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Ontario Reporter, 17 Jan 1852, p. 2

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(P «the Lodo 2ie4. ' Ifthei tre state of the ease between dIM Pl etoteñ and'his former collaigan s« esteloped'insome moystery, it là At ma bipartat that this.rupture should nt 'hy 'todiscreditable motives en', ei- i and that the conduet of the -QMWl&' Gemnt should not be preju- di"spuaraddom and injtîtius conjetrs ytint it CRUen sfle w say sgow of foundation- that Lord Pal- mentob lms been ejected from the Cabinet by a pemsocal cabal agamst him on the-eon- trary, the hight sense 'of his abihutes whbiek tau ofabs colleagues entertained, their line n dh g nmlirty wit pub- mr of debate, *contributed to-make them aSions to retamn hi% services in the 6 v biled to be aupud pere entirely -n his eP ýpower,and might have been regulated gytejen pos' rl i ft h Government . to blam'e the iniste *ho, ùi hù otv dqreimnt, Jeu at nought the authorwity est opinions of tbe rest of the Administra- tion. A mmreserious but net lts unfounded tiuwon on the 4;ove neat Is the Su p- tat the removal of Lord Palmers~o Areoc bie hs been instigated by the agents he adarisen in the Cabinet, on the i-ub- jt ef'foreign refugees in tinscountry, It etit ine we were Girst told that'every *eseb r 40red from Lord Palmeirston's Postclsystem wau to be denounced a-s the "of mme foreign power ; and Lord Jóbne 1 himiiself once thought at worth riulde to indulge in the elap-trap assertion -thkat his Lte colleague was nt_ a Russian , or te Awstrian, or a French, but an Englh 'MiÅ¡iter. ln our eyes the questioni Ilisimf- ply whethber he was a good foreign Minister Wr Englâa ;, and en that point we infer- that Lord~J. Rumsell. has ceased to hold an: Opli" fen et ft , our own. *Te ques-diee h to of:the reuesdeserve* somie further nécted with the recentchang". in th'e Cab- ict ti a matter dsined to'exercise con- nmbe uence, over our 'relatious with Ibocentinet , S.omte weeks ago the French Ambassdr'ib London. was instructed to 1 remtonstratee with cont-iderable fore a' in4t the faci ties afforded to French refugýees * tMs country. for detiing, and preparing plots art the, tranquiit of France ; and an u made toaddue abùnde p ( o efteabtfse of Britis'h Itlee y a y et p or giie.More e ientiy th thrî powers-have presented'a not to the %a 'e etcuhed 'n equll tere ad siugesing that mesi".4o be devised ythe wiadoim afth res ri-ti>h Goverament to.preçent this country, frowä being the -%eat -of elandestin hsiii. agWint r*eral of the fHiendly powers5 of 1-Au- ropé.'o these.notes we orm unot aware that an swer ham yet been returned, and thé a ftt doubtie,4,under the consider- :t lmr o Mister. As far as the dignity not thàigonsý and our ancient and undoubt. ed figf* ofhsiity are concerned, we es ransispte but ce reply ; for no differ. a scentagnn en bave oceurred on such amacpthongh 'it J% open lodiscsin ýW wit be expedient in any country. to 4sw wigners sa untimited right of 'abu- tkbopitUtywe aford them Bit -wé repent, this subject, was not the umanfWdvisoisin the Cabinet ;, niÃ¥r is it Mrt to sarte that the citief-pËressure on Ätis point'bu been applied by Austria or ae first leainwsndby ce; the proximity of that coutifiry allititude of fugtiveSý from hler suie. va revolutiolim, and the inisecurity Croernment that deals§ so lrey OSi and other violent lmsuires, tutes à fur strotiger case tha%ht Mta em u ltngarian or Polish ref. rut London ; anid we believe thiat i Napoleon hias niot sernipled toad le limtitation of -an -,assylum tu I he-has twice repa-irednl the days gadversity. 