ANimALa' WANDERUiGS. Preached t Cowby.noutry -Mouse and Town Moue Fable _______________ j a8 Foimdation iniFact. /~Ii z:. :*e*e*e 00090 ------ The fable of the country mouse and c0'r ewa ntelaro h a de men Mxce occasionaUiy mîgrate inilarge un Motherle3s. of tne West, remarked the Roi'. W. îï. iers Whien fooci growé scarce, ana travel 'Twas easy just to pass hlm by Wheeier, formeriy pastor here of the Meth- cosîsiclerable distances to fresti houses îlewassoama], o ery~maf~odist h!piscopal Church (South), to a Galla- 1tarmes in a part of Perthshire hada lXrgettlng hie was there;an rwy1cuala tsho iatc hnacupefer gv But tlogh oc iigt ethlg h senle flght whien necessary te enforce peace et swarmis o1 mice inivaded tercrfed Of intereat to be- meeting. Loa Cerrilios, N. M., inIi i3 and tercrfi Ûne heart had loved hin i wth a love L884, was a tewn of about .,OO atrenuouls at harvest tinie. As boundless as the sea. Inhabîtants, most of whom Sfla'4 i.j-.,4. But the mouse only travels when it whata peacer ookd lke iliJ rmehas Vo. The rat, on the contrary, seems Ile was se poor, so very poor, Tto take a yearsaloutsng, in very mucli That new, since she had dled i four heurs a day, including Suiîday. 1IL0tk eryotni eymc lie seenied a tiny, threadbare coati, chartered a achoolhouse for services and the sanie f ashion as do human beings. With nothing muchi Inside; began te get acqualnted. Among my tiret Rats are the most migratory creatures in Blut, ah! e treasure Lie cencealed, r friands were the proprietors of the two the world. Troops of rats k.-ave the And asked of none relief; saloons. The cowbows would ride ln on A niigflty growli-up grief. oft tese occasions, 1 was Passing dOwn a month or two ia the country, appar- -From - Mine and'hine, by Florence Main street and 1 receive.! a buliet biob e 4 re oej> h hneo En rie Coates. threugh my bat. I teok it off, examined it ntlyinodrt jyth cage f adwent on. A justice suggested- tiat 1 food which the country affords at that Tempttion.might swear out a warrant, but I told hlm time of the year in the way OfE fresh Temtaion jit was an old bat, snd 1 dldn't care about fruit and grain. Before the cold wea- (\ý1-itei fo tie Tiiiî.)going te law over trifles. Semehow tihe hrstinhe aealbak gi n (\Vrittîi forCie 'Iîxiet. men began te evînce a sert of aesuî-thrssluhyaeaibck ganu Like 1(iot, teiI)ptaui i sou(, ofthtle tory Interest ln the services. They wonid their old quarters. givaten-i Lliuiîe' t Nýîuik init1itis world. alwys bi their guns aleng, but would Redermgtewhtesaerg- steiî' llooili' il it nw-seededhont'eom durlng meeting. I nevai' idermgae-wt h sm eu ilcuiie iitoou- llo %ithth k-o%'l-suoeeedingetting more than four mem- larit>' as swallows. They ruove south etigt- t(A good anîd e\11, anîd k'a'es. onlv- bers, but the congregamions were fair. when winter sets in, but as soon as ever \xîeî uc aie b'ei1the reali tif the -1 remember one day during servltoes. the snow begins to meit they travel Teliit .tiliIl i',lfisno sn there was a littIe commotion ln the beck taiynrhsoemsfras uh leîîîlter. 1eîî1tt~tîni o iend. NA taîl feiiew, Stewart by namne, Who tdi>nohs etmsfra nuh lkut jaît t of euriiîzaritv, anid caille ini a hiad a spleridid record as a dead shet, aro.ýe as a thousand miles. liii Ite it We nfuîlt eoîIIiîieiiîd te the per- and said: To end a holiday by deliberate suicide li t.( ain. It in i uic wstngNe are 11,just stop a minuta. parson, ifyon . burng linmno ht o liîîîi, ucii devei~i, malluîîie. N ot alwalVs 'Thon ho a.nd another man led a LÀellow out. long time naturalists looked upon the ;lilt i uicîu,. <le lie on the lîighrlts Presently they returned. stories of the migration of the lemmnigs î'JpIli 1 s oi iie~ ~.xI(t iu n tise - 'Ail right bt 'her,' sajd Stewart; 'Tom'a as an improbable fiction. Yet the faets ý1,l;lu o rý 1l1 ust drunit a litle, but lie went botiser you a~~~ ~~ îlu ilîîîi;tî, :lt;: aIl tue sny more.' are be ond dispute. At irregular inter- a iejs (if ieîîtr.. tt grief. 'ie sur- 'They had taken hlm acroste the tavern vals t ese ratt-like crestures start out i n îîtîils; ini.iltatiiig tIieniI%-,evea jto an.! lecked hlm up lu bis room. from their homes in the fastnesses cf îely î'celiti Minig so sub Î>t.W. E. te is eue of the most despoi'- -rten Scandînavia in huge droves, iii lemisits, vadiilit reigiiC4çLCz sin and sald he wanted te ha steward. numbering, tens of thc'asandls, and travel ililt tliq.! iK ii' aniuet cf lirglt. Eveliîlove, 'Steward!' 