Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Keystone, 20 Oct 1904, p. 5

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- -~ ess t tuetowî, adito tc vale ohruai stat-, ai i a dlozemn xvacys mainy nien killed and wouindeastLUDRE Pric andI values told ju.st as tiev are 11U S. -yag at the Cash Store. - ' - itan3-tiînns oven- caclh year "or the expense ut a(l\eI-tisiing. Losang, prs toblv,(10o 800 Gc e ____________the_________se_______indicatehwh nkeLvuîs cal t r .Yentai cre cf the blcciet btlesc e.Prni mocdern tirnes. Wioz ROSSBRS L.L~ i axîtii. .J~ rç~ DDLI NU~ .NACHNE s Hoî>[- hlarper & Son tN.RllE A'ND GRANITE- hlie (irowînîî¼r 5asoîi as -weii nigun gone ly tor this year, an W hitb y La die s Beat Victoria J. T. MNathlison 11t Its seahas coulie the slioo)tilgl Uîsiltîo h te w-uoic x-uarr- tTens.)Ri.TF~raserr Z, ;î_ -A. N. FRaser roundi iiay be saiul te be an open scasoin for accuilents xitbi the gunti. A tennis teaîn representing Whitby John F'.rguson But iurinth te fali the nuitiber of accidecnts froîti tînis source is par- Vicoriigrls t.he.s Vict riaColegegirs M nda afern on. Miss Nlorley ticularl3- largre aînd ut fre(juemit occurrecnce. Wc print elsewhere inn The gaInes were played on courts of An- Es-ura this 18su e taniee reports of such lamnentable alfairs received in oune da3-, nesley Hall and were moist exciting The 'rTe Keystone - visiting teani fronu Whithy were victor- OPTICS... amnd this i-i doubtless only a sannîple of whnat will go) on for- soe ti cs, and took four f tino six eyents. Ri uaso & Ce weeks te u>un.It w'ill do no liaiuthcrc te urgfe tîne (reatest care on1 Each tea'n' woni a brace cf singles, btut I>IIOTOCRI>rER.. tine~~~~~~~~~ p r oh d se x h o ii t i c un 3 an e ue IMiî tthe a e n' i tby 'co legians xcelled t doub. j O 'B rien & Stedhara lsadtok lotlu evenlt>- S1mri5n-y: W. J. F. Réad cause te inurul the lss uf so mne valuable lite. inglesM is Grahiamni, 'ctoria;) beatPI sc A s -Ms apzi(WXhitby). Dr. MW,'ilhivray Field )Iai-siai Oyana, tîe coninane--iî-chief ()f the Japanese Miss Harrison (Victoria boat Miss' Dr. M'%elruîîn Smith (Whitby). Dr. Warren arîiies inn t1it tiel i, lias uiur-îig th c w -ar ou i nannv occasions proven DMss Cau dw li W htbyNlat is i nîise f t b-a oe mi a l et th e iTo st - %iis tiiiiiii t(e S Iia nd a hilitvy, a id P aul (V ictoria).D . ?13 r Miss Ogden (Whitby) beat is l Mc- I-MlMAEIlFIS- thc reddnnt gmeat strutro-le arournd the Shakee ,'--has adileui laurels Lai-en E. xx- Evan L" cL i- n ).J . F . l ir ie to lus crowu of hoion.Tliere is no doubt tinat 0 h1(k will diý'ke raiîk Dombles-Misses Campazzi and î:1PîTRS (xx h tby) beat M isseHarrison aid 3libsu ' N TA .C. i ls n & o as atnnongsti tue greatest generals utfnm o crn tinites. Kun-oyatkin, too, rh Xicoiî . Thon. ison& So has earned i reputation as a niaster inn coni-tin- retreats lbut thîis Miss (),-den anud Miss Caldwell \'éhit- A. Wilson is n et a distinction a soldier seeks. Japaîn is niîak1in (r Iii ston-x' fast by e t M s P u m i M s M L r nSm.En A D A E (Victoia)'lie M[artiri Mfg,. Ce. thiese days, and shc lias crowded a great deal et hnonr for lîerself After the match was compiete.i the Surnj, us i n t tI p a t s x n o n t s, s w ell a s m it tl e p s m rîa teî e t a c nit m -x V ic to ria L a d ie s' T e n n is C lu b g a v e a t ea DLi. 1' ri nlisto n int t e as si non hs a wel s nt t e p stqu rt r f aceit