'Tu such an appilie. Aie governmnent will noadoubht ro. iL fittinig aniswer ; but if anyting redér even measutres of lprpler Ution reptig'nant to the peuple otf and, it weaild bie the -notion thtt had beens exacted b)y rfrein i.But thois matter though impo)r. mitseff, igirrevalanit to0 the prin. sujeet êdi ur remjarks. Spea k. ben, from the besi information we oen- able tu colleet,. thu tigh not sny Munsterialathlorty.,, we be. die artpture:hetween the Cainiet Lord Palirierston tor have arisen the diff'érent views taken bey the lartier of the !ate revoluition m w and npt only from a difference *#'on th is, touris, alst raet quest ion 1 ints;. but also fromniati -equally là differenceein theie-modeofdesi. vith isneh aný emergency, Lord a s tnÃ¥expresed b' tomàù jounal hieh a shis ex. wasthat t of nbounded h0j nd admiratioñ fr là sue-m n be therise,6ay t liticans f son ng n theneOhoulrhod,aund whiek their constituentin years tu comnepretende&that 'Mr. Hineks blÃ¥sed all bie Crime-a* NaP Nw m-Nefoto ewa gno e . Na dhetood i a otdoe veg nOl ortabthebosofn lw'wolktstrongv, denounce and severely cen ar tdt N lb eob Te olwt dta l eui' jbt.e helts n a nç i4e lst sand, tunless it is the A On 09i3 an of' the namie of sure them for adogling.Much of thefoppos nasfota pro.There lia a raa ctrodp f the K s osinu aten h ryh maW of the fatrie field ! The6'intelli;- Tho Powell, on being informed or tion we speak of has grown out of the grea piretend ed letter from Mr. 'Andrey Dixon fois Dailg e v ri 1t-g fromNgpoeejutbeercevdathRprerO gècee of 'te byonertas-apnppet the er, efsd to comne.down desire of neaw)y epry localty of nýe in th to McN dC-iAr'd ranavlre e2 iewst<fKW nadiint u omr ag sotet which lias been glidyed with knaa i adass (utwih -things, and promnisng him not only libera- sltin ; w e ven tu tl iiat lh4sce S 1 fbk is tribuine-bas been embodfed. is ljr*sent was bout -to be itkde aher the rob.-e lwsii rte fte"onito but the cleekshlip of the Peàcë of Dal- ofidery aprpvty, orma an veacae a ye r a odee hias been empldoyed, and its all-e *hin bers, town ; but as there are su many>claimnants, hou.sie District; whicht, at thge date of thtwi)l s ns e i more ut om r efa fTrno fteMn netivity has beeàn recognized. Th1e8,Constable and the manii servant, and as it is evident that ail cannot be pleas. letter,:September 2à, 1813, was said, in -uiiixicaliiog driniks «l"ongtelauueue llo hihwlleal gloomyprelueeve thouh a mwalking abouit, trod fin thretacks, of edtgoo esthe heel s al hscr espodece, -tou'be îcanlt Now J1ln or N Iqb1sîpirr lr(h.1 l tis etalsud onnotnyidf ary odv-antage-slfould sprog ,#brglaro, anhe peop-enterially pe- . E ofit is pei ythsisfaischaood that break,ý boek edender ternhiprced-ro If te Frncharmyshold wtiggmd ente uessf tacing ou8111t fthPebeginning to tniumphi over the jealoubies that ldowýn thle Whole case. Thelle rkshijip o':Ji-s Il bouse and Jgrog shl,, hs ntgi tl fro onn h this tetnpat ion, lat