-PI M wb.ta Cà " sy woîli if ouse, 0, ËT~un ymn; AOf7g1aqMc"# 1* the rage, In th1s tiutl<ýdauge, To 1~bthrv4. Conteer singer&et vsai round, Mturdring ait liatmossiauu soun<l, ,Damdies Unsdertake M. pieach, Russies leabre thel'it w a beach, Statas.n aOtwitruk speech, Ail for mosseys 'l'bat là rualyi What a is*ny warld ix ours, * Ver.% fsssîny; *Full CI sws.ts Ausd-full ofsosute, FuslOf mossey; .Men for mauey toit and slave, Cttaeusg neyer,- Y'4 r theo Il.radie ta tise grave, Strtking ever. Priesta suad c-obiers take ilseir talle, 43i.ssingç, vlchlg up our mil$s, »uoeetcer .,cire or kilI, * .Vtpka-wiIl rab thse ,sscichassli's t, * Talerabrin; a u*c bilit mi1 lt ollauey, Thtut la funnsy! Wlset a fuony world ià this,, 1'ery fnsy u Pull ai mir>'«, full ai bles, Fuit ofinonsv, - 3Masie srotiey b pouuing strange le thypriWei, Mes will chatnge about t chtange Eve'> bout. _ * Eatora and prinleri toit, llîitara sess and scsaumr #poil,- Teachera leain onr boys to îead, Mtassy mens will shalîe tiseir creeil, *Loyera, tawyers lie assd iieed, Ail for mnev, Tisat ix fusnyi ! "-Shakspeare sau ts rrsorsglst and day-11 saîd a stage-ittrssttissg isro.- Il" Thoat lic ixso eternnuly liatiiste.d," re- nus rked a bystauder, Il is tiot tu lie wosn- dered at'a11; for lue lias ussosi. crtselly cutirdcred hirsi in everythirsg elie ,bu i #tdertakeii."11 IA- p ersan beingr asked wisy héeisad given lbis dausgtter inus marriage to a mans witlî wbom lie was at cssmity, aniwered, $i did it out a! pure revessg." If1 we sare lu live Ù td'e <th, %why don't we bave sumte certain ksi,,cdge f it ," eaas a sceptic ite se hrgyîueui, "Why didn't yuu have sussc e -riii knaw ,lcdge of tluis worid beibre yuus came, into it 1" wiss tihe cauisti erctpiy. Ai exemId)lxy young lady i1p-towsi dow curtaisis tu lier rcomn, bumforte reti- isig for thse iiglit, ins or(tei ta jrevesst <thise i nlicai iiiotiti or' fris looking itn. Wsdîif lise sleeps ï<p) stair's Whsmt two sciences arc emïtioyed lsy tcamnsîcss in driviusg oxesîi Hlalwticti- titre -and Geclogy. It tu estisisatet i t thse isimiier cf i Isgs kiiicd or tu be ksleit in Csssingti- *, durisîiis th re wsèut scaemo, %vill ii- mnusit lu iijwards uffile hundred t/sou- A. R>ifle Cili ns lately beets furigseti LoLA NovTEs.- The Cauitvss cfi n Moii 'es. TiseIlerald says fileutrs '.Lanafeld tto t stis ato daisccii tisej the 711ii ntsant thes1y sntustcred strron.lyj étmre ,a9et inîî whielt site duneed on at Pointa Colliere and tiwre was misitil tire n igist utlier debut.. Last cveîiug i very guoi susoltug. tie gerntleman, ~tl1re w uýn.large number 61 lad e , a Sd teil1sess.was practiinS, ut aI Itendatnce, bhe seruspltes c f thse 'ex a i;; slrk blle size of a dullair, tit orle Juin - pen~#fting.to ave beets gcnertsrlyt r(unîts- . dresi yards distansce; lie blit it twic-e vod. Lo.a scemed grently fiti-tied und whte lts writvr in the IHerald wvas ovieftly out uf bireatils wih but aniali present. to es e ffr. Slisedam tpi nt IprCelît l[,uess IQET--I sqt~ Mietorqisits streuîgîls ci mtsscîtlaur de- " s u-' ii aes velaîsinent f'Ur gîear-dacirsg. Lîke terday uMb.