Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Keystone, 15 Dec 1904, p. 8

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sponges front 5c. to 55.00 Rubbe r Sponges ý50C. to 53.50 each Rubber Sponges cost molle, but wca.r longer than nature-l sponges-See them. We have jiist received a large quantity of finle milied Toilet Seiaps in Hî'liotrope, Carnation, Lily of tho Vaîlev, Florodoro, etc., ut 1 10c. a biox of 3 cakes to 40c. poT cak-e. Aiso fine imfportud Castilo. i Fxtra vh noin flair rîh and Coînbs. DruggÃŽs! Optician Medical Hll Brock St. Wihitby. ~County Hapenng Santa. Claus a, i1iltt. t I'~ ros. L.adies,' îîîI:î '>i. \.il weelz andtvrgw~~ LIberai 'îîlitoi Vi:î it.l hlai, DecemTIbo r . Holiday su ipP(- Iilit U'. 1 I~ ]3ros. ad. thii tek The Wlitîv tiiîk xIwi foitMe b skating ont Frîdav niglit. Nv t-kre-oly t:idie îî-cr , .Lat- est style. ' u ewM. R i-.. M uniceilpal Il.ti ;t t('is rii Tet1v- jet thougli thero I s 5>11' Iiî iIîtîîîg done. Attractivu pi-rosuîîts it e erv priee. Tako a glalîce down Iie ;-s pta Xnas lhst ini tiîis p-r. A few oeyiîgslii) une nu-ilI 10118Y i nelli iç)(ou rils 111 l est tii e b j 2 block off oal stand inîg m froid tou J. H. I)o wney ý"Bu. 's o<iice, Ira i 1a large sectînoo. Uie aqsottilOft lai.îiv iî. îtî i i ireil rons. .M.1-. Along iist of guîîd t1iniîgS t-r U,îniiiort in cldiweticr'gic odýu s îlde N11ilas prescutts, RIss lBru,. 1Tho Board of Eîlicit i oi ut (i) il u- nesdlay eveuiTur ,at IM]r. 1). ( rlîîîstoII s office. Ail thle Tilli)tts NSurt e 1l folw i- L i i, jlla.ii i befire ti ii cail î g&t a t. nil .:iit ii i()l t i svear fît , U0 tiIu i--B-- î'T hose ie t r.I : i r j TI e prIl)îcO po i .i-irj li -I i - ri Tll é1" '*1 s ~ ~'~"- r- -'1-Si- 5~ / - - ~ <iis..'~i. ~ - i - i~ ~ - 'i t Vi I I Ži - lui THEý KEYSTONEB, WH] r ?THI /u 15, t004. What It Ccsts W Skaté at the Rink. - --- .TeM ktigoHgs The price of tickets for -kating at,- Whitby rink for season 1904-05 have J hedcsioatheWnrFirn been fxed a foilws: -the bacon hog did not leave the sbe Chld's ticket good for afternoon's- ony 12;gnsticket, $2.50 ; lady's Xi I in a atisfactoay position- sq far, a ticket, $2.00; boy's ticket, $2.QQ; falmnmrkein end of the industry i o iiy ticket, 3 members in family, $4.00;~, cerned. The packers contend tha i oer 3ickebr fm, $1.25.uc O - buy hogs according to the grade o a k~y icke, $125.o __________________________ oanimai-*that they must base hi ladies' suitins eboice -patters, the lat- *. . ceved during the year. As Drmîe est wtyles. M. Ross. I* vviief m aking yOUPý selection of C ri tm spu-t it, packers dleal with averagecn- Send your Friend a Paper. * d 3 ~ . a i ~ , ' *tiens, not with individual casi Subscribers te TiUE KEYSTONE wish- preseÂ.L. do, it i'ge tLD call and exa m1finle * careful reading of the report cf teds ii osend te paper te friends at a u stock. cussion wiii show, too, that ther( sa and have a copy sont rcgulariy fromo taken by the heads of packi-lng-hoss n fo h er hsisauotwa totî1is ac lnkecif 2 51 thia matter. It wouid be dificutun this office te the friend, for only $1 75 Ladis a ' aderhes 2', , 8, m Tray Clothes, .30 and 35c. .1 de the circumnstances now çxistug o you whern you fsetsd your own paper2,3,3,adSc buy eachi animal according te rae;j awy aci ee, ndtiei yu av n'Five O'clock Tea Covers, 50, 65, 75c, and .