1 exclaimed. 'Wlhat would a st.eadily southward. Death pursues theni C steward do?' t1iti gîîltitî tilireadtiait biiiigitel ii tue Why.- ho sald, 'ait ln the amen corner in a hundred forms. 11aà wks and other il (. îtîtiy hettnivt' lie greatest anud an' take up the collection. Give me the job, bîrds o! prey hover above theni. Thous- tile L te'iiitltion tif a!l, espteialliv soîarson, an' yeu'Il L nd a healtliy ante iu tiselands are drowned in rivers. Yet the il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý i'1î.' i uy tleiîed h plate every Sunday.'aead. lewsn rest strugo -, on until they reach the i ii kiiittti i~ îlvl httenes. X'eproud of bis jobi as he couid have been sa hyd o tp hypug liîi4uilit dieîaate when Nvje are over a brand new Winchester. The col- in, swim out and struggle on until at vivî,ex i Iif. liko NIvc'. setin'.the lections were made ln bis piratical look- last their streugth fails aind they drown. Iug sombrero, and lie always got recuits. o n vrrtrsfrmti ore . Jiw.Ivî~lies andl lips deciare w-c know i could bear bis lhoarse wblsper as lie wout Notoeee eun rmti ore 111iltît lii thbittie î of ienîîîise and o pwte pew: t h' sy fao! deathi-London Answ'ers. 91-4 if ill teai' irîclitfruit . 1liou-gh in -t amu 'ou, sliell out!' h'd--aiIf- lii~i! .we aitre îîz ffw worsblipper didn't show a disposition te con- What is a Patent Medicine? llis t lt -i't I i \\,,!() aii i hndl 'Sometimes a man wnuld tlirow le a The establ'tsliment of a proprietary till(ti lijil lr -'in 'i'ii,' , ro s I,) ep ldîme or a quarter, and if my steward didn't Medicine business differs in this from lovu li caliliot rliai. a1 lu iii-'nlit 1tbinit12e had put up as the Lord lied pros- ti aigo abtpe The last 1pered hlm. lie'd reacli signlflcftntly ta-te aigoarbi p. s i' u Le t\\0 î .Ui 'ward Ilus hip pocket and wuîispiir sometbing thine' nGt the irsi ogtyu e oliq, li ltî'iîu . ilxit 0 11111- if otîlu that i esuIted ln a material addition te the .efirt, el ou ei i <tit itii. 'x teftî' ichae hr1i reeu. Collections liy tiese tew- cine. Cet it froun a book, get it frem t-I- Ifo fiîgi tîîi--.i ti ~ ard'selesuasive system wero always good, any doctor, get it out of your own head. Pek uhbetrta v ee idte since Jt nakes little difference. Not long ago 'i-iIg l<h--.t1 isIl lt I cii pî - ireturned te m issouri, and lie uncontest tmi-il br om uh aea xi , ofn.ili ti ii' iii a 1iii a\v bly demoustrated bits ntuess for the office. atni bciboesneuc nmes uxi. One day the preslding eider notif icd Elixir of Pep.iîî1" became very popular fi( 'i ithei- ii tu îint~ e e was coming te Los Gerrîllos. I ktiCw in the îriddle vet. One of the laroe loir-ti iiii1h- ., i ii iiiIïove iii car Ihe lied neyer liecu up agaînst tneesort Of iiiili v 'iitiîxi A'-iric-îi t-ti emoral atmospliere that blew over our i'511ey, 1înanuf; . ctîrers cf pepsin thought hle saw îîî:t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n 1 ibt,-.Fs- -iiîn- i'sdilustled nround ta get tblngs lu shSiYe a Possible mairket and sent an agent to for a serlous-minided shepherd wio Imicut the imakers cf the Elixir. "Good"Lord!" -lii tf lrîlt i -i- i-:-I tii.ui'lunet appreciate the liroad spirit et the cîtizenls. t.bev extl-iated.'wliat do we want of foi ti, wl SIIItII llit Iltoi 1e\ f W i ii <i' I went ftrst to 11:11 aud ike." wlie rau, lii I jî f j. ~it< ~, i ~ thle two saloons snd poker rooma. sud pepsin? We don't use a grain o! it." IýiI l ls v iil -voetliibid: -Die preuparation coutaîns ne honey," I'i li11lt't., iiIpi;ivt\:tut - lte boss 1t- comlng over te pl'eai-Xr t laass c eti Hi i il .v. ISuuday. sadia d'aserler feel gaod if YOU rt'lYur t dflt rals facrti Hr rellows tuosed up durîng services sud coime ('rearon." bii i i - prohabiy machi more ioutt witli scur fainilies. - valtiable than if it did."-Frani ltslie's A Helpful Life. - The twa nx.en e>yel each allier curleuslY \laeazi'ue for Mri oui o ca minute, sud 11111 aid. as lie bit bis big ýiiI.xiii lex's \r, tii- î annd if t donit de it, parsel 'W'lat Miniard's Liniment for sale everywbere. v, lit) xias, liixj~'- u - I n~ s -ou, ite?' lc, "u ' t ti ot 1.1 t1 g..g i'tx i uxx u tiî' mn -inî enst lge. The Fîrst Artificial Flovets. I i'it ~ii' iii îe'-i ~i. (- e ~. Tîe; e I)othttih-'re, cdean stiaven su lui¶ i.