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Whitby Keystone, 9 Mar 1905, p. 6

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The.Week. Toronto Farmners' Market. .offersngas of gwan n othecstretto i. Wheat is steady, with sales ot )ushels of whie and red winter at to $1.08, and 200 bushels of goose at 93c. Barley sold at 52c a blishel for ushels. Oats firm, 100 bushels selling C. ýry produce ortered a iittle more treely. .e butter brou.ht 25 to 28c per 1b. and 1a. eg s rsteadyer th turkeys quot- t17 to 20e per lb, and chickens at 12 c. y Inm25 arate supply, with price- timothy, and at $8 to $9- for mixed. wsteay tolas selln a 11a esed bogs a reunehanged. ith light at, new, bushel...... 1 06 to $ 1 &1 ,red, bushei ... .. 1 06 to 1 0.9 . ,spring, bushels. ... 1 02 to 1M ., buos elbushel... .. 0 92t 0 931 .tbushel .. .. .. .. .. 0 70 to 0M kwheat. bushel . .. 0 55 to 0 00 ey busheel ... .. .. .. .. 0 0 0- timothy, er ton .... 10 00) to 12 (A .,mixed. ton .. .. .. .. 8 0)0 to 9 0P) ,w. per ton .. .... .... 1100 to 0 oGî sike, No. 1, bushel . . 5 00 to .7ý 50 Do., No. 2. buFhel... 4 00 to 4 50 d rlover . .. to 725 imothy ... . . . . 1 00 to 1 23A ssed bogs .... .. ... 25 to 7 A rnew lai à , ,en .. A.. 7n to 11 o..er e amry .. . .. .. n ? to. t oo k e n e r t o 1 ke s.pr1 , .. ... .. A012 to .1 J b gper dozn . .... Ias to n tes. per lbag . . . n 17 to 9 unoe r. per dozen .. ).. '--75 to 15~- erv, per dozpn . . . A'n to A 4A i . n-er doz-n .... .. .. 2 (il' tor rf hindauarters .... .... 77A tn o. cboire. carcase .~. 7 (Ao nto o. mediuim. carcase .. .. A W noo 42 a tt. p r wt. .. .. . Mr to 1 r ,pp r w t ... . ..10 Ç00 to 11 n British Cattle Markets. ondon. March ~~-Live cattle are quJoted a ,to 12P per lb.: refrigeratolbbeef. S 'o s r b.:; sheep. 12 to 13e per b. Leading Wheat Markets. . - May. d .1 ew York . . ..,1% l0? etroit .. .. .. . . 120 102 .L u ... ... ... . 1 1-2l 9 ýnneýapolis; ... ... .. 1 3% 10 uluthl . . . . .. .. 9 'Toronto Live Stock. Reeit)<f live stock at the ci tyv mar- pt we.re nm111(,earloads. COMposed of 57 ttl. 10 hgs.sosheep and lambits, wNith ry ite 1 1intrade 1in ti fra rtl of the W1eek. Bradstreet's on Trade. r on iderab:- lie dit c ju t i ToonoThe2o re a been1rom e im a-ile tradersnhere drngte pstcweek. wo lat odays of.aFebruarye were attendo d pic by id, unuualylagenuberen bi Ints hich haveeen 1.aed pero- .( oieal cipity in tis ý*iirnhruh Ileir pr nd.e t ea1 on.1-1lc't. ptsitlra pro- t ere e en much htare eaier.e enalyhav dcnlined sharv rpl h toda soedact eln rabu . -no- 'cre andi9ý nl sfrmly eld. (lat inen in t e -"i-tvei n r%,Iole- Pjeamets do ot e lrt hwayt impk men , jjae l t lli l.roy f ir. of th \No at bee trad )-javNvreated ) 1 a r rep rted a rl sa ifact ry.I avel- h i r ajar ,.ar eu g i fairor na ipa Tre, a e tilase l u t ut ei prI fo. testde crp in o .tin ar st il n Ithe t nthsregard ea.s \'ietoria and eoue oneut th Stocks -are al1,1 1 Y c"ver :-"1, deadforhnbrn SuInpp1lies for ithe itro , Bradsreetreports ftrot æn ý;ay trade conditionhothere no metover thioýe ofa ud e1Wag Country tr:ule iinor iter. Spinle demand, fort ll1re vr neura .f and s pr7p andther 1 Ilc: ~~~~~~ ~-NYBODY S net shte ees medic n&, yonathDe IO SINFUSI0N WITit [N TERNATIONAL -LEsSON NO. XI[ and obedience. Siloam,-"A founitain MAROH 19TR. 1905 under the walls of Jerusalemn towards th Tiflis.