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Ontario Reporter, 23 Aug 1851, p. 3

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0rait Di. Lg oiigh not lu '70rOb 42e; Corn 8 a 8y Ist Vheat il rD 11 W ueTtWen iii tO igh weli ue mat-nd gLewiseirOIih>wîatin ~ ~ ~sought ~~li e nd L t s il b o gl u efr w oaîo ttaay-A lbany , r cia , Ba cl i iam 2) tai, i a nsrho r ar i bt YOI NC U Rn f E P O U hi gainod, gli d a ll inr ibcsi1ts ininbftares nd frftkod- 10 C u r , d t p i s f y i iatid m onth e o lL e w is' M a ll on, N a r ( ) r r r s i a nc ;la o a n e n t r u a tFl o r A eibta I t o ild ebe Ma t- and rs u t' ai>Ove Ilnr d County"-heln to a 42 e forn co 8 l aa3 sfre; Ct' I ~ MNIl, .ll hM, h 5, C ity ciIdiflgS ,Itato h ld tl O h th e l fif ur Btii n ChattesH. GEUeaEorS IGNia0FOTstrG OLioN ci ter ad atsf M f ha«f I n4cw fork. lt Abi1Ballso, AriaV ()Mlrnn, iaSlFurmbeP . nld LUCof , t e lai tat e rcol -1frcr I 9a1 cfo ,h a llR obert Martîn. James White s, a d ail Fem nale Weak esses. w u tin rtaicen, Itîsildy cwîaefuitocr ythat tiiey are legal wners N w o x ,2O h A i BinelJAm rc'an ,Eîzbî ()D aiWOGIT. K Y R E i 0 T ~eetht hewOr s properly lVerf 5fl5- and rs r I~suo fefns Mret ilWtet but. stcady; ae rwJlif dJmsWbitby Village, July, 1851.-J4. 1L ( No , iei f 1 t1le oboe ce îo Caua 30bls$.da_ fr05c aîd ~ for I -aeWilliam Mil ,George li, Vlarexli. ]3 hadBavCfleT,Joh1n -,e Jme der ahiBhrnaBjal, -Miugerîidge, Robert clective ifltitutions etstblih d, it i .it stîîî d ie a i ns o ts ar' a dur-better A ernand for llw g ' es f ,,u , <> 1 sr, enri' ( the 'whs iof lte people May ho bs'ttr u.tssO uhrifnycrp tIw t'Saeas i1ua. Pîc iade bettr, Butler, IRic ard M rln ill rn y e or t i I Z isî e' îce nnd L iterature, nd i ni in d l1)cd b ' k ad a ,joh il knewnl,sotuatil their wantsmiyb ot odhm elad néiraî )te aeo.AlnMs n yTwi hly If g iinell O itanang>'.(iC.hçblm ' l O'al Mav c ssu1plied. I h b c iecs, 1rkiltOl iat.heV ra dets til -Pric s a bte CnernCy nha Alhexanderlc.i ze so tCon~ 'o n sokofsasnle eI~ ae w l-ti ll4 n ti klie n htiiet aty fjug o t future I letr dinaiid ; s di l 'andiai C i:31000'arn O'JOHNi. aryI ou , bit o of he é'w couityorOU(ntarict re but l'y tii pas; andtin utakiug a view hbbi rit '4$3 75e ia $4 for Mielli anart .1 lu-3 ('on ýd . wr113- Vie, ' Mlarm zs.V lB fL G advcttY h plsinfi % rgt 1pe ay -di4l - î$38 Ile a -;î-3 c Ifr l aC wllVplh in wt a rs fV GT B sitee. ro8ect cs a fo"il. t$l, for r eli'. puJa l Pîtnt c ian h laifrt >' jsi eeV 8ilg,& .&.nÇ dBt thtfuurepropecs.