ît se i îîît iîî; e '-'ii prlniped iUp like dandies. Every seat was Fasion is respoiîsie for manv in- uilýt she. i i s i.. it' ý acurpied> and the steward made a collectionThsi tecevhte'n - 1:1.-t i : PI tîe w I"0t t it ( A itini proud. After the meet- Sitin.lîsNtt'cs îbtemn I!l ui, t lng was oser ttîe eider told ite lie lied neyer <faituire o! tirtifiejal iflow .ers, for their tt: i i j ii i i txlr"sŽda lit-er bt'haxPd or more at- îeind îxxas <(lie te e1iie cf fashien. -'Illoglt tendtve rd lie added the opinion tba*t i Ili Ita iv 1lurilt.ite I ultime it was de- fatk; li o ii:tlt t' iII lariiiN ks i ý 5't 'I- the reports- af lawle'ssuesl eut our WIYt cy -I iilks ii ( -.i t i t iiiio were qret'tyoverrated. A commttee of tt'i ia t fi iii ir-t shiiî d he worrn lu and li i ri x ' iit-'i, the b-t citizeri, ualonkeepersiliarteni- out of titeir «-(xM.i01t ailtultiat tlîeir celer i~~~~~~~~~~ f h"ii i i '.- u i - rs, roker 'a'S and others arcompanid sîîillt ttiii.~iu ln o cv t f 1;1t, ~h t S-, b; . ote "detiat huenext day sd gave iim sh îlis vetzo . pasio o r" x vi M;i i i'. eta ý(nulltii icîdsee it tici;i.--lanuit ula-"tsion re flt htupon tlîe idea if -o ill 4-1 1,ti"tin.t IlleiuinxetiSei. Nitbiu ten minutes aIt r etofî-a--il -~ ~~~!1 Su't(ii u-io xlixi 11t ' iitl'e îbis train uad gor.e the card tables sud bars iwhd oilr-îibî u elfoes iitg. iniî'fs ii ii itiiîîpntiiîi. tî. t-reii fI ui aaircit te Watrous, 1 ater, in tlit-ii-îicldle ages. the artificial :11)(1x II 1uti i i l;t t l id l-i iirm ' ly xIstted Los Cr- -o far sîîper-eil1ed lte itatuîrat that botlî 1I t , I ll-(iii 1 t ' Il i i-i t f ue c - t fv t'r [ira.vui-t:i ' i - >titt \.so f uuJ.x't to plu'e c(Tati tiun-.- t1ti juttitOe hi- cilii ýidîgiot. Miuyn%,a feilox ili-s heen îcad inii boe, bltît as cotinét~ o ifi- tugaun. Man v amanuî las 1weu puiled dosvn from tr-ying te keep ap appeaances. At the'sgt'etf 15 aman's c'isracter shoîid be ither !oruncd on re!uruîcd. The' man svho is stuîck ou himseif is never at a lose for good conpauy. Tht' wousan si-lu is aiways lookîng for bargalus, deserves to manry a tuais who is lu reduced circuinstalîces. INIMJRAI[ FIBRE WAI Thiere ta nothiug in the awket apl the qualty o1 WEDDYVee mak. of thLs vam. Pm.tisat EDDY' s m th. bous.. of «ach pail &ad tub D RE~ L I Every Two Minutes Physicians tell us that al the bl1o od in a healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be- cornes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood ; Scott's Emulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why SCOTT'S EMULSION is such a great aid is because it passes so quickly into the blood. It is partdy di- gested before it enters the stomach; a double advan- tage in this. Less work for the stomach; quicker and more direct benefits. To get the gyreatest amount of good with the least pos- sible effort is the desire of everyone in poor health. Scott's. Emulsion does just that. A change for the better takes place even bc- fore you expect it. We wiII tend you a $amnple free. Be cure that this picture in the formn of a label is on the wrap- per of every bordle of Emulsion yeu bu>'. Sco-rr & BOWNE fo cents and $i. oo Ail druggiata WOULDN'T BE FOOLED TWICE. Second lime Mayor of Obrenovats Was His Own Victim. Ihere lias ben an amini2 sequel tu the recent adventure of thie two corpor- ais, one of whlo:nPaz-,Pd Ihiscf -off upon the M\avo-r of Obrenovats as the Servian Crown lrince, and wvas rov-allv enter. ilite Crovvn Prnîce, rathier nett!d aI a eomnuoru saliler being usistaiken for hlm- self, re-seiveul te rude su itl ais escort te Otîrenevats tus rhosv lute-Mayor the dit- fe.u5emuee betuveeîî araa prince a-n- an a dv entarer. Uu!ortunately. the -Mayor had bean made tht' busî ot tie ceuntry' sinca bis meeting suitli'tt' camperais. sud ha-d ne- ceived lîuudred.s cf pictîre post cards of thbe Prince. \Vlen. titertufore. thbe Prince smived. tht ' Mayor liait a iurkiug suspi- cieoi tuitIanisiler jekpxvae aboutIte be piayed uipoît uîiii,anti. uustead et recciv- ing tute novaai i iterut<tce, asked nim te svaiît intil lue tt'lc'grapied f-si' informa- tien to BIlgraule. lThe Prince. higiilv incuciýeul. rode' off, and ne s the 'Miaxvor is iusorc umhatppy thuami estr WIIEN ALL ELSE IIAB FAILEB Dodd's Kidney Pitîs Cured Mis Bladder Troubles. James AtwelI Proves ihiat lutimbago aisd 1Bladder Troubles are Caused by Diseased Kiduicys. Canipbelitord, Ont., 1'eb. 2"7.