$1. 0 is easy to fi x a flat price, based o h awycd ek udthu e aetcO Ladies' Heuistitched Hanidkerchiefs, 5, 7, 10, 1 -vrg ultyo h eep çîaper cf your ewiltote rfer te. YOu areO 191 15, 0 5 n 0.Lde'Gl akes alo avdth tob1 o wapiga- experietîce lias shown packers 1hywl dressîig nd maîliuig each week. This W ludeche etes 2c îlo hm, 0 5 attdle during the year. Thisisttth is a speciai 'offer cpt.-n fer a short time. -jetlsser tdesnt îeth1ae Pavmortt in adv7aîîoc. i Ladies'1 acfaos 50, 60e and$1 fui breedor and feede-r his desertai Facisaor, eîîtîemien's Mufilers, "30, 45, --)0, G'O, '75, and T it gives the careiess lîag-producrme Awarded Medal and Diploma. ' ais ntShws O pars 1. u hoi deserves. .Se lilag as thi tt Tic l3Bennett Naiiifauttirillî, Co.,cf' uL' oaffairs iasts theniait who poue Sit-k trintg.litavo rei-î-uit l rclv tUi o fronti i t.neio r*ce'l Tiîruitt î~îî~îrùl i;xlilttîcu AsecîtLadies' Lined Medlia klox'es, only $1 per pair. - efti ery otceiurosaneotinim '1()(nt Idistil ,ý1i1itoi ,ýsoiain .Getîtlernieufs (loves, 75e, $1.00, l.2-5, anI 11. 5 05el u teyohr a i tesm of aîhit at t lie Nationlal Exîilbitio 1t1Ladis'White Lawil ~Aprons, *25e. -pet' pair. l.Bt lesileitruc ThIn o as ~-tt'ilO.'[lie itîcîlal tltistratesa i0lluiiîii it-ul fortîjei sjiproduction.utbî1 liiiît ii Ii'foeti tiu (euveiigfrei it - Ladies' Celored Apron-s, 25, .30, and 35c. (Beiitlemeuî's Tics, 25c, upwards. wî rdc enloss ie ate ua ic-i t an TaTiil. anditi i--as iottt or pour butter tetnd to e oopdti h -I tiltîtrv, litgrtliitcitgeiice.«"-It ~Lde eoeiat ht ii(oe.(-iltessMitts, 40, .50, 60, aid 65c, per pairît'. average pnie(if the, entire otitpul i i li l iî- t\liiilit. I 1ti- 1iiit NVas are1'e *ciiuirnîed, sceuns te bu te uiu .) tlu îe-lirii. aTdit i s 1l-stîgto ~- - - -- i- 1 i (c- NIM r. 1,liîîî 01- a t Utii sut at-tv sîtbstae% I r e114~ tlîe average, se tiîat, jisto-al t irttu t liii rtist ii ni til' îiuiii lie-s-. 11îur 60 p-o-et i sîzablo i.citî) a A ýo a111u itlos la hin ai iutili 0. S'weaters and Cardigan Jackets, al sizes'and prîces. -101 * crustlju1lau lI L>.le ico~A *.-ltiit o ehîliioitbi- tlit i il- uit -, tici ta rtie rs utl- * littisliiet oi i ct tto-r tili tlie luta-! -i.i Tabernacle Epworilh League. o ~tt. eD. tiai-)1t%. Uiîlîrhe 1li-auirsllp ihî MrN. liiîiurtlt, Linz-pi r .iî:;' \littslh iîulut tii ' i.î-.-ît-lii ittit iiiti- Tiîiv)t [ M .iT tW W J iittl iOes ti hhl~ )B e t iiii. i i t ila Ttiti';lvi ti( l îtiiM a li it iciiiuI- ' 'tr- iijîhît i-s l~eca t it lu tii' î 1. iii 1t'î . 