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Whitby Keystone, 15 Dec 1904, p. 4

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t s 'TU&E KEYSrONE, WHIITBY, THUIRSDAY, DECEM BEIÈ 155, L904 :idents ~ Letters frorn Our Correspondents Last winter several oý the hockey pIayers were (lisableti and laid up for some considerable time. Would it îîot have been a'consolation to have liad $5.00 a week and doctor bill paid. Before plIayiil(g hockey cons-it 1-1. B. WILLING, District Agent, The Canadian Casualty and Boiler Insur- ance jo.,who ill lie 1leased tofunish you with -i policy covering ail accidlents for the sum of S4.00aver He B. WILLING, Whitby. Iî'on, IVetals, Rubbers, Bories, Tailox's' Cuttings, Hor'se Hair, etc., etc. ighest Price Paid for these by Ne COHEN, Brock Street, Whitby. tiai 'ileaIticipitctehoe WiIt:-(of i-feUlow~s 1' s rx ice g. ias iwtn fuil iriîîet i W k P ;IIitýh' 'v (Co. itv N\ttultl ît-ire tl ctt Lt ftI ur tilil. it \ >- etk~~la -t-eur(dt oi, Ilitue in t- x e r- b- t r:i-,iî ti>, i i tt li îî i (-\ . l ardmu1 tIlnt I«., tter -tl>;>>> anv (t 11(- iinilîl j>> dat ildt> (' i- f pli nrest ,uk- t'ha It î t 1w i llot i i i -î !t ' i i , thuVIN& 0 e tt-INis utt>~ tiîu ---Charley Joe's Laund'.py un tcb x Dl)uîtt> ' u- i t ( etI"okstruet, YIilx 'Ile prit-- u- 1 1lî t r:- l:> 3ITEAM~ PUMP WOEKS E. V4. E yA N s Pr& Wood and Iron Lift and Force Pumps , Il t , I -litt-, i x ilil- 4i;i ii t Charlev Jo~ J) t -tîti.t lIt Lt huit I.- E. W.E VA NS, <Mau 41 aliv of th p;,i (,i*-ý o , 11 jjj <ii;i] rin i o o i ).il r 1 a 4$ -le4.rce Být f, Clb ,d ivt. . Z1 0a d 1E-.S1 u '2 viçNvetiiiiiter Peb(-tetnan l v Cltl)I)iIiLI- .0. x On the îdx-eet -cp-pirg- or te balance of tis v rilagaxînf es uisext nw elh-tuta( i Roosevelt," took first, prize, and reserved ctlamPionBhip, as ho did at St. Louis. "'OCiffe Rosador;" by IlRosador," second' D JLII.been tendered the 'nstýriictors, al in £.'huinAairurst prize, ana the ed i sinîng We'e al ben tere e- pisia" Minona," haîf sister The Oddfellow's Hall was again well di ign ev l entoab-to,"Pisil, took second place. I n filled on Tuesday evening,* the occasion fore many a time." t ~he two yetir old mares class 1'Terring- of the regular meeting of the Y. P* .A (Received too late for last iiwue.> ton Bo)nnibel," by the groat Wldir, 1 Dr. John Waugh, of WVhitby, gave an amnt Be Quïck.j was -firat and secured the reserved child shows symptois e croup. Chant- highly appreciated. beriain's Coug-h Rentedly given as so>fl,1>1,Ivaxîhoe," and RIôsalie," by Aiarm, Rev. Geo. Yule, of Springville, will th1hl eoe oaso Vt fe secured first place in the progeny prîze. W preach in the Presbyterian church next the croupy coug-hlajtpears, ivill preventl