-(Spec- ial.--That, Lumbago sund Bladdt'r Trou- ble are caused by diseased Kidueys been shown ia tht' cae o! MUr. James AtwselI, et this place. Mr. Atxchi asys: "I had Lumbago sud Btadder Trouble. in passing my urine wcuid hart me so. as to aime-st cause leare te, come tt my eyes. 1I ased medicines a.d a band- age pre-scribed b>' uay doctor but gel ne relief. Tben I tried Dodd's Kidnes Pille, and thiey cuxed me for goed suc ail. I wili neyer be witbout Dodd's Kid- ney Pl inluthe bouse." Cure your Kidixteys with DDddVs Kidney Pillesud tlbcv xviii et ain the causes çà Lumbagoc. Rbeuimatismi, Dropsy o liadder 'froubbes out -ftue btood. Lobster Mortality Hg. e Lett im ntiîxt starude'tli ixake lieed lwle v, of svhieh liatel. btut few e-'ier live to grrow Lo lip. 'lI1i i. ot the fxîîîit cf the mnie-Cer. >r for slit, carneýs themt about.,'tsit ie utr for d, nearIv ta vetr. and ssith admairableeilu 0stunet ginl theni as she tloes tuer owni ýh lite. \\ien the' vttun- are set free, her gduty is 'done. for- thîev nlust t1len shift if tor- tuent selvios. Tii ighliabtruiiv i xrger of than îîs1 lit tteý.being at tilt uCtlî ot anu i i oi(,, trie h î.tte cuii xi su' tii ou - parents (p thue bott4iu îîl îî inad twxinu 6 th'iel"igvt - te the surfuace.svliexe.froit oue tit twi nii>ttu s.if t îrti xl" xt ol'-, them. tbei ea îxd utfree ruin-r Mie. 'lin opiien spi'x ~a î tur-e fo- r su1-lu1xs-ei x- m iîgs 1s ii1u ectit thet s1tiifed' steorinandti le îa'up' of nuiit-'ed lii- gry Oaîs.(uit if x.1 lintutit -ot l0.PItit it Nvouil lîxe a rare t-ianr-- ii uu re thMîi x eue or tsvo lob-dstoetutre hîntîuri V. tir finaltu- te endi tlîeir <'tri-er in iieue ktt ebien or tlt' t-iiatinz-disli.--Iýroiiui tîti- aud Science in Nlarc-h S.Ni'iîi.oag. Handint" P-' i 'jt'-crtg Hint. (Cleveland Leader.) "'Say, doc." tusinuatec the nman who was trylng to' t'.a lUtte free tredicai advi-t', 'supoaug ouhad a case of ilironic dy~- on ' h dtlyeu ccii ;idcr the -.-t courge te p)ursie-?' - l'eat 1Il a r-ort,' nutt -'" -iîl~ Pnd ther (,lu r Girls' MatrbmonWalClub Invites, ZUtls BachelorL The apinstors 'et thOt Boîglan town Of Eau.3- aines have la thelr way doue more for .tise cause et womon's rlghts tisan has beon et- fecte.! by parliamentary leglslatlon for yeair5 past in that klngdom. Why, argue! these Young womenOlin l a couutry like Belgium, wheî'e men are lu a mlnorlty, should -iot fomluline prIviIegejý, hitherto confined te bnap Year, be extende.! to, overY year of grace? Being of a practlcal turn ef- min.!, the8o marriageable young women proceede.! a f On" montha ago te ergfe -a matrimonial club cf slxty mombers. Once duly constltuted, the question romaine.! as te the, boat meana te attract desirabie suitora.Aiter much discus- sion, the wouid-be matron oft Eaussines came te 'tho conclusions that lu a lanid of lag- endary good living like Belium a banquet would be the most likoiy way of appoallug te the male yeuth of the distrIct. Invitations were, thoreforo, promptly la- sue.! by tho prealdent of the girls' club te slxty eligîble young mon to an open air feoat ln tho gardons of the club bouse. Shortly before 4 o'clockin l the afteriqoon of the appointe! hour tho bachelors began 10 arrive, so.pxî in automobiles, others ln car- rnagesanaud others on bicycles. By 4, the hour fied for the toast, the slxty bachelors ha! assembied. Whereupon the club president, wlth no show of embarrasament, weicomed the "eligîhles" wltli a short but humorous speech. The president thon set the feasI going by selecting e partner froni among the bachelors sud cendnctlng hlm te. eue et the ton tables prepared for tbe "sprea.!." Hor exemple was immediately followed by ail the members of the club, sud lu a f en minutes the slxty Jul- lots bad their Romeos besîde tbem. Perfect deoruni prevailad througbout the unique repat, notwitbstandlng 1he absence of crisperons 10 reprove anythlng ln the shape of sldelong looks of love. The succe3s Iof tha haclielor girls' ventura.,liowovor, may bo judged by the ftact that fourteen weddin4s resulted from the banquet. An open air bail breuglit the festivitied te e close, tis dance heing particularly Intand- e.! te give hsshful suiters au