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Ontario Reporter, 27 Mar 1852, p. 1

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DAY MORNING. -1N AD'I'K~4Ct. 5 WHIITBY, 'am a msan dthink nothlag huma CANADA,,WESI ,tD. Trn M~A ~ TI?. RAM MAR ~HO at Liyfor aaay il' frcting the 'iî:i:rt'ail :~ LiVi l li. (' STtu îmvr u , ICN1 T Lt-U x Dvnta Slil it. -,ýv%[ Dr el O h 1dw 1 Y A Y- PITDL ('onim anainer out litCout of Q1 l%urn lit, 1Conveyaneer, 4Prit th1stncail> - - A COUNI'AN'f. office lneir v tse(otart 1l< V.\illa 'oh' l'or h1%1112'UeV[asn-1ls.aliitca * . I. C. HO C. c'N \vPiA V r > Tl- 1 ' A r t tl iii l i -t l ~ ~ ~ c ~ ih ' î t î A '0 i o l Il e l A W C11 ,ilN 1:f N No. 35, King Strea t Toient o. W HifBy, C. W. L. IlSCIIOFLD &. Cu., U.TI6ftNArVUF"AultuIES, ILEft EN -TEIN, TOBlIPfl.i lt,1, PIER ItLIVAll, \f s '&r. alO - fir Jl"didi) nd NIaî,wtet, il. tOIrîal. 'aî' 11i't N1 Ç'LsI Ti itiE iT A JN M() t 1, INA CO.R iaa N i I ai tia a 1\ l i W'lît aro INDER 'l'Il ' TROLLAII ADTR .I-il7 j glî u ULî>rqw.tar ianily *n banal thea î li s.> chemp for 7GRSI1E -- - - - - - JAMES Hf. GERRIE. lt*7,s-'to rclurn lîksincere ibanks to bis ~'Fa fend,*ati thp Piblia' gtrnoually, fnr the vcry bIilsti llppoit they ha vta.tfrordeti hi tri iiimes pait, ho~ taikes thu method c f inlbrmsngltlîam itat hëa i4 NE W YORKS 4ND ) MoNIR1J4L, DIIUGSt 0HW1M1 OAt Saj PATELUT ?YIC SUFFS,-IBOKS, STATI0NIZY ~îarepui-ed; t Slht aiLow t';tc :a. Tilt'. ,ccLriir(lvrn C ,MSOCK MEDICINES CHE-MICAL PREPAJliATION, %10 ali kntîwn ~îli ait 'e W!1a1bii obltaatiefol )ll iatttuialaýlisa nidai Imitdbtaîed ii C 1îjtt tylitai vty psia ittt%%altai, avs'î tîear O% i ltlsrutha" stlajited litlttDr. L.scie a S. Cumiiaîuc riNew vYork, s ite 0a1.y ttjoîatetai. ltSt-'hGREAT 7'PA I N EXI'Ifft.ICOII 2iîjJ-;%..LV OP folL'MaL. ar Sttavanq and *>rd îvewmtg tit' iiitatîttHui. St ii IEtt'itltlt.ti.atxi' 4ttu-O ii.A.:IV8' 011,. ta ti til t saI t-Ctta liti 1h' ltats'. a' at i teLD I. S i () liN S S 1 CK IIEIiflLCIIE thei' ttiliy wo i Fth-L o N ( G tiSÈ k11.1E'lIETTII' J.i.LX 1.1V.)IC.i',-l. For (talutl tt 2 l'o tA ata ia uî~titî~ i .ttaa a jIs ts f t t 1 a t ,litu l 'ai t a laa it,-. lo il or taitiaattt;î1lita fi -il îfla- î1; 1?4(1 fi'NI -N t ltlî ut' l ast jtttt.' 5.iltastaiLa t vl i-idi ime alît ir (tttt in ww tinlcm ls4î ip ta ltie tttak ii <lttIi y tp-rt i) u i ~AU itRuttttt. aa i lliy i.:satly~ n 41 t - gtnîL III la A "a n . ý ,u J. UG IUL'.Z-'13 Di UÉ 3 re. Liîsjaîisï for' the mota tw hi4 fliimitt Sit i kltt'l s.'.y itîtyatîti Ur ,.-ti:l t'ir i iî.i v'l ai ildttaîthe ea'i ee n'au i thelas vxatty ItiytLi,atai Sa-'vsîi ltai uADimuu Ati tatotîuli atsll i' LiwtlC l.mt i iytte t(iaiat Md l auaamag waa laati asîtetstaldy nîlyalatys ttc lad. t- ' m-t uz ~ ~ 0 Oww ~ ~14 I) R U1C. G 1 S T, ,lîi,î rca't, 1Il',Iit/J! ilae Who i# ipibniai4d wïlVlIeuae & Btttit Agrerit. 