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Whitby Keystone, 29 Dec 1904, p. 2

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* A Christmaas Praye. (By Ei'la Wray.) -The candles on1 tile Chrî-.t.art tret FlIckrerell out, one uy (irle, AS a chujd at ber mother s u(ie.e Kaýcit wiclte day vat <loni- A, o, o 'ct'rwas ejliuuosî: WihcrY head lent 10w-, ýhe prayeýd for ail por chitdceti Outaide ln lte îailtcg "And glvo my love to e Dýlenat Our baby yotî took airai- IWonder if be's happty With s >u tilts Chli itnuas liai- BleSs d'id alud darttnïg Iaotuec - Pleaii ttlier îlot toei,rueve Ilecauso tht-eetas Iu() tîîîy as To iuang on Ch -rtuwas Lve. And the prayer -as srht:tatîee Frow nothees tear--dtiae2 eje, The ntit it vt lyand at baw 'uer 'Mid itue flow ocs cf pacstdi 1 .. M'ith lot îng crte a atn ta-u Guided U thetiding ltet, As witta cccîtig iauiît itandoge iaud lie puJth ie Utostuma r weeL. boy AuJl te t-tatou ttcougIttlierraa t 0 Savinu ur!intiy :tt- scta-e the uIauy l1uMi ,tia da nhe hCt-tif eY U& balias t- a itt'cr a Thle t.uuig t or i hut-ai-' , -t ii Lt:-tts l-- WVth tituugit,s cf a yeac ago. T'Oc det(,t: for tiat: 18 Wlth tihy hiîc-t t-ii Let eulituos if tti lc-it itisi x %or-J t.f Lt. r t h iiit- "Thicelîtsdltv tiitlti'tt Chrisî's Rý-sturrectîor n ~îZgi~a t e ihtatt ait iith a u i %vaul ttu t- -rilit ,tm' i ~- t ' 1 1-0itti l 'i i ti' i il i f 4 tu - - Jii "t 'l tlr' t-1tt * t L i"t uo 1 -1 l.lo untti i ILtt i i ' u tr s.ut'untd'i', t--t'- - - u u , - titi - t-' t.i' ,. t t 't-- t ti' "=,t i t t- 't lu.'. il i-t ,.it'~ t itu-ui tut. 't t t i ti i 't - ' ' i tu-t t' t tu. - . . - t-il i-ttt'tt t--lit-t-t- 't - ' 't t 't i ut t -t-:t - - t - I - i tii ('I - '- ""'t' i tii l t lut (a f t1u 1t I c t : t Il! - ia-tttuit t i)t it't l - l 1 t, i o -'iof t ï ( 'I .1it. l 1 i ut t lIý li il ý pi f Ili, il i ii i--i tutt titi - 'it - Iti ritu tt- (i- t i - - t'i l "1- i t . ; - F i i t"' li-i il Lx t fi. 1 1, OP t Ii gr(t ui t tu L-- tt' I-t.-u. tt- tu'fil i i 1 lt - h t ho filui 1blt 3 i- i yt t- i\ tii .- u- j 2t. 'ln- îî-'t tnt lttu tit- t '-tîî fi tut îiti tii Iti' uiî~î' îuîî~ lîîtt lu-tii "'t-i-Ii .l--tt- 'iii' tti-i li:i htlt 1' i ' i - lit t i t" i N\ 11 1 ;.I t1 t- ..-1 i 1C0t i l,îttt. 1' ti t' he spirt P itut tL ut i t'the ,iu-rec'tiont t ii i t he i ( 1 111'ititit,1., 4.) Anud froinitis foi- - tefutdatiîîuîof a s'bcond greal tItl i-ltie tif intutuorality. Nut enlyl t - l -ii- iit'vexisteaice for tue spiriti t !iti ttl-] lic t1u f titis life bra ut o al j i~ ~ ~ ~~~b ' uIltCics i.faiîju rthie hope 1 t - -i i i (e 'foi-tc he'tabule nani. They i Ill i ppeatrcing cf tire Saxior, who shii-ie ipeik cecidlire dead i «Mil