epportunlty te chose thair lite partuers. As a matter of tact. it sens that most et the proposlug dl.! tako place et this bail. accordiug te ceufi- dentil Information on the subjeet, convcyed by the club president. Althougli the prime mover lu orgeutzing the club, the president di.! net ftnd lier 'better hait" et tlis year'a banquet, tlie successef the Ecaussines baclielar girls' venture bas prex-ed scdi however, that the club lias nxtw been organized ou a permanent basic. the tourteau departing members baiug duiy re- placed liy nen' recruits. Hereatter, couso- queutly, thie Eraussinies banquet will becotil an annual affaîr. Thie repuhatien of the club bas non' become widespread sud stuce tlia holding oethliaban- quet the club damesels bave re .cèived man>' letîers froni baclialors alt over Europe asking for Invitations ha next year's feast. Tht womeu etf Ecuassincs are, howe;-er, notbing If nat patriolir. sud are opposed te Interna- tional matrimautal ahliauceýs;t teir lIst et tn- vlted guesîs fur tie camtug banquet wiill tierefore, it la delarad. ha i-anfiued stritlly te their owu counîrymen-Nen' York Tri- bun. The Origin of "Cocktail." There bas bt-en înuclu cuniosit>' as to the üengin of the nanue 'cock-tail.' At Tact soute ene has corne fo-ýrNard wutix an answier te tlli question which may 'be pure invention or tnuhh. huit at .1ny jwbî'n docters hisci strenueous' methotis an sud edicinr-s iniitue cur4 of dis4case, Ihere ivas a thabit anioîn- tbem c! treat- ing certain tiiseases et the tbroat with a tip cf ia long featter plucketi !rom a icck*slxiii. lu couirseetflinut'thiýs re- cdv caitue to e li st'd as a gargît'. stili ne- ta îuîuugits e ciiine. l)ining tue ,course cf it -t eelola 'ioiiithlui gxîr-giî atiuad iuxtet cf t îîe ureecut iîsgrediauts spirite, su- gar, bitters and sou on-tilliut bei-amie tise iiiy t-et t-t-iti-ilbes-erage cf 1)-day. 'Wash greany dishes, pots or pans with Lever's Dry Soe4p -, powder. Il wiii ne- move tht' grease with the greateet ease. 36 FROM THE ROME "TRIBUNE." ,\ seis tue scîtrxe ts lieu's t-tithli' su'eek. As -sue go le pres swar- jestili rxtgirîg iin Ca r tlixu e. Werk ontu tut'Apian Way iw; progres- sing t:uely. 'libviu-' t' rucclîlîîs, xvi -a.,zts tuathe' ailirie iist liutt W tii-, j-t sn, tu'bttter ai thies %'itiiuîg - J. (b-tstur. efttiiis berg, liaus a nesv legs. It's a bt-uut. Jiie. .Sevdrai cite trois itene ahttendus (itcero's stereoptitn lec tire i;tst niglit. tie. x a sweli taiker, and ut ioselv lisît' t3 ne- ported as hiaviig. been luad b4- aIl pre- sent. Cassitus le on lte sick Ist. Fer instructiuomsonthe violin co'uuxult Nedo. Abose the Itît-t oftýice.-Aý-dvt. Cale le takiug C rteen lesson-s and nsak-- ing pregness. Seme fiend in-liuinan teirm eitlet t bouse of Cornelia, Tuesday, sud absýtract- cd mnany et lier vitîtixbie j' 1i'..ihec'-- mou is sciliiat large. huit th(- eouîsta'ne bas his eye on hins. he t Our s (I n tn- erally qtuiet tity is seidoni is iiz1-;ti ui-4 cd, sud sve hiope Ibis is .in n t-,!ti c -ixot. Fine skating onithie, Tibt'r ta'iiglîts. Ls'diasvas eut nitiing Stindlay. 11i, thnIlonuicel. Th'e higb-sclttoi l er -n s-s itatn Stut- urday bv Athertnis by a score o! 54 ta 40. Toagh hiek, bays. - Augustîs Caalsar -waes aplees.;ant caller at this office ve-sterdai-, anrd Ift usý thr-tc sto'sti-rliiîte py for a vear s uttpin te tht' Tirbune. 'ore again, (i-Jt' yatwming as an Ezercise. A Germaa expert ou gynînasties an- - nonnurces thal eue need not go le a welli eqluipped gyimnasitiu lun seutîcb o! a couirse ici he-aith giving e'rncises. Deep yawniisg praetised as n neglilar t'xercisej le tt- che-aixist and suirest road te per- ft"t healbh. \e are ail faîtiliar withu tise theos.ry that systeuuahir deep brextbing is ,bn excellenithbing for [te Ibageinà il ie on simîiiar grouitide h bat yaxuning is iteiuixi T hie vix tuu-. îOofettht' b-east boues and the stirt'Ietîgof ftue as-ns, suhicixth utttya wsu l lai 'ntî-d vaux-, togreticr svitli tiie filiing yof tht' lunge, fonuta spileiti laily e\erdciee. A buuli'ltir girl jein erelv svhaî xve ealh amin uti l uî11:11d tus lier' txttt. rEiE~ ~The satisfacton of having the 1washing done early in the day, anid welI done, belongs to every Uaser of Sunlight Soap. 101B Wif e Beating iu Wasblngton. 