i,-.at Aîinesiey Hall in bonor cf the vii- S A I - rWhat the fntur ay rex'eai, no man cani teli-but utlJ e uow Japan iuîg players. A iUost Qnjoyablo tinie:.,M-. Il. Ricliardson I as won a'-st place as a fightingy nation. waOpnt b itraMnsTnnis Ms \Ii ______________________________________________________Club being invited guests. Amon, 'OE NtFNAi- thoso pi-osent were; Miss CampbIl Miss J. NIcijtýr- Gladys Graham, Miss Kýeagey, î-s. Geo. Kt, ýv iDwight, Miss Griffin annd Miss Mao. .NNIS ,T e Cé ia Lie In u a ce C .TuleV Witby representatives left for honte KigBo ir orp The C~ntaI 111e Insuran e Co. a 8 p.m.TELEGRAPH M'\ES agt Thos. Crawford, M.P.P. 1J. M. Spence, EIsq., - Mot>----. C.P.R.,E. R. iw, agent Presidemît. Maîîaging Dixector.' OTheWlLE-.PHONECop.N - E. Stoph.'~n bty,~~tcee Bell Telephone t. J. E. iIlis c the past week. Mr-. J. D. - Hôwdeil, to manager ,Head ffice: Toronto, Canada. PMisssnJ.W8F.":N- . y n~:stephens3oill Pr.ftëtoPe CoboJurgil, e-ol1m icE. RENClow Pdlý,cies issued on ail plads at iowest rates.Kno,~9adM. Miss ýFengus- I W Fq atiuasas to local agenones in Ontariooqand DurhaIn Coun- Peterborq; ý»9,3 eff, to Eaite hnhje t a ply t e the Insp ector.h [s c ~ ~ f ~ 5 ~L a u t n h m urs ,, tk ý 3ontreal;-, M r. J. pastor ~ x~ d . Il' Du WIL ING Wlitb . enîi~ it ~ ~ 4he ohege 1entered ueéd~i .y b î&_4 0. 1 ý-unday in tbr (~' jÈ MHE KEYSTONE, WHITBY, THURSDA-y, OCTOBER 2,10 Suspicion. S eIn etadLm sWib Feu Qlin Feta A Eof the things, that is pre-eminently apparent during an elec- CRDB tion contest is the suspicion in which each political party holdsCRE BYDvdatsn the other. In business the one set of men may esteem the other O.,R Kidney ue Care o OfP p lrPrices Dependable honorable,,but ini poliLicaledoings their actions are regarded with a TeDmno ak .J hr great deal Of suspicion, and accusations of one kind and another are Managero we fl'~~~~g~~ made, without in some cases any ground for such suspicion. To cite . D curing omthwater nuhsufmngBRE 'y caused fromto thid.painfu l ulaà hs o g I~~U ' U L I a ~~~~few cases in point which just no1cu t m.jW11110 external treatmient rinvsi os Jae of l'E M At a political meeting held in Bowmanville last week Mr. Gamey, flot cure. 0. R. KIDNEY UEwl AISES the man from Manitoulin, spoke in support of the Con servative can- iteindopain.JansRuleg didate. During the course of the evening two alarms of fire were J. E.elarewilleK.C For goodness of niatepial, beauty ilng, but the fires were soon extinguished. The Toronto World 0f DarSr-y ifbauedorBA<MIH ~' r~f ~ff~1 ~ ~ ~ of prie~ next morning published a dispatch, under laring headlines, to the o. R. Kiney Cu~re for kidnytobe Goi.Rc of a d l wn ssof Vl'e effect that the wicked Grits had caused the tires to'be started in order and swelling of #he feet and ibad jj cati at the Cash Store. to break up the (Iamey meeting-. Thlis chargye w-as, of course, prompt- hadoud rcomloe rei oalohr .x un 13! denied. similanry afflioted. M. W. ollin Iu the saine constituencey the Liberals accuse th~e conservatives 0 INYcREE!WOC(.BTH Sil Bouesinblek wît, remof distributitig a circular stating that Mr. A. B. Aylesworth, the LiL- ý -d' :ie 32, 34, :36, 38, 40 a(liveri eral candidate, is an intidel. Mr. Aylsworth lias emphatically denied. days' treatmnent, price fifty cnsa i .B nni i e s , a e s i - s u c h a n a c c u s a tio n , d ru g g ists. X l . e » p r fied disJ)lay 5at This last case reminds us that iii the elèction of 1900 in Esti The 0. R. Medicine C.Lmtd IYLS $3. 