42 Dit: -LOCOCK'S ~~1Vensîunî Sîi#)asior I11Siai mt aiairsnpl raial ion; arr~~~~~~~~, ttti a ti ia.'t i'ltîîtf»tit.em ;Chioromis os GrelS~.a I 'i 'a-j ,,Fluor Altflue oc JAMIES 1l. G F- 1 BE. W. C. SWELT'.S ,CELEBR.AT*I) I'IVATOCII'S 3LA c IURES Sr Tbrnrs t aand Staimaici, Coiagb sWE ET'$ FAMTLY CUIATIVJ L[\'TDIE NT. Cutes ail rain!!icriaps. Nunmhnegm, Artue i the [rage, NervoisaRevalaud Toam.Ache, cawmqj Qiiny, r. SWEET S- 1 SF AL L 1B L E EYE W ATE R, C ures Sare, 1inflasnèd or Weak Eyes. It coint weIJ recrammtttaed. Tay ma. THE 1~KIN(' Op-O1L..; curer, ail v$erted sotes, ChuIblairas, &C.. andI infalliihef u Manly eatertala diasaases. rry it you wiba no reget it. TIIZ UNLY tliVtUAsL8tMICIsNEw. -a.tr T im à, Aiqt1N lAr * JUST RECEIVED oslt fY the Mabriher, aihis l>îîUG STORIp V, - ieMrieiswe IV H1 T Y Y1 L i A Et 1 4 0,too faint for hait the Iollnwîng articiet, %hists ailI bat mutai aitlarge Wheilallt v' ena air #mail qiaaaaitira ltasuit ptirchatupro anat Low -Ai)hopes weandai;ay PRICa rto lte iite tard imes: -votres*deeat Uwhich we Wulhaiag Stxl., Afrow lietmf, Pearl iSap, t1,10 'teac iî RakiiiurSodu. IatnnÎ'ca Ginstr, taatataninat, tattev.ysnhteJ Fate-Olive (ii, Nadiai l, IVaintOUis, Ardtevr çrsmd cator tOil, (Voe) Otitr iocaam Ta, r Strs.ttnd imure ltiiatly ni Sulîititura, Sait I ,-, $.e p'ls Nit1,Cotd Liver h1àipy iiiey who then Ca Oit . urutîic Ani. Aquâ Fortis.U (urtCarriplior, ttSIiftotu ILtiait ~iatîa.îit'lXaIatr' sit Qtakîtsu < ~ Andtion)ttttFotite JaviatrmIc JMaILS il. uI*;IUil. hall tisaotgtt)lts Wlttîity, 221'd Oct., 1851. .20 Who cti bra r a roied fi( .T ln 1 Ba1sai Wid liaasta;tg'as $y sapatalia. l'fi hie Magpc J'ai POISls taia's lituteli Long's Stomneh it îters, 5iQfî CI Chu'ty As' 0#cry-aeaal,. saitJ>n atNapii,îUa,'owais"oaV* sar- tui 's1oitsitc IVata'îi a',u% taDaiastauytr. Ctpra 'm Atiisillis SFttiiîlï Ili0mt, Bt.iidtetla'n patta ill ot -lea.lth, aaiJ a ainsitimi tier ai vdiiieasiOSaiii JJ ?attaj H. G îç nI the ge41tl Min Md;L laid. ne a.aiaii. -an aatow itlie Omý tsBin, ,'Sitie lit) tdll1liy bell W Yer a baor. hive iove<l ybti A-4 vot iiit'sfo ;a'tei's ooai, 13Y thriy aaet1s Ih.vc proved yoaa, Ola..v foi atriisiy teâts tll (ter, IINýa,i.iig acSut for my revajd .AtLs ttatajýi l r,14t iit YIMaler or ttte set vast th.tt ii Iî ord VI jodiîeToimdPo$oaius lctue' An Âdveûtuvie. iti1a veratfs'nde1laut orîetmtemperance StaysLutlit. t:leîhaA MLt? lC t I ma'recur iiour frîend B13.iii acha WtaaîbYs 22ril ' n-. > t1osnile, andl J don't tilk Il cir aI- .T RECE~St'TVE F3." Yotî îarotbalalN forînal it dry 1% I ClV hr'niri ll rart utft'lirrry latta elii, yaia-buattant ý. *The le L fi . A M a M. tala-1 E. tit w i luill eaîaigiî, but I got ite st iAM.S l. i tIUtFX art aîsfaîl arapi. ais' it. was over, ta Wtîîtty,7îîa5.'u'..î~Cu ievair tirk of' tetnpcrnoe Meeéin0gswith- k ~uttaa'suddsr. 1I-il tell juidal iabat il. ('I ~flIETflV1 FUI oIR mrlNT aVI nd l1 t'as in J eriiy City', wler 1was some-' 01(;îî in Am.' il atVatibi, of» tieosaitOrLolat ,casann. sorcas ! hov. .1 %M à *-c. Gil.7,11 Rt'1 il isîcar!IIl '.rwi'aenouis bte talie joas Nop!t2 "l ti 1- îb. 