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Whitby Keystone, 9 Mar 1905, p. 1

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4. -' .. ' i . . . g' 4"' g i '. clearing.Sale. ,l induceménts to'~ Parlorshoppers. Diniing Room Sets Bcd Iloorn Sets Fancy Chairs and Rockers tjLadies> Secretaries, 'Morris and wire f tack easy Chairs, Spring Beds and ~'. attasse, Sre'.ý~, Carpet Sweepers, Window Shad' And ýa store dtl! of useful Christ- mas presents, etc., ete. AT SENSATIOINAI. PRICES A Icllsolicited. WM. TILL, & ý0N* Vol 11-9 WHITBY, ONTARI09 THURSDAY, CD c. 5) feet 6 in.h. 6 feei. wrde, in . tdeep. Price $20 TeBenneft Mfg. Co. s~* ~j1V ~ Q The Pickering, ont. iVAROR 99 1905 No. 39 The Keystone THE 'NEW COUNTY PAPER wxýir .4. 14tt,' 1 11,ih'.'j4.1, i. l rt-t 'i :!j , iil'i 14 414h 1u ' Su i. -p i. h i ce -14 1 :i ix..î - h tii t t>Ii inn i . " Ra. t es i,- CA. iOODFELLOW, Oit I. RAILWAY TIME TABLE. 44 fit lit'> t i "t "r' '4, 't 44'. -<t - "i îî ît..h'i. !h '-i 52" iii. " 7 "4 t> lii. -'4i'i41.I> " '4 xiliI T),' ST " 4N'h>. lit. - - "i W .. Il. 't I 1t - 4 t ru.. hi' i Inii ' .x u ' r '.PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dr. 1ern LEGriL Dow %; . cGZIvray t '1 i ~ Il 4 '1; , 1.1il t:W Joh'n E. F'arew.elU. M. C., JN TA L Vv. Adams Dr. jas. B. Johinstone Dcn i. - 1. 11- -l Cf'ý -i 1),tA,... r r i , 'tî: Llit.ii. CHWRCH D1FECTORY. 'Preshyterian Church. i'ti 0 -. 1) .M ut I4 M1etho<dist Tabernacle. kAll Saints' Chiurch, Anglican n tu ici " t . "îîî ' '.r. "i'î': iijiri P ri \ '.'.7 tvil q i. t.> 1p h) St. Jouin's Church, Anglican. MtR. IL. ('.. 11'1117'1 1 UDr'! ItNT IN t'uAî:t;E. sih i 'r 1 .1.i l]. an ' .' 1.iti 1 t. i f, t I I Baptist Church. sa- batlttair Se'ntie- Il . III. and! 7 I. rl]. "siliiiiiy iday ev&'.rirg a* ti St. John's Charch, R.C. PARISIf i>IIST, liEV>. FATI'R O'MALLEY. sabbath rvr'e>--ilar. aild il a.in. 'aiternateiy. à)unjdayv Selhoul at 3 vi. Meeting of Town Council. It was S.î.i5 coln Monday nigh't wherî tho morubers 'of GUmucîel gatlîeret aroulid the table Ili tie charuber. May- tir Robsîr was absent, andi Messrs. Hew. is arid Iarpierîîov'etl that Mr. Lawler take the chanir. M~-r Lawier aind Harper n'1ovuth at M t'. ( '.olIwili take tho eh-, r'. Th i 1i ni1iîc i l ierit wa:î lst, theî motion'r C.LrriI "Iii>' n ttt -' S v -e nd al nid appriox'>td. Ti)îe CanIail i irr'Ut>ar itesW't re thte re potrt i fa 1 11:141ru-at~l theni thaît the irita...> pi pe'.of the wa.ter 54'Stumri tiltit î'ti'.1tr'ts Tho si t lie, lid %' 1111: f'a uet a ahl ih d i l r i ii4 O> li c i .îtt ".. ptî".cîî .fo-<.iî a i L oira' ai ap.v J~~~~~~~~ 74i i'î '>'.t i 'lii>'. î' 'ara Iu i.4 t it Ici. .'.. lu t>'. 'tut 'i ci 'tîi L.t tiwî tii 4 4v u., k 'il t t."lai, îI'. x. r tut 't".t ia ii c' ttî > 'uiiîi '1. tt T- 1 1 t t aî'î in >' otc t g t \\t-tî i ' - Ilii'. 1)4'ii!t 'Wli 0litîca l NI r. i al1 1 ll ti r-1 tt1"tu -- i i 1 i 1i'.