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Ontario County Gazette, 2 Mar 1900, p. 1

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WHITBY, O ~ritt- tu ±~* ~t8t ~ii~t~it5[ Zi~ mu 3 - -- ________________ Ton >ok.~ Lncsi. v.S e-No. 1, The Terrace,ý M%. bouns DYOO5 mursuu S. ~Bpou SI WGGDOW9 yal oUee o!D~nal sur- naduate Torno1 niversity. IrGrets & Granger'os' open -Saturday evenings. I 31 ~W'~~'7 B. -Whitby "," WAiAM, MITER an )ECO RATORO. -stern Bank of Canada INCORP0RATED 1882. ona New York and Sterling I«oChange t and sold. Deposite receive4aiud in- allowed at highest current ~a and 1.4 haital y Ilopîlonu aoliclted and proînptlyjfli&dé. ioini attention te .oIIe@tlen of. armer' Ol oS Formera' Notes Discoumted. apondent. In New Yrork andj Canada, eobaîzhsBank of Canadia; oyal 13ank of! 8ot$land"o Lou4oxi, Eng, #y orderu ni thé CJuadian Bazikèes'An- tion issued; a oheap,co-nvoénient and scie cd of remitting largo or amali ai*lounts te ] E- M. WRRÈNO Manager cfWhitbt Branch- Now lu the tinue ta get your bicyýIe ovex. haulê'd for spring andc avoid the rush.f Estimates cheerfully given. -Frames re-modelled and enlareîîe4. 0. 1c uit~Oorder. -W. Je-UK~ The Dominion B~ Capital PoJd UP M I- ra ink. $115 01000 $115 00000 WHITBY AGENýY4, Geéneral Bankinl'g Bu4inless -Special attentione tlhe- colleotion of 1 Sale and other notes. and. Vari on MTO Ln to Ce REDMÂ N, lauuipetr.,GI*r. rsmme te border. R!paîingitu &U Its bncehes romptly BVt- loded toi A large stock of Corn,, Oots and SUl tuiie rorqululties oonmahlY 'On baud.. faneraI OCard&printed on uhortéot maIce, W. H. WARNERP COAL, LUNBER, L4TH, SEIINGLES, - COIDWOOD, SLABS,Etc-ý e 1e l .e l Agont for ho PEOPLE8 COAL CO. TOSONTO. Omoo ansd Tard, main road, jusI GarnI of U- landRailway traok. Spring Dairy Supplies te land. Eave-trougîing a specialty. De Me MISK~L BROORLIN. I«EIT GIEOIOIIIIeLE 0F WI1TER.BO809S. Thi, ust go ta make maux for ipring g9od" nov coIng. we have a number of pecsof' reversible Shakers, heavy plain Shakesnd Striped Shakers.i We aiso have a f ew pairs of Men's Heavy Lined Boots, odd sîzes. They miust go, too, at cost to clear. Reversible Shakers to clear worth 12 Wnow Toc. Plain Heavy Shakers to clear worth 12%4 nOW zOC. Heavy Striped Shakers to clear worth 12 flOW 10C. We have a number of! Remnants of last se&son's prints, Worth f rom 1oC. ta 12%c. They al go at 9e. BOOTS-Feit Lined Boots with Buckles, regular 02.50 DOW $2-15. Feit Lined Boots Laced, regular$2. 15 now $r.8. Long Boots with felt Sock, regular $2,25 xUOW We also have a few odd Unes of ladies' fine boots. Corne and get a fit and you can have them less than cost. These are ail Cash Prices. Produce taken at regular prices. A. C. ELLIOTI, Brookli ii ,s pring, Goods.. .New, Prints, JVew Shirtinmgs, Kew Cottons, ,New Cottonàcdes are now in stock. These goods wereý bought early, an-,l are for cuir cugtomers at Old Prices. CarpetS. We have ýjust rectived a shipment of Unions and' Tapestries. New patterns and ext'rr!good values. Discount Sal.e now on in Winter Gobds-Woül Hoods, WooI Ta.ns, CkqtI Caps, Cu rled Caps,, Blankets, Skirts,etc., We pa>ý lighest prices for Butter, Eggs, Dried Apëles, and other farex produce. Don HO LLI DAY GIER BRO SI, Brookline OUR. ý;SIRROUHDIIqB.è AB get'of InterestiDg ~e atherd by 'Ourlout-of - Town Scribes. GREEN RIVER.i WiII, Armstrong le somewMat proved aI 'writing. Mrs. W. B. Turner le9c6nflne to- room through ilinees. PORT PERRY.' i m - ý her -Many wlll bo pleas.d te leakil liah Luces & Co. are a bos toadd 4oher t. dustry to -ur town. Te* have eecured tic vacantshop 'between- Mn. W. H. McCaw'ti-jeweilery store and lie office of the Canadian Bank oe. Com - merce and purpose etarting a larness and herse collai business on heic lt mest.