-Serious disturbances have east, between the city and the brook broken. out at Kutais, and troops have Kidron. It is still to be seen, one of the Btl ln h hl bencle u osprss thema z Bealung of the Ean Born Blind-John :11 few undisputed sites in Jerusae. 7 beencalld ou to uppr . . study John 9: 1-A1. interpretation, Sent--That is, "outlet or i Moscow-The strike area ntect Commentary..-I. A man born blin > itsn ro o o h waters". either becas twsloe åå, - nd suburbs is extending. There are now (v. 1). 1. As Jesus pas ed y- Jesus u se ofa the if et o b cau e isfo r s heo tit " h q a i y Ce-d , o i n o t till lingered at Jerusalem , and in one wre o dire c td or s e bca as t ow r ps C Y O A h r o t a - - -Ã'0,000 nien out. ,of His walks, perhaps t or fro m a syn- into difre t qarseters, f r ths amrpesur- I t ere t a .t the ewh oe tSecret.bui tk,"l'Xh o r.ne R s i no p Paris.- The Government has commis- agague, He came t o this blind m and. iposde roe t hin t herf reis adn eallusionth Ural C reen.lac , M xe t H e s a N f . J e s u s t o o k n o t i c e o f h i s a f f l i c - o s e n. x i x , 1 ;t h t t he i s f o n a i n w a s l etl a d p a k e s . B y a l g o c t s . sioned the famjous explorer, De Braza, to tion- idoked upon him with concern aty e of hilo 1; hth ist, uthe wsnt Sold onlyi.eTYATNCN APEPCE.3 proceed t o the Congo, M arch 15, to -con- H e a nti ipated hi& need. That look m eant aofypG o fa d h ti te was tt hie ctethf ' d t hi ghe le est ard ca old eai st. Lo i , 1 0 . duct an inquiry into the colonial scan - sight t o the blind m an. A m an -H e w as ofian'simnd t th e t accomplish e t theT--A R eceiTv e - - A K E T dals.~~~~~~~~ beggar; it was his trade; but among that prophecy that Jesus sent him toe ft l osraiecniatscmlt htKuoak 'NNvOreasLa-Te ec 11 n&Hhisetitions he did not ask for sight. the fountain.-Clarke. If the man know because our Lord performed this ac rdo of lCosratin iniaafarsre a NewOrlan, L.-Te eckrlig Yet Jesus gave it. An illustration of free anything of prophecy, he might find en- mec nte abt a, hr enedmkeeatnlyiby theChabran breer at f he ewOreas ss- free grace.-Spurgeon. This man was couragement of faith in thie. The poeoe tertaiiin. intop hs riaini nraed y 8 ly by th. -9 estoye bywashopless helpless, poor. Blind from by its very name was a type of Christ. feared the Jews and left the explanati a lettwer rPreieralfuroontle cir atneigplant, wssestroyed00by ws irth -Of the six miracles connected .He went-He believed and obeyed. We ofhi halig it teirso. heoewmCnsrvaiemiaeiButsen iLnoncbesy:Tem fi e l s Mn g t h l s w$00 0 0 ith b lindness w h ich are recorded in f requ en tly lose G od's best gi fts , becau se oth en contin