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Whitby Keystone, 4 Aug 1904, p. 4

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- - -\" -t. .4 -- 144 - - - ~4 4 - 4 'v - v '1 ~ 1~R R&AY, ~.UGUST 4~ 4~ê4 Letters from. Our Correspondent s UALSAM rpionshipin Toron';o by 6-4, 5-6, 7-5. lI MisBÉ]erthia Joncs je spending a couple . the doubles Northey and Miss Alexander 4Of weeks with friende ini Laurel. dcl eated C. H. Ham and Mrs. Murkar A few from hero attended the Garden 1 6-2, 6-2. PartY a4 Utica hast Thursday evening. Nhile James Andrew was taking a Mis.eB. J. Philp, of W'hitby, visited Ioad of hay into his barn on Tuesday, at J. W. Philp's last wcek. his herses broke through the drwveway Miss Lena Dales has returrued to her and for a timo mattere worô vel-y ùxcit- home in Uxbridge after spending a i ng, but fortunately whcn extricated èouple cf weeke rýwith f riende in these1 from their perilous position it was found parts. the horses were not much the worse of -Mr. and Mrs. Bales and Mrs. Doyen, their experîence.-News. of Greenwood, visited at Mr. Birkett's Violent Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by OU Sunclay. - Chamberlain's Lolic, Choiera and SMiss Edna Plîii entertailleda a few D iarrhoea Remedy and Perhaps friends Iast Thursday o vetuiug. a Lifc SaVed. Mirs. Wiîn Wat'd visited frieul is ".A short tinuie ago 1 was taken w ith î% Whitby this week. I violent attack i îdiarrhoea and believe, MissEti Elis, f Tnono. s spîîdn 1 mi oulii have died if I had not gotten re- her hoiidays with friends here. 0 jf asJh .Patn edn ii n " frni ore eckiiitjeZen of Pat ton, Ala. - A f riend reconi- _ut number foihr oki h menided Chitiiiberl ains Colic, (ChoIera and jGar-den Party at '5r. Wlite's, Brookhni, Diarrhoea Rcîîue>Iy. 1 boughit a twenty- last Tuesday evening. liv6 <'eut bottie amid after0 taking three Miss Alnma Hortop. of ixbuidge. visit-doeofi asetrlcre.Ionir ed at Mr. S. H. Jonies' uecemtly. ît theb lest reînedy ini the world foi- bovel vouupints.- l'or sale Iby ail duuggists. MYRTLE. Miss NeliioTarvis i j,., iîi o ir tis- thor at present. Mr. anîd Mrs. J. ester vsiedmt Mr. Poarsoti's ion d:v Miss Aileen 1>401, tu i'l s 'us IKentoti, cailod titi frîeid: lier>, Anîeng those wlo Stteni CW 11tie mneti's excursion fnim Port Pe s soro Mr. aidM3rs. obot t ilo r Muand l!urs. WVin. Nlaw, M~r. Tlîonmt % xae, oi M>iiss Sarab >Iàl uonu >ýBr anti Boddv. ]%Ir -oigi uni ¶r N> .ersuîtte f riendu' xm Myrtît' on Sunday. - ils'Bessie Hodgos re:urxsed l, ber M is., Mubel Laniugire eîtrtt.iiiel M~ir. *1. 'îQulii. we marcsorrv tb i- port, lias beeîî onithe u'ck lst'. very raiidly. 'Mr. liaus. Tarvis mand lady frietsd visited lt Ili lt omek>on11 iili(1:tv. Mu. ths u ig>mdeuîlias returtuel to lier homev. M r. uut.d Mrs. MLii of Toronto, are visituug with Nlr. Hiarrisonl. Those whc atteiided ihoindei pýartv at Wniî. 