à BrH RF, ylxma aweek, vji,gTulE5DAY5,TgSi-Fo uprhsfgi UeccrstWoeta I uwe Otie shire ftheinr eslt. \Vere O Ni oo ' o wat lrthih lj,$ fr D rm<dV. .IITW Pllas. NScaue Would, ec (' aeaoue pii f o î,:sh. We gitma ne lt Gai bler fl, nf 1'to alc e f fter û î,w- 0kfrwltary lu tse "etrvro 1a.al aeNe T R investugation firoxgitout îts îil ex- ~î'î~a rbilreasitnegre1t river c Iind gl exp and-1 s lar bak ofmthe Most'i 1t .1J\ls'.i ras1 il t" -Li-0ffly, kisIr. avi'1'.aw0 Joh divi4ual withaattc b untliai tioe the N.< î' l f-) aiFan tenth.orIsi]-ali il u butoandrv ii- , l gteotw r t . 8'..c.-san I l - al e' Tfici'r son, Mis. ae d ANG » " iretnMotr> I'Itîtnkiig'the eleruit>aloi Itli sia la-Il)tise W lv rN ,o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c o u îty a f t e r o st1ia sjî 'S ' ' ti< i ' Ilhil ar t irneos, k e'rn - i; o vo n 'b and a'îî y . ;d ar V [ tslî'rivl'(' i îit s )îssta nt h tn - ln i¶5' ,Iiib ,î nJ (>i» d I rîdrî iîgtes IS'toîrke r i, janrkpp re m bibed hile nder he paentalrooll. ý Ii (1vliai, for it. - ls il'i'wr.l Wlam s.et f Cl)ts f1 otII g lue1la lrT efouau Iq.' <'aAJti'wfiis.nFiinael I)s aorilalnÏea -1i2' foiyratisiivga a. trnesfor Csh orWs'rs'holsale r Te ai t it itie. a d u de al %ar -rt 10,1lr sîîli Iqilaîî or111vlit- flîîîv ril, ndSiluigby the poinil. ces, espin"', iy su: Il.as i'irire Iîisîre ilone to1sit customOfs, sudnd it oUstua fîrst prWn4,lile- aI' "Io meitic EcorLamli"aid niaIal im saîd sde îl erunslîs- u Itirs î'5iil avar, I ati il yile1souri- \sr î'îýwdi Vi " îc.i ai~ ail n5stif* nI p in pliii Ili strleW,;tls-si-n. Wiikmrlle lir <>0 L G 11RD rGetdy ypo'0i' lo ceesecalvstcl1s0e1ie itînî1sîiii ilesait(ai Ofla n ty Qieîext silauaromeitintt ON, A1110"iit, h1tîrw edi oviaPiCI 8iticration, ils toie ini t-1ielhail sotili'. iii' tL\l Chi ni T e itn ti'§at i 1 iie:t5lllili'5, Clianielie the lii ÃŽ4l niYed 'eau Ferr andttla Ihe sel P to en us iv nxst o le g -isiato rs l'- .y cu r- FFA R M E R S (aluniS car tar ldie l y i u t e r e s dta , an t c e tis as tit,-'Iln y A R M E R A i îh a 'n o ti e.ÇTEy în e y w i5 0 ta r a n d h e i x st I R , p i c p l o A H r m t e M s i f c w s i U T iiW ,~iIii~S~i~îî s like S cratesa uitikes-'FARt-: u'l'lN.IM A(!'5lEitS( N, l. . one a week, cuîIi giii laS.Tanne's fanne Y ai 4tW E T I M JN U I G in )d iv ît ti l siith y u l a k e a c e i n t'r st , 1 v I l l 0( h - o e 1. . y o r i i dP i c l e t n L u n d ,S to re , p o rt P e Iry fo r stw r îc fiiya' > ltandnia ii lîc ctsîed 5 isascîsmmod(atitiî of thé Farmens cf Ylariposa, frtohe>sbicfTrnadte5rasdug terest lie as isîv lve d l au>1 tst atîkît iii i v 'a' ' Prince orl'i l -ttinilal attipos n o o i i)spctil o ur Il i-.k( Id iiesIi ' - t~ - i Scutroi islaîid an0î,stîrîindî n ivsn oit . 