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Ontario Reporter, 17 Jan 1852, p. 1

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ut, agr * ~Iit * t' _ PIJJILISII 1E1)l) VEIIY S ATTf»A ORI "Zam a maa, aa" think aothins hum» adir Mffbt t. me."- Teremrir, VO(YLe' 2# WIIITB3Y4 CANADA WTESTe JANUJARY ,17 82 he -ta e nulddd>fra>'liee ffecting tIe TEETH caGUMIS, Aruritleal Tetth iumrled on Goid plaie or 1IVOt, Femt irtt ti p~e'nf r4'- 'frit. <ir- Lt< ~S'torit..corner cf KING, a&ti t tCozr ts,. JAMES K. MGRRIE V% 1Sf te retutru bis siîWera-tiranks b lis, Fruetu atit rlthe 'ub1iic' %.-,ràuclly,for te v"' - ilbar alt1supporfue'h avea affordt-d hu mi ri hte!*uu's feui lie take* iathi mttueof <ifinortnuunig hbm that ttc is V ULI. A5IOItTiiuIT Or' DRUGS' CH 11N0 A L S PATENT' i)>' E STUFFS, I >1K S TATIONFRY usii-ery tlaur;zelse tutiIbis wuuy, whitic mil lue * î,upa)irtd to Seii at Low I>ttck. Till. CELEIIRATE» r COMSTOCK MEDICINDS %K .-CIEMICAL, PREPAelATIQýN, *,'( wel kowuin ave bu-i , bbarefull counerteïed ' iîstriutuued un *Cinna, by the vcry pbersolus mhe, cuvir tiucr 0w-ut ii;,usiate1 ittimatutad- ih'at - r. 1,17elus S. Çerr n i New York, is the on:'. ltropcietar. * ie. reles ar,- GREV P-Thuek.*XTÀRTl(-!TO -- -i (nrtmis,>avri.ngaul Buiru s,wutdali Externat 1>aitus andt Soris, 2od-.-RALM OF COr UMJVI. for Staytru; and * Reo-lrn; the Wlnuiar 11)1- liN' KFR VE & fi ONE: LEVIX PNT 7 itrut INDI4N u;T-JLT2IXUi il- crer for 81ait-ie,îrrus¶ua - 1*uh--)-MYIÎW$;* OEL. z coirc all >eu( l'ermorp. Ui1-fY'LNIMENT, a Wecî kuowuu cute fur itc Piles4, &C &-cr ) it- l. S p 0) Il X, S s K JIE4D.'1'E 7 - 'RIIlV RkLIEF, forait Wuuun tin SIit-L 0 N F -> S GREITTU T/( INJ)1N P4JCE,-1.ror Coktu. anti tevîensçh feelings usrud Pre-e0.tî'ng feYOei.- -- 2ý For %,àtna, LîverConpuurti sud Là!tious affections, 3. For lDialrha - ltdi2m-0hion 5.For Sotuaxtu aifaeiioas. Dyspepoia, Pilesl, Ilitcurnatisrii, Ut. - Tue crat pillas are, it i. not 1usd %0 talcs, tuever giu'a. Pain, and nue- e eaes <uts castîe. *4h-IL UIRTIIWLOMÎjWS$ PINK SYÀRUP fore al Cewehts or LCotilmptsouu. !0t~-oLMTO>t:sVEFRMFUGE (Worm Itî-M~.BRO WN'S OJEtIT P.W ,KILL-FR.-NKO Bledicinle hias . een distcover- .el that is sohppi adpein1 use iuierisally as CrOPa t Inf takeil, ati yet parloutu suc-l wvolidorç whcui applied exteM9uuas sa aN or bath b>' fictiai.u Ail t lue d are foul' descuiltein la urph- <i,0bd piv<l Io a, ustW)c,éli 41 L.tttl&e fur t/ce GIENEIÂL FAMhlLY DIIL'CT.IJI hhQw1ý thre Reieuswhiel evary famnily attoutti ekOp in thir Ott5C5uan(l ltse manucui f uuuug' ihen, * b> wtnlah ait oriniair>' sickruess mna> ba jurcuentait <rsseiyremnovel, witwut flue exfipeuuo<f the the paitiaular itrticle indicaWe by uhe cftauPlaifi., aid holiig 4elere suItoc 1ratnieuy nia>' aira>.i Lm Wbo)it I - , ô t ee >~4M . S-m Es Il. GERRME, 1 I)U-GGiNT - an Streret, Whlitbyj VWIge. appobiuled Wltalue & Retail Agent. 