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Ontario County Gazette, 13 Mar 1903, p. 5

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-For K thé' -respirstoryI normal healtbyl 25c, per OMttle.u je Es WILLIS,ý IIEUGGI5 snd OPTICI<N X5&0 Haut, BrOSk , liy -I MOL UNbj.4lDJjs WAyLJULN-1 ne wttI le recole i 's office, Whitbyr<U urday, l4th o ci ob silion o! Garetken o! a and Constable Coin- Leq t state numbýr [y. For fuirtiieripas'-, utiffl appiy to tiie >Townr Clerk. - W. S. à on &pplioetions., 1i ae 'ýwddtno statAooerv lt tlin office. >oae case at WhIevale han Ise two magistratea disttg- ir. Crorge P.arker beld the 'ZIS insu!!icient to warrant ç of tise Bell peple to trisel, David3on Iooktb.ýPPst trCOoL. Prompt dliivery 0~- or sale. ud [ramne 10 byl 18, storey .*ad [gis. Stone fouadatlon usder LISo for, male. 5LUgi-eý09 er. i-th rorresmoal. Six menthe oa Bar»s. K»ova as Martin prop- >1rtb wanS, John T. Newport, 24 oit ISU. Âttessblotlh eing et ofLb. reterans of 1800flir :ality will b1* lId La the olissber, WMti~,h, où W.ê., aite»iý t"à Uséltiso!f lachs, locr* er,..' bepas'po '>of &> ra mat* persan to 'mske an vot~.eruecordlaliy in- 30»M bLt The. Taberacle. -lsev, fr-I J. C. El o! ,01 qrontp. 'W!11, occujx the p.pit nezt Sundays m*çuing and ev.ning. Lectuxe To-alght. SL«turs on the uasDoctrine by MoOheqor Tonag, Esq., of Toronto Un- iezsity, Friday, - March lSth, at 8 o'eock p..,in Aàaoeiaton, Hall, un- der Ph auspie" ot the. Canadian Club. uAmmioxf rms The. tarn>erg of (kar<,10 cquity, eW- pecially mn tbe $ou thet n portion, Igrow very lutile[al wheat, tiser. not bO-- ing poubfly over one hundred a"«e planted at year inthe Tovnahips o! Bastansd Wet Whijtby.. Thie, iiow- Isve r, is Lin gond condi tion àaI, Weaeut, haviüg witered weIL , Tisher. liasà been an buû~dausýt- overFing of! snov!,rtoý lirotact it, sund iere La ,every pro-. Ict, for expecting even a- better, rqp 'than la le?,. The. epor,ý,tXfom -tiie nortiiersi pprt o! the. county, vis4àe mçoi:% a growrn, us also -favorable for, usfgood >ield. 0f coturse, thé trying tinim on [al wheat i$ yet t "0corne, but4 with -favrLle wveather -thie month ie CrOJA *iIi ho èeceptiozsally Base 'Lino Wsst Items. XImrs. -Albert '-ad :M)ilton Story bave refturnedl from fakota.< Ur. INelson OrLon lold -4 valuablo you4 bhorne luat - w0ek ,tagood fi-' gure.- Br . Story ,u ba oodlaid up a Il week wlth th." «rip, bat Lt' on tise Ur. GeoreForSmter baa - ired agalas fer thig fa mnus.wIth Mr. -P.- Quit. a ýmnbero! our base lino far- mers are going to try the. sagar beet cro£1 the y.ar. Succeas to theus. 'LUomr farinera ture ýoutý oa Sat- urday aâd he-ar'Dr'. Shuttleworth -on qgarbeetrlsng lie ti n ninter- satiég speaker, and «puIste i.hecultiva- tio'q o! tionla je. aaie, Iight. .Mr. W..0k. informs us that lb la t4i in.entibof o! Iii, township to con- etru.t an trou bridge thirt.y-six foot viclu on th. marah road, east aide, and- rebuild the west bridge,. and make th= osutalle,,for alil puroes Tise Bey.'Mn. Emory. preachea inu To- nonto anext Sundv~. . xis Kddq orô!Csliforusia, sget ah Mrt. Roba-rt\ Darnes' ltis week., Mir. Aux Cialolm$,, of 'Toronto, vas 14ý towu latweek lsaokinig up 014 Mr. P. B. Wu aias a IdStratford this veék reçRrsanting the hib -Idr* ad G o M1ar iùmpeon have r.,, Ltund,after apeading the isditcr viti f riçsads iAnesYok 19r. Frank SlskW took several snap mieL. o!fUsa. *rteàt wreck àt. 