing bias used his good offices >btain re-employmeflt of ail the strik- ;but it is saici that 2S of them wiil shut out permanentlv. MNr. Ring has ared the promise of the company to rry out certain sehemes for the grood of e emploveeS, aniong themn the forma- )n oi a joint conciiation. eommnittee. The British Court Journal, speaking ToIstoi's denunciation of militarisni, orYns rao:moto he go -t 1- - -acJ Hsta r - te ike ici Lenrt in tisip etseWaraing grass socl for crop production. NVe re brick r. cfw-bcb tei e prmai sootplte ovrçr eve Ail L1ounte o k n Pwv îscsiptinîî uspoa t.c ,bi:sde. Of cx- fir-lgme-w clevers and grasses upon îngcredîentl-5are dutas -t-,eMn opcil oteig ee one v i-ltreille clntsomatî.on B i.e Fr-ench -ocrt lt u esrt ieeusycleipicrs' isiood. anti tisena--troops from vieur. anti resembliig a su- w %Viss, -ti, a Soliugs-rs bleude, svbbcis ofair sbcl h an vstia rdlns !a iealibsy ouldeor gar plantation. \Visn ibis moment cornes Pi t'le w 1)-s y (laml-s 1. Ns- iscis Prince jiloîsglsed and otiser c-nopo wene so,,-n. life in a coi liîsae A procession tise Chinese footpati is in season, antisa o o! Wal'x L. eIs 8(telsecl as-cldTise re6ulits, tises-cfore, shsow- the la- o!filsose sirens B comeiy anti pic- perfect is tise corntisaitishe local au1- le"rgilde1 su iris a fil II tînat lin-s ben flueucee o! the nools eniis.ning bi tise turcsque--at a Iisusdret vra. Aiii- horities nk eainî t fet aua s-bs-lliintly bînoîl, and is spangîll al soil upon ie poutn 5 o îefrbro eruti il(îin-j, are anfter tiseisarvesi. Se diffi- l ý;nivg aio -rawsut os-itmaxais iere b c-s-ps ýfollowlng tliseclevers and tie a large Tisibotatu village-, whsre tise pray- c-uit tidtihie Russians finti movemeut ni i ig-ls- ~ iiig -inrtitli-grasses. Ia 1U02, bas-loyw-as soW-n in- flaga are as tliek1- as masts in. a qmisi this crop la 1900 that bisey made ed sCiil nd -la an a cticli, vCorn-firc-he!fu asletso -ly okrd. liere oeesecs sînwielsiy ne atiempi te miore sevond Ta-chih- tI il.al ns onianipmciclY O-erssnd ilîrco arIolles of grasses w-odàen frames, isanging from polos 50 cisiae, anti restome tîseir duimaged ailway s rdic w-a pt'bst istbn-L acuatd 10tsfcr LfnflP isn-c-or (30 foot iig. ±licv are usscd, w-e until w-cil on in September, anti for bvo of Welporimental gruds h- e are telîl, for illusminniions in festival yen-nsnfier tise Boxer trousbles tise c-top 10 si-%eon- Týcse e ,,similar nelics of lits eIder s;uIts o! tihe four tests la pounds of lime, but tise general impression o! w-as net nllowed wiiiîin 6300 yords of w n-il ho breller Ileu sy tTIslie Is, for in- -barley pes- acre w-ere as folloWstise force afion a gooti teni o! c-onjec- tis e.o ctm-stnsc-o, a suit. j- oouc-.ins fasýh1on, Ret clevrr, 1,516; incerre, 1,450; ni- turc, w-as tuait tisev wre cradios o!f \Vhsen full grown tise stems o! thse Pl sae teul ssi.o! Ialian ak. ie cloe- ,47 laraoi correction for refnssctory cîsiltinen. A kn-o-iia.iig are rougis anti impede more- w-Lich p-essbbly beloîsgecl te Il m, Red cloves-.LÀ; 8 ssîien-sIow f e scîsoe olo.but t-crrn see-ms te ho soie