't k s IRSSAMUST OR NY APO ANIN. For the Sinking of the Knight Commander, .And She -Must Also Salute ,theý FIag of Great Britain. Making i f aStubborn Defence of Port .Arthur. London, cable says: The British Government is sending instructions to Sir Charles Hardinge, the British Ambassador to Russia, to-day to en- ergetically protest igainst the sinking of the British steamer Knight Commander by the Russian Vladivostock squadron. Until the presenta- tion of thenote to the Russian Government, the greatest secrecy '*'ill be xaintained regarding its contents, but it is known that Premier Bal- fouxr and hi.s c6lleagues have decided that the fullest reparation shall b. made by Russia, or measures will be taken to follow up the diplomatie demands.+ The British note, as Sir Charles Hardinge wilI sybmit it, will not mention the amount of the indemnity Russia mnust pay the owners of the ship, and British subjects having goods on board tbe vessel, but al that will be songht will be the establishment of the principle of indemn- ity and apology. A salute of the British flag must also be conceded, and* the future protection of neutral shipping assured. - The attitude of the British Governiment is the resuit of a thorough consideration of the reports received f rom Sir Claude Macdonald, the British Mnster at Tokio, and the examination of international law au- therities by legal experts. The deEpatch from Sir C!aude Macdonald * -conirnis the reports that the Knight Commander had no corffraband of war on board for Japà n. The Goverr-nent and ail the British authori- ties, it is stated, unite in declaring that there was no jus.tification for the sinking cf tbe vessel. It is the feeling in officiai ci-cles that the Knight Commander inci- rfdent overshadows the Red Sea seizures, which practically have been ad- justid, but which have faîled to sett'e the question of tFe rights of neu-* ral commerce. 4 I ..... 4-**-+--+ê*--* *.~ * __________ ~ ~ pla-ng i-ten'ntiti-ru-Lui n ru'r îrcrhIasen Corun- n-ciuirrirg tliela-t fe i-nnitlr-, on premier Balfour Says Russia i-as Cern- .tliC ru-lt\10, tîurrof t1iîurur r-r sc-uînii mrtted a Bre-ach of International Law. rgl g-irnu-oer-. 'riîr-Pofuurr rrrelu re- London crible -savsN-Thr.î t the Prit ishchier-iDu, rI1rrk- iiIxib. "Flre otler tlirree liraNte iru ru-u i.lw Jr- ý,oterrnOt regrîrds the' irkrg-uf t1Ire , hAîrrruvr, adarr u nd rr-aure l-ýted steamufer i\1ii,,Irtt ('rinlrri~n lur u1Iirom on- îtirrrrT - ihu- f riiîrer ent- of mites natic:iirrlia\'u, tt rs cînfirrrred l'yi i t ttof th}euse tr--- - utr-o~ Pr-cm- ci Jklfnuur in tlire hInte cf ( i i10e i oi <ritrui ii Cti rt ltire cruuk- morns tisafterncnun. Arr-,ît urng r1ur ' tri r\r-libe tret:l itirrict-tettiS tiens- regardinrg the destrrrrtiorr cf tire tire'utMar-utsftir iuu-Ipte Unight Comn derurd andtlire seiure f Ilhe LrU-kuif pro-, rrriuliuloet is utcer tIre Mlacca i ruunotirer t-l ir- IPro- lt\en t\%1let' ru1hiti ru re- callingç muer sa id lue huuped o1)e irnsuapons-i tironl " trIut -u-1-r-u-W iiugaisýt toietuie c111 f t (wui iadT ir'ericr n- tIre A S un r îîi cv.\ te tu11 -t a Les 4cýf .a M n- 1-Ir ith ir i nu(l r rti i in'-. Sinkijg cf tlire lnight ('erriniie(r i)w The Hî-Xinr;-nrt rnuent iras rrrt re- .'regrrktted t irnt infornuat iîNr ut ic- uu e t i tri-oi-h tir A tie rirr u -rrl1s- rendS ed nie Cis rtorniîrg, oorrlfirnrruud th ie ure anv- rPprcýcnt rt inn-; cri tlîue sirl*Ijee.t ab~î/ tuhle- Ourrere-'rif tire it or rrnf t1lue 1K ti iirt i-ui u iu ,«r Bîalfnour addîd: î'Titene is ne ques- rrtr -uJtreu ikn~ufrt uîe tie cflisnflite. Lut 1ai ar ariditrîu tu-e rii-jArrrnnt aso oni is a (illest4i cf breacir of jm rnratiniiri i r' t Iriteitt. )ru ivo1-r rernut 'u' a île a law.ys- lrulic-tnCit thre aue ri glit of -\-ir- The situation Discussed. -1ii te -irrl ai--r it uI.-1-iino i No repr( s-utatiirs iriave lic--r rrnlo ade 1< r ie crunrir.1bai <u[1It îo.r ii r i-Zlitt liýi- Count Benr-kendnirff. tire htîns-iurAr beIiutîr 'ru-n.'l nI m ki'ii.irrL e basado teGrei ititain, te For ru<r t N\i sr-< trt iilIre elliplru- Secrctary Lanîsdowne, rcgrirding tire 57((1 iii t lue ;r-r-nt:rut ini ufirep -eif.iC Knight Coninnaldon, tlre Annhnr -sîdor- nrt Ciqe ut tr iizurl'rInnuhr tn îu hat'ing rece iteuln icsfcanS ete- ie I Lui ttirere titi i nnu oi r -rlu -rr le uu burg (on thru' sîujcet tcrr ri ift s-c(rlu-c tire irri u--u il t <if tlii i' 10k et iunfrnau .im Russian diploiicat s lu 0NVit b-4 prr-sih èfuir liprorrtniiiitiror tP i T as boilh u~er >î.