Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Keystone, 15 Dec 1904, p. 5

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THIE KEYSTONE, WHITBY, TIIURSDAY, DECEMBR 15,m 1904 Santa HIEADQIJARTERS AT ROS. Store open each'evening until after Xmas. -e \VlîcaSauita Clais -<ýtarteil out gsa On everv go il chuhis gft 11P,-tt lic liai to drive ilîough iî t- w :îil -e. Su< eci lutile lot iîilîtlav" oletIîigi FOR CHRISTMTi-AS l'ut i î tlt-I î i I i , tI i t TIhîat Cu:.(latus hîts got aitlttiîoîl' Aîîtl lie w iill1e !t IU)SS PROIS. lîuyiîîg 1,1"- I (-f aIl kiît o f t>i-. 1 ; i d itiîlc\- thîîuîg-t, .As lus fîi1- s>) large a!il spreailsd jl- Ile waîîts u1')--hî all )V Chîrîstîtîastidt- Our ;toi--is îîuîî fullot iif 'îîîy ( )diL-.t iiTmd To7 ('I:util . t1wI- am 'iî of f i-Isai l Arî I Cii Cluîîi>StotrmniCollaîîis. £150..550. CrC rey I m i Ciî 150$2<, 200, :; 34. (S Fu t - i itis, .o(4< . 00, 34<.<7) filsî -l '-t'<- i li-~- thî., 7 c 444 A I<t 127 ICS i 7- 4 43 i*7N 74> i<4 t , 70,4 t>> 90 'l'.-b-s îiîecil iklI i Wit5calietiiii %Vas accordc-tt the stitlerc-r, bttttor a strugleo tf set-oral wu-she Suiccuiiîi<oi onî Mmoîday afteriîoiî, -N uvcîîbt-r2alî 19044. Hîs Jiassal2g away caiisud sîîiî la wave if su rr, vte tu(>1e rsl eaul t-eiccil Iii ali tv ils jiî as SelISî ex pc nîued. ()le' ti the iargest î uîerls cicevr kîîuîviî ini illpesttîe Xvîs thlut ivilcti cciîîid t' -c aiwlt-iîti last su1 lites wure Imr- iîîrîiculitr tile' ate lit. \\%ulliaili 31c-f G(IIIiîX uîyanîldt- ,r-nî;iîîs of tiswideiyi tintal tcstiîig IaceL. Tis t', î tiniiig betweeiîti>t- pc-ucil houar, tit'het iulî-ma>- hîumiu as vif - cil i)v -tit<s if frîeîîts, thtsirnuis tt lotok i r fheit- utllencthe fic'lce <ti thît'dtu- liartu-tilihlysiut-mu At tlhc-fuiicrai set- vo-t t ts ai te rJltonthli' tasltt ias flot lcft-aIcetent- eîyat- theu- vn- a t iii eUit0 ic-k, cuîîîdîî etc-ilby i ( . ). lT. Lnihtt. îof the Il-bt'at dt:rt-l, i- t l-' iOitluiî.î. reulauîtiti- c 1-ý'g t-Ituiar tiut-id'fthie lccî-î aLI Iut iu tîae\ii.tî otbt'î-friîut!'Isii Ctai 'tsiîi< jiiilîts hic' <luitte!til- mittwen<--t. In adituiut.îît-t>angis(-ut Tue Clarke Townîship coilicil at a, i spot lai l oni ig Ti it-sdijy iaSt, '1l CO (il - pliaice w-itlî the r-qiîost uf a petifioi ýs;g[Icd -b 7M iît uitycrs of t-be ttv.a- ,1111), wilsbii a Local Op1tiutn iv law t-e a vt tt bu takc-î at thle tille if tht- in11iliîci1tai <--iî ,J aiîu:ry 211ti, îîcxt. A cet <iitet t t tîîwas si-n ittec on-ui tai1ilg '")( taIIes, tintth i-lwbU Ili[t Itiitilcl 1titii -a Sitit; îrv nr a:, i.wîaxs g i v (2i1tlî:t Suit- abie iice' iiinmîlîtut: eiild timst i;e prot- vedîlot (uctraveliîig pubic intheflu e li -t o i f the lichcoiillîglaw. Ain. Havr-c moi", Btrristcr,ITtoîlntoappt-ai-i bbo te CojutIl Iaiid iii a well ra -ladi- lress, urgc'l fuis sitte of the quecstion. Hie wtus tiguri iliIy cumlîtted iii ftoi-( ill dlr-s- tlivr-îiby Uc-vs. .J. A. \V. Bî~i, X-I. ilc-ker, a-il N tusms. 1G. Flealthy and Vigo;-Dus Nu: Jîîi\ oi t<N 1t r wkid 1 ;i ii, (<t~ ~ ~~~r li! at -n - h: tî l-t il ~î- t - i t -i ut .