- Mn. Robent ILucas bas bee - con- uccted witi tic wiolcsale -firme df B. F. Ack ermau and Courtice & J eff rey for a great many years and is conside ed ho lie a flrst.clase workman. We predict for them a large patronaÊ7eý BROOKLIN: Eggs are down he 16e. bore. Oh, but there's anther dn nean at iand. edu The Ciosen Fniende meet! next Thuneday evering, anda bumpen at- tendance le hi-,ped for. A surprise party fromhIe seuIl. in - vaded tic home cf Mr. Chas. Calder a ýfew evenings ago and a j_élJ, 'lime eueued. Mn. Robt. Crummer and family, leave for their new home at Boissevaine, Mani$next week. May good iuck foilow them. Thc Brookiin Young Liberale*oneer. vative Club intend'-oho ld apotier concert very shorîly. Every ffort will lie made. te eclipsl ast- yean e sueçes. -Ms - M. P. Chînn1o! Tornte,loffens i; place bone citler for sale ort~ reut. For particulars a)ppyto Mns. T. Çin, Brookiin,- or M. . Chinu, 2 Alpha av@., Toronto. Mn. J. E. Webster las deci4ed te beave the Maseey-Harrià wore iat Toronto lu order te returu te Mn.! Chas. Calder'e. There lea a moulder'à,trk on up thon. which preveuits wo*k. Among those-from-Broekimn wIào aI- iteuded tic 'Ontario Ladies' College conversazione were Mise Elma Holliday, Miss Alice Olver, Mies Lottie Coakwell,, Mise Hattie Grass and Mn. Percy Piernil. Mr. atid M rs. A. C. 'Ellict. wenr sur- prised on 'ruesday evening by ai large contingent o!fnirende and ccmrpelied ho foleow Cronje*s example and maire an unconditional surrender. As sdon as tle warriers brave lad a goodi lime they retneated again te their homes. Tic home o! Mn. and Mre. Wm.ý Fnw- lie was tie scene cf& h appy. gathering last evening, upon thc occasion fte marriage o! their daugîler, Miss J ennie Elizabeth, te Mn. JameS- Morrisoât. As tle eveut was taking place just as Ihis shoot wae lieing prnîted, we are oligedc te bld fuller panticulars until next week. On Fniday eveniug la8t île Brook lin Young Liberal-Conseovative Clulidrove over te tic. residence of Mrs. Nobie Stevenîson aüd sons and were'-reyally entertainied with cevery. sort of giames, includiug eucire, cnokinïole, lest hair and cheekers., The kitcheri was Weil fflled by youth and beauty tripping'r tie lâgt fautastic tee unhil about tWvelye o'clock, whcn tioy withdrew for a couple cf leurs and some fifty sat idown te au cyster supper and every chIten kiud of cake a banàr could wîsh for. After al lhad licou senved tic tables were cleared away and t rtiom scn Colors. Ninet--five per cent, cf r age sand other materials used lu thec manut'atuî.e o! home made mats, ruge aùd ca pets are eoloreçl by the Diamtnd Dyes. Why ? Because the Diamno'd Dyes aiway8 give te cotton, wool anîdiUnion inatenials tie tullest, brigîtesirrh and meet iasting colons, sun. soa~ or wasîing canneo. fade Diamnond Dye colors, Mrs. D. Davideon, -CovcYllilil, P~ . writes thue: 46 l ave hee'u using youn Diauà!ond D'yes fer many years, and they *bave always given' entire satisfactioni. To- day we "eînptied two packets cf y$our dyeg and L amf obligied to,,bulY merci as we are making sixty yards3 cf rag Car- pet Ibavre uSd yeunCotton cl~ors aet 1 thhnkthiey -are batiu T Ihe etnipes lu my carpet-blackg green, red and yellow-are nîi. Icanuot If- ccentiypraioe Dkto»d Dyei; alI My neigibors epuairweflofixeth£ »ROCR ROÂD. W.Badgerow has mnoved on'hie1 flew faI#- Thomuas Xnox, wli6 haa been aihing f*r seme tIià with a sore foot, has. startk'ýo driww-etoie for Jas. (ordoh. On account of the bail weatber on Sunday eyeniug the tempkerance sermon was not preached in Burns' cliurcli. The few present thought it advisabie to postpone it until Sunday evening next, Marci 4th. , The Royal Templarà would likf, to see a*good turn-out. Ail other ternpenancee secieties are invited to join wîtb us at the hall at 6 80. Mr. Win. Crosier, who