once -êthe imotfa- nmen. interested individuals have thus produced.and ýthge Peace wvas snot vacant in spebr<indlypv,-t sof'u inasit'y. There is. rovince taf of alt, it wiltlxbe trul-y worth'y of Unipleasant rurmours are affoat, unnd there is now little doubt but that thi- ap -3 ;no iil the !1.3th Novemlber, the day, we believe, a lZector di N pan W. tilt 4uadmiration. We admit thatt ouir greait suspicion attaches to persurons l. eappo- n nineh Mir. Chiritie, the old incumibent, Statereinahascatsrre Waerqutdtottehtteal hecarts beat when we reflect on aillthe the eghorho.in cneuneo rain d emd o of haevrdied. Crime fthan îit removes.-Examimer yourned eigfrtefraino posble cney ne.A legitimiacy thre bacon halving boeen ,arried away, conventient bite the Gvrmn myco -It is %with sa-tiraúeits of pirofounrd Ilitrr meaini hsVlg i defended lclby an army is woniderful which, it is thout, M, sern tibr- to scet. It ispraiseworthin l idvdu vsao r;.' erttatife resl utiidi1e sitrang ; a. legitimiacy created b)y thre ar- glar 4or highwaymlen wouldj. not thlink To thie Faàrmer-s of* the TowniP0,1pfreenriting te weneh ltet of the .held o0 odyEemgnxa ee a fmure" of -brdeigteslvswt.B-alto endeavor to secure, by every honora- of* Whitby: faru thncesie of cr-bl ime n t otocokpeid;nteT hrlwe Another DVaring Burglary in sideis, nany indfividuials believe that ble mens in his power, whtatever he nlmy G1c maa ,a!ruep spc which has o~aeik reÍetr ndeipvac fko IIerefordshire. the theives musst Ihave lbeen pretty twellideem of advantage to fhis neighiborhoodand 1 An nnetdand inuich to be regret- ..1zen pluc i tisapart of file Proivmee. ldel Ã'wrigese n tea -- - ~acquiainjted with the premises before hudb ali i fot ehstesteted ocurentce has compelled ime to resýigrn i lf thite last few rmothsdtn, k e haIve this week we are sorry to thcyey cold have done their business riyohetfScrtr o'h htb ;r-fightfs and brawlVs, dsrcflto fthebedbrdbfheIeJeTByn my flhe painflul duty of recordin g one effecutually, ato f nwn htC ehsdnehsdt ultutral Society. As this eCvenlt willbel commnlity, have taken iplace ici this fe hcteAsoto ilb r ut thle mosit atrciouis rolberies 0that, Miss Morris lhas offered a rewardof, to hbis imlmediate oalt-hnetdty is ne td ymny n ege edbfin!ige On4sver-1 of these occasions ize havé been committed ainthtis couInt y fur MO fur Illaprhnso and Convie- to the County at large of. which he is a mem- fe, hv osdrd tdet yefadon rmr formgitae1to yg fnýy years, the villianis who perpetr-tonoeh ofnirs nle ne- e ose htiti tl euf t oth< reniwohaetke niteetasietsecaos ftee igaefloPne a be1otryn heFee ted'!it eviîdently being determnined, as #stand htplctio wl b ra er ., n ta tisioisa ppointdofîsin fthe society,, to putblish1 my remonsfrehbtos ihu vri n an in fihe recent Cases of buIrglairy at Old-Athe S-'ecretary of State ash the repesen- Just expectations incons:equenice of whiateveýrirermrg kom thile offdee 1 h ave heldi fur"iolier attemplting fi toipf -stp Iotem reV olutio f t aospaka ata lær, i W rceteshreandBurord tatiofthge gotvertnment, fura:in ad-lehagrin his own feeling b imay have watained. "" "- .A l'ew mont hs g.aaagrv e as hyaperd ilhi evscol ern AloIscrifice ýlife, shouidan y obstacle b I nt htsmrbeaadvr-W dieth iw xese ou h ue the tlermieof our