- - t' -c i>-i , . i t \t uit-. tîttilit-rroOu c-t-t',-ent tu Fil 1-. 1ID. AL" l:<i,s ,f îg- , aIl rl;- - auliur iîî4t ,n i1tt i uî . , 1i) 1 ' . Cctt'- iless i:i<l t he -l laenti ilp(inc Sur (i. 7,.P S i pci ]d. I t s Ni <cta i n, I lle .00 r4titît I t. qYtv-. îi . Geitsi!',; ui andtu CM t--.,.tî' hiti-r IC I î'-l Mis, P ,75.tItMî<r dt oir ('<lis ' M'îîii' Slt- l ('ruiivr7i5m ,.1% 4 1. . - 7, týtttîut- (tutu s Mlittt SI l<î-ti ît-t<h I 1tu t,-- - s . 'pu. pa -- 2. S> liet-jO -, îin't-.1 I .ilt, WhX.<--iuth-w IS A. -,73ttt, :purttt . ('iý ii - .k Sarfi.tu'i adi1 a-Ii 1t.Wi.l5e .i t .,YJ ii t G.tOuli--t , î-Nl N v -->k 7 ý, 5 . ! >1 i tts SI,iteIl l 1 ;os îîIt1ou s, iiti 1)14 .. al i' l t -', , t.i.iti -' 4; Y ~ PUT NýýV LE-C'S ON VOUR -11-"IS Eh L 1 1 . . l- et .7 .t .0 t-7 -- (Nt- ,l"<>'.' LiiÀ t i îîii:-ilirts ttlltîî--.7) ,7 "-lit t,, -t Woiul i i-t- --.lirs iîld r;' t,71. 34 -,sJ i .- <.4-uts lit-:îuî-î-tu it> r Sait-s, ~ lIt->, u loi, 43.7e>, 7t-î.t 7.71, s..itt. (tu-uts Ut-n;i':-tiî-îi -<~- I -1t .1--i-uts, ~-2 7ît 4 :414 4 7îtt. ---~~ - ~- i tîtît i - -xx <-:î;- >.~î S] 43', 1 ->7 I St I -t >j>j < 7t~ :tuî. :17uî 'i-S 1. 1pu 1-.u t ..4i 1 and af.tidur F i i ai-. $7 0. s .4 p o- t - a 1 <ri 1 271 . a-1 1 4>3 . îIrî .eIS li ' Ni ifr. $4T7 4> n0,tlt Ais s Frnihinstr ofro-very des,,ription 'Blankets, Tie Downs,) Matts, Rug's,Watting and Carpets, in WooL, Union, Tapestry amci Brussels, Carpet Lining, Floor Oilcloth, -andi Linoleum, at thx ig Cash Store Gi->e a lame ohors2-a ai F-z 'I tiigjfuva htt lu istaiit-adne Ui1< m ay Oc justifie ti iidv tu t-e a ree- ~ ~ ~ . and t h oef TO pu-uvu- to you Cht-hkDr. Th' - k rgood a . ' id vil bgoiuie cure for rai-h btt-.-iiinocino protriffinz -l-. &il kin'ds '.--->-t).t41irni jit. Sete >M6- best orn bcdJ wh i ter hink 0o1'it, Yoîî can i-e il and roa2ts. tvou r -tenrv taris if not cumed. (O t .a t TORlONTO MONT>1EAL %11 N Nî1 il vAliCOUVEAR ST,..JOHN -. ' - ti eu; itlt.n- 1 -A I ste1 y - - Theu'p'~ wjicnire, or l:.i ocure, WiIJ 2akea wea;!k foot o:tad Make za homenu'c--footc Pr-v vent bri-ing '.&hen gon'ove.-, - I Ili town, at (i ng wicl i-s de-voutiv tmwititeot a cent. -Soine dlay we ex- îîect to sec Wýliltbv coiiîcctc<l with Wîolt leailvthe pasrîceraflthe. lis 'Iloid îî ucnî tt.assge cf -cthe .îustI iîu111ll if street haloewiiu -h esatuai îi I 1o suetcluar ! iec-ould witilîtic î valter front,. wliîc-hî w-oultI is ilo t i)ossi ii-.loîeî-cr, t-hat-the cx-i tenlsionî et thee dec-tnt-rnlîayt \ulilîv Calil be matIe fori- ieanl t-wvo verfur !mdccl f power-. Tht' pro- poseî I :grcei tt iroviles for fte etaîlisiiî--it iet J fîy ()f a frc-i glit Midlhiislig- service ilure. 'Tbis îvua~1 lnv st'vr: I îîpcr:petrstîifs i - -1 - wutid i tiv a.-'t-c t h' ainr teit i u ut r--ci- iy for thieu -c t-rit-et î'rrt i tti 1 t-d thtus iliukii, it i tItis i lucre Iliglît it lic stlicietft> mantkî,- -iAdi :u .-viu--plossible. T14 e Iesta bi ,li inî tu t f. st-e t- car ervite Sto tlue l'.rk aîîtnd ýt-ut froiit, and var- ions iî mî. o'i uw<<11li e gmet-tt *ptto- i Thîie.