50 ~ ~~ .Sirncoe, Mr. Bennett, the Conservative candidate, won his seat by' 2 Queen St., East, Torno n. W .Lk pubishng Ic epot iii the township of Oro that his opponent,Mr ___________________ \V.Neot leo. Chew, of Midland;l, was a Romain Catholic. Oro hiad been stronu I * I Thothe Toms il Also al sizes and col- . ly Reforiîn previously, but this false statenient, sprea4l abroad two days Pogeso h apig. CDRMNFCUES Jorings of Ilaii an(l 01113 before tlue election, resulted iii a coînplete turnover of the vote,: October 1 'th.-A littie oye ek(ALAI OD ;nago Generai Kuropatkîn issuei e- J .Dwe o varieBoumserina wies bt r Bn eitt. cu, at adi i obteserai oder to his army coucheinods ER.Bo Tihis is. vouclied for asbicai culftndti bles such as one finds above Napleo' i- W -.Wre v a ri e . y o f a t e ri l s t h s e c a e s o f u n f a i p r a c t c e s w 1 n a t u reli h anet hd mo nt ot e u r o f o t h e n ai r sti nE me-MR .t eA .o fO k e for faIl wear at teecsso narpatcswii aeldieit >cie5 U pire. The Russian GenieradeardfEI.T- picions of the political hoînor of their opponeunts. that he was strong enough to(aete~ Aan 90c, $1, $L25, $I.50 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Itits truly a WviCO1fle situation wheîî a riding cari pass througn a:ofnie nlrbyntrsh n îLIT eontest without either paîrty within it stoopinng to 'neans unfair and soliWrsof oi, hadi wariied~teR~eX ~ .Wii $3.5 unrue.It s tobe inceeiyhope tht 01 ths ocasin Soth~On-of the coming attack. I 90elitre.It s o e inerey opd hatonths ccsio Sut. n- To-day, shattered and hearbrete RY(o- t;I-nio may he orne of tlie CO stituences m-li h xvii earn t1i' lonorable Russian army is sulenly retirig hl <G atr A s o L adies' lt"ea dx-to- wýýeaî- ii ctj0i1. Shal w ue not ecai ive the otleî credit witli bein g lon the Japaneou, tireless and im l c beA. M t MM foilow close upon the weary Én ipr H rsj S kirts in the season's snart- (d'ai)le, evein titough intcnthy keen, slnrewsl anid active iii the i'nterest ited foe. The retreat ivil1 nctedu-DE5AES es -tle, i )laCk"f the part3- to whlninu belonngs. tii the Russian army is safely vrte* Ms , estatrks grck, liH un River and has destroee h bigs MisBn v ue andi elalk hune over which it ïfsses. As the R si nEbE s C M A I S n a v v) re a r g u a rd is nlo w o n ly e ieei e a a i n E t p e s n g n ~~~ij stripes, a l leiigthis fro rui S To A dverfise W hitby. from the river, by to-niorro w i h tD xîno, E . Bov g n to 44, at nIoud be safreinth pursungJp- $2.50, 3.0, 3.50, 40,I4 50 >1 town w-hich i opes to grow, like au3- business, should doee10 tsmi orin hrad hrW 1 H ihado ionsu lerabie advertisirîg is a well-kiow\nî prirncipie utf inoîer u t m a aybe largef portioen el o ba lfiM M L M N S t iu I-'Fine townls ini Ontario that at orne tiim were at a stttiidstill, sian arnny wii be lorce(l tosurdeFLUAN ED advaîncinno in ~~cannot bu expected. The Japaeeae .1ansLn btaeinow avac(, i ver-y nany cases have achievel their pr'os- strong enoughi to defeat and diebc UN"IEDAES. pr-t b3- a cairnpaigin ut Judicious advertisîîng.'Hile town of Orillia the enemy, but, as Oyarna p(itdct Ncosn&Sl> in his report on LV. Tjll & Sthe case iil point. The Council of that towNvi sets apart 20per are se e(venly rnatched titat ai teatGAI JAES yar to 1i1a-e