ii Iuitlimt ige the body of lot t lî'iîtî'î n. that it max' le con- ii-s'i iopes t0 (I 'lii-t tii afit tt- x iucii ias t tit"jotii a-ýil mton.r Anîmatecri il , tilt ti I tut oirttu ita -î'Ituiîoe for t11 1 r1t1011le Il lt tt - ttfflIvr ilficit "t 'unt'hut- 7,ut ttu' uf.t~ja tlî fTi lir 'Ir S- uta- 1m i i t frc I /-4 'i-t'--' - -- i~'ttt"tt 't- t -"'t ti.. i 't t t i i t ix i --t t t t i it ti 't" t iii I 'I i - ii -- - t t iii i i tii iii it - i ' -' ' Si-t-i Lt - --.-~ i-t t i <t -- 't t-i iii Lt tt t r ~' t Lu -'i - . t -~ o- I~L, BRr'k-tI v~? t. SUI'CEC~-r t Gi ut - S-' -" ' --'i t- Q11, -*O. -"cr l rt--t t- tt -i t ~ t tilt: ..i-rr v t r t h ,ut'v i, t t hi t' l i1tr r. f i i i t rt o-tt - i c C'lt Fi -lti os 0 - 11t. ' t r (:t l 'a t- N'L i i * ýý , 1 z ;1 il iiis'ifbu tr(1 îîtnu1utît n h N1 1 g t - op Mt i - ît M' lt. le t 1% t'c - Ild, :t't wr t t lte iat oi f 'iî trt tt atrota-- at t 'Ilttb tu-i-' t' i'i .î itti tt t ud1!tý)il- ut'ti rtttî,tw. saimiL5'w i'it tirtuh P. . g - tî ttc, IP tnd Il titilltets - t111:,ktt 'tuf li t y-v si' t-amm , or ( st l a titi'-utcir a- tue nor: burt Tht itripie t-ptit-u i Otane., corke l ; Ictt tu tti) lisd i-- Li uu îr tif Star- Mtu-iii' ttî,:tMil teck t a ' utii itpt'ci ut eot tuhy. thJe > ile aiep. was r-a lceiiti>- setu lia 't s t.'t tht-t is n vv e rnî. ciutir rLe- Hleipeci toSavee Ziip \)rca Hal Suli J'il1 1ý d Tho A cl - "i i lite tatvr ' - t uteaIt i 'ut i e u'ittan.l'-raiiil lite irdcîiîîît'otff li' t'itau-rt caote- Iîra ii 1ttkj i 1.11f oît f I llte tiic o t't ti tc- it ire wia-î-*u * Dturiuup t I liust, days tuti iuigirîIs of berrer h'cjîtttinl Air'tife plaVecilthe part cf an iuroitrî. Sic aîî11 t IVseiuertr- azd tirose at theo ptmps, btint tott ite(r tînt*r tui-o in tire <ffort, ho kcepl ic '.-,- t', ufilat.11 ruAir(,' v a s r'ids iut'xuaiai ýnd tire tiki-rf ber Ptleds tvcre olalai teci. 'oim melietrs o~f tifcrow. anly, Mafactu ThL. Creedes .H0w sweet VIe chdrne 0 Each one its creed ilt, ilr fe in xi. ut ia JW OI lui of roii fn zi làit rtfU Ci ti CYi SÃœNQ1OO LI world is borrowed f rom this huit. We SUNDAV hOOLIave here one of the many expressionsh D uu O 'whjch deelare the great scriptural truth R i h that Christ's death was a vicarjous sac- INTERLNATIONAL LES N. 11. r ile for sin. The sin-Ah tthe sins ofCe JANUAtLY S. 1905.ail the children of Adam. The atone- ment wvas complete, no one was Ief t r h e W ît e s s o f o h n t h B a tl s t o J e s s - o u t , b u t a l m a y b c s a v e d if t h e y w il l T h e W it es of J o n t e B pt st o es u -- a c c e p t th e p ro v isio n s m a d e. 3 0 . A fte r John L 19-34. me, etc.