'WhIite' îtp rtcd auu god 3t1itis. Mrs. Tiios. flaycraft lias lu cuiejo- îîug a visit freilber cousin, _Mr'. Auidiew Tluottiupsoî, of NisZualaiud. He aui his m"ife aret'retîu'îuig fu'oin ao yeuut v isit Ivi tii relatiins iii Scot an 3. Emîgl îid ,îîud I rolmuîd, aid re si1iîig1 ti.ro a i h(itro iMii t b efore Iiituuiiîîg "to tîlcit hlin iuthiat fuir uîs v land i3vlitlier thlic 'sout ourfor' ut "'i >t M r. Richard Blirghtus, iMv. Fralicisl Jrg'autd Mr t. (G. Il glt. TlîeN Wee>goutypIu1 a« itli tir litti> vIl- loge uutîlld the tilie fari-iig duu't uio2t hîcie- V ~ Choiera !nfanfuni. ( Chîluuirlib ulu.ui t I I oIt 'iei1 41>Il ju il 1i uuuîuti t,>:4li h4's w l 1itilill5 'tili'-ii-o(e tIr uiit> i n lu 1 el, l>o( tel i444I11 pliainit.,; Mlui 41-e 'liuv muale it atli >4~ GREEN WOOD. -ir . W n ttl a u1iic huîl u 't t ujiil)i" GLEN MAJOR. NIM. . Crosier has purcliased the Ï;àtn of 14 ooachet ani od of 1àôo" people pulled into the ,tion. Héad- ed by the . Q.... brass and bugle bands, the. viisitors marched to the town hall, where the. Mayor and town coun-, cil awaited them on a big platform. A ehocking accident occurred here this morning which wae a rather inaus-- piclous opening to Home Cornera' Day and Civic Holiday. James Andergoui coachman for J. 0. Rose, of Pittaburg, who i5 summnering here, wÉam pèrhaps fataly injured by a horse, which ho was, riding. Anderson had recently pur- chased a new horse for bis employer, and was out on King-street exercising it. The horse shied at something on the road and reared on its hind legs. It lotit its balance, and f el back on top of its rider. In its struggles to rise, the animal se- vere]y trainpled Anderson as ho lay on the ground, aiid wlîeîî pi l:ed up it wvas found tliat hoelîad several sevoea frac- tures-one of the spine, one of the hip, of tho arm and of the log. He was un- conscious, and was hurried to Mr. Rose's residence. Although living at a lite hour to-nighit, ho lias no 1possible chance of rocov-ery. Andersonx is 35 yo-ars of age, and came fromn Pittsburg. Ho lias a Nvîfe and two clîildren in Cobourg. Taken WIth Cramps. Wim . Ki nse. iinib.r ,of die bid,1~ bouse onx the lot soutit cf Mr. Pick-ott >. %rang ss'cîkiîîg near Littleîîort Nvas talien Mi:s L-izziu Pugh, of Clarensont, vis- P111Ideîuly ilI 'l'luursuîay iiiglît witlu cranups ited M"u'. Fis on SundaN. aîîd a kind ofcfhiera. His tcase 'vas se M ' ~arsi:ll('rîceu-s >>îiio usde- 4sne 1>y stire k u'e-tcetlyý. Tise finiu staxrted l ls ar in tIse chsînîney,. Tho bouise svws elitirelv hurîied, but fonttun- ately Itlio rncplcontents ivere sas'ed. ,r. NWaddteii caiied oni frietîds bore 1Pov. M r. W ilkiîîseî, of Clareont, mlil1 ro.ttli litre tuîuuAigst 7,at 7 Mir. \Wni. Hopkiniscf 'Mt. Zioxi, 'isit- ed :tt M r. Crosit's oui Suiîtay. Ja .:s. Waluken. cf 1.xbnidge, sisited uit hui brîlî 'i. Wîu. \ilker's, con M'i ss Scott, of W\Niuîilsor, is yisiting lier iutucît' Mr. T. Stewart. Mr,.