>- :;i r- a f,- iwtof thlicbt-fit 11t la I otUld accret-tic i-e t tlit'esttul lui un t O f t - l e r t il î î : î .q - Thui~t-cii-lst-s îiot-Iitrig, save tli> fmatit Iist'.andti uiîhss Whlîîî -grois t 1u e s, t i < i : î o fit p c t i i î . g a - r n i h w a i - t-ho int:aît-ip- I lt-v ilouldlti :dîx- le a dltrse t-be prcîpose Il selît-ine, ain> 1 ii I Lier 4iDa\'sNATEi& e..Toot. ASH YOV P.. ILACHSM1TH FOR PRICES. WR ITE FOR A FEL PAMPHILT ON -HORSE LAMENESS.- lFor w t, liave iwve:ýloIi forward to tlie IIIaIV ~andl the selections mnade froni ilie a -s i i ir eîeri i v slo,4,cks are full of S EASO0N - >~>LS, fi umi.v SPECIAL LINiES havef W.A BRQOK LIN and wvctail suppiv ailI tel.W h ave net spa'e t-o - p Uf tne4, [<ut1ii1t- ii1 rt1 d rsof iiiis plîpe:' t>c, îII :ît OUr n .tt s ît SC'tiio spIetiiid vait] ofi' ti. eul. Watcîi for prie: 1k tcii Confectioneri-, I'îut , Nat.s, c., nit îi'ee>ý Hflid ay & C o. A-N D ASII B URN j ~'r. ~îcu.~e ~ ijuruujïierii \V. G. \Valters A. M. B-,oss Miss Bonid (aîîliaîai. E. Stephenson, agent CJ< î i î o î . R . B l ew , a ge n't FL-AiM iIPLi-:MNTS- N ilîosî<îcSelIdon s1.îî - oi , PV i I tlc& co. MI. IIi I. k V. ~.' uiioi:ce A. N. J' i (,t\ Nt- t:'-. iii -1:o g V B Vo N '. .1. ititJe l e rn.R o re o XYiA. Cani t-rProy TI--1tw t ..IN . PNernn .rore E E i- »ti -. - - - lii i.i:î NIIi-t-ii 1 )r. I M ot;1- i t-h _ A. c, . i' Sona Iio IiilTh NS-- The -at tin N.,-tay Fi.. . Richardson Mrs. Alliia Ni ALL COU NTRIE5 yr HAVE YOU AN 1DEA? - Nep (128 virs hieh wi tell o n all&n n-t ingi Brot hers ('010 ally patents., how tu procure t±iCU, 'otu e4b>> <>geâ and ( , IE WeI e e h a v e t o n y e a i -s e x p e r f n c e i t r : f l A<t - : iz m. . E . 1 patent business hy co-, epoidcc. Coi ini1 h . R . Iio , agent tions strictiy cnfldoetial. (\WE. Stephenson, ,",ent To any ozie sending a rugh Eektch. photo or ' node lofan in ven tion . cw il g it eoirop tîdio iil:ic. i Il N < O P A T - of charge as to whether !t L. probably tentable. P a te n ts f e u re d th ro u g h " -nj*j â» m io n r t'e-l i l p i t ' < , . . E i l > re ve p eci ni ,n otice w th o u t ch rfro hI o ve - 1,, n E e .ew.papors istributed t hroughout the Domninon. Representative Clients as Rctrercs: I'u i i The Fro t and W ood Co. Ltd .. Sm itli s al>. Ou t t lii B o Ilw & ersey Mg. Co. Ltd.. Mout-eaI. RE. it The Duple&slShoe Mahnery C., St. fyelnthe, Oye r Canada Owort C fo lrie 14.)QueR..11,m WC have a tUIIy equpped Branch Otù .- _ __ InV W ig .Mr. Phil. Ilodgo lias niovoti into Mrs. MARION & MARIONWTomsn1oue Rcgistcred Patent Attorneysa Engneers and Patent Experts. Mr. Soniley Ias moved from thoe Cam-- Nqew York Llfc Building, - MIONTrREAL -t-1 hou 'e, to tho farni of Mr. lor il (Long iIsmace Telephone.) i" -Wilsm UILLam15a UI LII ul buIV~i LuJUILs. COU-NTY 0F ONTAElO, 1(904. WiiiT y- I. C. acdo e], hitby Cicr k, Jan1. 6, Feb. 4. ?UarchI 2, April 5 iMax- 3, .âme O, July 5,t-t., Oct. 4 *Nev. 7, Dec. 6, Jan. 9, 1905. OsIAW -D.C. Macdor.ell, Whitby CX-k. an 7,1~b 5,Match 3, Apnil .6, May 4, Jiiiic 7, July 6, ýSept. î, oct. à, N o v . 