lias been a resident'ofthis village for the last two years, we are sorry to.say, le going te leave these parts. Hie bas aecepted a good job near London and will le-ave for thene. about the middle ofe Mardi, We wish hlm and his family evé.ry prospvrity in thein new home, and 'ail wMI join with me in saying that our loss will be soîne one e!lse's gain., Mn. and Mrs. Crosier and family lhave won -the respect of all who knew tienui. mis Adiré Wasmt~tvedl. Mr.J. E. Lifly, a preminent citizen of Hannibal, Mo. Iately had a wonder fnl deliverance from a frigbtful deati. in telling'cf it he says: 61 was taken with -typhoid fever, ,that - ran into pneumonia, My luinge became harden- ed. -1 was se weakI cou.ldnt even sit up in bed. NothingS helped me. I ex- pected to soon die ofeconsunaptiony whtin Iheard of Dré. King's New Disecovery. One bottie gave great relief. -*I eP. tinued te use it, and uew am Éwell' and stro-ng. I csp't say 10e mïuej iwinits Praise." This mareIlous m.edicine le, the suresl and quickest cure-ilu the' world for ail ýtlroaf and iunae trouble.- 50 cente and-81, At. a.E'Lîn'drug store. Every bottie guaranteed Death ha -dent of Our. John Ro~b- ther r son or rj f1 te sf1 th« b&eàved. - :Our football team plaved a friendly Rame with the Âudley boys, on Satur- dlay week. a.pd scoted 2 to 0. -Congrat. ulatone, boye. A large number g àthered at the horne of, Mr. Wrn. Baye and trip-ped the liglit fantaiti 1lb.hewee smal' hours. ALil report having hadý a goo4 tim>e. For a time it was thougit the Dale block wouid go up iii flames, but by the prompt action the catastrophe was avre.Wu refer te thie Reazin hard- ware conflagration. Tic fine can oily be ascnibed te spontaneous combustion. Some damage of A trivial ,nature was donc. .Austin Badgerow, who is employed by James Bnien, north of" tie villag, while drivin-,çr trougi. a gate-way, the' whe-el cf-the wagon struclk the gale. pest, throwing hlm te the gnound. He received a severe sliaking up as wieli as a lad scalp -wound,-,and wae hurt about the shoulder- blade,. No Igbt Té line&*. 1Tic women *woio lelovely lu face, !ormn and tempor will àlways tý bave fniends, but eue wlio would be attractive muet keephir iealtbh. If ehe le ,weak- - sick iy àadalitruri down,-eieé çfillbe ner- vous and irritable. Il she bas constipa- tion or kidney-, trouble, -Impure., bloodà w il cause pinples, bletches, skIfreruptý t ions and a wretohed complexion., Elc- trie -Bttors le the.beet medicine- in the world te regulate stomnach. livor and kiducys and. te purify tho blond. - - I gives etrong nerves, bright eyes, îiooth volve-, ekin, rich complexion. Il ,willt maire a god-looking, eharming -womanj et a ruu-down invalld. Ouhiy boo. ait A., H. Allinlet- Mia ttie Lkbton à* *ud bClare- bgre. Imma Puckerin & SOus have purchaees a erea1w se . Pcator and find that it ,givea A. fOLait" match.between Baggote.ý vile -and Audley f4ootbaill ia&~ ýPlayed 01) . K1r,ývig"ts grounde. The ,esul t wàa -oreoof 1 to o ilu favor of Baggotaville.____ GREENWOOD. Mr. A.4R.Meen iWas in.the clty the fore-part. tthis week. Mies Annip'Lewis, oîf Glen Major, je- the gue#t'ôf Mies Vina Clark., Mr. M.,IGleasoýn'ieturned home Sun- day fromna business trip to Ottawa. The Lengue poetponed their visit to Claremont League tili Monday, March 5th. Mr. Win. Pengelly sold a Young horse last week, -receiying $120 for same. Mn. Alex. Moore, jr.,, was laid off work ai few days last week with a lame shoulder. Mr. JaW. Gibson was.laid up the latter end of last week from a severe attaek of grippe. Mn. Wm. Bently, of Uxbnidge, spent the fore- p art-of this week with Mr. and Mns.H I., Shea. Fred. has'a lovelyý smile these days, as- lhe doesn't have te undergo a sand bath to see Mr. and* Mre. ohn Lawton, _of! the Kingston road,* visited, Mr. -and