--Jesus cause after John in point Comrentry. I.Thetestmon ofof time, but he waï- preferred before himi JOhn -the Baptist (Vs. 19-28). 19, Tisin dignity and honor. XVas before me- te witness (R .-h e Tence seas This refers te Christ's pre-eternal exist- rhis V. h seteJone e. sence w hthe Father. 31. Kn'ew lira not 1%e y v-i -emi on' opl I tas not przviously acquainted with Jews-Thj neas te inJons gope, 1mand there has bcen no private col- ;oranl nensVh ppne'sy lusjion or arrang~ement betweea us. But Cyo e ssI nyi Dhrist. *"The Jews" are tio hira fot lis I elntai OC nyi felow countrymen, but the persecutors others think tha't as John was a cousin BrefsgonS9 lc nd nur ere s o ' he ess~ T e n m e of our L ord, hie m ust have been ac- s r e I s g o n s . B a f a, m re is bothe nsam.ef a seî.quainted with him, andthat the expres- grooers. )fea uae s bm the teraaou eof a sct.s sion lîcre mieaiis that he did not know RECEIVED THE HIGHEST AWA. Elleos thelways with tshaeeof men- him as to bis nature, office and mission ng.--Cam Bib. Priests and Levites- ar111I cone Jolrn bore declares that the CHINA C IN J PA 'l'le combination, tpriests and Levites' gra n flsîiîsr 'sntb___ lceurs e sew hero in the -N ew Testam ent, fr tu et o h iin isown na n b t to W LL P E N T A N W N AS O 'ogrether t-hev u-csîresent t-elie ierarchlv."foi cti i w aibtt 'lui8 wvns a delgte rrateSn -in a ke Chr-ist known to the Jcws. n. Who art thou-W'hat do youpr- 11 How Johin knew Jesus (vis. 32- 0F MANCHURIA B'r/ RUSSIA. e8s tô be? Do you assume to be th 34). 32. Bare r-ecord-,Johin now proceeds Bso,-ls.'e.2.TeAeia lessiah or are you -a prophet? t"T1v to tell how, foi-ty- two days bofore tuîis, ost o orMs. ec.ignh meia hiigs are plainly taugrht in tiis verse: at the tino of Christ's baptisr, le B ad o oeg Miss ions made public 41P ig the grct t seation caue learned that lie Nas the Messiah. I saw to-day a report frei its oldest mission- ohntheBapisýJsminsty. l'le byhr -il aý btIîied"-R. V. John had been ary in Japan, Rot'. D. C. Groeene, D. D., of the state, of expectation in v-hich the an eye-witness, and was not reportiflg Tokio, in wiic Dr. Green states that 'opi w'ee a tits bie."f rom hearsay. Lîke a dove-"That the ')0. NÇot the C hrllist- Thle forni of speech spirit of God shou d descend as a dove th r a e no v ,0 0 C i os st o t, i - tluis~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ i tes ttjlesavr' )sti- nt cct.ir.iiice with the emblenabloclîhiding 50() tuiiit.ar cadets, in Tokio un- nistakabhte assertion. \Ve Ihave in titis charart-of titi- ietuiranusaction. The der' the auaspices of tue Chinese (;D%-era- id te fceIjîawing terses an irnstrutive' - doeeii-(îre-int-,d anu ruitdefiiod( (S. of S.metan1,0moeith tyld- a i