'V t reau.îtà wIiY. NWerli, is, tla echure' Wa, -- ~~OVC'5 andmd taklorout. wîis lise aisoird, SCOBIE'S CANALIAN ALMANAC FOR !ingÀea-ainl-athlxt doorway, 1eontempictin1f 3. 5 2, theai aful sceriel whenaasmout ne teok art> J~i~>t,~ il.1~tltl, -Wliere Is'ave yots been.i" niai th( 7th Narrnera i', 1551. 30 wveût'let voice irn tisei world. ai1 Ita'e beeai hookîiln for yoai eîairyîi'is re."' FISH'S MINERAI FIRE PROflFPAINT, and y"aoblat 1aî'sl, *tine d yisca I' ii lfi> I and t liIAIIU'P article ri b-aî 1 aat.uec iber!f.1il (ji 1' a o it a(Isiate o<t a- mtaeital 1ttaiiili Iai iakesme mad now bIotisinli Iriw prodlglous- l'i ~at'ty. ly pîaiLLy site %vas! W itis ler left bauùd sht .IA\VS I. GFItl<E, alaied on îMy armra ; blise îas arranging ber tVtily ,Ii;elllfuv.,lI t ail.vet i ttisber aihaiaalan ipet notice my I)Y S"tJFS.' \ou lîtave baica iookbna for' mel" 1 y] S'l FSfaitereal. - C 1eLoo n, ai-o l, aCorai, leit os tacgoin- va'her reply,1 lita- Staittiiji w erfo l'y presmîrg îray a.rrs. a Capa-uias Ui.ai 'miî As<at. il, E. A tl iiiavent lu rrMy hîcant. Wlhat te Qst.Vni, ~ Drii;gitt, ti'tmtby FIie make of sny laiy's atitres 1 id not kraew; Ort-2 - -8M.but se was oo ebaraninl, a creatulve for me te nrefuse te accompany 0ber, We staated r j. H. <î tai's pati raidBouk- Sture.f OiTith ie mut o f te tempe. tiste noise cf 21Silt0l.'UA"'IS>AMIiUCAN itîiiar:s. wiih prevenlcd any converaStion. At rhecr 1tliielV.tividitiîon fl uta1asapct,a? otin- l'n"th sae sa'id wiIla a serean- I latatmdo tL1îgaviPu..alat yur as-m arounti me, I shall blow Wliil)r 24J ily.IKAaway." Wiii~aa-.2 Jiiv. 151 ~ Ii2L 1 tsaed rasa daaacrihe 1-n ou my sensaticn, Nr IîAINMa11,IYLEBA1'B L Eaa S aosale I praisseal er Iai my shie anal litrrred un. JILI ani lima' toav&.t 1ja-lsto"leIt was rairy dark i nobody sa Wun--anti al- JAMIES .GEIIjRIE., Wbuby vinagme. leîving iter to guile uty-sttepq, 1fokalowed lier J!1mIV 2 L111,51 motions.tbrouuthittwo ortisrec-sireets, vhen ô L4iiÀBI~" aie nioppedi baeore arn elegarit mtnsion. 11ave you your key 1Piîe aniketi. M1y key !" 1 staasmareuà, t bere musi ___ ~~ ba line m !ntake.", An ieopencathl o ,1 towvaitin-, i ta fr r~oingso-t'bave nome ex- -planation, î,vlk»n Luraing qaiekly, se sai- S a.Iow qucair you acst to-aiglt !aint ye il A B ir, Licomin-'-, LI 1' WOLFE1 IDEM IJ <oo, thèicse iras sometising ver,' tempting jr Al ANFAcrTUrERs anti DEAL.ERS in the invitition. WasI going in 1? A warm TÇI 'Loî îenta, T'oînb Montrs àtGrave \Stoflc% bouse amui a pretly woiaawere centaitti lVsî,(;trecen, uc 4- Vrrirgatecd Maz7Ue, ob,,e -a te onsdrun ni twnder te thinli of facin' tise stormsa md cf suea Siltg $(#dsol $44-, SutaPlait, Paitîl 5'oneli, &C.-rnmoe t vei v vatiiaiy of ae AIBL'IO WORIC done iii a iltecok me tire. quarters of a second ta suupri r tyle. of 'bc, Dest !ateria1, imitaimake up my mini, arnd inlaItwenî. 