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Whitby Keystone, 9 Mar 1905, p. 5

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TIRE KEY'ISTONE, WIIITBY.,- THURSDAY, MARCH 9, -1905 The Co-operative By-Law. ÇN Monday next the citizens ivili -say whether thevý desire to have a val- HE reasons advanced above for a large vote, applY with equal force tof 0 uable îndurstry: estabiisbed in' our midst or not. If they sav Yes in' this bv-law. The conditions are the sarne-requiring at least 270 -suthejent nùrnbers, the industrv wiii corne. If the yeas do flot number 2170,! votes to carry, and possibly 301, the latter in the event of there being 150 Mr. Holden wili have to look eisewhere for a location for bis factory. The votes against. property owners, therefore, have a responsibiiitv and a dutv resti ng upon This by-law, we think, should have been subirnitted ta the electors one tlr. Let ustl~gin present the proposition. year ago, liefore the Harvester Co. began operations. Thev have 1 eeii here, The Standard WNindinili Co., of Gaiesburg, Mich., bave a largç.e industrv almost a year, and during that timne have paid in wages ta employees nearly estahlishied, ernploving sonne tbirty-five- bauds, and paving ini salaries ta me- $20,000. This Iras been a good thinog for the town-a. splendid thing. TIre chanies at ieist $.350 per week. During the past few veurs the company! eoming of this industrv has meant a big increase in the value of reai estate, é Lave dorie a large trade with thie Canadian -North-West. Lu thIs thev have and the raising of rents. A more Iropeful and prosperaus note Iras iîeen to face a heavy dutv, rand ta avoid tthis,bandicap thev propose ta remove, sounded ln this gooni aid towni. Lt will not do ta endanger this measure ofl tireir rnanufrictorv to Canrada. pi asperitv and ta turu iîack the wheels of progress. In ioaking aibout for a location -Mr. Holden ihad iris attention (iredted But timose wîho Lave votes need to U derstand tirat if tiey (do flot give' Whitiiy, anti up(,,ti courimiriylere wcs favarabix- inrpressed, imnmediateiy the by-law the mecessarv support, tlmey arý helping ta drive away this indus- (peu(i egoiatiîr.~wthtie Town Council, and entered intuan au reement trv which bas a]readv doue uruch for thie tawir aird wIv do more. t'lircate liere, conditionai upori the rater The crînpaniÏîree , ta prrv Miii wgeý an. araverag- rf $5<) jr w ek . tu-er 'ou ld 2 u' p:: idt, e t Y << o % -W ir- e i f t v1)- 1,:i i to t he otil -e s-tHni oan agemieit. At ieast $20,000) w aulti Ie exj)endeti I C wortir a yood deal to te tireIines, peo Llirrig whiclr shoculd not I )e turner aside. r --.iNv next Monda.v, it ivili he defeateri. le w. everv propertv rrwrer inithre ttrwî si votes to thre eaLrrviîrg rr f tin de,irnle 1b ..r:ould lie sufficîentIv îrterested t) go to1 e(l up irv a comTnîttr'e of otiîer ratepaver it is unlikely tiret tirere NVîll i e mure - tjiere slmru!l rno' Le :riv. S pri'ng ZOth- Centur iiiv erns rtifving tire agreeenmt. s ta enîplovees, aparb frour the office ect a fu> ctoan- to cost $,00ta pay