%'$ o, Mari every otiser part, il roqisires, for sseesa, rttwf,rou vitw ofu tie ady wuausiso ni1ueil tinte and pructice; and if site c'sn-Crwfiasfutmat msît tinîs es ite sha itl dotibtiess, issîîrov e x ipme caece wiC e t ; 1ydeath bas! i.'en catsued 1y iittemjser'atce btit t arely, itever, hisîens ltuyasîd destitusiiss. Verdict inaccordasunce i4ueclevt7iscnl ucccâiful ws doenotcrmusot esrstseat'vtiu the facts.-Pà triot wbeu a clsild, and cullivâ tc il t w 55iit- A btsiuu'r ofth ie vaitîe ao' sevecnty ssytlU riper year.-Ueraid. dlulisrs,was p.rcserted tu the Cadets af ~*otnHraIda~s. tsat eicusperance, ut Streetxville, Iîy tise Bos ton erald ze er largeladie a'that locality, orn the 71 iuist. w *Juysferoo The Rcview stays tisat asller tise prmi)s- 20 wiîh b. ujieca Ltiofl5, tise 3îveuile tsqîariauss paradcd Clieof.sme 15 o 20ycung ladiens in tiese treets, lseadicd lpy thse llrurspt.on theSr~looSmer cottume skating on i3ack Baund. lis lise evensing, tisc wus a Bay.,LThe ladies p:oved themnseives ta eprne$iie bo<wSt excellnt and gracfut aksatersqrmoac ore ilg* u o£tlîwrp n.cis t. . PrinceAlbertiîs a subariber ta tise-Aliser- scan Art Union. ýý0 trecYongmens of Brutdy p, lerfildcaîsnty, Pa. namod (Ln.Jo!epis Pale, ansd Joabi Og- r$Y'ed irec pastiss, and tise first r evetook tisese; a mmiii dog wiih J ioo,,ç ù%eed tise twr yoo-sg pats- aba her ht. Nigbt eomtsion, rudea îflre, and rensained. di niglit bUk of thei aid paà tbçr. INeit tbey renewed tise purnusftasd îlaa got witlsii a few féee of 'tise aid w;h e aiean off aI (ful1 peed.- Re u$ter tbey cae - eto aisolmsuong s,à nwbieh tihe pantiser ltsd êtred. X-Min toc, part of tise fy andI là «. HIere nieuss undredj'tDfine- wL oW itbonsmnd would l sbrnk idsitr of enteriug, but goa witb st.Crlwithot si, one Lng #psd«e and witîs a rifcle jad, .eLiiftegaini about twuty feet, obtuoeÀi s »ta oblige . M toi iiisliýb atd knees. After lie m6ffy ehe opcrceivod îwa fiory i4gJt.iFM8, and wheeu-in alsout au te anWfflýdwtook aim -as wéeu as, ,i iL datbfess, nsis bler dea&. wýt 9 ýBWa ook hold of bors but tpu$i'terost, aos acconuaiof somte ne. 1-10,"e weet one procured id, e-té«d, ansd fa&«>stasiK ie and ker jsek, e hauled ber ont- tez- meaeetspward% of nine.foot noue to tisend of tise tan. Di urr Uc-Bankum, in North St t dptsbtedly the %tfW n eAi - ud it wua ou ocnt4 -lhat«Mse Ilîowrcountry len, woee &urpr' isie dneCay ta Buniile at woo:i ttIK ati iolin aetliseround.," n w inquited wliat ho'was e'sng pUe 1Wly I thuughit ~fi&~ ot.a. ùp here-cuia F URAND bPLUSH ÃCAPS. T'1IL" ubacriber lma ju.« received a ncw amistmessî ar Fuir and Plush Capa.( obourl; Clotho &c. à 0 KEGS WHITE PAINT. R1. E. PE RRY. Whis b y. Nov. 27th, 185 1. 