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New Whitby Free Press, 31 May 1997, p. 14

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page 14, Saturday May 31 WHITrBY FRE he alth an d fitn ess Staying on hormone replacement therapy an effective option It is well known that hor- mone replacement therapy (HRT) is an effective option in controlling the symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, mood swings and insomnia. What many peo- ple do flot realize is that HRT also offers protection' against serious health threats such as osteoporosis, heart disease and possibly even Alzheimer Disease. Women who do not have any of the commnon menopausal symp- toms can stili benefit from hormone replacement therapy. How long should 1 take HRT? The medical communiîy recommends women stay on HRT for a minimum of 10 years ta benefit from the long-term protective effccts. If there is no strong reason to stop taking hormones, womfen should consider staying on their hormone regimen indeflnitely so as not ta lose the benefits that have built up over the years. What are the benefits of HRT? HRT can help prevent osteoporosis, a debilitating bone disease that affects one in four women over the age of 50. Hormone replace- ment therapy compensates for the body's natural decline in estrogen produc- tion, slowing the accelera- tion of bone loss that usually begins at menopause. According to research, there is no doubt that HRT provides most menopausal women with significant pro- tection against cardiovascu- lar disease. Studies show that a woman's chance of having a heart attack or any other serious circulatory problem is cut in haif as long as she is taking hor- mone replacement therapy and has done so for a num- ber of years. New research also sug- gests that women taking hormone replacement thera- py might be at a lower risk for Alzheimer Disease because of the estrogen in HRT. Estrogen use may even reverse somne of the disease's symptoms. For the long term, hor- mone replacement therapy can help menopausal women remain healthy and active. Remnaining on HRT is a. per- sonal decision - a decision that deserves careful, consider- ation because of the protective health benefits. Women who have questions about hormnone replacement therapy should speak with their doctor. S tudy -validates runners talk test Preliminary resuits of a U of T student confirm monitoring breathing is an easier way to as-, sess exercise intensity than check- ing your heart rate. Professor Robert Goode of the department of physiology and the: Sehool of Physical and Heaith! Education investigates how to! monitor the effectivenes of exercise. "The traditional method of checking your pulse to see if it falis wthin the correct zone for your -age group is ineffective," explains Goode. "People often have difficulty finding their pulse while they are exercising and usually slow down trying to take a pulse so they are getting an accurate reading any- way."ý Free Press photo by Mark Reesor RUNNING FOR PEACE THE 1997 Peacç Run came through Whitby Monday, stopping at the town hall and Whitby Mon- tessori Sohool and jomning a track meet in Oshawa before continuing on its journey ta Quebec City. Run- ners in more than 70- nations are participating. 665-01 58 314 Bruck St. N., Whitby # massaqe tberapy # stress mdnagement *injury recovey * eaddchc relief *reflexology *gift certificates by Betli Woodcock RMT il Goode had 30 participants run until they could hear themelves breathe, which corresponds to the -heart rate threshold for exercise intensity which is the minimum for cardiovascular benefit. With one exception which wasstatisti- cally insignificant, he found the point that subjects could hear themselves breathe was also. when their heart rate was at the lowest threshold for cariovascular benefit. Earlier studies had shown that people have reached the upper limit of threshold for exercise when they can no longer speak. Photo by Mark Reesor SPORTS A NEW WHITBY senior day program aims to "motivate and stimulate" its clients with activities such as crafts, and sports. Pat Bigford, above, tries her hand at putting. The Studio of Dance.& Performing Arts e s.. e 2. . . et e Ballet * Jazz * Tap e Modern @ Limon * Lyrical e Musical Theatre * Stretch & Strength e Boy's Club We have: " Professional, certified aduit teachers " R.A.D. & l.S.T.D. exams " Live accomplirnent for Ballet, Modem, Tap " Competitive dance company Ask about Summer Classes & Registration for Full 1 Day program for Seniors' may run five days a week A new Whithy day prngram has heen forr-ned to help "frail and Both say they enjoy the isolated" seniors,,who can't gel program. with storytelling a out to cornrnnity activities. favonrite activity. ' First Generation Respite Aduit Bigford. who has'a diploma in Day Prôgram mn by Pat Hedley gerontology and has previonsly ai Ail Saints Church. began îast worked in a day program and rnonth and cnirrently operates Iong-term care. feels there's a [romn 10 a.rn. t 3 p.m. îieed in Whithy for such'a Mondays. though she plans ta evc nonoswrigwî expanci it ta ive days a week. seniors. She's assisted by two volunteers. "I love the elderly and 1 think stepson Gary Rogers and Mary thley have a lot ta offer," she Grey. vs Thec two seniors who attend -- Thie programn gives seniors two more are beginning next sornething to do dnring the day month -- enjloy varions activities and helps them to better enjoy which "motivate a nd stimulate," life. she ýsays. at a reasonillble including rtness. reminiscing, cost -- $25 a day. which crafts, sports and yoga. includes a mal at noon. Cail 665-7691 for morei information.A HEALTIi & NUTRITION CENTRE INC. SENIORS drop in & pick up your discount card We carry a large range of: e Food for Celiacs a Fresh Organic Chicken a Vegetarian Foods a Homeopathics e Organic Products a Bach Flower Remedies a AJIergen Free Foods a Books, Videos, Cassettes e Breads* Body Building Suppies a Bulk Grains & Herbs *Vîtamins & Supplements .and much more 121 Broclc: Street N.PWhltby (ust N. cf 4 corners) 668 2 6> An E HEART Bonr AND STROKE FOUNDATION fONTWARIO Author of Simply Heart Smart and More Heart Smar-t Cooking, Bonnie Stem demnonstrates cooking at its best. iening with nie Stern Learn from the pro1 Monday June 2nd, 7:30 pm Sinclair High School, (Cafetorium) Taunton Road, Whitby Seating limited to.400 so cail to reserve (905) 686-1521 or (905) 571-1582 Tickets$5O Available at the Door Sponsored- by LORD We oeoklntogelze THE LONG-TERNI BENEFITS0 'F:STAYI NG REPLACEMENT' .THTERAPY: " Protects against osteoporosis " Protects against heait disease " Possible protection against Alzheimer Disease W1omen should talk to their doctors to Iearn more about the Ion g-term benefits of hormone replacement therapy. -4- -~ C@mn in .September '97 Ballroom, Latin, Country line, 1/2 day pre-school programs in dance, music & crafts 307 Brock Street North, Whitby 666-1528 Ask for Elizabeth qlo_

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