Mrs. L. Mfackey Wednesday week. Ther-Dr. White Cloud Medicine Co. h",sbeen holding, forth liere,. this and last week, but owing to, ýbtheetormy weather the attendance has been rather small. '7 MYRTLE. Mr. Beacock has commenced to move on to Mr. .MoTaggart'e .tfrm 1 having rented it for a term of years. Mr. Wesley Wiles liat moved te Port' Eerry, where -lie has- engaged 't Courtîe*- & Jeffrey in the harnes business. Mr. Giorge- MeTaggart is about te rnoVWoou hl'oQwU fifty acres just ' south 6f his- f i~j'o fanm, whicli George -lias been .wôrking. for the past few years. IMr. and Mrs._ Thomas Downey arri'#ed home Tuesday eveuing, atter having spent about two weeks in Toronto, the Snests o! their daughten, Mns. R. ampieli. Flags are flying in our village in honor of the Canadian boys who have taken such an active part ini bringiRg about the surreiîder of Gen. Cronje in South Atnica. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McTaggart came down from the city to attend their sale on the 27th Inst., which was sucli a grand sùccess. My~. McTaggart was favored. with good weather, a good crowd, good pnices and an abundance of buyers. ____ ASHBIJRN. Our school teacher is an up-to date hockey player. Miss Alice Pearson. is-confined te the house with la gVippe:ý Frank Anderson lias eng-gged for a year with Mr. Frank Briggs, of Myrtle. saubunlis, iilustratîng. he same by many fine stcneopticenviews.- The admission us only 16C. - Au oyster supper under thIe auspies4 cf the BaLeam Foot- Baill Club' *11 hai given lu iýBalsam* oî4 ,-FHdy evening,, Mardi 91h, «Thé oystere will lie served' lu the rear o! n J . -usstore, audt tic programi whici will consist e vocal and instrumentalmeliaous reciçations, reidiügý,. e, wlll be-given in the hall at.-Balàam., The committea are spa ing no, palûs ho, make lie co.0n- cent a, succel9s. 1Tic fèllowing are expedhed ho take part ln the program r:- Mr. Geo. N. ýHolliday, Aeibur,..l'r. Ira A. Lawrencc, Wiitbv. ir J. H. MadilI,- Balsain.,,,M iss 3od ,Clare- mont. Thre tBalsam orchestra, and dialogues by members ofthe club. Admission 25c., cildren 15C. Accem- Dmdation !for.honsea. DIeoercT' roun morve - - - Wge tic resuit cf lia splendid bealti. TndmàîItxb1e wiil and tremendous eneroev 1 i p surplus CLAREMONT.' rThe concert, and tea of.fihe, Mission Cirie nd au cftii -apti tchureh ' wae- nrost sueceseful. Reecipte abouti 857. - Did, at 'Glasgow, Seotland, Isalbella B. Mcab , wîfe ooi Geore'Rose, and sister of J. and D. Miacab and Mrs., -B. S. Palmer. We congratulate_ Duncan Mecnab upo hie- appointment as.,oe e f thet liese commissioners for the 13outh nlding of Ontario county. MOUNT ZION. Our Sunday sehool, ancivereary wil lie held on Sunday, Maréh 4th.- Spec- il sermons will be preaehed at 2.80 p. m. byv the Rev G R. Claie and aI- 7 p. m. by the Re.v. Professer Firthi, of- Pickering College. Speciai collections iu aid of echool at both services. Monday eve., Mardi Sth,,au illustratedl lecture on IlLondoun and Windsor " will be deiivered by. the Rev.;W. H. Adams, of Cla:remonf, formenly of Richmond Coilege, 'London, and a nepiew of Thomas Adame, Esq., J3. P., twice Mayor o! the Royal Borougli. An extensive series 'o! valuable slides, speciaily selected and -imported, and prqbably surpaseing any collection prevlously exhibited in Ontario, wihI, be projected by a fine English stereopticon. Don"' miss this, oppontunity ,o! seeing the metropolis of the empire, and the his- torie home' et England's sovereigne. Admission 10 and 15 cents. PICKERING-. James Gordon la getti ng aieng nlcely. Dr.-,Young'has punchased a, new driver. Mise Pearl Walker, o! Peterboro, bai been here,' In Toronto, tW Mr. and Mrs Chas. Peart a daugiter.- -Miss Bertha Birrelilias been vlelting frienda lu Fairport. Mrs. Armstrong, o! Toronto, was bere for a few weeks.