11 th1 Nit 1 f-- i ~~il~ i i t i 1 111 LI ij liil v, be ki i l Ii 1 tI h Iltit of tnts i aL taLi of itfîîi '--i uî iîî-uî i-tsud boy -s 1'-, 11 y to- i 'a i-u Sitr-. Dortn t t.l.uiy stt- Tg tilt-iI. t b t-y uti last iii g. cis lt A Soft Water Famine Tho N (-r\ îît v Nw nj l i theu s .t Utouit tile 5 i utilt(t. -T ' tt1lW tS lîi isi-r-.ai-y N-t- t s u liy vît ilit1 th l'le ii-i-iiish in!1-R, luit( ncis Ila iiivL to til iî l -lilt t Ittitg \Vi s vt'l -tlîi tvietlu ' i ---uuiansltints ii i,îe. i tîtl uîî l îî ii t v f îî-tî ,t e lt- ue gi iîiuîil i- tiî t.diry-i-tt. a e uii - i 21-i - 1 1r-li 1)'(ij a - s ~ thlet r 111till 1- \N % t-- t ifi I-i- - s rLt . htl I ll uliiI ii i . ru- it jîlu it i-îii tii 5iuiii'i titi 1> s Is li,, drln rîîts st(Iuro itilg ileoti-l iii stîprpîy stathi t lt o ta Ilo-dýI 1it-'-s.f-tfiis uis, SaillIt (,nusi' ')Iji l it trî-t-t i tii btîsitil 101 O tl1 A Good ChiTslras. Ing vhiN Ii l n i tiilt -i v iia iii til l- i u ifi-il- r - r ;k t.1 1 i - 4t I- il i -i T 1110 : 'it- t-i r:I tihilS lI l ii, i a- 1'ti ýILiiI tit (litii- tii i l u hit.I-t d '.ll'S i -r v k i tratr - ili,-hiuii t -j--ir i - l - f- Sttandtitu iii jlii. -lis"rîI 1a- - îiai ii I jrtiLi llplii'..:tiii s S L- m g i hl-r ii- ii e h - b- r ihicii iI- h tliiu i lii uit - u So i!, att ît Personal Mention Nirs. Jiîe ou i s s.lîl i thîe cîty. -NIn. .'tfru-il (mu-s, cf Ciiai-î, as Ii tuitiîîs veuk. Mirs. J. liuttersoli antuti s Scoitt al visitl] ITlii the City thiis w'us k. Miss Ilîntha A. Crass-forti i-sis seur- 1.11 tle poistitiTt as te-ai-ler tonrflarmoitiy~ homeut-atter tspeiiitîg a ss -ehhutCal- It-vv. Pr). .Xbalirit lttoTlid lie fut-tuti- t 111 io f the I rt. altrti-ie-ilPriunci pal Ca- Set lit Tornnto. .'Ir . l. Iingliai Il urtille' (ilotsw i1 r rni1 tht it iiW'-lîeîî csutilinotiis'1î'ak "1-.,s Nas- Ytu-lo lft titi Nliiiida-Lyfi-rl'o mi tr- ti. jeýrý-r\ . n-(ki-t;e ii lii Misi Euid Whaîlî-y, cf the () L. C., vtsc._ledt t ber home at Thie'ttnvur oui Wednusday by reason cf lie-r stters 1Mr. John i'MeEdwanuls, svwif lta il,,.ighter, of Owon 'Sound, are vssît hTî Mn. and Mrs. J. Y. 1atte-rsý- .MrNie- Edwards is purset- tf theî ste-.mî-r -'ttlll-liasca, <if thIle Cn nta1 lais i>ietiho Stcausiip Lino(. A.-W . -h- -N- The Western Bank of CanRada. ~ncor~a~lM1 y AX'Àof ~r~mn Farr.ers' Sale Notes Discount.-d an d Collected Spec jal Attention to Farmers' Business AIM1 p BAkin3 Business t t it ii N ',1'I U.I ct .promtipt litte-ttiali. .Assets ineariy $5,OOO,OOO Authcmlized CLpit, o-$1,000,000 PaiÃ" up, Rest, 435,000 2209000 Zavlkl's Banlk Depte b tu , i - 11d p st Olr 1youn' Bankirig by bMad XXIlr t 'Il sNviti- us. Si-t1l lttîiitiriiin 5-ltsiSiiîg l- iWYlhTBy f3FMNO2 - manager 1 1 iv l I k-t I )lî 3vO t\ oue iii tii BT) v il îii o t i l~ nd viç'iîli t v i .iv sto UIC \-Ut ( )I l 'll Ire a )l'usI)ttive lilJ co lVU lo'- I t. VX i î l 's lin11(1it i >1«t1~ t ) -lsI -Ciu, anid re'-ilîiiW8V 1: t l ir;Ike ngtetÏUî Aii uxti-lUI ooU of luews ai h urcfles Ul~liU~lI~IU - F raihiult t u t "' t-, -.liHs L à The Talernacle. rhî- n:st.)r at bot h st'tvicoq. l- v e - Thte Baptist Church. M r. t :iui , ii-r'î t.