Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Keystone, 4 Aug 1904, p. 8

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fronu Se. to $5.00 _Rubber Sponges :500. to $3.50 eaoh Rubber Spong-es cost more, but wear longrer than niatural spongres-See tlîein. We have just received a large quantity of fine milled Toilet Soaps in Heliotrope, Carnation, Lily of the Valley, Florodore, etc., at 10c. a box of 3 cakes te 40c. per cake. Also fine irnported Castile. Extra value in Hair Brushes and Combs. Druggisf Optîcian Medical Hall Brock St. Whitby. On Sýatuirday, Auguist ~I a S. O). E. excursion will un frow Torotuto to Heydenshore Park. The choir of the Baptist churcli is planning for the annual pîcxuic, wlich will be held in thenear future. Mr. R. M. Saxby bas purchased a lot on Brocli Street south,u xhichu lie ex- pects to b)uîld a r-esà1dence iimuniediately. A meeting of the Town Counceil was hélid last evening. The report xiii ap- pear in next ý'ssue, the main buisuuess being with regard to the debentures, whichi is referred auu(1 on ;auotlier page. On Moiuday mornuufg W hitby Harbor was albve with saîl bouts and yachts which hiad apparentiy spent the night there. As soon as the breeze sprang iUp a number of theun spread their sails and sped away. The Event of the Season. Everyouue roser. e Tuetsday, Augiist 9 for the lawn party and hiaiiudercief sale to be held at the residence of'Mr. T. G. L)evýrell, couninenciuug kit 4.*30 p. Bla.ud in attendauuce. Adini~suon, 1>c. Coming. F. E. Luke, Opt. D.-,eracin tician, Il iîng 'St. WXest, Toerento, who is recognized as the best authorîty Ii spectacle fittiuug ini Canada, xiii ho at A. A Boston Tea will be sorveul at the iawuî party te ho beld oui the iawu cf -Mr. T. G. Devoreil ot Tuesday, August 9tli. Over '200 baudkrchiefs xvill bhono sale. A good muîusical ' mui. iterary progyraun xiii be giveul, otil' uuusic by thle baud. Admission. 15. The Sunday-Scho' I iof Ail Saiuts Cluurch expected tii iold tieir aunimal picnic at Comietts l'îîin.t oui Tlursday afteruuooiu lust, but the hîcutxy dowîipcrur of ain proveîîted the jarty' startîuug. Thîi'suvas btter thon gettuuug ionthe way, or thure, and l inug dreiciuc-d tbi, for there is ne sbelter at the poiunt. The pic- ic wîll lie 101( this afterîmoui. Sisler of iudge Mclntyre Dies 5uddenly. - - is Honer Juulge 'McIntyre recciued wor' onu Tbursday last of the deathi cf 1112 sister, Mrs. McCalluin, cf MauIlla. 'ihe lady was in hiem 4(th year. andu was qute acti e-,I tm u p tili iost xeek, when sle was Peizetl witb a paralytic utrek e while eut iii thbe gardon, auud died o\ýWeduuesdax. Judcge Mclutvre, lupcu reckiyîuug the sad uuows, wuent te 'Manilla, and was present at the fiuuural c<n Fmi- day. Deceeased iras a xx 1, ;, 'hulieius- band xvio predeceai'ed lier liaviuîg boen a brother cf the late Seuator McCalliuun. A1 New Eridge Waffted. The wooderu bridgo «over Lynîues creek on Dundas streuet xest iii thus cor- poration las served its day, andul is îîuîui eut cf bîusinuess. Last wieek the street workmen attempted te stru-ngtheui the bridge in anticipatioun cf soufie beau-y traffie, anti fouuid it te ho iii a-n uusafe condition. The deckiug w-us crdered te be terii off, aund the rtia(lv divci-ted through the adjoiuing field. Auto x bridge is uiew necessary. It is a niorvel that the old bridge bu uut goe down with soieeone. Those wlîo saw it -cuder how it stood at ahl. Fire Brigade Have a run on Civic Holiday. At about 8 o'clock îuu Menulay- niorli- ing the ire alarra