nr~wrm~ ~yvr~frmnV PI'yi'yi roui u.ine man b~ h."r-E eof the, frim, BlivnX14D66 & 0oý ia4 o KKYBTONE repqTt8~eý _zprçied. ploasare at th&pèeup îOPfty , 'h~itby. Âlthough a Democ1âthe -wll for iRoosevoit, aââd.- f -coirse be.. ho wil b. ,o1ected Preuicýent. v v The Staff of Life. - ,Talking with MIr. Tod1 the ýbaker, who tO has scldte i staff of bakers this week' a pant î2 8a, Ta KpYntO!<B learned ~ tatfnpiOt _ether 'towns the price of larg laf".nd-the low price of- bread stili oharged by the WhWiby bakers Pg is, however, ha.ving the good effect of ofstirnulatîni trade, there being a. tvery ý,à ks t 40c ate noticeable increage in the patronage of - country pol who thug are attracted Large assortmient of french im6*e Csil. to Whitby. Natural Wool Und'rwear, ail lu Hair Brushes Wrapperettes in 80 différent patterns ie n ie arne o 'to select from at W.G.Walters'. si ndk. cs.W rane o Acc ounts for electric liglit have been to hik sent out for a month -and a haif, instead Also full range of Ladies' and of one month. Many will wonder h I L S this la. The reason is that Town Trea-, Children's Woollenl and Union srrWhite has go mucli work at the U drer ugist Opticiant beginning of the month that he desired Hall middle of the month, when hie was legs Medica!busy. To arrange this, bills were made e-okS. hty ut for geptember and to October 15i. A ne wl. Rs Wlb. It will be noticed f rom a litte iegend -à ., n r w M .Rs on the back of each bill that a certain discount may be obtained by payment before a certain date. ___ Liberals Rally. iCo ny Town1 Mr. M'm. Ross will be at the Liberal 1Ço ntyComîuî Roomas Friday evening, oct.i 21st to ineet his frierîds and workers in i Happenin gs the town of Whitby to arrange for next 1 r que ted te lie present. r. lrvi cg hasmoved inte the Evans M. ak leplnurd sdencel ifilich lie recçptly purchased. r akSepljrd newtoris.~ft5. iilaies f~Ci Monday evening Mr. Jack Sleep P iea ..Walterm. han.~ expenience which* lie will re- ý,niem:qMr for some time. Hie and Mr. 8C r esinut were driving home from ___ Vahrhave de tîle past week mxost Téihe laiesef pr it~, when Sleep's team be -__________________ deligtful.carte f rightèned by itoîne box cars at Th ldis fAll Saints' Chiurcli in- SIeep's croepg. The animais ran away, Pou tend holding their annual festival on ali Mr. je was thrown out, one Cham erlicUJA AIth Cardre S TusaNov. 8. wiwel of-te wathn CasiHardware Store The Rico &-Barnes hardware stor bt1 caonaside g oveh r hs___________but'_____________ 1 ',B scosierbl hrt btChoierara presents a handsorne appearantçe sinc y .zirW One of the horses broke L IC repeiving a new poat of paint. oc(- T e brick porch built over each of the two A Russian Aftist. Ji'evvr flails. nid l pleasant to t.a". nort dors f hs rsidnceon lilert Acciised by Brer Grahiain, of the Vsii street. - ~~~d 0 ator, of havmlg takeiî the vf f aa ciet Mr. H. Willing has been appointed bis manie, whieh la really Russian, Mr. aa ciet Il7 Inspecter for the Central L-if e lnsurance W. E. O'Brien, the photographer, may An accident occurred at Burketon Co., with the counities of (Ontario and; now with pardonable pride be privilged station on the C.P.2R., abouit thirteen Durhamn as his field. te add another indicaticu of bis Slavic miles north of