'ILbre 'T'i triai Liherajl. w i'lfti h iladu yýu ÀN.1i,-W. & iCO. 1IteZ lu ay isa Ith.y ibavet.0îo rsa lan.3ith hehl- bda y ud airîC ýinwl uy ais erF,qahtighmeait,taraatiey s-n sapidly up stairs, wlsy, I thougbt Ï coula imraast tteir ilaralsm (romin tewaeilaiied Rubiasal il> d nQtblaéçbetter than lu rua up toc. 1Qaiassiut, Veiraslit. flolwed bler loto a very dark rouni. ! eDuAsaFrî Tarsr, WiTra.. Lock tise deuir, Jolie," r71m0. lWilson, Mlarklitm Village, Agent. Now, asn f1 bl been tise-ulyni, iil Sae emies lof, 1851. -- 21i. ie wo11,1 tîlou_ýfiL aiseknew e :vo -for tise key. an-I lui'ned il itiselook witis Ding TIQII ilm D e4catalon, woaaering ail lte tinte wht !'LUI IIsUjIIJIfl. wascoming anext. Tisea an u1 aapictol osome ho% il trick fliiled ueroaaatsy miat WllljIIiBazA NYfor TIsai oftea eard of-iauaweaImet Or Wesern beinZ lu-edt t their destruction by pre4ý Weten"Asuruxce COMPany. wonten, anui1 t m3a on tlhc poirti'of re-u>seni - - ing the dues-, i9hen ni,'lady atruca l iaýb fiOMÀ4: OFýFICE!....TOtOiNTO. Tben-bainu an .xcenaively mudest sio- p1 - Iuhcoveret my dissnay tlatIwas in i Capital-£ 10O0000, bel-roon !--with a *uauan -ina béif-roonr 11V anAnaS ()? TON POUNDS EACIf. -aloie with a wuuraa in îi oomJ1.-' In rpIIS COM ANY bvingieen dul ditiq 1 bdnt nowwha t s, but4Ath Choaul ed, c ri Ithe PO ims orila dy l z ted erlap ooeetared atfn Clieiippar nâlePLIE giu gintart, avhen mtre fuinea q9*wt8 as feit a little cold, and crept under some gar- >rou watil& imagine that 1 ebisld goitta li; Mnen ts banninw hal the eloset. 0 îutiiy ta n~y anrais ; lbat it'as a diWn-- A graf voice roîtreti and atormetiA- tion that prevenfs me.M. y eC4eïdoflbasr toinlir' sîlver voice remonstrattet. Othello been ini a coufttry wbere-,we are tàùglit to t was jealou amd tevegcui;Dsdm>a n keep holy the Sabbath day," but in tho»" f auent and distrcsseJ-îlen I beard otxd- couitries wliere the tme 1~r5v1s b n -0 aond ps f om9 nelokiiguder people have nu sueb sup7erdawn~; but te the bcd. tivoid the oppearance ofif ttbey make Ille 'i iknowliae, is he-ré! I saW -bita corne SabbliUthe MWilboiy of the - aven dâys. into the bouse witb yoaa! Votalocked the Tisai subjetof coek-figtiw otid be 'o d-o-u-r! l'Il bave. bis beart out.' tri&lng tô spénd sa many WordnaIon, bamt1 HIearnme !bear me !ITwill explain l' aïexbibiting at once thaTpeullaistesof- a1 As 1 was istening very atteiafiveiy fur peopfle, and ohe of the, anouiiiiA'« the bur- the explinaCeth ie Luwens under whicb 1 nmn ntba. 1 thin1k- b m ~ t was conccelal wre qît ifcaai ncy the cxcitem<,nt than in avarice. Tlhe peo-i My feeliags, on being discovered in suf.sI a ple arc illiterate, not given ta reutingor te sitoratinn. by tncb a basband ! r ilcilon, or iftde=d tdany mental emp~loy-! \tWei --.