calloul the brigaude te a small ire ini the home cf Mrs. Dillniauu, north cf the Catholic chturchu. IMrs. Dilîman was aI(uuu at the tino, lier sou having gouue off to ish iii thie early mcmxii- ing. The ire was caused iiy a box of matches igniting wheuî Mrs. Diiimauî tried te extract ene. Tle flartues caught into scie woodwork where the matches were kept, causing considerable smoke. the neighbore rushed in when the atari was souuud&d, and soon had much cf the. contents rerneved. Before the brigade arrived souco ne lad thrown a pail cf water on the blaze, putting it eut. The damage was practie.ally, nil, except thei box cf matches. Mrs. Wills Passeg Away. The death occurroci at Belleville on Friday, July 22, cf Mr.* Aguies Wilîs, widow of the late Thon Wilse, sudf mother cf W. e. Wii, WIWtbys -in the '-'-y I j- -THE KESON",WHITBY, -THUlRSDAY, AUGUST'41 1904. yea ofherge.TiigegdikadRaiways BIocking Crossings. ti freo i.agmna&utj been in mcellent health, and on theSeisanoae asbecasdi Wisrrlehdltbiblius>~ aftêrnoon in qquestion Iay down on the 7çjçn 7 nn %n Tén Tb T %ý* -* Srosanynehsblnc lounge to rest. Her granddsughter, of tie u yriwytan 78ty who was in the house, also iay publiecorossings. The new RailwAi RQL. aowk sfound her graWhnmthelar ?rovides that no orossing shal be lc-i m aqissdfiils~r dwown sfo a sleep. When therte ed for a longer period than fivemiue 'sil o e-a t any one tirne, under penalty,onum Ywhhaebeviiigit Mr.D stillpandduby-Mro.sNichollierocala, an nespatonieto her oa und Il * "mary conviction, not exceeding$5.heltfoteihoeT H- death had corne whiie selleslept. The z e1?1 Sae ohe a e ar edahitb, ha~mrwobN insiingb a~i o u deceased survived hier husband by five wanted to cross pulled hie watch o hEseDyewohsb~v~ years. Mr. Wills was guardian of the train crew, and told them lie woul re tn irsseMs .W.MMsfr Deaf and Dumb Institute, Belleville, O___________________te iemntst e u.Te e.c taa ssedn e ek t fromn the date of ite inception tili hie t.em - iva m ints tî.hoe MaieSad Frmutef.ereT death, a period of over twenty years .-amr' ut The funerai of Mrs. Wills teck place on T* tepae- Fire Escapes. trigt h iy Sunday. Mn. Wilis and Mr. W. J.' uuringrth next two weeks we willplc on sale IRemnants of Tweeds, Prints, Orillia Packet : For the benefito o. Rv .R lre .. upidto Clokey, of the Harvester Co., of this Shirtings and Dress Goods', which wvill be sold at 'Farewell, we may say that afterAuutPeyerapuptitSudymon town, attended the f uneral. The deceasd 1 ltnetliwiiaayfldaopu-igadatroo.ltheengMr iras the mother cf twelve chidren, ten o 'dem the bed in every hotel in Eas im-ICak raie eyab emn Union Excursion. mu ~~~~~~~~difficuity, in case of fire, while i hssn eyacpal tteeeigsr Union.E*cursion. riding, in tying it te the bedpotad ie Oni Monday, August 15, an excursion M M MM i.iswytthgrud Net r.OirRicfTonofonel- will be run froun Whitby, Oshawa and oI u uitme ie vhisiwtsoriliahe geautnk h fAlbru pn udyadMna Bei-movll( ner te auscofthe .Y., b y;amrluCommissioners for this improvemei: e iiigfinsadrltvsi h ~ <gyb' uuîder the auspices of the Whitby O ~fore retiring, and sieep soundetaniiyrunngetecty odye- A. O. U. ., Firenien and Banud. The 01o ever. eig fare for the round trip is placed at 75cefeeTo m m oiiaoretrnsn and 50c. An opportunity will ble given j diect attetio excursionists te proceed te Buffalo, over W particularly drc yourate io to our assortrnent of 0 An editor once needed $10. emeiatpidafygbunsstpo the electrîc road, in which city a stop of O i