-Mitchell and1 sistex', Miss Nors,i sv'e uitthîix' uutlts, MNrs. Sykes, on Sui-1 Misu-es Eiiiiia and Aninie Wiiliaiiss at- Mlu lhiuisday esouîiiîg. M i-s Biuiklsorn utuai dutuglit er, cf To- roito, are speîudiiug a fev weeks wvithî lier iiiîthîei , Mrs. Murtray. LINDSA Y. at-se of sîssalpex vvas discovered in tluis tovvus aoi Saturday' ufteriu on. The latieti>us Mrs VIA ls. Tlîe lîuitli asiitliî 'tuties hatve isolated ier anid talkeîî -LIi other îirecauItioiis isîiuul iin sucli cases. Mr.ALhe ueityreirld hri ier tou. Hr athrNV.NWeeýse, lus maui'aeu-, vi-sits )Muotreli frequiiutly, auul t s supposî'l thuat tie dusease svas oîthîî'îooîtlutoteA 31M. Asliley ut sîlu 01- - 'i olii r u tuit b i er fltI iuug t i., OSHAWA., Word xta, rulicOucdl Iy Dr. Eauvveil, coui Siliîdui, thuat lus 1 lot' lto ortfo luvt-s 1 'lut', 14.C'.,liaI 'cci klîtîlili iauîd oui r acoishi -it 'i thu C. 1'. iR. Du- cL-Uas. I i 111bitro i-lo iii lt' ted bIv theledbi. ()i>lt4 f t shawxa. Mc xvas a of>m thie lu>'t orgc LFarmewell1,tof Iuriii ai hîaiuiutI tîuu le ai dfoi. ouar>uluii- Il~' i it-e Josuplu HaIll Maciiiiec \V()rl:1, Fhe left ais 4tiiha oe15 vears liuty (ut1 loiluix - I g a7' SU- IU l111-' HU U li 31r i tatuiltot i Iuti >1' lw en ok - "' >u uîploVOd ias aili e xpu -t i iiuohtui st ing mt ( luuriuîl t. 1)' tte .'C.>.1 E. ti. I>uîticuu rs of t Ne Mio i iMih t' IIu ris'ui huis ret rn t. l tc ut h"Y 'Vs'.Iiq l ole tn't liis (uit"tl Mv' f uly Uc'liiiuicutieuîl>eht iuei stiall1 ., le M NILitteri'ho % lif t\lItu4lC>ltus car,-. ...a.-.eelt m111:111y si.sitedi nîds îcttx > iu iiîî i" isS.and Mrlt. 1F 'dgutt 44-tttiihe >>~'tuuu l iiitotiiilwas- !t ASU) Imlulîluî' ith friiii>s. l, gtijt i., : u t Mmr. %Vin Cluttk1015g>t ui>tthr kîmivwtiit tt tlus' the ui'> î-iAtIn-t îun guut .tîly theî't'rftIli suc i,. , t1iwk l'y a "tiiij 'l ' m. uiis i li t ia.ck.. gru't- numt t8 csî Jcut pil fk* lis Ii'>>1boy ssii1 wle i)gla >t lheefoilt .ut Nmuigu-iui it'eîutly. - miii i w-I ill tak u place ufroiiithe '1>1 A. f-nra 'f <ut (y usssil îol4uluifaitily isinuo i Hil iui.îîî, ut :2.Jti . N I iStilî tll,xs ife u lfoiilsl.v 1t>M)sîjit dil,'xn f.u af>'tmi-'lut 1>0... Ç.-~...>1. -cetininimi ig J1tu1t1Itiafficui alis pa ar aut isïi t îg ut lMr. .îi.SI>ltu.- Mis ;He'aps. Ii f t)slî5h. i'11t' 'l clui iii> Lîxdi st. t >îuu î'iîir satig fur -I,' SoI0ja fTt pitiu ci mSeric'e -tI itlumut45Sîili Mir. t'-ls eu>*i Si' i':f:iîîjjv tit s Nitlhiý>'i uii a i>l >uh litthS. ' Mys rslîigna-l lia, itliuiuiî'>l h' ii- utî- au ii ith lier ntily IniTt mt' miss Fthul h>romi. f Fe'u',iý îî>g i,;t Ny I lieîrt rs us No 5ub5litute Offered. gis" .î-ilitli'liî tuuijl>'u l iq , - litai ulIîIV1141 li lw i-.u'-l - ituldt sI.- litd > ius s i4s-I -I -îî1 -- - I r t(Ili t1 4 lt as (i uti . î il li s. T f i:I11 ual lu - < wil i.' vxil t- - u t u. uîul sil >i 1 us f.