imll ii'.eb telv tmpimn tlirec, sng of the~ tji,-tlurja:e(- et $S0pur meek. - tr ilie tnw e, i Vs aý ,,'e(lfor maut ~ ~jri ;îe-ve:în fîcru t iir- 1H e--.lr t-rarie mîor- t1icg.samrds The -wiirdnill by-law- proposes ta aid tire company ta the extent of five per cent. of the pcv mroll. Tire aid csked for tire Ilarvester Companyv is not more than tiunee per cent. uponi tieir wvage bill for tire past yecr. If five per cent. 1,; given taormne it xyouid irot 'be logical ta refuse tirree per Cent, ta tue other. ?P'he Cr-operative irv-lrw shlilrl rot have c single vote againzst it. Evemr if there mitre îrtt c suifie mmv vote, tirere %vould stili meedi to be 270 vea votes. Everv eleetur shanîr go te Hdie poll aro Momîdmi'acnd vote for The Mayor Calis a Public Meeting. 1 mut tIre towrr per vear. Tlils Nwo(Uldý- M YiOll ,, ROBONiuel ea prrclamactioni ta'rv.rd- tîr e oflest. irleof tre omnruriiv, nd i sane- eek calling a public mueeting taire fiueld lu the Couircil Chamber' Vnless 270 votes are cast for thre 'on Weilnesday vnir of tii week. DIis ivs iin responuse trr a requisition Ttr e crtariiiHf trrvug te ~ front a rruinenrrf ratepavers. \Vriting tin;sliefore tihe mieetinrg, rand iiavingr rould turn out and give liris vote or lit iiimd previaus ureetiîrgs f'or a ,iinilar purpase, %ve predict tliat t1ils irreet- v-icw. Lverv~Ilý- t(0iid aeaermr~t riiscuss tht mîerits of tihe bv-iaws nriow irefore tliereatepayer.- xviii not be tire roli w-iirauthavirg t le trt- tbeidud I v urnet out of fuve of thorize t1îaliied to vote. Tire mien who w 111l e thepol., vltiou hviig, o h lolthere v,11l'j Ie tilr.s x o us-u.ti\ take ait intere-ýt amduit aeatix e part lu such 1.i rv pritrmtatr x-awniatter:. TIre great marir itv of tire x-rters 1%w1 l t attemu I amduri viii)e tri:- toiied lv -tihe meeting. i lit omr ihumid e judgireurt iviat Vs meeded inn Huese cases 1 a camrpaigi of faets. reasons and ar1gument pinted anid pla(,er1 in zihe luandrs of tire electors dliring a period trf sevenal xeek, pre lotins ta tlire x-atimg. W'e are not nrak- ing a plea fon r iie prnitio:g we r1,)r met cane xvleirme bbc x %vrnk iet I Ie dne 1 nr 1,v viumrm. NWe :re nul of tie ,-t' I. xxii x 'i for ittlrlig 'il rndex' ta keep a r.'amïpbton frinrae:nninrg, a i mxurg.W'e tare rixîliakeus a (iollar tSO long.a> ut-eefiett1,sprodlîcel. N\V-,Ielivve a cer.npiign of erluicat*(Ianr0ai blafof tire bv-laws ctold best k- e nruri )v seu<lin g tie re gumnt-, ta Tlue press nright have beem iise)1 forn t!rl purpase, or pamphrlets could ~ hav e beeni prinîtericrnd distributed. Vie have great connidemîce lin the per-1 suasrveness of prinrted facts and esms A person nuav listemi toa goodi speiand ruicklIv frîrget lb - but tire pr:mrtteî i page lue cari pret.enve and ne- * * fer ta lvailr anrd agaimr. IUM are su iupl 1terc-.sted i ,w r\iirrof ti' - iw befrne J lo h ngelectons tirat we negardul iitlirrilsirax'tIr kick rf aulj duceati ce cnr ungr tireinreiaif. il d w e a vote ril tije1e jpropositiorms Nwe wouid feel motre 11i)- belalf Bu Nv live i'1 letý, rit 1et-i %ith regard itt theini, lir fa ct. fxI' it, tiliiliand l IThc'Cii(-rtli(r rpenn l:is .lied eadrap o :.fantue s \ orxvtha passagel pro int t t ( (rlit 111< n'.1 - If V , irU r~Srr) rit':r llfrr thre toi ni. i rti \ \ Oui 1)I'11H2* sîiit \( ru xviiisuit, lid c We -(iter tir VOIiI' 1)Ie~tS<. (,I(.t< f (.