m p e f t i a i t i u i i î . o n u e 1 ; i . O . i a r i i i l e s s M a t t x , 1 6 ) , j ge n t l e , m n , ~ d I o u m r n t e c t a e st 'as aun oîiu-it salint cf (iod. î~-~ ito -ict-o nies; in ii u e stjjjt itiitiiir t1iuhe n ii.c iîleîîî cf peair.v (Ccii. viii. il) and Dr. C ccci-eftitlier stated tluat if one sus sliuke iiiizliix- cf lîlutu sce1Ma of beal tiI y h l-a iivi. 13). It was the should add te iioie fc u I i e- i l t Jpo-lk t-e . e tr ofc aîse t. iv ii i ttvtiiii iioffered in scri- s-ai proî-îîes cf lutinacttrrea re in ili- I l : Jt . 11d o 3i ).i 'et l i t e in e a .u ic e I t) ' ti ' L e ti ti î'tîi 1,1w . It w us, Ilk e e a r v n e ; o i i a t i r r i i 'Jlesaints li t ri nfot <iffit.-îît te tee tliat vitIi 1 ge ia e niu ) s)ri, ia lin i)f i Ilit-, ponce i1s5 ces ta0ie-ci d jLj)tl i .s i nett b st:îd lat a nt. I iti ý-jii', It i ll, at it 5iiîl îîîeii tt'iut o b- -lonil, in lit-r uu'îs - lia PI'e i ut a tietI,- te li -t1 i 111 (i0 lltuttlt bt 1 v, s -'likil i Ibhp îîpîl'îoîi as te ~ ~ . liit the t ' o:tt-t dcc utnofNtitliiattiltheliai-ttif fii r- ttti t 'i-' ~ii l 11 v. 'Mi1I-l t .,îîi iiL- ~Impt ttlicatintll ;-ttî ai ihat1 shtaiuir xttl i-t, lit i-t' i o o )r i utto ut'- t t ndii '~ j:').i t-iii -t -t it ji ii wor- a o - tI*1'iN'li s El JAI .II"lllil I-til, (Iirt il 1160 t e cltuali ttson th :,)oCao . nl ' il ' r t j u t -Jo n-: - o rec lt-si ilt, av- :"I.rdii- icv co f oî -ilc f n: -df ai îra1 td a gre t ut- t- ' t 'P e, i I1î t . e- pi- t - - w , ii tli tt iit t îii tit s îtî e rea t- i cases el t 1,11P ltnt-IltirO i\'f.îJorita:.v e Pciiru-apttel Tabeo t sr iai. Iiia ot:t 7 tis tr-t> bae a do1 w the f i 1i , j t v -'5 ui ' iV iý; ti ii il.0 L i - II ceý% a i me-rut. i i - t- - - ~ I.ie ix 'iv : ERli mlA' "110,1 CAP TAL. -' it tý i i Iti tkt 't0 t Es71: taba ona the Cas.tv !i tYt--),' - , . - ' ' i: r -r Lit1 r ct!c- aun Thtjr 'u t"-." Iýý' t- î t i -r- u t - ea d ca e o -'i t i i !.. I~ t'~~' tI.îi t - ft i -I'.ii-it.:tIiti ticuret elii1 1t 1ç',tir : iIl o:il t- .î s tt:u t eu tLei- re i tiL "I il' 'N-L;W t t t i' ' *tP î î' 'TAL' u t tcý,:y O t u t t 'j Il t u itli î t i i t-' i t tî t t i i -i L i i t i i ' t - r~']t 't'71 1ulie- L t i O r- ' t i t i i t tu it r; or s ' i l t i . A o W .A Oi (t l k. - r i t : V f r lit iii ht ' t flt O'. 'r 't r . - i a i cf t e - -a .- î.ýl , UISI-i- h- a;îittol b:a.relief in te i Ili 1 Il U t ai ' scur-il t tite"tu X J i ~-f ~ 'i' iiil 'lat.t'1 -la t ;t i Ilo li lutcOM M i'T ~STO DEAPPOINT-PD TOI lit i lt bzi- Vii' tià- ""t aot i!0 i(-",liitI ottif iti.iii tI a, k 1 ifrj1ý i1 ý tt: 1i l i iHGttt i tl tii 1 t IlI t e fiv.- 11 1 fis anani. 