'Yhitby, tMe ,foua* great demnand for bih> pic- Dr. O-orgé Jones and £amiîly,ý of Wbbwood,- Ont., a*e- been in tovus tbWý îwoek'oi a vioit -to.- 'is Lt- Mm~. 'sudMICs Dec ker, have -le&. Whltby hi order toi become- residents o! fForonto. .- Their many f rieudahon. visi hem "a pléasaut isojoumrn li tisa City.. Mr. Xatbsýas Colline va intovn lat wk. Ut hbmsMR the .T. Eatou Compauy, and i nvtravelling for a. lruuk sud valissa houa.. 114 lias aie~ withs machi'Cceas Xrn. Win. Dunkley aundies Lvo eldest: s»oneToronto, spenta [sv hours in, Whitby last wek. It is, somb ýyeaîw àb>ee they visitesi the- old towsi, sud ,tey ade m*anygýiu~es. Xr. and )Krs. A.ýyMatiisvson lIe. o! Suit Ste. Marie, are aoýV;visit- lej with -]Kr.andi Mrs. J. Lyn&i, of the Mlowvahip. - lits. Matiowacu vas' (trmêrly lisa Lucy -Wilson, of Whit- Xàenda *u - e vo r, have botrs i ri III -durixa .tse vput wÏek Irour. or South,1 thé ome ed imkoo tore, CôoimSnces oA Saturday, Feb. ZUt. WiUcontinue for 'to weeks. Tii. Young Menà Katertain. OnTlmrsday evenigMessrs. lias- sis Smith, Saiue Perrin,, Alex Sleight-, bolm and. Len Smith entertained soma tliry you pBople in theIn.msehl Calverley'a rchetira ivas iii attend- anan*- frnse eclln usie. sund al thoroughly tnjoyed themselve« Tue. ,oun .m~. iretob. congrato,; Bel sure'anf ttend ti bmok Tag Sociat onl St. Patrik's'night, in~ thlà lectureromo! -thie tabernacle Tne. ladies o! the BIaptist church~ ,will hold thé ' annual publie meetin og tlb. mission» circle on Friday ee ing, , arch 2QSth, « t eight o'cloeki. 'iss MecLaurin, returued missionary' f rom Indiaý, aà Rev.'J. D. Freem>rn, reator o! Bloor stieet Baptist church, Toronto, wilgi n ddress. Music by4 the choir. Mr. Miles air4 others wili. Oin9. Acollection -will b.taken l aid or. -missons. Cmbination Sale.., * Tirs subàeribar..v iii old a comtbina- tiou sal eon Saturday, March l4th, 190 tt.four -Corniers, Whitby, wiseo i ffoiu rpet il b. sIdlainaddîtion te any other Property tisat m iay b3 broughit to the. sale. 1l bin- der, nov MXassy-Hgarris, i ganz plow., MoW;.i tuinip drill$,nev,. Clayton; 1* Pair- of bob -sIeighs, nev, 4 modern maçp, i 'top buggy, a 1L ooRogier's' etc, et rap flinges aâiý a vatiety o! liard- vara. Partiesl iavingW anytig b sell tnay pir t it luti.sale by having it on the premisea before 1 o1clock. Sale -a't 1 oclook. Terin cash, or approved ýnote on s.ums over $1l0 with ià,terest -et G0ver cent.'L. ' airbatnks, Auetioneer. Th3 Kusg's Double Mr. NWýilliam Ros, o! Port Perry, Souths Outario's popular representative ae Ottawa, [n hi& rment trip, viagited Wasbing ton, where -h!sa remarkable re- semùbiance to. King Edward created mauch -comment. Naturaliy, the guilty consciences«of thse American senators iand congressmetn were start- led, «a momentary fear striking thons that Hl%, btajesty bad affpcred upon' tise scene te obtain [air çaS upon tue Aakan' question. Mn. -Ross was esortesi into thse-Sonate chamber by- Senahor Dolliven, o! Iowa,, and vas warmly greeted. It apfears tiat tisefouse_ vas discpsa.tqtise pro- poae clsur ruls asi dipute ba~d arisent as to:whether. àuysuch- ruies were enforced -in Canadian parUiament- ary bodies. of! coure, uobody knew until Mrt. Ros&d toid hnm, when Mr. -blar announcesi té the flou-s that in. Canadai spéoch la one of thie few t>ings -tlat ara -unquestionibLy, f reeè Tiie Board of Educatiou met ins re- gulan sein on. Wedne8day eveuing, J.uit the.business -was bustled in sucis gro:nd styla- that ii~ was completed be- 'Mexnbere prisent' were'MMssrs. Mc- Gillii-ray, wfso' actesi as femporary chairman, Berguson, Jackson, Harper, Rutledge. Barclay, Fox,. MeClellau, and, 0'Donovan. -Tbi.absentees were Messrs. Farewell,* Dow, Barclay auid Principals Browng andi Gale sent in reports - as to the supplies and. te- P~airs neded iu -their respective sehools.. Thoee eportsw wifl b. duly. considored by the property committee. Ou %motiok, o! Mius. Fergason and Barclay, Meusrs. Farewell and Dow tionVt Association. Messrs. McGilli- vyt sd Barclay. ver. uamed alter- nates, oa motin o! Mesars. -Ferguson amnd oClelian. T scisool reports for- February siiow#d.an average attiendance-as fol- lova. "- Co1liegite I'nstitut., 101.. DUIIifrla sefft' mhooi -, Irorm 1,l 21 ; formi ,-33. -Model siciool. .- Forma i and 2, 25 1 foinsS, 28; forus 4, -24.- iS; S,ý25; 4 3.- Mi'. Harper presenteci the report o! 'the..fnarns ountt>,thrby-or- dering thes e acoante.- for àysset- Mis. Âllieu,$79;WJ.Hihdsn $6.13l ). Tayltr $5.iqe S., M. Nevtof #11.2 5, DoWnay & Cô., #147.=2 Nichol-, sé ldgai $18.50, J. F, Pri. #S.2b,- Ail LI WIJ. iet o ea Mm v Ic-- d, 'p ui coIsent ZWU J-con a pIeaCoperhua cnsenési t con goosi t timzn1as .ecretary o! tïe Onitario& Dssnhsssn Exhibitioa Association. He art, dau<b- h1584 aa.-a sucel eretary, aftd the. Whso left AMociation lkés don. )vell teo ecure tQ joli tlhi tg*rvice at an advatseesi salarye -ai HlOsi*ta, M.Davisi Same as--backed ot of axàniLnàion bis propoaIL -teomie ,rcsrieLSoê of' ing 81je i.thIO Qieea's botel. &q a'aconsequence,' te apon he M.'lbert Colwili, tii. ovuer, .lias - now, ±a.ken--change o! tihe Quu.en's, and' ,~ b. vis. vi continue to conduet tii business 1!wu~aoeunlilutaI«let hêcan eitiser reut or, tsi ~ Sl the m.i miL preusise. m, -aunsg ,AUaWsttractive recital wviii b. given vt -Brandon, Saturday 0v4niffl t thse -Ostajo Lad- îe t fripb lms' College I>y tise pupils Or-Mn. J. ýk* 0, t fr. Wý P. Rarrison, aü'ictesi by pupils,-o! a ~Ither're.. NUée Smart. - An .isLtO*aly large ~ubtos~iyuia iroo< dér.il'agood corndU tion. &Wpl- St ?.Ronald T. Uy- COlIogia.Le InstitutmEntertaimat.ý The. ppPls of the coltegiate Thati- tlute. Wm lgfve a dramatic, literary andl musical entertainment at tii. music oùn-thé, .veiuig o FridaY, 27tk ' at. Proceeds Lo b. devoted to pkc. Beets for Suga r. >Tihe folwgar going *ýinto' the grovjng, of bet.-. " (~haa. :C. ]E. Chatrson,. 3iohn artlé;t, JYoeeph, BazterpE.ECop et .E. ,Frenchi, Oe. 13ierson, M. S. BwaW. G. Fracis, Alex Scott. WV. Winacott, John. E. B3ryant. Dun-bar.ton. -H. -Morriýon. George Port. Ferry. -John Creightoni "W. T. Reader, John Reader,Charles Whin- sE*tt, -B. N. Williams,gad.,others. -Whitby. - John WiJlis; James ý Me- Leod, Sam Nanstone, F. H. Annes, W. B. Pringle, Geo. Sterricker,ý Edward Story, Geo. O'Connor, Fred. Rowe, J. :B. Mitchell, Arthur Flli3, J. E. son- ley, onoe, Frank Maddaford, D.-Carrutbers, John L. Parsons,-A. Mackey,'S.