8 , D c-. 7. J a nî. 10 , 1 ý(I - '3 - Corx, Xîî. , March 4, M)-av -5, Juiy 7, sept. 8, -Nov. 94, Jan. 11, 1905. *PoîLTi ii~J W. Burriham, Port PerryCr, Jan. 11, MIIatch 7, Jay 9, July 11, Sept. 12,M. 11, Jan. 13, 1905. UXSP.IDt;E-Jusepli E. Gould, Ex bridge, Cierk-, J:111. 141, Ma-c-h 18, May '20. Jaliv-), Sept. 16, Nov. 18, Jan. 12, 1905. ton, CIcr.... Jan. 1:), Marcdi 17, May 19, Juy 14, Seupt.-.1,Nov. 17, :î.11 93 BEARi:<NGeotro P. Bruce, Boa- vert-n, Clei-k, Jan. 12, MIlarc-h 16, Mai' 15. Sept. 14, Nv.16. J :.n. 10, 190-5. *UPTFPajî(),î E--Tcos. P. Hart. Upter- grove, Cicrk. _Mardi 15. Mauy 17, Sept. l'a, Nov. l y Urder. J1. E. FAIIEWELL Cic-rK of the Peace CANADIAN PACIFIC A * -WITUIOUT CHANGE FIiii-1îî-Tîoist~tokî'-rne <ut Prtcrs nicln1-t lir: atd t--tîdui:ss îtas-:iger MN-Irat,- la-rt-lî earg-s. Cars leave Ternîto 1.45 p.mîî .Tnesîavs ati i Sat-ur- %vsý. afi d 'tl Iýav onicî:e-i~ train s nul T!iiirsîinand î:u I îa nuiular i- riîan * v 'aaiaiinPua- En.aR. lowp I i<-kei, T4leg_ýralbandEprs Agent. WhIntby, Ont. The Hickingboîîorn Farm 200 AGRES,9 lParts of Lots '2 ani Ã", It-h con., Pieker. ing. caîri ho urc-ii:seil or retotrio favorable tennis. Apply Ii niediately te DO0W & Mc4JLLIVRAY, Solicitors, Whitbi-. The Dominion BanK Capta (aidUp $35565,000 WHITBY BRÂNCH General Banking Business Transaced. [~Special aittention given te the coliectieni of Farmer's Sale and other Iloites. DEPOSITSi received of $1 and upiwards. INTEREST allowed at Ilighest utrrent Jiates. CORlPO(JNDED or paid Ihall Yeariy. En Je THORNITOIV, I '1- I câaus, The Late Dr. McGiIIivray. nurnler of smaller tokens from indi- ~~ omrn lr viul hr eeseverale large and 1w lisF n dg umà s usiness ..imectory The daily Star, of Pipestene, Minn., handsome pieces f rom the soc ieties 1 contained the fellowing reference with whichi the deceased was connect- CURED BY DiA ERS- te the late Dr. William McGllivray :- ed, notable among which wQre.-..Square David Mathison The deceased field a membership in and Compas f rom Quarry Lodge No. 148, ~ ~ - Charles Ted the Soutbwesterri Minnesota Medical A.F. & A.M. ; Keystone froni Triune O.0iR. r4ianey ewure BANKS- Society, aise in the Minnesota State Chapter, R.A.M. ; Shield frorn Hiawatha TeDmno ak .J hrtn Medical Society, and was a member of. Lodge Knights of Pythias; Star f romt ehrmu sfrig Mneroro, Geermet enio EamnngBord 'alme Cape, .ES.Th pîlber.~ During botThe atheernch.su.fearrgnManager G o v r n e n P n s o n E x m I i n B a r , ' al m e C a p e r O E ,S . T h p l l b e r - i s c a u s e d fr o m th is p a in f u l tr o u b le , a n d B e W E S ten. D a r e M n g having iLs§ headquarters in Pipestone. ers were R. W.. Funk, Max Menzel, H wbile external treatment relieves itdosB BES Hea pyîia ndsreo orteP. Dimcock, G. W. Nash and 3. W.Cook de hs og HoPpn Govenmnd IndraeoSfooithe At the conclusion of the service at the flot cure. . R. KIDNEY CURE wi . il Cams Hodge home, the Masons stoad ready