1 \'(Yk a Ilaceun flc zîirshelf IlLr'rt ihl prt. sîd ios oall Lnfl ý il N î ail "tGAR jl tai- i 'l'hey wiiI oreiVP iiOW'5l atI loovr N n S E A timerafiirs a h una n rit t 1ruînt ,esî, î-înias î'soa2,y rourl-> îi iti il"Wi 'S' ea"' 1'siandllbibavei iI-r' î loit iy I,.A s0Td tance, andtIiisin4whÃŽamehey1l-ve noMi n e an ai trtisl j), lui.E.wI'VR t i'. cii Fri.-et aise -,ioie tCali liieI wlsch swil D 111111 I fsuiyIesî Asinive,(aIliy t0the fîri Landt toro ot. W 'itls thes>' oii v _îi iS tiDiA iîoiti S i r- nilIiitn î u hu , D R V G o u s ( '-(eII.t, ttiti- n t s GIp T N ( - It- i rp-sat' si;s au 5 e ua aud a l l n i h g G i j n s e t t , i i ' pa5i i , ;\ 's-i- t r U is', o<i i 5, & ' CL O ' j u u n N r ï m c c i c ul i v fo r w ol tI î i e l u S a o î î d i h Y i i i r p i ~ t i 0 a s a s l'IIfs it il, rt t ire,11 l BOOli TS,S ES GROCERIES,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~rens %r l Lu s" re.i:. -i rsn ytmo"lsf'nraisLis eerpsit th eip e il I et ( ue1lot or ti (, M O S , S H O S ,I) CARIV O LOU RJY MCN JO PAf bera' fll, t h r o ug lî . y u r a b iy c iîn i lu tir t - u lI l l lw ;1 I e v î l. - ' . 'iîi y Io I 'I' r î~ x I ; , r n p i m a t e s t a ~ ~ r m ' t u 1< f t s c ' s ofath rugiîî\eii oti fl leii>-stil - ii iii.W îil teyar rnili - ot su vs'6"t( rt. îlel, jc c t is n dlb ir~ iitii itl. i'li i I îisi trr u li. ti-v j ( i g 'su ' hr l ni l e d i on î e o niik 'îîs. i llin ta lit e 1 't ' a n d S t h e etI o t i er i n il o ' i '- w ' D y , . , . G RA- - . Pi -' ! M. ' I l'- t i l a î' ' s i rI 4 'i e I ra i < (1Ct ( lheif olc s M U I ~ î t i v e t t îg t i c t i y b l e e r n i i s i o . 'T 1 4 ii (1) V' h V - ' i < i I E iC 'I _ \ \ i 1 . u t - " u - t t i . i - t i i i m -si t s i ; -eîv n '- t , a i t coil hii ;nas'al uîiu~ Tue e ,i i-diiv i i I îîv h p'---1:st.1 -d a t,,«It.i-t -t"tIll" anili 0 1iiIimoiwi ~, - is o t ssIic-sliaCi1 au d n -'ttS tuslg iat t h( I l ' t "-o> w > îît s-t- lo-p " o W îîIv arI siiis-'- tT A C i nii.s ,5 fi pies Q ai is !ssiit 'i t i.nli- _id T lacc.liYs ' is tiaflij,' t iti'71_) 3lacs r.&sV 'thlitiic- t - hi -l t-iie N fil) iis st f~rJme- l "3 Fn n a'a K A I tr1 c ui4t a l.d li pii) Nn d î o l a g s î ' r sc i a î ' n ' C u %soft h p /s î ' g 'lijî0tisis Ili nitïll ij I al juniaIftii, rraainIi'coc , run . X)l hF.VSE oI l.hmn'5t" i8'so I'f" priesns utn the juft aisle. art siaîy ut 'uh r 'o'iinyFrindnatat,1ehi5 c toitthef pranifortthe rilliIof toriniple 1 iiiti 140 l Toroil doPince -est isyu's-simn ii" tiuiis ii' ii' i-M AILu T -.IRîJ sî -iho., siQi J G-ARS. -- -e ' t s s iv r i g i 15 > iO 'i si i lîs t ' - x,1 1 l )i t ) 4 z 1 V j 0Il1derssu Z a » ' lo c k ý, U a nH Y S H t T A S S a m i t i e t e ' r , i l a t s i . o -ted iniIl-.inan-laud HayttForksm. 