-.' we cried, deeply intercs- ment. A poor devii will pay ail bis Morleyq ted. for we knew ltait every word of bis away with apparent indaffrence. Yen never story was true, 'bow dii yoo get out of tisa me a quarrel or ant , agry ivord, or an at- scrape il tempt t0 evade a patyment. In the beat'of 1 1. usi a violent remedy for so violent a a ca;iict one holds up tis finger and plo-I complnat.iiven an a corner--my file daims lis ulofer, and inamediateiy it is àc-i iana ~ -~p evnt a a glance that cepte I by a noti froa tise opposite side.-- wîelo' not as -;tron- as 1 w., 1 thtrew I'resenitly' after the coniit is decideti, and Mysclf Utolo.i hm fell witb him tiserai, until tise loser pays., Ifogarth hias given antad t iad gîaven a funil explanation of the mai- rurable pictore'of a cek-pt-thebak.- tier, made lsim hear reason, and Utmed itian the -usemhly-their pasians and conduèt. to bie as, quiet ls a lattai. , sn 1 le: Ilc 't ratb- I refer you, then. ftirtat jlictawe for rny sac- er unetlemo.uIiousiy, and I bave lieyer se ,n cuint, oniy I think the $ptlaniard deportsý OtkacUa br Igean ig. himseif more courteotas1y tisûn Ho.nrirb's .4 ~ audience sceems te dla. * tVE 1 wili mention, furtber, thiat at an estate, - were arc kept a couple of hundred pille- Front f/w Kingsatoi Neici. * cks, 1 saw twenty of themnplaced in a vit - together. .Firait one pair was put in, and tri.i An (r.w, 215L. Peb., 1852. presently a-tbard cock wras added; then auo- My Dnsnt -, Witb regard to drunk- ttier ant iaother, till there was twenty en- cnnesý)tise Cub aw arc a vera,>t .empserate gaged ia une grand mdc e. iù F c 1lavai [lever a.een -td.Unken man Wlen-amana becomes habitiated to sigbts in 1 ule Istt ni-yet rom k heaper here Of'erUacty, lieLnaturaily seawanplates tliem liani whiâkY i', wathyota. Wine k i- he corn. with greaterindiflerence, or wlî a diminish- an -ver.,e of he üLies. Good Spanish. cd disturbance:of lis sensibilities. Now I1 'Ctlic vie etiedfr fo ycn av nvr tseen a ceoek's death wiîisout ralan.. a sensation of Paint but my feelings were in-' CYuu obs.erve, pretty universaily, that etts- ' fýnitely more etcîted on witnessi.ng thefirat dr where tlae vine is cuitivated, or where content. Then one consoles biroseif hy wine is the commun drink ofl tie peoplc,Mla rat ong that it is muah more glorious for peopale iii neyer drunken. -Wiaetlser this aiaythe lpour bird te >die -game titan to h1ave 'bis he owvinutut the habituai use of or famili.- neck wvrung, andth ien lie boileti for dinner!I arity wVitb wirîe, thus renderiaag people ind.if- Buat while tise cockc enjoiys even to isadeatbl r ierent, or lu teUict that the Celtt wo hap- bis ruling pasion, tise ratienai spectator wbo pens to bci thin habitant of the." coontries, delights in tliis barbarious pastune, raust or ncolistiiioionally lc.s! giren tu this vice tliani ouglit lu experience a sense of degradatsun. tise Teuton, iavn't daicide. One Maya hetvçver visît thse pit mont vir- But gambiing, is a CoIISpietaIoos fatîl i.of tuously). There a sttident of buman .natdtre, tisaiC C'xnlacaaonwt it pnshe-or o f natazre'm iistory may gain instruction. pie. le undthie ýSaniard arc almoaf lava- It was a curiuas sttady tao se tlaese ceksa al riably coralrmed laý- this vice. 