iA a bodypositively and permanently cure this .ae ofl and was raiiroad physician at Ppestone omteMsn taradi'aboyitesngc pln. BA RISTERS- to the Great Northern Company. Ho te takie c-barge of the remains, and thedsrsigcmiit e Dw & McGil]ivray was a niember of sevorai secret secietiesiebr fta re oehrwt Belleville, Nov. 28, 1898. J.Faee ulldK. was a Past Master of the Masonic Blue the Knights of Pythias, marcbed at the Dear Sir,-My wife bas used your GJ. E. Faemeith . Lodge, anti at the tume of his death held head of tho funeral procession as it took O. R. Kidiney Cure for kidney trouble 11 KMTS the office of High Priest of the Masoînc its way solemnîîly towvard the cemotery. lnd swelling of tho feet and himbs, and B n. yr Chapter. He belonged to the Hia-Bhndtenflodalngcin f s found a complete cure from its use, Geo. M. Rice watha Lodge Knights of Pythias and carnages conyeying relatives and bun- and weuld rocommend' it to ail others J. J. O'Corinor iwas aiso a inember of the Moderilceod- dreds of sorrowing friends. At the graye simiîarîy affiicted. BOOTS ANDS E- mon of America and the Indepeaidenit'the body was laid to rest with the beau- Rv L ODOK .N un OrerofForetes.lu early 1le ho tiful banial rites of the Masonic order. ME.EIWODOK . N. Colrns ideaiti6Ed( hiniseif with the Presbyterian uigtepîor0 fth aea . R. KJDNEY CURE is put up in j1UTCHIFcý- church, and upon cvaîling to Pîpestone until a late hour ini the afternoon, ail liquid fonni; each bottle cDntains a ton Chrles -Wilkinson became a iexobon of a church et that business was susponded, as a mark o days' tneatment, price fifty cents at all (eo. Illwis detiom-inat io)n here. Amng bis asso- respect to a mach esteemed citizen. druçroists. Jas. Moore Ciates inithe sevenal organzatîcais to ____ W.B'N iri)gE whih e bioigdawetsamuaI Withstood Other Treatment But Quickly Cured The 0. R. Medicine Co. im ite(t. W111. -N) e -r ether perso * is %ith whom lie Caine in! by Lhamberlain's Cough Remedy. 2 Queen ýSt., Eabt, Toronto, Ont. BICYCLE--epr contact social or prfes hol, i was 'Last m-initer I agi a very severe asagnawlîele-soule(l, wicife j W. J. Luke hi.gh-principletl man. Ho had the good Uq ar, fZ1îy. 11ae"' * ili andt esteem of ail who kîîew liiim congfl wxas v-erx- dry ati lar.sh. The 1b- CIi'1 Nwort i1idectcibis poijulanity Nas sncilas 10w ual deaier icIcoiiîîîîeiid-ud (Iiîaiibeiaii h ada alwyShme vos1!n mnc ould erîjoy. ceuiî rleîiiîety arolguaranteed if, so i ÇIDEîR NIM1,UFACTURE'RS- William iMc(iîllivrav came to Ibis cioath (rave it a trial. <Jîe -25 cerit bottle of it b~ lib -ri n iea o as the resait of 1lîieoi-poisi-jnig, con)- 1tne tie. îîhiraîsCaî ePi f ~ite ouii Cîx.AI o traCtd fro a paietî wltoi ho ad 1to 4le i- SfLi avec ci-er usul. -. syo oi f the proposed agreemnent ..I.loîc & Ce. 1uIt-iitruatizip iithe course of lits regu- 1lus is l f telc t stalle îiliciiles ibtei h ovian h oot .L.B 1x lar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r î>fosjiiiwok.L wuset.iitu Tliotisaiid, lia%-e testiied te its bNVate onadte ooio <. Il. \Varner exelinc. I îotony (irs celd and Yorir Radial iailway Co. 