0f convietions for wife beating in the District of Columbia there were, in the year 19Q0, 124 cases; 1901, 104 cases; 1902, 127'cases. These figures do nlot in- clude any case, of which there were quite a nunaber, in whieh the wife witbdrew the charge before trial, and no convic- tion was had, but only cases where there jwere actual convictions either b>' a plea o! guilty or trial b>' the court-Report from Judge 1. G. Kimball, te the Distriet of Columbia Commissioners. LADIES ee laiof our nver- fallng remedy; relief' quick snd sà fe. DOLt 100. Parle Chemical Co.,. Milwauke. Win. W ANTED, ENGInEERs. iLECTRIC- l ans, firemen, wlremen, and! machin-- ls1to, to son.! for Spangenberg Steam and! Electrical Engineering; 648 llustratlons; 1,- M3 questions an.! answers; best book ever publishe.!; 40-page pamphlet sent free. Gea. A. Zeller, St. Louis, Mo., U. S. D). H. BASTEDO & CO. 77 King Street East - Toronto 35 years ln the fuitrade. PUR KANUFACTURERS. $40,000 worth of Fine Furs, elearlng at lowest prices in Canada. Send for catalogue. RAW FURS. We are paylng highest New York prlces. Sen.! for price list- NEWTON'S SCALE 0F HEAT. Great Philosopher Iirventor of Tber- mommter Bef ore Fahrenheit, The harder yen eough, the WOI'S eit cestruted! bi, thersomesterfrom One the cough gets. made many yeara bel-are ?by Sir Isaac New- "in the trensactions of tht' Royal SoeWey for 1'701 wll be toan.! the paper wrltten by 6 h iloà -fh 's Sir Isaac Newtoa, wheo nas et that tume sec- retary te the soclety,"sasys Sir Samuael. - He Invente.! an instrument for measuring the c o nsu p tiodegrees ef boat lu fluid-s by taklng a tube and filling il witb lnsed et!. On txtUs h. Theungmare.! tihe froozing point as zero by pirttlag C u re The n g the tubeInin e. au.!lulb.thesaeaway ho marke.! the point wlien place.! iu boiling is guaranteed to Cure. If it water. The very awk.ward scale wblcht we does't bneft yo, th' duggit uw use Is evîdoutly that et Newten, for, the does't eneit ou, he rugist decimal systeni not beîng tben ln use, ha will give you your rnouey back. t ot the number 12 te ixenote thie heat of the body; tis lie aund, and maeoIt the Prices: S. C. sETLL5 . 120. Iterling point et bis scale, lioth upwerd and! 25c. Soc. 21 Le Roy. N. V.. Toronto, Cen. downwerd. t Iwnas coma tîmeafaler t-.îs that. for the sake o! convenlauce, the degroas were dë- vide.! mbo two, an.! tius the body heast 'a& Good, But is It True? 24 ehove zero sud boilieg point 53. Whan, has beu go- any years aftern'erd, Fahirenheit made bis Astory et Lord Balfour ha eng-Instrument sud use.! mereury instead of lin- iug the' rounds o! the London clubs. Il ced eill. n'icb n'as fer more cenvenient. bo- is said that Lord Balfour preseuted a again divide.! these degrees int four, ce if docmen tothe' King for bis signature. the number ha multiplie.! accordingly we docuent lid 212 fer the hoiling point an.! 96 for lbody it, had te do Nvilh the appeintment et an hast. important office. the' appointee being un- "Fahireuheit, fiudiug lie coul.! gat a lower -%eleome te tihe King. but wbo, owing te temperature than freezing, made this point zero, 'ahi-b breught tbbcnumber 8 et Ne-w- peitical reasens, Ilutist receive -the' post. itans to 32 of Fahrenheit. nTu is way the Wlîen asked s-hose naine he would ha thermomatar n'as conslructxed'." pleased te have futl the' post his majesty h said: "tOh, the devil's." And shahl thieý IMPREGNABLE STREFNGTH. document rua as uu si, auid the' cari.,' 66our trusty, wsell beioved eeuinselior?' The King signed tite grant. The Canada Lite Euaîers a New Era ____________ in its Hisiory. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. Tht' Canada Life bas eutered on a .0 00ncw era, havng wiliiin the' last year Revival Spirit Spre.adung. passed the' $10,00,000 mark. But w-hile Eminent religious leaders aguce in the ils sîze has iucreased tlîree-fcld in2he opinon hatthegreut religieus asra k- past lsvenly years thal is os-ershati-,sve3 eniîug in WVales is te affect [bis coun- ini1etic v h' rmrai try.oDr. Chanles E. Jetffersoni savs: -_'No strenglh tho cempany's reserve f unds oue sensitive to spiritual atmesplueres bave acqtiired. eau failtot tnte the' uisreasing sigus cf The' Presideut, Hon. Cee. A. Cox, an- the appreach of s great spiritual asvak-- nounced [bat the Canada Lite policy re- e-niîug. Amon- tiein are tlue su-ndertui serves ai-e now greater than tht' present revivals during tlue last -,-ar in England, Dominion Goverument stnad b lu Wýales, sudthie intiines of a great about $3,000,000. Iu tht' course- of a aw-akýeuing in Seetliîd." masteniy address he pcinted eut that Dr. ..