-urnnentte muike a prolrii)1 t lie lîrit lu it i ' -r-e -o f thle answr t< tii îviish r'maruîs p sj Rnuglut C(rirunurlcu- r. r rn-urted hlire. inoV kncwn tirat tIre Vqqvi'uckslruni arelirel-I as wilTo-r-cur Tunird the ves-- ran wiii returîn te port. TIre rinnn sels forurinîg -the iIuurîi-tîksqruadrnr. ey of thre .uuatlrons, it i-r pruitt i cut,- inquestionalv iiy soi-nid flueîrs ofrf tlc- Accerulrngto a diePurtelufreinYnke vessel, iuclif~itt g hi-rt- arnifost. iud h(ehama Jurît 27.lth- i -u tite Tsi-m te shwc u-lesai i"srp anrd tito tIre cnet;. ririirriir' 21 miieni.of the lîrit - Ihussian «a lrit ini rs t1h ru gw-ililibe ablre te ish s;tecin or K right 1(iiniauler, Nwi cl atnstverthît'Priti-rh rjr'rrtrtmt <I r had besu trmnfrfi-u-ntilier i rut' 2.,t1ir tIre opinioin cf tirese duiiîi.tire crugo- day th(re Rai-ht Coîîrnuarruior tva- sunk Li *v of tire Kniglrft ýi-ninanrîruur iutehuii e)il- the Irs-, nNlauiitouztuok squanren()If tralbne cf Nt-run rnlr tire Iit-'-iîan (To- Izu. O1nTy thteuei-ru u-rngnc ciarat ion. Tire bridige uiriisurin te tire Knigirt oCotru tari rude .rur-r ing t-e tire bave Liven drtirrd or rrtire -crarSo Yokohatrua advin-e-r. ere detiuacd Ly tire rnulrorril, wlinuit tire Juipnîrîse rire build- RuSsians. ing for nîifitarrv prrpesýos Watching tke Dardanelles. Two Vesseis Reheased. Cntniol Fi iýâ ,zj_ý ýjjvj Tfei d tateinturu it t lue efluntt r r --sl Orientanl S- ('sui onipault\"s steamner of thre voiîrntr-er fluet iwuru-rfter wiîl net lrorniosa. 'uviiih'vtrs n iniiitlueleuT Ie permitt f oouiti lîrute forrwar prur- Eea Lv the t-clTntoer fleot steainra- Sîro- psei-iregarilerin iii rrki-h officiaul iens'nard Nwjiinlî îrrt ivrueoy~e-terlaycie-siSetIngtl qr-iurcftei flying tlu iri- n îiu frgarTwr upassage thiroiir irl)irdnireliles. It b- a pr,7e cnýettO)n boardi,lias muen re loda trvti heml asd.le w- 1 l cr lvrte tlire staitu,- Ica Sei.cf mencltantnîen, tirer«e is ire reasen tc 'l'lie Ilinrbrrg-.,nioricin lin(, sî ri-er refuse thirri ncn-iis1-rrîrite tratcru-e tlir fTlrsat la, wîii anioi ie 1o-urnt- uraî s asliriretefurre. ing aseirîviugonlrrrri t iiUC i îViTfie Prit ish crtiser TacUri-r still bas likeNv'isc Leen releuused. i off tIre crutine tii thre )rrdanclles. Tire llolsufia iscommnnulIi b Muller, and tias lasI nepoted at on July 5, for- Port Suid. ANOIER DODGE. caupt. Barr-y A Dozen Russian Merchanirnen to be Transformed Into Warships- St. Peter-Lburg cable-Tise limz--rua pps,- has Leeca igpificantly sil"utt fer Iwodays past regard ing comj-icnttins over thina mts o! tire Red Se-%ruius NoV a siagle wuord cf comment açipeat-s in thre newspaptsns concenning tire sink- ing cf Vhre British steanrer Kîight cour- mander,and titere is ne deirbt tIra-V uIre Govennment -ha-s requesle-d-thin pa-pers te refrain f nom pinîing -thein vic'us on tire affair. 'Tire Gove nme t ldopr'cutes t-le ptrv'oeaV4ve attitue of the lritislt pr(ess, sud probabiy doas no dclesine I-iai fine RuWaian papers sh-al/add fuel te ine AT PORT ARTHUR. Rusgians Ma-king a Stubborn befencé and Japs Have a liard job. Liao Yaag cable - J, Rr'urrin cir- resýpondcnt cf tire -socIate(I Pr-ss. w-li liras jutslami'. d hIr-r rutcr tî'o m<rontius sfay at Pont Arthuur. gives an. imporrtanut amuiiu'eî ~im': unui rr iiof tlnusiru -tion aItirhe b-Ieaur-uri hurt ress N hien lie left there oi luit 14. w1iicIr sliotts I'ut tire Japanese operar inns tili tiren muid beon net ad'u-ancril se fan as suppesid. Severai Jiuu-sirn stucc<'sses are tumr- icled, bnrVtirhe report of a .Japancse ne- verse, wuth tIre ioss oif 30.000 mein, is defiaiîely tlisptised of, mol lneing even meniiotroîl iv thre c-rr-penrPnt. w'ho qmv-- \X'hen h prut fIn seain ma jink tho - .nd position on the Russian right flank stirrnounding Gr-en and Seirnaphore HiLsI, wvîich tire Riissians irad lest, had been r=cptured by assauit. The heighte o! Il GENERAL( W :nner of Sunday'c rsidz on tire par-t of t iret rTlc To Lnat (le- stiio rs and iltoiluilo I rt-.the cs n of mines and the attrrekinrz of giiard lientc %-ldoinî de- .