loeked over hue subseriptien ls n oot nTedy four heurs is allowed. Olcott is said te 0 noticed that some subscribswere nhMs aet aisns~Ahuri pessess many attractions, aund the saîl arrears for twe years, a few fortreteus fMs m rddti 6b xiii doubtless prove an eujoyablo one.o yeams, and orue or two for tive yeri1n rd olia etfrMnra This union excursion sbeuld draw a o~~ail amnounting te $500. He sent - Tedymmigweelela e crowd auid fili the boat. D RM'W EU U MMD Oand one man received -cuehastutona taeligssesa Two Narrow Escapes. undugnatuon. He went te raise ar~sce nlsnwudraig witli the editor for dunning him.Te r.Sme rg n irltl The Corbetts Crossiuug of the G.*T.'R. editor showed- hi dans lieladm-agitrofIesiaevstig r. lias recently beexu the sceuue of two nar-O ceived, one for paper, one for ik u rgs aetD.adMs trr r ow escapes frein probably fatal acci- O Suitable for Dresses rpes, or at this sea-son whien mn are makino' their for type, and several others. "oiM n r.A oidylf o (leunt. On Juiy 15, Mm. Frank Gaskîn. - Wrteapapers, rnan"Iynei iin the empiey of Mr. Malcolm McTag-,qit for the coming Nviniter. si h ain dtr Ikevta hi oea al ais iio gart, was driving acress the track at this - elti owed tliem and 1 relied u]o o odystan aigsettesm dangerous éoint wlien a traiun dashed o These crod, s uperior to DIifts, can be s rdfo-scia ups at a oe and others wlio owed me t a.mra m a oidys iuto viowlo%. He had just tume te get ooo(sscr( o uh proe l~e them. You see, we ail dependuoî Aottit ro eeptoie h - across Nvlen thi- train llaslued by. Oui price.o somebody.< The mad subseriesa PoteryFeensxcsonnTe- the day folloxing, Miss Smith, wth a oaidayte iagma ali. Abare ecurio lady f rieîud, %vas appreachiîu the cross-o'y~~~D.A . HS' l aefou îmbm ons uuerve-upsettii g experience. Tl îei h erse OOUll ll U m . eseSf T r no aete g et f Ms liauljus get a foot across the first rail cf patO IheIprv thc track wlîeuî the whistleocf a traliniio Heals the lukers, dÀeante~ TenadMs rd uinot iei~ îer0'-- psaes, stops droppisntailvngpetavypesntsme alotupouu 1 ase her-l1dLLt , 0 0 ibroa and permanan ue 1'lel iuto thieir throats." To bock the, i Catarrh and Hay Fever ioe viiigthuîanSctnd toi) , , , ~~~~~~~~~~f. AUl dealers, or Dr. A.W.CaesifohmenTusayfrmLv- horse clear of the tracu< and(1te tuumn hum i Medlcmne Co-. Tor onta and£ffI pairtially' arouuud ias ah that Was -polar xpcedtearieabu sible. The close shavo ' upsot thie' MW no , h Sl îs.Termuyfinswi yoiiuug ladies for the rest cf thec day. I o urI mi gld t se These uarrew escapes iuîducci i-.J. L. \Nauted te rouit by Septeniber or Oc- In uGrat Var uuýitiî tc wrte Mml. Blair, chairuniaiu cf tober a six me ued lîcticentually I cat- O T H thue Itailuvay Conmuission, settîuug ferth oui. NWi11l ase for a oear, if desurable.___ _Nei cluildreuu uu) fasiii Xppl', at ethce a dB g the urgentuit uccssity cf a watchmnu at ofTMmESOE tIîîs cu-oýs-ou. Mm. Blair rcplîed, sa-n cf lui-; rom-Pari, lue liod ordcered the G.R. to prexide a'___CASH____________________STORE__ I. watchmaiMo A day of Iast ieek, aeîdNIr.c1îvedcthe Siit htterailw-ay ccunipaiuy luad Personal MentionS these lcofcilap vl.(uFrdy]t cousented te provide a watchniauu uluriuu - iV u.l flyioru.*letmttri aîtrrht ocv tlue day. ami this .paty is utouroi luti Jffrxruicui IU rc.A hsvlae~ à vdnta froîi early îuîeruiuug till 8 p.nî. This > Miss - ffrc turuuud ou Suiclay front Express & Toy Oat sdribetebebd entknt wili prex-ail tili sucli t'umes astlu cin- le oldy i.utui,* umissioun hav-e tecide<i what further or- Miss Beckett, of Sc rbome, is visiting HUi Wheelbarrows aeîeeetenertetwn - ranugemuenîts fer the safety cf the publuc ber friouîd, 'Miss B rcîix tleeeut I uettinla shah hoe moale at this cressiuug.The ec'f- M.AtuiC6i c eote iie Basebail and Bats Cig~y(eoae îî ig n forts cf Mi-. 