>m i.. St. L il '1-if tucul. s tutliMus. Jaus. il>1.ul ws'eoîlf, it1tîlSuhîillu zt "fo' i. iuiue. svhere thle torîîstr s>ii iaute as ilge Ii luNe stock. li> the <ecOuît téouius itlitclubties 1Iùosebmuuuk zandU ick'u-itîg. h-AmI o ' f ick- erîng defeutet Ncnthîey, a. nieriber cf the teain whio wcma the iiiier-ccllOgtate chaisi- Onii mlaiy ui~lust >1m itu-utal> tMu - îîî 'lr. IK. H . l obb dia. sdtet- lus~~~~~z' >- giitculk u luir Daule sîli1 Stl. -rs vtsdi îjce and ut o iazedil lis idlu- tii-l' i[t. \\ j-tu fîîîîI ( lit' s u nucoui- aI-li , 'h tIi'ho l withu thîe mwa"'î)ii eat "lu Iluis i;lhu., hushjut",hiutuselto spo> t tIitihuis u.î ll iMrli. lobls 1*0111 (u.î HUl.ic,- luuî l II juuiisol(, lis Left Zuuu1j1 h>uil tll lî11111)al L iu'i ands m ilhus ahi'lî l-ul ihila d lci ,(, s >'so'e th it Ilu-ouu lo u ilim 1-ilslui-t îji' 1.u til i l llu ruit 1 ls l . t ll itl'e> . 1 . iut a. w'îuî l uuî . ll i ll lu î uur t i t l 4 1 kus 'u 1 iif>-tefoi tIli , us u -i- h î;j.h t.ul.î.;uIi 1(u'v î - 14 i 4\, uu l>.-t.. IýlIat l iIc eil .ui'r u u-;.îl'iu 1 It lii 4 i uI I I s p 'i'u i .I.-l vu I> i uj i ht l, 1 at IX i Nous tu -ll1 u I 1:1 i.of c f ' iittl S I( 'Ns.>' ilu . I uut<. s u >.iu :1 -~- i. . j.-F, COBOURG. gl<i l'-p .o.iiuo : Imath'uut Ite Itolu amuuutîulru -1 t ,uuiî u it it is sIfe te SuiS, thlut t' -du*t',s loett 1 i- rd.'lut-e tisai ii aseuufli a1~ic t.' t ve', tise s aites ths' e ustiiiit 10 îihut'.lIi îIo' S ufssIsWeluC e îý1 2 l - ut-I uuh Ul t 11 1 îuui Il streets iitil li4g i>w4 'ofhtîuuttig ouithe buildinîgs gaiea ustive air te the tjtsvî.j Shortiy ait or 10i cloci, th e big speciuui cf the criew %%*Rit ux pouli iii and I 'lr. ( if- ford Nvas ealled and consulteil. le told tim l lue ad a umedit-iue iiitihe ternofe ( 'laîuuherlaiîu's Culic, (hClilra aiid I iarr- luoea Remaedy tluat lie thoughit cuill help) hiîuu out anud accoruliîgly several doses 'sere amuinistered ssith t he restulIt tluat thue feliow %vaq able te le ancutîl liext day. Thle itncidenut sîieaks juîite highuly cf .Mr. ( itl*crd's îuedicines. -E Ikador, i owa, A rgls. 'lhuis uemuedy miever tails. Reel it in your homiue, it îîîay save lîfe. l'or sale by A New Story by Ralph Couinor. Tuie IHestruîiuster for August coîîtaiîîs the first imstaînient cf Raîplu Coxîmon's niews story i' Prosp,-'tor-. The scene of tueo st-)ry is laid finst iii Toronto andi aftermward shsifts te the Crows Nest Pass negiolu. The Prospector is "Sliock> Me (J uger, a faitieus scrinui l ou"r(Ilthli VsiyRugby teaimu and afterwards a pioncer rnissioîîany amoixug the ranchers and tiionies of tlie WNest. Thîis bids fair What a Joy To Be Free of Headache And to feel new strength and vigor thrilling through the systomn-Dr. Chasem Nerve Food, the grreat restorative. In the great înajority of cases headache arise! from an exhausted condition of the nervous system and à associated with indigestion, irrita- bility aad sieepiessness. Lasting cure is efiected by revitahizing the nervous systern by the us5e at Dr. Chases Nerve Food. MRS. i,. MCLXLD, CheSttnut Cat to town, P.E.I., states:- For sotie time 1 have heen trou oled witb attacks of nervous, sick headache which were accompanied p by indigestion. 