42 JUTRECEIVED th,'Sobaeiber, at hàiRisUS ITOU., aw1 ,WHITBY VILLA(;£, owns; artiLez., whui ivill b. sold in largo lI quantjtit iosthpyrehasers, anid au Low 9 tu $eit thre bard lieues: 5'*4ubla Sd5 i mW Root, Peau-i.Saga, ü« bffl~, sumea<ilvugiur1Cuufamn, tOivre cil, Saad' JPuintI Ou., r Ol, Pur,) itVitt'l@i, C-sain Tartar, ýrSat Ptr'S'ftBp4» isNtre, Cod Livrr tot.&tewcAaILÂu ForitiCattiVltOt-.« itters Mol- 'ScUIES CANADIAN ALMNAQ FUR JutRecc:vedi and for 15ale by JAMEIE L. (;ERRII:, 7tb Noveneî, 1$.->. - ufly lie RISH'S MINERAL FIRE PROOU PMNT, l3 ($' ndCIEAPFý'.$T article of Painat for cu¶uide or Ortiamental [Painting, For Sale tuy, AI" FU1E 1N*fiî1~', tli Ouly Iqent for If 7iluty. C .A\)1 W 0,0 1), Logwood, Red-iwood. Copperaa, fllui Vitîjol, &C- &C., for Sale 11Y JA-S. H. GERIE, (t 22tc, 1851. 2 W. C. S E'" CELEBRATED.I Farnilv 'Medicinîes. ILIVATO(HNEIW4A ( ¶ RE'S Saré 'rfuat and 1st'Qupah, <Ju<îgfu, Coldi, Uhdisc I'aitix, Wnuu C ,croup or iattle, Xe. Tl rr's 1.'dJX 1'l MV cures ail P.tij%,! Cap~NtnsA:uu in thie Face, Ni-ruoti lirnurtT tluache, Catauth, 1 N VAJJLL31,E EYE. %v A rrE fl, Cure*. Sort'. lsfl.srracedor IWeakie. lt conîie- ,well reconnencert. Tiv t. Cure ailUI-atedS-Me. Cilitainiq, &c.. and uà îufatlile for tnany exterrual duscases. Tu>' it youu iliufflt e4uet il. (>llz; -011 IIOPESES & C.V"<LE1 Tlie bi-st stud c rtti-,>*t n diine latuwn, andi is wej1, tJ l s nleriviled f b euuIru iar own e<-snn tfy. Ai luat i huu d u au«jtspek well <il it. For îeïtimi)niatx, rai lW ii anptlpt. Thet foiinwung cfttficate is frontu E. W tpuetoEul., Mayor (if St. Cathelift-Ae, (Cuaa, ia - M K. %W. t , ti'. >.T 4tn T1tt l<t'tc.-l have for mauiy yea rs luse.tSweetu. lblac-k Ofus tocflorbes.% aund ran tafe!y retutuuefditl#t.Putelic as a tirât tate preparation focreatehe,,raitls, cit~, bra ui4ses, spruins, andi n r, boresof '211 iands. Il t thougitt mutuf)( iflttho ccuuntry. aru4-ttue îlemi;d i4 incceisin!. Ih.e.e iuuseil utaîuypreWaatuoitta for bouseshuiIe prefer*-r,r!ivurdiunesitàtiuuly ho the ceciarateti Blîak 0ls, 'naiiiifacturêd by WV C. Sweet; lt&he.4c, N-. Y. 1 would adviu.e every hortie 'wner Io keeui a luotte of the above- Oils 'uon handfoir ut imrelv use wili sav'e timp ne d moue>'. Youru i-p Etuuy . w.ST E p u!Nso s. C3 For Sait- hy T. C. Sutan. Rowuramvle C. fluettes. Port Hope; Dr. Prirudie. Coboturg S.~ ~ ~~~V MCy wcsl;WJ. Sultanu, Oshawa, andi Wluitietale & lictail by- JAIIS 11,G.Il Whilby Vuita-e. - A ieu.i 22, 18-M.1-. NVOTA RYIPUJBLIC. Commimiolirr oft Ibecourt of Qurt's ilenlit, (]onveyîuneer, - Draughtvnan, OSUE F MARRIAGE J.ICENSES8 AND) ACCOCNTANT. Oirice nieuir thé- Court fosVlaeof M A NrHSTFR, 'Olnwitubj> Off L A Cît C. W. 24tf L. C. TIIOMAS, C 0ON V EYA NXC E1tE A N 1) fPummnis.qioner of Queen'. Beach For *taking _Affldàvttsi -- 1BOOKLIN. Beionklin.. S1.ept.- 13, 180. 22 JLeV RECEIVIaD BYý WV1jtTnl- VIt.Gr.Lc, S£PT. 2.5, 1851:' LADIESI jt<IÇO ûiET<L£E512!'S !('u 41>Cty Buildiagaq, Kiuîr ireet, -- -NOTICE.