ued t q ue s on . Th e m Ji anw ic h , wa i th e frenca e t h n e i n i sdii w b sdin t e m t 'l'i-io--t s rpote tatth Ge- hegopesthis is the only case des- we f ail to act in time. Came seeing-Thethe becaminederybodunstilfnalyhe man nd ficalpoieth e re ie r as: I-t. Tio.Itea i r po rtlu, e tha the er tedgose blindnes from birth. In this cure was instantanecus. e he eme et o l hritisile s Th isporant as Ã¥re the Pist sraedwe be elg mis htGn.R-r manstame R molswhch asrecnt ciedats special characteristic, for "since I.Vaiu dsusin (s 81) 8 n erd th e graty adisthpey. revtatnt a letrcthem osure tefna ssilocpigwt h ra Iy seized mwhile en route- to Vladivostock h ol ea a it not heard that IsVnot t iou cshe rewsin immedi)'8-at ee m ad spe harsly an s t e sus' md a tentpinlettem ofteUno stpry tin fhstops is rgnapo ith aIL ca rg Cr nif ca, a enthe wo an oened he ys o o eth t s tr among t h eighbos;t yn tied A tt his hi c urge ase stil he r, I ihl ra h i n o h i e, an h tt u arh a hn n beachied in omori Bay. an a onblnd" v.32-e llis o tt.Bli d~thr a t hng nth eig man.;The samti nd wt rat cer e s tihe answer d, the pohc of h e li n lt p e to f fain b ck crs th l un 1k 'P lestine. In this country there were in is true when Christ gives spiritual eye- athei flsereasocani s s ga ns Iar d t e ntolicy eoP -ome Ru-e Petersure.--rince atopo -j oeblind in 1 ,900 population. 'in He must have been well known. 9.-1 twho had h eaed h sgim. T cul"th man" d be oe ativeRamicla adpeius. Th Rsins recaly eedn vrk. fo mer iniI;ter f heIner r. urope. one in 1,094 population, in China sight. Begged--This is the first men-' no hmore u a st him he ou f t n e comTh ivu e slrpetedhutf nacitewihtaiinlsubrn isM ain 400 and according to Geikie, tohfthiatth thras a bg arnou . eu t oe ofrev e s1\r. -kThas an lec t ey til hod t e f mou Puil is erouly llat K ark ff nE pt o ei 0 ."ln ns sc m a e -eu a e n eld etD o te man, who ncimm e aly e came a re-f r m intfo d s en ur ot vi ex td as sieth po n ng fth trib Lugn-. Poan 1 the it t in he e ston n dalestie oarceev reaize. There nh n rda y 1 i htra, a d the eiin true Nworshipper.oldourage tonsdof th httl ,an emoe illbebi\rnsr rm otAthr ee is hemmng wor e I our thoi i d men we 1. is robably no counitry in the. w.orld, bors had not seen him go to the Pool, ntr t willakla y bing heaens e ss Ch amb oýeinmo .te ane t heRusanfans havestrck a th llatinnn wrk pt Egypt whIere this affection i s o ht nt exornin0thy w r nu povllanvs. FO eaei' ha br la V LEnT$5.0. ls ih f I srmre A o ue:vi tikeo >g0mnri h prevalent. At Gaza, for instance, iti is hardly able to believe their senses. But c U STIN Jpaeseareadotig tctis Donez col filds ape d on E disaid that one-tird-( of the p<,pulation the mi-an himiself gave a positive testi- FISCAL \)ES IO . TrnoM nCagdi otelWt iih otn hd t g liv 1),tot ho oth oves. and frontm on 10O-How,.. .....opened -- His ToonItMa ChrPP i 6t.hve ost on)-erzo .nthat city ni ,t)rs gathered around him and ask- Premier Balf out Would Keep 'It in the Having Stolen .,ofltsw hteZu sinF myo n oerts ,v ba t n sa - eigho g Montx1lMarch 6 -James Howard ; . t Q r ( C t h e W e s t l i c e l Po , t , l o s d e l i e d m e n t i s n o t e x a g g e r a t d . B u t a m o n " o u s t o k n o w h o w t h i n g s a r e I, d o n e , e v n ndn. M a c 6 - T o l i t c a l s it a - h r e a v e s t e r d a y . -w s a r i n di h n t h'-t e p e o e v l t e(coaino 'itale ofIlthese ca es it is difficut to find .an .' t o g h y h ve nLat . .tondison de'trgoin som ahe r i nt rest - u rt t oa Twhronht l ad dntg ily e evoT ed net h u thedeortin f hevlir f heRoalborn blind. Congrenital blindniess is as asee - eha ee en i eg- in de o ns rtand ther a re s eralco h r e of avin tle odsif\-usaette on o h Oerder of thve Red Eaglpe. i al lyteFai r e nteeata nth et nd, bore before. but nwlooking right a dca t ions fthe intention of the Gov- to a css e o iotn ecs wsajur-nct ihratM ke o ew Grdl.tw uermiii\\ inid -lrai r benee was c ra o en tta th atnin. thi lehedelivers this Nwonderful testi ernment to sidetrack the físcaLlcontro- I f r a>oweek, e antu mnsw sr- dnadTeig obls h Germad n Comuussofne l r i heo nd utre --Tr istam The rgen e i 1 an ony to the pow.er of Christ. I 1 ls versy. An attempt was made on the e fr a ý(a nhveahevdcosdralusce Loea, on ealfof Eer orW limedsteites lr f lul" short, clear, positive. A man-Firstlhe pr~o h hmbranscinofte la d ued a mefoiootlbot wn. u iitr xet ee No xplnaton s oferd-suni, and great and sudden changes. ~ ke hmonyas"hemnaRrt. cl- noistheChp rarty om ectLordoHuh1haot or'o ie D wole eesf etgrudfrte Peloubet. ed Jesus, ithen as a prophet (v. 17), then Cclt eintePrannaysa ot n I salgdta eto l.oewemn eal rd J'ledin--lTe Govern mevnt .intead . of I. Jesus explains thie mystery of pro- aI a it h m G d a v .3 -Cecf o ren ici h u e cil pli e t ey k e - a thh m o rm l aud t $ 500 a t- usanq at r. r crmngth atllry duin apriod dence (v. 2-5). 2. Disciples askeýd --Thie 33), then hie ,was the Son of God (vs. 3- elined to qulit, and in thait deter ia dwhc 'h H nyK.W m oe 1d--,. of s va ears as S to Ite army apapro- firs usi nthat arose in their minds 3e-etcs. i n rci e>uep cel ron «i ne Co.. i a o rPh ladep i ,th o g hirF U H C N I U U l~-teidrcedn to ' ai.s hy tis blindn es xitea ad. s-Who 'The neighibors finiding the ,case iva -port from Sir Alexan< er A b.n -11 Toro(n t o.-branch, la-1iis hi rpry - ri-atin il i nt taity ,is (·antbe mainu.dd-m citr tahsta l i-ed in mystery took the iman to the lPhar- chief G vrmn bp o napub- foroteir ecuieueennam f' op ot18 fa rea mid . sh fast s gN e bliý) me t r - es n v n et .i h rut o seprhap s to the Sanhedrin. mwo pio- lclte eln s t C t I ds G o i ppe d fom he are oue o On Niht .fatued Teîrm e t r 0r i.T eJw s error consicteion e- ceeded. to investigrate the miracle b ad mn wohsrendere niofPne.1)as on & Cd fomnyt em ohae quire 3.48 gus git at east... n tht al speial aflicions were quiestionmg i-the man iand by calling fhis valuable assistance to 1lthe pren idndaodn 'otefr ua udncbe:A caees oervel i ecs.