- î -- N\it i 0.1.1liai 11 su B It. \-. î, 11 .. \1 tîi--r dîvs o lrî't-5li" iî i; .îî-It atndlt" lle udi alu wnî:î Ice A mi BE/TE -OR O'BRIEN'S PHOTOS ~~BTEWR LIVER ~ tf ~hr A photogvap~hi tashi-en iv t tun t i1sV i tte tit tory îof th iii'w b o t- lvI e titetî. 11Thmv s rot'fi' etr -otiiaý ii ~ s-tct '~i t ~l i ai-dg of st Iini- unl adi cl1 'r Iv o'iîîijuf. D aIl. N\V* arc 'u.ftl andeî bii by striviutg te picasi'. W. E. O'BRUEN, Photographer, Whitby. .E. LUKE, 11 Kinci St. West. REFRACTING: OPTICIAiN. TORONTO. F' i-,lîcy Eltiirotîsi tk', S oiliiil'-soliti ttchi tlTil itili itt, <tc- al~~~~~~~~~~ iis itiCtIfLn:. tikjj~5 gotiti(1l ity tiiîly aLnd ILat ty Slont St-ts. Lechts, Chsarns, Iibigs, 1 reau-aiii:bltoijttt Fýit' îîîîiî Pt-us, F'. ciet licuks. Fibi, Sce our $iS Soiid lioldi Ladies' \'uutci lia/ig Barils,lPhoito) lrinds, atndlila bunduîtrîî anîd oTtO thor tiiings.~ SiIver Soit-lt iosetc.-in, I g i jîice traini1.'-).,up No trutuble toi show' gihiis. Gifts for Ladies X stis iottr thaiLi a 1icuf silvrot'tr 0111 glass for the table, or an eainlt VýIUSO for tiowers. \Ve haîve a ltetutifiul llsiusmezttof silver ndilut glass. atî thte pticos are seuy reasonable witli the qut1tu best. St-c our extra plateil iTive- and furks, Ppoonîs, etc. The de-- ptttiîable kind. lus docks we hasve att 8 lav cock at. m2.0> gsaraîîteed. anîd up to $l2500 An ontliess vanicty of solid golti and jtlated jewelry, spectacles, etc. r - IiSiigtut thse gtod qi[n ht kiu)(tils ,A't seAund tis eriy îtss'uricus ite qtheo e are pleasoîl to SltY (tînl busiuness is advartcing au id W'uv-ttt able to showv you titis ycar a iuîîîu'lî bet ter sclectiutsthaîs eserblefi ît - <'ail andtloe lis. liýes ;att 'tiitug P i't lî:iun piecc cof vut'tt, Pendtatnt%, SulTbtists, Fintu llateîl I tit'h l,(iatinsTul, 5ciis,Tri at lBrumehs, S-ticct I}ntîsl-uos. $iîitnnSjoouîs, [bIet inds, Brncher e-î,ttc, lHtt Ps, MutW St-ito- b BT -i tlliw I liS t Coî îîtmJas, T' luitt St-ts ttiiilurv St--,l't ii-v r J ars, -salve Podts, aiT ail T tiir'tSat1tty uf Gifts for 'Boys 'I'i"-,lt-kh d e tatti v.itht lt a ii- hhi ii t i. W tt hase tlîîuîî ut '-I. i )iii! - 2..50 wsatelt is caat thlefitn a-'aîni li'tî muetcîff linîks, shirt sets, liger inichuairîs, charnis, stick pis, sockîet boks, fcuusittinutpoli s, svoilet' uîîit u- stu-zpi-nirs, eoeuy irtughies, ku-y rn Slliat markis. Impîer kuni u. ,s: nsllen tilt itti rtasers, coatlitaiiîgers. 