Bowmanville on the '2nd - Loèt ociigin t o his patronimie, narnely I ski " mast., by which an old mani narned Wil- 4 Eeti ih.KnI eui o the waterworks stand-pipe ini order tohe1fe h l etleman hadben ElecrieLiglt. indy reîir U> take some pictures of the town and inî the habit cf taking a walk dowii the .s---- 11. . ~ABY. surrounding country from Whitby's track every mvningî, aud while doingI.temotsu sf1ia.e The frare work f Mr. '.t. M. Saxbys Lky scraper. - Hesays lie was neer, go on Sind4y morning, a shiiting engne Iste o s t m etod uwrsidence is now up. The work on before el:- eau the sky. OBriei- struq him, throwing hlm -iuîr the on heimtke Mr. aoken'eresden'des net make offski,then,he should hereafter be called. whMs. His riglit arni and right leg ~ gess ,the men bcing otherwise Hia artistic jtadies from thut great el were badly mngled. Hie lived about anil 'evation -are meet nove1 and iuteresting hoîîr,dyinig f rom the effects of the aheck. Every llaflnge îs guaranteed te îx e perfect satisfaction. to ete ca Coservteryof' Msic hot a h he ark-like effeot pro- 1 The engineer did net see him and was achie~y u th oidelecric At the Court of Registration li -ieli ing io s'Lrig emoved te the in the Conucil Chaîîîber on Fridav sud 1-- io u rbm Saturday cf isat mvek from l0Oto 6 oc -lVck.1 ihere were 132namnes ecerded. The Bdorel Auction Sales. X. M r brick wallu of the new machine, eonsiated cf H ie Honor J udgre M c(rim ilion:ýw I E P ofthe Martin Mannfactiiriflg Conj (Chairinan), Mr. L. T. Barclay andiNMajo)r! gruslied up these fine days. The Harper. Fer the Conservatives;Mei. Parties Wli itui hv ng actie1 Corner Har w r t r isl made necesssry by the lu- Js0u}deFr4Bra sndF Msiie sales ean iake dates for seuigtead ar S o e a siness of the firm. - , atched the Party interests, wbîlst tie, services cf that prince of auctiouieers. _____________ Worls Fîr ud nntrs~Liberala mho ated ina]ikecapacity were Mr L. Fairbanks, at TtiE KEv,,TONE aise îednced rates te sud.' A. E. Chrisiain. A supplemenrîiy ineet-mnsi et e See Stephenson, oppoaite-1 ing'-cf tee Board Nvas à eld on MNouday IT e W se n B n years ag nanieîî e p werereit.xIw bec n ,aters -oiiewi at the ývered ,s tbe 0 wiis There Gores '0 feet royed 'UL~ u may thiuk veil. t nover handa. ey can o it. C s sent dUREc--t teîL-dsese @I ,,s hent h.d i nr t e-,i dlo !er. Has the lcer, cloear h ai passages, stops droppirigs ini the ulroat adpmn ani Ify cures Catarrh and H av Fever. biower AUl dealers, or D)r. A. W. Chase. Medicine Co.. Toronto and Pxffal-s Laundry ;Work The iiewv Clineýze Latundrv on Dmn'las street i-s a very coimvetieiit place to leave a laundry parce]. Net only convenient, hui the proprietor la aumiable and obliging, and guarantees first - cass work. Suppose you leave your nexi parcel iii thai enug lutile ahcp? Priées are those ususlly charged. Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1882 el9 c barrisier, cf Teronto, North Strr urns. the' Liberai-Cctiservstive On %ct. 10 the steamer 'Nort4 fer the 1Ëiding cf -Northi York which for the past ton;- -yefts bas urt'4 faces Sir Wm. Mulocki rnnning beîween Peterboro and $jepresented the Ridiug for Lake points, was burued to t e W4 'yearu.edge. Tetse of the fire a uk - Foîznd there being tio-ire lu the furnace i -4hitby Fair Grounds, s goid ring. time. Wlien ete blsze was .disco, iu4r n have same ou proving pro- it wiis toC> laIe ¶b',save the boat, ai or* pyig 5cfo tieadt. lise could net be ueaclied.Thr a1 aige fr thsecrtu. $600 worlh cf f reiglit on board. - Licv âe- i lebut liîtte insurauce austhle boat, Cars )umped the Track- 4 was owned by Capt. Harris* cf -Ou Friday evening last an east bouid' Lsndiug. The boat was atocut D f1reight had asemaîl smash up between long. ThÉle origlne was totaliy dest Whltby sud Pickerinig, wlich deiayed an~d practically nething was saved. trafflc several heurs. A car loaded wîtlii________________ 1stond'jumped the track, anda few foi-' ~Sowing cars did likewise.- The resuit A SKeL N'las scattered tone, smashed cars,an d+lsedltraffic.- By 2 oclock a.m. oe-AR tra'tk wasÃ"iOSr, the other -.'aa cîearedAR uext. meruing. is spectacle fittiug. Yc Set W. G. Walters', new stock cf dregs have eyes thalt yola gosbefoe r hai can't be made te 0 'I good pnrhaeig. my lie beca u o Vox Cl placed them n i 's The Otobor number c h oeeIf ao lot us tryIfh nMaazine liase been issued this week. be made te see preperly WO cati d The issneîcontaifls sixteen pages, willi RFRAC ýretty wlit apo ~V~ ie FA . LUKE, OPTICî with the ,1904 prizeF es\,bybiasEssa Luese,8 Wo11,lu IfKing Si. ~JO NT 4ti ic sud Literary professions." Thon follow d.parlit,8.lunEditoriai. .r. Heusehold eîenge age, Art,' II tSecioiy Niews' aild LIocaîs- in sU i T I " h~' ~ eSugar Beet larves. for thq_ cf ugar bèets iâ now in 'ass.recf largeg audjinor '1SIzes en 'ý4ï;anlasI.- yeWrt . >ese ý"'-înny days ,are- rapmd- Mopaper .onteut, but the AlSo s*fthe - îacilong- -,Dey lu idons, ý41 teO Men'sT W - 1 7d o~j ingle WHIT BY Farmers' Uiscourited and Coltected Attention te Farmers' Business Ail Banking Busiiiess eltriistedl to cur care wili reccive promlpt atteniîteu Assets nearly $5,0OO,OOO Authorized Capital, $1000.000 Paid up, - 4359000 Savings Bankr Dept. Interest paid ou depeaits t ia year, ai highest current rates. wl Charley uoeDo your BJank1nw by al -fluridas itree, near Brock When roquiring anythmng in the Baukmng business write us. Special attention gîvomi te savinge de- m ~posil by mail. Absolute ecrity. âýnd. ȍ>oy'e has Just-arrived. '- WHITBY BRAN 01 ~ ~3.9 te5.00 E. 9. Warrenoup*nae fro~bQ'te100 A $eat Job of Printing f.25pleases ~customel'. -2000 The C o-operatoran tho Historîcal Souvenir. ASiIUJ -are s pies of ourwork. -~ ~. ~ acc e~b rmo, 94W L tu~)~-J wne~~b~VBthuý from th. sýtr' ef the f~i~ ~ ~ 4 * ~~~4or ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n 1rpt 1oixoetn.thonind" ~ L. lite cf Oel*n, 'Oijo., Theja.~Gre suje > thé'-K~ be~ ~i gus~of ~rs J B.Powllservice »Bs Three Oe)s ~e0k. limesthate.Christ ut 4êwOde"cc1B [ru.E. Emnu Btarof Montreal,of«o he. TieIsol-drw ved n ~r' atend he hareol-W.ere practical ad hlphfu.