î na iit pas v irh- (rit firîng frorîr thr s!ire batieri'-. ThIe ait trrkg on the guiaril lipsrore esily di,; tovered by thre l-FwYarn seme\-lasrt a nîd soson a% firnei.n opredenl uthle Japanese. they make off. Tirero is al-uioCufl-inM raninenades Lv day, lic'n thie prtet el rrier Novik and tire gîraid tbiîr-p irt te o n to recun- Moving on Hai Cheng. Ft. Ptrbrr-ai .x A telegram frorn Gen. li\urruputoiri =a4ureceved to- (la.v conita îoiing thre cip rtrrrrr(if 'frt- ohekirux )y lv e .trparr-r'onui luv25, anrd adding irat a lu peer'divAson had Peri ina, 1Led Si tiilvt-27.- Twvo Ths- sian veâu-els. -iii- ed intle thie volIn -i teer fleet se'r S -ut. ]tr-br and Snîoleisk, j-iel ie ti-r ri n ir ing. botind for . bi il. I ee larIiland Tluev showed no eurz OKU TELLS THE SIORY. Officiai AccouaI cf thre Japaruese Suc- ccss. Tokio caile sur; -s-fien. Okir reports Iliat on Sritîrdnay nrurninrglIre ocncupicd n au position mireu t hune iunlus snuuthr cf ?îlnriehî - 'fie Iusirz nun n euînrp lay five miles along tireliri-lits eNterdirg erît and 'ue-utrut ir uglut rinrles te thie murHtvi'. st -n rriussrrntrenstof Trsliri- -fn o. Tii-v vtcnr i. uu v ei ruind -'flim maiuni u - cugtiv 'uTntpin, thre Iiglest iill in tIre tci ,anudlfit-e miiles nortrw-est ef I'l ielin, -w irle tire main body o! theRi lii tcnvalr-y 'vrs fuily eiglit miles te tiec 'mu-t rît irang- trun. Ail daNîtSrntnuruLiv tire Japamese deployed aijong tlue i ii-u iunreiteiy nortlU undleneatofKauin. 'fwo Lins- sian batteries, on tire trulk nuar tLe K'ai- ping rond lunîa-su-ulthe Japanese. Early SîulLAuN a genral imuvrmne Legurri, and at Il rrrIuuc-k tIre .Tnr1iese onuiieul a Ilurff faciag tinc- l,,ins- mitainr camp, a mu il annd animai f di-tin mt. 'le cnr(re nerumu'vliie fitued a con- t inrîrnîl bouibarnnlui-t. It wtas se heavt' tliratiti kestini;tted a Irundrcd guuis tr-oeurr1loyuod. Thre groruncixvaq ex- cedingIy difficrult, and tire aulvance w-as bioine.IurttIrh Tiue - uiireir their poî-ulit 111tr.11 dun.. liu tr i -n uir iioriac-Ik'd wîvinr sîonît ng di;trince cf earuIrother. It 'v.îs a-rfielthIa tIrýe Rusirun fonce crin-i-ted offlite dit i- siens and sixf conlatu ius-. Tiecii siors atcmrptcr(l a firirk nuevement a long the liai-Cliîrnoud on thre west were ergaged a-ind rc-plsed. 'TIre au- nonadirg oeas*',d at dark. At 10 o'clock on Sunday evening the ~Japane.-c iglit srrrnounded tire Russian - left and the eaît slope o! Taipin Hlli was occupied. At midnight the Japan- ese assaulted anrd took the second Ru&- OKU, s Batie. Trkt-Iu i rT\ did iii t no-eîrratc. Thiis arrrv is teu ie i-n-ttt rrd cf Gen. (<k-rururx n- t rr torthlwestward. I t 'uvunu a sepau ite action at Paniing on RUSSIAN REPORT. 1Fight at Chose Quarters Witb the r7ay- cnet. St. Putor-Iiîrg z ie-Gen. Kouro- j-atkin. irle ,Itru-urn tomînnander-imi- Cluie-f in 3 mlr rr. pjlemnît ed Iris otvmr turnu-- i-trIis about tihe Lattle rît TalIrr.iriruu 'trth tIre reports cf Iinn-i¶.(icr.Zur nuuicf(ýf, w-ho tates tirat an ruýtti i 1ut li taXe the offensive agar nst the lra r- iht flank fail- ed, tire lhis-.rr uirg lirat-ily. It - tasuiccrtmiiuel mftir tire figlit tirat eigliteî-n {us-iaimrbrtttalrirslirad been t eng-ugeri A-t - ast t'ro -apanese divi- sions sunpporte(n' an nitrrtii-ning nîm- -ber cf lut t-ris ire report adds: - lnn tlrfe - rrunsntdrees I1cid rot tirinl, it av-u ete ne-urne tIre bat- t]- on tLe fulîrur.uîg dý.u 1 resolîed te roit i rrrthl. 'llire oses have rot vet hîcerr a.'i-ertra-n. Lbuttarc estiiiiated te Irrve Ihec n abourt 2(1 nffiiers and 600 mnen k i lîCriandri 'vouinddn. (ol. Auspen- slky. cf the TomskIlegiment, -was se- verelt' 'voîrrdeni.' 