the alvalîtages of ()riihia as* neiintiai al busiîness by one to surround theother wudb .H )we e a1 invitation to disaster. Th e at e of . iie L n ' andI a tour-ist resort knowrn to the "m >îrd. lu es'ult is )irilia V'entai wiil, therefore, Le mnctoal o i<U Bare sasosenio 111ly ai ots rulini advcr- the terrible slauçhter accon3- îgi .B >i~i o ~ .?j. ~rather thani for the ta tîsMiîg, annd is beinng inlped by it. suits. It is evident thraMtlisotBoe As xve said once before, Mr. J. W. Ui-'u )w1lutll heue hast nnust 110w evacmnate 3Muhden dtaej To.Man ~y'~itrongl -o--ed tuie a dvisabîlity ' fund 11n$' J' Il-1r a v ir *nUS canin1- tnp the positioîns iii the 'fie s r- ..lL tros L t"4-'"? rpared Mi the aîîticipationý of dsse. A .-ako paZIgîn uOf advertisincg oitheIcpart ofthie Lounnft- 'Tow*n. W ul umtes~îirs îltnpiî,frUNnx.So tt uW111S iîngtefersw wleks c pe eahx-t Htlî.ii inforceen1s2fo theJ'readi1i.as.ag.W.1M.k>ri.gh The Hickine~oito n"arm Parts cf 'Lots 2 and, ,th c .,Pieker- îng, can be Èurt,*- or rented on favorable te<rnnis. pl!immedtelyto, DOW .>Ufi-iG1LLIV-RAY, Solicitors, Whitby. Reserve Fun d- WIIITBY BRANC B General Banking Business Trànsaced. I p.ecIýI1-attention gnyen to tn ý)ie~R o *r .0h Otmi uctot Mattaw Timiska oc tol tang, S îuedi.te Ask fo sportsi -'a'.. -i I * .50 ton, B 1e Red Tim Flot Cho Coi Brai Shci 1Beef Catt Mut Laui Hogý Hoi Hop chic Ducl Gees Tu r1 Butt Lard Eg Pota Appl Onici Hay, Straý Hide* Sheel Deao Tai I xvool jPehts Sittii Ci w Cier1 May I ov. jOs] Cher] May Nov. Clerk, Isept. Pcl Perry July1 Uxt bridg, 20, Ju j1905. C A ton,C I BEA ..Ses motl ' 'ur, Per cw- )pped Feed an, per ton...: n-te, per ton..... XEAT, POLTLTRY ef, by quarter per thle, live weigYht, iton, per lb.. rs, higlit fat. ' seavy fa t..... s, dressed per 1lOOhbg .tkens, per l 1 cks, per lb O..... se, dressed Per lb.... -keys, dressed, per lb O 12 to N12, ter-, r-ohl......O.... 0 16 to .0 $ '.......................O0 10 t& 14. sper dozen ...........O0 15 to .-~ atues, per bagY .........O0 O0 to 0 90' )les, per ba-i-l.........i1 00 to- 1 25 ons, per bus ........ ...1O0to 1 25 i,Per ton ............. 8O00to 9 00- w,PerlJoad ........... 00 to 3 00 H ID ES. es, Per cwt........... $6 50, to $7 50 epskins ......... .....i -1 é'o i 25 cons ...... ....... to 0 60 low, rendered, per lb 0- - o 04-t )l, unwashed ........ . o 0 17 ib Skins ........0 o06 ings cf the Division Courts. OUNTY 0F ONTARIlO, 1904.' VHITBY-D. C. Macdonell, Whitby k, Jan. 6, Feb. 4, Mai-ch 2, April 5 3, June 6, Juhy 5, Sept. 6, Oct. 4 7, Dec. 6, Jan. 9J, 1905. *HAwA-D. C. Mlacdonell,Whby k, Jan. 7, Feh . 5, March -3, April 6, 4, June 7, Juhy 6, sept. 7, Oct. 5, 8, Dec. à'. Jan. 10, 190,5. 1OUC'HAM-M. Gleeson, Greer, . odi k, Jan. 9, -Mai-cii 4, Mvay .5, July~, 8, Nov. 9, Jaît. 11, 1905. JRT PERRY-J. WV. Bur.nham, Portr. y, Cierk, Jan. 11, March î, May 9, ll,,Sept. 12, Nov. 11, Jan. 13, 1905. XBRIDGEi-Jcsep)h E. Gould, Ux e. Cherk, Jan. 14, Mai-ch 18, May ýu 15, Sept. 16, Nov. 18, Jan. 12, NNNT~-George Smnith, Canning- Clerk, Jan. 1a Mai-ch 1d', May 19, 14, Sept. 1à. -Nov. 1à', Jan. 11, 1905. .AVErITo-George F. Bruce, Bea- m, Cierk, Jan. 12, Mai-ch 16, May uzpt. 14, Nov. l6,Jan. 10, 1905. ýTEkçioýE-Thos. P.Haq~'~- Clerk, -1%rch 15, lVMT- ekne be 7th to5Noe F-A Npfo, nciu bA 2NdoN 6r 7iif to aOS ever to in "' usi anlr uskek-a La

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