1111103 i ss'ii . C oait s ii' t,it at 0 ' - 2 'i'h o k S' M . lor h Iitie 11 ile ba.6 7, S. Jmes Biistil K nesSt- 'Gtwrr crI Inesenttaaod l FtaeftFark1Illamavaioffctm, -itedStats L ke Orta di iills It- tsfus'i..~ îii T îi te uuies.ungMaIN F -" C'clJk.?.M f>kOVb>' wlat tnanns tîîey e.ic 'it "-'j--tiOfsfor Sifitime 8 tn.trrAa5'¶ aamsYs -th - iî ire m e n V i y , sm , lu re ' li s aa e hî*4a y t lu n t'-0 .ete e A t j osî u na l , fi o rum u ly. i r s m g aiii t s - i , a nd te, h ot e se il y louiti ho a. wakiî iu,îp ho the slj'c, froîn ut. There i. uisis excits'îuîeit l1ýiiM dsi.,hi Il annis ,I Y WiY sia' ls.-an suy ana ted ta th e' uusidi iîrueii, Sole W I K T I W I K Y I 1 w3 C I E h vlt ss teCt.1Geaioury ai the l3as Rock, iuy iiigh ilir Xhi tra u tthe 1sauts Bstate, oii or before the f e p e h uÇinf r n th stotn, A iig. 1 . l y s he IC r nd C ovena ntt,'y Ml rt e.ah ls a o sp e i e -a. 5 0 0O fMLS M A IT oi gn & Ç î a u u e ttu ts e e h s b sn n s e te o yMt- S1; rr0eeý,by.1e.TL.Cyc.J-t>,SEPH GOIJLD. k for Sale. 'sery Iow. hy 'bi &eu u xmn ortîureVta aLo whoC> l u otiaenî fur iuistrtcticni, cîher - Arruwainyvest.gT.iLn kofytAeuenieai Satin 13'st.ss iiwitti tIssa att*itiOll fr.ans s u th s I t h y a y i g t i i ~ t t c t t i1s l ia ti n o i e aa i e n t a v e u r y nF O CR A T B I A I .U ýl )n id ia P , J u n e 2 rs l 1 8 5 1 . 8 2 mu . P o rt_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __Ma y_ _31 , 1 8 5 1_ _ _ wiscs the location may lie whc e sefew le, d e vidse accient v ritWIThTen Yearst Co lict , ai.2's ots. va. t.Oi P RT~ T qF i M E S > evrAso15.fws-CaeofLn u Bh'cI0G1S-ndDl> oluibl .1ilb& accoii'iTodted ahtteexpeutita Dst.he 1îUbiËllcd tintil to.ItOii'ow. 'fisc J'noe tant. hy W.; Ms'Gasaui.. hR V UT nd us T Etua.ty suitif of the ama y, for it ecintnol bee 'ejccte'td- -rMouýtreat, Au.g' 19 mily C yci 190 'ia ci .,ntue, l prt 3. csuIRFnt eodand y i s witî s i'utan he T E s> e r1 itdAe, the îîÇs , y18 i-rgu r, t o t r3 oi's-ysilyren i eg jrs the Eubié bas ber bp e js t l e lom e To n> 3-su,2d18 . thaI those ruen, in lte absence Of infOr- W\V7ather fine anti cool thirouglsaul te l'îe illI1serial Guizea ar, t art . nU'xI 'rwseve mssîuîlss. wage pi othly if M anuatsren, f4 the aeotni t îy îD a niahior, witich titey mut eu o iess lu- day, wind No. West. 