-' The service -~ s metig c of song wasdelightfu.L r. E.,J lhg O.L.C. ~hamnixg a soe e sd 'h âtr ag, glis MoMullen; of Queen'u Park, To- a dnet, Mr. E. W. Evans gavea cre te,. sud. Miss Lydia Truil, of Darling- solo, the choir sangseraaltm5LJd are gueste tbiýweek o r n r.tecnrgtoa iî gà ,W. W îlcox. of-raandrs Iieanretioayi.n a~fe3et~ - En . W. Evans hasgene te epend The annual conýventiou of thre Ontarie'*ý, ew weeke with lier niother, Mrs. Pat. and Quebec Baptiet charcéhes- ru being ion, of Clà remonà t, wliolias been hors heid this week in the JXavis sthoot BaP- [ping Mrs. Evans t.s'pack up and move liaI churcli, Torente.', t th.e use lately sold te lMr. krv- Mr. Albert Binglian, of Brantford, brother of the- pastor, Wa expècted to 1r.TRalpli MoKenny, whe for some occupy the pullpit next SundaY. ne has been a clerk lu Lawler's grec- - o «060> ystore, ef t last week for Port Hope, Pitiful H.ipBSflOtB iere ie lias secured a good position. Victime of nervous diseuses are meut r.McKenny had charge of the window' te le pitied because their aiIment~ us- îssiuag whie here, and seme very ually terminates lu mental or physical ,leiy dressed windows appeared fromn heipleenees. Paralyei%, locomoter atsxia aie te time. and insanity can ouly be aveided by _________________________building up the nerveus systelfl at lthe frat signe of trouble, and there le ne pSe- !vvv ofth Churche 'paration se well suited fer ti ups ~as Dr. Chaee'e -Nerve Food, the great nerve restorative. Tabernacle Epworth Leaque. _____ The League yielded te the Harveat c hff à cîine preparations and h'Id their meet - .Oiivnal '~ gu in the vestry, which Z;s packed to Resolution. .'erflewrng with the largest attendanceli n its history. The study cf the tepie This ls the resolution adopted un1- as brief, led lu anearnest address by animously by the con) ention at Brook -' 4isa Harper. The President will lin. Moved by Mr. P. Howard Annes, ead next week in the study cf the suli- cf Whmtby, secoiffed by Mr. Robert ec,-The Wisdom of Christ's Werks,, Griersoin of EastWiyha iscn taitt. 22: 21, 23*; 2944. veution, representing the Liberai partY Next Suîîday is League Anniversary lu South Ontario, gladly welcome the )ay, aind for the evening service ail the cail te battie once more lu support of memnlers cf the Leugue, sud as mauny of 'te goverument cf iSir Wilfrid Laurier, their f riends as will ne good enouglit) a G'overrnment composeit cf men of Leo so, wviil îîieet in the school-rocin ten preeminent ability from ail the pro- mniutes before t ie service sud marc h vinces, sud whose record, administrative, ite the cl.urch in a body to occupy the: legisîstive, sud diplematic, proves them. centre seats. Ail the yeuug peipie at- 1 statesmen werthy of the great trust cf teîîdiîîg tlîe service are iuvired to oc- *stimulating sud guiding the develop- tupy seats in the centre cf the auditor- nient and growth cf the yeung snd uni, that the service rnsy as mucli sîurdy nation te whom au alI wise Pro- as pessible have th-, erniphasis as a Young videuce bas assigned the mnighty taek people;s service that is iuteaded. 11ev, cf cenuering from nature sud reducing .1r. Tucker, B .A. B. D., of Orono, wîll te the subjectien sud trîbutary support be the presclier. cf mati the northeru haîf cf this great continent. C ouaa ui D adW0 are prend cf that Goverumeut sud Cons ant read above aIllef its ilUlaut leader, wvhcse standing as oeeof the very feremost satesmen cf the Empire is openlv ad- of Paralysus' itted by the leaders cf thouglin the Left arm got numb-DoctorS mother land sand whoie great abulity, saic nerousexhaustion- breadih cf thenght, prescience, freedom, ald nrvousf rem racial sudà religions