confusion gr1.l 8rcebadgas ,1 ile ftîrtber a suddten isumu in tise val- ment; tise grounti is usualîs w-et and ot ng e -steits tinte . rLn-king assigns il a-nd timotlsy, 9 16. Il w-iiI tierefere lybig eet slr lin- pe of théLi as i e rop ceors three-oths Pti t Ilse te tic secoîssi suurt(-r o! the seven- lie seen ihat tise rms-dcloers-sod gave aomenaiiy flat piece o! groti. ss-iere o ieLn-uVie i etes i oe e-0l2 tc-eni century, but tilis us lu tise au mners-en-sers the timottsy sed cf oee cna trace Ive miles aioag tise monts o! tneeps isexitet impmacticable P k, la sa-mo bs-en-I, tisai t in s bs-crs iden- 570 pounsîd, os- aea.rly 12 bushols per straigist. Nonee passes it vw-isenut for tsi-o nontis Tise chie! o! tise other e. -cssfuI ti!iedlibY a 'iniiiatiiri, paintlsbiy Is- acre. rnmnkinc tisatiti is tise best site for crops la Southern Manchuria are the t, anc (ils or la 1607- TLe ansI is c-tonr- h nte xpepriment, -wvibc-bwag n hi11 station in nertsern India. Wlsere sna11veiloi' millet, bise stalks e! which r vMai- ly fise audssivts-eîty yc-ars en-iem c-emploic-d lau100.lawlsbc-is Win- cIsec can eue fiati a na-c-ecourse, polo, make capital fotider for herses, duvaif e~~~~~~~~ rii ii ls i-els sgzss Fs o -oiwa ioii nbt c~s rounsd, fisbiag, anti sioetii, anti a boanusanda a grass noseisliiug ssxiihimil- morle;aise attractive Is ti..e beauliful lit - ad grass sodis. it w-ns found ibat i ifaill hat is uitile more tisa a tisird lot wilis sitel grains. hantise Siy-yeiI pina-- i L-s shicls tise young Princ-e an aves-age e f 3,194 pounti !o Ita as niecia? ,A tisocsantiVniiyoulv a littlek-G-iang la groWn 1s ne. le Vaîsdyck f ter \ anuSOins-s-s. Ye.tisde- the dloser sol, andi only 2,300 POuuds ;- a platleaus apii>srentIN, designeti for smalPD millet anti ieaas. -Cor. Lenton' n -sspito tise existence erthtsis pes-fectiy fs-out the grass sed.hsluig it. isrcedetl-a- im. e. well-knesn ports-ait, andsi Uessgli its 111 8).o a isýxturiýoro! n-s ansci bar- tendotitt ie place for a hIs station. kaJ ns rsn aid te companuîatir-cly la-te date is obriotis, loy w-as sowa eu clever soi andi aise It su-a-s on tise bil a-bore lincma-InaapesPro. n-is- ibis araser w-as until a yens- os- tirs ongrass sosi. Tise rsuits w-ero vos-y îîa ts- ajrWiiaeDînowtTs i -sch is espocialiy striking at afe-ago alw-ays b-ù-eito lucre lie-'markocl, as anu avera-ge to! 2250 bisor alsllSikîs aILs o isDfn-tlie-st fina igs1ina .psiseprso.itC ut tiselossged te flnvil, Ring oe! cestIanti Il pounds of! muxesî grains per- acre h - ' tisene us ne diffenoîscetbetsveea tise pri- rtn-lnie 1^1verk o! tie b igisesifinsish, engrav-- w-as oblan-inelfs-ori tiseclover sodsof tise kinsi l o tautEsroiic-an çgun. anti tis e hsi !betfro ensantpr sa e> d ail over svuti, tise rose, tlise tsis- and only J.,048 1xpU i Iul o!r ixsiSsa o n-ne ,v bonaIts, andsci soNvlisre abiîn- son adteIito h repaat s' (s U.o eal-r-t- s sI. u - gm-lus-i pt-r a-c-msfsoas tIsegrass rsotidusut. Tises- sre net -fousidabiuiove tise wtise atedsloct-vlatso f atIsern i ýIPP)Ose. though lb lias liecîsigaern-ntiy iront- Ey