Sunday afternoon, and administer the the attack. It never failq, tui di5 ]tlea- OH sacrament of the Lords Supper. He ant anîd safe to take. F'or sale by ai] * The many friends of Mr. Wm. Bvam h l ' B wiIi aiso conduct the preparatory ser - d i s.wll ho pioused te heur that hfo is home vice at Columbus on Saturdâv after- iJKEIN.again from the hospita!, where owiuig to noon. 1 ai) -accident which occured on Nov. 3rd Th cncrt ii te etodsti is Luke, of (>siava, Las been en- lie had to hiave bis leg amputated. He The oncrt iven inteMt t aîted to teaclt iii .No. 4, east, as i ontl-ywl n eLp o i church on Saturday ev-eing by the saccê(essor to Mliss Cronk,,,Ii-has resiguced. i on arywl n ehp o i Canadian Jubilee Singers was wvoll at- During the latter part of (ictober four speedy recovery. tended. The pro,,rain given was gehter- barreis of p]ttoes were si1tlpeti frontl Police Notes-David Hall was charg-i aliy well liked. Sydîîey, Mati,, leNV. (;. liant. Tltey ar- ed before Police Magistrale Murtoxi oith r s Mrs Daid cot, f Tronuvisited rxx-cd at their destination ttxiy bast Nweek, Mloitav, for bcing drtiik aind dîsorderly be ise rs . Jvd .cotoBrools ek atigbee» 0on the juurltey tIl it-se Veilt D Tho attr hs b c» ii vuv oor heath a~sduîingxvhetthey hat Lecone f o n ling street oit 'Sturday niglt last. i lie siter M rs J. Bro ks ast % e n aý 1rd. T i ltis s h ad l-> bec - r d rick Stabback was arrested at The to xîshi coun il m et for t e , ( attL nita l usix t o wanti a iat axt r ue x isiti- W (vle on Ted avuon b t b fore Police f o r s o m o t i m e b u t i s n o w a l i t t e b o t t e r . i e n t t î l i e -> c l c c t s o î î -i î t-d r e , a s t i e , » e d v b e n Tu0 0 î i h t f r s t a in1n iast time on Tbîirsday. 'llie rouf of lite Dale îei-îk is reiNagi-triite NutiiotWeieIa.H fMrs. Balîs, of Toronto, wbni hias beeni pairedl, tfi- witrk ltei tlî onle hly Mr. Dev- . was reniatlded tilb 2 pmii. Tliirsday. STN vi sitîng- friet>ds flore, retotiuilte her ereil, of Witiiîx. Mu. Eiwuod Licbt has purchased thLe ihonte in Torotnto on Saturd-(ay bas t, I A pt:rty t ticiîhiibr of abliit fift ' Y )shawa cxurlintg and skating rixtk and Mix. Sinnios is bondiift aI car Of a% iiicliiMtiix-e tiî >tten-iviii tItis wixter ruri the rtnik lixnsebf, O r s Cbtnstms bf itro his- fo Mcit sdtetf *Joht iplt onî> t itit tîbase using it abtugetl>cr for skatiitg an>d toc-~s Chita ex ir vl eelkfr bon l itte, tetii l areveli te IL. kn iîid Mrs. ke' ItD cx lr woaebtw u ifi hp sti real. WNi!,-on t o ia t ve h t) ViLit A mission Band las lo'en ongaxtized altogether ai-e talkîîi_,,et-or the schemeo uion- the tii-(,nýr nentt of the cutn- MYRTLE. cf biibditit a t>exv curling rnxk, l)ut ith'ng b grogation iOf the