> pu>T )I.'au-v'u n i-t> iy.tt .tt. po>t'îA'a rt,'i ' ' l..ft..rt 'f ti Nu.. I'.îx'cu î"î:î'I rrî Ii. 'ti'. it'ti y Pta y>itOu H .îiiî îtî bu- pu iu heu-evîs~tietta mc'friut su d )fcar teJIîîrtin tak-tio>. 1 e owii ais 1,ser a: IavîfirusIlt i~net thetownî'. bu-y wu-'e ver teu' teis ntI clign'. 1) owi r'. Jacksoi the sattt'>'>'n I-smîow thet ieasplt A d r igbt serie'. %vl 1)rputinaks'th ecptniitationr' Ccl- iii, nieeil t t t ie e het'. Tht the Niaer te tirs.Truhei to cvey ctue teirand obcfthtienclgth rn M.rik'r.ai'., f r dthe "e' ton t asn- nil ier o vimctii te in pleti witiîte ' tjuest cf the Cottnicil foir "Il i iproved. fr'eigbit servi-e, aîisîte reniinid thern that the etîgilre 'f Itie trrtui trainx often standtsunîier tlho Urttck street bridge forh aIL Colisiilerale tinre, tbus ipedtng traf - ic over tuie bridge. Mr. Jackson referred to the trouble '>ith the ivater systen, and rmade in- quiry if the Mayeor, who is by virtue cf bis ofice a miember of the corfnmi'.slonî, Mr. Sim,,son Rennie on Sugar sbouid not be roitied of any mieetings of the commission, andi aise ho imade ae-s var2e cf and be a paî'ty te il business transacted. The Mayor had itiforined At a recent srrber't rîteetinLýiai Mi'r. Jackson that le lhad net been ealledj Hurori Cîîrnty. M' itr £.r> ennie upi)I to attend anv nmeetig cf the coin'. gave anin nterest:ng taik on the".>cultiv'a miîssîin 1tuebis niectiori, andi %vas udà.a btin ttf the Ucet. ware thait Lrgr.rîeer iSpeakian v"...s iM Mr. Rlii ie.utii hsiitr-tigt tmîx'.i last iVeek anid mîet, w th tht.- tthe'r rex'.ew'ed riuîtely tit. liîprtr':t>nrt peinits ('t'ifliSotS M r. '1 - A'ulî oietî vti tue -'.e!tiî1iof stil. IL. oiliî'i f 'ictl t ."liII.SSI0,ii lt. an itliat cr'op, sîeîîri, [ihîiîng'. riL ti>l tii t1i>. i.4i.ritil4i M 4411theiî bu abl.ie t', get ia'xeti' ii:i tir.. îîaco: froîn thre Mav-xr, AS> it i. x"- . h. (Io>.'.. i o, îii." î.k1 J, "itti.>o't flt't hr<,n"ttîxtf ilihitAt tii>' ai ori t ti a cri t>lî44 arî" cix ci "', Ne'. Al' 'ci. T v.te .-.11( a1 e ' t' cri' t 4 tt"'h u r- T!p '.hitiuiiî i î i n 'iii.î. n te b stai .t andî K tw-".l'. i ll'p Beefs, Bugs and Hard Boiled Eggs. PLC, -) tý I ' ni l'ic '. j t;Lil4. ' t1 ' f < 44' il i' i . i c 'I 'i'. t uit.~141.,l'it t'..4 4444 lit 'îý4tIi . il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 'l.ii tli. ti-'i '-. i i l,.t"'imi"ja i t 1.'t cnt w. pu 1 , e t > Ht . :.,' S li 14 .4 t i t'. IIi xxi'the tl i 41~.4>it î b' i 'trîidt 1,,Iî. u ti ti(. liv iiii',4 ng t.i x tl>îe )I g, '. th' attir' jil u iii h' i u 1.'.t- a f liîri g jut (tiut as ithiitî triLili'urati.'i-ca' itii>'.î oi. vhiii hS r M t' t4Iltthui wa n ii'..-C i t>. b'> uni i'elîiriiOftii-_ uar i; :21>7btthe h: "t" A. 41 5 n 114"' t t i' 4't -sIl)t tii trtt' utii the ld t- hi h>'ti','4 i t - raîr'..t. fî'. ' aiiei i--tt: . t hw e uu'i 4' the\> Nwlta'-ift îil it '.i 4't i 1 îl.4 11' thi7hi iitu- it rî" atîi4iathe t'fa o opI'i'.' tii tr uc". -îr.l oi ug>> 1,7, tIit', ,t e i ct1 iiith re t'. u îtg t.