- T FEbusiness- carréd on in1 adcet tue Îtvie andi fit-un of G. & T. Wi istsdaLdtssoived lyMultuai centt Wallace authorsdo rectire ait dei liquidatel laims a nit he .fitri THOMAS VI Witby JuMib hIR5.1t W"ri or cIa NIIE uY cweofOteNV1 ARBLE WORKSI WOLFENDEN k 00-t 3 ANUFACTURIERS and DCALERS ini 1 MoointisTomb Slonts L Grave SiWnrif W/tuie, (irern, fllur 4- EVariepated AMarbie, Centre Thp,.tniTpChimney->ieces, Sit a., Sod lab%, Son Dials, Paint Sones, &c. Every varietyo<f DZARlD làWOR done io a Uup0dvir tyiO. cof the Boit DatuTiSli, arnd Tims Liber-al. NAK-W. & CO. dteg to ray-thai thry liavo nrn tonfeftiofl With any other F.itabli;hmtit,and flipy ÎmpOuttiiteir %tarble from hme weli farnei Rui.iu Qunuuue, velznwrltt flo. ilsnMark/tain 1 A/ir i, gt Sépterriher ilei l. 2n-t T an arenomprépar ti in a Saupet or >!yle for armmnaodation ni the p>ubic, huy large iruprove. rrintsin he iffngand furniture. Aloo, luy en- lauenut iiverneWmf'is in the St.ililig ac- ýc.mrodtin,50 au Io pçace it 'un an ilquai footîte for ccunveuipiuwe and cornfort, %wilh any othutr hIe in tht. Ni-w Countv. Ilit Bar aud Ta'bles will atiAayo hoa ippiie-ci uvth the bhin t hat cari be procuteil tii the M isuuti, ani i-ver>' attentin paid tn the' travelihng coômiiu- nitv that can posxdl's tiake ihemn fi-el c omforalule aria ai homre. %Vhîlly, Ate. 23,1851.1 Cti £.Rnd ./buerew MIarkcls nid are naw opMng t&ir F Xiock <of DIrj Gos, ling, Gr~terie, «c Cun inti a rtr, off Orleans (ioth<, Cobourga Muý'N1üsin-e- JLainiPruuited <:mbmere.., Gala Plaidi, Uovles Printà,yd, wide, ]1titi4u and îÇmeriean Grey and Nvhiteâ,,otton Shirting, Smock- ingti Tickingu, Cotton Yarn, T. P. &co, would calti especial attention to their aplendîtil tuc of Furs, vîz- * Grey Squirrud andiSabte %Iuffç*nd Boa«, Stote.Nachin atd MNiLïL' (, eufï. i'rumqu.~Pr euupuu &c. &c. &c. &c. RE.IDY M1.IDE CLOTHI2MG, Co11rnprFinz every necessary for a corn- plete oitfit, and wlîich being imaide iibder their own inspection, and by t1he isiost fasit- innabe and experienced artists, Jefy competiton Bonnet i, (loaks, SMwls4e Scufs, In great«riy A Fall Stock of their weiI knowrs INDIA RUBBW, &c. kt. &c< at t1Se CITY PILICEs. rbeir t.sually large sWok of Groces ies CIIEAP: AS. VER. Catiand sSee.,, 0ONTARTO HOUSE. F AMERS! FAJIMERS! FARMERSI TÀKE N(YVXCE T HA vr hae Oý,eed he.Store Isfely occupied for yotrinspecl4ononeal tif LigiCepA tL aid lint F_1lo--& JAN AIUVIiNTIJIIE IN HTJNGARY.1 - (Pr-om t/te arrnaîa). On thue tlîitd day afier lis tieparture froin Vienna. a hor-se-dealer aligluteti aI an in situated ut lthe entrarica<of a litîle îown, wiii, tn ail appeamtnce, wau repectable anti quiet. Ille recomuuended bis huorme o the cire of t hi lantilorul, drioti hi.s clotes ut athIe fre, and ars %non aq supper i-as rea- dy1>, utl dewtru'te ttable-with thteluost andi bis fauily, wbo appe-aroti b lie tiecent pao- ple. Duuing supper the traveller w»a-slged wbere lie came (rom, andi on his answeritg from Vi-nîta, ime>' wrre ail auxieute Inrcar sone newsý freinflue capital. The home- dealer told tluem ail ha knew. - The lanid- lord then atketi him whiat business luat tait- an hua te Vietuna, Ie whiclu hc replied i liat bce luati luien tItere toelsaime of the ver>' finautt herses -ýtîat luatilever appearati