11111 e teFoprk Chalilitham Inubat\ o. i wihutor\ l ton cento wn etg of Icash uigl Octýa ob ler !905 huit iývr (i ofe I l1;titi , ;:\ "L.t i.i atît,1,.tis I îc itbaorsti anai nd rtt!i pre iadlix s short. lcit Boaînatit% "ýýi Ctxub psaa rod: ers ir. 1 tcvery n i hîrýiov ei-îirh t hie trIi at tit a t Ardli ar tîrood . litbu)t.a 1baior areai nc b o i o t rine cetIit t wtt. Iit! Th p ysfo isef im ý;ov r ef redi t ým . ct e ttbci ia"î' t i'ri' ra t r Yt. r. 'lle tiU. i,ýsIl(,a D i- 3 th -H(,a, , o NT, Leitfrod W s lf r a ht viltlt;ýi oi rSnddi in uFaîurer ýacf ChaThmetoy or or tirre o~arectbuit îso dand t1)rockrs ltl 4C oacîîr p oi rI'aîînn t li il - i li TII ît heî 1 txas ntien as -(f)(a) ctaii t' îl- ai thiltul tii ove--rt speral Io, s of te goitln îuac ers tund idiîtt-tsi ITitie ttp -t--'t-IF Ia ut'geoils. t-sp--cCi fttr lthe is-t lots cf Ébutceiîe' atnd is. .taltipitinir (-iitttecli] edt $45tea per ît. --iti une iltotarttwo icad.s bî itttt-i~t-- hur ta 1 a, terx lîîî:înul mfor the itest iîuett w'luit seuil aI $425 tle SI' tut t t-etoce fi'w broragit tii iri-slatis cf gooci sold ti t1310 -1t17tM umn nî tutat 12,75 te 812, a i vi-i n~~et r82 te $230lie r ctxt. ttv - ttir ii Ice offî-t.d. t lî1 î ot'tr t fchttwiitg 1prie -i-itv-..00!t) ta iMO> Usen. turp't-e 7 u-ç il î ta -ctI il t'- c 3 t at 9 t -v s -ld t- t 3 i f i l s i iii t i Cot' in -o i î-u' e(te lt i rS uV eu.tt. p ir it - ili .atj 4 liii ct andtti Iitui 3t y , fia -!.2 pur t' Cui", i3 P( t: li bt t ta -5cxt"po Ilit". Iaiii' i ta if lit-r Ituad7'tret' on Trade. is - i. t aO t cttît II [iît c t - i ut t- - i l ftictt- lfi- j.-; ii:u uit ~ r ~t Lu-lt' i-tetînite 't îlý Ilie ut ti i i S ip iti t -i-ts t l - ' îi i"lit .v tutti itîx -t tii t t ' ttht of the m -cai t tii-:~ ' L nht' T i- ti'. tiîl eu tr ar Ž'tetet. fcaii ti 'ît' te dryol.. n erq ý ltii- o- l~ît te. t.lie c- ;n t. ilttti '.ttt- v . ler>i-tt at- not'l'se kîkt tut'()I , îtn 1tir, ti t'i(ciO) i to iîretk ire VI ntut1litili s olair v con.Th la Li oe rut. cf vire i -lt-suuit itasu e a !-s ofIlro a\ies'ianil1Ila, vaceî re ;uît!st rti-. sand tle it t-t-e il , imp'ii"t tti-rît oiii 1 3nts tol i u. uhit otits tltcf risit st t îta at vies fcre in, i fle:iatn-dVneu tit. ) yc d. dept.ii e it ira- anas(lo ecul atilttttk'IîaIbas buw!t-gii- eac-l--aods i andlitas a acti ed a r 't'illfîuîiin - i ~-"~ a2~,-sast. - P. tos tPat floatttj dpipe A- sItaseog, P to-day,-11 eab 1be hi te s t't' t- f t. r".o- - pr ceth hr 'ý_É è;iiânîx me buslne5 >.avBu 30,hifg ia .y a Ultt-abu'.lirel'-asthe ,rois-' fi cloI >thane1Tb AU ng at 48 te c r-b Eh . Ots steacy,,tn sea ed eac Pa300 bushels wEM J at 3bc to 36e e t' - fulone. se le j ea pckets to pre - buse. M r tper,0 rsri a h 'kgMiedor RE N. By il laay aIs$gunc e, 'ih Oae f 30 been mobolized and sent to the fr k, Mixed or CREE N. By al ,. Ioads I $9 le aaion for timothy, and ~ sie o hi r~ ss t a u a$7to $8 for mlixed. Straw, P9 to ;10) ,R AI)GaD ton. - is not their latherland, and thatt] RDAN GLDEDAL AT ST. LOUIS. b re-ssed hogs are'- unchanged at $6.25 to $6.75, the latter for light.