1lie continues: -"I rmusît 4e-tuf:to tee renrrrikablc firinnees cf mil theu trocups cf. nny* v cenrmand in thiq difficult nactioni, w-indu lasted fifteen ireirs. Tire Siberiaiurr ngirnents parti-ruhiny - cisfing'n ilied tlic'nset\vcs it-uwetrm; endru urncec. T11 ru-t-lii i ti runîet tire maîin attarr-. Tirey did nuitNt e-hI nruc h gronunni. ulopite the -nrimneus riirîmaricai r.rpurority of tire enemtv and ro1îcatedl attnrn-ls cor ur con- tre, wietire firlting on fioir oceasuorus wtas coudnucte-r at cIre-e qurîrrn'urs wifhrtIre luat rnet. tvhiieîtire Iapanese could not - rithstanuh." Antlir vivid panalgnaph in tIre re- pent surys n "At 7-30 inn the ev-ing tire Japiuese fine w-as it il-rble]it.and in tIre hrt nryvs cf the -setting siun the eniemnv% deiiverod an atîrk on the Bar- r'uîuklEeginîerf. 'Fhis rû-gient w-as t-einfrccul litirnee brîfflions nînder Ccii.de Jtnctiorn ad vaiiamtly smwept LaceX thre eneinn, ri-imrg cfourr av~onet charges aurd curptrirrg a nrrrrnler of rifles and a qtuantity cf arrni unitriorr. THREE MORE GONE. Japs Sunk Thunce '-nonpcdo Iloat-Destroy- crs. Chrefeo cabLe savs - Rtrssian re - fugees who 'have arnived here report that tIre Lieurtenant J>Iuuîkoff and two ct-ber Rnrssian terpede destroyers w-ere torpedoed anrd dostn.oyed Iry thre Japan- iese on Vhe nigirt of Ju<v 25. A Frenehnnan from P~ort Arthur sars that tIre Japanese %warsbips are ia Lad condition, 0wi4 o their long service. Many of teir, ïg guns are almost worn eut. The Rusgian warships at Port Ar- the worid the good uadcr-standing that exists bettte(en the (Go\erri-ments cf Rus- sia arn di-rr.rary. Reý:ponib!e offiicerçs w-ho will go witir the squauiron say that hitey expetterccive friendiv attentions frein the Gerrnan warships statiened on t.he route Vo tire Orient. AlreadY 25 cf Germtr.ny's Lest sLjips are staitioned tirere- 'flire Riiin officers say they are ctunviricc-d trut tIre urrderstaiidittg Le- tween 1,isQia and Ger-nranv is tLo fin- I ]y estt!iid'ite ire distirUed liv tire ir- regrular actirun-' cof tIre sirips cf t-Ire vol- untec-r f-eet. 'uvîir-l does luit share in t-ie traditioins or re--pon-ibiliticis cf tire rua t y. PROMPT ACTION TAKEN. Britain Dees Net Interd Nonsense. Londcn enlIe - Primne ýiister Bah- fouirs stiteircrt iii the Ilouse cf Corn- mors rs interpreteri as an indication that the Goverrrrrrcrt 1iras taken. or is takirg. thIe corîre ;t IiihIrle lreacnIrof interna~tionaiul luitilittIre irsursdc- D1nards iL ' srart rurriS retirence since tire f riet ion 'vitlu lr-t beerîn rmade iris sturternt rr-grrd1ir.g tlire Kniglrt Coin- ianuier al tire iii'-îe ctr-ikirrg.e1eily as it w ris teoaFr-ortaini extent vorirrn- te-ered, lice îtrgsrfficientîy an-uvwereui the queOstioni wlu-ch elicited it. It mwas -ttrin Iltie irulubie-' of Itle Iloiîse last 1<-rurug Itirutt Irl e 'crurrirt had sent ut p eruirliIirrrssr- te St. Peter sbiirg rî't Inrg i ire s ru luge it ternis. Any ie-ý dee-ided antien thanr this weîrid Le ir'nlrgrurri vt-e-crrterl rrcrirst tIre Gev- ernuruerit.- Wliîe tne rmrure corservatît-e pripers corutîruerît rrpcn tire nnatter 'uvth uîrr riîieritrioii. t lucre is an inclinautioun un sorte directiouns te treat it setîsa- tionallv, anrd itire Lge type cornes iiite UuC. 'Flic rrcet ing cf tire Defence Commit- tee is eited as shoiwing thrat thre ten- sien betu en Englrrnd and Russia bas becoine aceute. rand prrrrninrence is giteri te a rurruor tliarît tire orders for tire eýorning ruaarl rianccurvrrs have Leen coi'termancied, ilnid tliat tlire 'arslîips Iritve Leerr ordered to eioain in port. their crew leaves cancclîed. maid tilose w Iic are ali- eut crrerod ta rejoirr tieir vc-ssels. 1iiCIrquîr rît tlire A.\ralrtt elieited a promrpt îir1d coirplete det'nal of this. hRr-sia'.s comrpicte ccnr1liîince in tire case of tire Malaceca and utirer steamners trndoîrbtedly tends te miii- tate tira public anger. but thiere k ne eqtrivo-catinr auurit tliredenrarrîi for ns-paruitiont anidrpology.'tire action cf the t'nit edStates is 'uvatci'ued tvifh great intere-t. Il is stated tîrut ccm- itrinications have jrns>ed bet'uveri tire ]Britis1i 1Ecureigan Office and tire Amien- cuir I epartnie-rt cf State, aînd tîrat sin'urltanieorrs aetion k probrable. PROBE VILLAGE MYSTERY. Detective and Doctors Investigate the1 ~ffFR~STR1LI [RFUIL JIL Trouble Ahead- for. Sides. lsouth of Taipin ROIf, the rýussians' e 5.4treating towards Teshichao. The Jap- if Ianese casualtie& dUring the two days' . . . .The commander oi the Takushan army reports that on- Friday afteýrnoon Looks