()111( I 1 mo( i- b lil< îrut in;rke a 00, \v 1tl il tihe mxv ~i wii u f f -liin- $1 0.00 lxx eem-., \ r4 for lîtirm'. i -i w(l tamte - kit' $1 t~.OO 11 - Ie it < it le t a-Ie Vi r111' OP'lui- ix\ a r .t i 1 wfrnf 'tu t' w iiL. ui. xx(.IIi bu 1r1'tI <I ts<x'()t11 ('errtun' re si-iu i ruat m k -ig nog( f< (ie Utn n ux :ît tlîr Cau-i >Store. IlCre Ontario County's Opportunity. Aai o.ta l loehrnw ý l)ý a-. - fr rtire -epzirratII1e )D eru (r a t s A Nortiuunnil-eimri :umr1 )ulammm Co,,irtie-.. )r.t --ýemt tlrr- irne umited for courutv 1îurpo...e.-..ImLr ror - uj-rtutmrumpriamrI uill:ut- Wl ts iitiv ities. It 1,. ratier awk ivard forrXxuaaii people, for insauee, tao ,r) fa r tttl -, xvemr tiev have ctrtir rr ctrmmtv r mier il1ruVeo. -rr m\ ariably tirat r-r!ruIt 1.3 oftemr irapperrer i ntire p .tha t ltn: isprefer am iarr: n ge- iifl\i exv enît w Iloprel)x' trials are hel in iiWiibv ins town 1,s littie imore thaîr udlf tril ire <list n- C u s from murast of *Hue(-residnît-s rf 1ir iiugbon munir1C tnt- iwrucbt trrwr-il 'p- R*etic r ppurtrmity forr <4tii Crrm.mntv tr imi lia -- oe Ifoi ild o two .rfinie t 1 1 ddtaxorsip i1 i Its term'irnv xvi remi tirer i lsm-tltlr mn of tire uîiteu( t.,elt i-s- umii---.a pparntrly at last It 1m abourît t) do. \vlttl t- -staMnisirimt (if tire electri.. raiiv -ai ru-,tIre Niinu'.-4brn (oml)ite lond lrm(r'glr tIirehu rrcie.t-s Orif tire Torrrnitrromi ranldd ldafrville and Nwm - .it vouiri urir Ianmotiier argument ta ttIi.-e rlcd poimrt. Lit e~ (le- In ta W luti v astlire nnost tr'nvni t ont:' seat fir r t le:nst tire vester'iî portir ns of 1> îm n i u(',tint v. In t:e crmrin îiwtw -cu ije 111 relit' utlocarli- râles .1a1 n rI oî- for t le -itu:rt bm r f th ire m ur cou ntx buInti11 n g-, av, ,Iow - mranî ie amnd Port IH pe, 'hithx- rîuglit to uvimu.becuse the' (-,peiu-re ta tire ratepariver- r()ft tire: rpart (rf tire lirumr d tii e.samrd rililans saimdr:11',Ir sr amint m-11 carti cur Ire -d t(,tliemlir lv commlý1-1imu imtrr<>reî i(rîmt.A - - gîlnmce mt tliree (-ctIir'rt r11ap af cmntral (.)mta ni tliat I- haýrt ()f tire titie rie- sigr rf treNE' sýT' N1.shrow's grtpliiclliv the gctrgraphy of H l e- urt ter. '«e prinît herewitlu a speciai despatcir 111.9 recerut ps-rie <f tilt'."c(aire," -xvliAh tells theparticulars n(4 tIiuis overnamnt lunxviicl tire cit'zenis of Wlrjtirx slo.Ir r erv pmr-iaIyi rcn td Jim-t wx iat :,tep itrrrtixrr e proper presemtatin ftreahentnts î"",uîr mr' )niutron mamurlart- vNrigriut with Omiiî, r Corur it v (-muii(re tuikeni. 