fle highily reb- of asut ihiin ocmi aie oe ehddcae isl i tt presented to te fullfilmletit of their 1lence beingprevalent in the caý-tmttry at W diete sP.K)e"dt stiepectt-d President, the que:ston lias trequeifn wsprertdiiti gtoorvl thsdee.Brtnna other day by the P-pol eeeofRah ly beven apgtateal, whlo shall We fiwd to fil! ae n ltog u esdn ai-ofse ea tat cout T'he offence to wh %hve refer wso thits natter, who locli upon the struggle hspact e eea rsosrhsbe.rae were à pplied tos fir warrants -fur EA . commni'ttd on the premi3siof Mib 'A0V SEMEN o h cst iei iGih hok r .or.don, and the active imembers hearrs o hea arneo hr Morris, a maiden lady, residing m-the ~~~~~~- ~rht.of \ the Socettyhad deciled that he shouki wouhJll tak a ongac ftemt n hrdyte8ho aura 'parish of Weston Beg gard. Wht IM POlTANT SA L E,uhlbrlvesb netie yteb temn;btft.o rfhdded ter ; 011(d il on iv th rolitghisle ac- neeting eda algersTvr nMn nakesfthe cîicumstance miiore alaring Rp;'Ieeves-and Deputy il eeres when thtey meet ohwand at Ithe genleral imeetmg9. -Mr. to famgsrt fo eg ur hsei h onhß ecb h is flhe bldokie of thre villiis, tehue1 i onitheheflurshngne Cuny f .Farewell .was elected in his stead, nfot1igtws ,ta utc a ee onilr n tesatrtecoeo h which is situateduaboist a lhund red yardis T R,0OC llRb1'Eby fthe voice of thge Farmer prsett6ottonefth lndronhaoclstesonfteConitwa from~~~~~~ thdhg rai, )litmH re AT THtTO EuO (naioison einwrlniod rwih tevocfo n mtrohprsnclece esonfetwe iih id tofF idyrM ve yurPaonadsSeedb ford over Proomi's IHill to Worce's.tor, RAYES, BROTERStk 00. out the least draw-back to lher ene-rgies ori" o h tet adsoso sa a;per- 1the 26th. and tthe (Aruin l of iat a div r. Eer and aouttfouir miles from thtis City, be- No-7 fthede-velopmient of lher vasý resources. ' lwocrentasrw bu h ier-th 7 nan.ams toiu htavt ftak ercre nf. ing- suirrotinded by cottages situtined aon- i N s. Y.onge Street, etif the sociciy, and, with two or thiree enemac yrber.w* o ftegntmnnwrtrnfo h ly a short distunceefroi t. 'alopneh BnoBKAeiaThe IHincks-.McNab C-orrespo'n- s>iepioons, have neýver conitoontted a shiillinsmte nteaskrso hsvleedte fCueoswohv i n About th'ree oclock oit Stiday motrnl- dnc, owards its support. Tismighlt have- beeni ing-ta-st-àM iss' Morrissl's house was enter-, LLbeoffre o Weneda2th-2 orne twtih.had the person so thgrust upon :i brot her of ne murdred m ar - ptha attde oth et neesso ed by thiree men. 'Thle fellows first lat- 52 1 Of aillthe: villainous plots to ru-iin Ithe chal- tushiAdthle ct ebim to thecininor confer- I.g1o a h Ionhpdrgte att-ergn tempjted to enter by taïking severail 3 shds lG P TO RICO SUGA R' ,rarcr of a disitingish;ed pblc rvant, sin- rd Ir a he qaicton eust to tijll e rtea ee > h teoÉrTa hgÃ¥aedet e squarcxs of' glass out e-f a cdasenent in 1to bbis cruohed ILoat sugar. etdadcridotbthmsterad the office ; but wvhat clairni can a person itave stefulugdt ost ohrpersoinswharnorermfaEler thge brack kitchen window, but afte-r'200 hali-cheats YOUNG flYýON TEA, P toun othee .of' respons bili ty Whohlas never theMr abVetandimpartia}anee gl da to th they had iroceededsmwafrwt 0 hall-chesTIwaujkay Test, caatrprap hsi host aSitoundt- -at Ileast for thel last four years-taken the c --Hvi i i ewlt Cucladteratrn eiet e d . I la