> ' Fr- t,'.1e i ipO hiejil is :11) r tre g tt I-ri 1til s , )Intetu ildt aMe- r'. n iashita en i ' 4 -en'. ndtt j>aI '.'.i >'ti i St.'.h t il i l e a T I)rtte ' 1, f t i atl netir uu- cinc, I rebicb anst otle lie aii chn cf thePotudcennti ra-ne fiovt nafînyfinale that a In bthe nieng t1e a ha ppv neti. Baby Eczeman '.M-'. riargliter '4a-s tticted wii ttic'.- nma fronni xx'i nt]ree veeks oid. Iler eri- tire face anîd Ieail. '>ere r-awN, and she w'tas ia.xful <is tres-s. Wben ulectors failed w-e 1itran the tise cfI Dr. Chase*sOintient whjehi lias completeiy cured anti she bas inever liad the ieast synnpt>nnîof tire troub!e smue."M.PATRICE S-ULLýI t Wellantl Ave., St. Catharines, Ont. t'o îthuoc ' y r"t t ce svt t i t' !xtil h4pu e t) Jeuat, t iid . v 'iv iter Uung, ' i ' .a'lt' 'h : ' t-""i d t ~ 2 h >. il 4'4"It . >. iî e r. 4~~1 1 e';-"tt.1t! itîn te> t-tîîa îi î-!T, t o..'1 -xu'rîl'>-> trL i b it i i..tui' ait x so i t. t tuili t' t(Iil'. sîirfacto si '.îîichi ut> .î bixvigr Cort x't'i t uw tub lii'mitt' "'. ,r -n i h tu-l t rtht at ili ri. riai î. tiiit. ie t'.ni-e n t-i 1'> u ta11i;'le if t Iltihri, r. wh l 1 ltlit.u ar ii' ' inthuil"2 W t i î;tbh -.ýf'. c ic t1tiaisrg 1;v 'ta t' 1' ai'- in> thbil rau ttatcuI iiis.: 4 - i I' t 'i- >ti i a..t>ut>' oftt. aril a' it. i1, . fir ) 1t - t 1' i i >f t1 t ii t 'la t i . ' tg iithili, ( I utt.ttt a'.s 'tiii.-, aittt-' r: rs t uîu-v-îi tpu- f > 'îrs rîv )w îA t c't' ' 1 t 1 l t' x i l,a Iaii 14'.tiut lbe rlit h i f f lai tLSL1rtth.'s îl *>tt.t rt' am i îinî>itt-s a> t re tgit' l i 1rt,'eitair i 1>14'.p lii al*t itî H 'x'.tic. uii l t' > tihe e'>' x.îîU ctlîist-t te >iiir tut bu-st"irrte -o'am ui-w' mucir f tue iace i>etvau-enî theofroîî. ci tlvepttffi s ix e h ix iîns betwt- suie Ilitgiveof a spa'te ffop.1 t. Mhe.beiveen the nsri.xv tat forth(a Mr E owitlegn' 1]ii1t.eferintcete th Renie ,(lthepliltif et iii">,st>amis qtuite ofitde sas ouf ils hiî e rrso more' he qetion Mas.asel b'>- NIr. Uer'.A isph ofetrnbuie ts wr irti 4411 it.l, theich let.i e nuintcstiiîgr t.liscussion abou whcbiseve r teck epr'. onas inhste on thuee r, thattho beeta deepg ee teietral ie Vbf hn vettedis f eteh astive onfsou, xhe te tuî-ipa surfdace fieeder rdmoreen wnispuiwed, ibes cosieral arderi n wlnti. oaiineetllc isuso 31r. Geo. H. \V liite,wlio grew between 2 rda cres of beets latst y ear, said;,, "1 1klze tthe cro1>. it gav-e rme ;ery lîttie 1110re ~ okthiîaî an oj'rdnrvyrooit cîop, an"d 1 i'rinsiîler îîalin e '.cer-y ruch bet- 0 ter, 1 rec>'ived bar2k20> tons of pulp, wiclîoIonrsider ai> excellent succulent for -stoî-k. Whe.rîi t ivas irisheti and 1 . ~ r u ç ~ rin r htgîn "ed:îgmni uî1t te Iny rnlk _ *UOI>'S, 1-zII(i dj îtthe foi.] p.1111ik ti lD% e- o '.'i't-a.ScL- a: I'.'ist -:n thîî'x. I amn a tiJ fied xvitiî îcts. ;t i],, I 1 î'>i f)'ctt.'