Like a Lot of rtetd north, ieaving 14 killed..Bo h TreRussians were captured. The DE ~~~~~~~~~Japanese casuaties were 30 kiled and Ciao u.I-lhuhrpeet wounded. It is charged that the Rus- atives of the packing coipanies dechare sians violated the Japane e fiag. under h t n u he ag em t- w h t eï which they teck a Japanese position at Huinsin, 'which the 3 apanese defended the beginning of the fight. striking emplayees are desired and that desperateiy, alone remained in their ne negotiations with thein are contein- hands. But 1 arn eonvinced that this Tokio cabie says-Thîe Tic-n-Tsin cor- plated, rumors are persistent that two position also has since been retaken. At respondent cf the Jiji Shimpe reports cf the big companies, tSchwarzschiid & ue very moment cf my departure, Juhy that Gen. Keuropatkin w-as w unded uzeg ,a d t eC ay Pakn Co 14, the Persian was being bombarded by in the lef t shouider in the tatte cfSuzrgndteC ahPaknC. six-inch howitzers, and shelîs were fail- Tashichao. and that another Russian are ready te make terms with the men. ing repeatedy into the Japanese works, geea1a kle. Te Russian The effect.s cf the strike on the local causing great diserde. 1casîratiesarestated. tehv enoe rd a egnt efi nCiao "To sum up, by the fighting cf July csate r ttdt aebe vrtaehsbgnt cfi nCiao 3, 4 and 5, were evidently the Russian 100g. it is reported that the Taku- and from now on it is prcmised that it forces were acting on the offensive, the shan army is presýzing liai Cheng strong- wiii be more projieunced. The picket- Russians regained on the land side the ]y, compelhing the Rusgians te evacuate ing cof the mnase far bas been confined positions they had heid in front of the and that the latter are now retreating to the packing plants and the stock- fortress previous te the battle -of Kin- nerth. Thus the Russjan asmy has yards district, deiveries cf meut frein che anfrcsouh.leigsae been bisected. the branch warehouses in different parts "Themai foces f te bsiegrs re, The Japanese captured a number of.- cf the city not being inte-rfered with, but n te aerae, t adisanc cftwetyguns at Tashiehao. Their hosses were now the strikers say these points as9 miles from the Perirneter, the fortre;ss iss than w-as at first supposed. neftw wel as the whoesae makets nf tefi on the Russian right, but the Japanese exceeding 800. They did net pursue the corapanlies \vill Le picketcd and an f have approachbed te within twelve miles Russians becauise cf a desire te ce- fort mnade te tie UP ail distribution. on the Russian left. Se far as Inchentse eperate with the first army in a de- Foilow-irrg, the refusai te enter into statien, fourteon nmile-s fro-in 1Port Ar- ciive 1-attie Lctween HaiîCheng and_______________________ t4iuri, the raii1read is working. Over Li;ao-Yang, which even Russian officers- fourteen miles of Japanese, between t]irmnk -l resuit in a 1{ussian defeat thur have c krpitedreirre xp. 40,000 and 50,000 men are operating at and terrmnute the î-ampaign. The Vladivestockqudn septd Port Arthur. The troeps muintain 'a Officiai detaili',ef tire fighting show te, arrive at Port Art hur. constant exehange cf s kirrnishing fire. ta ;r ksam ae ueir THE KAISER'S FRIENDS11IP. but the field or otlier guins aie usually cv.eo ho abca he Jpns apretl r onirt on Jurrl 24. Thre Pu4irn artillery To Witness Passage cfBatcF t ihe a slowengeeriang ' reance.ut- cn u:l .g tire idNnce cf tire Japaniese Through Kiel Canal in the morning the 1l{rnsians (discot-er itw d-iddtmaeasrrea- strtesrgcl - tisbicd fresh trenclres. 