- prefer' to die in Poland .fightinig - - -Wheaî, aew, per buasil$ 1 00 to $ 1 011hibeity and independence, - te becoan Wagon read thnt winds up tlie face of blie Do,, reti, bushel .... .... oo to 1 01 food for Japanese ciannon. -i m ighty W al l f biais plateau. It js o ne D o., spring, bushel 0. . 95 to 1 00 I - o e t w s f 1a d 'f of the moat rein ~~Do,, gose, buslel.......O 88 10 884,, ltsret w s f P ln i--o -the world. aabe agnrds in Osîs, bushel .... ........35%.ho 0 36~ servists have thronh-i~ Rys, bushel .... ......... 75 to 0 00 front of trains Whicl ere, lb 'jns from teracete errceBarley, buasi..........O44 t10 O49 lt in s ron erac t t rrce Peas, bushel......... 0 Ï0 t , 00 lng their husbands to 8 'ussh blirougli deep culs in the rock, blireugli Bucîîwheat, bushel.......O56 tb 0- 6t been c-- naany tunnels, and aleng bbcth preciptous HaY, tinothy, per ton 09. OCtq 10 5S uthe ooics face of the W-ail whiere il lias beenDo.,n mixeti, per ton....7 00 t)tttW8 0) frduo ut cf the rock. At an>, points thie Seede-- pertarti..... ~ ~ o e s. At Gostnsf view for thousands Of square miles over Alsike, No. 1, bushel ,-.6 o to 7 25 thie coashal plain and sou, is surpassingiy Do., N'o. 2, buauol........ 5 _ îa gaven te decimabe, thL Do,, No, 3, bustiel ..4 Ou -t, 4 50 who refused te march,,'t beautiful. The read is wide enough for Red claver.........6 OC 10 7 0oenel Dzxvônskowski blew"rf wxagonîs te pass oe anotlier and a barrier Tinuoîhy...........I o t 1 33 of liewn bimbers lias been built aîong th rseihos........62 e 6 7j u nfot fbsmn outr cig wlervc sfeh rquied jAppes, per hbl........... to 2 50 Contrary te ths alleged or' ia oue Te raiload rein Msaxvah req eds - ggs, per dozea .. .......0 25 teo no Czar, f.-hers cf famiies and -i . 'l lie ail oad ro m M ass w ah é xte d s utter, dairy ... ... ........ ..O 19 te O 021 o Mfacatat, n t naluy m iles fro n bthe Do., ceamery-.... ... ...... 22 te Cr 26 wih fam iles are taken w ithoatt'~ ba e of the w ai, anci the., wN a 'o r a Chikens, spring, per lb 0. O09 te o 10 crirnination. One m an, on re~ 4~ froni \Ihucatat te Asî gona i frond. t~oDueks. per lb---------- 0 lote t0il marchn odragehith'-e si*", sfrytoTurkeys, per lb......... 14 teo r bngedrs age ist15er~ 'nl s l n , S tag s run dally over t use (albage, per doze nl.. ..... . 