ittire market ltera. At th#t"co words tue landiord lokat ver>' sionuficantly autte young man wbe set op- positie tn luin, uand iwhc appeareti tolue lis Non. lie a ouc$ive glatice did net escape Ilue observation oif t-be trauveller, Who, 'lucw- i-ver. tonk no notice ai it; yet lue ver>' mo~n aftenwards hati cause te regret iris want oif caution. Beimuoeinu'wautt of repose, lie beg- gai lte landIeri, uts "Soox-as te upper wns fiutslued, ltow tîirn te bus reenu. The landiord tock a launp. anti condîme tet tra- voiler across thte yard inte a tictacluct build-. ing, %imîCl otutainecl tiretoierall>' ueat rootaus. A bied wa* prepared at the fartirer end of lte secondi.11 Aus sonas lte lazrliord bati retiredth te travellér utudrcssed lin4leif, tuubuckled a uuotuey bIt ucontainitug a con!iicrahle sum in goiti. anti toek ouItlis peeket-book, which v ras fuli of Anstrian bank-notas. Ilavng ctuvneet hin.~af flaI is 1moiter 1watt right, lie placeti botlu utder his pilloir, axîittguusheil tlle liglitI, atndi wonu faîl siecpt ltukicug Goîl anti ail t-le sainuts,(et- tire'suc- -ci-ýS of lisjeuu-ney. 1lie had 4slpt but.an hour or t-.e uviren lie vwas suddeîuly awakaru- aul b>'tire opeitig cf flue windoW, anti lm- mediately feItflue nigist air lloir upon hin. Stau-tled at this unferes,ýeen ctrcurnstance, lte traveller raised hîîmscif up in lied,, and pegrceivedtithe atianti shoulders cf aînian, wbo was strugglirtg te get imb lire t-oin;'at tire sainelime ire hcard tire voicrifs fmaerai persens whe irare standiug untier tire Wun- Adreatifutl ier seizetietd rvle- wlue g-ave limself Up fur lestj; aud scarceiy kuuwing wirat ho titi, erept untierthle beti ai quickly' ns possible. A. moment aftar- wartis a man spraag beavil>' into tee rn, anti staggered oup te the beti, supporting biai- self agaunst tire Wall. ('enfountiet as tîte herse-denier wvas, lue ntevertlieless perciiiveti that. thicîiuîtruder iwasr inebriateti; titis cîeunslanca,ýhowrever, gave hit little hope, forlie hadt preliall>'gut in- toxicated in ritdec le sutaimon up ceuragç (ftr lte contcuipVltet-icri,;>r&ucles Ibis the Ira- voiler bail heard lire velees Ofpet-s on t- -bide, se, thal Lte nunt-erer, inu s of resit-- anca, ceul itieo 4upen lte assistarice ef bis- coiriraties. But irqw greal was lis asteuisisment wiran ha saw tire unknown pet-ion trow Ilis ceat upoi tae floor, anti stratcir bnmself upon lire lied wbîhuereiatijuil quitteti! A-few tax- aratls afîerwardshbe heart-tiUt intruiubtsuoe, andi bis terrer began grtaualyt-Io give Way te reflection, altitoogiîtire wlrcle affIr WaS quite iricomrprelrensiblé té htn. Rie ias juat prepariug te quit bis lid4litg place, in ret-at to awake te irimalas <of the ironse, anti asic anetiter bet inl place oftat frein wltich lue bd beau 'mc uauceremcnuitly exl peieti, wieua uew incident eccurred. lie eard-tir culer ticor <arefully opeued, and. on - htlnu therasound of wuliotus foot- tIr te eoutrary. ! rwy, were then bound, ànd led te the et-bouse, where the horrible deed luade ben comnittcd, an:ioui toe c luow teenga woldciesolved. ch rsnrs appeared tolerably eollee- at I, east cali? and sifleru; but *en ont enteriog tàe root, thueypre*4t bd , hilay on tire beçi, the ton fe.» esegle! te the earthi. and the fatter threuw himself upon iL, with;ioud lamentations, cla-sped the blond>' ixrpse, and exciainréd de:rparingly, Il"my son! oh, tMyson! 