'flue .lrrlrnesc' are cm-turu- at 11i11 t. The entire Japanese that the Admiralty Las rec-eived instrue- pelled te abanurdon t1irir work in tire dury- r-lt'u I irredaat- tr-usin tiens te mia-ke prepa-ration1s for thue Emn- t~~~~~~~~~ ima ieRr-.au eual iu t 10 p.. --î tn in the easy cap- prrte a-eeernpanly persornaily the first firese o rin ris urxiîthisi~s u e o- t .irf. tPOn itonlt1Ti- q1adron cf the Ialtic fleet as far a rk - pîrrglîag I lueir , uon oition w-as at- Kiel. Ihere !lu is +,0 te r(,outtrie Tire nctivity cf tire lapanlese rit seu is tae, d rt nir(1nght. anrd by' dawn the ,vl is expected te w- thfe passage cefndanoterr'iv'l te0 nestuinrRirin r rctrerîting. from Tashi- cf the Rus.sian siips tlurorrgh the canai, confined aliioNaval cîrcles iîopeltt1rn t th îec CA.TTLE DRESSING MATCH. John Glass, of Buffalo, Defaulted to W. Mullen, of Chicago. pi ai r( pl rienie cf tire Amalganrated Meat Cutters and Butchers' Looal 'Union. ISS. cf To- -ente, w-as heid yesterday at Exhibition Park. Great disappoiutmcent w-as felt at the failîrre cf John Glass, of Buf- faie, tre hlîcder cf the championship ef Ainerica, te work bis Lullock for the vhamnpienship cf tre tworld. The pro- ceedings were greatly deiaycd in start- ingr,and severai littie accidents deterred Lhe progress cf thre programme. As soon as the proceedings w-ere started another rieiav w-as catrsed Ly a breakdowfl cf the w-îrdiass s;rpposed telif t the carcasB frei tie cellar te tIe floor f the plat- fcrm, and tirer higirer if needed. Thii made anruther delay. and, aithough biocir and tackle had een sent for, Glass re- fîrsed te wait, and, Nvitir bis employer, a Mr. Clink. of iBuffalo, retired froin the field, sayirig tirat he ],ad to catch hi@ train for Buîffalo. Ilisus rtimeiy deý parture w-as one cf tIre evexrts cf th( da:y, and it -was. said that this is the tiuird time ho lias disappointed larg c r o w- ds. The competition for therecirampienshil cf Cranada prot cd. hrcweu r, Vu -Le ver3 k(-enly contested. and w-ris wen .hy TeEr Fearman, tie frenan f William Le vacks slanîg itr iouse. le crerted r ncw Canadiarr record. dressing iis ui hock in 7.43. Mlis w'ork. perhaps w-as ne' as choan aq Dan Woeds. cf Con Woodt3 establîshmsnt, but tire difference intimi 'uas nearly a minute. Fc-arman is É Canadian Lv irti. and w as assisted ii hic; work by e-rt Sinit'h, wbo did ver: 1 veli. rOttawa Gives a Rous»n Senid-' loiff t.the EarI.- Train Stopped Outside Station for Brief Speeches. Carried Shoulder High by Montreal Admirers. Ottawa report- Lord Dundonald re- ceived a farew ell demonstration îeom the citizens cf Ottaw-a o-night wiich w-as iremnarkable for tire numbers participat. ing, and for the enthusiasru manifested. IV w-as the period cf Tire Boer w-ýarÀ sue- cesses over again. "The hero cf. Lady. ;.nith" w-as the hero cf to-ni-lit. The t-cn wý promoted by the military and L- tire entbusiasts cf the (Jonservative party, two forces which can Le countec on te assemble crowds in Ottawa aud Va make cheers. The celebration w-as ex- , cedingly Nvil advertised by the warrirn cf the city newspapers, and threre eau bu rnoi doubt but the objects cf tire promeot ers were f uliy 1realized. The crowd in- chuded a great rnany ladies and children, Fit-e bands participated in tire event, - ocated at different peints in the proces- -rsien and at the station. s 5 e Il a t e I a y PROF. OSLER HONOstl. Gifted Canadian Given a Degrý at 0%~- fora University. London, Aru g. i. - TIre famou.t O.--ford 1-niver-it;- ve'rternhrv conferred tîne dogroe uof D. Sc. lrunori-u causa upea Prof. Wilîiuiri (l-Ion. cf 1litniore V'nîverqify, ami a Canafian Ly Lrth. lProf. Osier 'uvus uescrihned on presenta. tion as Leing for niar-y yenrs a loauling exportent ci ltire prirn-ipile tIraItire art cf rruediu-inre shuculu Le Ln-red ortIre mcst exact scinutifie lnowlcdge cf thre day. For tis 'uork, as 'uueli as for the menits cf lus contriburtions te science ire bas Leen electeul a fellow o f tire Royal So- cietv. In bInr tliey 'velcrîrned a repre- senutative o! one cf tîrose daugnter States wvh'ichiu re thre pnide of thre mc- tirnd. andmi rse cf the great republie cf tLe west. wluo-e ypeople are Loirnd Vo tire oid lard Lv the elosest tics o! kmn- rhîip. IV had Leen intonded Vo confer thre sunine ulcree urpen IDr. Roddick, M. P., brut last niontl Ire telegraplred that ho ,vas rt'rLlMe to attemndlLecause o! the iilness of a mear re.tlativ. As mosî cf etun neaders know, Dr. Osier is a matitve of l)tundirr. PROM CHINA'S EMPRE SS. Mcney Gif t Toward Bnuiding a Medicai "ollege. of tire Timres ai lekin saivs n Fer the first time simuce Cie tvîs rspeursible for tire geternunent nf t irna tire Dotvger- Emlines uns 1ibiily neeogrnizod the meuiliw cr- of thre 'rotes-taunt risgions. Reeutîy tire Londoni Mission, tIre Arn- ernunulr oard cf Missions and tire Ain- Toronto. AugI.