'heyofren flghltiul-g indLiscuiminately.,- Wlaey diii not Pair depy tiseaselvai nul only tise luxuries -but off generally; tbey i.vinced nopewâwwi 4.1- etise comforts of life, in orderto -are -an oïtiiwe apg litishe contest, aind no revengeas T>iy dor twu te squander in-tise ock-pit 01 on tihe faught ini groups cf tbreeor fou One. Iat dlec-box. Tiîr bouse-remainî unfurish- reeeîved ablow w*tad pte'IaM s reta. trjt ,t d, aaad-tbeir cli.3Jreu live in absolute nuditr a third Party. ln faet 1 wa re hd .dti yet, at a fiesta, they go and stake their balf- IarltlY or 0'13 rien",i tdangular di<ic. Ut w acec or ountce on Lise uncertain evAtt cf a tinte4ly two-thirdn cf the whole score w«er] sinýr a le ' 'ih. hi paa.sîon is n'ltcon- il4î teonn. fined o men; fiaic ltiveb ate pï3ne 1iy tise way, I mtast, en pa2animen9io withl the saine maddening itppetite; au hnd Ol- ' thing. -Thie '$pani5h coeks pour do" tliey haavei empliedti dair pur!e, andi their jnto the ta9t. of any i.ouglio4~b~rc hosbands cannoa or waîî net,0WI iit they i fowl, asPooaftal or wyo of vtregvjttbeore will even ton frequentii seek for gold in a Ciln an. Tssi~tsysy eti base assaifôridaien %valk. 'Oh, Ibisý-passion j nean of makiing hlm 'tender, Try' it, hs worse tiss drankennessl l1 t is, if possible , Among znany other sins, the 5palislr Go- inore deis thin , e eintellect andal otai fverunent i'bel" SLr uity or eulecomging the Mani Only etise etiser day I baw a prie.9t, 1 spirit of rai 3py eran s pbiltte-u in lis own parisia, Sitting at a cava-table in ri",. TEere is a eidcl1 kethe most publie muaîsuer. Ule isat dispiayed e Very tbrec veeks, besides some ta*ra grand -before bin a aPile Of goldian& itrer. fie cnes du-ring the course of the yÀr ,gen!"t *was playinm titat very gnbling gain. of ave saployed an eeyt ,anhWml C l/ nt uig iefwminlutes t tat 1 evcry asreet anti highwarayfWtbérNJIaT staye t telook on, more Mrley cbanged tiicketgý Tbes. bavét ~r a in ilà ha n I .sboaaid like te lobe in a hife- Iowlief0to t eai ity, tey4elàbeazr 2 ai time; ~yet this anan Li esteînicti te b e eof preitîn. Ti i s evianty, JÙWQItotý ly tlie mont exnarof bis cluda. [le is a fa- publie, murais, independèrst ofth ir.' ngu ry ventée witbh là jpeople-anut trtiy bis, face thepeople 5s0 mueir> s0, tbt i a Stt le andi bis countenaance appeare t t-be berevo- und a Iistin wlaere t %f UOMtVat0Wa'5 lent and intelligent. 1 sisoulti say bis inialextendeai toe polelia.sýèL lb-t te vas toleral>ly liberai. fils fiatureti' ual qt publie good, threre Pàrliamntr Saç> t dspia av if hoq iaelcale~reniaamatIs aiait tte ' ' ' I3ua4tit, we .2. n 1 #w

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