'crlopuln Ec ychej-iia-I i1's-Is. seirs.wl6EKU.V lPLÃ"e ~ R.MCcIZErsetily11JJ~I Lot Ni>.2s3-3î11Con. Pickering. terrils ai ntis h adSse adPit CÃ"iWhh~.~ ~ 1ie~ fos'mcd Iq thse people, shouid kuow ..J 'A M Pli 1E 18.a N. sottsaISieeay . L ideiu ns anfdrbe frats ps~etitms wiScilfl < T ise N ew Y ork, A ug. 19. M '1i of, theC hi lci th e Bat tis Fiel>1, a t lce ! r ,' en ut 23rs JuIy, 1851 , - 15 if. constantS y on boand. arti e w ish ng a ÃŽiran a e r m 7 t 0 s iln s p r U tt a > ' b s -c o rnca t o n m u st se- i nr e a y o r I> ls w i is î8o a d sr. s a n s n > a y s îtbe E h b t o ,M t l t a s i D a h g e t a accuemro4aitotlit» greatesit rtiber Th Watrlo.KTEDandtu best means witcbeoneeayfrehyOw-,gi'ing hlm a uta!! beroueprlaii rswc4. WubJi î 81 ins si mudae$525.ySal qie prte. ad .References :,Meur5. NuisIs Huckins, Wu.a art,>e ast3 hantabe pace.i'eraerd - V ».~ aIiandsted Swesata whom n i ON IC inform d as e lit môti su tbla pace ssodeuhe de auti I 5 5e .Sal e ar0bi q uiet 'aCs,î pSeteLeiter W iter.saîtenloD WA E l forer location of thë Couity town, 1 auti steati>' ail $5 5e ite 0bbs. 'aont.Juy.3,131 8. iltenion tt arond. - Nu. 21. li Concessnon.amesuiHs'l- jois ep.red Jo - onceive o e by atpouý,h discussion Flour-iNaket for Western and Stae Tontil 118 .b gv frheyurud.N.2,s C ( of ~ ~~~~~~~~~~SINECA IIAIGHT, WutlsAnt 81 .3u. AVNE othie subject by tiese mus of lte premt, modettte for the home trade. but rallier sabie î wii iûtiss eitort st. fhiatiilsnh W ITBY BUIL ING (iClt 'VY. Pickniut, 24h JPickeri.ng,.ILEARL AS}f S co is1851.t i ais in ttis -way tte snj e t ho bebrotsgit -..-t.. for x ot a a frt-hier . .--.--- l e3r C n.I iceiilin__ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ itidividu si in e bl tsge ilas 'eî eth- anustijanlu s d erha vy rqseand un- y oFh isoa ,~T n ecfO EL O .N PA I at L EG NB IB L E; o se otW ib ,lt ust I i Pui., beweesa thntd sciaics Y , I'by vlias. beoej~j tjvrotpass udcth rci. M neteosdvr haysd~~ rVIIE NINTII Loan Meeting of this o heTtl A ES1. kR i nnS a ecipnew idemasind îhu al aili prie.%eatir; t>sies 110 blsah $4 for I Sis or t<> iî heî al. TndeMr, OEm e ~ dOIAA5Gnimiat té osîy 2,1 ces bONV inobe n lie su jc, 7n o. 1., and $3 25e for sour Sales dmes- js, an MONI)AY Eveningt lig septeruter, at grO-S E. an d enOnSHAWArua GntlassJU T R C E ' D .RO > L- - lly Orderon thei le jeti and NewJrdeu24, wihteeocb spabie of rïigihily die- tic reacit 11,000 bbis st-$3,OS*eta $3 27 &c SFsVEN o'clock'. sreun-thsat 01-JOHN HIAM