-A strange case w-as found jointly a colin-go there modemn in-restigut il Iry Chief Inspecior John Medicine and surgery coîrld Ire taîrgybt INlurav, Dr. Jlohn Cnt on. of Toronte, and te mnedicai missienraries cf these three Dr. MeNC'iinin, cf lualornue, liaIton Lodies. lIn secordance mwith Vire schemne coînnty, ye-.terlry. TIre1body' of' a 'uto- a meicai college is ncw under cerîstrue- inan nurmureniiirmurt onu uas ex- tien, thre cutire eost cf tireLbuidinugand lîrnred iît a ccmreter-y near Gien iVil- ec1uipncent Lrinjg undertaken Ly tire ianius, iu thre samr? couity, and a pest- Londnon MNision aqone. "Sîiris-nts tuNil unontrue-nu anintrît iour nrnde, tierer-sîrlV mmunnr"efit-et cars' ftraninTg muid a tire o! 'uvîicI w il]L e Xnotvninter. 'Tbe Gv *i.off th cnutuirîea auipti a'. wilI 1> ment offticer anidi doctors relurnred to Ignrlited. 'lue traîiningtt ilI iii regard- Toronto la-rt night, bunt they wouid I il-rrof <roc-i, but theo LîrîXof thre stu- make ne statc'ment as le ttue resuit eofidents 'uili uit firsî, nntiraliv. Le Chnis- tIroir intest;grutien. 1 Ca ns. 'fhe ce-rt cf tIre building and iNirs. Loganrr 'vnîs tIre second wife of eqrnilrment is estinuatcd rnt £10,000. 'fe- Rcbent Logaun, a wiel te dc farmen. Ac- twarnd-rtis fît e DurtNigen-Fnirpni-- lira& conîling te tire gosup of tire neughbor-rcirl-urtd1(,0tas. nhcipin hrood, lirer uarriod hife 'uas îuuiaîpv ,and it s a i t at s îe m rade reque mr "rîîî- are uînw bein g sou h t fro n ui li Ciria il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s issi lut' - officiais, 'uvire rre expcted le fo- sion s te irer inarried in feîicitv in ietic-ns o th ex m e of h e L ip s . te arr relntite';. ]-arlv on tne nuornung < teeaiîl - ieErpes cf lue 5lir bui 'uasfcîndpnrialyATTITUDE 0F COLONIES. sînbuurrgeul ha a lo f 'utmernnuar tire____ railway truek. Sire w'uvling face down-i Ofete p wani i 'vuen e lualov fua tu bekNo I% er oOen Market Made te Bri- e! brer iread wrus di-v. Dr. Nb-ýion. o! tain. - GeorgetownT, decidcd ilunt aur înqunest wri5 Loneon, Aiug. .-Jr t>neleuse of unnteeessany., and it w-as stupposed tIrai nnmmns to-day, nepiying Vo Mn. Bu- t;irunromaunu irldeonrittod sulicide dîring cLhaaun. lion. )Mn. Lvttelon said tirut a t T-rrurt nl rcirof inuttt -t i i n ne (i-f lue -ui-u tenirg coloenies luaul flic aî 'vuilumose ntler tIre 1tnnral even offered Vtne open irome market ef resulîed in thre deunraud for mn îaquiry, such oolony to British mauifactîuners on and tire investigationt of yesterday fol- eqît enms with colonial manufacturera howed. IV deî-oioped tIratIrhe body Irad or on Verns Letter relatively te colon- been embaimed, anrd that exteruually tIre ial manufuuturers than those noew en- body offered me oppertîrnity for inavesti- isting. Tire generai attitude o! the sef- gatier. One o! tIre post-motrteuxi physi- - governnen oohories in respect t'O tis clan, Irhowever, said that Vire were cvi- martter wr.s defined by tire rensoiut4on dences Virat the w'oman was alive when passed îs4 the Colonial Conference. Steps 'ieu face was Luried in Vire pool. .1 had been taken by some o! the ef- The resuit o! the pest-mortoen will be gvenn colonies te give effeet te thre handed Vo tire AttorneyGnea prob- r elutin but wsithout any consultaMUon ably on Fniday. or bargainig witlh thre motiher eooitry. men at the stock yards, one cf the big packCrs to-day tossed a bomb into the camp f the syrpathetic strikers Le- henging te the allied trades by poetingr public notices that they are no longer regarded in the ligYît cf empioyees. The action was taken by SwiftV & Ce., rwhejx the fohewing placard was conspicu- ousiy exposed te view r*ar the en - trances at Pacekington. "Ahi heip ieav- ing our emphoyee Juhy 25-26 wiii Le naid in f ulh at our Foorty-first street mar- ket, payrnaster windcw, beginning on Thursday, July 28th at 9 a. mn. Signed "Swi;ft & Co." The appearance of the notice was greeted with angry exclamations frein the crowd that soon gathered to read and disuss the above. The place named for the mnen Vo appiy for their money is outside the stockyards propep at liai- sted street Exchange avenue. IVt was seiected as affording the least possibili- tics cf disorder.1 iugr a rece ption w-ih ice siîcuid long re- meurber. His carrnage tvas storncd by a yeihing. lireeritrg crowdl, and a haif dozen Irrrrds it crie time seeirred airned uit him aNw artrnr a fai-etvell sîrake. 