(h>t p i aKom i isitations for special sins. This parents Iito tstify-.'Thle lhypocritical rub whlich heio bil i t nembiler. sit i en quston, u t thscomdi p ayc imt t fiei har tn mie so hw er te Krpp impom gns r J.suscoreted.---Ab bo ar r htd deuiad wrecninay ply becauise lhe, doc!,not .pport the feom u t blons to te ,adta ra tegnsi eoug hardt's inudeh ~tierooontrast btmn hi tog t tvin to find sm tigagainst inm.cGove*(rnmilent on Ithe fisca-l qule tionnecrds thevfointendtio potc i t.ic vr ou. T e R si 1«Iie 1.0. osusiiin replan Repentanc e ev pretended tl to take great offeýlII lhi,ý letter. which vIrtuia d ri he lat iv d ys h gui&y Mass The1200 rani e c and ose naflitions 'punishments a Te wune r tersof tis cty bgana stliketo-dy fo ca loveir 1lI the afflictions ofot rtho h uk n nrhw d, h a edjsnwtof houris anld w g T ma a t h tt pa ialy tyinig iup)the Igraniite mann hlow e n ldt(trne ofrn m ation fha R fir. faicturing-IL induistry o(f thet. ity. 1The o birthighatno scheodlodemand s , O ý3 a gda.y for ig m of isouls. Ih \ \trans l titation ii li le lo\ýtla e 'l eAs p 'e g iiilt derrble eff ct he Torn t o.p0e0R a) aIo nth ea n d T,00 N 11 h"' ".) \ n ou; t ç a p a uth eaIIIst i or th reeo c oa rd ayo It î ,t l -o i o t m l lg l p i - t n ott lI d a on all d e with h trautcil uFinancial Statement opi liii tra atthe.\ au ,teetpo t .and T hs lx - \\ t n.1.0 w un d m nha Etre..cl cMr. Al. f A cd t n nte t d iin.w ih a t eg o the ao and lr - ainnip u e an- \mngnin Tin7 were ro m i lreled t i n i h e n ie n h pw nt stoe. annestthon On n " ino n SSTSLIBILTIS ;'.. m orinni with sa two hat m talan nunna t se (ifm inlinn an a. setron mo en" bludfr Gve1iet. M ncial adReere udconp lysStn-$2 08 5000Tusfa (e. enen n ont ea prices. 200 bt '$ 1.06 t 92 to 300 bu at 46c. Dair Lost cho cE dozen. ed at to 14e stad3 for t M y ton. Dre Whea Do., derate, Do. relia- Oat ,Ia'ýnRye, paknBuck r por- Barle iltions, Hay, o sign Do. River. Sera gY thleir *" ýss, and R f Hill, Tir c llow. nreq thele-ss is. no." at 'Ahe Phi hat tie Tvur nl the-ir Cabl .\frica, Cani rele eternnir ians is,n crescenit Tn nMuk- - M ýapanese Ve s on the Lr Sdo not inevita- Li cted in j10% per Y. N e Men in D artillery -i rd. ' hie 1 ore dis- n1 losses ve been k treanning e e hospi- i th ettur te o iy. iout ,ot sed press- t r- ei alr edy t ( tsen of T , tl a r . .. . .. .. .. .. . 'à 4 , . IPhe pcut Iib H 11wr l.tPremiumis in Triansçit and d (efeýr. ad -- -•--- -• 'n rm - 11iln % -m;11 l ph a e m ni a t1ilred (net) and interest ac- LOW DIET FOR STRENGTH. m n .I her a e fcrued ...... ·······.···.0.9..0. .dat..n 112.1n1t1w enli htenn ) t of 1 inOther Assets,..... . ..······ .··•2T99d00 T uh Meat Said to be as Nut itious3 as Inth1 h t iof hs h_19Caho hn n i aks · 20,099.62he ou dli uonA or.Not on 1Y $29,074.599.00 i andolnBarkf TedePSea.I t$29,074,599.00 $h29,0h1 their 1 1 ttentiio tu ethe o ilRECEIPTS PAYuveMElNa ouTr fihl cint1 . \ am st w\Ulrk lil 1.\..J-lýDeath Claimis (net) ... ... .. $1,221,8 56 u n t et guein an n al "e," as iven in lw L. \.. 