33-5-lu. imarquoe aiuano ¶TIII Sà secrbers having licen appointed Agents for the SEIua [asuamnc.eCompany' of utita, Ný. Y., i reprepar-d ta recrecapplicaîions for Inourance. Fron thebigla chatacter of the abai'e Institution, and the low rates o ari mv, we are eônvissccd that aupelior tacilitici are tsow offert-i for 11ssir- ance te the Inisabitants ni thse New coussîy of Ontario. TIIOMPSON, PEAIRSON & Co, Whs:by,,Nov. 12, 1851.31-t BQQ-TS,,BOOTS, BOOTS. JU5ST Received und-lor Sale 4 hyie S, ilmeriber, at the ",Em£AALD Housjs," a argo and'cboice assortmesê: ai 26e célebrated IO NTItEAL BOOT, wbi1ch have beretofaî.1jven so murh satisl#ction 1a thse public, comsisîsng Of Ladies' and VhIhrl' P rontlia & CRU skia boonis, ca's roog PFcgtd k Flot Val! C. G. INDERSON. Whithy, Nov. 13, 1851. 31 -.6w. .To LTawnia bw Town p oecopied b) N. RA Y. Tise location ua (*yemrable for carryingoais a %0 an .uterprolissg swçbalsic, ..IL.PERRY. W7ibl:Nov. , 1851.______ ADVERTISEMIENT. A arpet, Bag i5 noi' in tise po.ssession fui Subsc ritter, stuppome<l so belong to some persan in Whisl.y or oeigithorhood. The owter cars have sthe marne Iy provit;ç property eud psy- ing charges or adveruisaîog. S LfýN Scartorn. 14thNov, 185. 32-3w, F./R.)'JFOR .S'.LE. lllFSubscriber aofr. for Sale, part 6f LOTO Xo. 7 & 8. eîuaed on tls< North sis of 91t4 GIS LAKE, in the 114TH CON. uf tise Towristvi of CARTiWII, easstassuinz tpwNards n EofITACttES, with SXVxwivY eared stûnd uusder 9Mai fence. On îhe prensiset Ihpere r "A o Jcwfofhrta1 ».gLa;Ioujv'.'<ante (i Tbese is alan as. ORCH4J<D. with tihotît 150 Treea,smornfitiemIbearinç. 'lh. Farmisebeau- tifs.iy sîtiuated un tise eiorà s ni the Laske, raile-i PotiNT Pi,YASANT, about rigbr nils fitom Pott i<erry; a Steamlîoat passes dasly to and irpns Lindsay Io l'oitIl>erry.- for tertasppiy to tise Subtitriber in lxbt i<Je Village, or Jiohnt H. Peîry, E ,l IWhithy. ýSSE ;OUTLD. lhiîdrNov. 1, 1851. t1-20) (3OFFEE, RICE, 'l'OBWlCOi -&C. &C. &C. 11jECE NTILY purchajýüd by the ' Suscriis- er in the NE~W YORKKIAIKk'*r,and ssow a<frpl for Sale nt bis Star,-» in JVJH'fR;Y .NTJ) V L011u~ vlsich wti li beiouti« worthy ni pubic atten<tiont.1 wiiby, lOth sept., 1851. 0. PAPER I-ANGTNGS, BR.4,xS CLOC.S, à S/oc-Jlakceis' Findings,i.ýc. $'-c. THOJMAS 1DOW4. Whlbyis, l2th Sept.. Mi5. 22-sfL .1EXEÇCUTORS NOTICE. ILL 1'erons, li-vinr cdairr, or de;ttand* fin lise Estaeeof PE'IIE1 PEIIBY, laie of t he To%'naip.ofiV js-r ny i n ih é Cou nty niYoinx, de-cpiised are seqsî<-ted fnrthivith ta ten<d tfii par- liisllors thereoi ta tise EXeestlirs, Ifor tiseir consi- des ation and îettlement, And ait Mentis iti,1bted a Isle Elatr, lare salso requcstd tb piy 1such debti If.) thse Exeeutors. MARY PERRTY, EcuTnix. W., 4%1..sv J'ritRY arsd R* . E rtII?, doatt- point J. U. PER 'y soie aclissg Executor is tise ietttement «f tise aiove Extate, anLAS ewlrlt ix ecm- ,<owered to receive andI collect ail dehistansd de- nuiaitdue ta thsansie. -mARY mPERRY. I. E. PERJIY. Wtsitisy. loth Sqept». 1961. 