lresb;-teriaxi ehuireb. :1hus tt le - ýt ehaeta in , itgdefii:itu Las Lova arraxtgeibfu)r as yc-t Mr I) Hlbdayvîiî-ilus lîrother.ltiIL tti t.atlt0f 2tiri..H. t tî-rty wiîo a M-W.J. Htîbiidav, neiiar Miiieti. zînlas,i xal-tLlerliIelir1 it Ilod ugwihit sco- i>> !Icru il iluslay, 7t1> nt e-, at lthe age tif StIVcttlyntbuwtittSitPlc hrtie Ittut ivok. I t w'ill le ruxiernbexed th> t i z ut.Di -ioe la uiiîfarycai btythiiejuptpUîat- wiiîtor game '['ho the latter Nwas aclcidenta> 1k-shot ou Nov. Ili, - ~t o ti t1. ofil,> - - 1 iearxaxîte niett uglt totebL a bîtituto r pr co hi,~~~-i!1rI anibi eidtixîIi11- SCt10111-1tn1iîî iixtiithis wixter a urtdce tîtat lie ctibid xot lie rt-îiiived te b f i iut le S fortu xxiii i l vti il ytipauîitv is fuIt. h()ti e tuliebuarof tui;lie Le boys hinuet i n Torontto. lit>fac t, (,rave fe>> xs Tle ii t>tcral wxxas lic Iiio> iixt 1l ' tt Mx-r- ii- ganid eiiterxiY tu aoxn lltty-s rtîgii v-e- plît fout]> foru Lis tîîîvr ecttl tlCc-utt-o. ufoyitga towi b-dtFair', honest dea blit atî bast i- ItL %Mi L-t->,îx w -t 1 ii i m e iLatjl-te:xîit ti]- »Itîi'iltf xof,< L ur l-i'Town LUneIPeins. A Ç~A_ S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r t tt1.t h ( it litui >-- ir i it tlite cases cf scarlet fî vor A hlZdcanfol j ltI--o i, n.,-'Il;(rîttîi1f ii > kîjit> toiy 'al ttt-iiLi\i>ta i>ti i ft vvtuîlx-s <-tist-ifor tio,-,ta weu-&, gain i trCafl. woril tilw-it-("t. M'. (I21 .e, 'lt-r \\*.l 1er"it-tî ",li hw r-ct-e-Ct e' ~s a s PROSPECT. i170111t> ut : Ii l le-Iliit-:s l nit a l ie et i b bo t.0 t Hiiill,-i t' i itit \\-îlttihiçtVcfit-'tfNI r. l.tobei-t CAu.dP%4 Mtr. ti-utlx lt-i ti 'ut:l-.Itu i1 gtî i a i r i% t k. k e rî--iv > l tîîîî îî:îîît T-lt îru -- tl.! i (Il i .. , a i t r u i'.. . -- i i -t- * -ý, g biie s-ti>- tiîîlîtiiiîtig.- xt-:t t- ix:î îîîî î -~~:-~i -r t1.-I >:i -e. t - . - t1.-e I)a ix )t-tJ-, eCr2in I e at a l.1 it> 11).l> i-ptri - i i sid- t I -e. - I i --1-- THE -WHITBY styhs coatsa lho xx la->i it t-.. is tri x wI'a t S a:~- t - --s->>Tsmxxil-d tilaet-ËR -i tue tet th1- A jxii p -1 l, tiit-ii- l lo aut:>,- iiV*it Our soreand see how esl i 1i~ >~"f- ti >~.>tîwe can accomnmodate youh th.It M I. i i.~~~~~~~~~~i 1exlitt rî~t > alts l xîîeh-t te Wifr1yp-- , vith f-s, price 1Otn n ii - b( tt li lt ttric trxiit îttî ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T e are i- î-î a- ii-uîtu-î>>.. O ht~ iT w niîtil 'pie . i - i-i ~ Ni Iîl. fltll tI t tit <t15,M"75 jîî -Ac0,k ne - 4î *2.00,~ ti-e iti iii îi~~-a-s s lit--O- t., Il e t i t C i.' t , .t1.tLJt r -- W ), - p eî î . S :. M ats tn t--. i---:î. xilt ht-lit e k rx l il -j'pe il o h i * i i - l t S M i i t - t ~ tM-a l - a n r eW hI t - ij - 1 - 2 4 illî i i h ii f i- lii Cl nul lu -liii îtCJ t tt-l tilh"î i îi i k \ î ~ ~ ii ( tt l - e 4 i t F j) i ( - 8 0 î > i t] l- ,t .1 1- 1 i lýi l t 1 ,i1,:>îîî L xxiii-, c-i (-1i-t . (11[ 1, diii , 1 SUî~xxI lt f t t -. iiII-( - o I - f i !l it:: \t it - 1> t i l t-t-.t '1 tlesit Peinedy for Constipation. 