- Miss A.-Webster, of Bracebridge, lu with Miss Neliie.Law. Ed. Boone le purchasing- herses here- abouts for the North- West use. Principal Firth, o! the colleg*e, has been confined te lis lied for the past few days. Thos. Law is recovening -fron3 hie recent a .-cident-a biÈe from a ïiciôus herse. W. H. Hilts le doing niceiy in Heno. lulu. He is o etva psms o the Island. nwgnrlpsmse o Rumon has il that the plans and speciticeati- ous are eut for a new station ah Pickering.- A. B. White and son, of Pilot Mound, Man., and Ait. Hooyen were here caîl- ing up oi fniends. Norton and Mns. Breakey, qf Pearson,, Man., are visIting Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Courtice, o! the Lake Shore. John B. Hem i as vacated hie posi. tien aI London and now occupies a more remunerative ene ah Listowel. James Gordon le baving stone hauled preparatory te liaving a foundatien, placed beneatl i i stable anid diving- sheds, Hie many. fniende wish to etn ý 11 ..".v %liir . ïüoè*ý Lindemy"s b ig power- seheme will- soun have reaehed a'sa'cestul iesue when that, town's mauufacturing coucerns audýI electnie lllilg-n apparatus,*!Il- derive tboir motive power f nom Fenelon Falla. Large water wheels, capable of producing 750 herse power, have been ehxpped te the latter plaice -where' hhey willi ho put in, position eo, as te eoncen- - trate the power_ lu the vast eupply of 'wat'Wrah tie falîs. The power wheu thus gotten under control wli be utilized lui geuer atin ' electîicity wlth the dyna-. mes alréady in position, -vilchinl turn will be tt-ansmitted te Lindsay alongthe carrent wires'erected'for. liat purpqýe. *S. S. NO. .2. WMITBY., We 'were serry te héar o! tic -deatk - of Mn. John -Robb. Mi I Strachan, cf Aûror4aýis lie- gue e ne. J. Cooper. - ' Mn. F. Lynde has got, some flný young - imbe, the firet of tie seaien. Mies Lillie Brethour, of Uxbrldge, la vieîhing hen cousin, Mies Pardon. Mn. P. Coffey lias tie contraci o supplying five corde of wood te lthe echool lieuse. Mr. C. W. Smith,: with hie daughter,- Miss Mary, attendcd the conversazione at theO. L. C. Mn. H. _Patterson with hie niece, Mis Hopkins, attended the golden- weddlng of Mr. and -Mrs. MadilI, near Claremont. Mrs. Wm. Arksey, witb ber- sieter, Mrs. Wm. Sonlcy, visited ticir couexu, Mise, Smith, Bay-side, who lias since dled. M'iss Florence Sonley, with Mise Park, 'bas -been visîiting ber'sisteére, Mrs. A. Aluin and Mns. F. Hancock, Wblt- churci. ,- Mnr. Jo0hn Stirtivant, formerly,, of- Whitby, but now e! . artney, Manitoba, reuewed old âîcqugU~tances here lait. woek. Mýany from here attended tie Pnesby- -terian social, beld ai Broad-fleld recent&y, and report a great crowd, a -good pro-< gramme, ami .au excellent toit. BALSAM. Mn. 'Ellie is agent fer a new book -on tic Boenwar lu SoùthAfrica. Some fromn here atténded the carnival ah Uxbridge tasi Fnldaýy eyening. There was --noschiol -ou Mouday owing to hhe< severe csldweather. James Jon s says h' le ready fer tie Feni:ans, as ibe .lias bis milltary outfit- MR.ichard Wilson, jr., has purcbas-> cd a neW transposing: autoharp from J. H. Madili. Mies Annie. LeapÃ"r, cf ClÉremont, and Mis Mitchell, cf Wiby, are lie gueste o!fie MissesMllr Tic Balsamn football team-iuteud hold- ing au oysten supper1 and coudent at Balsam ôon Fniday, Mardi 9ti, Frank Stevens, who has been staying witb Mn, Robt. Day, iaslicou sentenceM ho eiglit mentIs in prison for-forgery and theft. Some cf tic ,7Balsam boys bave organ- ized a mouth organ, band, and are now practising for the cy@ter suppèn te o b held icre on the 9th inst,- .Mn. J., W. Disnev le rý'éeiYing nuni* erous ondens for newliannees lately. Jack le a hustier, and alw ayedoe his

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