PRRUF,_ PETERPRY lie a aosh pol u cin 7jfrst1ý 3 Sea'4 2cfrsecretary 4 '1'aea.irer. W'bty2 2tbj lJ15h15 f TJHG StI rc n o re 0lides6h i 5 ýA Se 'J A E I A atahat se ither pi ag tiese w uriciGn isnd Irt'sanai. $ 75e a $3 te entr upo the nibjet and w àui Ma tfr she. $3 ic a '4 i e fr W N E O B R O hi isOY ni o n rsp 870' Ic e r o nti s e s i b j cth a ad8f1 . i o w il G r in - M r e l o r eat a a n t o wh e fl i t berc r ty w l e g v n e i o Fe tantrorore - tee iMerC tfiermo . ~oo HE n lnîl rsir aiî%ll .10000>tblsihituMiigI d efer ms . Eking . iatyny 2andf M3R. in-À~s 5h 81 dand iv- fruhitsRediet k,~ herna 8 h Bhe au.1,81 F fDE cu(llne paper tbis rnerniutg, and readig a piece and SOC. Uye withouut mucis change; - - QMNE T LN . L o 4 nte3dC in it .tyled I"Canada Freve," ieç>..Sisa 71. Cn v îithed dfol20-EW1A R D IA. IlD MU of ti:oferd -[ iOV= loigrmak wr d eselwhich 2acn tisemsrk t t dceout for 7HER1AS soe a vil dlsposcd person or ptW5Siies to maie anlinvestmeit insewha s Mt 15110W s pplv twth is. W n -th PrfIi* io'ingrenarsw O sggelO ' 2cets.which bas bro iihetbsesfr .~ sl'did, on te nigti of l 3t et. vaituable than cash itacif> sizt-Two valuable andwitiALI I W l» cl4ignat exporta; ales 400 bug , t 42 a fr î'fsiWusly break openu theo PUBLIC ,PO UIND in tprvd l i n u ot hP RT W HITBY,iW*' -Sf e,àc&D oxx"-0rCutn.ussuad, fM4sa 55e (or Westerti, MZedl n lWILr, a nd clthrfonFIEHGing comp". ot tfe coiner Bssiilhsj Lot NO- 99 inOrt. ROBT. Q'7t'Y- Wb~ 'i Ciii>Is Y 57~ f<~ ~ anLAActeanil ais! therefBarnFIVE 10< Bî au>adjouism& - '4 vehlw atd whstt.i -cme 01> Bie andi W ite Sow, ad Fo aur 1aî have Co ~Y.Provisioni,-M.0re tirness in Perrk ad #ÃŽ andWie F poyal bý ih onh e loao1n aasoBsrumli i tisetéd FruXCiti 0,2~J4~ »ii liow feain Our01Wvk5llIty, hveCOsi- mr dmil oahtae ; sales 400 lblI Tes Teabv - A gi eçie t ny-ondbomrd fence encloses ithsLot. n q 0, ho @i 8~l5 -haul ive sucb iefgrnation aàsIsal ÂBstleaYoho to Be r*. e-Vj >tot seýWts supnU Five Dollars isBidn-1C - te osvicior. of th upis itiigieryhalfau Acre 1 - --n s haiu Joatao i~eL iLi,-.iLh~ a var.. - TP1in à - ?<t»»:»UC À »NY» - '- laECE, rge * audwelt"À", L y r longe in the Twle' MILTON Street pTorontoi 16 ors, to I)I-IY in and >ublic the lection or of CHEAPN and the UNI, )FIT, fer country au -STOCK OF nfi New this l'ocality and S. in pblicity te Their St«k S.ISORTiNlFýýNT G 0 0" as, cée OT blipe'ior eut. dose Roc from any mso a large À y for ý-e y before kivin, 77 %e thortit I'AwaT.,Xcz Rî ItT SA Dr bis Tee, F. 29t sa

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