1-11mu 1n1t ter' focmi u-:lrfj îslir- MMM&atinanui prormpit .mus i11:i, wi-t- ut traj. Potrt Ilorpe. VeLu. 2k TeInitiaîl >teprs IniîLee 2tr rrrfor' smu i p a.st uhreatemrîng tIle d rii-iirr (,rf tlire uuiteti coumuitie., nrf Nrrtiimnirerlirid and -urlianni w me takerul itre tîi-at amuiirnu iatini nnieet'Imrl f eeys Couriciliors and Connîni-sianers of PI <in rCormt.v. Iti:t -.ff,ît Llima mn that ire large aniruil expemrdture fonr iIsou er' tlintTreit ien rrtiuenprubic wk nrNrrrtntmmi1enrlai Critnx. lmr.i,' lu Vte:cai) r 1mumr(1ýi1 lourdemionmur îriri. w mucir uvruil Iwre nlleved ivibiyri w nfrari +t1 eut iîi atet enexm-drnmIg. I1 - a Istr tire exiemudrmn e lvucr en iiitire recemnt comîdenirutmirurof tire c brim r arI 1) irevie erunrent.du Itire t-arn- teur:piate erecbirmr of aIIîu,.ze of lRefugQe. in:k h rsn potn tile for Turharïn trix iidia frtnru itIrh riimet.AIbout tlftv - de'leates frant ml ithe nîrmîmu rmpilt es innii)urhamn wcre r u :te riimr mce at tr rde v*s nue1, nrg. %vrmrîteuas appamnteri t(n proo-une tire mieceýsmr n informa:utiorn for furtber actiomn. ta report mt mn adjnrurtred mmeetmmng irr Vînt Hope thnoe etheîs from tt)-(IC . GREENWO QD.iromie after visitmnçg a week rit\ .. ve's. Messrs. Johin ami. Nrin.\aî oîof 1>ieerin1. have inishied thireuoccontract. Mrr. Arthlurrrndlmias iimeilfor Mr -CvroyLedgett is -workiingfor tt ~iji u~s s' t rîe ii James Plusket thlese davs.stl.feoforfrerjitîlrtirn The Leagiie weîut to Pickering Tnies-tiisfî,o ecntotanjblm enr. day nmight. t i ai n;(c llto a-1 il)b li Mn. \Ves Gee andt bride got hoire lest e "Scru 0. Fridav ilight froni thein hone)--nroon. Ni.M elvMille \White ha-,1)0U21)t the Mr. Bert Littloiejohu.of Ashb ivsa1r) lcmn. est ))f tirllagujjý9k. reer-'ntîv. ereMrs. Jas. Brignai is vstiglier NVe un(1E rstand that M\r. John> Stevein- (a.!t-»ý fTrno o evwe son andi faurily jutenti moving iu tire Mvr. and Mrs. Nelson Ledgett ne- nearftitire.tunniet home to To~runto lest Fnidlay. Rev% Mr. - TonXirishldn revivNal. Mr. Sain \Wed(el, uf Cireniont, is Vis~ services ix:the Mebhodist church here. îîgfiîd hs as M.andi Mrs. \Vinu. Wilson returneti Mrs. Alex. Wadel is visitiîîg et M r. Rlobert Sonerviiie's. For ail ki*nds iof w* RININ Patironi*ze The Keysatone Press Books ]Pamphlets Catalogues Posters C irculars' LetterHFeads Bih1 -Heads Envelopes magazineP a Specili Always R The Keysl - The Windrnili By.Law. seng(er.. trav elling wîthout live stock Ishiould take theŽ train ieaiîrz Toronto 1.45) p.m.. Train leaviiug Toront o ut 9»0) D.11n. is :o- passeng-ers ;;travelihr.t.wîth stock. IFuîll partieuars and copv of S'-ettiers' (U uîde and -WXesterii Canada,- from E. 11,. Blow, Canaidiai. Pacific Agent, or C. *B. Fo..TFi., D.P.A.. Toronto. TkeE. R. BIlow, TceTelt.raplr and Express Agent. Whitbyv. Ont. '"The Hickingbottom Farm 200 ACRES, > PartofLnt 2 and -,<.)lhcon., Pruker- iig. caii be pu -eliased or rented on gfavorable terius. Applv naciaeyt DOW é& M-ýc(flILLIVI-RAY, I Solicitors, Whitbv. rintîng - o Tho Dominion Bank alty w ith US ;jcCapital (Paid Up) - $,0,0 BJc eserve Fund and i undivided profits $3,634,000 ,ci WHITBY BRANCII iGenera! Banking Business 'emember Transacted. Eý'Speciai attention riven ta the collection of Farmuer's Sale and other roe ___ DEPOSITrS receiveti of $1 anmd upvrarrlL LOB c1>-iNTEREST aliowed at Highe. rt COMlPOUNDED or paid Haif Yearly. e2 Es J. THORNTOU, * oéýeé le * ieM le IecMANAGR e 0 ua' el' B GRAIN. Wheat, red..... $0-190 to, $0 92, 46 white ........ 