\DVitîuir Cluapusan, -lie leads svbile Ibis great funul must necessarily tite Presbylenian evaugeis-tixI j ss-rk.savs: be accurnulated aI lite expeuse o! sur- "Tht' revis-ai spirit is deepening in cur plus, yet the' interest et eid policyboid- ccurnlrv m-jtii ci dav. I bave, net in allce-s luad becut couser, ed. sud they wiii mx- niuisý-trv cccii stch asvxkeiing. The' benwefortli receive materialy langer cash distin«-suislirii featuire lias tîcen the un- suu'render and loan v-alues than here- na,,raIleted iittcresî aofimen iuî spiritual tefere, netxsithstandingy thte lower pore- things."-Tia Christian Inteligeu-cer. mitinîs tbey psy as ceînipared with those _______________________________ harged te-day. Tht' report announeces that the btusinesesu'%ritten iu 1904 wuas greiwti MESx.C. C. RlICHIARDS &CO., [han tbat o! any previeus year, the Genteme, FueoîoreDoris, ene -ameunt actuaily paid for exceeding $11,. tomrer otfnmine. ws aiipleteiy' cuîred o! The assets xvere increased by $l,894,- rhuuiatiuu~ufcrtiv vtis e sfteiug, 00tis being tht' greatest sani in any h:- tht'juiici 1 0îî-eOf ?tN\RsLII ingle year- in the ccmpauy's history. MFNT. Tise assets are uosx over four times a Tbhe above tact; i-nlie veriticd bv large as tbev were tweuty years ago sud jwrn tg inu, 1 thie P.înîsi Priet or aggregrate e'ver $29,000,003. atm o! is nighuîersPenhaps the meet atnikiug feature of A. COTE. M,\endiant. tht' repent te tht' lay nsind is [ha state- jSt. Istudore, Queo.. P2tb -May. '98. j ment that tht' Canada Lite bas since iti inceptien paid or crediled poliiyholders wsilh over $7.000,000 more than bas been Tbis fa-Jo ble sbowing illustrates the Pru ht',ests usdtMedituee. ,careful selection ot lives , Dand the' sound. Whe th Jeuit lad hei trublscouservative management wbich% have years ago. nalts- of the' proscribed ow-3 ala.iveclaractarized the Canada Life. teck teo medicine as a pursuit. Nos'.- lîuît Élie Congregxîtion cf the Prcpagauuda luts IX R CKL E0FA E CA tieeiued thuat îîniest under cerne condi-SI R KUN OFA E C. licite may practice nîtedicine. il is pass- -Nt-s York Central is the' people's fav- ble tt a u cîrtaîîu clerictîieieîen as' enite une to 'Newv York City, Boston and enter mbt tht' sehools again. Tbis iii'- ail points in tht' Eastern States. In- cielo an viii he good uewsso tht' contgre- onis trunk hune- whose trains 'enter New utuetliîxt bave lîeî-îudisbauded. a11 york ,Citv. it i-Fpossbl atarisette nite rft t'Ne Yorl, Mediesi Journal. Minard's Linim ent Relieves Neuralgia. -i France's Ares Growing. French Genenai St-a!! bas just ptub- iisbed a report, according te us-icti tht' erea et France is nowu 536,891 square kiiometers, whlile at the close efthtie Fýra.nco-German svar it xvas ouIv 520,500 square kibimietres. Thue grosvtb lsexe- plaiued 1)« vthe' tact [bal coniderabie tracts of lanud lias been recovered on tise Bay et BjIscny. These reciaiming sso.-ks bas-e beenî earried ou for noet than 70- vears, and<lhave been s envsieeef Does Net bld Good AIwz.ys. (BraoklyisLite.) "There's nothtng like peesevrauce; 'tt wnu out in tie ion-g ru." Nat alwase dit! yose ever soLe a lien on a porrelsin eig"?' Had tht' Proof (Chicago Recerd-Herald.) iu a "joko" puhuisea. in Ibis column a few days ago lb n'as suggested that Solomon n'as lucky because there were ne department cloras lu hie bume. Roerriug te thLs matter, H. A. McCandless, et Perry, Okiahomna< writas: -W e have e great deai et pleasure reed[ng your colme le the Racord-Herejl, an.! u su- ally f inci you siicuIatte in -yoiur statenieuts, Lu your item about 'Solomou.'s Lucit.' yt say, 'What n'ould bave bappena.!. to hi If thera ha.! been departmeut stores in, bW& day?' Thore ba.! been departuient storee long befere Solomen's ltime, as you wli see liy reediug tbhae.Book o!J.oli. la the four- leculli chapter sud fourteenth verse he says: 'Ail the' days o! my appointa.! lime wi1iZ wait, tiTli ty change comas." Pe-rforming and Other Apes. (Boston Tvransurt.) 