'Siitiu iii tlis irectiouu ai-e Mm T. Kiuugon cix c i îeiet-anehor uibag lteraueIged -eî(--tluy of uîîuclu coun uîeudaticiu, anid lie 'M is i U mu* lul oliaorBobcaxroeîu.and a atlier letefforts a nieasuu- o f protectiouu s at holiday- uith fruiuls uîuB wî ni.ivî-lle. n nq L id culit gveiluthe puOlc. Mos-srs. Hatro l auu i uest Dru(le-i Mrs. Alfirl. tieldasuildo lesa InOrxere le9 Yuh. "1"hie f roimith c ctx for cîvic liolidu x.JRO Whitby Book and Music Stor -UrtuJohne reet the icouniuîzetmfor.,the; Paralysis m-as alniost unhiletr( the youth of our grandcparents.a uearly everv uewspaper contain cord )f sounoeone beingý strîcken w dreadfiil foira of lelplessness. I' is ini reality a starving of the nom% cau always be preventod hy tlwe use3 of Dr. ( "hase's Nerve Food, paratiouu whllu lias no0 rival as a of nerve force. News of the Chur( The Baptist Church. l'aster l3unglianx preaclied tvý excellent serinons on Sunuday la the meruiuugi luis subjeet was l w uiui xtli xvluclîi interestîuîg hoe dealt frora a Baptist stan(1p0 reason why l3aptists did iot tak nost or an active part ini th li m for orgalice uuion were pouint WVhile there are ne gruat diffle priïuciple betweeii several' of th( deooiunations, Baptiats 1101( doctrines as heing deinite and comnmands of Seripture, whiicl coîuld net mwaive or ne-lcct. If denomninatieuîs, xvbo recegnîzo th( tural authority of these doctrines adopt andl follo'v theun, Baptistt unîte %wîtlu tlîcîî. -Noxt Sabluatlu norninug the pas ýl cf iu auud uuew us a e- xitbî this oaralysîs Souis cf Scotlauud wuts iii tcxxuui nM ut- day. Mmr. anid Nrs. J. F. l'iuioeuîet te Nia1- gara Falls mi uiesday oui thue Port >ervy excursuouî. i tIuely - r. ound Mrs Hall, cf Toroute, w-ore1 a pre- gucst- cf 'Miss Thucimpsouu cver Suidai - creator anud Meuidoy. -Master I raydouutrodol<ixueturuueu -on Sa turdav froini atvisit withu relatives h s iui Bracdfcord. Che A representatix-e cf the Mail anud Eni- - pure xi s ini t uuî ou Tuesday cauvîassiuîg for tîuat paper. i-c i ery Thue faliv c f Mr. MBiu.tiuusuuitîu ist. Iui for Mm. NV. M. Priuigie, lias uîoxcd to Chuirch tcwuu front lîuiniauuiibe. subject M Nrs. Burk-, of Torounto. is speuuding a lut. The foui ueeks witlu lier frieuuî, Miss 'Scott, e a fore- cf the Deacoiiess: Homue, Heydcuushore. ovuet Mm. anud Mmi. Robinsonu, cf Toronte.1 clci.au-o a t He\yduuis ii-c te speuud a tuoiutiu1 encos cîf 1w-tIlîtîteir-uauglurer, Mrs. \Vestcn \Vri'- e tîther 1v certaini p MctBriss Blinc aund Miss Laingr, froua exlii Mrs.n f othii- Ross Joiîîsteuu at tlucir boite, Fenn escu-Villa. s, weuld Mmr. Chas. Wiiis aund Mm. Ed. T(.agol. s could c f Torounto, brother aud bmthcr-iuu-iaxv oif-Mm. W. C. WilIs, cof the Marvester Co., stor xvil vero ini touxjioui M<în<ay. jireach oni -. Ciîîrelu Unîity," anti (oubt- '-mI. Arlandb Fairbanks, cf Avîrier, aund lcss it uvil ho shuiuu-u that the Baptists Harry Fairbanîks, cf Toronto, with their are- snriugl i faormo<f greater unitv cf - uives and faunilies, bave beeuu yisutiuig spirit anîd uîutoiess cf desire te spreaîb their parenits iii town-tutis weok. Ued(is Kiuigdouui oui eurthî. lIntheue VOii Mm. J. A. Aikiuî, cf thc Globe stafif, ingc the nionthly seuîg ser%-ie uxili be waLs a c.Iller at this