5 te 0 4, dren and then gave hi ns sf u p- to ýth rea(tiie lISS(1ýenr fat-e1ho smar h- otatces, per bag........ 80 to i OQ miiitary authorities wviblhite ramark ing' .I5. Tt taLjes seetîto oursfor Cauliflower, per dozon . O.. 75 tiio D)"r bieOto1,prLg-------bo e~ave, neonc w'ith whera teieav niuis atiax-tue citacites te) the top Celery, per drzen-------- 0 t O40tlenu." cf lthe jlt- freia ttlrî-eîot' smaca icef, hînduartprs------7 O0 te 8 Of) Antlier man nas sent for on the da isoi tleaaialaI lsat T)o. - focequarters------4 50 te 5 0-) cf bis wife's et. H thruo i Itie1n l "fdsa t o., choire, caccase .. . 6 î 7', te 7 uo e00 o teruo SItalt- ietfInd-to bue itlild 1 a a-oatî up te Do_, nel'ium. carrase . .5 5t) teo 6 DOokiiled both bis cluilcren, a girl ef tw - n a r Ib m - t' t e c ] i î - i e a x - n et h p M u t en , p e r cw t - - - - - - - - - 5 0 t e 6 ~-A x e a r s' , a n d a n c t x - b er a h o v , x i th h e-rid o vrs h vs i Lambe,1 per 7---------70 Ote 87"-0 liatchet, and placed then in hei crier-n-el s . a bprrt o î-o iit crsefii 'FI,' nvv aEuro eanLeadng W eat Mark ts.In another ca:se a man kilied bis wif( toi t. t 1h ico1 ilnsfocrlthe'-clte o 0Nc-w Ycrk.......ISt 12i10 bsc oi, iti îfottitI inel.o-i", -----------118 10 . iu iidren and hinself. tni i tîlîilie anti privte le L UIS- - - - - -- -a t I111.'.- - - !7at vc(7tvn Soî ie (tf th1 e - st fa rm in o, Dulutit. ... ... .. ... ...ii i. -F I E F R E E NU T i onlti fri r ~ r'rlawuax- foc a gp -tt naeapelis------------ 1 1 in iE-'tun~- emitiî l ).tirt f iel tI- Toronto Live Stock.- ral ciI - is stîi iirv at-e great iî<t'îl- PIr-îips tf iv îrk a tu it I a IN A DISASJ[ROU I E A CO M fipuitu-nI kLt-t vet-ci-75 ttronis )crîitcr'ethof 80l BUS, 0OHIO, TO-DAY. ttiS.134 lii-s. 1706 sielp anci lanais, Coiunabtus, Ohtio, Dec. '26.-Fice to-dat B Ã"R.GIAN POISSN POW 1ER. ti-tittilirut 50 aît-s, n j k f t- IL "MW 't' e,,. wozure urth cf prîîpernv 1 iasthebus. fir es district. andi in an ex',plosion dur CI. ' ing lthe fîre fit-e fcean eeinurs ,I ll T e flauaies saateci in tite Mýitirofi aui- ii bul inuu he ere.ir cf tihe'First f*tion- 4.90 ail Bank. The seconîl, tht-ci and, fourth fii oorsf, were ccupied as fiat-i.nrd fif- ttu iilies ce.sidc'd there, btut ail -ce fa ir resc eci. - 1 ur'The fire spccad le lite sIc res .4.Kcaus.s, Butier andci eniatas Cc ies one tsf lthe argezit car1set andci r to rs in Central Ohuio, andi thre" Wiie tihe fircrien xxere af ccthe seto.-ehfitor cf the --Il ti iîîîe iglv-t uas an explosion cf -c ei-utîeîî tter-e iflurOi, bttnoet rtiî Of thte total ioss, $50.000 a 1ît Mithoff btuilding and $100.000 cf istoc1 owned bl-t-Kraîtss andi Bt to c - METHODIST CASES. ut- 1 Appeais Heard Yesterday-One of Them -a Hamtilton Case. ti Toronto. Dec, 21L-Tlie Coutr cf Ap- fl pt.'al cf tire Metlodi:st Cliurch cf C ti adpe -ul(vrb Rv r arnian, afîcr tvosezos llai ;e 'eslev Build- tir urts, on Tues.I-t andi Wedaaesciax, gave irdet.