.tt'. iilthe pinio îiî'u' tt'î . iiî'.î i 'r. E ltiîe lit fIn,-' i. î i '",4 t'î'!î'tiue Fro?~ ~ a bThw d ~GO TO Tii :;rl tý)v J £î .the 0 t s- the fil i tlt i<, bu1idM . l. t'Irt"' i t cr>l li s h f f he -.. an ii u"'-' lii tu ->th'ule rîa t'q hior Mi î"':-htirfr2t 04'4 4' i.-y tit' u, met r--vs wtCi' tti t1u' ti t.. ltrv ý )1 t r rta'. uit' -îf'îc', and> "I. l iiu- il' ti- --tit vacrtrt' ant '- his 'nu iii Frta tt.--.thtt ille'4.îse 11- rthL'>t liait.- ie.tiii'-evril,,)ptheijb.an tut' 11 .r uxvx it tire t'igirîeer amîi t'>nirti-.ijîî-r rtinae i'esulitit'iix'ourk ((i S1tiîrîi'.î;' ttrltîin the tire engr.e '>vas tuikêi oit arttl f jr ai tu r tir two îtîiuii'.ii xvatt.-i'tutLtire Rinlg Buts'. xii, thtta'.tthiîe vi">, tCqdne uolr ,'iýttrtii'lxii, ilb» gitit tîut tue xvatt'.i' scr- i tîrtit I>-s. >.'tiik0î tu e i"enlt £areur'- 'i*lc'. Of the t r'tii le. High School Entrance Class. ileie'. k sgivît-î lthe standuiig iÏ f the pup1>1' ')f t ire i-rrti'umnice ciss, lHtenry Stree'ut s('11001, as tletennumiieti l'y '>'itteiî î'.x;tilrtitîit Iîî-I id urr'.ang the p-It itie x'>'u-t'.ics ier-i'.i u ir t '> i r Intir e ciuss, ' ti 1e tf tix 4-t.- UsO\V l u t f in'.uguI t' r in tIi r i ttî î~ ire t a ttýiUil>- relative ki Standi>ingi t'îî i î î' ic' rUp;i - att.'îl utri i. 0111Y E 'I S i r'At-t-att'. Gruice \>'taram, :'ti Ht"lu-na iiarciay, 5t ErtiesIt'U)i.trnack. a'If DuLrrier-Nu-ill, 4 Be-rt t i nus. 49. 4 Nu-Hie Buihm>, 49.4 lierrice Meidi'uîti 47.4 Clarencre Raim. 47.1 - Cias.Calvu-ru-, 47 Liiliaiî Tbcin psuî 1, 4..) Florenc- Walker, 45. 1 Albert Waik-r, 4.5 L1771(3ie S>wdon 4 4.2 Carrne Newuport, 44 ('bas. Moîvat, 43t En'iiiy McPtîearso'i, :34.5 Lillie Pautgett, 128 Notice of Dissolution of Partner-' ship. NÇotice is hereby given tiîat the Part- t tîurship hu-retofere existing between the unt.ersignet as Insuratîce Agents under' the nane anti style cf Richardson k, Co., bas this day been dissolved by mutual! consent. Dated the 2nd dlay of March 1905. Witness H-. B. WILLINt; J-,o. BALL Dow W. J. H. R'CHÂîDSON. To whii l xi v ' -c Wu "a ~tîi. XV>do Jdl 4i illlt i t'<vi:n .a piuiue xv'*ii*I t>1up )11- i t l)!",ot ~t fuileaetl ? À:t k NICHOLSON & SELDON Farmers eurn 1- 'ick, Cl-} @îal TI i( 'i- IX t. t t( li t, to tm i -elin n pio b XX e î"iilv lýii<1.-(on1 l iidl M N. - To Learn Easily, t juickiy andi coi-rectlx-, standiard iet.ucational works are necess- To Save Money 'F on such purchasesit is niece"îsrr-y t o buy them at. Riehardson'sý. Our- ;tock of Sehool Books,, Oicee and Societ'Stationery cov-j ers everv known nake. ('orne ini anti look at our oflerings. Have you played the hatesù aaa hile 'ore. W. J.H. Riochardson Brock Street, WHIT.1: E - _______________________________ _March Sensat4ona' 4/- 1. '/

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