- L: Brown,- Wm. Hai'l, îR. J.. Wilson, Wm. 0ke . U. emp,9. Bath, W. Lee, James Moore. Audley -f! .Osborne. Kinsale - -W. E. Rtedman. Brookliju- John Vipond.- Cedar Dale - E. J.PhilliPîs, John Hous. of RefugeJ.EShier Very suces meenltines bave ai- ready been heId at-Wbitby,- Port Pecry-, Grange Hall,,'Thotritou's Cor- ne-rs seboorand other places. -These meetings will b., contined tb.rough-ý out the Xweelk. 'A very large meeting laexpec ed at- Bowx anville on -F r- day r.et'at, 2.30 p.m. at'.Whitby'arýd .Brookliuon the- f olléwing- day, Sat- urd-ay, 14 Lt -the -former ai 2.30pm, ândý -the latter at 7 pim ir. ilrbert Wrigh t, of- Guelphx, w ho ,is an enterprtsing beet grower,ad feeder,,o! f, tplp iii dire1e4t a pta , I feding deontrin <tIÏ Zn2atket -square, Wbitby, ût -,10 o'clock. sharp, on Saturday, -the l4th- Farmxers are beginiing ïCD realLr thée practical wisdom of sÜbsàtituùting beet Pulp as a stock food1instead , O! turnipe, .mangolds, and to ornee Lent corn ensilage.- Every faLrrer within esouble dis- tance o!ý Whitby should se. this e- monotratiousaud at±iend Wbitby meet-- Trouserings, ranging in priées from ù3t'47-par pair:, ýA. M. Rosa. A41.hanger. <oes with -eacib. moth bag o Rs Bros. Cash Store KLull -range of al thibxwest çnt- ter . ' tweed. suUingà .at.. Ra' Êà'1twoof r cèrbàtsi' mâdeto-ord er.- ouiy .el5, .516, *ý17 and *l'B.- A. Id. Ross. .Worsted suiting;al telta poi.tteirns; urices reason.able. A. M. Ros. PuL avay your'fuir$ in BElI's Moth BaggS; only 25. 350., 5000 et .Rosa Baud -Mr. W. J. H. Riehardson' a.asvt. tus veek. HM la offening sous. spec- il a )r&mins. Y'! yox-wantt to b. -Constable andi caietaker, ftnîý lu your application by 'aianiexamine our stock of Wor8teds, Seerges, Tweeds,'etc., before, purcusng eswoe A. M. Rose. Fibre Chamois Motbh Bags, tise only secunitytrous tise pezetrating power. O! tise snotis.- For sale aI BoSs Br -0. Itg--èbipuess plute it. vitisin ztiwe reale.h o!0 everyone as- a protection' fron the. ail destroying. motis. O R~.v.St. 'Patrický dnglitfo h 'tag social', inutise lectture rona-o! ise,-,,ethodiaf tabenceusuder the au M 'LitheWiliiing Wokés Tihe PowveIl bosoj. vas-put upfoér sale'by la ctloà on.,WeédnEkýday, but it Was% not -8od, $900 beinig lbheisigiseat b14.~~~~ ëli Cffybmgb ieacre Of ýbettyboshes: at,$160.- r eimmeertie Shamrock tag social on match. iTti la tii. Ietkreroomn r . . '*WtO ta-tbernaclecou- and a>l>Ce ent programme 1 are ermica tnsr oughly'.çnjoyable6even- &ibn Chamois t. guaranteed motii Pýroot Wéaring apparel 4storei1 Lu i this )lsag cae- téhuns oa the. vafl., uud i*W~or- staI c tt àt ygur gepr i~4~toua or oouaiu na, r 3tre Evewy S ify uaranteed. 8AD IROB For Laundry and Dornestic és- W. have -utteeived a ahipment of the Ceoebratet , San Toy MaIon w. wyrutes. wlitby to CaIik*ni Points 144.75., B. C. points- 842.75. SSe StepYe&>, hitby. fi i lk~ and lnformiation. An IExc Will be ruts, per G R. regelàr local ý 1 i pr g ARRý _ ý à NEWýL DRY GQOfl f a&SES uToiw asms LaeIlr *àaa Ui oe fheig ilo-ýotn -P t.4ad.Glg a e s4i.gsadctt ae _7 4.lf- atnu resG os _san wer -W-4.va, 'rgès -dC re oes Bl4.s n.'neskit.,As ed-ow Get,4-.ti, n i -Alt4 ats e -oan aeil A, -H.- .-"T H(COE

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