thagsg ie rossîts oe! iese Nwoeti lnisit. Bloc-k punther anti musk-eeeeatietseerioamde la- d is îLe past, se uilecis cane and lbm-e gmaî-is svo frai this tise crop deen are semeîinsee-1imet la tiss fo,-penitentiary il w-oiil leo Useattractive r lbtpaîslv lut-y -a s-\)55n-igmow-ison ttue clever -soclgave ai stcals.bustlises- arse net cesusson. Plisas- anti soulti incre-se crime. bç po Ist tisio e, aîisIlcr -cs-a so luke pscac-sisg tise prison, inpic Y' andti ll l ýýti ý io nii-' eres-sth, rip gs-uwîs ts nl;sO11-ulss.\lsoa tish se s o sgsn-sud foniidlsplslsr acea sa-y ho foc-t c-o)r-sli-. i tioa. sper ndfrb---r- als vuse 0551-s-.' * \Vlua M-. Lakis-.g .u-S0se-i)Y !iy 5(3 pes-cent. anti miners svere working on bise no-a ad fhc onr oss ii ene !et dscies~ Thse- essîîs e! tiese experbaseats lises\ contrylhoîl 1sbesausaressof-set lits. cIo- pKog&sbly îi ra-s-t tiseasure o!f Wird- lisel) us' te apprecia-to tise beueficial t o c tic c)-\%sîniltia-s, tise prison itscîf being cein- i oa rnfongresving e&epenne, aantowac 'ieti e-,astruiat o! arysixteelati)îs ilcneon thesoI s-atbheui o8a1e ie tropeenacisiî el- thougisfonmeriy atitlc-h- century date, rwasa found twe or clver. Ila-lntbnts iesit- eoieulou . there was a corridor sepamatetifrom thriie! esop- y cltrld os-ts gtiCbnd rrnmsialthe building by a paper Walli, wheme tise - ls eu ers ne," - cc-edbenenth 1o (, sd a a prepamation for figitonot oui o! tisern-lic-y. One fintis urslet abasket btfoid rssbba.Eh lnaun un- w-iter wlient or for qprng graâss. bise blooti pheasant higis up in tise pins? lseoîigse iepioesi i u9ed room or tliseRound Tow-sr,wiîre G. C. Creoimnn, l'res1dent. frsif pthe !moisi cariS w-bore prpoicfo te thcoduisntsisins lt hs.d probabby la-bu for more tisais -ti achsopootont hi odutadids bsn-if a century, Tise plece is flot tise saow lias meibeti. Whcn distumbed itri-,tise priQyoners w-ho do net conduct oaIy o! exceseive rarity. but la an A Triflng Fault. lie runs up tise isisde, and hebrays his théinselves 4Ls îiey shoulti rec-eiving a s. Pl uausun-lly opee example, Stuh "lAfier al hr' nyoefutta new i-hding-piace by vociferous cails. cake cif nicO, iviicis muai last for seven y ocil ; h r g ltompieied ahve o in, îiere tenî s e n ui bn p -t P ieasant shootig e i Chu bi is n t tuys, svise in tie case o ! the orde ly -e i d co nt.alnliig t Ise ri gion avl et l ni g p etg t ur s ti e se s ti n 8 sport, as tie birds sedo m mrise, andi one priso ers tise sam e cake ists only four The mosi famoua armor ai Wiud- "Wisab's tiisnva" musai shoot bhemn runniug for tihe Pot. tinys. The prisonema w-ho conust them- &or La ibe suit mia.de by Jacmob Topf-e "h bsamr iio ore u Bu~t a day with a gun is vrmy interesi- sfe rpny mccr loalti Je exer- for Sir Christopher Illatton, whicb htie heatiuines andtihie- uews neyer seemn ing tb a natumalist. Besides the bloot Iserss usient with, potisbn or pea sauce Ws&B bcughit 14 subscripitlof a Uttis to correspond.' pheasant, theme are raina] and tracopasu. with their mcais.-Public Opinion.~

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