'A R .(k ionitiîof (.}tober tînat liewas first qiekly aiid lfe(-tiîaliy, but eonntercr.es -1' soitha reulpenusal o tepro- W.DEN î aftet-a Slit attack hoiesueiei dse far 0equ.I a ll ali t <r eliillfrt-îiiait(Il iilif1)e li ition -avus the mrsso n car .as Jeiîstoîîe nestoed to huai tiithat lie was ab)le te giil 0fi î iiiiipli -nlize bu eu fora fov das aîd atend e bi I tai wS i-ut-eus aili s 1l1Italt f> ti-te. i muîîîl that the sceiue is a first-rateDR iss ' 1îi.rte î, - d.îîot gr î~it t> ch1ilîi-leoniniii tony respects. It provide.s Jk Ii l)rctio. A SeLli îtnk ius iii t *Ii for t it oi uttailis ie o pIiu <<or etli-rI .- l.Acli iionre severe, ail gradual1I)i ruîko ui îrîîu ug uit h i<inigjst - toma freigh t anid passenger serviceIDY zti--- 1 1 -)UL ý% ILI I(-)Ul 7 3 99 ài ', --le 04m- * C - - (YL 1 1'til. ( ) v', I-C();tt" ý 1 )ý), 1 ). ->( WHITBY MARKETS-. GRAIN. Wheat, red .............. $9-05 to $1 M,~ white............O0 98 t<o 1F spring ...... ..... _098 te goose ............O0 80 to %,086 Barley ....................O0 41 teo - 43 Beans ..................... o 50 to 0 75 Peas.............. .. ......O0O60to -065 Rye ........................ 0O65to 0 70 Buck Wheat .............O0 50 to 0 52 Mats.... ................. 030 o0 3-9 SLEDýS. Alsike, No. 1 ............ 86 O0 to $7 00) éý No. ' ............ 5O20te 600 9 N o.-3.... . ... .... 300 to 50) Red, No. 1i................6 .50 to 7 00) Red, No. 1)................ 5 50 to 5 50 Tirnothy Seed .............. 90 te i10N FLOUR MND FEE>. Flour. per ewt ............$ 75 to $3 10 Chopped Feed, ecwt ... (j 00to 1 25 Coriiiiieai ................. 1)<W to L250 Bran, lier ton ...... ......00 O0 te 20 0V Shorts, per ton........... 20 00 to 2,5 O0 IMEAT, POULTRY ANýD PRODUCE.' Beef, by quarter per cwt $5 25 to $7 50 Cat-tie, live wveight,' but. 4 00) to 4 50 Muttoît,' per lb ............(> O0 to e 10 Lanibs. eaclî ............. 3 O0 to 4 00) Hlogs live weight........ 4 O0 te 5 00 Hogs, light fat ........... 5 00 to 5 O0 Hlogs, heavy fat .......... 4 50 to 4 80 Hogs, dreýssei[lier lOOIbs 6t;-50 to "é 00 Chiekems, per l-)......... U 1 ()to O 12 Dusper lb ............O0 il to 123- C1eese, dressed per II-) to O 10 Turkeys, dressed, lier 11) 0 12 to O 13 Butter, roll........ ...... . 0 1 to 0J 24 Lard....................... 0 10 to O 12-1 Eggs, per dozen ........... 0> 22 t o 0'2 5' liats,îer bag .........O 0 0) to <J90 Apples, per barrel.........J1 00 t 'oI.. Onions, per bus ....... ...i 100 o 1i25 flIay per ton ............... 8 () to 9 > Strav, lier load ..........2 OQ to 3 O0 IIIDES. Rides, per ewt...........7 WO to $S8 010 Sheepskins ...... ......... -i'- to 1 OU) Deacors.........0 2.5 w O 60 l'iIwrenu(lered, per 1l) 0 ( 4 4to 0412 W~ool, un-waIlie1.......... i 14 to O 21) L.an1>i)S1m".............o1)(p)to 1) 94> .>e1t.s.......................P 25 to O 3<>i t7 e,., Liï, 1 Reserve Fund m un'o-ss

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