1 a- ui - t liiRTLittEi. t>~ i St::iax ix~iitî i iii> I:- i î t i- ir aiiil îlxt îl Si -xi s .,1 1 *111 1 Il-v - itir txxi> r( îi-. I ilii n , -in. - iiii l :xli u1 x:11. - (i-1î t li I t l]î t ;- I 1 1 t I ). I p u i '11u' i Si t-uij t Il i.w t av'ia-kt (l tt fiov ti t i xi o if a i liuiOi-mii> t -Mp tin titi h~ xxi t t ii1î i t t i - - IItL . . 1 ( il 1 tilt ~ ~ ~ a'i ut 1 t-î i i>-x.it- 1î ,îîî xx- wt> t/i i p't] t ti j -ut t tut ro- itit so>it l-ii lIinluU CCle R.tti .uit b( I tii- t e > l-it> , - li -it ib(_ ili t I liti tp i iii it-i-tit - vi iti ii ii l t)rltii t W, iti -x x il iuetiixi l'ir't til- t.itm ix ~ t-htg'ia -t titîet ii a-l Sti tti. t I t cîttuxuîi tle1> s 1tigC II - -il, (u tht git Ieti ittîiîril u d Lti. stuti dem, ttlîtî, itx't e ux xlit-t It - ttttltiti al)-i xopen1 1, ttil >îîl arh ttii i itl . i i t e t> -'t il t, tu Il y> ,E Ioo;,cuoupy cougha at P t lu t - i t' a v h e c r, L s etrnîtî and tbis %xiIl strikc terrer Io ý-.u lifyou are flot prepar- ,A to th:s cFienc I nabcf ý untis to kuo-w t1hat - ~ ý u etuacre f')ir Cro i if i i' - t. - ~ 21thc critica];i-. ' ir c:-C-tp cpa !tt0ia -~ ~~B -~sl-Ž .prompt act;Ct.x t i o,- xy r r vrat . Sicas-l froin rzach- i~~~~S - txc -rup c-f Liir'ýd n -u:, 23 c2 ai b o' 1le ;fit ni; y u- C, iî anîous l ~Pt bns - ~.--,, ~ a t ',i12. CQLMBU5. sin. 1 >Iurt i--trk :- mitn fox-v(ans M i.l'-basic< il 3i tt-Atfin- tAi t in. t u t nui v M- il . \Nul il il ies. > i twx C L A 9 0N-T CLA;?ELî~ Ct N T. il i i -i::t~~l,>t il, i i i - t il Itit t I--- I i - t - i iii it~I ~.l. i -i - t -titi xi i J ~ t t o - -a a t t ~>,I. i' 1ll~ Yr \ 'tht: t i- ta v - i .~~--: a - ut - - - i i i - i il I -.i - Il iii: liJ - tiI Il-il III... t titi I il xli, - i-~ ~~i: I t t . .. t). - - I , t t- t t t i - ~.-ii'i- -- h. ~~--t> ~. ~ ~,- « i et. -:1 tii LI:DS-1 Y. ti i i u II- >- 'i! î fo.iîî Pl t 11 11Wt: uttody i i iof. a Ilit Yf st u'-i iin til- tu i ut -tliii o t- îuî~ il I- i l . 1li- - (i i a jk> LA)rut:t1 t-ti z,î (- i t' i - t, lo i pltlîî1,v, t- t , I -I: - : i ' t , xtiJ -h iii- iiiil( :! , t s.'1 .t1t)11 t tUSoi t.îîtlthîiîiîa tti :t-0f.I I 11 n Ii5 ki ai i Ptîu :' i f itti iltît îu: t- -littt l tiiîlrt-xîjiit BOIVMANae t veLLC Th illiii i-s h u s w. r. n a vc ic tît~î iili th1 , >i -isit, axtcon L Ca >cALS xîtp ' ie -tii i lt- thetto t-0 i. sti Àbvî il x i, i r : t tît i't1'irs nCiAMls on î>- i.'