0,90to 0 95 ic spring..............0 Stb 092 Barley .................... 0 41 to 0 43 Bea ns......................O0 50 to 0 75 Peas .............. ....... O.6Oto .065 jRye .................. 0 70 to 0 72 Buék Wheat .. ..........y.. b 50 to o m52 i Oats ............. ..... 0 Mto 0 37 SEEDS. AlsilKe, 'No. ...... **"... $6 00 to $7 00 N o.12 .............a-oo t o 600 Noj.......300 to ri0O Red, No. 1i....... ........ 6 50 to 7 25 Red, No. 2 ................ 5 50 to 6 50 Tinrothy S,-eed .............. 90 to 'i 25 FLOUR ANI) FEED. Fluper cwt...........$ç;2 -,- to ep) 00 Chiopp)eli Feed, tut .... Uoc) to 1 25 ......ea ............... 2 4H) ti)) 5(j Biran, per toi, ...... ... ... (s0) tri 2t)o1)( i shortg, per ton...........'20(j <JO to2,5 Q() ETPOUTPY AND PP.ODUCE. Beef. by quarter per ewt $6 2-5 te $7 50 Cattie. live weig-ht, but. 4 00) tu 4 50 Muttoîr, per 11b............ () (0) to i) 10 Larnibsý eavLh ............. 3 00) to 4 00) Hoirve ...... 4 00 to 5 10 Hogs, liglit fat ......t( - 00 lecgs, beavy fat ..........4 5: )t ( Id S 11og8, tressed per 1;011is u50o c Liriekeni., per il)b.......... o jb to u h, Duks, 11er .............. " ilt.o 12 !; (;eese, dressed pr l 1h i9 to 0(1 1 Turkeys, <re 1<i er lb1) rPI12 to 01<. l'putter, roll........ ...... .r)1IStai0 20 Lard ...................... i1<) ta (0 12L; E-gs, per dozen ...........o 2-)0 >ýta o o27 1)otatoes, per ba- ......... o oo to o 90) Alpples, Jper barre! ........ 1 0 )ta 1i125 Oions, per bus ..........i1 0<) b 1 L5 i-lay, per ton................ bi>00 ta 9 00) -itrawv, per load ........... 2 0< to 3 0<) 1ides. per cwt........... $7 S to IQ 50 Sheepîzkins............. 1 or> ýto 12 Deacons .................. 0 25 to 0 60. Tallow, reîrdèred, per 11) 04Wto 4:; jWool, unwashed..........O0 14 -ta r Lamnb Skin'r.............oPo00t1 o(e .....t.................... 0 25 t o 10 30 Sittîngs- of the iiso Cur. COUNTY 0F O $TARIO, 1905. WHITEBV-D. C. Macdoneli. Whitby Cierk. Jan. 9, Feb. 2, Mardi 2, April 5 May 3.Jure 6, July 5, Sept. 6, Oc t. 4V 'Nov. . Dec. (; Jan. '1, 1905. OSH AW.xA-D, C. Macdonefl. Wý%hitby, Cierkx, Jan. 11>', Feb. :,, March 3, April 6, May 4, June ,JuIY 6,.-Sept. 7, oct. 5, ýNov. 8. Dec. ,, Jan. 10, 1905. BRou';HAM-M. Gleeson. Greenwood, Clerk, Jan. 11, March 6, May 8, July 10, *Sept. 11, Nov. 9. àan. 11, 1905. *PORT PER-RY-J., M-. Burnham, Port Perry. Clerk, Jan. el:',. March 8, AMay 9 yJuiy 11, sept. S.I ~.1 1,. Jan. 13, 1905. Ù.XBRIDGY'- Joseph E. Gould, IJx bbridge. Clerk. Jan. 12, March 17, May 19, July 14. :Sept. 15. -Nov. 24, Jan. 12, r1905. CANIN oe~-George .Srnth. Canning- ton. Cler-k.- Jan. il. Mlarch 16, M-av 18, Juiv 13". Sept. 14.;-Nov. 23. Jan. Il. 1905. BEAVERTN-George P. Bruce, Bea- verton. Clerk, Jan. 10 March 15, May I17. Sept. 1:;.N .2Jn 1. 190o. U.PTEEnR.-OI E-P L. (aughan. ½ter- grave. Clerk. Mardi 14, -May 16, Sept. L". -Nov. 21 yEvOrder, 3. E. FAREWELL, Cierk of the Peace îez *ec aie> *ec îet G .

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