office ciii S-*aturciav. iied, Ic xst<r tpicbciug Th bs- Mm. Aikiuu iîad lieu-i hte ueiglîborheooi tory cf by-niuus,'- for se ne days wxritiuig up the crcp pros- The mieeting cf tbe young peopleO.;,a pects. ht-lui on Tuesday exeîiîig iustead of Mon- MmNl. Frank VauiCuren, cf Buffalo, sou- day, Oxiuîg to the civic hloliday. Theî -- - siicitv Lu s la-uuul a st uly cof thte Acts in -luir cf Capt. M cteurt, lias iceru uusut- r- ung iuî touxn. Me expects te spenda ofthi(- Aîisis, hich stuuby uxili buex sott-eaoi ht lhn eo-sc tenuu-r ti-e iuuths.shr ieaogtefhn eot f The pastor is taking uip the, studv cf the nortierni lakes. the l'arables at thc Thursday evening Mm. and Mrs. Davidson, organizers for metnug. The riarable of te - wr sthe Royal Templa rs cf Teîuîperauîceuvere thie touiic fer this weok. at Heydensiicre on Monday aftemnoon. i ney uua -11 ccii tii -'i.-a lUt son Spectacles are the Choapest. Altboug we keep tho cheap- est fdm those who cannot afferd te buy the best. F. E. LUKE, 11 King St. West, REFRACTING OPTICIAN. TORON TO. Chamberlain's Colic, Choieraa a Diarrhoea Remedy sKIw l" "làa i. plgUaat t" - xeeks, and carne ip for the afternoon. They expert to complote their wuork ot Oshawa this ueek, xvheuutbey will take a few weeks' hioliday, after whicbi they expect te couic te Whitby te revive the R. T. cf T. in this place. PORT WHITBY. Miss B. Atkinson and frienîl, cf Ot- tawa, are visitung Mme T. Y. Atk-inscn. Miss Vera and Master Neil Arunour, o f Toronto, spent a few days with Miss P. Vanvalkenburgh. Tle Maple Leuf las returned frcînî er -cruise around the lake witli the Y.M.C. A. of Hamilton. île lungry four are agajul prepariuug te pitci their tent on Spike Island-' the lanud cf the geese. The Mud Hooks, cf the Bay, and the town Sîsshere piayed a gaie cf baIl on the J st at the Park. The latter won by the iore cf 5 te 4. Batteries-Souch and -Tho;ndike, Taylor and Barten. Dining Boom_ Girl Wanted. Aýbout Julv* 20. NVacres $1 ) per month. 3 lb <val Motel. I SI LVER WAR E I Farm ers' Sale Notes Discoun ted anud Collected Special Attention te Farm ejs' Bus 'ss Ail Banking Business outtruisteul te <<tr c ire xx tll mcecixe prompult ttu uttii Assets nearly $5,OOO,OOO Authori'zed Capital, $1,000,000 Paid Up, Rest, 4359000 2209000 Savings Bank Dept. Iinterest paid on uleposits twice a yeor, at luîghcst cuarrenit rates. Do your Banking by Mail W heu requiriîîg auuythuiug iun the Bautkiuig businîess uxrito uts. -peciol uatteuntioni girout tii saviuigs (le- liesits by muai]. Absolute security. WHUTBY BRANON E. 0. Warren, -, Manager A Neat Job of Printing pleases a customer. The COmI the Histi are samples of' our work. operator and oricaI Souvenir As a1 Nve(in, iguftoi-n- uuot ie excelled lwahxv kel )t 1nit a luxa v'zxilsefi i and ii nue <uahity and< - excelrieo tf t h e k gools %ve hille a Cut Glass We lhave eboice <<<w as li p to le i'-et s a full X i îe of touks -and ce tuS W e are sluôNviuug- a hieoutifuI ilue of thuese goods aundl iu- vite vcuir iutspectioun (>ur jirices toc are \e- uuarkabiy easona.l îe arl thue qualîty tilti, lîest. Norman Bassett, Joui lou ouidIOpic ion. Forumer -Maniager aund sucui-eeor te R 1- 1 IlDs ()N & C_' . l}rock St., Southu, - Whit by N I y 1- 4 and sic-lalled the arivai with a burst of MUSIC. '-o dense w-as the crcwd that for- few -minutes after the pas.iengers liad ailigchted the station platforua xx'as an ai- nuiost inexntricable iiiass of enthusiastic humani:t,,. The nuw vbranli lis "3,Siles in lengrth, stretchiing nerth inorthoast