-irions in tour cases subitîed for hau'gYur.-ýiut i rt Iiu-lit. tii 'Tle Nitiîuulu-tceeril conferenceira- a- poaîin . c oi iccpe cot. of the super- anirmuation î > hu-Maritime Prov- îîîcî'-i 3irctiestioned lthe legalilv cf Icoiifpi'-cian uuîîvt ina lirte lax, and en- il t ei uîclpail . tich le couit dis- ut fl'useti A ii iei-,tt.' in '_ewx Brun7,Nvick was e-ut n lu-uite of nbseonce bt- iis ceagi-e- Itn oa vtî,Sii, rt-ftorw-ards .uili' o--rti--:pt-îctl rk'. Tir? appeal j qe îuael il ttiaisecaistanding, and j 'ie rere--tet-tasfrotta tii-Ham-ilton i eeafee-ne l~tu-idilie cuîntiiao-ert fîînd t Cutnîîuittee iucolin - ot ait nllrî%-ncnte for t 'nît- in casec f deatitaiiiaiith ocha- v t: tPpii1-r Tii' at a tacganast IItsau*lion antid-- ii--i-l GRAND IRUNK PACIFIÇ. cGrand T runk Sha-eboiciers r-orrnaliy - Guarantee Issue cf Goid Bonds. r Lonlotini. Dc-,26.-A -rsecîi gouacvral of t]rtt fhee 3atd T si olt L:i-i-t-iiior '-tas lelci ho cia-cfoc tîte par. 0 Wý fsiet )in-adco'nfirna n t T i i i k l a c if ic p a s e il b x th e d ir e c t o s th lu-Nt-au io aeeî iitg. After sorns c ? c-ti-x'juthe lie oiciîtn tuas enfirniec. Loilon, Dec. 2- I(Associa ted Press Betuitcla,~îî asîsciai meeting to-day cf Ilte slaarebaiiecs tif the Grand Tunk reside-deiter htt',-Sir Charles tee i sîe 1.fi Olfour 'per cent. 1 u'î l'orîul; fer tlie colrstruclion of the La.ite SaaqpM'-icr branch cf tht' rond. BOG SLIDE IN IRELAND. Farm HFouses Inandated by Moving .Marsh-Inhabi tantbs Fiee. Dtublin, Dec. 2 : bog calamity is repocteci front Castlereagh, Roscemmon Yi M exas o Ioandi, inw-hich inucli pcopet--y lias, hicen destros-ed andcimany lives xvece piaccîl in danger. The beg at ('leonshievier suddenly begran te move duaing fii- î , , 'î;n-It botariad covereci an area of three-c . lors cf a mile tvhidh lad iîithe-ton dYx-groundc. q Aýil the facin lbouses in the pabh of tie slitie w-ose srabmer-7ed and the occu- patIbai te fiee for tiat-ir lives. leavingr cil1 Iheir leoagttabeiid thein. .0 Dec hereal -1 V. ýý - -, lýý WOMA-li AT 1 HE It Causes 1Peope to Stagger and to Faint. -t- Viik. )i ;. .A spo-t] h te Suui ft til !aî-i-- 'it -Mt. G(kn ans-al J eal olinfilcci c t-I toi. ( lii'ii ode li-i it tle I tr Hýa r'i i -r, N lt il e itl t-!ltît* i i tttil let! "r Nii iiliitl iiil. iai f i i n il'- i t t t i ' lie 1V erd ia ~ ~ i! îtr t' iiio bitutî i t i : t .,t uti . 1-f ti i ; i -yV lil i ent 1 ini

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