prejudices, Remarkable cure by Dr. , brilliaut orstory snd înaguetic person- Ohase's Nerve Foodl. ality, have made himne nt only the trust- MuRs. CHAS. S. CRAvEN, North Gower, Ont., ed sud. beioved leader cf the great Lii-. writes: - I do net hesitate te recommend Dr.I eral partv but have wvon the respect and Chas&s Nerve Food and wonld net begrudge airainv h i iddaoghe fifty dollars for the good it has done me. 1 1 For six years I suffered oppeneuit. wîîh severe pains in mi W@ believe that tuie personal efforts - right shoulder and nunIc.f Sýir Wilfrid Lauîrier sud his miuisters ress in mny left arrn. No' tongue can tell what I suffkad the policy sud wise measures cf hie- ered. The doctors said thé Geveruiment, have directly contributedt trouble was froin the nel7ve lui a meat nmarked and important degree but theiF medicines proveq to te nîcinir of Canada among the usa- y./ ~ of ne avajilse 1 resolved ta . - y "~ give Dr. Chase's N e rv insa orthy cf respect and attention, six boxes of this rneducîflO toward our Dominion and mrade a great ~ -i>.heathwasse realyfuture fer it reasenabiy certain. împroved tiat I get mord ERS.OPAEN nd Iuse inail weu~r. The Bi'ish pieference. the successful, Wqlli';i 'a ~ < ~ ~ tiiîeîitaî îIailway cisterprise, practically l.,-. doubling our territory, trade sudresour; ' ces, are eîioîgh toelititle thls Goe Ment oycr anid over again te the 1 gratitude antd eiîtflusiastic support îîpproval of tibis Dominion, simd ire t' that vld Souili Ontario, which -h"- b' se %-cil seirved lu tuie past by euti te r.- :' presntatveMr. \îia. Ross, will rtr huuîii agaiîî at the liead cf the pole-'te S4 ~reiidera stauincb siiuprl- ho .teGOv ~ eruîîiint cf Sir Wilfid Lauriçr, Shooting Accident. TWO SPECIALS A LA'.DIE' olid heavy S . t wateli Nwîth W altluni extra works, complete -w ith soohd 14k . cain. Sp>ecial 860.(0. See ourùs. ladies' 25 y r goid hled at 8 10. Norman I3assett, Jeweler and Optician, Former Manager and successor to RICHARDSON & CO. rock St., South, - Whitby Application for Divorce. County cf Ouitariq, nmarried weman, wull appl>. te the Panliament of Canada, at tise next sessuin 1 therefore for a bill cf Divorc rouis er husbaîid I GereBurton McDenunot, forpuneni> cf the VillageI ef Port Penny, at present resi ling at or uuear thel Villag cf Golden, inî the Poice qf British Col-' uimbia atchmer, on the ron of adultery, cruelty and desertion. W. A, WERRNITT, Sbliciter for Clara id*olt ,d2cDermot.., Daited MI theeî ty of Toreuto in tbé - 1Provi be ont&rioiIbi fSeiâd 43 of JuIyA 10 t-. - of t ibisuplac.w1s7. cdent1 Pigeon River yesterdayY-' \Vith Charles Freeland, lie, w iug lus vacation huntixîge afternoom they w-ere out viui 'falls with Dr. Kidd. On tire ret saw partrkiges on the read,si 'sud decessed took aboIs aI tir imiasing. Thon Freeland-- wîth a revolver. It iissed,. comrxeuiced te exauîiîîiiE!thre ws twirling tbe cbaru9 bis finger over the ntuzzl 2which liad missed fIre.. finger waa cnt off sud lh' Wallis, svho wae loolkingý the riglit oye. Ho ie i 'ister. Hua, romains Win5 oid home aI Paris,. Ont Barrie, Oct. 17.-, tresaing accident c morniug and two ho riflea aIthe'ba3k -dool lieuse, when Wlt-ma i lot slruck Mr@. -M4r about 5M yeare cf g pleewy thçough ir happeènedabi14 -'-"M.-- 2209000 Restq ýýl