'liu baund cf tIrL_ -îr einn as pa gsome- tiring initIre dust and darkness Liehmnd, but t-liat it wais no one eould tell in tire - din. "Cîro-ruri-ý for the lucre cf Lady - smiitliî" rent the air, and scores cf sol- diers in rnifori led in tire demonstra- to. Atf r sonrre rmrnutes a lare tvag iidafd Lord Drnclonald corrducted Vo -M. 1.R.Bcotlr's pritate cuar 'dpeon- gc.' w hile tir lc-cueirg wmas reneN-ed. 'l'lic train r-oon ptuliod out, aund as rt îlepurted siotý-vtb ie last inrr)i-esýzon was Lourd 4)mucrîc randing 'on tire rear 0iitton .rr-lr-Iing LotIr bandsdu-nta crov;d tvio folioveclafter. unill the speed oultdi-rtanced tire admnirenu. and tIre i- rerilits disî1upeared arourrd tir_ tru'nd ?-ýiiur Elui-' tord! -i erarriinte Ilan eficalgod-bve to tIre bail Cf 'rda 'Lerrd Dunnal. in Fr,:-~I' 3r 1 iat-u rr, ladisarid riu nk u. oad I :r.-mrh it alil tios-- iare mv voie'-, for tlis gui ,.sti- trart-cifriced-i-i.ifi t i-rtr-- - li.id rrran igçlit te o 1t Ie:u(,, say 1 t1iat 1 lea'u e ttai'uva nd ilst,; v~t 11, tthrn of e epeople cf Ottawa. Ti-ed o iepeoplie of Canada. than irte -w-etc frietrus te tme in nyv so-called pros- 1)îeli*, -, ital in turv anltersitv. fcr -,i very f 1- i lt1iat I pr-evioir-rly htad a i-ouun ot lren c (arnle fut-.v -rd. 1 w-euld rnut Le- lu r u-arr iif. runder t lucrse cirîrut 1t's (liii( tr.o t look 'vifh lot-e aiaffevt i,-rn rupen C tr;aila anrd it- people, irrd vlereter irn fuî urerîtlot Imay Le cazt. My t anulisuîd nvohn s 'uvîlil b, -uidedu 1).v tis feeoling,'uril tiniewill. ne- be -alile tireffaîcerandi 'uitîr tlreze 'v rds, r T'r 'lay nd otîrer gent ierrîe:rtheni Si i< I 0(i .1- v, and l itc spe-k'îalcar p rliled ertfor M.orîtr c-aI. Captured at Ilontreah - (tiev tnurrt tIre Biîotaveitute station lucra nu 11.30 te nrigîrt lue 'uvur- unrnnueniaeiy -uuîr nrur--i lup- a'utilul t etiiastre tl- ( o-f;ni ta tbli ru- ruiri eu-umus (Clicou-fol- Iniorl cîrcer. 'Tbeurtitere xvails nautler Ciclerît ig ocf luuntnsirrking. The gen- - <r-nl g ru-i i i ruru cf thle ointstmet ebed bnds als i ponr-îbiebtn 'N ie niid-t cf itfe\ tfc c is iuurezealous admiirers, ignrng tire priviiceocf Mnf. P oný Lv-all, Preuideat. and the officons oftr dia Scit, hi - sieni iini te their -bhleins anrd r urri-ul artniutirouzlr tIre <-Ir-nruit i (ttl.Iuzr'.d- a band of <-nri. at Tnniiuer rCf i1ifnI -and bu rlui -r ta -r f-- o.-iir c.-au-c-h 1, and lI-r ua fl on!ou I Pruuluuru.l -1 ireld 'lf t. cultie 'u-i0s. -eX :the aunu îir;r-tv <ruuicsrî le sperrirthtose tiî ,Leeaiu-re eviv errteane 'uas iuimitnrieu 'vil h) long ecîrnnur. andt et-en;' tinie theru' nu1rdeu iaurdr rpeared tlem 'îene lnîitd luorrs cf onder. lis Lunu-Ilrip surini n Iuin is îl0ruot ceme nnlrtri tu-il iiorv i (eT. but tis -irets Tew liiitir.e pucoile tîrink, iad a good delr epuil rnis -rh'tiritthire îole t hink, tir Avireir;: Lotir banrdscri tIre Morn- ek, and if anv' uran tries Vo WAahaunmi rrttntire rnilitia 4--f Can- ;ma, tIlStanrid, livvoir.", At tne cor iii-um t Tue w'vus a reuuikable eut- I n iu inpiullttuse. forlotrNeni iy a deter-, mr lui e - (tn rttht-parrtt cf abut t150 r- t i nirnrl-nc lord 1)undonauald's i- T. 'Fiuo -Iuor te greet thre e-&Com- nu - ii uguu f er certiunuiei 'ut-ci after - r- nigur T'Fhe dnlcîuîst rit ieur couîId - -lvle'rlie l a petîtnlar neceptien i -t ie îeîîuocf Mouutn cal. tîut il rright -ý( Panlrîn -eruiler'I atu rraziirgly vîgor- r i-al secio orfthe surîlnirroumutsin lte cities dotithre onlt f a'lventis.inrg, la their o'uvr cuse. mite reur lte take uno considera- tien tie furet tIratilan nost instances the rlepatinnrrî; store be(gan as a neighbor- buîod stre and increased its business by, jirdicilîs, adventising. Advertisirrg is jutas erîofitable for the smnall businesS .q,: for )Iie lar-geoone. Newspaper pub,. lieit'v. comes f irst." - i [ r - -- - S L'1fRussians ~J~i 4 f le to Stand Any 1 1