22-tf. .11ORE 4 XuE Y TO LEYD. A y('00) uppurttîniity is nuoçffired, ta à any person Who bas a little .psre qcasisand wimbis a L maItean invesîîsert tn what is more vsluaiîie tîsan casi tsel<, viz :-rwo valirabhie sand1 imnpruved guil.line Lots at PORT WHIITBY, be- in;, composeil ai thse corner Builýdisig Lot No. 9, in pliock 3, adjoining Bates'a BaItery, containîug hall ais Acie, isavin.- a goodl Barrs tiereon. ast excellent well; also a ;»oI assortn:ersî ot Grafted Fruit TIreeos, A good buard fence'enclosestisis Lot. Also, Bitildiiig 1L 't11No.iut Baud Street con- Iriltligt. e îahauf tiAcre, isvissg a good Frame llotîselsereon, whicis rerîts for $30 a ypar. Tii lot iorttsose of tise most beautiluli Buildling Lots ii the Village. 'lie aimoe will b.eold ins part, or tise wlsole, very ciseap, sud on srery eatty ter trs a iba3<nient, su ats uit Purchasers,. 1JAMES BATFS, Baker ansd Ciufecioner. Port Wisithy, April 22nd, 81t. ONTARIO CHAIN PUMP FACTORYS 7111E .Scbscribeia are Maisifucttsring .~atssd côostand>' keep on. balle aIl ready fur' puissis ta W, ELs, 'lis Ch i snp isthe besot,ebeapes,and hast itab!e Purnp ini the Worid, tt>ere î* ,sa sifllcuity 'Cotnected wiîtlsmu.ro reezing up, btst lways read>'. B>' turnini a cran k, iy dsild eigh t yeaîs aid, cao plimp with case. .N.B.-Tlshe Pumps and Chiains are ai11mssu(ac- tuied by expetienced worltnen disect (ram. tise l as-geat Chsain P i ,p Factory in tbe- siate ai New York. The caboePumi a re prefei red t a tis' ers, wherever tise7 bave been trited. AnX persan is'il; ta punchbs.., wl do wil-t0 aï altathile PFactory andd aee anc in aperation. Pe, M. CLAIUC & F. R4y,, W'lsihy'Vîlag, Sep. 6,851. 21-s <MONEY -TO< LEND, 'Tul1E $tbmcriber, la preparel, t LQÂN - neatieraIlitsssdred*Pounds, la suais tbsuit tpe plicaus, oaisecurîty upon Real Ritaîe. pelsoual applications or.ly attetudedteta None need sspply l8eýubserilsrcontinÙies tattensd tW Susduties IiSACTIONEER,aousual, Out-doarSales ô( Paras Stock, Ac., punelssaily atteniied toat a reaasabl4 e aeof cargeé. - Hartford '1711M ,alittleshaky about lbe kneew, ut rfus la 'Ciy dirVeory, a feu, days 1114,ana eéorned MUAI in- tere.ted in tb. jnftrns$ion whicli li wai, "drinlibg inl." IlWbat do yu 'xett fissd in that book 71" iquired a bystandar. "Why !" suid ripsy~, 46I antrymne' tu wh-e.r.e my re.id.en.ioe is-nve been bot1i'red somo n-a-ý*U ït this morsiigl!" * t'Isae, ta 1live ta setlise dayi1j LordBrou.gsam, "ýwhess evcry pm t ins Enà land osiu ttiderstand Bcon.- "IsIit, lordship," reptied Cobbett, Il ad imsîch beotter, hoped La ueo tise day wheil every lpensent wouhlie ah à l<oto cat ba- con., -P depiwus ofobfain1 gtivoaor thce PupiIa for thse PIANO EO'r,. Instruction Wiltz flot begivenontise Iunstrusment bdforetbe lPupil isIteqinted with thse notes costained lthte linse atiti spaces; alter wi6,be, .will els.rge On. Shilling C'y, par Leson, ar Twenty Sk.illmgs for 30 Lesuis, paid in sutlance.. Oppauite thte Ckartinier> Sli. _ýWiby, Nov. 31151 rl machineq -for gn1e DIC)U 13 L E CABDING M A- CHIINES, (one uearly new-) Os(e PiCk- er, uùe Slitoaring Machine, onse Spini- issg 'Jeunvnd otic ne 1>ycKeillo. '1'itmc LiBERAL. -J. 13. \ARIIEN- Osltinwa, Tht Dec. 1851. 