'l'le p-rfornsing speat aIsBrooklyn lbeat-u' cbewed up $120 baiongtnLg te bis trainer jast n'eetx but cerne ot the cîslateral and evolve.! members ofthie faumtly have been tnewn ta chets'up $100.000 ai a single dînner party, -USE - MICA ROOFINO For Fiat or Steap Roofs. It is wvaterproof, fireproof, quickl>' ar.d very easily laid, and ciseaper than other roo!ing. Send stamp for sampie. 1 Hlamilton Mica Roofinq Co. xoi RebuucaStreet, Hamlilton. canada. -'I i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 06-6-64 ,itiiiIL!gu-t. Parson Wheeter, getlemen' 1 tcmai lasiset 'I uk îîxî iît t .1': iiî gî I s Tbere wk n'ma s reteat from a man. 1 etempfyewysisetd ugii:11111îî('cil is . %il- to) Ç%, wL qari'qiELt ,uit pul wlth most of (hem, asudJ lHe that iïs douvîx wit2xmeassies need net iiit irliti tîxi tît1-ii itn liRrAmade frIenda wifh the' others f ear spauking. foîr tlîitt (Iîiîtîî ,ar ivil'lWA talhed of iodes psy' dirt. methodq 0f \htcn'beurdm tbeisd iii' l -i-oiir ii', 1 ' il-ti xil tti i drilittg. bel way ta br eak bronchos, unI- i ('biidren'stulbe ceanus ed, net bur I ueivi-i -î <i imachs for healiug gsnshot wounds. quall- hlrnsodbecaenthu. loiglNv llua '. IlIl. lýIi1tIl ,i - .,l ieso otf tle differenit rakes ocf trearme. t One' baneli et candY makes the whole -I -'t,,ai îd 1)fîi o i' ttit xx tus tri-rompared the veraciotv cf (lie Indian a r 'orld kmr. -mci - uil ii xt li iii ;tçt i eu-t . (aMexi'an ansd fInaiiy it wouud up bo-Ayttebb ee ra s-vi iiîîg of'ithen itakin ehoIers (arrsu t, Alte ab gosa ra yia t'I tiii sfait i tilt fý- 1, \ii ii m< éoe cftt' rown mie nrs ma;ema lstess knîght. îî hl ( lîjît' ti' lxiii l- iii 'ti/t' Iii Ili n te aubiertlof my' profession. T wouidu t Parental priîlc goetlî beforp a squaii1 iilt--lcli: t" i -t - "lii', u1uv lli u1 î tluihave suggeqtPd that. fbecaua as their giiedý S i~xuxi' ut jIfeit the' iswQ cf horpltallty demand-'d Celie dotli nmal,,cuards of -thenu all Jui lt hti iiii1'idot 1tolaow Ibelr lead. but 1 wai mn' ',Thev're nex e(r toa aid te learu. djeult-. lwNIoiicii'titt-ut u tit hon gild of th'e opartlanily auhe cowiiulu Ca'rit.v cixpr-s a msultitude of shins (j- i a i11e s i'i 1t it i -ui lut-t ai -îu- ~esntd 1 motinted eue cf the' card nittur ii iii- , als udl hl w pîc'îuresque Ian- pgot tsseivî'pairs cf beeties xshen 1 tilti \ i,,;Riane. as; Thad liesrned lt ram themr. tolîl landei.l Si 1-1tr1i x iiii\ fx11111. tii hiii i ot thit' Martyr of Caix-ary and 1he Compa- - 111Viihavc te slep Ie night asvav.- h' tii 'lii 5 Itl tu ttutuIit- t ion fi the <loaleFAiherAs neut the Ilren He Nwho fgîtsthe iiveloug day awa v ter cicrs, sud &,everal rema'iird ;it tc x n ~i h~ilti' - li it.-teis tpr bats. Not rs eouund e-raped tbemn. iNewark Nws tu~ ~ ~ ~~~~~: iliili itj t~ il ktt 1-. Il i Tlev were on thelr honor. sud 1 helieve te'uy '-e r i. - u t' of lil aoui-t bave roughli' bandhed any man shiow-j Ir h, lleblesl disratirtesy. Coffee Treos lu Brazfl -n~Tbedoe.îbeiive T ever auxant a More hieHabt t Pa;'r.t ceftabe hurle v lte or eawhere There are ne less than 545,000 coffeï tue mulilîsi enioympnt n'as g'ater. Mlv treé.s in the State of Sao Paulo, lira - iiit .i tituuJ-a ra or rAgat Ioen 'as buettu' ingînz "Tesusq. zil. A-s tht' peopile'cf the 1lTnited Stateý xi ~ ~ ~ ~ ý. us1 ui '--itî u x l ilf r ix-er cf Nv Saut' n'be (le l if o ib- bei-tted train was heard sud the meeting are, as a nation. the grrate-st cotte(' lo , liýo,1 br"co tuero driîkers iii tht' xsorid, it mnay be a saure: i t i t' i I-tf,*,l!.\ x ii' q'itslin 't n Peee nber cf my satee17n of some satisfaction to them to knouî ut ~ ~ ~ ~ , u tjiili I ouf t 11\i , u audience sbat sud kllled thrpe men, but it 't it - t i i lit x t.!n a fIght hebe ad net aought." says a foreigu comtenporary that Sa4 Goi'. il i-i" Paulo bas near]Y seven cottet' trees fo ut î' 'i i tToo Much o! a Celebration. es'erx' American manu, woman and chutd i loi î ", - ;'14.1 tuti p.- I an'Heupeck te-day, sudlie n'as veýry te s'as- not ingo! ofan additiousl 140),00 lit't~i-i itili Ii Ii unar b. nflunceaI rink reliait-trec's under foxuîr vears ot age xs-hicl i it iii (oifl-' lid Nagget. p lv ti d t i fiii i Wiil. there's ecame kexcuse for hlm,"rn,- xvii s iivtu emand of the commn N-u ,tiil ili't 1.iiplied -Mrs. Nagget."lie lest lits wtfe lai t i'eueratitiuî -The coffet' plantationli c ilil'if i 'i i- -1 know, but e man sbould lie abla le cela- *hle State ofScPaiebvavluc -braIe nithut makng a liog of hnsl. prxiiuateiy' ý3 '2000,000. 5 1