1, thy fatbe amrnty Tho, murdered. mant, *as, in fact, the yo«ngesw. son c iebs.DrMnkeiieS-fwaq thle'-only fault t11is ý'Mng' man had ; and tii niglut, instead oif being, as hu'u fater and brotîer wlupposêd, in luisown lied. lie ha& gone cuit Secretly, andulbeen carnusing with bomne of lis cotnpanîons, at Mime niebouse. Soon beegra ing suffieientlyï iebraàted, and fearing luis father't angcr if he appeareti before hun In that sate, lhe intetuded te puts lte ni, Wuin îbe detaclued outhodwe, as hé hal ln-doàe feforp. l'lis 'konupamions had accompanied himn hîthe-, and helpaul iun te climb up to the winhow. Therest re- Nort' do we tuceul to add tlaat the unrder- crus expi'ated their crime with their life ; andl that lthe rse-deaier. althougit saved, tand again in poss,,ession of bis plttndered- prOper- ty stii luidders at tte recollecçiot <of îlat dreadful night.- »cmperic ADay wltkFoachérs. 110 sorne mentit.1 paît ftue parishes of TLet &,n, Sbipdharn, (Cra-nwortb, adi their neiglboutrhood, hayve been iinfested by gags of peacluers. whosep roc'eedings have~ , een of a rnest outrageouuu citarcter; partiti of' 10 or 12,yqung urteru oinîr about, îlîght af- ter night, armed witlî ioaded g-uns in put-suit of gatue. ,I'hey b~ave Of ate diînot alear- ed te estata <if Mr. Brtampton Gurden of gaine, and even proèeedad ro far a~s te titreaten tbc làfe of bis gartfékeper, Mr. Wliitear, if thay, wceenot allowed to do as they pleased. 'Mr. CGurdou, in 0 nsequencc considered -it necessar>' te eaulanthe aid oif te police. Late on S.--aturday ivt,,ht a ire- dy ouf at least 11 meËu troun)ded thre buse of, M-r. XVhitear, and Iuavine examined all the- outbuilulingï, wbere tCiey irnagmed lue trtight*b le eeaed, anfd tansatked the vwhole of buis preruises witlut fiuding bim, they dared liun with- bitr imprecations to corne forth, sweauing 'that if ire <iîd tluey wouuld shoot luin'; and ten, hefore lceltg, they fired oif AIei &uns athiskou.w. Aller a serieso<f these brutal outragea, the cir- cumatances cf tre case weretiade known te time pro'er ahthorifis. If uay appear strange, but it i.ît; hovvever, a-fact, that it cetnrnitting tlîeir ffipwedatieurs, the parties secmnL-d ttink it sca.x-eey wortlu while te, inake ân> attçtatpt at concealmant-prcbalbiy relying on thiru utmber antd strengrtir thliri perseurs, andi even tirrantes, are knowyn te tioît of tire oc<rupiers of the con- iguous estates in these aise. -L t iN4onday week, Superinndant-Paark& itlh about a dcomen of the rural 1îJe, leftt$waff- buain aýeroceeded t t ou ajsk1,ehkb'0 neari>t îreemileïineiett J'!3y tte con- sent oif &ie Norwich i WatCl, Cowaittee, Constabe Nolier, bein- a srngjpwerfui -man, went ovey te atd thpunt~ji'-ice. Thle