1 u Is sugget- sîîm ctiig. BASSETT, JEWELEH, WHITrBY BROCK STREET SOUTH its tuc ac-Sise-. VieUarc- a]I Tioi-î.ls 51fl5ý hil ft is alut "ort up :sL: u totp aui-lge iliiital teuaaiod ti<ti iriS /itayt toft tilipurtutlttusosipeil tii ii:. '1 he actslias- 111iijal, uit. i t e auil uuifi" 11 /ltag iitr tulttu uitthet rtîce oî Logs iin thufaut th.5 tiioy liait-an oultr-îîîiî I-5as it -ig tîienuîltS1lv s astu ri jiCS i ili th uelig li-i î ulcots lire u, 11hvutni i.thu s:tnUiiliguret; farniers, t:lý ro in- dhuce tu.h- g, hlie-to liiiNue 'it u m ait- if bw Lg Inoiucu.rs Liaitud ut/i.it~î lli E- iMA1 t d t oduioTi ttii h gsi tiu CwiîiOel tlîe luuc)r tîcat1,i- iZ iitLilu i ih- inig the- prOet->tiibo liaid. [11h is sytui us wsurkud (tilt bv Liber rgire. ;-tut5. iii. ,airthllr.ttiuls jus tii tIi' pi e lt s. lîiîbbi-n stalbcl : -, o: îi n-il ilU. 1itiI lioliitie t tir r.!t, bv i uuîk t th 11 i ý i i 17cil- - !-h it 1 tri 1(t2 ut1 dtxitrs ; it oi bd lie o iuitouit ituthe c.i - ,f h11s ro --d- het -- ntil tiis i s dia t11Tîi îîtîucu'amt. Bien tlt iou'90 )UlO illîr r il u-- - i hjIt lirîîjî,t1 I - .rî O t---r' tir -t1th ritiicer' àftM. \\t-uiiy Sutn. piss liiî-r iuth in in i A~pplication ici Livorce. aNiti t a iz uit- s -: The rt- -ti t-- th t r -n oti-.ý i-..i AL WA YS Cùui4F And is Fleasiont aâàiý wo ire/-ss i ai1SIU 'Shorthand i Ti.- -'." OO' 2W l~1course at.-I p art is <f f,.7 nd upvar.h I~~ c Ell 1 TUE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN For it Caresi for Every Sick Clild iii C ;tario wiîose Pa-rents Citulnt Affordl to Pay Fur riýveitmcnt. The- Tlu.-'ital for Sick Chiltirtin, College strucît, Toruatoý, appeals to the fathers and oi f ii- -. io: aî for funjs ;to niaintain t I tîi.u:îrI ick childreTî that it nurses -S--q ut -~ -- Otifît> t tiui Iltilt t liiý t o I i.>., ll, -I.- Si - -'i i i i ~~"i-..~ - - ~ -' '(§/~ Th llusTitl lis flOt Ia local în-t,t îtin- bu Piaro, ..,iaI. T]14 el, tIid from ans' ]îu'o iOî~rc~who caut t .Ot t pay h is tie same privi- jctýes as the child -tsiî ii Tcircnto and. n. ti,- tou free. - Il-e Hospiral hadl l-ttrn n ts beds artîl -ut', l i 1 ntS, fromt 196 tlaces o~" btio' cf Tenonte. Thle cu2 is 9,S cerit9, >r pa Jltienlt per day. I d. nîae e cre 129 1cR -itle cnes a. dav ]l tn, tH op1ital. - 't ~ i-i - i -- z ~ ~--. i ti-.t -~ 'b f -5- - r id r tt1"lC'/ t i j - il - i il 1 -su i I i~ il. .t -- --.1 fîî - - t i i-I i 5 - i i t.~. -llîit.iu~.I - - 2 î'T' I - t-, i uili iii 11h T - iii i . ru il - - h1~t* i., r - -- r t'. ut. i lu il.; i ~ - 9 t il J j. i 1>' - ~ -~ r t i t' --t. i - 'r -Il - -i - i -- . 1- t - I hti."l.tt . 2' i - e, c il'; -. - t - liii- t tii-T te. f - r--. I id - .!-î. b... Il I - t-' t""' ' - -- Ai the Cash Hard,,ware Store 'i-r'- -5. -, fi~;-~~ - 1'~5 i -" -'- /- t S- ~ ~ '- 51t f - "-\ -.-,- - i.--- '--s -i t SKUTING SEASON. 1Is hi-u -,t t - z- aI ýr- s-L ~-ai Ca Shate Sterip \Xc inlvite y5't)U h> ai l al(1 t'xaT*line oui. 1'stoà-ktwkifore p)l1-hating. W~e carry the bl)tŽ $t llsthat ne- eail buiy and our I' lICý areC tth we - Corner Hardware Store WHITBY - 4, 11/ i 9 i MEWM lýjiLLI)ýi "ýU.'-3. 0. Vwk a s- .7 X--L-%p n y usîtj lui ulllj

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