Don( just a fttie trouble inay notau ore-ruan«er but i.tisOf~ ndia. of ver SteR&c.un Gry~'4 ~as-the irri. zoo, £ubranio and the tat ase away. Grays. COI of Red'Spruce.Gurn carefully -çompounded' paraticrn and Is a specific medy for ail throatandlung affections. 85 centsa bO ttle. One bottie twilI d*xmoan strate its virtuel, Glray'sSyup Red Spro- iiýla 1 ie t] 'Mr. Isaaes Smith, 8 pe nt part 'of lest ,Wek at MLarkbam. Somoo!ou.r young mena a re orta S lng Sew buggies tUis spring. Thôiepwrheai of tii. Metlio or-, dist elurch here iaited -Bro-ik1lu . >uagu4 lasi. Friday- î4ght. h FORT EfltRY. la Lb.. deathi jof th6 late Edward D.- Wýilliaffl, Port Prylsscoof iLs old andlrespected citizene. He- oecup-. ied a p romment position in, the tore-. maostQ raaks'or our coùntry'. preseznt atay end luture hoiW9 not et e uioisy. and bluse.ring "tbrong,-but"ci éarth's true nobÃŽlity, tlhe sonos o£in1- .dustry, iaCepnldence aýnd-bonor,, wbo w'ill neither te nor h'tve a slave. He toÃ"k., a toî'wïrcU ao.d'leadirùg part ,bi svery mIovement lik ely to benelit the commuaity -and raite tham to a highea. levet.. Agrieultural pursuits Were bis choice.andi he ietidh~s witLi every scee tezidiftg to lbenefitl the, agricultrnat, and.of ourso wlat beuiefiLthtl clasa, is good for al, lHe was oi.e or the origin.a-tors and pro- rnoters or agrîcultur-at societies. Me_ Vpa one 0orfteach'à piomlets, and af ter B. r5.sidener or sixty years he leives iL bettêr tilat i e found it,.and thrift and îindustry bave secured for bis famiiy a genèrous portion: of thià worid'a Igooa. IHuwas a pronounced aà ,d mftuunecli Libjeral, and bbd. t4e courage of is iconviction$'. Aé. a laus baad, à a [t1icr,' a.frienid, end neigh- ber, his îosa, wl lx>keen1y feit.1Be- sJsa '.evotea and diacousolate -widow toi moura fiLs boassho Io:aves ten -sons to lament thie I,"osf aen indulgent an»di wortfly Pither; arit finer speCi- mens of pliysical manhoOd it would be ka rd te fina. N1e' question if mn that oespecî', an ton broUiers, ïÉey coulci- be duplicated. ln the Dominion, and fortunately tfley -possess many de- É*abl quadustes acldIg frugality CUJty 01 applying their talents hon-* orably -andb efficienlty. They- are »e. dy en.durceasing, in their ef- forts te pusii forward the c-ar of pro- ni g - "e. lL te[r several walks o! ife tftc, arc a credit to tÉheir.,cillirigs. Albert. E[iîas,.Aaron. and Aionzo -irea engagel et rarmjng in their native township, lleach; Frank, a skil! ai 1) nmecbainjc, Port Perry; Madison car-. riea en~ an extensive rnachinery and 0v fouinc ry business jin ths place; Georçr a Bat,1S Minster, la Pastor o! a large iti t'~reaLon în Amherst, New Hamp- s1jwU . i; Alian la erfgaged in m.11- ed fetcturîng thle staff o! lifé at Nia- aL'a Falls ;.Weley holda art Im- portant ponltion ,on the ýNews staff,~ Toronto, whliI.Walterje amn import-L ant attachle o! 'tii. Worl4 staff, of the smrnety. LI 'lac cou Fruit Sait. Nature h» lk. Panacea for al our 111-4< wo'vvo been slow in finding It o#atthast'-lotNatu- (rsw fut la Abbey's (C7taà ed fresit fruit juices) site tlys.'Un tibe et- of tonic '=*t'vu M4 sops hefidaches -stmultsdigestionil-pre- vente dyupepa ke'ps Ui body'u natura c an ss h bç>wela and kîldne', eat andrepnsv drves out pe1on ee 4~ b lood-. ad lnsures the bilsiof health 365 days ever7y yer, The box.i The lon e~~o Mms. Win- MatWibwaà Ver-Y bad cold, Samuel* sterezin$olà ietêd dwthsciatica. verohn Pouc,e. 4l'r~o~ reu Day bek 14g Mr.George mutn. A, laffl 'uumber ..from et lb. sale, £o à nm John Doble$, oiRa1  xis. hiese r, M J Jo«ePh IAurk haMgn t h I to vTh- e~ i ye. Fb. ickerrngT .aýýjùIý *ge rneeting et Wiê' kh them ~every &atocoesai rait Monopoly. )aL~liea~an ciuda~tm ir oldêst. end not~'seL< at3 Wu VhsPOrOeu 0£! Krs. ja tQb", w-ho die4 at lier oden1 0h£~u r70 Yj3ýra. JJscegae Daisickr for soeatmleMsuffr«$ prevalent eold., ý ?bf )k Iplace to the-Cliristiau ur )Und. ri LS DEAD. AND IS ALIVE AGA >u"'drul ertsc. eta. Weil KmO ati be Lbe groi WA To thei3 ditor. Si r- We deire tesma ksa tbreugh the coJumor o!yowu W., are tue Owners of tii,- frqm whibhDr. Clarke's N Utte B.d ,,Puis are iaant To an»ma ,who will si" î a*fa1rtriaIa - renot*M1, Plla. -Il the.reo.4 n&0,au)stsý prt>vemesat, we wili, ini addi 410 in Ca"h. W. bave stwô that théy' w-iii cure. ail -diseà isg troni the Stemach or- bi baye yet to kmwor. e *t whfire thase wonderful 04,l been succoesfun affttsc& CaNADA OMEÇA.1. qk aja Dr -Y y i I I \ « c~xuM1&. ~- &flY place i