1 begari using Dr. Chase's Nerva Food some tinie ago and have heen great]y bene. fited by it. 10y diges. ýtion has been irnproved, the headaches have disq - appeared and 1 have gainb ed in flesh and mieght. 1 MR',;. McLEOD consider ]Dr. C h a s Nerve Food a splendid health builder. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a bor. The portrait and signature of Dr. A. 'W. Chase, the famous receipt book author, are on every box. Pain cannot exist wbere Dr. Chase's Backache Plaster is applied.. 1>a\ aj_' 11t 111-> t- tl jul Mîl-a il tatFuliliiioiîîîîîodatuuîî a t ruasonile tO. .\.~~~~ 1.,J( c,.IU lIAL . House f or Sale, jTIiat large brick dwell i tî hou se anid lot s ittatud oni1, -ron struet , utli. Huiîse t .li-.,Icla~t.udul l1ciititc~ A1lîlv t>> \V. S. t;uLD. Whîtliy. NE \\H tL>.i\IE )ALEJtl IN ALL KINDS tOF Washed WooI, Unwashed WooI and WooI Pickings. Il IGIEST ?iIL>4I{ET lIll IN CA-Sl. Iron, Metals, Rubbers, Bones, Tailors Clippings, etc., bought. rokstruet. tirst store souti of the Town Hall. m6___ ~o8r88Wpweraindînteirestntin2&&A ~ ,hat RAipli Oonnor ,,,%o s yt pôdue Among other attractive ieatures in the >' # number may b. menlîioned a fineiy illus- the "Historjo Landmnarks of Quebec," and a paper by Profeseor McFayden Of Knox Coilege, on "Ras Gori spoken to Maxi?" Tiie Westminster Company, Toronto. Administratoi's Sale of Properid.P IPS B IL I G R C T On the corner of Dundas and Garden es.,4 in the Town of Whitby, the property ofmY the late A. Balmer, two-fif the of an acre of land, house, good orchard, stable, driv 4. ing house and well. Ail buildings ini good state of repair, Apply to J. L. SNI T H, Adxnitaor oxOt August Clearing Sale CANADJAN4 PAC IFI C ; This being the first Bargain Day of our August sale, we intend to break ail records in bargain j Homesekers 6 DAY xcursins A know that you expeet great things of us -luring this sale, and not a stone bas. been left -TO- ., 0DY xuson nundntamaktmssd o money chance let g by, where we have thought that we could TO-turn a penny to your advantage. If there is anything you need or want to wear during the 'omigIIIt Winnipeg $30. oo Regina- $33.-754 days, this is the week to buy it, prices lower than merchandize of unquestioned quality has been quoted- Mowbray Moosejaw 4 before this seasors. Deloraine ' 31-50 Kanisack 34-00 Souris Sa ie Brandon Sa ie Leor F RMEN FORWOMEN Miniota -3:2.00 Pr. Albert- EluinA Wawanesa aîo - Men's Tweed Suits, 3 pieçes, ail sizes, Ladies' Cravenette Coats,fu11 lengyth, Blnsgarth 1 4 regular $6.0O. Reduced to $.8 different slîades, regular $6.00" $07 Moosomin çf32.50 Calgary 321.5O $3.7 Arcela - 32.50 Red Deer 1 39-50 Men's Suits, in broken lots, regularBlcSaenWaprrgar204 Yorkton j 33.00 Strathcona - 40, 5 $Iteducedcd t Ooing JUNE 14th, z8th and JULY içth . Men's Fine Worsted iNavv Bine Suits, i Retiiniing initit Aug.V1.7,1,29th sai