34-tf. l<l\9 l.,iîekskin '1roîsrcrg, 6, o"E'nire <1< (10 lu l)tisey (do 6d iVril aw,ru, lidl'«ei Shirts, MI. I's E eIe Vemts, 341 do C.ssuirsere (10 3d dJoFancy Of) 4 1-2 dIo Saîn (Io 6<1 dIo Mark ('lotis (1d 9d do ('aiada Tweed do (M B 's Fanry do 9<L o Etffe d 9(l <lolis ('pi, 941 Frit<Papi, Collars ansd FotVts"d f rom î20i do à . do 3ý do 45 (1 6ý do 71 do 31 do0 7m do 7m do fi» gin 2 do 3i do lx (Io 2i nssd C--,rpé t MEN'S PARIS SATIN lIATS9 BLACK AND D84B DRY. (IO(1 Flansel, (ed atîl4Vhte> trorti la M< IQîiilt I<. ortep;s< )lues pr I' bte') <50 - ms<jd Pi l Id'Jîk .udtowl elÀ, Scorî Shi wla. dro 13à 9d i Ionnet Iiisufin Factar>' Cotton, 2 I1-2d1 1lulits, (tafît colours)ti C'otton Warp, (pier buI)IIF lîs < la 4 41-2i1 JGa.<llai<4b 1-dieff' t3toak. aud Boti!,,, Wisit,- ('ttot, d Mutri and IBoas, tseSiisigt Urapvt4, and ruiterials lot'<îirriun&! 131)Ii iect'NlOIJ.qselill go.susil styles, yard wide. lit 1011-2d1 uer'yard. 'tus (1 do Auimrsue aslisrtmnl t Sl;i tiije<, (îetkrl. lowereîl. anMIainu MMattii rLalie' I)resr1- -of ~ ~ 4- Vaet,'etStlss in uî<& îtî<Ri M aLaer Edtrng,C; Ives. llserv. Flowm.a Cap F mui '.1/ 10 '<econw ("trro <*i. nl(/uh.trt 'ruroîsti). yris'.nsis,.r '1.1 NEW ARIVA j (tce tLue I~LS:;l;s &OF :î FilJL 1I) l ITRR 1)IT1 GOOD&1 I)Â \VI1J) (1 i{ \V ilRJ) tiii4 esJeefssb~' lt i 1iltts'tatise iitlui.iit of> W hitby 's111(l sur- sotding courntry-, ttxt lie has , eaa',-d the Stol<e lately <ccipied by If. B). 0' CON NO R, NO. 3,1OMECA BUILD)INGS, where he is r<ow operliniout tise LA/R(;GE87% IJi4P~ nnd JJJEST ajsoitpd Stock oni1511V <G00DS erpi of/'itrd for Si.le in tlîipart ofthte oimntiy. Tise advs-nssgeà he pnsîeîi-i in, direct t ram tise Mnîfrur. , btt- wledj:e ut tlle 'irado < n Caniada, ar[id hig lt;tixsiiu; iic âtrîctl)- o isCthis.S'yîtees, wiîî iuss'tre 10 irtnuiurchabes, itStick wilI alw.iy# roniprasoe eer siovelty of tise Saotogetiser wit an Irmcnse.S'tock of».S'apIe8 .uitabL for lte Guurury Ti-ade l'ite fnllowing comprixes a few or thse le.ad1iriz rila -aaPlaids, M. liL iru-, (ahinetes. C>bt I Cl'bibi, Atapatcal, Orleanîs,(u', Jeuiuy Linds, lonL, antdl @iyare Pat tslFaittBtoea Ser-es, Broad-Closiss, C(ejnsmreres, Canada %Vh~eSîiit, ije Sigittif)i!S. Fetory Cottoî s, 5-4 Liisc and M'<dder I'îiists, Cottoii sandî Woolk-t, Vain. L3attimr snd Wadiuig, &c. &c. &c. '11o li iel iche is determilied to Sell at the, sînllest pwrsible poing Profits, for CAlSH OJXL Y. A large Stock 0I Silks and Saline, Siik andI Cotton l'eivets, Rilibous, Flowerx, Blons, Laces,' llosieiy and Gloves D.C. wotid leg todtirectth letosu lueltpr 'meatdthqîi1 STOCK 0F 6-ROCERJESi vvsicsh were psr:baaed in INew York bforoetise recentl rue in Jrices; he isnlisertfore