polUce wèue secretasl ever>,yialut vreek-,watchiUtg at aigit, and whibtus en- gaged, tire>' dffèn eard lte poaçbeii firine at a . itie n i apr.LaistSau- dýay',igbt was briget moenliglut, the police and keepurs were Ut -amnuusi, on tIlur watch and shborl>'after 12- ?'clock tlc ',k lieard, hre eg-itep of ucJ- cover. threbeyiâeb-ôule barrelled, belongitig ,tô têè , , knew 11W>' woud«tavto'cou iè wilh~ý . -Tà ý !qff4aé4iitf l appt-ove Vil- was- quite riid witir siot.-F4j, a 4late 7Tonta KOSSETIT AT WASIIINGT0. -,M I1I Phe Correspondent<ofrlte N. Y. (Com - ber Inerci a ys tiraIt te .embers of, Congres UP hl e ire se omplelel>' eng os: d inthe Utc . .gTSe qu ustious growing out oif Kosuthi's arrivai atraepina.nd bis propositions, tiuat teb d seet t have losît.igirî of ail orduutary sub- quet jecta, andti t bave aueglected eveË .thue oreattht bubjec n-Wt ofman i iur iueed, 'ibe conidceredthaltItire ossutit frsrer is Tri t-o lie moide an elernt tU in ûû.Poitisof the F ceuurtry. andi have an înfluene on tlic Presi- Ti r deritialEleclion. 1<o5suth had an interview o h ,with -Mr Webstez.on thre 8th of Dec., and <fU Ab on lime foflo*ing day. paiti a visit to Ute book, Pre,sident. On Ibis -risýt lue waà accoqtpa- te a niati b> thue Serretaryof State, andi b>'a tos connmittee of tae Snate. Koscsutth iras I- i!g troduceti by te $ecretary of State toe 'l'lie President, wliom bc atdrcssed in tire folow- ing Ivrds a- c- - bytlheeu » alue spirit of your coun- nth tr-y. sinstit3utionsivwln we succeede t lu on- t h seuiduite aur ùatural and histerical staes ri-lit of self-governmnent byr placing IL uponea t am breati fouridation -of dèlnlcratic libierty. t d - hpiei > yoiur histor>' whep we iad te figlut for intiepeîudenceagainst antnulilaf ion- b>' centralizeti absolutistu; ude S Cen-soleti b>' yur people's synipatluy <rigiu wiren a victlm of Psussian inter-ÇeVene witir by't lte laws oif nature and of nature's God .: Protectuti in exile by tire Qovernrnent ofofB te Vni.ed States supportingltue SnIttan of f J Tur-e>'in bis noble rc5oiutmpn 1cr underge andi tirat ver> dangrer oif a war rattuer titan Jeave »at unpretected lte rightfs <of humanuit>'agyainst ta JI'u-s-Aust-ian idaspotiuu;: - cc P.-etored b y tire tJuited States to lire lie- 0f th cause restored to freedoin, and iry freedorftu le5as t0 artivit>' in bebaif of tire dulies wlieb, pi b>'in ta> s unaruntous corufideuce andi broui soyereign will, devolvedl upon me;- Raised in the eyes oifinz oppreised na- tiôUt uthte 5taaidirig of a tarbiinger of lhope, beauose te Star-spangied banner w» s5ean in~ protection arount ieu, announcit, tô -theé i worid tbot thare is a nation, alle powerfuiol v as fre, rend>' to procect the latsof nations, aven in dis9tant parts oiflte cartit and ian te ~< porio f a poor exile;- doptI Clteered by yê r eople's syunpàtI.j so as treemen ahterà6t àtman WlIateVer, but a pri-cîpl' 1 new bow before yen, sir, in the 'P'ré t4 piosition of vont great aioti's ffuestl., gner- 1

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