11w remium and Amin ty Income(he l -,- lut he tulets a t i asciaes lis istls wth H n i de ...... $1,043.178.15 Matured Endowmients (net) ... - ow r her t. bo w o rkýl . p ( r . . e c u a i l t . i kt h n e t . e . . . ... . ..•• • • •1 ,'2 0 4 , 8 5 1 5 0 D i v i d e n d s p a d P o l l e y - l o l d e r s e t r l p u men uh b a t th r -it it P r o rofits on sale or securiti,-.s......... 52,361.62 (including Bonus Addition 'iga n euti" t en lone.tit()i ndly k rr pa l ith Death Clai s and .T eei r ,w rh no aeemdin i d t itu ion and i ae iav the-w1 rk (It wi t atured Endowmllents) 2 3411 fetta h lg oe g l i t .tn , I a1 1: 1 1 l iL \ \- ' I,(, i t l aNT hod a y r e pu r r e n d e r V a i n e s p a d P o l i c y - e h ; e a o a o s ili t o 10 1, 11, l ert ndy.tl h .op n110 le-s ... . . . .----.. ---..765 09.hleln.f the a R vr mil o ny p,-ind: the cieht of deathPaid Annuiiitants ... ....--....2 ,9 .1I s rp re t a m tonutha ed ms ed e<uTotal paid to Policy-hoders..$1, ,rifocn terrih î>1 ir n 1.1wilho l',mtiir oll ný,Il i o I a 1(\r CnCl toen$430 ,9128noichieintnncm. 01 of 0W-ýýý1Ictý,,1' Net Surplus over all Liabilities (Cornpany's standaPd) LEF1WNGLO live, nd do ot mak tle aannoi th tNet Surplus over all Liabilities (Government Standard)h s.$n4FanlyAd hi he*tIph.,arl.la*a u n b\h'lb h LOSSES ENORMOUS. GISI 94^ra Crne Co:nplany of Japazesle Ent rely l GbyAINSrnl r 104103Icras 1tt90ew4ro Annhiatedthe ., G bya_ e a to nra mUcationsreceived .........,... 7,221 6,86 38Sia. en ouo frm dn Kuoati. ;'k rh t e. hliaiy h .-o Amount ol Assurances appled for ......---. 13 4,513 1,3,324 ,71 .an hi pa o "Our etac uwnt at < nell G Aa da * * * an Pol cies paidfor..... ...-----------------.8054..9.3....6,74,84.th.Rusiansw.ll no.. biolds its 1 p ioio. EPCn n sha p e y poe otll bs iness inr force.. ...... ..-.-.....--.-..... 11 roo t h e a d v a c e g ia r . N o j k o . h sl a e n a lit I I to l m i l.a n t - 1 .T o a ltui e s ltfr ce.. . .... .K.. . .u.. . 1 u p is d ns n o y a e t a Te new businesspaid for ln 1904 was greater in arnount than thatofaybobid eaut ral b il a )Inese, whose losses wVeilreI tract atttenitionr and to stime fate faithi previous year ln the Company s history. islf wn o a ne compan was annihi rs Nor1 ad t adistanovA full report lot the annual meeting wilappear in the Comnpany'spae'rsr '-h leglt lcinandinci, ilteentiro 3. Christ~ appeais to two of the man*; -LifeEchoes." T eEh asi srp pla h eaheg tson uein, after alter- senre, his lhearing and feelinig, therebygad onilo ari o pla nelv ca inom auen , live been i . aouin aih.-Moreed.Chi t gv dr th rsiecy o fntely ocanind by tur troops. bis personal attention to this cais evenTsrke eonSudy "TeJap inese attack on tour right thoi çh his piatel t wi a î i n aG flank hias been retpulsed.* Wudh ivpr e4f ïàt na r 1Iut ron aores 1nfie annekion at:In toe hae f o along 1 ii eadlune h te tion be rel uen- he OR-ar ('11the(iar,,and liaslicontd a sel" factory caonh litn LuId l -

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