euablidlu uîfer a (70(1 rle fr a aLott-er Frice tisas iL cati ow lue iltjjortqd fQr.. Likewiîe a cuoplote St ock ot njx 3ni [~o[ î,L41,UpM g TI V A Tes Il A 311 -t0. Clothing. and Geî-mei'aI OUIFTTN WlIOSE No.;"), City Buling, * DBT10011 TO J. R. IITNTJOYIS SJGN o0F THE GOLDEN PU.dECEI KIXO0.S 7'REE LIT E4$ il. EVX di HAÃŽIL r<r)s Cimtoiners aud Triessde wiii always-finsi un hanci a JarReanIl weli aed stock cf set-jrmms<se well-made, tcell-trimmed, and fagitioanble UEA)Y~[DECLU RING Consistitig af ev. ci>'kitul tand style ai' Coats, l'esti,and Paiataloons 7, Fîom tise extra ýfacility fur, muaking up stock at their Establishment ina Mo'streal :usd-purciîaezng in thse cheapest Wlsaiesale Markets, LiO0R C HS-ON'L Y Tise>'can, and ddsou rjcC1"EAX>ER..<:0 tisai o tier ffotrae lutise Trade. W'hclesalc bityers suppiied'ots easonabje Térins. EDWARD EVANS, W. B. flMILTON9 T rante, Juue 7tl 181. 8' ta FIRE, LIFE AND MARINE OAIJî'O 1 - INSURANrOE. PuTlie are llereby cauitoaod agass '-j.ALjubcriber cntnu oi,p - h,)"XçsTopwý; oe~T~~1~ LJti - * -- 550 50'Jlar1rtrongs rU1izllfà <ft à . , lat '11.2 4 1-2 ôd3 s 9d1 1s fi d1 's ti Excellenit accommodations for trarellrs.Good ;q 3,1 stabling for llorses. I Io 91 AL X. î'CI L - Allordvr' in Isis litie promptly e-xectited. Thi, lu test jFyshions-aluiapson fband; \Viuitl>v, A pril19, 18.501 ýV,,rrD o 3OR-ROW 1-2 ýI)f, a err ofONvs, Two orTi . S 52< Yeusr, thse aurrior .lonor'£20), for whfrh thse 9<1vî <j2indisrutahle .ectirity Witt he giveil, test or 3 -<1lr pplirations pneuid .;,bFdsese 4 11 -ria bc'<t Wbîtîy 1net ir IWhitl.y, A pil. 26th- 1851. 2-tf. Men's Etoiré Shoctinq Coast, (tonr 18,5 do Whitney do <Jo 1Iir do Fine Bruadt-loth do (1o 30q do Etoffe Over Coats, do 22.. do Nhitniey do do 20-î do Beaver do do<> W,. Boy'. Esloffe Coas, (<0 lis do Whitney do do Ml White Shirts, do 4gf Strp.dShitsdo 2S <Ienes EsoITe Trousesa6, .1., 8q do Doeakin (lu do0 J131 èo Cassimere do do 1 i t do Casnada Tweed do (Io 8 do Cor.Juroy (Jo do 1'ockct and Neck lad'csc~ Shirt ontiio 0 touae, NWJIITB Y1 1IL 1. A G E, A Feo les TIO1S(N 'ARSON &co;>. 4 1J.11. (GER RiE 1.1;llrUcsand Book 19rore, A _ SC110(>LC ftA ITS> AM ER IC(AN tiar . Twit-i lii'oi y. condition sui pro.pes, cootain- iîi trltn~Netrtset, )artir xpois,&x. &C. I1 ilsïrreod wuthsE<rvtp FOUNTAIN 'ýPE.NS. A "-sv (f Uiesû !rtulebrated 'ýelf-ssîppiying ASILfVER P1ENS for Sale lit this Office.-1 Esucli 1t-nnix' caale of rni stauiig irtk enougs 10 wrttwo isouljcsip pai!es. They sire -uvian d beautifui, andt lwasys residy for tuse, Su tley carry Wbt..sept. 13,1851. 20. INSU-ANCE OFFICE. -WIC XALLAC'E bc" sto iotimatel 41rat hie ha. be,-n -ppoïrted Z Agent for tise PRLOVINC1IL, iir G< ENERIL 1Iý!L'flNcE arid thai 1lie ii pr.ppared it ak-eriaIt. at tse ordisary in i the MnrsPËOst£AXa&' & »asINz l.raucises of sait Company, %%'Iitt.y, let september, 1851. 