Sept it1.0.h 511*to $8.0 i l'ickets are not good o' * eua 1.0 eue e .on - Js1in, in eautiusnds8creguQ dlar liaullutllets and ftili purtictitars frouui umu) Cana-A1e ad1e H de dt 0 J%, fawn, single, best fitting, regular En Bu Blow> ' 4 $12 and $15. Ileduced to $8.50 lar $1.50. Ileduced te 9 - Iuiket,'lele.,tapli anidlE\ptess Agent, Whlîtby, Onit.A Coy's 2 piece suits, navy blue serge, Ladies' Lace lies, regular 36c. Redue- _______________________________ iNorfolk style, sizes 22 te 30, regu- e e17 lar $3 50. 1lteduced t $2@49 Ldies' Fancy Handkercliiefs, regular SIR . A OYLE4 Men's Worsied Pants, la very iseat 1e ~uue e5ec S4aA GY E o stripe, regular $3. hleduced te 19 pcaotdcin nsls Whvioil itbyto TorovJinto If goods are not satisfaotory, money ref unded lijer îl11 i.1 date ccr Tuesday and Friday A__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4 Sýteailer 1baves F, ire n ui 1ttip 0A If oods are flot satisfacto r 4 Boîaîvll,710^,î. O.~ money refunded. l e] Rs1N - Wlîit1)v S. 471-.1a. i Î A;c. 4% \îs îe 111 'i rolt ft t 111. 4 eiiiii~leF it a» 1 A 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1',kit" 1 j j j 1 j 1t) b%'&, A) At Ji A)Ai 'i. '.>1 i -. 4 _7 4444444444 Of44444444444444444444tjng at a ar4r Th of4ol llek ..tmt w l, ai n prue Ahreaeatatigalre% Thi Ati, o s n tu a g i tson ratex-e sýý ) l,,aii(o ait e 4l.almtO rpie r q :be 4arnz nu-t-aeofc Tow HalBidn Th esoePes4ib rK STEAV PUNIP WORKS E, W. EVAN fuli 11Ue Wood and and force' SEEDS I \u-utl t'I., Ci ii ianidspt'îig ieatiicr liesitati-- te-o'ome , but havi-in thier l!- r pm )'sl)Iisci" f ' s"htiiiuemîî lais-arest ive lias-e fuîith te believe tîmut Ievely ds.~sieux - sprin ii vlI iinîdue tuiie mppeus i' nuliii-e aet'ordiui zlv pr'siîled for our euz- - I ~toeiis.sStIse fuicat s.t uliv oft sed- a ioteand'eioo iii usm.ies- .m-an secure Es-ervlioilv knowvs th at the finest 1ualit5- cf tusike uecd is necessary to set I ron Liicture7a ,rop hsti vll ccitstuianiîlthe li-ghest îimktprice. We hiave that I-'.4 Cîtier tuid Tiîuiotjiv, Igos.» I s.'euu, ami' I ut right puice sie are Pum nç ii4hi-i. Abst Seaiu a iCcl>l NWateu' l7ittiliîg AGENT VOIt ONTARIO WIND M~ILL. E. W. EVANS., p t I3ROCK STRIEET, WHITBY Cur eiSeeda;, mIdmîl tlssu' iiilI attu uuP:'.aCe, Te elivouruige geîîe'eu s patruonage we utre Sellilig, 2 papei's foir a Cimîî4 ais i eauts Feus of ser Ice cqua-litv sve ar- suppux-ing in Ilii.itecl quaititues.«C Everv cuistoîner should get bis se eds now se tliat lie iil be ready to thien u the seil whie the weathier turmîs fine. 4 . 4 - - - - i f. 'i L'iL Horse Ha jr, 8:- As a cleaner, son- dooesnJi't 110,3E- n to compare with GOL D DUST does more work.!, better work and does it cheaper. It saves backs as well as pocketbooks. Ma.de oniy by THE N. K FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chk.ago, New York, Boston. St Louis. Montreal. il KOHAN- m "Ili1wff

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