froni B-urke- tonu. Fe-r l'y far the great~ portion of uts extert it is laid throuzg a r-Ich agri- cultural reglin, culrivated Ilds undu- latiga;ývav evendv on either %side. For the ist str'eteli of the (Ilstarr ete Bob- caygeon apîîroach is madethoiî. - est Land, xvbîle the soutlieru e-ýt reniity 'v of Sturgeon Lake, ono cof tbe beautiful Rawartfla chaîn, is skirted. Between Burketon and Lindsay four stations liave been erecteil. Two only Lave receix-ed mimîes. There are several betxveen Lindsay and Bobcaývg-eon, al- thougli Dunisflord is tlue unii onie dstin- guishied by a title. A considerable ameuint of hridging lias had to be done, and section gangs are stili at %York put- ting(- on the fiishîng touche, te these and te the sidlings. Heretofore the nearest railwav ser- vice afforded Býieavgeoniites lias bee~ by the Granid Trunk flue atL .-Fenelo d Fails, 12 miles distant te the neorth* ai~ WQ st. WXhile thoe C.P.P. (Ies not actuallv ew-n the roid, its oiiership resting in the biauds of the lindependfent Ponty- pool, Limlsa.y and Bobcaygeon line, the conîpain-lbas secureJ abselute centrol by the g~iing cf a liractically pery.etual lease. The cost cf construction, it xvas esti- mated by )Ir. Tiiununermaui.lbas been tu , te emile. xvhi.ch xvould bring the total etluuIy to Somcltluinýg like The Kawartlia Lakes recieon is noted fer its excellent fsig and the C.P.R. is deterinied te boomn this feature. It is expected te run stronglv couniter to the Muskoka tratic, having aIl the ad- v-auîtt£ge cf being onlv three heurs trip fronu Toronto. Notice. u- The in(ersigne(1 Barristers anul icitors beg respectfully te infomni the pîublic that thQir. offces wiil close ii- 12 c'clock eî-ery Fridax- antd Saturulayduru iuîg thîe mnuths cf JuIy andi .ugus A L CO RIE Doxw & - GIL A Y D.OmxuSicî HAVE YOU AN 1IDEA-? ifso. wlire for a copy ao ur boolc The luuvcutor's JA1S. RIUTLEI(E llcIp (128 pa"e) whîch wIll tel ru aui about J. E.FAREwLL patnth to procure tliern, aur chýes and * MIT HWe have ten years experience ln tra:i.ictiflg SMI.TH patent business iy correspondance Coaunmua- - whtby Juy 6,190. -tions strictlyeoifldentia. whity, Jly 104.Ta any one seadlng a rouugh sketch,4 photo or rnodeu of an invention we wlg&ive our opinion frec, of chare S ta wh]ether It ta probably ptetable. - atent s Sured through XMron Madcn re- Application for Divorce. celve speiatInotic witiiaut ciarg'e in o-er 100 NO(TICE i i-eî iv tit(ual wi epmeentative CIlents as Referencesut Mi-Dermuot, of the Viluage if Po<rt Perry, iii tie iThue rro.and Woodo. Ltd., Smith 8 Fahlux n0. County cf Ontario, uuarnid oul miau, xiii appiy tii Piiiow & Hersey Mfg. Co Ltd. XasuteaL- the Parliauntof Cànada at the uîcxt -toiu The Canada Hardware Co.: Monui. thereof for a blll of Divorce f roîuu lier litii blaud, The Dupessis hoe Machinery Co.. St. Hyscinthe, -George Buirtoin McDertuoti-forunerly cf tht Xu11uge a avelO.a rth ofwoed rncW.)Q e cf Port Perry. at prement remiiling at on near thue ln v afýuVaS1pdn Banchff Village cf Golden, i the Proviuîce cf British Coil- umbia, Ranceher, oui tue -roundl tf adultery, cî-uelry MARION M~'ARION and des3ertio. W .WRET Registred Patent Aurt ey Selicitor for Clara Biulweil McDc-run ot Engîneers and Patent Experts. Datd t oin [ o Nw York Ufe Buildina mO"TEAL. 'conat !i I y 0 Mît nte rvne f<.ot DIUuUICCe ephone Ontario, titis d da fa Juiy A.D. 1904. ~-I. ix The Western Bank of Canada.a Unorporated by Act of Parliament 1882 -i7-

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