21 -tf. WUI'ÇBY, C. W. 1IPORTERS 0F BRITISH NANUFÂO'1WlRES1 ANI iT2¶I F<AI'ti D' Pf whithy VlatJre 80 DOICS111 M NIFÀTUE Cast Steel Hoes and Say Forks, pot SALE, 100 daz. Cast Stce Hsws and Ils>'Forks, madterutNaytaî's betCuîSelexcj;iesdliy l'oitise Subiribet.' ftios. HA WORTH,. T'ooto, Jssne 7rh 19,51.. 8 If. -civifng ii Store, ibeir Spring supply of GRO- CEtS onsprisissg ie-esuai asatitment, andI wisich1 tltny are enabled tao nfer on ver y advanta- ifeolui teruaw to tiseir.corsrespondents, at-the trade -PR'£SH TF.AS: 270) packugzes Young Hiysoll, comp i îtiuag saute eXtra fine,' 34)red ElckTeas,. COFFEE - 445 ha, verY$tuperior Laguila a ffeep 44 bago IRio, 18 1ba9p St. Dçin;o,- 10 rnatf s java..ý 200pakaeu rOBACICO: 100 ackges ssoted'roba7cea, jn 5'u, S'a, 1 6't, 8UJGARS: 33 bistls, Brightî Porta RiCor r4and<,n Loofbugr,Liver 9îun DeCss< Sugar. Po iduceube on Mc part W ruviîv i wbl;1) 3 tans prime,&, 6 & 7,8St. James', 1- SkPtm Accouda -'WROIE SAlE ,&RETAiL$ w E Beg ta intimate o taar! Customr--the Inhabitânt. oýf 'roronto and murrounding cauntry-thalwe bayersow reeeived our tosTispite tu'sortmneft nf WI.Y"IER COOflSI wliiclÃ, upnnf inspei-tion,>will lie fousîd o1,S beys value, more extenaive as records quentity, and mnore va'ri.'d ini style than we have ever liait the satislaction orfsubiitintr (o oui culitouiers ansd the publie befor e. Talloring In ail 1ts Branchcg, ,xcuted vu!th tate d& despatch. MlOUUINNGS FUIJRNISIIED ON TuIE 'SiORTEST NOTICE. »r.a niTcher I LOCKPORT. G1ApVTZIVZ»%Co * PER'S TOO] NI> WO;Q », PCKU PO. 1 E Stberiber baN Jut Rerei Norood, Ot.,blh 181 IEED kIIELiER~S OU RE S 'TOa - TflOS. -HAWQjRTJ WIIOLESALE A1çIR( Tl aSp..35. - DEALER IN THA$* 'rODAVCfý9I RRIE 'PI MAýNvFINCTTTRYR 0 OETP1R, D < 4 3 M -1)n , Cfis/, priid for Iidég and Skins, Wkat , M CL A R NK. treh O uts, Pots and Pearl dhes. IVe<rt hkl :a W siby V jiage, 7th .bie, 1.850.- 8 have beeE4 p ler Bog, CATtBOII'. 1850 Reay.1IaP ailu herCdg rEniA LEWArxEaS, A CERTAIN CI ,THE POII W Ptî ste 1l >usqWeakwisses. <-vAgent. -JAMES Hf. G1RI, Sar- aril,.J r IE Stl<c in bas t0WOn- hand,a T cuaritî y r fbis celtbraieri £XTILIC' Of S4RSr.P4IUL4, muQuart Boties. GILBJERT B. WEEKS. Gî(is & IlJan, M re1 Whalegulo& G~. ~ t Toyoro apuces, wli b. foisada Wail'Aevs cash Store. ('ROCAERY!CtO12j : yteCrate or vtherwise jusl te- cevddirtct frorrutiw M >1 lnfacturers lit GEO. WALLAjCpjS - CatStor. Comsseuei, BuldigsWhitby lVillagp. V1L LA GE 0 F BO0REL-1. ftrt1he iberai isupport Le baS rece- ved, since fie couis.ieneed in.te uS'aIm, ~(for- nrie ry k"rpt by 41r. IfUNTER), et CKANDLEI C(>rINE i<$, and hapos Ihy islnd attentgn n 15j. nie# tc h ftte rred th a-rostiuîîancr Odge p.. TCs Bar i, fssrsisb«1 wilh the best Li", so,, 2he Tatble quipplied m ith thse ehloent «ab4es l.4i can be procured. 0 0OD S T AB3L N G andI a sîeady flostier in attessdat.e, Evýery aefommtotoianîpT#,,eleig.om (attable. ST AUE daity in and from- by. THO MAS ZRY. P. S. -Carriap ins atfrisdance on the 3vit. Po Mêmese,6la151 - i .1 ne 1