frwih 40 lhalf-chebatsH yson Skin Tl ialh o n<,ilrid a dsofthe place Çw ere mote.il i isT p their iention,. they ifound ithat thre obaiGen ofeng and bare-faced of sxode;rnt uimes.. The est interesýt in lt,- afauis of thge sciety' . rbere a e iae;wntt oetl eaeoaah rat~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hrnsivirnlrstenofee tirecaliaRcvery charactr-of rthe parties concerned(] as um a eiodnvr ensenvif-w the dyofl11 e musrdetred mais euw ta hncovnec wlgri considerithie resisltnce to thecir efforts! 200 packa'ges McayaaTOBACCO,l t one ,of fthe various meetings held tor the. they wdiatn tte nitlo to force thiem, and at lerigtl. thety aban)-! (unoed fini, anid wnanqualie, Ii this b)asfe transaction, both ndhff rega.Ird to 1 ran>ýctirjn otf bsie,1n frIwlolhe e houise tojwhihe wsbouh "aftrtebs itrsso tewoeT n . . . 8 . -Whole,liait, quariter, anid ei-hth boxes.) . a ga 5-a h rih l1 w s at b itgcuel doned their pirject of eterinig by that 10 oeg asist'je orgery of thet correspondence and the ifour ),ears, 1 o not u amivn sa elctdtaii his de meition, or way. . Acconhnifgly they passe-tothe 15 bbit zainte Curratsori9ginalpuihe of it, oug-ht tu stamp the usrie oih uá then as toujsftew ni! e wytoub isefwt laalo r in ow w ich tltv suicceeed 50)mats Casgia. flhe s bi-tier ktlown t tc you as ýa pliicl)s- 1ar)a hropnig.Ths arou'oen b a 200 fune at Mjr Ilustani, de-ed uwithinfamny inthe people'seyes and raise jrant, thjan ar a pine teAr ic litu- inatter proceeded to..attend- a. pib- door inito ail adjoiling i arlouir,andh 3"* Mr. 11inch beüonid the shafts of lte alevo- Utint rst algo te are inadmissmible in e her etn1 adychbyAgi agoey thle thleives, lhaving f und Inothing tu 2 ira*eàs Jidigu (in lots.) lent, when it is'clear thiat bhs eneies h3ave to rc r citepied e f énried fahn. Mc obrt .ta o 92 antM-ek th-r ,lrpoe fie firt parour I-o otileBron Be. kAaha object the Parties Who wefre ,most terind o o.The d3,hoee 00 hai-lem inaa Guseassortid,7x9, sehogfreistefrhsunadproigirentin thtis transaction have in Vie, yuat the intiein ofsomte ofour Peieta.aeel tolw luedand impeded their p rogre0, l.xi2,104. tax16, 12x 18. press critninals inisto thir sriet ary it timew eeo.Iassrnl ipe vila. r, roeded t'rn their oivi res- 1st Vc-rsdneJs ero Wiithl some ;shai-ppitdisrmet Jjrs ,out. We know something of thet Partie 0to'ell onjm y mind-at thie time-:ae or mlo i 4bNi yi flsearch of, and to capture 2nidVcePednt-mGrn (prbalya oun- oite chse) he 30 hales cnrwc ture refléetion -has . trenzthe-ned the; belief Ie mutïdr'rr. which ithey sceddi Iesrr-onCd lourther is wa to he oherpart n Èn ,of the cenal McN i.tshebas been guilty tunder hcrcmsaceihad only to ,de-ý lice of that city. Before lie cold b Ie mon with green 1mize ois the ftop, -.in wih1bA râeassortment n4- Cordagp, i--c %, r thdraw. The latter alternative 1 have to rectuto iithis Once.,distanJce of 25> Jms vt il i Iourbs, lHambro Linea, Baiter ]tope, &c. Toronto, by his supeior cin. Hie has ehw ulsfraMasraeawrat wiham ba th e n nia and silver plate were kept1. Jo w Lvepo3sa 1 Jh Sene nai They cttthe baize awaùy, and took 1 40g asBojiled LinseedOi, been guilty o an nms adcant l GnleeI ere xceinl teo,-ye itderoth M. Xagistrate belonlg- from it lhalf-a-dozen tilver spxoons, and 10t o Tarite'st1iways cescape utice •crene av use h ociety ai a ingt n.dyettwsy ö out ofone o t h~ drawrs thy too a 20q-enk sola sArmoil, ther would a favour-itechildi 1t ha' ea Camerinsq., who had een sent AC"iteo e pursie conitaining £3 im goldand fhalf. 