. l ia1kx mip:' of h e 'Lt,5 'e- t i' t>j ýL>t cetIto-tii LIN uilding, Broelk St. ES aVNs Novolities ock is complete for' mas trade, and noth- it the very best is in oui' store. are ai ays right iling is our motto always. 4)ýolendi dchance the Pight tirne. :31ear o ci Unes Constipation and Stomach Trouble Tie most common ais of iýf'o,! are quickly cured by Dr. Ohase's Kidlney-Lîver By enivening the action of kidneys, 1) t livor and bowels Dr-. Chase's Kidney-I"n' :îî-t(itrSJ (al2d -u-. Liver Plbs cntirciy ovcrcome constipation and ensure the proper working of the 'i';tin Coe-ihlioî Tos, soflî' l ( jÇ&iL'l tÀ and etu digestive system. i <j MRs. OWEN CUMMtINGS, Deseronto, - - e lîa Il 1 )a Illtî i ia li ll at(-ýt (lts~i. Cii;'i)t-- Ont., States :" was in very poor healîli when I began ta tuse Dr. Cliase's Kidney- t ;,fo-7;. Livcr Pilbs. I had boon a great Sufferer from constipation anti stotnach trouble ~j~ ~-î'î-ii'l iidt'4:~ve and was wcak and rîtrx down in streng-th. Lat.,i n-fi c t iffrlit - ltiLi'Iî(t I %vas gradualby groxving worse cvcry day, and fnalydcided tliat 1 would have ta do fou' i¶e(. somcîbîin.g. Hearing of many briiîgcured ç'«4 . oi by Dr. CFhase's 1Kid-Iity-Livcr Piis Ibi-gan Mena Worsted 11ILS 1111a i vneitI)îel, u-i>ic i. te-tng them, and soon noticed a marked a)tî 1~O etiaxgc for the bcttcr. 1 continued tbis trcatment unlil I was cured of constipation iu-d ny stoxnach was restored te a healthy ?ucis(vîca5 eua.S11} o 82~ condition. It onfy took about three boxes cf pilis to entix-Iv cure me."1\Itif's itiIli'V\ests p(1118.0 Dr. Cliase's Kidney-Liver Pl'bs, one pili I iSi, 0 a ' dose, '25 cents a box. The portrait and l\len*. Whiteu m 'idSjllrîts, specitil 50c. signîat uecf Dr. A. WV. Chase, the farnous , rccci1,î book author, arc on every box. - tîix. tildi--. 7 ( ( Plt - t mr i . )j : a d :s, b lit te a n d( l I j t , - ~ i h i i i î i Nuw Necî, an ge tt hienî ;tioi f~tfoil.e:î>ear I'aiex-1I;înieî-luifS fîoîu I t tO i.w itu.l1 .4< <t j *1 LibralConvenîion, ofh u t-flthe 1-i eî-a ' ZOuth -il] h lilt P'IT;ï tel - i i\'-S Aî'miî1old ers, Ilî ditktrent t'olou's, e'-QlîIn ai~ -e 1)rt'box 'tith ass (oXtr. s1) e l 3e Cuffi Liuks in vxeî'x- fiehii-, pi-ets 2;Ï20, andTc tî~ al'(d uaî'a t ('(1N XVe d id ti tfo'et thli' ittle girls (a1ti(bOYS, Aîid~xe viii <i' vou ro oti Miiail kinds of toNs, Decemfber 2Ofl% 11594,, Space will noct permnit to mention % Tjr tutisI)e ýf 1ail the great bargains- wehae t ejît) tii - rt-idig itthe. have, -eti l tlttîfil" Visit Our' store 4and oui'go()s wiIl show the faets. - - > ( 1 x i i At l r e s s t l e î . u -t . i e lisavoe thxe i~ 'W. DAVIS, Presiderijt. Hockey A« . 1 1217riri VI lu AC 1 Foi', G:-iTr4â"âo'iG V;ýZý.S MILL. b - --7 -- - - las ýS-AV mm 13enefa.ctor

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