0toibiavy fu o ,heroinc, O h ulseDush swl thered xany a sitorm,.ýand hadl attained atrwoesddteemesfan datanwse 0 a eg erwn. 0ýble N. A err , "1 * known in rince Edivard,and his name al-so gre4 ater degwree- of excellenlce than any woforttunately fur the ends of justice lg adend ,m Up oto ithis time theiinmates (Miss A untl Tbe o F ta ds a rthe criminal records of Ohe Court i nsiSoetinheDticrpha arvdmtmeotketede tn riq 'àa eun of t tn i ad flo znda g etY61oterartn athe toe,ofQueeni's Bench forthat County, in the!pros (er distbi r pad thie iùi the thre nenthn roeeedupytr- - LO-matter of the publication af an obscene book. 70 in premtitoms during thie past year, we nst igl,Irt:ttin ks ; ih le Chain of and two ot them entered MsN1orrliN* 250euksana t asanteogether with another individual from thehdsil£5rraigi h udt cmeiecadwihwudnthv bedromwhllsh aoke ad is 10 UFALOsln ouh f ' ienceethe present ye:ar ; the alteration and been taken by the J. 1.'s inlhe immite- nary covered thre, men at lher bedIside~with to0 bales Spanish Mn.owsenmewefogealnaendments to the constitution coînglete-d ( liteviewiity ofithe ro>bbery and iur theirfacesllakenedor cveredwill saleto cmmenc at NE o'lock who escapedl to parts unknowvn before the 1 had flattered mnyself, %,ould gv eea e.e t eee cirae a oneggofthem ýetharge ^ "" Enc wrrat oud e srvd n hman aotifatinande!veprootl hewelar I i hih im tht heeroneusimreâ etes ro bludgon i onehandand ligted au- M WA KEFi D, we believe ha ntsncebee ead f a beter ork ofth S ocmity u h oswtegar ,&.-d1t-testteo.mrliy-eab in, it. In -heésquareOne;~wlce w li e should be seyerely punished. ingbeen spPkëcpI ofin aC«Ilondeawilbt ttis and surrood l1ocked, wu* about £12< in gold, three iMr. xoAttor#èf t hy vlae.4-i. Before thennext court bat for that con ogeainCae nlyWhitby, by you ene £5 Bank of England notes, iand otheK n Orrpdent aout Loeal tris.om 'r/de be nk notes to, the amount of uboutt £60-.h t itCp 4 aeit oc òuaele ni fhi Wie'hemn-eernnig t mit. HUG Ã-\ jOV N iaan au- which gave but one Assize in the year tô tianls tO Vhich that haèlblogzs. but lest murder byawÇcof-tàlm lu routm. the screams of Miâs Morris aroi- thnnd' veifgAg the Ontaso1 Prince Edward, and a year consequeea I Uean nfcab0 e, is ane sed the servant ioiun wo had up itv c †t, to obiam u ïner% =d receive unproper fee i i a -M, ths im set ngacfu eeriy.io rsr for Printin'Lrrisn;c elapsed. At the nh t Court the wt- laula È ed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e gn ch samepassae tmndinaae T -E uE R T Rlthe fonhe tuestdbeens,,,es ggne so intention a diadingeot fhr, caus ofo°e*** on ttereor l'liise. Hrei* h a pocededasfr s Miodm openn.olge o ntra d Lî tb whenehe wasenet bya tat -nanestand heyoobjeipâorsek raspectaesÀthe darkeóbock inig thhiehee a n iafaet rdnaprcoe , omratinlss-idýrproaloýUý-t cè " JinCthe'saueim tsher anpd sT HE mREP pRTE .at ideneeifythenhèsf é worthi o t ,toat l iurell .On eaihidhet d yhe mgn le Camiche,ült hm d .as noba ytas.Y""ri g i

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